#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "draw-imp.h" #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> /* PDF 1.4 blend modes. These are slow. */ /* Define PARANOID_PREMULTIPLY to check premultiplied values are * properly in range. */ #undef PARANOID_PREMULTIPLY typedef unsigned char byte; static const char *fz_blendmode_names[] = { "Normal", "Multiply", "Screen", "Overlay", "Darken", "Lighten", "ColorDodge", "ColorBurn", "HardLight", "SoftLight", "Difference", "Exclusion", "Hue", "Saturation", "Color", "Luminosity", }; int fz_lookup_blendmode(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nelem(fz_blendmode_names); i++) if (!strcmp(name, fz_blendmode_names[i])) return i; return FZ_BLEND_NORMAL; } char *fz_blendmode_name(int blendmode) { if (blendmode >= 0 && blendmode < nelem(fz_blendmode_names)) return (char*)fz_blendmode_names[blendmode]; return "Normal"; } /* Separable blend modes */ static inline int fz_screen_byte(int b, int s) { return b + s - fz_mul255(b, s); } static inline int fz_hard_light_byte(int b, int s) { int s2 = s << 1; if (s <= 127) return fz_mul255(b, s2); else return fz_screen_byte(b, s2 - 255); } static inline int fz_overlay_byte(int b, int s) { return fz_hard_light_byte(s, b); /* note swapped order */ } static inline int fz_darken_byte(int b, int s) { return fz_mini(b, s); } static inline int fz_lighten_byte(int b, int s) { return fz_maxi(b, s); } static inline int fz_color_dodge_byte(int b, int s) { s = 255 - s; if (b <= 0) return 0; else if (b >= s) return 255; else return (0x1fe * b + s) / (s << 1); } static inline int fz_color_burn_byte(int b, int s) { b = 255 - b; if (b <= 0) return 255; else if (b >= s) return 0; else return 0xff - (0x1fe * b + s) / (s << 1); } static inline int fz_soft_light_byte(int b, int s) { if (s < 128) { return b - fz_mul255(fz_mul255((255 - (s<<1)), b), 255 - b); } else { int dbd; if (b < 64) dbd = fz_mul255(fz_mul255((b << 4) - 3060, b) + 1020, b); else dbd = (int)sqrtf(255.0f * b); return b + fz_mul255(((s<<1) - 255), (dbd - b)); } } static inline int fz_difference_byte(int b, int s) { return fz_absi(b - s); } static inline int fz_exclusion_byte(int b, int s) { return b + s - (fz_mul255(b, s)<<1); } /* Non-separable blend modes */ static void fz_luminosity_rgb(unsigned char *rd, unsigned char *gd, unsigned char *bd, int rb, int gb, int bb, int rs, int gs, int bs) { int delta, scale; int r, g, b, y; /* 0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f in fixed point */ delta = ((rs - rb) * 77 + (gs - gb) * 151 + (bs - bb) * 28 + 0x80) >> 8; r = rb + delta; g = gb + delta; b = bb + delta; if ((r | g | b) & 0x100) { y = (rs * 77 + gs * 151 + bs * 28 + 0x80) >> 8; if (delta > 0) { int max; max = fz_maxi(r, fz_maxi(g, b)); scale = (max == y ? 0 : ((255 - y) << 16) / (max - y)); } else { int min; min = fz_mini(r, fz_mini(g, b)); scale = (y == min ? 0 : (y << 16) / (y - min)); } r = y + (((r - y) * scale + 0x8000) >> 16); g = y + (((g - y) * scale + 0x8000) >> 16); b = y + (((b - y) * scale + 0x8000) >> 16); } *rd = fz_clampi(r, 0, 255); *gd = fz_clampi(g, 0, 255); *bd = fz_clampi(b, 0, 255); } static void fz_saturation_rgb(unsigned char *rd, unsigned char *gd, unsigned char *bd, int rb, int gb, int bb, int rs, int gs, int bs) { int minb, maxb; int mins, maxs; int y; int scale; int r, g, b; minb = fz_mini(rb, fz_mini(gb, bb)); maxb = fz_maxi(rb, fz_maxi(gb, bb)); if (minb == maxb) { /* backdrop has zero saturation, avoid divide by 0 */ gb = fz_clampi(gb, 0, 255); *rd = gb; *gd = gb; *bd = gb; return; } mins = fz_mini(rs, fz_mini(gs, bs)); maxs = fz_maxi(rs, fz_maxi(gs, bs)); scale = ((maxs - mins) << 16) / (maxb - minb); y = (rb * 