#include "fitz-imp.h"
#include "glyph-cache-imp.h"
#include "draw-imp.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>

#define STACK_SIZE 96

/* Enable the following to attempt to support knockout and/or isolated
 * blending groups. */

/* Enable the following to help debug group blending. */

/* Enable the following to help debug graphics stack pushes/pops */

typedef struct fz_draw_device_s fz_draw_device;

enum {

typedef struct fz_draw_state_s fz_draw_state;

struct fz_draw_state_s {
	fz_irect scissor;
	fz_pixmap *dest;
	fz_pixmap *mask;
	fz_pixmap *shape;
	int blendmode;
	int id, encache;
	float alpha;
	fz_matrix ctm;
	float xstep, ystep;
	fz_irect area;

struct fz_draw_device_s
	fz_device super;
	fz_matrix transform;
	fz_rasterizer *rast;
	fz_default_colorspaces *default_cs;
	int flags;
	int resolve_spots;
	int top;
	fz_scale_cache *cache_x;
	fz_scale_cache *cache_y;
	fz_draw_state *stack;
	int stack_cap;
	fz_draw_state init_stack[STACK_SIZE];


#include <stdio.h>

static int group_dump_count = 0;

static void fz_dump_blend(fz_context *ctx, const char *s, fz_pixmap *pix)
	char name[80];
	int psd = 0;

	if (!pix)

	if (pix->s || fz_colorspace_is_subtractive(ctx, pix->colorspace))
		psd = 1;

	sprintf(name, "dump%02d.%s", group_dump_count, psd ? "psd" : "png");
	printf("%s%02d%s(%p)", s ? s : "", group_dump_count++, psd ? "(PSD)" : "", pix);
	if (psd)
		fz_save_pixmap_as_psd(ctx, pix, name);
		fz_save_pixmap_as_png(ctx, pix, name);

static void dump_spaces(int x, const char *s)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
		printf(" ");
	printf("%s", s);


#define STACK_PUSHED(A) stack_change(ctx, dev, ">" ## A)
#define STACK_POPPED(A) stack_change(ctx, dev, "<" ## A)
#define STACK_CONVERT(A) stack_change(ctx, dev, A)

static void stack_change(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev, char *s)
	int depth = dev->top;
	int n;

	if (*s != '<')
	n = depth;
	while (n--)
		fputc(' ', stderr);
	fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d)\n", s, depth);
#define STACK_PUSHED(A) do {} while (0)
#define STACK_POPPED(A) do {} while (0)
#define STACK_CONVERT(A) do {} while (0)

/* Based upon the existence of a proof color space, and if we happen to be
 * in a color space that is our target color space or a transparency group
 * color space decide if we should be using the proof color space at this time */
static fz_colorspace *
fz_proof_cs(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev)
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_default_output_intent(ctx, dev->default_cs);
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;

	if (prf == NULL || model == prf)
		return NULL;
	return prf;

/* Logic below assumes that default cs is set to color context cs if there
 * was not a default in the document for that particular cs
static fz_colorspace *fz_default_colorspace(fz_context *ctx, fz_default_colorspaces *default_cs, fz_colorspace *cs)
	if (cs == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (default_cs == NULL)
		return cs;

	switch (fz_colorspace_n(ctx, cs))
	case 1:
		if (cs == fz_device_gray(ctx))
			return fz_default_gray(ctx, default_cs);
	case 3:
		if (cs == fz_device_rgb(ctx))
			return fz_default_rgb(ctx, default_cs);
	case 4:
		if (cs == fz_device_cmyk(ctx))
			return fz_default_cmyk(ctx, default_cs);
	return cs;

static void fz_grow_stack(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev)
	int max = dev->stack_cap * 2;
	fz_draw_state *stack;

	if (dev->stack == &dev->init_stack[0])
		stack = Memento_label(fz_malloc_array(ctx, max, sizeof *stack), "draw device stack");
		memcpy(stack, dev->stack, sizeof(*stack) * dev->stack_cap);
		stack = fz_resize_array(ctx, dev->stack, max, sizeof(*stack));
	dev->stack = stack;
	dev->stack_cap = max;

/* 'Push' the stack. Returns a pointer to the current state, with state[1]
 * already having been initialised to contain the same thing. Simply
 * change any contents of state[1] that you want to and continue. */
static fz_draw_state *
push_stack(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev)
	fz_draw_state *state;

	if (dev->top == dev->stack_cap-1)
		fz_grow_stack(ctx, dev);
	state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	memcpy(&state[1], state, sizeof(*state));
	return state;

static void emergency_pop_stack(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev, fz_draw_state *state)
	if (state[1].mask != state[0].mask)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
	if (state[1].dest != state[0].dest)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
	if (state[1].shape != state[0].shape)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

static fz_draw_state *
fz_knockout_begin(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev)
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_pixmap *dest, *shape;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	int isolated = state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;

	if ((state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT) == 0)
		return state;

	state = push_stack(ctx, dev);

	fz_pixmap_bbox(ctx, state->dest, &bbox);
	fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, &state->scissor);
	dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, state->dest->colorspace, &bbox, state->dest->seps, state->dest->alpha || isolated);

	if (isolated)
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);
		/* Find the last but one destination to copy */
		int i = dev->top-1; /* i = the one on entry (i.e. the last one) */
		fz_pixmap *prev = state->dest;
		while (i > 0)
			prev = dev->stack[--i].dest;
			if (prev != state->dest)
		if (prev)
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, dest, prev, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);

	if ((state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_MODEMASK) == 0 && isolated)
		/* We can render direct to any existing shape plane. If there
		 * isn't one, we don't need to make one. */
		shape = state->shape;
		shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, shape);
	dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Knockout begin\n");
	state[1].scissor = bbox;
	state[1].dest = dest;
	state[1].shape = shape;
	state[1].blendmode &= ~FZ_BLEND_MODEMASK;

	return &state[1];

static void fz_knockout_end(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev)
	fz_draw_state *state;
	int blendmode;
	int isolated;

	if (dev->top == 0)
		fz_warn(ctx, "unexpected knockout end");
	state = &dev->stack[--dev->top];
	if ((state[0].blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT) == 0)

	blendmode = state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_MODEMASK;
	isolated = state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;

	dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Knockout end: blending ", state[1].dest);
	if (state[1].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, " onto ", state[0].dest);
	if (state[0].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);
	if (blendmode != 0)
		printf(" (blend %d)", blendmode);
	if (isolated != 0)
		printf(" (isolated)");
	printf(" (knockout)");
	if ((blendmode == 0) && (state[0].shape == state[1].shape))
		fz_paint_pixmap(state[0].dest, state[1].dest, 255);
		fz_blend_pixmap(ctx, state[0].dest, state[1].dest, 255, blendmode, isolated, state[1].shape);

	/* The following test should not be required, but just occasionally
	 * errors can cause the stack to get out of sync, and this saves our
	 * bacon. */
	if (state[0].dest != state[1].dest)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
	if (state[0].shape != state[1].shape)
		if (state[0].shape)
			fz_paint_pixmap(state[0].shape, state[1].shape, 255);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, " to get ", state[0].dest);
	if (state[0].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);

static inline fz_matrix concat(const fz_matrix *one, const fz_matrix *two)
	fz_matrix ctm;
	fz_concat(&ctm, one, two);
	return ctm;

static void
resolve_color(fz_context *ctx, const float *color, fz_colorspace *colorspace, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params, unsigned char *colorbv, fz_pixmap *dest, fz_colorspace *prf)
	float colorfv[FZ_MAX_COLORS];
	int i;
	int n = dest->n - dest->alpha;
	fz_colorspace *model = dest->colorspace;

	if (colorspace == NULL && model != NULL)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "color destination requires source color");

	if (color_params == NULL)
		color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);

	if (n == 0)
		i = 0;
	else if (fz_colorspace_is_device_n(ctx, colorspace) && dest->seps)
		fz_convert_separation_colors(ctx, color_params, dest->colorspace, dest->seps, colorfv, colorspace, color);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			colorbv[i] = colorfv[i] * 255;
		int c = n - dest->s;
		fz_convert_color(ctx, color_params, prf, dest->colorspace, colorfv, colorspace, color);
		for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
			colorbv[i] = colorfv[i] * 255;
		for (; i < n; i++)
			colorbv[i] = 0;
	colorbv[i] = alpha * 255;

static fz_draw_state *
push_group_for_separations(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev, const fz_color_params *color_params, fz_colorspace *prf, fz_default_colorspaces *default_cs)
	fz_separations *clone = fz_clone_separations_for_overprint(ctx, dev->stack[0].dest->seps);

