#include "fitz-internal.h" #include "mupdf-internal.h" typedef struct pdf_image_key_s pdf_image_key; struct pdf_image_key_s { int refs; fz_image *image; int factor; }; static void pdf_load_jpx(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_image *image); static void pdf_mask_color_key(fz_pixmap *pix, int n, int *colorkey) { unsigned char *p = pix->samples; int len = pix->w * pix->h; int k, t; while (len--) { t = 1; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) if (p[k] < colorkey[k * 2] || p[k] > colorkey[k * 2 + 1]) t = 0; if (t) for (k = 0; k < pix->n; k++) p[k] = 0; p += pix->n; } } static int pdf_make_hash_image_key(fz_store_hash *hash, void *key_) { pdf_image_key *key = (pdf_image_key *)key_; hash->u.pi.ptr = key->image; hash->u.pi.i = key->factor; return 1; } static void * pdf_keep_image_key(fz_context *ctx, void *key_) { pdf_image_key *key = (pdf_image_key *)key_; fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_ALLOC); key->refs++; fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_ALLOC); return (void *)key; } static void pdf_drop_image_key(fz_context *ctx, void *key_) { pdf_image_key *key = (pdf_image_key *)key_; int drop; fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_ALLOC); drop = --key->refs; fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_ALLOC); if (drop == 0) { fz_drop_image(ctx, key->image); fz_free(ctx, key); } } static int pdf_cmp_image_key(void *k0_, void *k1_) { pdf_image_key *k0 = (pdf_image_key *)k0_; pdf_image_key *k1 = (pdf_image_key *)k1_; return k0->image == k1->image && k0->factor == k1->factor; } #ifndef NDEBUG static void pdf_debug_image(void *key_) { pdf_image_key *key = (pdf_image_key *)key_; printf("(image %d x %d sf=%d) ", key->image->w, key->image->h, key->factor); } #endif static fz_store_type pdf_image_store_type = { pdf_make_hash_image_key, pdf_keep_image_key, pdf_drop_image_key, pdf_cmp_image_key, #ifndef NDEBUG pdf_debug_image #endif }; static fz_pixmap * decomp_image_from_stream(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, pdf_image *image, int in_line, int indexed, int factor, int cache) { fz_pixmap *tile = NULL; fz_pixmap *existing_tile; int stride, len, i; unsigned char *samples = NULL; int w = (image->base.w + (factor-1)) / factor; int h = (image->base.h + (factor-1)) / factor; pdf_image_key *key; fz_var(tile); fz_var(samples); fz_try(ctx) { tile = fz_new_pixmap(ctx, image->base.colorspace, w, h); tile->interpolate = image->interpolate; stride = (w * image->n * image->bpc + 7) / 8; samples = fz_malloc_array(ctx, h, stride); len = fz_read(stm, samples, h * stride); if (len < 0) { fz_throw(ctx, "cannot read image data"); } /* Make sure we read the EOF marker (for inline images only) */ if (in_line) { unsigned char tbuf[512]; fz_try(ctx) { int tlen = fz_read(stm, tbuf, sizeof tbuf); if (tlen > 0) fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring garbage at end of image"); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring error at end of image"); } } /* Pad truncated images */ if (len < stride * h) { fz_warn(ctx, "padding truncated image"); memset(samples + len, 0, stride * h - len); } /* Invert 1-bit image masks */ if (image->imagemask) { /* 0=opaque and 1=transparent so we need to invert */ unsigned char *p = samples; len = h * stride; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) p[i] = ~p[i]; } fz_unpack_tile(tile, samples, image->n, image->bpc, stride, indexed); fz_free(ctx, samples); samples = NULL; if (image->usecolorkey) pdf_mask_color_key(tile, image->n, image->colorkey); if (indexed) { fz_pixmap *conv; fz_decode_indexed_tile(tile, image->decode, (1 << image->bpc) - 1); conv = pdf_expand_indexed_pixmap(ctx, tile); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tile); tile = conv; } else { fz_decode_tile(tile, image->decode); } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_close(stm); } fz_catch(ctx) { if (tile) fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tile); fz_free(ctx, samples); fz_rethrow(ctx); } if (!cache) return tile; /* Now we try to cache the pixmap. Any failure here will just result * in us not caching. */ fz_try(ctx) { key = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_image_key); key->refs = 1; key->image = fz_keep_image(ctx, &image->base); key->factor = factor; existing_tile = fz_store_item(ctx, key, tile, fz_pixmap_size(ctx, tile), &pdf_image_store_type); if (existing_tile) { /* We already have a tile. This must have been produced by a * racing thread. We'll throw away ours and use that one. */ fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tile); tile = existing_tile; } } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_drop_image_key(ctx, key); } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Do