/* * A simple XML parsing API based on Inferno's. * Under the surface this one uses expat and in-memory objects, * but that should not be visible through the API. */ typedef struct sa_xmlparser_s sa_xmlparser; typedef struct sa_xmlitem_s sa_xmlitem; fz_error *sa_openxml(sa_xmlparser **spp, fz_file *file, int ns); void sa_debugxml(sa_xmlitem *item, int level); void sa_closexml(sa_xmlparser *sp); sa_xmlitem *sa_xmlnext(sa_xmlparser *sp); void sa_xmldown(sa_xmlparser *sp); void sa_xmlup(sa_xmlparser *sp); int sa_isxmlerror(sa_xmlitem *item); int sa_isxmltext(sa_xmlitem *item); int sa_isxmltag(sa_xmlitem *item); char *sa_getxmlerror(sa_xmlitem *item); char *sa_getxmlname(sa_xmlitem *item); char *sa_getxmlatt(sa_xmlitem *item, char *att); char *sa_getxmltext(sa_xmlitem *item);