using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; //using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Windows.Media; namespace gsview { public enum Annotate_t { UNKNOWN, COMPUTING, NO_ANNOTATE, HAS_ANNOTATE, ANNOTATE_VISIBLE, ANNOTATE_HIDDEN } public class DocPage : INotifyPropertyChanged { private LinesText m_lines; private BlocksText m_blocks; private int height; private int width; private int nativeheight; private int nativewidth; private double zoom; private Annotate_t annotate; private BitmapSource bitmap; private IList<RectList> textbox; private List<RectList> linkbox; private Page_Content_t content; private String pagename; private int pagenum; private double sely; private double selx; private double selheight; private double selwidth; private String selcolor; private double sel_anchorx; private double sel_anchory; public double SelAnchorX { get { return sel_anchorx; } set { sel_anchorx = value; } } public double SelAnchorY { get { return sel_anchory; } set { sel_anchory = value; } } public double SelY { get { return sely; } set { sely = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelY"); } } public double SelX { get { return selx; } set { selx = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelX"); } } public double SelHeight { get { return selheight; } set { selheight = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelHeight"); } } public double SelWidth { get { return selwidth; } set { selwidth = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelWidth"); } } public String SelColor { get { return selcolor; } set { selcolor = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelColor"); } } public int Height { get { return height; } set { height = value; OnPropertyChanged("Height"); } } public int Width { get { return width; } set { width = value; OnPropertyChanged("Width"); } } public int NativeHeight { get { return nativewidth; } set { nativewidth = value; } } public int NativeWidth { get { return nativeheight; } set { nativeheight = value; } } public Annotate_t Annotate { get { return annotate; } set { annotate = value; } } public double Zoom { get { return zoom; } set { zoom = value; } } public BitmapSource BitMap { get { return bitmap; } set { bitmap = value; OnPropertyChanged("BitMap"); } } public IList<RectList> TextBox { get { return textbox; } set { textbox = value; OnPropertyChanged("TextBox"); } } public List<RectList> LinkBox { get { return linkbox; } set { linkbox = value; OnPropertyChanged("LinkBox"); } } public BlocksText TextBlocks { get { return m_blocks; } set { m_blocks = value; OnPropertyChanged("TextBlocks"); } } public LinesText SelectedLines { get { return m_lines; } set { m_lines = value; OnPropertyChanged("SelectedLines"); } } public Page_Content_t Content { get { return content; } set { content = value; } } public String PageName { get { return pagename; } set { pagename = value; } } public int PageNum { get { return pagenum; } set { pagenum = value; } } public AA_t AA { get; set; } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; // Create the OnPropertyChanged method to raise the event protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name) { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } } public DocPage() { this.Height = 0; this.Width = 0; this.NativeHeight = 0; this.NativeWidth = 0; this.Zoom = 0; this.BitMap = null; this.TextBox = null; this.LinkBox = null; this.Content = Page_Content_t.NOTSET; this.PageNum = -1; this.PageName = ""; this.TextBlocks = null; this.AA = AA_t.HIGH; } public DocPage(int Height, int Width, double Zoom, BitmapSource BitMap, List<RectList> TextBox, List<RectList> LinkBox, Page_Content_t Content, int PageNum, BlocksText TextBlocks, AA_t AA) { this.Height = Height; this.Width = Width; this.Zoom = Zoom; this.BitMap = BitMap; this.TextBox = TextBox; this.LinkBox = LinkBox; this.Content = Content; this.PageNum = PageNum; this.PageName = ("Page " + (PageNum + 1)); this.TextBlocks = TextBlocks; this.AA = AA; } }; public class Pages : ObservableCollection<DocPage> { public Pages() : base() { } } }