/** * Mu Office Library * * This helper layer provides an API for loading, and displaying * a file. It is deliberately as identical as possible to the * smart-office-lib.h header file in Smart Office to facilitate * a product which can use both Smart Office and MuPDF. */ #ifndef MU_OFFICE_LIB_H #define MU_OFFICE_LIB_H /* * General use * * This library uses threads but is not thread safe for the caller. All * calls should be made from a single thread. Some calls allow the user * to arrange for their own functions to be called back from the library; * often the users functions will be called back from a different thread. If * a call into the library is required in response to information from a * callback, it is the responsibility of the user to arrange for those * library calls to be made on the same thread as for other library calls. * Calls back into the library from a callback are not permitted. * * There are two main modes of use. In interactive windowing systems, it * is usual for the app developers code to be called on the main UI thread. * It is from the UI thread that all library calls should be made. Such * systems usually provide a way to post a call onto the UI thread. That * is the best way to respond to a callback from the library. * * The other mode of use is for plain executables that might wish to * (say) generate images of all the pages of a document. This can * be achieved, without use of callbacks, using the few synchronous * calls. E.g., MuOfficeDoc_getNumPages will wait for background document * loading to complete before returning the total number of pages and * MuOfficeRender_destroy will wait for background rendering to complete * before returning. */ #include /* For size_t */ #include "mupdf/fitz.h" /* For fz_context/fz_document/fz_page */ /** Error type returned from most MuOffice functions * * 0 means no error * * non-zero values mean an error occurred. The exact value is an indication * of what went wrong and should be included in bug reports or support * queries. Library users should not test this value except for 0, * non-zero and any explicitly documented values. */ typedef int MuError; /** Errors returned to MuOfficeLoadingErrorFn * * Other values may also be returned. */ typedef enum MuOfficeDocErrorType { MuOfficeDocErrorType_NoError = 0, MuOfficeDocErrorType_UnsupportedDocumentType = 1, MuOfficeDocErrorType_EmptyDocument = 2, MuOfficeDocErrorType_UnableToLoadDocument = 4, MuOfficeDocErrorType_UnsupportedEncryption = 5, MuOfficeDocErrorType_Aborted = 6, MuOfficeDocErrorType_OutOfMemory = 7, /* FIXME: Additional ones that should be backported to * smart-office-lib.h */ MuOfficeDocErrorType_IllegalArgument = 8, /** A password is required to open this document. * * The app should provide it using MuOffice_providePassword * or if it doesn't want to proceed call MuOfficeDoc_destroy or * MuOfficeDoc_abortLoad. */ MuOfficeDocErrorType_PasswordRequest = 0x1000 } MuOfficeDocErrorType; /** *Structure holding the detail of the layout of a bitmap. b5g6r5 is assumed. */ typedef struct MuOfficeBitmap_s { void *memptr; int width; int height; int lineSkip; } MuOfficeBitmap; /** * Structure defining a point * * x x coord of point * y y coord of point */ typedef struct MuOfficePoint_s { float x; float y; } MuOfficePoint; /** * Structure defining a rectangle * * x x coord of top left of area within the page * y y coord of top left of area within the page * width width of area * height height of area */ typedef struct MuOfficeBox_s { float x; float y; float width; float height; } MuOfficeBox; typedef enum MuOfficePointType { MuOfficePointType_MoveTo, MuOfficePointType_LineTo } MuOfficePointType; typedef struct MuOfficePathPoint { float x; float y; MuOfficePointType type; } MuOfficePathPoint; /** * Structure defining what area of a page should be rendered and to what * area of the bitmap * * origin coordinates of the document origin within the bitmap * renderArea the part of the bitmap to which to render */ typedef struct MuOfficeRenderArea_s { MuOfficePoint origin; MuOfficeBox renderArea; } MuOfficeRenderArea; typedef struct MuOfficeLib_s MuOfficeLib; typedef struct MuOfficeDoc_s MuOfficeDoc; typedef struct MuOfficePage_s MuOfficePage; typedef struct MuOfficeRender_s MuOfficeRender; /** * Allocator function used by some functions to get blocks of memory. * * @param cookie data pointer passed in with the allocator. * @param size the size of the required block. * * @returns as for malloc. (NULL implies OutOfMemory, or size == 0). * Otherwise a pointer to an allocated block. */ typedef void *(MuOfficeAllocFn)(void *cookie, size_t size); /** * Callback function monitoring document loading * * Also called when the document is edited, either adding or * removing pages, with the pagesLoaded value decreasing * in the page-removal case. * * @param cookie the data pointer that was originally passed * to MuOfficeLib_loadDocument. * @param pagesLoaded the number of pages so far discovered. * @param complete whether loading has completed. If this flag * is set, pagesLoaded is the actual number of * pages in the document. */ typedef void (MuOfficeLoadingProgressFn)(void *cookie, int pagesLoaded, int complete); /** * Callback function used to monitor errors in the process of loading * a document. * * @param cookie the data pointer that was originally passed * to MuOfficeLib_loadDocument. * @param error the error being reported */ typedef void (MuOfficeLoadingErrorFn)( void *cookie, MuOfficeDocErrorType error); /** * Callback function used to monitor page changes * * @param cookie the data pointer that was originally passed * to MuOfficeDoc_getPage. * @param area the area that has changed. */ typedef void (MuOfficePageUpdateFn)( void *cookie, const MuOfficeBox *area); /** * Callback function used to monitor a background render of a * document page. The function is called exactly once. * * @param cookie the data pointer that was originally passed * to MuOfficeDoc_monitorRenderProgress. * @param error error returned from the rendering process */ typedef void (MuOfficeRenderProgressFn)(void *cookie, MuError error); /** * Document types * * Keep in sync with smart-office-lib.h */ typedef enum { MuOfficeDocType_PDF, MuOfficeDocType_XPS, MuOfficeDocType_IMG } MuOfficeDocType; /** * The possible results of a save operation */ typedef enum MuOfficeSaveResult { MuOfficeSave_Succeeded, MuOfficeSave_Error, MuOfficeSave_Cancelled } MuOfficeSaveResult; /** * Callback function used to monitor save operations. * * @param cookie the data pointer that was originally passed to * MuOfficeDoc_save. * @param result the result of the save operation */ typedef void (MuOfficeSaveResultFn)( void *cookie, MuOfficeSaveResult result); /** * Create a MuOfficeLib instance. * * @param pMu address of variable to * receive the created instance * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficeLib_create(MuOfficeLib **pMu); /** * Destroy a MuOfficeLib instance * * @param mu the instance to destroy */ void MuOfficeLib_destroy(MuOfficeLib *mu); /** * Find the type of a file given its filename extension. * * @param path path to the file (in utf8) * * @return a valid MuOfficeDocType value, or MuOfficeDocType_Other */ MuOfficeDocType MuOfficeLib_getDocTypeFromFileExtension(const char *path); /** * Return a list of file extensions supported by Mu Office library. * * @return comma-delimited list of extensions, without the leading ".". * The caller should free the returned pointer.. */ char * MuOfficeLib_getSupportedFileExtensions(void); /** * Load a document * * Call will return immediately, leaving the document loading * in the background * * @param mu a MuOfficeLib instance * @param path path to the file to load (in utf8) * @param progressFn callback for monitoring progress * @param errorFn callback for monitoring errors * @param cookie a pointer to pass back to the callbacks * @param pDoc address for return of a MuOfficeDoc object * * @return error indication - 0 for success * * The progress callback may be called several times, with increasing * values of pagesLoaded. Unless MuOfficeDoc_destroy is called, * before loading completes, a call with "completed" set to true * is guaranteed. * * Once MuOfficeDoc_destroy is called there will be no * further callbacks. * * Alternatively, in a synchronous context, MuOfficeDoc_getNumPages * can be called to wait for loading to complete and return the total * number of pages. In this mode of use, progressFn can be NULL.  */ MuError MuOfficeLib_loadDocument(MuOfficeLib *mu, const char *path, MuOfficeLoadingProgressFn *progressFn, MuOfficeLoadingErrorFn *errorFn, void *cookie, MuOfficeDoc **pDoc); /** * Perform MuPDF native operations on a given MuOfficeLib * instance. * * The function is called with a fz_context value that can * be safely used (i.e. the context is cloned/dropped * appropriately around the call). The function should signal * errors by fz_throw-ing. * * @param mu the MuOfficeLib instance. * @param fn the function to call to run the operations. * @param arg Opaque data pointer. * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficeLib_run(MuOfficeLib *mu, void (*fn)(fz_context *ctx, void *arg), void *arg); /** * Provide the password for a document * * This function should be called to provide a password with a document * error if MuOfficeError_PasswordRequired is received. * * If a password is requested again, this means the password was incorrect. * * @param doc the document object * @param password the password (UTF8 encoded) * @return error indication - 0 for success */ int MuOfficeDoc_providePassword(MuOfficeDoc *doc, const char *password); /** * Return the type of an open document * * @param doc the document object * * @return the document type */ MuOfficeDocType MuOfficeDoc_docType(MuOfficeDoc *doc); /** * Return the number of pages of a document * * This function waits for document loading to complete before returning * the result. It may block the calling thread for a significant period of * time. To avoid blocking, this call should be avoided in favour of using * the MuOfficeLib_loadDocument callbacks to monitor loading. * * If background loading fails, the associated error will be returned * from this call. * * @param doc the document * @param pNumPages address for return of the number of pages * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficeDoc_getNumPages(MuOfficeDoc *doc, int *pNumPages); /** * Determine if the document has been modified * * @param doc the document * * @return modified flag */ int MuOfficeDoc_hasBeenModified(MuOfficeDoc *doc); /** * Start a save operation * * @param doc the document * @param path path of the file to which to save * @param resultFn callback used to report completion * @param cookie a pointer to pass to the callback * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficeDoc_save(MuOfficeDoc *doc, const char *path, MuOfficeSaveResultFn *resultFn, void *cookie); /** * Stop a document loading. The document is not destroyed, but * no further content will be read from the file. * * @param doc the MuOfficeDoc object */ void MuOfficeDoc_abortLoad(MuOfficeDoc *doc); /** * Destroy a MuOfficeDoc object. Loading of the document is shutdown * and no further callbacks will be issued for the specified object. * * @param doc the MuOfficeDoc object */ void MuOfficeDoc_destroy(MuOfficeDoc *doc); /** * Get a page of a document * * @param doc the document object * @param pageNumber the number of the page to load (lying in the * range 0 to one less than the number of pages) * @param updateFn Function to be called back when the page updates * @param cookie Opaque value to pass for any updates * @param pPage Address for return of the page object * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficeDoc_getPage( MuOfficeDoc *doc, int pageNumber, MuOfficePageUpdateFn *updateFn, void *cookie, MuOfficePage **pPage); /** * Perform MuPDF native operations on a given document. * * The function is called with fz_context and fz_document * values that can be safely used (i.e. the context is * cloned/dropped appropriately around the function, and * locking is used to ensure that no other threads are * simultaneously using the document). Functions can * signal errors by fz_throw-ing. * * Due to the locking, it is best to ensure that as little * time is taken here as possible (i.e. if you fetch some * data and then spend a long time processing it, it is * probably best to fetch the data using MuOfficeDoc_run * and then process it outside). This avoids potentially * blocking the UI. * * @param doc the document object. * @param fn the function to call with fz_context/fz_document * values. * @param arg Opaque data pointer. * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficeDoc_run(MuOfficeDoc *doc, void (*fn)(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, void *arg), void *arg); /** * Destroy a page object * * Note this does not delete or remove the page from the document. * It simply destroys the page object which is merely a reference * to the page. * * @param page the page object */ void MuOfficePage_destroy(MuOfficePage *page); /** * Get the size of a page in pixels * * This returns the size of the page in pixels. Pages can be rendered * with a zoom factor. The returned value is the size of bitmap * appropriate for rendering with a zoom of 1.0 and corresponds to * 90 dpi. The returned values are not necessarily whole numbers. * * @param page the page object * @param pWidth address for return of the width * @param pHeight address for return of the height * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficePage_getSize( MuOfficePage *page, float *pWidth, float *pHeight); /** * Return the zoom factors necessary to render at to a given * size in pixels. (deprecated) * * @param page the page object * @param width the desired width * @param height the desired height * @param pXZoom Address for return of zoom necessary to fit width * @param pYZoom Address for return of zoom necessary to fit height * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficePage_calculateZoom( MuOfficePage *page, int width, int height, float *pXZoom, float *pYZoom); /** * Get the size of a page in pixels for a specified zoom factor * (deprecated) * * This returns the size of bitmap that should be used to display * the entire page at the given zoom factor. A zoom of 1.0 * corresponds to 