77 + gb * 151 + bb * 28 + 0x80) >> 8; r = y + ((((rb - y) * scale) + 0x8000) >> 16); g = y + ((((gb - y) * scale) + 0x8000) >> 16); b = y + ((((bb - y) * scale) + 0x8000) >> 16); if ((r | g | b) & 0x100) { int scalemin, scalemax; int min, max; min = fz_mini(r, fz_mini(g, b)); max = fz_maxi(r, fz_maxi(g, b)); if (min < 0) scalemin = (y << 16) / (y - min); else scalemin = 0x10000; if (max > 255) scalemax = ((255 - y) << 16) / (max - y); else scalemax = 0x10000; scale = fz_mini(scalemin, scalemax); r = y + (((r - y) * scale + 0x8000) >> 16); g = y + (((g - y) * scale + 0x8000) >> 16); b = y + (((b - y) * scale + 0x8000) >> 16); } *rd = fz_clampi(r, 0, 255); *gd = fz_clampi(g, 0, 255); *bd = fz_clampi(b, 0, 255); } static void fz_color_rgb(unsigned char *rr, unsigned char *rg, unsigned char *rb, int br, int bg, int bb, int sr, int sg, int sb) { fz_luminosity_rgb(rr, rg, rb, sr, sg, sb, br, bg, bb); } static void fz_hue_rgb(unsigned char *rr, unsigned char *rg, unsigned char *rb, int br, int bg, int bb, int sr, int sg, int sb) { unsigned char tr, tg, tb; fz_luminosity_rgb(&tr, &tg, &tb, sr, sg, sb, br, bg, bb); fz_saturation_rgb(rr, rg, rb, tr, tg, tb, br, bg, bb); } /* Blending loops */ static inline void fz_blend_separable(byte * restrict bp, int bal, const byte * restrict sp, int sal, int n1, int w, int blendmode, int complement) { int k; do { int sa = (sal ? sp[n1] : 255); if (sa != 0) { int ba = (bal ? bp[n1] : 255); if (ba == 0) { memcpy(bp, sp, n1 + (sal && bal)); if (bal && !sal) bp[n1+1] = 255; } else { int saba = fz_mul255(sa, ba); /* ugh, division to get non-premul components */ int invsa = sa ? 255 * 256 / sa : 0; int invba = ba ? 255 * 256 / ba : 0; for (k = 0; k < n1; k++) { int sc = (sp[k] * invsa) >> 8; int bc = (bp[k] * invba) >> 8; int rc; if (complement) { sc = 255 - sc; bc = 255 - bc; } switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_NORMAL: rc = sc; break; case FZ_BLEND_MULTIPLY: rc = fz_mul255(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_SCREEN: rc = fz_screen_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_OVERLAY: rc = fz_overlay_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_DARKEN: rc = fz_darken_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_LIGHTEN: rc = fz_lighten_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_COLOR_DODGE: rc = fz_color_dodge_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_COLOR_BURN: rc = fz_color_burn_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_HARD_LIGHT: rc = fz_hard_light_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_SOFT_LIGHT: rc = fz_soft_light_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_DIFFERENCE: rc = fz_difference_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_EXCLUSION: rc = fz_exclusion_byte(bc, sc); break; } if (complement) { rc = 255 - rc; } bp[k] = fz_mul255(255 - sa, bp[k]) + fz_mul255(255 - ba, sp[k]) + fz_mul255(saba, rc); } if (bal) bp[k] = ba + sa - saba; } } sp += n1 + sal; bp += n1 + bal; } while (--w); } static inline void fz_blend_nonseparable_gray(byte * restrict bp, int bal, const byte * restrict sp, int sal, int n, int w, int blendmode) { do { int sa = (sal ? sp[n] : 255); if (sa != 0) { int ba = (bal ? bp[n] : 255); if (ba == 0) { memcpy(bp, sp, n + (sal && bal)); if (bal && !sal) bp [n + 1] = 255; } else { int saba = fz_mul255(sa, ba); /* ugh, division to get non-premul components */ int invsa = sa ? 255 * 256 / sa : 0; int invba = ba ? 