#include "gl-app.h" #include #include #include #ifndef FREEGLUT /* freeglut extension no-ops */ void glutExit(void) {} void glutMouseWheelFunc(void *fn) {} void glutInitErrorFunc(void *fn) {} void glutInitWarningFunc(void *fn) {} #define glutSetOption(X,Y) #endif enum { /* Default UI sizes */ DEFAULT_UI_FONTSIZE = 15, DEFAULT_UI_BASELINE = 14, DEFAULT_UI_LINEHEIGHT = 18, DEFAULT_UI_GRIDSIZE = DEFAULT_UI_LINEHEIGHT + 6, }; struct ui ui; #if defined(FREEGLUT) && (GLUT_API_VERSION >= 6) void ui_set_clipboard(const char *buf) { glutSetClipboard(GLUT_PRIMARY, buf); glutSetClipboard(GLUT_CLIPBOARD, buf); } const char *ui_get_clipboard(void) { return glutGetClipboard(GLUT_CLIPBOARD); } #else static char *clipboard_buffer = NULL; void ui_set_clipboard(const char *buf) { fz_free(ctx, clipboard_buffer); clipboard_buffer = fz_strdup(ctx, buf); } const char *ui_get_clipboard(void) { return clipboard_buffer; } #endif static const char *ogl_error_string(GLenum code) { #define CASE(E) case E: return #E; break switch (code) { /* glGetError */ CASE(GL_NO_ERROR); CASE(GL_INVALID_ENUM); CASE(GL_INVALID_VALUE); CASE(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); CASE(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); CASE(GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW); CASE(GL_STACK_OVERFLOW); default: return "(unknown)"; } #undef CASE } static int has_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two = 1; static GLint max_texture_size = 8192; void ui_init_draw(void) { } static unsigned int next_power_of_two(unsigned int n) { --n; n |= n >> 1; n |= n >> 2; n |= n >> 4; n |= n >> 8; n |= n >> 16; return ++n; } void ui_texture_from_pixmap(struct texture *tex, fz_pixmap *pix) { if (!tex->id) glGenTextures(1, &tex->id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->id); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); tex->x = pix->x; tex->y = pix->y; tex->w = pix->w; tex->h = pix->h; if (has_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two) { if (tex->w > max_texture_size || tex->h > max_texture_size) fz_warn(ctx, "texture size (%d x %d) exceeds implementation limit (%d)", tex->w, tex->h, max_texture_size); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, tex->w, tex->h, 0, pix->n == 4 ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pix->samples); tex->s = 1; tex->t = 1; } else { int w2 = next_power_of_two(tex->w); int h2 = next_power_of_two(tex->h); if (w2 > max_texture_size || h2 > max_texture_size) fz_warn(ctx, "texture size (%d x %d) exceeds implementation limit (%d)", w2, h2, max_texture_size); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, w2, h2, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, tex->w, tex->h, pix->n == 4 ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pix->samples); tex->s = (float) tex->w / w2; tex->t = (float) tex->h / h2; } } void ui_draw_image(struct texture *tex, float x, float y) { glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->id); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); { glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); glTexCoord2f(0, tex->t); glVertex2f(x + tex->x, y + tex->y + tex->h); glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(x + tex->x, y + tex->y); glTexCoord2f(tex->s, tex->t); glVertex2f(x + tex->x + tex->w, y + tex->y + tex->h); glTexCoord2f(tex->s, 0); glVertex2f(x + tex->x + tex->w, y + tex->y); } glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } void glColorHex(unsigned int hex) { float r = ((hex>>16)&0xff) / 255.0f; float g = ((hex>>8)&0xff) / 255.0f; float b = ((hex)&0xff) / 255.0f; glColor3f(r, g, b); } void ui_draw_bevel_imp(fz_irect area, unsigned ot, unsigned it, unsigned ib, unsigned