# Convert unicode mapping table to C arrays mapping glyph names and unicode values. # # ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MISC/KOI8-U.TXT # ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ISO8859/8859-1.TXT # ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ISO8859/8859-7.TXT # ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1250.TXT # ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1251.TXT # ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252.TXT # BANNED = [ "controlSTX", "controlSOT", "controlETX", "controlEOT", "controlENQ", "controlACK", "controlBEL", "controlBS", "controlHT", "controlLF", "controlVT", "controlFF", "controlCR", "controlSO", "controlSI", "controlDLE", "controlDC1", "controlDC2", "controlDC3", "controlDC4", "controlNAK", "controlSYN", "controlETB", "controlCAN", "controlEM", "controlSUB", "controlESC", "controlFS", "controlGS", "controlRS", "controlUS", "SF100000", "SF110000", "SF010000", "SF030000", "SF020000", "SF040000", "SF080000", "SF090000", "SF060000", "SF070000", "SF050000", "SF430000", "SF240000", "SF510000", "SF390000", "SF250000", "SF500000", "SF490000", "SF380000", "SF280000", "SF260000", "SF360000", "SF370000", "SF420000", "SF190000", "SF230000", "SF410000", "SF450000", "SF460000", "SF400000", "SF540000", "SF440000", ] glyphs = {} for line in open("scripts/glyphlist.txt").readlines(): if line[0] != '#': n, u = line.rstrip().split(';') if len(u) == 4: u = int(u, base=16) if u not in glyphs and n not in BANNED: glyphs[u] = n def load_table(fn): table = [0] * 256 for line in open(fn).readlines(): line = line.strip() if line[0] != '#' and not line.endswith("#UNDEFINED"): line = line.split() c = int(line[0][2:], base=16) u = int(line[1][2:], base=16) table[c] = u return table def dump_table(name, table): print "unsigned short fz_unicode_from_%s[256] = {" % name for u in table: print '\t%d,' % u print "};" print print "const char *fz_glyph_name_from_%s[%d] = {" % (name, len(table)) for u in table: if u in glyphs: print '\t"%s",' % glyphs[u] else: print '\t_notdef,' print "};" print rev = [] i = 0 for u in table: if u in glyphs: if u >= 128: rev += ['{0x%04x,%d},' % (u, i)] i = i + 1 rev.sort() print "static const struct { unsigned short u, c; } %s_from_unicode[] = {" % name for s in rev: print "\t" + s print "};" print dump_table("iso8859_1", load_table("scripts/8859-1.TXT")) dump_table("iso8859_7", load_table("scripts/8859-7.TXT")) dump_table("koi8u", load_table("scripts/KOI8-U.TXT")) dump_table("windows_1250", load_table("scripts/CP1250.TXT")) dump_table("windows_1251", load_table("scripts/CP1251.TXT")) dump_table("windows_1252", load_table("scripts/CP1252.TXT"))