	/* Not needed */
	if (clone == NULL)
		dev->resolve_spots = 0;
		return &dev->stack[0];

	/* Make a new pixmap to render to. */
		dev->stack[1] = dev->stack[0];
		dev->stack[1].dest = NULL; /* So we are safe to destroy */
		dev->stack[1].dest = fz_clone_pixmap_area_with_different_seps(ctx, dev->stack[0].dest, &dev->stack[0].scissor, fz_device_cmyk(ctx), clone, color_params, prf, default_cs);
		fz_drop_separations(ctx, clone);

	return &dev->stack[1];

static void
fz_draw_fill_path(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_path *path, int even_odd, const fz_matrix *in_ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace_in, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;
	fz_colorspace *colorspace = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, colorspace_in);
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);
	float expansion = fz_matrix_expansion(&ctm);
	float flatness = 0.3f / expansion;
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	if (flatness < 0.001f)
		flatness = 0.001f;

	fz_intersect_irect(fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(state->dest, &bbox), &state->scissor);
	if (fz_flatten_fill_path(ctx, rast, path, &ctm, flatness, &bbox, &bbox))

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	resolve_color(ctx, color, colorspace, alpha, color_params, colorbv, state->dest, prf);

	fz_convert_rasterizer(ctx, rast, even_odd, state->dest, colorbv);
	if (state->shape)
		if (!rast->fns.reusable)
			fz_flatten_fill_path(ctx, rast, path, &ctm, flatness, &bbox, NULL);

		colorbv[0] = alpha * 255;
		fz_convert_rasterizer(ctx, rast, even_odd, state->shape, colorbv);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

static void
fz_draw_stroke_path(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_path *path, const fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *in_ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace_in, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;
	fz_colorspace *colorspace = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, colorspace_in);
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);
	float expansion = fz_matrix_expansion(&ctm);
	float flatness = 0.3f / expansion;
	float linewidth = stroke->linewidth;
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	fz_irect bbox;
	float aa_level = 2.0f/(fz_rasterizer_graphics_aa_level(rast)+2);
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	float mlw = fz_rasterizer_graphics_min_line_width(rast);

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	if (mlw > aa_level)
		aa_level = mlw;
	if (linewidth * expansion < aa_level)
		linewidth = aa_level / expansion;
	if (flatness < 0.001f)
		flatness = 0.001f;

	fz_intersect_irect(fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(state->dest, &bbox), &state->scissor);
	if (fz_flatten_stroke_path(ctx, rast, path, stroke, &ctm, flatness, linewidth, &bbox, &bbox))

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	resolve_color(ctx, color, colorspace, alpha, color_params, colorbv, state->dest, prf);

	dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Before stroke ", state->dest);
	if (state->shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state->shape);
	fz_convert_rasterizer(ctx, rast, 0, state->dest, colorbv);
	if (state->shape)
		if (!rast->fns.reusable)
			(void)fz_flatten_stroke_path(ctx, rast, path, stroke, &ctm, flatness, linewidth, &bbox, NULL);

		colorbv[0] = 255;
		fz_convert_rasterizer(ctx, rast, 0, state->shape, colorbv);
	dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "After stroke ", state->dest);
	if (state->shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state->shape);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

static void
fz_draw_clip_path(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_path *path, int even_odd, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, const fz_rect *scissor)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;

	float expansion = fz_matrix_expansion(&ctm);
	float flatness = 0.3f / expansion;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model;
	fz_irect local_scissor;
	fz_irect *scissor_ptr = &state->scissor;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	if (flatness < 0.001f)
		flatness = 0.001f;

	state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	STACK_PUSHED("clip path");
	model = state->dest->colorspace;

	if (scissor)
		fz_rect tscissor = *scissor;
		fz_transform_rect(&tscissor, &dev->transform);
		scissor_ptr = fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect_from_rect(&local_scissor, &tscissor), scissor_ptr);
	fz_intersect_irect(fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(state->dest, &bbox), scissor_ptr);

	if (fz_flatten_fill_path(ctx, rast, path, &ctm, flatness, &bbox, &bbox) || fz_is_rect_rasterizer(ctx, rast))
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		state[1].mask = NULL;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (rectangular) begin\n");

		state[1].mask = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
		state[1].dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, state[0].dest->alpha);
		fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, state[1].dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
		if (state[1].shape)
			state[1].shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

		fz_convert_rasterizer(ctx, rast, even_odd, state[1].mask, NULL);

		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (non-rectangular) begin\n");
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_clip_stroke_path(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_path *path, const fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, const fz_rect *scissor)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;

	float expansion = fz_matrix_expansion(&ctm);
	float flatness = 0.3f / expansion;
	float linewidth = stroke->linewidth;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model;
	float aa_level = 2.0f/(fz_rasterizer_graphics_aa_level(rast)+2);
	float mlw = fz_rasterizer_graphics_min_line_width(rast);
	fz_irect local_scissor;
	fz_irect *scissor_ptr = &state->scissor;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx) /* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	if (mlw > aa_level)
		aa_level = mlw;
	if (linewidth * expansion < aa_level)
		linewidth = aa_level / expansion;
	if (flatness < 0.001f)
		flatness = 0.001f;

	state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	STACK_PUSHED("clip stroke");
	model = state->dest->colorspace;

	if (scissor)
		fz_rect tscissor = *scissor;
		fz_transform_rect(&tscissor, &dev->transform);
		scissor_ptr = fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect_from_rect(&local_scissor, &tscissor), scissor_ptr);
	fz_intersect_irect(fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(state->dest, &bbox), scissor_ptr);

	if (fz_flatten_stroke_path(ctx, rast, path, stroke, &ctm, flatness, linewidth, &bbox, &bbox))
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		state[1].mask = NULL;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (stroke, empty) begin\n");

		state[1].mask = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
		/* When there is no alpha in the current destination (state[0].dest->alpha == 0)
		 * we have a choice. We can either create the new destination WITH alpha, or
		 * we can copy the old pixmap contents in. We opt for the latter here, but
		 * may want to revisit this decision in the future. */
		state[1].dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, state[0].dest->alpha);
		if (state[0].dest->alpha)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, state[1].dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
		if (state->shape)
			state[1].shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

		fz_convert_rasterizer(ctx, rast, 0, state[1].mask, NULL);

		state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (stroke) begin\n");
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
draw_glyph(unsigned char *colorbv, fz_pixmap *dst, fz_glyph *glyph,
	int xorig, int yorig, const fz_irect *scissor)
	unsigned char *dp;
	fz_irect bbox, bbox2;
	int x, y, w, h;
	int skip_x, skip_y;
	fz_pixmap *msk;

	fz_glyph_bbox_no_ctx(glyph, &bbox);
	fz_translate_irect(&bbox, xorig, yorig);
	fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, scissor); /* scissor < dst */

	if (fz_is_empty_irect(fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, fz_pixmap_bbox_no_ctx(dst, &bbox2))))

	x = bbox.x0;
	y = bbox.y0;
	w = bbox.x1 - bbox.x0;
	h = bbox.y1 - bbox.y0;

	skip_x = x - glyph->x - xorig;
	skip_y = y - glyph->y - yorig;

	msk = glyph->pixmap;
	dp = dst->samples + (unsigned int)((y - dst->y) * dst->stride + (x - dst->x) * dst->n);
	if (msk == NULL)
		fz_paint_glyph(colorbv, dst, dp, glyph, w, h, skip_x, skip_y);
		unsigned char *mp = msk->samples + skip_y * msk->stride + skip_x;
		int da = dst->alpha;

		if (dst->colorspace)
			fz_span_color_painter_t *fn;

			fn = fz_get_span_color_painter(dst->n, da, colorbv);
			if (fn == NULL)
			while (h--)
				(*fn)(dp, mp, dst->n, w, colorbv, da);
				dp += dst->stride;
				mp += msk->stride;
			fz_span_painter_t *fn;

			fn = fz_get_span_painter(da, 1, 0, 255);
			if (fn == NULL)
			while (h--)
				(*fn)(dp, da, mp, 1, 0, w, 255);
				dp += dst->stride;
				mp += msk->stride;