ob) { glColorHex(ot); glRectf(area.x0, area.y0, area.x1-1, area.y0+1); glRectf(area.x0, area.y0+1, area.x0+1, area.y1-1); glColorHex(ob); glRectf(area.x1-1, area.y0, area.x1, area.y1); glRectf(area.x0, area.y1-1, area.x1-1, area.y1); glColorHex(it); glRectf(area.x0+1, area.y0+1, area.x1-2, area.y0+2); glRectf(area.x0+1, area.y0+2, area.x0+2, area.y1-2); glColorHex(ib); glRectf(area.x1-2, area.y0+1, area.x1-1, area.y1-1); glRectf(area.x0+1, area.y1-2, area.x1-2, area.y1-1); } void ui_draw_bevel(fz_irect area, int depressed) { if (depressed) ui_draw_bevel_imp(area, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_2, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_1, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_3, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_4); else ui_draw_bevel_imp(area, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_4, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_3, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_2, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_1); } void ui_draw_ibevel(fz_irect area, int depressed) { if (depressed) ui_draw_bevel_imp(area, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_2, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_1, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_3, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_4); else ui_draw_bevel_imp(area, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_3, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_4, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_2, UI_COLOR_BEVEL_1); } void ui_draw_bevel_rect(fz_irect area, unsigned int fill, int depressed) { ui_draw_bevel(area, depressed); glColorHex(fill); glRectf(area.x0+2, area.y0+2, area.x1-2, area.y1-2); } void ui_draw_ibevel_rect(fz_irect area, unsigned int fill, int depressed) { ui_draw_ibevel(area, depressed); glColorHex(fill); glRectf(area.x0+2, area.y0+2, area.x1-2, area.y1-2); } #if defined(FREEGLUT) && (GLUT_API_VERSION >= 6) static void on_keyboard(int key, int x, int y) #else static void on_keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) #endif { #ifdef __APPLE__ /* Apple's GLUT has swapped DELETE and BACKSPACE */ if (key == 8) key = 127; else if (key == 127) key = 8; #endif ui.x = x; ui.y = y; ui.key = key; ui.mod = glutGetModifiers(); ui.plain = !(ui.mod & ~GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT); run_main_loop(); ui_invalidate(); // TODO: leave this to caller ui.key = ui.mod = ui.plain = 0; } static void on_special(int key, int x, int y) { ui.x = x; ui.y = y; ui.key = 0; switch (key) { case GLUT_KEY_INSERT: ui.key = KEY_INSERT; break; #ifdef GLUT_KEY_DELETE case GLUT_KEY_DELETE: ui.key = KEY_DELETE; break; #endif case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: ui.key = KEY_RIGHT; break; case GLUT_KEY_LEFT: ui.key = KEY_LEFT; break; case GLUT_KEY_DOWN: ui.key = KEY_DOWN; break; case GLUT_KEY_UP: ui.key = KEY_UP; break; case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP: ui.key = KEY_PAGE_UP; break; case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN: ui.key = KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break; case GLUT_KEY_HOME: ui.key = KEY_HOME; break; case GLUT_KEY_END: ui.key = KEY_END; break; case GLUT_KEY_F1: ui.key = KEY_F1; break; case GLUT_KEY_F2: ui.key = KEY_F2; break; case GLUT_KEY_F3: ui.key = KEY_F3; break; case GLUT_KEY_F4: ui.key = KEY_F4; break; case GLUT_KEY_F5: ui.key = KEY_F5; break; case GLUT_KEY_F6: ui.key = KEY_F6; break; case GLUT_KEY_F7: ui.key = KEY_F7; break; case GLUT_KEY_F8: ui.key = KEY_F8; break; case GLUT_KEY_F9: ui.key = KEY_F9; break; case GLUT_KEY_F10: ui.key = KEY_F10; break; case GLUT_KEY_F11: ui.key = KEY_F11; break; case GLUT_KEY_F12: ui.key = KEY_F12; break; } if (ui.key) { ui.mod = glutGetModifiers(); ui.plain = !