255 * 256 / ba : 0; int sg = (sp[0] * invsa) >> 8; int bg = (bp[0] * invba) >> 8; switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_HUE: case FZ_BLEND_SATURATION: case FZ_BLEND_COLOR: bp[0] = fz_mul255(bp[n], bg); break; case FZ_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: bp[0] = fz_mul255(bp[n], sg); break; } if (bal) bp[n] = ba + sa - saba; } } sp += n + sal; bp += n + bal; } while (--w); } static inline void fz_blend_nonseparable(byte * restrict bp, int bal, const byte * restrict sp, int sal, int n, int w, int blendmode) { do { unsigned char rr, rg, rb; int sa = (sal ? sp[n] : 255); if (sa != 0) { int ba = (bal ? bp[n] : 255); if (ba == 0) { memcpy(bp, sp, n + (sal && bal)); if (bal && !sal) bp [n + 1] = 255; } else { int saba = fz_mul255(sa, ba); /* ugh, division to get non-premul components */ int invsa = sa ? 255 * 256 / sa : 0; int invba = ba ? 255 * 256 / ba : 0; int sr = (sp[0] * invsa) >> 8; int sg = (sp[1] * invsa) >> 8; int sb = (sp[2] * invsa) >> 8; int br = (bp[0] * invba) >> 8; int bg = (bp[1] * invba) >> 8; int bb = (bp[2] * invba) >> 8; if (n == 4) { sr = 255 - sr; sg = 255 - sg; sb = 255 - sb; br = 255 - br; bg = 255 - bg; bb = 255 - bb; } switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_HUE: fz_hue_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; case FZ_BLEND_SATURATION: fz_saturation_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; case FZ_BLEND_COLOR: fz_color_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; case FZ_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: fz_luminosity_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; } if (n == 4) { rr = 255 - rr; rg = 255 - rg; rb = 255 - rb; } bp[0] = fz_mul255(255 - sa, bp[0]) + fz_mul255(255 - ba, sp[0]) + fz_mul255(saba, rr); bp[1] = fz_mul255(255 - sa, bp[1]) + fz_mul255(255 - ba, sp[1]) + fz_mul255(saba, rg); bp[2] = fz_mul255(255 - sa, bp[2]) + fz_mul255(255 - ba, sp[2]) + fz_mul255(saba, rb); if (bal) bp[n] = ba + sa - saba; /* Black */ if (n == 4) { int sk = (sp[3] * invsa) >> 8; int bk = (bp[3] * invba) >> 8; switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_HUE: case FZ_BLEND_SATURATION: case FZ_BLEND_COLOR: bp[3] = fz_mul255(bp[n], bk); break; case FZ_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: bp[3] = fz_mul255(bp[n], sk); break; } } } } sp += n + sal; bp += n + bal; } while (--w); } static inline void fz_blend_separable_nonisolated(byte * restrict bp, int bal, const byte * restrict sp, int sal, int n1, int w, int blendmode, int complement, const byte * restrict hp, int alpha) { int k; if (alpha == 255 && blendmode == 0) { /* In this case, the uncompositing and the recompositing * cancel one another out, and it's just a simple copy. */ /* FIXME: Maybe we can avoid using the shape plane entirely * and just copy? */ do { int ha = fz_mul255(*hp++, alpha); /* ha = shape_alpha */ /* If ha == 0 then leave everything unchanged */ if (ha != 0) { for (k = 0; k < n1; k++) { bp[k] = sp[k]; } if (bal) bp[k] = (sal ? sp[k] : 255); } sp += n1 + sal; bp += n1 + bal; } while (--w); return; } do { int ha = *hp++; int haa = fz_mul255(ha, alpha); /* ha = shape_alpha */ /* If haa == 0 then leave everything unchanged */ while (haa != 0) /* Use while, so we can break out */ { int sa, ba, bahaa, ra, invsa, invba, invha, invra; sa = (sal ? sp[n1] : 255); if (sa == 0) break; /* No change! */ invsa = sa ? 255 * 256 / sa : 0; ba = (bal ? bp[n1] : 255); if (ba == 0) { /* Just copy pixels (allowing for change in * premultiplied alphas) */ for (k = 0; k < n1; k++) bp[k] = fz_mul255((sp[k] * invsa) >> 8, haa); if (bal) bp[n1] = haa; break; } bahaa = fz_mul255(ba, haa); /* ugh, division to get non-premul components */ invba = ba ? 