static void
fz_draw_fill_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *in_ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace_in, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	unsigned char shapebv;
	fz_text_span *span;
	int i;
	fz_colorspace *colorspace = NULL;
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	if (colorspace_in)
		colorspace = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, colorspace_in);

	if (colorspace == NULL && model != NULL)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "color destination requires source color");

	if (color_params == NULL)
		color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	resolve_color(ctx, color, colorspace, alpha, color_params, colorbv, state->dest, prf);
	shapebv = 255;

	for (span = text->head; span; span = span->next)
		fz_matrix tm, trm;
		fz_glyph *glyph;
		int gid;

		tm = span->trm;

		for (i = 0; i < span->len; i++)
			gid = span->items[i].gid;
			if (gid < 0)

			tm.e = span->items[i].x;
			tm.f = span->items[i].y;
			fz_concat(&trm, &tm, &ctm);

			glyph = fz_render_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &trm, model, &state->scissor, state->dest->alpha, fz_rasterizer_text_aa_level(rast));
			if (glyph)
				fz_pixmap *pixmap = glyph->pixmap;
				int x = floorf(trm.e);
				int y = floorf(trm.f);
				if (pixmap == NULL || pixmap->n == 1)
					draw_glyph(colorbv, state->dest, glyph, x, y, &state->scissor);
					if (state->shape)
						draw_glyph(&shapebv, state->shape, glyph, x, y, &state->scissor);
					fz_matrix mat;
					mat.a = pixmap->w; mat.b = mat.c = 0; mat.d = pixmap->h;
					mat.e = x + pixmap->x; mat.f = y + pixmap->y;
					fz_paint_image(state->dest, &state->scissor, state->shape, pixmap, &mat, alpha * 255, !(devp->hints & FZ_DONT_INTERPOLATE_IMAGES), devp->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED);
				fz_drop_glyph(ctx, glyph);
				fz_path *path = fz_outline_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &tm);
				if (path)
					fz_draw_fill_path(ctx, devp, path, 0, in_ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, color_params);
					fz_drop_path(ctx, path);
					fz_warn(ctx, "cannot render glyph");

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

static void
fz_draw_stroke_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_text *text, const fz_stroke_state *stroke,
	const fz_matrix *in_ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace_in, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	fz_text_span *span;
	int i;
	fz_colorspace *colorspace = NULL;
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);
	int aa = fz_rasterizer_text_aa_level(dev->rast);

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	if (colorspace_in)
		colorspace = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, colorspace_in);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	resolve_color(ctx, color, colorspace, alpha, color_params, colorbv, state->dest, prf);

	for (span = text->head; span; span = span->next)
		fz_matrix tm, trm;
		fz_glyph *glyph;
		int gid;

		tm = span->trm;

		for (i = 0; i < span->len; i++)
			gid = span->items[i].gid;
			if (gid < 0)

			tm.e = span->items[i].x;
			tm.f = span->items[i].y;
			fz_concat(&trm, &tm, &ctm);

			glyph = fz_render_stroked_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &trm, &ctm, stroke, &state->scissor, aa);
			if (glyph)
				int x = (int)trm.e;
				int y = (int)trm.f;
				draw_glyph(colorbv, state->dest, glyph, x, y, &state->scissor);
				if (state->shape)
					draw_glyph(colorbv, state->shape, glyph, x, y, &state->scissor);
				fz_drop_glyph(ctx, glyph);
				fz_path *path = fz_outline_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &tm);
				if (path)
					fz_draw_stroke_path(ctx, devp, path, stroke, in_ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, color_params);
					fz_drop_path(ctx, path);
					fz_warn(ctx, "cannot render glyph");

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

static void
fz_draw_clip_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, const fz_rect *scissor)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_pixmap *mask, *dest, *shape;
	fz_matrix tm, trm;
	fz_glyph *glyph;
	int i, gid;
	fz_draw_state *state;
	fz_colorspace *model;
	fz_text_span *span;
	fz_rect rect;
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	STACK_PUSHED("clip text");
	model = state->dest->colorspace;

	/* make the mask the exact size needed */
	fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, fz_bound_text(ctx, text, NULL, &ctm, &rect));
	fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, &state->scissor);
	if (scissor)
		fz_irect bbox2;
		fz_rect tscissor = *scissor;
		fz_transform_rect(&tscissor, &dev->transform);
		fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox2, &tscissor));

		mask = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, mask);
		/* When there is no alpha in the current destination (state[0].dest->alpha == 0)
		 * we have a choice. We can either create the new destination WITH alpha, or
		 * we can copy the old pixmap contents in. We opt for the latter here, but
		 * may want to revisit this decision in the future. */
		dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, state[0].dest->alpha);
		if (state[0].dest->alpha)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
		if (state->shape)
			shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, shape);
			shape = NULL;

		state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		state[1].dest = dest;
		state[1].mask = mask;
		state[1].shape = shape;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (text) begin\n");

		if (!fz_is_empty_irect(&bbox) && mask)
			for (span = text->head; span; span = span->next)
				tm = span->trm;

				for (i = 0; i < span->len; i++)
					gid = span->items[i].gid;
					if (gid < 0)

					tm.e = span->items[i].x;
					tm.f = span->items[i].y;
					fz_concat(&trm, &tm, &ctm);

					glyph = fz_render_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &trm, model, &state->scissor, state[1].dest->alpha, fz_rasterizer_text_aa_level(rast));
					if (glyph)
						int x = (int)trm.e;
						int y = (int)trm.f;
						draw_glyph(NULL, mask, glyph, x, y, &bbox);
						if (state[1].shape)
							draw_glyph(NULL, state[1].shape, glyph, x, y, &bbox);
						fz_drop_glyph(ctx, glyph);
						fz_path *path = fz_outline_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &tm);
						if (path)
							fz_pixmap *old_dest;
							float white = 1;

							old_dest = state[1].dest;
							state[1].dest = state[1].mask;
							state[1].mask = NULL;
								fz_draw_fill_path(ctx, devp, path, 0, in_ctm, fz_device_gray(ctx), &white, 1, NULL);
								state[1].mask = state[1].dest;
								state[1].dest = old_dest;
								fz_drop_path(ctx, path);
							fz_warn(ctx, "cannot render glyph for clipping");
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_clip_stroke_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_text *text, const fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, const fz_rect *scissor)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_pixmap *mask, *dest, *shape;
	fz_matrix tm, trm;
	fz_glyph *glyph;
	int i, gid;
	fz_draw_state *state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;
	fz_text_span *span;
	fz_rect rect;
	int aa = fz_rasterizer_text_aa_level(dev->rast);

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	STACK_PUSHED("clip stroke text");
	/* make the mask the exact size needed */
	fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, fz_bound_text(ctx, text, stroke, &ctm, &rect));
	fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, &state->scissor);
	if (scissor)
		fz_irect bbox2;
		fz_rect tscissor = *scissor;
		fz_transform_rect(&tscissor, &dev->transform);
		fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox2, &tscissor));

		state[1].mask = mask = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, mask);
		/* When there is no alpha in the current destination (state[0].dest->alpha == 0)
		 * we have a choice. We can either create the new destination WITH alpha, or
		 * we can copy the old pixmap contents in. We opt for the latter here, but
		 * may want to revisit this decision in the future. */
		state[1].dest = dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, state[0].dest->alpha);
		if (state[0].dest->alpha)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, state[1].dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
		if (state->shape)
			state[1].shape = shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, shape);
			shape = state->shape;

		state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (stroke text) begin\n");

		if (!fz_is_empty_irect(&bbox))
			for (span = text->head; span; span = span->next)
				tm = span->trm;

				for (i = 0; i < span->len; i++)
					gid = span->items[i].gid;
					if (gid < 0)

					tm.e = span->items[i].x;
					tm.f = span->items[i].y;
					fz_concat(&trm, &tm, &ctm);

					glyph = fz_render_stroked_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &trm, &ctm, stroke, &state->scissor, aa);
					if (glyph)
						int x = (int)trm.e;
						int y = (int)trm.f;
						draw_glyph(NULL, mask, glyph, x, y, &bbox);
						if (shape)
							draw_glyph(NULL, shape, glyph, x, y, &bbox);
						fz_drop_glyph(ctx, glyph);
						fz_path *path = fz_outline_glyph(ctx, span->font, gid, &tm);
						if (path)
							fz_pixmap *old_dest;
							float white = 1;

