#pragma once

/* WinRT RectList class for binding a collection of rects to the xaml ui */
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Imaging;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace Platform;  /* For String */

namespace mupdf_cpp
	[Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::Bindable] // in c++, adding this attribute to ref classes enables data binding for more info search for 'Bindable' on the page http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=254639

	public ref class RectList sealed
		int height;
		int width;
		int x;
		int y;
		String^ color;
		/* These are used to store the link infomation */
		int type;
		int pagenum;
		Windows::Foundation::Uri ^uri;
		String^ index; // For identify which rectangle was tapped

		property String^ Index
			String^ get()
				return ((String^) index);

			void set(String^ value)
				index = value;

		property String^ Color
			String^ get()
				return (color);

			void set(String^ value)
				color = value;

		property int Height
			int get()
				return ((int) height);

			void set(int value)
				if (value < 0)
					throw ref new Platform::InvalidArgumentException();
				height = value;

		property int Width
			int get()
				return width;

			void set(int value)
				if (value < 0)
					throw ref new Platform::InvalidArgumentException();
				width = value;

		property int X
			int get()
				return x;

			void set(int value)
				x = value;

		property int Y
			int get()
				return y;

			void set(int value)
				y = value;

		property int Type
			int get()
				return type;

			void set(int value)
				type = value;

		property int PageNum
			int get()
				return pagenum;

			void set(int value)
				pagenum = value;

		property Windows::Foundation::Uri^ Urilink
			Windows::Foundation::Uri^ get()
				return uri;

			void set(Windows::Foundation::Uri^ value)
				uri = value;