package com.artifex.mupdf.fitz; public class StrokeState { static { Context.init(); } public static final int LINE_CAP_BUTT = 0; public static final int LINE_CAP_ROUND = 1; public static final int LINE_CAP_SQUARE = 2; public static final int LINE_CAP_TRIANGLE = 3; public static final int LINE_JOIN_MITER = 0; public static final int LINE_JOIN_ROUND = 1; public static final int LINE_JOIN_BEVEL = 2; public static final int LINE_JOIN_MITER_XPS = 3; private long pointer; protected native void finalize(); public void destroy() { finalize(); pointer = 0; } private native long newNative(int startCap, int dashCap, int endCap, int lineJoin, float lineWidth, float miterLimit, float dashPhase, float dash[]); // Private constructor for the C to use. Any objects created by the // C are done for purposes of calling back to a java device, and // should therefore be considered const. This is fine as we don't // currently provide mechanisms for changing individual elements // of the StrokeState. private StrokeState(long p) { pointer = p; } public StrokeState(int startCap, int endCap, int lineJoin, float lineWidth, float miterLimit) { pointer = newNative(startCap, 0, endCap, lineJoin, lineWidth, miterLimit, 0, null); } public StrokeState(int startCap, int dashCap, int endCap, int lineJoin, float lineWidth, float miterLimit, float dashPhase, float dash[]) { pointer = newNative(startCap, dashCap, endCap, lineJoin, lineWidth, miterLimit, dashPhase, dash); } public native int getStartCap(); public native int getDashCap(); public native int getEndCap(); public native int getLineJoin(); public native float getLineWidth(); public native float getMiterLimit(); public native float getDashPhase(); public native float[] getDashes(); }