							state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
							old_dest = state[0].dest;
							state[0].dest = state[0].mask;
							state[0].mask = NULL;
								fz_draw_stroke_path(ctx, devp, path, stroke, in_ctm, fz_device_gray(ctx), &white, 1, NULL);
								state[0].mask = state[0].dest;
								state[0].dest = old_dest;
								fz_drop_path(ctx, path);
							fz_warn(ctx, "cannot render glyph for stroked clipping");
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_ignore_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, const fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm)

static void
fz_draw_fill_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, fz_shade *shade, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_rect bounds;
	fz_irect bbox, scissor;
	fz_pixmap *dest, *shape;
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	fz_bound_shade(ctx, shade, &ctm, &bounds);
	scissor = state->scissor;
	fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, &bounds), &scissor);

	if (fz_is_empty_irect(&bbox))

	if (color_params == NULL)
		color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	dest = state->dest;
	shape = state->shape;

	if (alpha < 1)
		dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, state->dest->colorspace, &bbox, state->dest->seps, state->dest->alpha);
		if (state->dest->alpha)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
		if (shape)
			shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, shape);

	if (shade->use_background)
		unsigned char *s;
		int x, y, n, i;

		resolve_color(ctx, shade->background, fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, shade->colorspace), alpha, color_params, colorbv, state->dest, prf);

		n = dest->n;
		for (y = scissor.y0; y < scissor.y1; y++)
			s = dest->samples + (unsigned int)((y - dest->y) * dest->stride + (scissor.x0 - dest->x) * n);
			for (x = scissor.x0; x < scissor.x1; x++)
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
					*s++ = colorbv[i];
		if (shape)
			for (y = scissor.y0; y < scissor.y1; y++)
				s = shape->samples + (unsigned int)((y - shape->y) * shape->stride + (scissor.x0 - shape->x));
				for (x = scissor.x0; x < scissor.x1; x++)
					*s++ = 255;

	fz_paint_shade(ctx, shade, &ctm, dest, prf, color_params, &bbox);
	if (shape)
		fz_clear_pixmap_rect_with_value(ctx, shape, 255, &bbox);

	dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Shade ", dest);
	if (shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", shape);

	if (alpha < 1)
		fz_paint_pixmap(state->dest, dest, alpha * 255);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, dest);
		if (shape)
			fz_paint_pixmap(state->shape, shape, alpha * 255);
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, shape);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

static fz_pixmap *
fz_transform_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_device *dev, const fz_pixmap *image, fz_matrix *ctm, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int gridfit, const fz_irect *clip)
	fz_pixmap *scaled;

	if (ctm->a != 0 && ctm->b == 0 && ctm->c == 0 && ctm->d != 0)
		/* Unrotated or X-flip or Y-flip or XY-flip */
		fz_matrix m = *ctm;
		if (gridfit)
			fz_gridfit_matrix(dev->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED, &m);
		scaled = fz_scale_pixmap_cached(ctx, image, m.e, m.f, m.a, m.d, clip, dev->cache_x, dev->cache_y);
		if (!scaled)
			return NULL;
		ctm->a = scaled->w;
		ctm->d = scaled->h;
		ctm->e = scaled->x;
		ctm->f = scaled->y;
		return scaled;

	if (ctm->a == 0 && ctm->b != 0 && ctm->c != 0 && ctm->d == 0)
		/* Other orthogonal flip/rotation cases */
		fz_matrix m = *ctm;
		fz_irect rclip;
		if (gridfit)
			fz_gridfit_matrix(dev->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED, &m);
		if (clip)
			rclip.x0 = clip->y0;
			rclip.y0 = clip->x0;
			rclip.x1 = clip->y1;
			rclip.y1 = clip->x1;
		scaled = fz_scale_pixmap_cached(ctx, image, m.f, m.e, m.b, m.c, (clip ? &rclip : NULL), dev->cache_x, dev->cache_y);
		if (!scaled)
			return NULL;
		ctm->b = scaled->w;
		ctm->c = scaled->h;
		ctm->f = scaled->x;
		ctm->e = scaled->y;
		return scaled;

	/* Downscale, non rectilinear case */
	if (dx > 0 && dy > 0)
		scaled = fz_scale_pixmap_cached(ctx, image, 0, 0, dx, dy, NULL, dev->cache_x, dev->cache_y);
		return scaled;

	return NULL;

fz_default_image_scale(void *arg, int dst_w, int dst_h, int src_w, int src_h)
	return dst_w < src_w && dst_h < src_h;

static void
fz_draw_fill_image(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, fz_image *image, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix local_ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_pixmap *pixmap;
	int after;
	int dx, dy;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;
	fz_irect clip;
	fz_matrix inverse;
	fz_irect src_area;
	fz_colorspace *src_cs;
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	fz_intersect_irect(fz_pixmap_bbox(ctx, state->dest, &clip), &state->scissor);

	if (image->w == 0 || image->h == 0)

	/* ctm maps the image (expressed as the unit square) onto the
	 * destination device. Reverse that to get a mapping from
	 * the destination device to the source pixels. */
	if (fz_try_invert_matrix(&inverse, &local_ctm))
		/* Not invertible. Could just bail? Use the whole image
		 * for now. */
		src_area.x0 = 0;
		src_area.x1 = image->w;
		src_area.y0 = 0;
		src_area.y1 = image->h;
		float exp;
		fz_rect rect;
		fz_irect sane;
		/* We want to scale from image coords, not from unit square */
		fz_post_scale(&inverse, image->w, image->h);
		/* Are we scaling up or down? exp < 1 means scaling down. */
		exp = fz_matrix_max_expansion(&inverse);
		fz_rect_from_irect(&rect, &clip);
		fz_transform_rect(&rect, &inverse);
		/* Allow for support requirements for scalers. */
		fz_expand_rect(&rect, fz_max(exp, 1) * 4);
		fz_irect_from_rect(&src_area, &rect);
		sane.x0 = 0;
		sane.y0 = 0;
		sane.x1 = image->w;
		sane.y1 = image->h;
		fz_intersect_irect(&src_area, &sane);
		if (fz_is_empty_irect(&src_area))

	pixmap = fz_get_pixmap_from_image(ctx, image, &src_area, &local_ctm, &dx, &dy);
	src_cs = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, pixmap->colorspace);

	/* convert images with more components (cmyk->rgb) before scaling */
	/* convert images with fewer components (gray->rgb) after scaling */
	/* convert images with expensive colorspace transforms after scaling */


		int conversion_required = (src_cs != model || state->dest->seps);

		if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
			state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

		after = 0;
		if (src_cs == fz_device_gray(ctx))
			after = 1;

		if (conversion_required && !after)
			fz_pixmap *converted;
			/* If we have a spotty image, and we are going to spotty output,
			 * then we can't lose the spots during color conversion. */
			if (fz_colorspace_is_device_n(ctx, src_cs) && state->dest->seps)
				converted = fz_clone_pixmap_area_with_different_seps(ctx, pixmap, NULL, model, state->dest->seps, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);
				converted = fz_convert_pixmap(ctx, pixmap, model, prf, dev->default_cs, color_params, 1);
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);
			pixmap = converted;

		if (!(devp->hints & FZ_DONT_INTERPOLATE_IMAGES) && ctx->tuning->image_scale(ctx->tuning->image_scale_arg, dx, dy, pixmap->w, pixmap->h))
			int gridfit = alpha == 1.0f && !(dev->flags & FZ_DRAWDEV_FLAGS_TYPE3);
			fz_pixmap *scaled = fz_transform_pixmap(ctx, dev, pixmap, &local_ctm, state->dest->x, state->dest->y, dx, dy, gridfit, &clip);
			if (!scaled)
				if (dx < 1)
					dx = 1;
				if (dy < 1)
					dy = 1;
				scaled = fz_scale_pixmap_cached(ctx, pixmap, pixmap->x, pixmap->y, dx, dy, NULL, dev->cache_x, dev->cache_y);
			if (scaled)
				fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);
				pixmap = scaled;