(ui.mod & ~GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT); run_main_loop(); ui_invalidate(); // TODO: leave this to caller ui.key = ui.mod = ui.plain = 0; } } static void on_wheel(int wheel, int direction, int x, int y) { ui.scroll_x = wheel == 1 ? direction : 0; ui.scroll_y = wheel == 0 ? direction : 0; run_main_loop(); ui_invalidate(); // TODO: leave this to caller ui.scroll_x = ui.scroll_y = 0; } static void on_mouse(int button, int action, int x, int y) { ui.x = x; ui.y = y; if (action == GLUT_DOWN) { switch (button) { case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: ui.down_x = x; ui.down_y = y; ui.down = 1; break; case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: ui.middle_x = x; ui.middle_y = y; ui.middle = 1; break; case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: ui.right_x = x; ui.right_y = y; ui.right = 1; break; case 3: on_wheel(0, 1, x, y); break; case 4: on_wheel(0, -1, x, y); break; case 5: on_wheel(1, 1, x, y); break; case 6: on_wheel(1, -1, x, y); break; } } else if (action == GLUT_UP) { switch (button) { case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: ui.down = 0; break; case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: ui.middle = 0; break; case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: ui.right = 0; break; } } run_main_loop(); ui_invalidate(); // TODO: leave this to caller } static void on_motion(int x, int y) { ui.x = x; ui.y = y; ui_invalidate(); } static void on_passive_motion(int x, int y) { ui.x = x; ui.y = y; ui_invalidate(); } static void on_reshape(int w, int h) { ui.window_w = w; ui.window_h = h; } static void on_display(void) { run_main_loop(); } static void on_error(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { #ifdef _WIN32 char buf[1000]; fz_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, ap); MessageBoxA(NULL, buf, "MuPDF GLUT Error", MB_ICONERROR); #else fprintf(stderr, "GLUT error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif } static void on_warning(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { fprintf(stderr, "GLUT warning: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void ui_init(int w, int h, const char *title) { float ui_scale; glutSetOption(GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, GLUT_ACTION_GLUTMAINLOOP_RETURNS); glutInitErrorFunc(on_error); glutInitWarningFunc(on_warning); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE); glutInitWindowSize(w, h); glutCreateWindow(title); glutReshapeFunc(on_reshape); glutDisplayFunc(on_display); #if defined(FREEGLUT) && (GLUT_API_VERSION >= 6) glutKeyboardExtFunc(on_keyboard); #else glutKeyboardFunc(on_keyboard); #endif glutSpecialFunc(on_special); glutMouseFunc(on_mouse); glutMotionFunc(on_motion); glutPassiveMotionFunc(on_passive_motion); glutMouseWheelFunc(on_wheel); has_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two = glutExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"); if (!has_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two) fz_warn(ctx, "OpenGL implementation does not support non-power of two texture sizes"); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &max_texture_size); ui_scale = 1; { int wmm = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH_MM); int wpx = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH); int hmm = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MM); int hpx = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT); if (wmm > 0 && hmm > 0) { float ppi = ((wpx * 254) / wmm + (hpx * 254) / hmm) / 20; if (ppi >= 144) ui_scale = 1.5f; if (ppi >= 192) ui_scale = 2.0f; if (ppi >= 288) ui_scale = 3.0f; } } ui.fontsize = DEFAULT_UI_FONTSIZE * ui_scale; ui.baseline = DEFAULT_UI_BASELINE * ui_scale; ui.lineheight = DEFAULT_UI_LINEHEIGHT * ui_scale; ui.gridsize = DEFAULT_UI_GRIDSIZE * ui_scale; ui_init_fonts(ui.fontsize); ui.overlay_list = glGenLists(1); } void ui_finish(void) { glDeleteLists(ui.overlay_list, 1); ui_finish_fonts(); glutExit(); } void ui_invalidate(void) { glutPostRedisplay(); } void ui_begin(void) { ui.hot = NULL; ui.cavity = ui.cavity_stack; ui.cavity->x0 = 0; ui.cavity->y0 = 0; ui.cavity->x1 = ui.window_w; ui.cavity->y1 = ui.window_h; ui.layout = ui.layout_stack; ui.layout->side = ALL; ui.layout->fill = BOTH; ui.layout->anchor = NW; ui.layout->padx = 0; ui.layout->pady = 0; ui.cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT; ui.overlay = 0; glViewport(0, 0, ui.window_w, ui.window_h); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, ui.window_w, ui.window_h, 0, -1, 1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); } void ui_end(void) { int code; if (ui.overlay) glCallList(ui.overlay_list); if (ui.cursor != ui.last_cursor) { glutSetCursor(ui.cursor); ui.last_cursor = ui.cursor; } code = glGetError(); if (code != GL_NO_ERROR) fz_warn(ctx, "glGetError: %s", ogl_error_string(code)); if (!ui.active && (ui.down || ui.middle || ui.right)) ui.active = "dummy"; if ((ui.grab_down && !ui.down) || (ui.grab_middle && !ui.middle) || (ui.grab_right && !ui.right)) { ui.grab_down = ui.grab_middle = ui.grab_right = 0; ui.active = NULL; } if (ui.active) { if (ui.active != ui.focus) ui.focus = NULL; if (!ui.grab_down && !ui.grab_middle && !ui.grab_right) { ui.grab_down = ui.down; ui.grab_middle = ui.middle; ui.grab_right = ui.right; } } glutSwapBuffers(); } /* Widgets */ int ui_mouse_inside(fz_irect *area) { if (ui.x >= area->x0 && ui.x < area->x1 && ui.y >= area->y0 && ui.y < area->y1) return 1; return 0; } fz_irect ui_pack_layout(int slave_w, int slave_h, enum side side, enum fill fill, enum anchor anchor, int padx, int pady) { fz_irect parcel, slave; int parcel_w, parcel_h; int anchor_x, anchor_y; switch (side) { default: case ALL: parcel.x0 = ui.cavity->x0 + padx; parcel.x1 = ui.cavity->x1 - padx; parcel.y0 = ui.cavity->y0 + pady; parcel.y1 = ui.cavity->y1 - pady; ui.cavity->x0 = ui.cavity->x1; ui.cavity->y0 = ui.cavity->y1; break; case T: parcel.x0 = ui.cavity->x0 + padx; parcel.x1 = ui.cavity->x1 - padx; parcel.y0 = ui.cavity->y0 + pady; parcel.y1 = ui.cavity->y0 + pady + slave_h; ui.cavity->y0 = parcel.y1 + pady; break; case B: parcel.x0 = ui.cavity->x0 + padx; parcel.x1 = ui.cavity->x1 - padx; parcel.y0 = ui.cavity->y1 - pady - slave_h; parcel.y1 = ui.cavity->y1 - pady; ui.cavity->y1 = parcel.y0 - pady; break; case L: parcel.x0 = ui.cavity->x0 + padx; parcel.x1 = ui.cavity->x0 + padx + slave_w; parcel.y0 = ui.cavity->y0 + pady; parcel.y1 = ui.cavity->y1 - pady; ui.cavity->x0 = parcel.x1 + padx; break; case R: parcel.x0 = ui.cavity->x1 - padx - slave_w; parcel.x1 = ui.cavity->x1 - padx; parcel.y0 = ui.cavity->y0 + pady; parcel.y1 = ui.cavity->y1 - pady; ui.cavity->x1 = parcel.x0 - padx; break; } parcel_w = parcel.x1 - parcel.x0; parcel_h = parcel.y1 - parcel.y0; if (fill & X) slave_w = parcel_w; if (fill & Y) slave_h = parcel_h; anchor_x = parcel_w - slave_w; anchor_y = parcel_h - slave_h; switch (anchor) { default: case CENTER: slave.x0 = parcel.x0 + anchor_x / 2; slave.y0 = parcel.y0 + anchor_y / 2; break; case N: slave.x0 = parcel.x0 + anchor_x / 2; slave.y0 = parcel.y0; break; case NE: slave.x0 = parcel.x0 + anchor_x; slave.y0 = parcel.y0; break; case E: slave.x0 = parcel.x0 + anchor_x; slave.y0 = parcel.y0 + anchor_y / 2; break; case SE: slave.x0 = parcel.x0 + anchor_x; slave.y0 = parcel.y0 + anchor_y; break; case S: slave.x0 = parcel.x0 + anchor_x / 2; slave.y0 = parcel.y0 + anchor_y; break; case SW: slave.x0 = parcel.x0; slave.y0 = parcel.y0 + anchor_y; break; case W: slave.x0 = parcel.x0; slave.y0 = parcel.y0 + anchor_y / 2; break; case NW: slave.x0 = parcel.x0; slave.y0 = parcel.y0; break; } slave.x1 = slave.x0 + slave_w; slave.y1 = slave.y0 + slave_h; return slave; } fz_irect ui_pack(int slave_w, int slave_h) { return ui_pack_layout(slave_w, slave_h, ui.layout->side, ui.layout->fill, ui.layout->anchor, ui.layout->padx, ui.layout->pady); } void ui_pack_push(fz_irect