nothing */ } return tile; } static void pdf_free_image(fz_context *ctx, fz_storable *image_) { pdf_image *image = (pdf_image *)image_; if (image == NULL) return; fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, image->tile); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, image->buffer); fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, image->base.colorspace); fz_drop_image(ctx, image->base.mask); fz_free(ctx, image); } static fz_pixmap * pdf_image_get_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_image *image_, int w, int h) { pdf_image *image = (pdf_image *)image_; fz_pixmap *tile; fz_stream *stm; int factor; pdf_image_key key; /* Check for 'simple' images which are just pixmaps */ if (image->buffer == NULL) { tile = image->tile; if (!tile) return NULL; return fz_keep_pixmap(ctx, tile); /* That's all we can give you! */ } /* Ensure our expectations for tile size are reasonable */ if (w > image->base.w) w = image->base.w; if (h > image->base.h) h = image->base.h; /* What is our ideal factor? */ if (w == 0 || h == 0) factor = 1; else for (factor=1; image->base.w/(2*factor) >= w && image->base.h/(2*factor) >= h && factor < 8; factor *= 2); /* Can we find any suitable tiles in the cache? */ key.refs = 1; key.image = &image->base; key.factor = factor; do { tile = fz_find_item(ctx, fz_free_pixmap_imp, &key, &pdf_image_store_type); if (tile) return tile; key.factor >>= 1; } while (key.factor > 0); /* We need to make a new one. */ stm = pdf_open_image_decomp_stream(ctx, image->buffer, &image->params, &factor); return decomp_image_from_stream(ctx, stm, image, 0, 0, factor, 1); } static pdf_image * pdf_load_image_imp(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *dict, fz_stream *cstm, int forcemask) { fz_stream *stm = NULL; pdf_image *image = NULL; pdf_obj *obj, *res; int w, h, bpc, n; int imagemask; int interpolate; int indexed; fz_image *mask = NULL; /* explicit mask/softmask image */ int usecolorkey; int i; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; fz_var(stm); fz_var(mask); image = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_image); fz_try(ctx) { /* special case for JPEG2000 images */ if (pdf_is_jpx_image(ctx, dict)) { pdf_load_jpx(xref, dict, image); /* RJW: "cannot load jpx image" */ if (forcemask) { fz_pixmap *mask_pixmap; if (image->n != 2) fz_throw(ctx, "softmask must be grayscale"); mask_pixmap = fz_alpha_from_gray(ctx, image->tile, 1); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, image->tile); image->tile = mask_pixmap; } break; /* Out of fz_try */ } w = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Width", "W")); h = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Height", "H")); bpc = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "BitsPerComponent", "BPC")); imagemask = pdf_to_bool(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "ImageMask", "IM")); interpolate = pdf_to_bool(pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Interpolate", "I")); indexed = 0; usecolorkey = 0; mask = NULL; if (imagemask) bpc = 1; if (w == 0) fz_throw(ctx, "image width is zero"); if (h == 0) fz_throw(ctx, "image height is zero"); if (bpc == 0) fz_throw(ctx, "image depth is zero"); if (bpc > 16) fz_throw(ctx, "image depth is too large: %d", bpc); if (w > (1 << 16)) fz_throw(ctx, "image is too wide"); if (h > (1 << 16)) fz_throw(ctx, "image is too high"); obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "ColorSpace", "CS"); if (obj && !imagemask && !forcemask) { /* colorspace resource lookup is only done for inline images */ if (pdf_is_name(obj)) { res = pdf_dict_get(pdf_dict_gets(rdb, "ColorSpace"), obj); if (res) obj = res; } image->base.colorspace = pdf_load_colorspace(xref, obj); /* RJW: "cannot load image colorspace" */ if (!strcmp(image->base.colorspace->name, "Indexed")) indexed = 1; n = image->base.colorspace->n; } else { n = 1; } obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Decode", "D"); if (obj) { for (i = 0; i < n * 2; i++) image->decode[i] = pdf_to_real(pdf_array_get(obj, i)); } else { float maxval = indexed ? (1 << bpc) - 1 : 1; for (i = 0; i < n * 2; i++) image->decode[i] = i & 1 ? maxval : 0; } obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "SMask", "Mask"); if (pdf_is_dict(obj)) { /* Not allowed for inline images */ if (!cstm) { mask = (fz_image *)pdf_load_image_imp(xref, rdb, obj, NULL, 1); /* RJW: "cannot load image mask/softmask" */ } } else if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { usecolorkey = 1; for (i = 0; i < n * 2; i++) { if (!pdf_is_int(pdf_array_get(obj, i))) { fz_warn(ctx, "invalid value in color key