#include <fitz.h> /* * polygon clipping */ enum { IN, OUT, ENTER, LEAVE }; enum { MAXV = 3 + 4 }; enum { MAXN = 2 + FZ_MAXCOLORS }; static int clipx(float val, int ismax, float *v1, float *v2, int n) { float t; int i; int v1o = ismax ? v1[0] > val : v1[0] < val; int v2o = ismax ? v2[0] > val : v2[0] < val; if (v1o + v2o == 0) return IN; if (v1o + v2o == 2) return OUT; if (v2o) { t = (val - v1[0]) / (v2[0] - v1[0]); v2[0] = val; v2[1] = v1[1] + t * (v2[1] - v1[1]); for (i = 2; i < n; i++) v2[i] = v1[i] + t * (v2[i] - v1[i]); return LEAVE; } else { t = (val - v2[0]) / (v1[0] - v2[0]); v1[0] = val; v1[1] = v2[1] + t * (v1[1] - v2[1]); for (i = 2; i < n; i++) v1[i] = v2[i] + t * (v1[i] - v2[i]); return ENTER; } } static int clipy(float val, int ismax, float *v1, float *v2, int n) { float t; int i; int v1o = ismax ? v1[1] > val : v1[1] < val; int v2o = ismax ? v2[1] > val : v2[1] < val; if (v1o + v2o == 0) return IN; if (v1o + v2o == 2) return OUT; if (v2o) { t = (val - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]); v2[0] = v1[0] + t * (v2[0] - v1[0]); v2[1] = val; for (i = 2; i < n; i++) v2[i] = v1[i] + t * (v2[i] - v1[i]); return LEAVE; } else { t = (val - v2[1]) / (v1[1] - v2[1]); v1[0] = v2[0] + t * (v1[0] - v2[0]); v1[1] = val; for (i = 2; i < n; i++) v1[i] = v2[i] + t * (v1[i] - v2[i]); return ENTER; } } static inline void copyvert(float *dst, float *src, int n) { while (n--) *dst++ = *src++; } static int clippoly(float src[MAXV][MAXN], float dst[MAXV][MAXN], int len, int n, float val, int isy, int ismax) { float cv1[MAXN]; float cv2[MAXN]; int v1, v2, cp; int r; v1 = len - 1; cp = 0; for (v2 = 0; v2 < len; v2++) { copyvert(cv1, src[v1], n); copyvert(cv2, src[v2], n); if (isy) r = clipy(val, ismax, cv1, cv2, n); else r = clipx(val, ismax, cv1, cv2, n); switch (r) { case IN: copyvert(dst[cp++], cv2, n); break; case OUT: break; case LEAVE: copyvert(dst[cp++], cv2, n); break; case ENTER: copyvert(dst[cp++], cv1, n); copyvert(dst[cp++], cv2, n); break; } v1 = v2; } return cp; } /* * gouraud shaded polygon scan conversion */ static inline void drawscan(fz_pixmap *pix, int y, int x1, int x2, int *v1, int *v2, int n) { unsigned char *p = pix->samples + ((y - pix->y) * pix->w + (x1 - pix->x)) * pix->n; int v[FZ_MAXCOLORS]; int dv[FZ_MAXCOLORS]; int w = x2 - x1; int k; assert(w >= 0); assert(y >= pix->y); assert(y < pix->y + pix->h); assert(x1 >= pix->x); assert(x2 <= pix->x + pix->w); if (w == 0) return; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { v[k] = v1[k]; dv[k] = (v2[k] - v1[k]) / w; } while (w--) { *p++ = 255; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { *p++ = v[k] >> 16; v[k] += dv[k]; } } } static inline int findnext(int gel[MAXV][MAXN], int len, int a, int *s, int *e, int d) { int b; while (1) { b = a + d; if (b == len) b = 0; if (b == -1) b = len - 1; if (gel[b][1] == gel[a][1]) { a = b; continue; } if (gel[b][1] > gel[a][1]) { *s = a; *e = b; return 0; } return 1; } } static inline void loadedge(int gel[MAXV][MAXN], int s, int e, int *ael, int *del, int n) { int swp, k, dy; if (gel[s][1] > gel[s][1]) { swp = s; s = e; e = swp; } dy = gel[e][1] - gel[s][1]; ael[0] = gel[s][0]; del[0] = (gel[e][0] - gel[s][0]) / dy; for (k = 2; k < n; k++) { ael[k] = gel[s][k]; del[k] = (gel[e][k] - gel[s][k]) / dy; } } static inline void stepedge(int *ael, int *del, int n) { int k; ael[0] += del[0]; for (k = 2; k < n; k++) ael[k] += del[k]; } void fz_drawtriangle(fz_pixmap *pix, float *av, float *bv, float *cv, int n) { float poly[MAXV][MAXN]; float temp[MAXV][MAXN]; float cx0 = pix->x; float cy0 = pix->y; float cx1 = pix->x + pix->w; float cy1 = pix->y + pix->h; int gel[MAXV][MAXN]; int ael[2][MAXN]; int del[2][MAXN]; int y, s0, s1, e0, e1; int top, bot, len; int i, k; copyvert(poly[0], av, n); copyvert(poly[1], bv, n); copyvert(poly[2], cv, n); len = clippoly(poly, temp, 3, n, cx0, 0, 0); len = clippoly(temp, poly, len, n, cx1, 0, 1); len = clippoly(poly, temp, len, n, cy0, 1, 0); len = clippoly(temp, poly, len, n, cy1, 1, 1); if (len < 3) return; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { gel[i][0] = fz_floor(poly[i][0] + 0.5) * 65536; /* trunc and fix */ gel[i][1] = fz_floor(poly[i][1] + 0.5); /* y is not fixpoint */ for (k = 2; k < n; k++) gel[i][k] = poly[i][k] * 65536; /* fix with precision */ } top = bot = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (gel[i][1] < gel[top][1]) top = i; if (gel[i][1] > gel[bot][1]) bot = i; } if (gel[bot][1] - gel[top][1] == 0) return; y = gel[top][1]; if (findnext(gel, len, top, &s0, &e0, 1)) return; if (findnext(gel, len, top, &s1, &e1, -1)) return; loadedge(gel, s0, e0, ael[0], del[0], n); loadedge(gel, s1, e1, ael[1], del[1], n); while (1) { int x0 = ael[0][0] >> 16; int x1 = ael[1][0] >> 16; if (ael[0][0] < ael[1][0]) drawscan(pix, y, x0, x1, ael[0]+2, ael[1]+2, n-2); else drawscan(pix, y, x1, x0, ael[1]+2, ael[0]+2, n-2); stepedge(ael[0], del[0], n); stepedge(ael[1], del[1], n); y ++; if (y >= gel[e0][1]) { if (findnext(gel, len, e0, &s0, &e0, 1)) return; loadedge(gel, s0, e0, ael[0], del[0], n); } if (y >= gel[e1][1]) { if (findnext(gel, len, e1, &s1, &e1, -1)) return; loadedge(gel, s1, e1, ael[1], del[1], n); } } } /* * mesh drawing */ fz_error * fz_rendershade(fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_colorspace *destcs, fz_pixmap *dest) { unsigned char clut[256][3]; unsigned char *s, *d; fz_error *error; fz_pixmap *temp; float rgb[3]; float tri[3][MAXN]; fz_point p; int i, j, k, n; assert(dest->n == 4); ctm = fz_concat(shade->matrix, ctm); if (shade->usefunction) { n = 3; error = fz_newpixmap(&temp, dest->x, dest->y, dest->w, dest->h, 2); if (error) return error; } else if (shade->cs != destcs) { n = 2 + shade->cs->n; error = fz_newpixmap(&temp, dest->x, dest->y, dest->w, dest->h, shade->cs->n + 1); if (error) return error; } else { n = 2 + shade->cs->n; temp = dest; } fz_clearpixmap(temp); for (i = 0; i < shade->meshlen; i++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { p.x = shade->mesh[(i * 3 + k) * n + 0]; p.y = shade->mesh[(i * 3 + k) * n + 1]; p = fz_transformpoint(ctm, p); tri[k][0] = p.x; tri[k][1] = p.y; for (j = 2; j < n; j++) tri[k][j] = shade->mesh[( i * 3 + k) * n + j] * 255; } fz_drawtriangle(temp, tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], n); } if (shade->usefunction) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { fz_convertcolor(shade->cs, shade->function[i], destcs, rgb); clut[i][0] = rgb[0] * 255; clut[i][1] = rgb[1] * 255; clut[i][2] = rgb[2] * 255; } n = temp->w * temp->h; s = temp->samples; d = dest->samples; while (n--) { d[0] = s[0]; d[1] = fz_mul255(s[0], clut[s[1]][0]); d[2] = fz_mul255(s[0], clut[s[1]][1]); d[3] = fz_mul255(s[0], clut[s[1]][2]); s += 2; d += 4; } fz_droppixmap(temp); } else if (shade->cs != destcs) { fz_convertpixmap(shade->cs, temp, destcs, dest); fz_droppixmap(temp); } return nil; }