255 * 256 / ba : 0; /* Calculate result_alpha - a combination of the * background alpha, and 'shape' */ ra = ba - bahaa + haa; if (bal) bp[n1] = ra; if (ra == 0) break; /* Because we are a non-isolated group, we need to * 'uncomposite' before we blend (recomposite). * We assume that normal blending has been done inside * the group, so: rc = (1-ha).bc + ha.sc * A bit of rearrangement, and that gives us that: * sc = (rc - bc)/ha + bc * Now, the result of the blend (rc) was stored in src, so * we actually want to calculate: * sc = (sc-bc)/ha + bc */ invha = ha ? 255 * 256 / ha : 0; invra = ra ? 255 * 256 / ra : 0; /* sa = the final alpha to blend with - this * is calculated from the shape + alpha, * divided by ra. */ sa = (haa*invra + 128)>>8; if (sa < 0) sa = 0; if (sa > 255) sa = 255; for (k = 0; k < n1; k++) { /* Read pixels (and convert to non-premultiplied form) */ int sc = (sp[k] * invsa + 128) >> 8; int bc = (bp[k] * invba + 128) >> 8; int rc; if (complement) { sc = 255 - sc; bc = 255 - bc; } /* Uncomposite (see above) */ sc = (((sc-bc) * invha + 128)>>8) + bc; if (sc < 0) sc = 0; if (sc > 255) sc = 255; switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_NORMAL: rc = sc; break; case FZ_BLEND_MULTIPLY: rc = fz_mul255(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_SCREEN: rc = fz_screen_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_OVERLAY: rc = fz_overlay_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_DARKEN: rc = fz_darken_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_LIGHTEN: rc = fz_lighten_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_COLOR_DODGE: rc = fz_color_dodge_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_COLOR_BURN: rc = fz_color_burn_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_HARD_LIGHT: rc = fz_hard_light_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_SOFT_LIGHT: rc = fz_soft_light_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_DIFFERENCE: rc = fz_difference_byte(bc, sc); break; case FZ_BLEND_EXCLUSION: rc = fz_exclusion_byte(bc, sc); break; } /* Composition formula, as given in pdf_reference17.pdf: * rc = ( 1 - (ha/ra)) * bc + (ha/ra) * ((1-ba)*sc + ba * rc) */ rc = bc + fz_mul255(sa, fz_mul255(255 - ba, sc) + fz_mul255(ba, rc) - bc); if (complement) { rc = 255 - rc; } if (rc < 0) rc = 0; if (rc > 255) rc = 255; bp[k] = fz_mul255(rc, ra); } break; } sp += n1 + sal; bp += n1 + bal; } while (--w); } static inline void fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated_gray(byte * restrict bp, int bal, const byte * restrict sp, int sal, int n, int w, int blendmode, const byte * restrict hp, int alpha) { do { int ha = *hp++; int haa = fz_mul255(ha, alpha); if (haa != 0) { int ba = (bal ? bp[n] : 255); if (ba == 0) { memcpy(bp, sp, n + (sal && bal)); if (bal && !sal) bp[n+1] = 255; } else { int sa = (sal ? sp[n] : 255); int baha = fz_mul255(ba, haa); /* Calculate result_alpha */ int ra = ba - baha + haa; if (bal) bp[n] = ra; if (ra != 0) { int invha = ha ? 255 * 256 / ha : 0; /* ugh, division to get non-premul components */ int invsa = sa ? 255 * 256 / sa : 0; int invba = ba ? 255 * 256 / ba : 0; int sg = (sp[0] * invsa) >> 8; int bg = (bp[0] * invba) >> 8; /* Uncomposite */ sg = (((sg - bg)*invha) >> 8) + bg; switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_HUE: case FZ_BLEND_SATURATION: case FZ_BLEND_COLOR: bp[0] = fz_mul255(ra, bg); break; case FZ_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: bp[0] = fz_mul255(ra, sg); break; } } } } sp += n + sal; bp += n + bal; } while (--w); } static inline void fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated(byte * restrict bp, int bal, const byte * restrict sp, int sal, int n, int w, int blendmode, const byte * restrict hp, int alpha) { do { int ha = *hp++; int haa = fz_mul255(ha, alpha); if (haa != 0) { int sa = (sal ? sp[n] : 255); int ba = (bal ? bp[n] : 255); if (ba == 0) { memcpy(bp, sp, n + (sal && bal)); if (bal && !sal) bp[n] = 255; } else { int baha = fz_mul255(ba, haa); /* Calculate result_alpha */ int ra = ba - baha + haa; if (bal) bp[n] = ra; if (ra != 0) { /* Because we are a non-isolated group, we * need to 'uncomposite' before we blend * (recomposite). We assume that normal * blending has been done inside the group, * so: ra.rc = (1-ha).bc + ha.sc * A bit of rearrangement, and that gives us * that: sc = (ra.rc - bc)/ha + bc * Now, the result of the blend was stored in * src, so: */ int invha = ha ? 255 * 256 / ha : 0; unsigned char rr, rg, rb; /* ugh, division to get non-premul components */ int invsa = sa ? 255 * 256 / sa : 0; int invba = ba ? 255 * 256 / ba : 0; int sr = (sp[0] * invsa) >> 8; int sg = (sp[1] * invsa) >> 8; int sb = (sp[2] * invsa) >> 8; int br = (bp[0] * invba) >> 8; int bg = (bp[1] * invba) >> 8; int bb = (bp[2] * invba) >> 8; if (n == 4) { sr = 255 - sr; sg = 255 - sg; sb = 255 - sb; br = 255 - br; bg = 255 - bg; bb = 255 - bb; } /* Uncomposite */ sr = (((sr - br)*invha) >> 8) + br; sg = (((sg - bg)*invha) >> 8) + bg; sb = (((sb - bb)*invha) >> 8) + bb; switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_HUE: fz_hue_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; case FZ_BLEND_SATURATION: fz_saturation_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; case FZ_BLEND_COLOR: fz_color_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; case FZ_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: fz_luminosity_rgb(&rr, &rg, &rb, br, bg, bb, sr, sg, sb); break; } rr = fz_mul255(255 - haa, bp[0]) + fz_mul255(fz_mul255(255 - ba, sr), haa) + fz_mul255(baha, rr); rg = fz_mul255(255 - haa, bp[1]) + fz_mul255(fz_mul255(255 - ba, sg), haa) + fz_mul255(baha, rg); rb = fz_mul255(255 - haa, bp[2]) + fz_mul255(fz_mul255(255 - ba, sb), haa) + fz_mul255(baha, rb); if (n == 4) { rr = 255 - rr; rg = 255 - rg; rb = 255 - rb; } bp[0] = fz_mul255(ra, rr); bp[1] = fz_mul255(ra, rg); bp[2] = fz_mul255(ra, rb); /* Black */ if (n == 4) { int sk = (sp[3] * invsa) >> 8; int bk = (bp[3] * invba) >> 8; sk = (((sk - bk)*invha) >> 8) + bk; switch (blendmode) { default: case FZ_BLEND_HUE: case FZ_BLEND_SATURATION: case FZ_BLEND_COLOR: bp[3] = fz_mul255(ra, bk); break; case FZ_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: bp[3] = fz_mul255(ra, sk); break; } } } } } sp += n + sal; bp += n + bal; } while (--w); } #ifdef PARANOID_PREMULTIPLY static void verify_premultiply(fz_context *ctx, const fz_pixmap * restrict dst) { unsigned char *dp = dst->samples; int w = dst->w; int h = dst->h; int n = dst->n; int x, y, i; int s = dst->stride - n * w; void (*crash)(void) = NULL; for (y = h; y > 0; y--) { for (x = w; x > 0; x--) { int a = dp[n-1]; for (i = n-1; i > 0; i--) if (*dp++ > a) crash(); dp++; } dp += s; } } #endif void fz_blend_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap * restrict dst, fz_pixmap * restrict src, int alpha, int blendmode, int isolated, const fz_pixmap * restrict shape) { unsigned char *sp; unsigned char *dp; fz_irect bbox; fz_irect bbox2; int x, y, w, h, n; int da, sa; int complement; /* TODO: fix this hack! */ if (isolated && alpha < 255) { unsigned char *sp2; int nn; h = src->h; sp2 = src->samples; nn = src->w * src->n; while (h--) { n = nn; while (n--) { *sp2 = fz_mul255(*sp2, alpha); sp2++; } sp2 += src->stride - nn; } } fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(dst, &bbox); fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(src, &bbox2); fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, &bbox2); x = bbox.x0; y = bbox.y0; w = bbox.x1 - bbox.x0; h = bbox.y1 - bbox.y0; if (w == 0 || h == 0) return; complement = fz_colorspace_is_subtractive(ctx, src->colorspace); n = src->n; sp = src->samples + (unsigned int)((y - src->y) * src->stride + (x - src->x) * src->n); sa = src->alpha; dp = dst->samples + (unsigned int)((y - dst->y) * dst->stride + (x - dst->x) * dst->n); da = dst->alpha; #ifdef PARANOID_PREMULTIPLY if (sa) verify_premultiply(ctx, src); if (da) verify_premultiply(ctx, dst); #endif n -= sa; assert(n == dst->n - da); if (blendmode >= FZ_BLEND_HUE && (complement ? n != 4 : n != 1 && n != 3)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "can only use non-separable blend modes on gray or RGB colors"); if (!isolated) { const unsigned char *hp = shape->samples + (unsigned int)((y - shape->y) * shape->stride + (x - shape->x)); while (h--) { if (blendmode >= FZ_BLEND_HUE) { if (da) if (sa) if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated_gray(dp, 1, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated(dp, 1, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated_gray(dp, 1, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated(dp, 1, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else if (sa) if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated_gray(dp, 0, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated(dp, 0, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated_gray(dp, 0, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); else fz_blend_nonseparable_nonisolated(dp, 0, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, hp, alpha); } else { if (complement) fz_blend_separable_nonisolated(dp, da, sp, sa, n, w, blendmode, 1, hp, alpha); else if (da) if (sa) fz_blend_separable_nonisolated(dp, 1, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, 0, hp, alpha); else fz_blend_separable_nonisolated(dp, 1, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, 0, hp, alpha); else if (sa) fz_blend_separable_nonisolated(dp, 0, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, 0, hp, alpha); else fz_blend_separable_nonisolated(dp, 0, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, 0, hp, alpha); } sp += src->stride; dp += dst->stride; hp += shape->stride; } } else { while (h--) { if (blendmode >= FZ_BLEND_HUE) { if (da) if (sa) if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_gray(dp, 1, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode); else fz_blend_nonseparable(dp, 1, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode); else if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_gray(dp, 1, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode); else fz_blend_nonseparable(dp, 1, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode); else if (sa) if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_gray(dp, 0, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode); else fz_blend_nonseparable(dp, 0, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode); else if (n == 1) fz_blend_nonseparable_gray(dp, 0, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode); else fz_blend_nonseparable(dp, 0, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode); } else { if (complement) fz_blend_separable(dp, da, sp, sa, n, w, blendmode, 1); else if (da) if (sa) fz_blend_separable(dp, 1, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, 0); else fz_blend_separable(dp, 1, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, 0); else if (sa) fz_blend_separable(dp, 0, sp, 1, n, w, blendmode, 0); else fz_blend_separable(dp, 0, sp, 0, n, w, blendmode, 0); } sp += src->stride; dp += dst->stride; } } #ifdef PARANOID_PREMULTIPLY if (da) verify_premultiply(ctx, dst); #endif }