mask"); usecolorkey = 0; } image->colorkey[i] = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, i)); } } /* Now, do we load a ref, or do we load the actual thing? */ image->params.type = PDF_IMAGE_RAW; FZ_INIT_STORABLE(&image->base, 1, pdf_free_image); image->base.get_pixmap = pdf_image_get_pixmap; image->base.w = w; image->base.h = h; image->n = n; image->bpc = bpc; image->interpolate = interpolate; image->imagemask = imagemask; image->usecolorkey = usecolorkey; image->base.mask = mask; image->params.colorspace = image->base.colorspace; /* Uses the same ref as for the base one */ if (!indexed && !cstm) { /* Just load the compressed image data now and we can * decode it on demand. */ int num = pdf_to_num(dict); int gen = pdf_to_gen(dict); image->buffer = pdf_load_image_stream(xref, num, gen, num, gen, &image->params); break; /* Out of fz_try */ } /* We need to decompress the image now */ if (cstm) { int stride = (w * image->n * image->bpc + 7) / 8; stm = pdf_open_inline_stream(xref, dict, stride * h, cstm, NULL); } else { stm = pdf_open_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); /* RJW: "cannot open image data stream (%d 0 R)", pdf_to_num(dict) */ } image->tile = decomp_image_from_stream(ctx, stm, image, cstm != NULL, indexed, 1, 0); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_image(ctx, &image->base); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return image; } fz_image * pdf_load_inline_image(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *dict, fz_stream *file) { return (fz_image *)pdf_load_image_imp(xref, rdb, dict, file, 0); /* RJW: "cannot load inline image" */ } int pdf_is_jpx_image(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict) { pdf_obj *filter; int i, n; filter = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Filter"); if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(filter), "JPXDecode")) return 1; n = pdf_array_len(filter); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_array_get(filter, i)), "JPXDecode")) return 1; return 0; } static void pdf_load_jpx(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_image *image) { fz_buffer *buf = NULL; fz_colorspace *colorspace = NULL; fz_pixmap *img = NULL; pdf_obj *obj; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; int indexed = 0; fz_var(img); fz_var(buf); fz_var(colorspace); buf = pdf_load_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); /* RJW: "cannot load jpx image data" */ /* FIXME: We can't handle decode arrays for indexed images currently */ fz_try(ctx) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ColorSpace"); if (obj) { colorspace = pdf_load_colorspace(xref, obj); /* RJW: "cannot load image colorspace" */ indexed = !strcmp(colorspace->name, "Indexed"); } img = fz_load_jpx(ctx, buf->data, buf->len, colorspace, indexed); /* RJW: "cannot load jpx image" */ if (img && colorspace == NULL) colorspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, img->colorspace); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); buf = NULL; obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "SMask", "Mask"); if (pdf_is_dict(obj)) { image->base.mask = (fz_image *)pdf_load_image_imp(xref, NULL, obj, NULL, 1); /* RJW: "cannot load image mask/softmask" */ } obj = pdf_dict_getsa(dict, "Decode", "D"); if (obj && !indexed) { float decode[FZ_MAX_COLORS * 2]; int i; for (i = 0; i < img->n * 2; i++) decode[i] = pdf_to_real(pdf_array_get(obj, i)); fz_decode_tile(img, decode); } } fz_catch(ctx) { if (colorspace) fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, colorspace); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, img); fz_rethrow(ctx); } image->params.type = PDF_IMAGE_RAW; FZ_INIT_STORABLE(&image->base, 1, pdf_free_image); image->base.get_pixmap = pdf_image_get_pixmap; image->base.w = img->w; image->base.h = img->h; image->base.colorspace = colorspace; image->tile = img; image->n = img->n; image->bpc = 8; image->interpolate = 0; image->imagemask = 0; image->usecolorkey = 0; image->params.colorspace = colorspace; /* Uses the same ref as for the base one */ } static int pdf_image_size(fz_context *ctx, pdf_image *im) { if (im == NULL) return 0; return sizeof(*im) + fz_pixmap_size(ctx, im->tile) + (im->buffer ? im->buffer->cap : 0); } fz_image * pdf_load_image(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict) { fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; pdf_image *image; if ((image = pdf_find_item(ctx, pdf_free_image, dict))) { return (fz_image *)image; } image = pdf_load_image_imp(xref, NULL, dict, NULL, 0); /* RJW: "cannot load image (%d 0 R)", pdf_to_num(dict) */ pdf_store_item(ctx, dict, image, pdf_image_size(ctx, image)); return (fz_image *)image; }