cavity) { *(++ui.cavity) = cavity; ++ui.layout; ui.layout->side = ALL; ui.layout->fill = BOTH; ui.layout->anchor = NW; ui.layout->padx = 0; ui.layout->pady = 0; } void ui_pack_pop(void) { --ui.cavity; --ui.layout; } void ui_layout(enum side side, enum fill fill, enum anchor anchor, int padx, int pady) { ui.layout->side = side; ui.layout->fill = fill; ui.layout->anchor = anchor; ui.layout->padx = padx; ui.layout->pady = pady; } void ui_panel_begin(int w, int h, int padx, int pady, int opaque) { fz_irect area = ui_pack(w, h); if (opaque) { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_PANEL); glRectf(area.x0, area.y0, area.x1, area.y1); } area.x0 += padx; area.y0 += padx; area.x1 -= pady; area.y1 -= pady; ui_pack_push(area); } void ui_panel_end(void) { ui_pack_pop(); } void ui_dialog_begin(int w, int h) { fz_irect area; int x, y; w += 24 + 4; h += 24 + 4; if (w > ui.window_w) w = ui.window_w - 20; if (h > ui.window_h) h = ui.window_h - 20; x = (ui.window_w-w)/2; y = (ui.window_h-h)/3; area = fz_make_irect(x, y, x+w, y+h); ui_draw_bevel_rect(area, UI_COLOR_PANEL, 0); fz_expand_irect(&area, -14); ui_pack_push(area); } void ui_dialog_end(void) { ui_pack_pop(); } void ui_spacer(void) { ui_pack(ui.lineheight / 2, ui.lineheight / 2); } void ui_label(const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[512]; int width; fz_irect area; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); fz_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); width = ui_measure_string(buf); area = ui_pack(width, ui.lineheight); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0, area.y0 + ui.baseline, buf); } int ui_button(const char *label) { int width = ui_measure_string(label); fz_irect area = ui_pack(width + 20, ui.gridsize); int text_x = area.x0 + ((area.x1 - area.x0) - width) / 2; int pressed; if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = label; if (!ui.active && ui.down) ui.active = label; } pressed = (ui.hot == label && ui.active == label && ui.down); ui_draw_bevel_rect(area, UI_COLOR_BUTTON, pressed); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(text_x + pressed, area.y0+3 + ui.baseline + pressed, label); return ui.hot == label && ui.active == label && !ui.down; } int ui_checkbox(const char *label, int *value) { int width = ui_measure_string(label); fz_irect area = ui_pack(13 + 4 + width, ui.lineheight); fz_irect mark = { area.x0, area.y0 + ui.baseline-12, area.x0 + 13, area.y0 + ui.baseline+1 }; int pressed; glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(mark.x1 + 4, area.y0 + ui.baseline, label); if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = label; if (!ui.active && ui.down) ui.active = label; } if (ui.hot == label && ui.active == label && !ui.down) *value = !*value; pressed = (ui.hot == label && ui.active == label && ui.down); ui_draw_bevel_rect(mark, pressed ? UI_COLOR_PANEL : UI_COLOR_TEXT_BG, 1); if (*value) { float ax = mark.x0+2 + 1, ay = mark.y0+2 + 3; float bx = mark.x0+2 + 4, by = mark.y0+2 + 5; float cx = mark.x0+2 + 8, cy = mark.y0+2 + 1; glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glVertex2f(ax, ay); glVertex2f(ax, ay+3); glVertex2f(bx, by); glVertex2f(bx, by+3); glVertex2f(cx, cy); glVertex2f(cx, cy+3); glEnd(); } return ui.hot == label && ui.active == label && !ui.down; } int ui_slider(int *value, int min, int max, int width) { static int start_value = 0; fz_irect area = ui_pack(width, ui.lineheight); int m = 6; int w = area.x1 - area.x0 - m * 2; int h = area.y1 - area.y0; fz_irect gutter = { area.x0, area.y0+h/2-2, area.x1, area.y0+h/2+2 }; fz_irect thumb; int x; if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = value; if (!ui.active && ui.down) { ui.active = value; start_value = *value; } } if (ui.active == value) { if (ui.y < area.y0 || ui.y > area.y1) *value = start_value; else { float v = (float)(ui.x - (area.x0+m)) / w; *value = fz_clamp(min + v * (max - min), min, max); } } x = ((*value - min) * w) / (max - min); thumb = fz_make_irect(area.x0+m + x-m, area.y0, area.x0+m + x+m, area.y1); ui_draw_bevel(gutter, 1); ui_draw_bevel_rect(thumb, UI_COLOR_BUTTON, 0); return *value != start_value && ui.active == value && !ui.down; } void ui_splitter(int *x, int min, int max, enum side side) { static int start_x = 0; fz_irect area = ui_pack(4, 0); if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = x; if (!ui.active && ui.down) { ui.active = x; start_x = *x; } } if (ui.active == x) *x = fz_clampi(start_x + (ui.x - ui.down_x), min, max); if (ui.hot == x || ui.active == x) ui.cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT; if (side == L) { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_BEVEL_4); glRectf(area.x0+0, area.y0, area.x0+2, area.y1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_BEVEL_3); glRectf(area.x0+2, area.y0, area.x0+3, area.y1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_PANEL); glRectf(area.x0+3, area.y0, area.x0+4, area.y1); } if (side == R) { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_PANEL); glRectf(area.x0, area.y0, area.x0+2, area.y1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_BEVEL_2); glRectf(area.x0+2, area.y0, area.x0+3, area.y1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_BEVEL_1); glRectf(area.x0+3, area.y0, area.x0+4, area.y1); } } void ui_scrollbar(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int *value, int page_size, int max) { static float start_top = 0; /* we can only drag in one scrollbar at a time, so static is safe */ float top; int total_h = y1 - y0; int thumb_h = fz_maxi(x1 - x0, total_h * page_size / max); int avail_h = total_h - thumb_h; max -= page_size; if (max <= 0) { *value = 0; glColorHex(UI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR); glRectf(x0, y0, x1, y1); return; } top = (float) *value * avail_h / max; if (ui.down && !ui.active) { if (ui.x >= x0 && ui.x < x1 && ui.y >= y0 && ui.y < y1) { if (ui.y < y0 + top) { ui.active = "pgdn"; *value -= page_size; } else if (ui.y >= y0 + top + thumb_h) { ui.active = "pgup"; *value += page_size; } else { ui.hot = value; ui.active = value; start_top = top; } } } if (ui.active == value) { *value = (start_top + ui.y - ui.down_y) * max / avail_h; } if (*value < 0) *value = 0; else if (*value > max) *value = max; top = (float) *value * avail_h / max; glColorHex(UI_COLOR_SCROLLBAR); glRectf(x0, y0, x1, y1); ui_draw_ibevel_rect(fz_make_irect(x0, y0+top, x1, y0+top+thumb_h), UI_COLOR_BUTTON, 0); } void ui_list_begin(struct list *list, int count, int req_w, int req_h) { static int start_scroll_y = 0; /* we can only drag in one list at a time, so static is safe */ fz_irect outer_area = ui_pack(req_w, req_h); fz_irect area = { outer_area.x0+2, outer_area.y0+2, outer_area.x1-2, outer_area.y1-2 }; int max_scroll_y = count * ui.lineheight - (area.y1-area.y0); if (max_scroll_y > 0) area.x1 -= 16; if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = list; if (!ui.active && ui.middle) { ui.active = list; start_scroll_y = list->scroll_y; } } /* middle button dragging */ if (ui.active == list) list->scroll_y = start_scroll_y + (ui.middle_y - ui.y) * 5; /* scroll wheel events */ if (ui.hot == list) list->scroll_y -= ui.scroll_y * ui.lineheight * 3; /* clamp scrolling to client area */ if (list->scroll_y >= max_scroll_y) list->scroll_y = max_scroll_y; if (list->scroll_y < 0) list->scroll_y = 0; ui_draw_bevel_rect(outer_area, UI_COLOR_TEXT_BG, 1); if (max_scroll_y > 0) { ui_scrollbar(area.x1, area.y0, area.x1+16, area.y1, &list->scroll_y, area.y1-area.y0, count * ui.lineheight); } list->area = area; list->item_y = area.y0 - list->scroll_y; glScissor(list->area.x0, ui.window_h-list->area.y1, list->area.x1-list->area.x0, list->area.y1-list->area.y0); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } int ui_list_item_x(struct list *list, const void *id, int indent, const char *label, int selected) { fz_irect area = { list->area.x0, list->item_y, list->area.x1, list->item_y + ui.lineheight }; /* only process visible items */ if (area.y1 >= list->area.y0 && area.y0 <= list->area.y1) { if (ui_mouse_inside(&list->area) && ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = id; if (!ui.active && ui.down) ui.active = id; } if (ui.active == id || selected) { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_BG); glRectf(area.x0, area.y0, area.x1, area.y1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0 + indent, area.y0 + ui.baseline, label); } else { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0 + indent, area.y0 + ui.baseline, label); } } list->item_y += ui.lineheight; /* trigger on mouse up */ return ui.active == id && !ui.down; } int ui_list_item(struct list *list, const void *id, const char *label, int selected) { return ui_list_item_x(list, id, 2, label, selected); } void ui_list_end(struct list *list) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } int ui_popup(const void *id, const char *label, int is_button, int count) { int width = ui_measure_string(label); fz_irect area = ui_pack(width + 22 + 6, ui.gridsize); fz_irect menu_area; int pressed; if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = id; if (!ui.active && ui.down) ui.active = id; } pressed = (ui.active == id); if (is_button) { ui_draw_bevel_rect(area, UI_COLOR_BUTTON, pressed); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0 + 6+pressed, area.y0+3 + ui.baseline+pressed, label); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex2f(area.x1+pressed-8-10, area.y0+pressed+9); glVertex2f(area.x1+pressed-8, area.y0+pressed+9); glVertex2f(area.x1+pressed-8-4, area.y0+pressed+14); glEnd(); } else { fz_irect arrow = { area.x1-22, area.y0+2, area.x1-2, area.y1-2 }; ui_draw_bevel_rect(area, UI_COLOR_TEXT_BG, 1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0 + 6, area.y0+3 + ui.baseline, label); ui_draw_ibevel_rect(arrow, UI_COLOR_BUTTON, pressed); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex2f(area.x1+pressed-8-10, area.y0+pressed+9); glVertex2f(area.x1+pressed-8, area.y0+pressed+9); glVertex2f(area.x1+pressed-8-4, area.y0+pressed+14); glEnd(); } if (pressed) { ui.overlay = 1; glNewList(ui.overlay_list, GL_COMPILE); /* Area inside the border line */ menu_area.x0 = area.x0+1; menu_area.x1 = area.x1-1; // TODO: width of submenu if (area.y1+2 + count * ui.lineheight < ui.window_h) { menu_area.y0 = area.y1+2; menu_area.y1 = menu_area.y0 + count * ui.lineheight; } else { menu_area.y1 = area.y0-2; menu_area.y0 = menu_area.y1 - count * ui.lineheight; } glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); glRectf(menu_area.x0-1, menu_area.y0-1, menu_area.x1+1, menu_area.y1+1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_BG); glRectf(menu_area.x0, menu_area.y0, menu_area.x1, menu_area.y1); ui_pack_push(menu_area); ui_layout(T, X, NW, 0, 0); } return pressed; } int ui_popup_item(const char *title) { fz_irect area = ui_pack(0, ui.lineheight); if (ui_mouse_inside(&area)) { ui.hot = title; glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_BG); glRectf(area.x0, area.y0, area.x1, area.y1); glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_SEL_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0 + 4, area.y0 + ui.baseline, title); } else { glColorHex(UI_COLOR_TEXT_FG); ui_draw_string(area.x0 + 4, area.y0 + ui.baseline, title); } return ui.hot == title && !ui.down; } void ui_popup_end(void) { glEndList(); ui_pack_pop(); } int ui_select(const void *id, const char *current, const char *options[], int n) { int i, choice = -1; if (ui_popup(id, current, 0, n)) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (ui_popup_item(options[i])) choice = i; ui_popup_end(); } return choice; }