		if (conversion_required && after)
			if (state->dest->seps == NULL &&
				((src_cs == fz_device_gray(ctx) && model == fz_device_rgb(ctx)) ||
				(src_cs == fz_device_gray(ctx) && model == fz_device_bgr(ctx))))
				/* We have special case rendering code for gray -> rgb/bgr */
				fz_pixmap *converted;
				if (fz_colorspace_is_device_n(ctx, src_cs) && state->dest->seps)
					converted = fz_clone_pixmap_area_with_different_seps(ctx, pixmap, NULL, model, state->dest->seps, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);
					converted = fz_convert_pixmap(ctx, pixmap, model, prf, dev->default_cs, color_params, 1);
				fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);
				pixmap = converted;

		fz_paint_image(state->dest, &state->scissor, state->shape, pixmap, &local_ctm, alpha * 255, !(devp->hints & FZ_DONT_INTERPOLATE_IMAGES), devp->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED);

		if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
			fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);

static void
fz_draw_fill_image_mask(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, fz_image *image, const fz_matrix *in_ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace_in, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix local_ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	fz_pixmap *scaled = NULL;
	fz_pixmap *pixmap;
	int dx, dy;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_irect clip;
	fz_matrix inverse;
	fz_irect src_area;
	fz_colorspace *colorspace = NULL;
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, prf, dev->default_cs);

	if (colorspace_in)
		colorspace = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, colorspace_in);

	fz_pixmap_bbox(ctx, state->dest, &clip);
	fz_intersect_irect(&clip, &state->scissor);

	if (image->w == 0 || image->h == 0)

	/* ctm maps the image (expressed as the unit square) onto the
	 * destination device. Reverse that to get a mapping from
	 * the destination device to the source pixels. */
	if (fz_try_invert_matrix(&inverse, &local_ctm))
		/* Not invertible. Could just bail? Use the whole image
		 * for now. */
		src_area.x0 = 0;
		src_area.x1 = image->w;
		src_area.y0 = 0;
		src_area.y1 = image->h;
		float exp;
		fz_rect rect;
		fz_irect sane;
		/* We want to scale from image coords, not from unit square */
		fz_post_scale(&inverse, image->w, image->h);
		/* Are we scaling up or down? exp < 1 means scaling down. */
		exp = fz_matrix_max_expansion(&inverse);
		fz_rect_from_irect(&rect, &clip);
		fz_transform_rect(&rect, &inverse);
		/* Allow for support requirements for scalers. */
		fz_expand_rect(&rect, fz_max(exp, 1) * 4);
		fz_irect_from_rect(&src_area, &rect);
		sane.x0 = 0;
		sane.y0 = 0;
		sane.x1 = image->w;
		sane.y1 = image->h;
		fz_intersect_irect(&src_area, &sane);
		if (fz_is_empty_irect(&src_area))

	pixmap = fz_get_pixmap_from_image(ctx, image, &src_area, &local_ctm, &dx, &dy);


		if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
			state = fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

		if (ctx->tuning->image_scale(ctx->tuning->image_scale_arg, dx, dy, pixmap->w, pixmap->h))
			int gridfit = alpha == 1.0f && !(dev->flags & FZ_DRAWDEV_FLAGS_TYPE3);
			scaled = fz_transform_pixmap(ctx, dev, pixmap, &local_ctm, state->dest->x, state->dest->y, dx, dy, gridfit, &clip);
			if (!scaled)
				if (dx < 1)
					dx = 1;
				if (dy < 1)
					dy = 1;
				scaled = fz_scale_pixmap_cached(ctx, pixmap, pixmap->x, pixmap->y, dx, dy, NULL, dev->cache_x, dev->cache_y);
			if (scaled)
				fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);
				pixmap = scaled;

		resolve_color(ctx, color, colorspace, alpha, color_params, colorbv, state->dest, prf);

		fz_paint_image_with_color(state->dest, &state->scissor, state->shape, pixmap, &local_ctm, colorbv, !(devp->hints & FZ_DONT_INTERPOLATE_IMAGES), devp->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED);

		if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
			fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);

static void
fz_draw_clip_image_mask(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, fz_image *image, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, const fz_rect *scissor)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix local_ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_pixmap *scaled = NULL;
	fz_pixmap *pixmap = NULL;
	int dx, dy;
	fz_draw_state *state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;
	fz_irect clip;
	fz_rect urect;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	STACK_PUSHED("clip image mask");
	fz_pixmap_bbox(ctx, state->dest, &clip);
	fz_intersect_irect(&clip, &state->scissor);

	if (image->w == 0 || image->h == 0)
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (image mask) (empty) begin\n");
		state[1].scissor = fz_empty_irect;
		state[1].mask = NULL;

	dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Clip (image mask) begin\n");

	urect = fz_unit_rect;
	fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, fz_transform_rect(&urect, &local_ctm));
	fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, &state->scissor);
	if (scissor)
		fz_irect bbox2;
		fz_rect tscissor = *scissor;
		fz_transform_rect(&tscissor, &dev->transform);
		fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox2, &tscissor));

	pixmap = fz_get_pixmap_from_image(ctx, image, NULL, &local_ctm, &dx, &dy);

		state[1].mask = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);

		/* When there is no alpha in the current destination (state[0].dest->alpha == 0)
		 * we have a choice. We can either create the new destination WITH alpha, or
		 * we can copy the old pixmap contents in. We opt for the latter here, but
		 * may want to revisit this decision in the future. */
		state[1].dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, state[0].dest->alpha);
		if (state[0].dest->alpha)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, state[1].dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);
		if (state[0].shape)
			state[1].shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

		state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
		state[1].scissor = bbox;

		if (ctx->tuning->image_scale(ctx->tuning->image_scale_arg, dx, dy, pixmap->w, pixmap->h))
			int gridfit = !(dev->flags & FZ_DRAWDEV_FLAGS_TYPE3);
			scaled = fz_transform_pixmap(ctx, dev, pixmap, &local_ctm, state->dest->x, state->dest->y, dx, dy, gridfit, &clip);
			if (!scaled)
				if (dx < 1)
					dx = 1;
				if (dy < 1)
					dy = 1;
				scaled = fz_scale_pixmap_cached(ctx, pixmap, pixmap->x, pixmap->y, dx, dy, NULL, dev->cache_x, dev->cache_y);
			if (scaled)
				fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);
				pixmap = scaled;
		dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Creating imagemask: plotting ", pixmap);
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, " onto ", state[1].mask);
		if (state[1].shape)
			fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
		fz_paint_image(state[1].mask, &bbox, state[1].shape, pixmap, &local_ctm, 255, !(devp->hints & FZ_DONT_INTERPOLATE_IMAGES), devp->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED);
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, " to get ", state[1].mask);
		if (state[1].shape)
			fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pixmap);
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_pop_clip(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_draw_state *state;

	if (dev->top == 0)
		fz_warn(ctx, "Unexpected pop clip");
	state = &dev->stack[--dev->top];

	/* We can get here with state[1].mask == NULL if the clipping actually
	 * resolved to a rectangle earlier.
	if (state[1].mask)
		dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Clipping ", state[1].dest);
		if (state[1].shape)
			fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, " onto ", state[0].dest);
		if (state[0].shape)
			fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, " with ", state[1].mask);
		fz_paint_pixmap_with_mask(state[0].dest, state[1].dest, state[1].mask);
		if (state[0].shape != state[1].shape)
			fz_paint_pixmap_with_mask(state[0].shape, state[1].shape, state[1].mask);
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);
		/* The following tests should not be required, but just occasionally
		 * errors can cause the stack to get out of sync, and this might save
		 * our bacon. */
		if (state[0].mask != state[1].mask)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
		if (state[0].dest != state[1].dest)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, " to get ", state[0].dest);
		if (state[0].shape)
			fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);
		dump_spaces(dev->top, "Clip end\n");

static void
fz_draw_begin_mask(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_rect *rect, int luminosity, fz_colorspace *colorspace_in, const float *colorfv, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_pixmap *dest;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_draw_state *state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	fz_pixmap *shape = state->shape;
	fz_rect trect = *rect;
	fz_colorspace *colorspace = NULL;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, color_params, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	if (colorspace_in)
		colorspace = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, colorspace_in);

	if (color_params == NULL)
		color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);

	fz_transform_rect(&trect, &dev->transform);
	fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, &trect), &state->scissor);

	/* Reset the blendmode for the mask rendering. In particular,
	 * don't carry forward knockout or isolated. */
	state[1].blendmode = 0;

