#ifndef MUPDF_FITZ_FONT_H #define MUPDF_FITZ_FONT_H #include "mupdf/fitz/system.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/context.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/geometry.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/buffer.h" /* forward declaration for circular dependency */ struct fz_device_s; /* Various font encoding tables and lookup functions */ extern const char *fz_glyph_name_from_iso8859_1[256]; extern const char *fz_glyph_name_from_iso8859_7[256]; extern const char *fz_glyph_name_from_koi8u[256]; extern const char *fz_glyph_name_from_windows_1250[256]; extern const char *fz_glyph_name_from_windows_1251[256]; extern const char *fz_glyph_name_from_windows_1252[256]; extern unsigned short fz_unicode_from_iso8859_1[256]; extern unsigned short fz_unicode_from_iso8859_7[256]; extern unsigned short fz_unicode_from_koi8u[256]; extern unsigned short fz_unicode_from_windows_1250[256]; extern unsigned short fz_unicode_from_windows_1251[256]; extern unsigned short fz_unicode_from_windows_1252[256]; int fz_iso8859_1_from_unicode(int u); int fz_iso8859_7_from_unicode(int u); int fz_koi8u_from_unicode(int u); int fz_windows_1250_from_unicode(int u); int fz_windows_1251_from_unicode(int u); int fz_windows_1252_from_unicode(int u); /* An abstract font handle. */ typedef struct fz_font_s fz_font; /* * Fonts come in two variants: * Regular fonts are handled by FreeType. * Type 3 fonts have callbacks to the interpreter. */ /* fz_font_ft_face: Retrieve the FT_Face handle for the font. font: The font to query Returns the FT_Face handle for the font, or NULL if not a freetype handled font. (Cast to void * to avoid nasty header exposure). */ void *fz_font_ft_face(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_t3_procs: Retrieve the Type3 procs for a font. font: The font to query Returns the t3_procs pointer. Will be NULL for a non type-3 font. */ fz_buffer **fz_font_t3_procs(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* ft_error_string: map an FT error number to a static string. err: The error number to lookup. Returns a pointer to a static textual representation of a freetype error. */ const char *ft_error_string(int err); /* common CJK font collections */ enum { FZ_ADOBE_CNS, FZ_ADOBE_GB, FZ_ADOBE_JAPAN, FZ_ADOBE_KOREA }; /* fz_font_flags_t: Every fz_font carries a set of flags within it, in a fz_font_flags_t structure. */ typedef struct { unsigned int is_mono : 1; unsigned int is_serif : 1; unsigned int is_bold : 1; unsigned int is_italic : 1; unsigned int ft_substitute : 1; /* use substitute metrics */ unsigned int ft_stretch : 1; /* stretch to match PDF metrics */ unsigned int fake_bold : 1; /* synthesize bold */ unsigned int fake_italic : 1; /* synthesize italic */ unsigned int has_opentype : 1; /* has opentype shaping tables */ unsigned int invalid_bbox : 1; } fz_font_flags_t; /* fz_font_flags: Retrieve a pointer to the font flags for a given font. These can then be updated as required. font: The font to query Returns a pointer to the flags structure (or NULL, if the font is NULL). */ fz_font_flags_t *fz_font_flags(fz_font *font); /* fz_shaper_data_t: In order to shape a given font, we need to declare it to a shaper library (harfbuzz, by default, but others are possible). To avoid redeclaring it every time we need to shape, we hold a shaper handle and the destructor for it within the font itself. The handle is initialised by the caller when first required and the destructor is called when the fz_font is destroyed. */ typedef struct { void *shaper_handle; void (*destroy)(fz_context *ctx, void *); /* Destructor for shape_handle */ } fz_shaper_data_t; /* fz_shaper_data_t: Retrieve a pointer to the shaper data structure for the given font. font: The font to query. Returns a pointer to the shaper data structure (or NULL if font is NULL). */ fz_shaper_data_t *fz_font_shaper_data(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_name: Retrieve a pointer to the name of the font. font: The font to query. Returns a pointer to an internal copy of the font name. Will never be NULL, but may be the empty string. */ const char *fz_font_name(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_is_bold: Returns true if the font is bold. */ int fz_font_is_bold(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_is_italic: Returns true if the font is italic. */ int fz_font_is_italic(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_is_serif: Returns true if the font is serif. */ int fz_font_is_serif(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_is_monospaced: Returns true if the font is monospaced. */ int fz_font_is_monospaced(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_font_bbox: Retrieve a pointer to the font bbox. font: The font to query. Returns a pointer to the font bbox (or NULL if the font is NULL). */ fz_rect fz_font_bbox(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_load_system_font_fn: Type for user supplied system font loading hook. name: The name of the font to load. bold: 1 if a bold font desired, 0 otherwise. italic: 1 if an italic font desired, 0 otherwise. needs_exact_metrics: 1 if an exact metric match is required for the font requested. Returns a new font handle, or NULL if no font found (or on error). */ typedef fz_font *(fz_load_system_font_fn)(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int bold, int italic, int needs_exact_metrics); /* fz_load_system_cjk_font_fn: Type for user supplied cjk font loading hook. name: The name of the font to load. ordering: The ordering for which to load the font (e.g. FZ_ADOBE_KOREA) serif: 1 if a serif font is desired, 0 otherwise. Returns a new font handle, or NULL if no font found (or on error). */ typedef fz_font *(fz_load_system_cjk_font_fn)(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int ordering, int serif); /* fz_load_system_fallback_font_fn: Type for user supplied fallback font loading hook. name: The name of the font to load. script: UCDN script enum. language: FZ_LANG enum. serif, bold, italic: boolean style flags. Returns a new font handle, or NULL if no font found (or on error). */ typedef fz_font *(fz_load_system_fallback_font_fn)(fz_context *ctx, int script, int language, int serif, int bold, int italic); /* fz_install_load_system_font_fn: Install functions to allow MuPDF to request fonts from the system. Only one set of hooks can be in use at a time. */ void fz_install_load_system_font_funcs(fz_context *ctx, fz_load_system_font_fn *f, fz_load_system_cjk_font_fn *f_cjk, fz_load_system_fallback_font_fn *f_fallback); /* fz_load_*_font returns NULL if no font could be loaded (also on error) */ /* fz_load_system_font: Attempt to load a given font from the system. name: The name of the desired font. bold: 1 if bold desired, 0 otherwise. italic: 1 if italic desired, 0 otherwise. needs_exact_metrics: 1 if an exact metrical match is required, 0 otherwise. Returns a new font handle, or NULL if no matching font was found (or on error). */ fz_font *fz_load_system_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int bold, int italic, int needs_exact_metrics); /* fz_load_system_cjk_font: Attempt to load a given font from the system. name: The name of the desired font. ordering: The ordering to load the font from (e.g. FZ_ADOBE_KOREA) serif: 1 if serif desired, 0 otherwise. Returns a new font handle, or NULL if no matching font was found (or on error). */ fz_font *fz_load_system_cjk_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int ordering, int serif); /* fz_lookup_builtin_font: Search the builtin fonts for a match. Whether a given font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. name: The name of the font desired. bold: 1 if bold desired, 0 otherwise. italic: 1 if italic desired, 0 otherwise. len: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered font buffer. Returns a pointer to the font file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_builtin_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int bold, int italic, int *len); /* fz_lookup_base14_font: Search the builtin base14 fonts for a match. Whether a given font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. name: The name of the font desired. len: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered font buffer. Returns a pointer to the font file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_base14_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int *len); /* fz_lookup_icc: Search for icc profile. name: The name of the profile desired (gray-icc, rgb-icc, cmyk-icc or lab-icc). len: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered. Returns a pointer to the icc file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_icc(fz_context *ctx, enum fz_colorspace_type name, size_t *len); /* fz_lookup_cjk_font: Search the builtin cjk fonts for a match. Whether a font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. ordering: The desired ordering of the font (e.g. FZ_ADOBE_KOREA). size: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered font buffer. subfont: Pointer to a place to store the subfont index of the discovered font. Returns a pointer to the font file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_cjk_font(fz_context *ctx, int ordering, int *len, int *index); const unsigned char *fz_lookup_cjk_font_by_language(fz_context *ctx, const char *lang, int *size, int *subfont); /* fz_lookup_cjk_ordering_by_language: Return the matching FZ_ADOBE_* ordering for the given language tag, such as "zh-Hant", "zh-Hans", "ja", or "ko". */ int fz_lookup_cjk_ordering_by_language(const char *name); /* fz_lookup_noto_font: Search the builtin noto fonts for a match. Whether a font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. script: The script desired (e.g. UCDN_SCRIPT_KATAKANA). lang: The language desired (e.g. FZ_LANG_ja). len: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered font buffer. Returns a pointer to the font file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_noto_font(fz_context *ctx, int script, int lang, int *len, int *subfont); /* fz_lookup_noto_symbol[12]_font: Search the builtin noto fonts for a symbol font. Whether a font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. len: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered font buffer. Returns a pointer to the font file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_noto_symbol1_font(fz_context *ctx, int *len); const unsigned char *fz_lookup_noto_symbol2_font(fz_context *ctx, int *len); /* fz_lookup_noto_emoji_font: Search the builtin noto fonts for an emoji font. Whether a font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. len: Pointer to a place to receive the length of the discovered font buffer. Returns a pointer to the font file data, or NULL if not present. */ const unsigned char *fz_lookup_noto_emoji_font(fz_context *ctx, int *len); /* fz_load_fallback_font: Try to load a fallback font for the given combination of font attributes. Whether a font is present or not will depend on the configuration in which MuPDF is built. script: The script desired (e.g. UCDN_SCRIPT_KATAKANA). language: The language desired (e.g. FZ_LANG_ja). serif: 1 if serif desired, 0 otherwise. bold: 1 if bold desired, 0 otherwise. italic: 1 if italic desired, 0 otherwise. Returns a new font handle, or NULL if not available. */ fz_font *fz_load_fallback_font(fz_context *ctx, int script, int language, int serif, int bold, int italic); /* fz_new_type3_font: Create a new (empty) type3 font. name: Name of font (or NULL). matrix: Font matrix. Returns a new font handle, or throws exception on allocation failure. */ fz_font *fz_new_type3_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, fz_matrix matrix); /* fz_new_font_from_memory: Create a new font from a font file in memory. name: Name of font (leave NULL to use name from font). data: Pointer to the font file data. len: Length of the font file data. index: Which font from the file to load (0 for default). use_glyph_box: 1 if we should use the glyph bbox, 0 otherwise. Returns new font handle, or throws exception on error. */ fz_font *fz_new_font_from_memory(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, const unsigned char *data, int len, int index, int use_glyph_bbox); /* fz_new_font_from_buffer: Create a new font from a font file in a fz_buffer. name: Name of font (leave NULL to use name from font). buffer: Buffer to load from. index: Which font from the file to load (0 for default). use_glyph_box: 1 if we should use the glyph bbox, 0 otherwise. Returns new font handle, or throws exception on error. */ fz_font *fz_new_font_from_buffer(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, fz_buffer *buffer, int index, int use_glyph_bbox); /* fz_new_font_from_file: Create a new font from a font file. name: Name of font (leave NULL to use name from font). path: File path to load from. index: Which font from the file to load (0 for default). use_glyph_box: 1 if we should use the glyph bbox, 0 otherwise. Returns new font handle, or throws exception on error. */ fz_font *fz_new_font_from_file(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, const char *path, int index, int use_glyph_bbox); /* Create a new font from one of the built-in fonts. */ fz_font *fz_new_base14_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name); fz_font *fz_new_cjk_font(fz_context *ctx, int ordering); fz_font *fz_new_builtin_font(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int is_bold, int is_italic); /* Add a reference to an existing fz_font. font: The font to add a reference to. Returns the same font. */ fz_font *fz_keep_font(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* Drop a reference to a fz_font, destroying the font when the last reference is dropped. font: The font to drop a reference to. */ void fz_drop_font(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); /* fz_set_font_bbox: Set the font bbox. font: The font to set the bbox for. xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax: The bounding box. */ void fz_set_font_bbox(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax); /* fz_bound_glyph: Return a bbox for a given glyph in a font. font: The font to look for the glyph in. gid: The glyph to bound. trm: The matrix to apply to the glyph before bounding. r: Pointer to a fz_rect to use for storage. Returns r, after filling it in with the bounds of the given glyph. */ fz_rect fz_bound_glyph(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int gid, fz_matrix trm); /* fz_glyph_cacheable: Determine if a given glyph in a font is cacheable. Certain glyphs in a type 3 font cannot safely be cached, as their appearance depends on the enclosing graphic state. font: The font to look for the glyph in. gif: The glyph to query. Returns non-zero if cacheable, 0 if not. */ int fz_glyph_cacheable(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int gid); /* fz_run_t3_glyph: Run a glyph from a Type3 font to a given device. font: The font to find the glyph in. gid: The glyph to run. trm: The transform to apply. dev: The device to render onto. */ void fz_run_t3_glyph(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int gid, fz_matrix trm, struct fz_device_s *dev); /* fz_decouple_type3_font: Internal function to remove the references to a document held by a Type3 font. This is called during document destruction to ensure that Type3 fonts clean up properly. Without this call being made, Type3 fonts can be left holding pdf_obj references for the sake of interpretation operations that will never come. These references cannot be freed after the document, hence this function forces them to be freed earlier in the process. font: The font to decouple. t3doc: The document to which the font may refer. */ void fz_decouple_type3_font(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, void *t3doc); /* fz_advance_glyph: Return the advance for a given glyph. font: The font to look for the glyph in. glyph: The glyph to find the advance for. wmode: 1 for vertical mode, 0 for horizontal. Returns the advance for the glyph. */ float fz_advance_glyph(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int glyph, int wmode); /* fz_encode_character: Find the glyph id for a given unicode character within a font. font: The font to look for the unicode character in. unicode: The unicode character to encode. Returns the glyph id for the given unicode value, or 0 if unknown. */ int fz_encode_character(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int unicode); /* fz_encode_character_with_fallback: Find the glyph id for a given unicode character within a font, falling back to an alternative if not found. font: The font to look for the unicode character in. unicode: The unicode character to encode. script: The script in use. language: The language in use. out_font: The font handle in which the given glyph represents the requested unicode character. The caller does not own the reference it is passed, so should call fz_keep_font if it is not simply to be used immediately. Returns the glyph id for the given unicode value in the supplied font (and sets *out_font to font) if it is present. Otherwise an alternative fallback font (based on script/language) is searched for. If the glyph is found therein, *out_font is set to this reference, and the glyph reference is returned. If it cannot be found anywhere, the function returns 0. */ int fz_encode_character_with_fallback(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int unicode, int script, int language, fz_font **out_font); /* fz_get_glyph_name: Find the name of a glyph font: The font to look for the glyph in. glyph: The glyph id to look for. buf: Pointer to a buffer for the name to be inserted into. size: The size of the buffer. If a font contains a name table, then the name of the glyph will be returned in the supplied buffer. Otherwise a name is synthesised. The name will be truncated to fit in the buffer. */ void fz_get_glyph_name(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int glyph, char *buf, int size); /* Get font ascender and descender values. */ float fz_font_ascender(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); float fz_font_descender(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font); void fz_font_digest(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, unsigned char digest[16]); /* Internal functions for our Harfbuzz integration to work around the lack of thread safety. */ /* fz_hb_lock: Lock against Harfbuzz being called simultaneously in several threads. This reuses FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE. */ void fz_hb_lock(fz_context *ctx); /* fz_hb_unlock: Unlock after a Harfbuzz call. This reuses FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE. */ void fz_hb_unlock(fz_context *ctx); #endif