/* Bidirectional text processing. Derived from the SmartOffice code, which is itself derived from the example unicode standard code. Original copyright messages follow: Copyright (C) Picsel, 2004-2008. All Rights Reserved. Processes Unicode text by arranging the characters into an order suitable for display. E.g. Hebrew text will be arranged from right-to-left and any English within the text will remain in the left-to-right order. This is an implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm which can be found here: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/ and is based on the reference implementation found on Unicode.org. */ #ifndef FITZ_BIDI_H #define FITZ_BIDI_H #include "mupdf/fitz/system.h" typedef enum fz_bidi_direction_e { FZ_BIDI_LTR = 0, FZ_BIDI_RTL = 1, FZ_BIDI_NEUTRAL = 2 } fz_bidi_direction; typedef enum fz_bidi_flags_e { FZ_BIDI_CLASSIFY_WHITE_SPACE = 1, FZ_BIDI_REPLACE_TAB = 2 } fz_bidi_flags; /* Prototype for callback function supplied to fz_bidi_fragment_text. @param fragment first character in fragment @param fragmentLen number of characters in fragment @param bidiLevel The bidirectional level for this text. The bottom bit will be set iff block should concatenate with other blocks as right-to-left @param script the script in use for this fragment (other than common or inherited) @param arg data from caller of Bidi_fragmentText */ typedef void (fz_bidi_fragment_fn)(const uint32_t *fragment, size_t fragmentLen, int bidiLevel, int script, void *arg); /* Partitions the given Unicode sequence into one or more unidirectional fragments and invokes the given callback function for each fragment. For example, if directionality of text is: 0123456789 rrlllrrrrr, we'll invoke callback with: &text[0], length == 2 &text[2], length == 3 &text[5], length == 5 @param[in] text start of Unicode sequence @param[in] textlen number of Unicodes to analyse @param[in] baseDir direction of paragraph (specify FZ_BIDI_NEUTRAL to force auto-detection) @param[in] callback function to be called for each fragment @param[in] arg data to be passed to the callback function @param[in] flags flags to control operation (see fz_bidi_flags above) */ void fz_bidi_fragment_text(fz_context *ctx, const uint32_t *text, size_t textlen, fz_bidi_direction *baseDir, fz_bidi_fragment_fn *callback, void *arg, int flags); #endif