		/* If luminosity, then we generate a mask from the greyscale value of the shapes.
		 * If !luminosity, then we generate a mask from the alpha value of the shapes.
		if (luminosity)
			state[1].dest = dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, fz_device_gray(ctx), &bbox, NULL, 0);
			state[1].dest = dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
		if (state->shape)
			/* FIXME: If we ever want to support AIS true, then
			 * we probably want to create a shape pixmap here,
			 * using: shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(NULL, bbox);
			 * then, in the end_mask code, we create the mask
			 * from this rather than dest.
			state[1].shape = shape = NULL;

		if (luminosity)
			float bc;
			if (!colorspace)
				colorspace = fz_device_gray(ctx);
			fz_convert_color(ctx, color_params, NULL, fz_device_gray(ctx), &bc, colorspace, colorfv);
			fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, dest, bc * 255);
			if (shape)
				fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, shape, 255);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);
			if (shape)
				fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, shape);

		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Mask begin\n");
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_end_mask(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_pixmap *temp, *dest;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_draw_state *state;

	if (dev->top == 0)
		fz_warn(ctx, "Unexpected draw_end_mask");
	state = &dev->stack[dev->top-1];

	dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Mask -> Clip: ");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Mask ", state[1].dest);
	if (state[1].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
		/* convert to alpha mask */
		temp = fz_alpha_from_gray(ctx, state[1].dest);
		if (state[1].mask != state[0].mask)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
		state[1].mask = temp;
		if (state[1].dest != state[0].dest)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
		state[1].dest = NULL;
		if (state[1].shape != state[0].shape)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);
		state[1].shape = NULL;

		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "-> Clip ", temp);

		/* create new dest scratch buffer */
		fz_pixmap_bbox(ctx, temp, &bbox);
		dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, state->dest->colorspace, &bbox, state->dest->seps, state->dest->alpha);
		fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, dest, state->dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);

		/* push soft mask as clip mask */
		state[1].dest = dest;
		state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
		/* If we have a shape, then it'll need to be masked with the
		 * clip mask when we pop. So create a new shape now. */
		if (state[0].shape)
			state[1].shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);
		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_begin_group(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_rect *rect, fz_colorspace *cs, int isolated, int knockout, int blendmode, float alpha)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_pixmap *dest;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;
	fz_rect trect = *rect;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	if (cs != NULL)
		model = fz_default_colorspace(ctx, dev->default_cs, cs);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	fz_transform_rect(&trect, &dev->transform);
	fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, &trect), &state->scissor);

		knockout = 0;
		isolated = 1;

		state[1].dest = dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, state[0].dest->alpha || isolated);

		if (isolated)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);
			fz_copy_pixmap_rect(ctx, dest, state[0].dest, &bbox, dev->default_cs);

		if (blendmode == 0 && alpha == 1.0f && isolated)
			/* We can render direct to any existing shape plane.
			 * If there isn't one, we don't need to make one. */
			state[1].shape = state[0].shape;
			state[1].shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

		state[1].alpha = alpha;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Group begin\n");

		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		state[1].blendmode = blendmode | (isolated ? FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED : 0) | (knockout ? FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT : 0);
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

static void
fz_draw_end_group(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	int blendmode;
	int isolated;
	float alpha;
	fz_draw_state *state;

	if (dev->top == 0)
		fz_warn(ctx, "Unexpected end_group");

	state = &dev->stack[--dev->top];
	alpha = state[1].alpha;
	blendmode = state[1].blendmode & FZ_BLEND_MODEMASK;
	isolated = state[1].blendmode & FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
	dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Group end: blending ", state[1].dest);
	if (state[1].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, " onto ", state[0].dest);
	if (state[0].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);
	if (alpha != 1.0f)
		printf(" (alpha %g)", alpha);
	if (blendmode != 0)
		printf(" (blend %d)", blendmode);
	if (isolated != 0)
		printf(" (isolated)");
	if (state[1].blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		printf(" (knockout)");
	if (state[0].dest->colorspace != state[1].dest->colorspace)
		fz_pixmap *converted = fz_convert_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest, state[0].dest->colorspace, NULL, dev->default_cs, fz_default_color_params(ctx), 1);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
		state[1].dest = converted;

	if ((blendmode == 0) && (state[0].shape == state[1].shape))
		fz_paint_pixmap(state[0].dest, state[1].dest, alpha * 255);
		fz_blend_pixmap(ctx, state[0].dest, state[1].dest, alpha * 255, blendmode, isolated, state[1].shape);

	/* The following test should not be required, but just occasionally
	 * errors can cause the stack to get out of sync, and this might save
	 * our bacon. */
	if (state[0].dest != state[1].dest)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
	if (state[0].shape != state[1].shape)
		if (state[0].shape)
			fz_paint_pixmap(state[0].shape, state[1].shape, alpha * 255);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, " to get ", state[0].dest);
	if (state[0].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);

	if (state[0].blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

typedef struct
	int refs;
	float ctm[4];
	int id;
} tile_key;

typedef struct
	fz_storable storable;
	fz_pixmap *dest;
	fz_pixmap *shape;
} tile_record;

static int
fz_make_hash_tile_key(fz_context *ctx, fz_store_hash *hash, void *key_)
	tile_key *key = key_;

	hash->u.im.id = key->id;
	hash->u.im.m[0] = key->ctm[0];
	hash->u.im.m[1] = key->ctm[1];
	hash->u.im.m[2] = key->ctm[2];
	hash->u.im.m[3] = key->ctm[3];
	return 1;

static void *
fz_keep_tile_key(fz_context *ctx, void *key_)
	tile_key *key = key_;
	return fz_keep_imp(ctx, key, &key->refs);

static void
fz_drop_tile_key(fz_context *ctx, void *key_)
	tile_key *key = key_;
	if (fz_drop_imp(ctx, key, &key->refs))
		fz_free(ctx, key);

static int
fz_cmp_tile_key(fz_context *ctx, void *k0_, void *k1_)
	tile_key *k0 = k0_;
	tile_key *k1 = k1_;
	return k0->id == k1->id &&
		k0->ctm[0] == k1->ctm[0] &&
		k0->ctm[1] == k1->ctm[1] &&
		k0->ctm[2] == k1->ctm[2] &&
		k0->ctm[3] == k1->ctm[3];

static void
fz_format_tile_key(fz_context *ctx, char *s, int n, void *key_)
	tile_key *key = (tile_key *)key_;
	fz_snprintf(s, n, "(tile id=%x, ctm=%g %g %g %g)",
			key->id, key->ctm[0], key->ctm[1], key->ctm[2], key->ctm[3]);

static const fz_store_type fz_tile_store_type =

static void
fz_drop_tile_record_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_storable *storable)
	tile_record *tr = (tile_record *)storable;
	fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tr->dest);
	fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tr->shape);
	fz_free(ctx, tr);

static void
fz_drop_tile_record(fz_context *ctx, tile_record *tile)
	fz_drop_storable(ctx, &tile->storable);

static tile_record *
fz_new_tile_record(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dest, fz_pixmap *shape)
	tile_record *tile = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, tile_record);
	FZ_INIT_STORABLE(tile, 1, fz_drop_tile_record_imp);
	tile->dest = fz_keep_pixmap(ctx, dest);
	tile->shape = fz_keep_pixmap(ctx, shape);
	return tile;

fz_tile_size(fz_context *ctx, tile_record *tile)
	if (!tile)
		return 0;
	return sizeof(*tile) + fz_pixmap_size(ctx, tile->dest) + fz_pixmap_size(ctx, tile->shape);

static int
fz_draw_begin_tile(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, const fz_rect *area, const fz_rect *view, float xstep, float ystep, const fz_matrix *in_ctm, int id)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_matrix ctm = concat(in_ctm, &dev->transform);
	fz_pixmap *dest = NULL;
	fz_pixmap *shape;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;
	fz_rect local_view = *view;

	if (dev->top == 0 && dev->resolve_spots)
		state = push_group_for_separations(ctx, dev, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev), dev->default_cs);

	/* area, view, xstep, ystep are in pattern space */
	/* ctm maps from pattern space to device space */

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	state = push_stack(ctx, dev);
	fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, fz_transform_rect(&local_view, &ctm));
	/* We should never have a bbox that entirely covers our destination.
	 * If we do, then the check for only 1 tile being visible above has
	 * failed. Actually, this *can* fail due to the round_rect, at extreme
	 * resolutions, so disable this assert.
	 * assert(bbox.x0 > state->dest->x || bbox.x1 < state->dest->x + state->dest->w ||
	 *	bbox.y0 > state->dest->y || bbox.y1 < state->dest->y + state->dest->h);

