#ifndef _DOCUMENT_H_ #define _DOCUMENT_H_ #ifndef _FITZ_H_ #error "fitz.h must be included before document.h" #endif #ifndef _MUPDF_H_ #error "mupdf.h must be included before document.h" #endif #ifndef _MUXPS_H_ #error "muxps.h must be included before document.h" #endif struct document { fz_context *ctx; pdf_xref *pdf; xps_document *xps; int number; pdf_page *pdf_page; xps_page *xps_page; fz_bbox hit_bbox[500]; int hit_count; }; struct document *open_document(fz_context *ctx, char *filename); int needs_password(struct document *doc); int authenticate_password(struct document *doc, char *password); fz_outline *load_outline(struct document *doc); int count_pages(struct document *doc); void measure_page(struct document *doc, int number, float *w, float *h); void draw_page(struct document *doc, int number, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, fz_cookie *cookie); int search_page(struct document *doc, int number, char *needle, fz_cookie *cookie); fz_bbox search_result_bbox(struct document *doc, int i); void close_document(struct document *doc); #endif