90 dpi. * * @param page the page object * @param zoom the zoom factor * @param pWidth address for return of the width * @param pHeight address for return of the height * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficePage_getSizeForZoom( MuOfficePage *page, float zoom, int *pWidth, int *pHeight); /** * Perform MuPDF native operations on a given page. * * The function is called with fz_context and fz_page * values that can be safely used (i.e. the context is * cloned/dropped appropriately around the function, and * locking is used to ensure that no other threads are * simultaneously using the document). Functions can * signal errors by fz_throw-ing. * * Due to the locking, it is best to ensure that as little * time is taken here as possible (i.e. if you fetch some * data and then spend a long time processing it, it is * probably best to fetch the data using MuOfficePage_run * and then process it outside). This avoids potentially * blocking the UI. * * @param page the page object. * @param fn the function to call with fz_context/fz_document * values. * @param arg Opaque data pointer. * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficePage_run(MuOfficePage *page, void (*fn)(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page, void *arg), void *arg); /** * Schedule the rendering of an area of document page to * an area of a bitmap. * * The alignment between page and bitmap is defined by specifying * document's origin within the bitmap, possibly either positive or * negative. A render object is returned via which the process can * be monitored or terminated. * * The progress function is called exactly once per render in either * the success or failure case. * * Note that, since a render object represents a running thread that * needs access to the page, document, and library objects, it is important * to call MuOfficeRender_destroy, not only before using or deallocating * the bitmap, but also before calling MuOfficePage_destroy, etc.. * * @param page the page to render * @param zoom the zoom factor * @param bitmap the bitmap * @param area area to render * @param progressFn the progress callback function * @param cookie a pointer to pass to the callback function * @param pRender Address for return of the render object * * @return error indication - 0 for success */ MuError MuOfficePage_render( MuOfficePage *page, float zoom, const MuOfficeBitmap *bitmap, const MuOfficeRenderArea *area, MuOfficeRenderProgressFn *progressFn, void *cookie, MuOfficeRender **pRender); /** * Destroy a render * * This call destroys a MuOfficeRender object, aborting any current * render. * * This call is intended to support an app dealing with a user quickly * flicking through document pages. A render may be scheduled but, before * completion, be found not to be needed. In that case the bitmap will * need to be reused, which requires any existing render to be aborted. * The call to MuOfficeRender_destroy will cut short the render and * allow the bitmap to be reused immediately. * * @note If an active render thread is destroyed, it will be aborted. * While fast, this is not an instant operation. For maximum * responsiveness, it is best to 'abort' as soon as you realise you * don't need the render, and to destroy when you get the callback. * * @param render The render object */ void MuOfficeRender_destroy(MuOfficeRender *render); /** * Abort a render * * This call aborts any rendering currently underway. The 'render * complete' callback (if any) given when the render was created will * still be called. If a render has completed, this call will have no * effect. * * This call will not block to wait for the render thread to stop, but * will cause it to stop as soon as it can in the background. * * @note It is important not to start any new render to the same bitmap * until the callback comes in (or until waitUntilComplete returns), as * otherwise you can have multiple renders drawing to the same bitmap * with unpredictable consequences. * * @param render The render object to abort */ void MuOfficeRender_abort(MuOfficeRender *render); /** * Wait for a render to complete. * * This call will not return until rendering is complete, so on return * the bitmap will contain the page image (assuming the render didn't * run into an error condition) and will not be used further by any * background processing. Any error during rendering will be returned * from this function. * * This call may block the calling thread for a significant period of * time. To avoid blocking, supply a progress-monitoring callback * function to MuOfficePage_render. * * @param render The render object to destroy * @return render error condition - 0 for no error. */ MuError MuOfficeRender_waitUntilComplete(MuOfficeRender *render); #endif /* SMART_OFFICE_LIB_H */