	/* Check to see if we have one cached */
	if (id)
		tile_key tk;
		tile_record *tile;
		tk.ctm[0] = ctm.a;
		tk.ctm[1] = ctm.b;
		tk.ctm[2] = ctm.c;
		tk.ctm[3] = ctm.d;
		tk.id = id;

		tile = fz_find_item(ctx, fz_drop_tile_record_imp, &tk, &fz_tile_store_type);
		if (tile)
			state[1].dest = fz_keep_pixmap(ctx, tile->dest);
			state[1].shape = fz_keep_pixmap(ctx, tile->shape);
			state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
			state[1].xstep = xstep;
			state[1].ystep = ystep;
			state[1].id = id;
			state[1].encache = 0;
			fz_irect_from_rect(&state[1].area, area);
			state[1].ctm = ctm;
			dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Tile begin (cached)\n");

			state[1].scissor = bbox;
			fz_drop_tile_record(ctx, tile);
			return 1;

		/* Patterns can be transparent, so we need to have an alpha here. */
		state[1].dest = dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, model, &bbox, state[0].dest->seps, 1);
		fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, dest);
		shape = state[0].shape;
		if (shape)
			state[1].shape = shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, NULL, &bbox, NULL, 1);
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, shape);
		state[1].blendmode |= FZ_BLEND_ISOLATED;
		state[1].xstep = xstep;
		state[1].ystep = ystep;
		state[1].id = id;
		state[1].encache = 1;
		fz_irect_from_rect(&state[1].area, area);
		state[1].ctm = ctm;
		dump_spaces(dev->top-1, "Tile begin\n");

		state[1].scissor = bbox;
		emergency_pop_stack(ctx, dev, state);

	return 0;

static void
fz_draw_end_tile(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	float xstep, ystep;
	fz_matrix ttm, ctm, shapectm;
	fz_irect area, scissor, tile_bbox;
	fz_rect scissor_tmp, tile_tmp;
	int x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y, extra_x, extra_y;
	fz_draw_state *state;

	if (dev->top == 0)
		fz_warn(ctx, "Unexpected end_tile");

	state = &dev->stack[--dev->top];
	xstep = state[1].xstep;
	ystep = state[1].ystep;
	area = state[1].area;
	ctm = state[1].ctm;

	/* Fudge the scissor bbox a little to allow for inaccuracies in the
	 * matrix inversion. */
	fz_rect_from_irect(&scissor_tmp, &state[0].scissor);
	fz_transform_rect(fz_expand_rect(&scissor_tmp, 1), fz_invert_matrix(&ttm, &ctm));
	fz_intersect_irect(&area, fz_irect_from_rect(&scissor, &scissor_tmp));

	tile_bbox.x0 = state[1].dest->x;
	tile_bbox.y0 = state[1].dest->y;
	tile_bbox.x1 = state[1].dest->w + tile_bbox.x0;
	tile_bbox.y1 = state[1].dest->h + tile_bbox.y0;
	fz_rect_from_irect(&tile_tmp, &tile_bbox);
	fz_transform_rect(fz_expand_rect(&tile_tmp, 1), &ttm);

	/* FIXME: area is a bbox, so FP not appropriate here */
	/* In PDF files xstep/ystep can be smaller than view (the area of a
	 * single tile) (see fts_15_1506.pdf for an example). This means that
	 * we have to bias the left hand/bottom edge calculations by the
	 * difference between the step and the width/height of the tile. */
	/* scissor, xstep and area are all in pattern space. */
	extra_x = tile_tmp.x1 - tile_tmp.x0 - xstep;
	if (extra_x < 0)
		extra_x = 0;
	extra_y = tile_tmp.y1 - tile_tmp.y0 - ystep;
	if (extra_y < 0)
		extra_y = 0;
	x0 = floorf((area.x0 - tile_tmp.x0 - extra_x) / xstep);
	y0 = floorf((area.y0 - tile_tmp.y0 - extra_y) / ystep);
	x1 = ceilf((area.x1 - tile_tmp.x0 + extra_x) / xstep);
	y1 = ceilf((area.y1 - tile_tmp.y0 + extra_y) / ystep);

	ctm.e = state[1].dest->x;
	ctm.f = state[1].dest->y;
	if (state[1].shape)
		shapectm = ctm;
		shapectm.e = state[1].shape->x;
		shapectm.f = state[1].shape->y;

	dump_spaces(dev->top, "");
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, "Tiling ", state[1].dest);
	if (state[1].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[1].shape);
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, " onto ", state[0].dest);
	if (state[0].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);

	for (y = y0; y < y1; y++)
		for (x = x0; x < x1; x++)
			ttm = ctm;
			fz_pre_translate(&ttm, x * xstep, y * ystep);
			state[1].dest->x = ttm.e;
			state[1].dest->y = ttm.f;
			/* Check for overflow due to float -> int conversions */
			if (state[1].dest->x > 0 && state[1].dest->x + state[1].dest->w < 0)
			if (state[1].dest->y > 0 && state[1].dest->y + state[1].dest->h < 0)
			fz_paint_pixmap_with_bbox(state[0].dest, state[1].dest, 255, state[0].scissor);
			if (state[1].shape)
				ttm = shapectm;
				fz_pre_translate(&ttm, x * xstep, y * ystep);
				state[1].shape->x = ttm.e;
				state[1].shape->y = ttm.f;
				fz_paint_pixmap_with_bbox(state[0].shape, state[1].shape, 255, state[0].scissor);

	state[1].dest->x = ctm.e;
	state[1].dest->y = ctm.f;
	if (state[1].shape)
		state[1].shape->x = shapectm.e;
		state[1].shape->y = shapectm.f;

	/* Now we try to cache the tiles. Any failure here will just result in us not caching. */
	if (state[1].encache && state[1].id != 0)
		tile_record *tile = NULL;
		tile_key *key = NULL;
			tile_record *existing_tile;

			tile = fz_new_tile_record(ctx, state[1].dest, state[1].shape);

			key = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, tile_key);
			key->refs = 1;
			key->id = state[1].id;
			key->ctm[0] = ctm.a;
			key->ctm[1] = ctm.b;
			key->ctm[2] = ctm.c;
			key->ctm[3] = ctm.d;
			existing_tile = fz_store_item(ctx, key, tile, fz_tile_size(ctx, tile), &fz_tile_store_type);
			if (existing_tile)
				/* We already have a tile. This will either have been
				 * produced by a racing thread, or there is already
				 * an entry for this one in the store. */
				fz_drop_tile_record(ctx, tile);
				tile = existing_tile;
			fz_drop_tile_key(ctx, key);
			fz_drop_tile_record(ctx, tile);
			/* Do nothing */

	/* The following tests should not be required, but just occasionally
	 * errors can cause the stack to get out of sync, and this might save
	 * our bacon. */
	if (state[0].dest != state[1].dest)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
	if (state[0].shape != state[1].shape)
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);
	fz_dump_blend(ctx, " to get ", state[0].dest);
	if (state[0].shape)
		fz_dump_blend(ctx, "/", state[0].shape);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);

static void
fz_draw_render_flags(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, int set, int clear)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	dev->flags = (dev->flags | set ) & ~clear;

static void
fz_draw_set_default_colorspaces(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp, fz_default_colorspaces *default_cs)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_drop_default_colorspaces(ctx, dev->default_cs);
	dev->default_cs = fz_keep_default_colorspaces(ctx, default_cs);

static void
fz_draw_close_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_colorspace *prf = fz_proof_cs(ctx, dev);

	/* pop and free the stacks */
	if (dev->top > dev->resolve_spots)
		fz_warn(ctx, "items left on stack in draw device: %d", dev->top);

	while(dev->top > dev->resolve_spots)
		fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[--dev->top];
		if (state[1].mask != state[0].mask)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
		if (state[1].dest != state[0].dest)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
		if (state[1].shape != state[0].shape)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

	if (dev->resolve_spots && dev->top)
		fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[--dev->top];
		fz_copy_pixmap_area_converting_seps(ctx, state[0].dest, state[1].dest, fz_default_color_params(ctx)/* FIXME */, prf, dev->default_cs);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
		assert(state[1].mask == NULL);
		assert(state[1].shape == NULL);

static void
fz_draw_drop_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *devp)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)devp;
	fz_rasterizer *rast = dev->rast;

	fz_drop_default_colorspaces(ctx, dev->default_cs);

