#ifndef MUPDF_FITZ_TEXT_H #define MUPDF_FITZ_TEXT_H #include "mupdf/fitz/system.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/context.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/font.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/path.h" #include "mupdf/fitz/bidi.h" /* Text buffer. The trm field contains the a, b, c and d coefficients. The e and f coefficients come from the individual elements, together they form the transform matrix for the glyph. Glyphs are referenced by glyph ID. The Unicode text equivalent is kept in a separate array with indexes into the glyph array. */ typedef struct fz_text_s fz_text; typedef struct fz_text_span_s fz_text_span; typedef struct fz_text_item_s fz_text_item; struct fz_text_item_s { float x, y; int gid; /* -1 for one gid to many ucs mappings */ int ucs; /* -1 for one ucs to many gid mappings */ }; #define FZ_LANG_TAG2(c1,c2) ((c1-'a'+1) + ((c2-'a'+1)*27)) #define FZ_LANG_TAG3(c1,c2,c3) ((c1-'a'+1) + ((c2-'a'+1)*27) + ((c3-'a'+1)*27*27)) typedef enum fz_text_language_e { FZ_LANG_UNSET = 0, FZ_LANG_ur = FZ_LANG_TAG2('u','r'), FZ_LANG_urd = FZ_LANG_TAG3('u','r','d'), FZ_LANG_ko = FZ_LANG_TAG2('k','o'), FZ_LANG_ja = FZ_LANG_TAG2('j','a'), FZ_LANG_zh = FZ_LANG_TAG2('z','h'), FZ_LANG_zh_Hans = FZ_LANG_TAG3('z','h','s'), FZ_LANG_zh_Hant = FZ_LANG_TAG3('z','h','t'), } fz_text_language; struct fz_text_span_s { fz_font *font; fz_matrix trm; unsigned wmode : 1; /* 0 horizontal, 1 vertical */ unsigned bidi_level : 7; /* The bidirectional level of text */ unsigned markup_dir : 2; /* The direction of text as marked in the original document */ unsigned language : 15; /* The language as marked in the original document */ int len, cap; fz_text_item *items; fz_text_span *next; }; struct fz_text_s { int refs; fz_text_span *head, *tail; }; /* fz_new_text: Create a new empty fz_text object. Throws exception on failure to allocate. */ fz_text *fz_new_text(fz_context *ctx); /* fz_keep_text: Add a reference to a fz_text. text: text object to keep a reference to. Return the same text pointer. */ fz_text *fz_keep_text(fz_context *ctx, const fz_text *text); /* fz_drop_text: Drop a reference to the object, freeing if it is the last one. text: Object to drop the reference to. */ void fz_drop_text(fz_context *ctx, const fz_text *text); /* fz_show_glyph: Add a glyph/unicode value to a text object. text: Text object to add to. font: The font the glyph should be added in. trm: The transform to use for the glyph. glyph: The glyph id to add. unicode: The unicode character for the glyph. wmode: 1 for vertical mode, 0 for horizontal. bidi_level: The bidirectional level for this glyph. markup_dir: The direction of the text as specified in the markup. language: The language in use (if known, 0 otherwise) (e.g. FZ_LANG_zh_Hans). Throws exception on failure to allocate. */ void fz_show_glyph(fz_context *ctx, fz_text *text, fz_font *font, fz_matrix trm, int glyph, int unicode, int wmode, int bidi_level, fz_bidi_direction markup_dir, fz_text_language language); /* fz_show_string: Add a UTF8 string to a text object. text: Text object to add to. font: The font the string should be added in. trm: The transform to use. s: The utf-8 string to add. wmode: 1 for vertical mode, 0 for horizontal. bidi_level: The bidirectional level for this glyph. markup_dir: The direction of the text as specified in the markup. language: The language in use (if known, 0 otherwise) (e.g. FZ_LANG_zh_Hans). Returns the transform updated with the advance width of the string. */ fz_matrix fz_show_string(fz_context *ctx, fz_text *text, fz_font *font, fz_matrix trm, const char *s, int wmode, int bidi_level, fz_bidi_direction markup_dir, fz_text_language language); /* fz_bound_text: Find the bounds of a given text object. text: The text object to find the bounds of. stroke: Pointer to the stroke attributes (for stroked text), or NULL (for filled text). ctm: The matrix in use. r: pointer to storage for the bounds. Returns a pointer to r, which is updated to contain the bounding box for the text object. */ fz_rect fz_bound_text(fz_context *ctx, const fz_text *text, const fz_stroke_state *stroke, fz_matrix ctm); /* Convert ISO 639 (639-{1,2,3,5}) language specification strings losslessly to a 15 bit fz_text_language code. No validation is carried out. Obviously invalid (out of spec) codes will be mapped to FZ_LANG_UNSET, but well-formed (but undefined) codes will be blithely accepted. */ fz_text_language fz_text_language_from_string(const char *str); /* Recover ISO 639 (639-{1,2,3,5}) language specification strings losslessly from a 15 bit fz_text_language code. No validation is carried out. See note above. */ char *fz_string_from_text_language(char str[8], fz_text_language lang); #endif