#include "gl-app.h" #include #include struct line { char *a, *b; }; static int break_lines(char *a, char *end, struct line *lines, int maxlines, int width) { char *next, *b = a; int c, n = 0; float x = 0, w = 0; while (b < end) { next = b + fz_chartorune(&c, b); if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { if (n + 1 < maxlines) { lines[n].a = a; lines[n].b = b; ++n; a = next; x = 0; } } else { w = ui_measure_character(c); if (x + w > width && (n + 1 < maxlines)) { lines[n].a = a; lines[n].b = b; ++n; a = b; x = w; } else { x += w; } } b = next; } lines[n].a = a; lines[n].b = b; return n + 1; } static void draw_string_part(float x, float y, const char *s, const char *e) { int c; ui_begin_text(); while (s < e) { s += fz_chartorune(&c, s); x += ui_draw_character(c, x, y + ui.baseline); } ui_end_text(); } static float measure_string_part(const char *s, const char *e) { int c; float w = 0; while (s < e) { s += fz_chartorune(&c, s); w += ui_measure_character(c); } return w; } static char *find_string_location(char *s, char *e, float w, float x) { int c; while (s < e) { int n = fz_chartorune(&c, s); float cw = ui_measure_character(c); if (w + (cw / 2) >= x) return s; w += cw; s += n; } return e; } static char *find_input_location(struct line *lines, int n, float left, float top, float x, float y) { int i = 0; if (y > top) i = (y - top) / ui.lineheight; if (i >= n) i = n - 1; return find_string_location(lines[i].a, lines[i].b, left, x); } static inline int myisalnum(char *s) { int cat, c; fz_chartorune(&c, s); cat = ucdn_get_general_category(c); if (cat >= UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_LL && cat <= UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_LU) return 1; if (cat >= UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_ND && cat <= UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_NO) return 1; return 0; } static char *home_line(char *p, char *start) { while (p > start) { if (p[-1] == '\n' || p[-1] == '\r') return p; --p; } return p; } static char *end_line(char *p, char *end) { while (p < end) { if (p[0] == '\n' || p[0] == '\r') return p; ++p; } return p; } static char *up_line(char *p, char *start) { while (p > start) { --p; if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') return p; } return p; } static char *down_line(char *p, char *end) { while (p < end) { if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') return p+1; ++p; } return p; } static char *prev_char(char *p, char *start) { --p; while ((*p & 0xC0) == 0x80 && p > start) /* skip middle and final multibytes */ --p; return p; } static char *next_char(char *p) { ++p; while ((*p & 0xC0) == 0x80) /* skip middle and final multibytes */ ++p; return p; } static char *prev_word(char *p, char *start) { while (p > start && !myisalnum(prev_char(p, start))) p = prev_char(p, start); while (p > start && myisalnum(prev_char(p, start))) p = prev_char(p, start); return p; } static char *next_word(char *p, char *end) { while (p < end && !myisalnum(p)) p = next_char(p); while (p < end && myisalnum(p)) p = next_char(p); return p; } static void ui_input_delete_selection(struct input *input) { char *p = input->p < input->q ? input->p : input->q; char *q = input->p > input->q ? input->p : input->q; memmove(p, q, input->end - q); input->end -= q - p; *input->end = 0; input->p = input->q = p; } static void ui_input_paste(struct input *input, const char *buf, int n) { if (input->p != input->q) ui_input_delete_selection(input); if (input->end + n + 1 < input->text + sizeof(input->text)) { memmove(input->p + n, input->p, input->end - input->p); memmove(input->p, buf, n); input->p += n; input->end += n; *input->end = 0; } input->q = input->p; } static int ui_input_key(struct input *input, int multiline) { switch (ui.key) { case 0: return UI_INPUT_NONE; case KEY_LEFT: if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL + GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) { input->q = prev_word(input->q, input->text); } else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL) { if (input->p != input->q) input->p = input->q = input->p < input->q ? input->p : input->q; else input->p = input->q = prev_word(input->q, input->text); } else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) { if (input->q > input->text) input->q = prev_char(input->q, input->text); } else if (ui.mod == 0) { if (input->p != input->q) input->p = input->q = input->p < input->q ? input->p : input->q; else if (input->q > input->text) input->p = input->q = prev_char(input->q, input->text); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL + GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) { input->q = next_word(input->q, input->end); } else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL) { if (input->p != input->q) input->p = input->q = input->p > input->q ? input->p : input->q; else input->p = input->q = next_word(input->q, input->end); } else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) { if (input->q < input->end) input->q = next_char(input->q); } else if (ui.mod == 0) { if (input->p != input->q) input->p = input->q = input->p > input->q ? input->p : input->q; else if (input->q < input->end) input->p = input->q = next_char(input->q); } break; case KEY_UP: if (ui.mod & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) input->q = up_line(input->q, input->text); else input->p = input->q = up_line(input->p, input->text); break; case KEY_DOWN: if (ui.mod & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) input->q = down_line(input->q, input->end); else input->p = input->q = down_line(input->q, input->end); break; case KEY_HOME: if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL + GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) input->q = input->text; else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) input->q = home_line(input->q, input->text); else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL) input->p = input->q = input->text; else if (ui.mod == 0) input->p = input->q = home_line(input->p, input->text); break; case KEY_END: if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL + GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) input->q = input->end; else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) input->q = end_line(input->q, input->end); else if (ui.mod == GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL) input->p = input->q = input->end; else if (ui.mod == 0) input->p = input->q = end_line(input->p, input->end); break; case KEY_DELETE: if (input->p != input->q) ui_input_delete_selection(input); else if (input->p < input->end) { char *np = next_char(input->p); memmove(input->p, np, input->end - np); input->end -= np - input->p; *input->end = 0; input->q = input->p; } break; case KEY_ESCAPE: ui.focus = NULL; return UI_INPUT_NONE; case KEY_ENTER: if (!multiline) { ui.focus = NULL; return UI_INPUT_ACCEPT; } ui_input_paste(input, "\n", 1); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (input->p != input->q) ui_input_delete_selection(input); else if (input->p > input->text) { char *pp = prev_char(input->p, input->text); memmove(pp, input->p, input->end - input->p); input->end -= input->p - pp; *input->end = 0; input->q = input->p = pp; } break; case KEY_CTL_A: input->p = input->q = input->text; break; case KEY_CTL_E: input->p = input->q = input->end; break; case KEY_CTL_W: if (input->p != input->q) ui_input_delete_selection(input); else { input->p = prev_word(input->p, input->text); ui_input_delete_selection(input); } break; case KEY_CTL_U: input->p = input->q = input->end = input->text; break; case KEY_CTL_C: case KEY_CTL_X: if (input->p != input->q) { char buf[sizeof input->text]; char *p = input->p < input->q ? input->p : input->q; char *q = input->p > input->q ? input->p : input->q; memmove(buf, p, q - p); buf[q-p] = 0; ui_set_clipboard(buf); if (ui.key == KEY_CTL_X) ui_input_delete_selection(input); } break; case KEY_CTL_V: { const char *buf = ui_get_clipboard(); if (buf) ui_input_paste(input, buf, (int)strlen(buf)); } break; default: if (ui.key >= 32 && ui.plain) { int cat = ucdn_get_general_category(ui.key); if (ui.key == ' ' || (cat >= UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_LL && cat < UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_ZL)) { char buf[8]; int n = fz_runetochar(buf, ui.key); ui_input_paste(input, buf, n); } } break; } return UI_INPUT_EDIT; } void ui_input_init(struct input *input, const char *text) { fz_strlcpy(input->text, text, sizeof input->text); input->end = input->text + strlen(input->text); input->p = input->text; input->q = input->end; input->scroll = 0; } int ui_input(struct input *input, int width, int height) { struct line lines[500]; fz_irect area; float ax, bx; int ay, sy; char *p, *q; int state; int i, n; if (ui.focus == input) state = ui_input_key(input, height > 1); else state = UI_INPUT_NONE; area = ui_pack(width, ui.lineheight * height + 6); ui_draw_bevel_rect(area, UI_COLOR_TEXT_BG, 1); fz_expand_irect(&area, -2); if (height > 1) area.x1 -= ui.lineheight; n = break_lines(input->text, input->end, lines, nelem(lines), area.x1-area.x0-2); if (height > 1) ui_scrollbar(area.x1, area.y0, area.x1+ui.lineheight, area.y1, &input->scroll, 1, fz_maxi(0, n-height)+1); else input->scroll = 0; ax = area.x0 + 2; bx = area.x1 - 2; ay = area.y0 + 1; sy = input->scroll * ui.lineheight; if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = input; if (!ui.active || ui.active == input) ui.cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_TEXT; if (!ui.active && ui.down) { input->p = find_input_location(lines, n, ax, ay-sy, ui.x, ui.y); ui.active = input; } } if (ui.active == input) { input->q = find_input_location(lines, n, ax, ay-sy, ui.x, ui.y); ui.focus = input; } p = input->p < input->q ? input->p : input->q; q = input->p > input->q ? input->p : input->q; for (i = input->scroll; i < n && i < input->scroll+height; ++i) { char *a = lines[i].a, *b = lines[i].b; if (ui.focus == input) { if (p >= a && p <= b && q >= a && q <= b) { float px = ax + measure_string_part(a, p); float qx = px + measure_string_part(p, q); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_BG); glRectf(px, ay, qx+1, ay + ui.lineheight); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); draw_string_part(ax, ay, a, p); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_FG); draw_string_part(px, ay, p, q); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); draw_string_part(qx, ay, q, b); } else if (p < a && q >= a && q <= b) { float qx = ax + measure_string_part(a, q); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_BG); glRectf(ax, ay, qx+1, ay + ui.lineheight); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_FG); draw_string_part(ax, ay, a, q); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); draw_string_part(qx, ay, q, b); } else if (p >= a && p <= b && q > b) { float px = ax + measure_string_part(a, p); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_BG); glRectf(px, ay, bx, ay + ui.lineheight); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); draw_string_part(ax, ay, a, p); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_FG); draw_string_part(px, ay, p, b); } else if (p < a && q > b) { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_BG); glRectf(ax, ay, bx, ay + ui.lineheight); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_FG); draw_string_part(ax, ay, a, b); } else { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); draw_string_part(ax, ay, a, b); } } else { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); draw_string_part(ax, ay, a, b); } ay += ui.lineheight; } return state; }