	/* pop and free the stacks */
	if (dev->top > 0)
		fz_warn(ctx, "items left on stack in draw device: %d", dev->top);

	while(dev->top-- > 0)
		fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
		if (state[1].mask != state[0].mask)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].mask);
		if (state[1].dest != state[0].dest)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].dest);
		if (state[1].shape != state[0].shape)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, state[1].shape);

	/* We never free the dest/mask/shape at level 0, as:
	 * 1) dest is passed in and ownership remains with the caller.
	 * 2) shape and mask are NULL at level 0.
	if (dev->stack != &dev->init_stack[0])
		fz_free(ctx, dev->stack);
	fz_drop_scale_cache(ctx, dev->cache_x);
	fz_drop_scale_cache(ctx, dev->cache_y);
	fz_drop_rasterizer(ctx, rast);

fz_device *
new_draw_device(fz_context *ctx, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_pixmap *dest, const fz_aa_context *aa, const fz_irect *clip)
	fz_draw_device *dev = fz_new_derived_device(ctx, fz_draw_device);

	dev->super.drop_device = fz_draw_drop_device;
	dev->super.close_device = fz_draw_close_device;

	dev->super.fill_path = fz_draw_fill_path;
	dev->super.stroke_path = fz_draw_stroke_path;
	dev->super.clip_path = fz_draw_clip_path;
	dev->super.clip_stroke_path = fz_draw_clip_stroke_path;

	dev->super.fill_text = fz_draw_fill_text;
	dev->super.stroke_text = fz_draw_stroke_text;
	dev->super.clip_text = fz_draw_clip_text;
	dev->super.clip_stroke_text = fz_draw_clip_stroke_text;
	dev->super.ignore_text = fz_draw_ignore_text;

	dev->super.fill_image_mask = fz_draw_fill_image_mask;
	dev->super.clip_image_mask = fz_draw_clip_image_mask;
	dev->super.fill_image = fz_draw_fill_image;
	dev->super.fill_shade = fz_draw_fill_shade;

	dev->super.pop_clip = fz_draw_pop_clip;

	dev->super.begin_mask = fz_draw_begin_mask;
	dev->super.end_mask = fz_draw_end_mask;
	dev->super.begin_group = fz_draw_begin_group;
	dev->super.end_group = fz_draw_end_group;

	dev->super.begin_tile = fz_draw_begin_tile;
	dev->super.end_tile = fz_draw_end_tile;

	dev->super.render_flags = fz_draw_render_flags;
	dev->super.set_default_colorspaces = fz_draw_set_default_colorspaces;

	dev->transform = transform ? *transform : fz_identity;
	dev->flags = 0;
	dev->resolve_spots = 0;
	dev->top = 0;
	dev->stack = &dev->init_stack[0];
	dev->stack_cap = STACK_SIZE;
	dev->stack[0].dest = dest;
	dev->stack[0].shape = NULL;
	dev->stack[0].mask = NULL;
	dev->stack[0].blendmode = 0;
	dev->stack[0].scissor.x0 = dest->x;
	dev->stack[0].scissor.y0 = dest->y;
	dev->stack[0].scissor.x1 = dest->x + dest->w;
	dev->stack[0].scissor.y1 = dest->y + dest->h;

	if (clip)
		if (clip->x0 > dev->stack[0].scissor.x0)
			dev->stack[0].scissor.x0 = clip->x0;
		if (clip->x1 < dev->stack[0].scissor.x1)
			dev->stack[0].scissor.x1 = clip->x1;
		if (clip->y0 > dev->stack[0].scissor.y0)
			dev->stack[0].scissor.y0 = clip->y0;
		if (clip->y1 < dev->stack[0].scissor.y1)
			dev->stack[0].scissor.y1 = clip->y1;

	/* If we have no separations structure at all, then we want a
	 * simple composite rendering (with no overprint simulation).
	 * If we do have a separations structure, so: 1) Any
	 * 'disabled' separations are ignored. 2) Any 'composite'
	 * separations means we will need to do an overprint
	 * simulation.
	 * The supplied pixmaps 's' will match the number of
	 * 'spots' separations. If we have any 'composite'
	 * separations therefore, we'll need to make a new pixmap
	 * with a new (completely 'spots') separations structure,
	 * render to that, and then map down at the end.
	 * Unfortunately we can't produce this until we know what
	 * the default_colorspaces etc are, so set a flag for us
	 * to trigger on later.
	if (dest->seps)
		dev->resolve_spots = 1;

		dev->rast = fz_new_rasterizer(ctx, aa);
		dev->cache_x = fz_new_scale_cache(ctx);
		dev->cache_y = fz_new_scale_cache(ctx);
		fz_drop_device(ctx, (fz_device*)dev);

	return (fz_device*)dev;

fz_device *
fz_new_draw_device(fz_context *ctx, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_pixmap *dest)
	return new_draw_device(ctx, transform, dest, NULL, NULL);

fz_device *
fz_new_draw_device_with_bbox(fz_context *ctx, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_pixmap *dest, const fz_irect *clip)
	return new_draw_device(ctx, transform, dest, NULL, clip);

fz_device *
fz_new_draw_device_type3(fz_context *ctx, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_pixmap *dest)
	fz_draw_device *dev = (fz_draw_device*)fz_new_draw_device(ctx, transform, dest);
	dev->flags |= FZ_DRAWDEV_FLAGS_TYPE3;
	return (fz_device*)dev;

fz_irect *
fz_bound_path_accurate(fz_context *ctx, fz_irect *bbox, const fz_irect *scissor, const fz_path *path, const fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *ctm, float flatness, float linewidth)
	fz_rasterizer *rast = fz_new_rasterizer(ctx, NULL);

	if (stroke)
		(void)fz_flatten_stroke_path(ctx, rast, path, stroke, ctm, flatness, linewidth, scissor, bbox);
		(void)fz_flatten_fill_path(ctx, rast, path, ctm, flatness, scissor, bbox);
	fz_drop_rasterizer(ctx, rast);

	return bbox;

const char *fz_draw_options_usage =
	"Raster output options:\n"
	"\trotate=N: rotate rendered pages N degrees counterclockwise\n"
	"\tresolution=N: set both X and Y resolution in pixels per inch\n"
	"\tx-resolution=N: X resolution of rendered pages in pixels per inch\n"
	"\ty-resolution=N: Y resolution of rendered pages in pixels per inch\n"
	"\twidth=N: render pages to fit N pixels wide (ignore resolution option)\n"
	"\theight=N: render pages to fit N pixels tall (ignore resolution option)\n"
	"\tcolorspace=(gray|rgb|cmyk): render using specified colorspace\n"
	"\talpha: render pages with alpha channel and transparent background\n"
	"\tgraphics=(aaN|cop|app): set the rasterizer to use\n"
	"\ttext=(aaN|cop|app): set the rasterizer to use for text\n"
	"\t\taaN=antialias with N bits (0 to 8)\n"
	"\t\tcop=center of pixel\n"
	"\t\tapp=any part of pixel\n"

static int parse_aa_opts(const char *val)
	if (fz_option_eq(val, "cop"))
		return 9;
	if (fz_option_eq(val, "app"))
		return 10;
	if (val[0] == 'a' && val[1] == 'a' && val[2] >= '0' && val[2] <= '9')
		return  fz_clampi(fz_atoi(&val[2]), 0, 8);
	return 8;

fz_draw_options *
fz_parse_draw_options(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_options *opts, const char *args)
	const char *val;

	memset(opts, 0, sizeof *opts);

	opts->x_resolution = 96;
	opts->y_resolution = 96;
	opts->rotate = 0;
	opts->width = 0;
	opts->height = 0;
	opts->colorspace = fz_device_rgb(ctx);
	opts->alpha = 0;
	opts->graphics = fz_aa_level(ctx);
	opts->text = fz_text_aa_level(ctx);

	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "rotate", &val))
		opts->rotate = fz_atoi(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "resolution", &val))
		opts->x_resolution = opts->y_resolution = fz_atoi(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "x-resolution", &val))
		opts->x_resolution = fz_atoi(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "y-resolution", &val))
		opts->y_resolution = fz_atoi(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "width", &val))
		opts->width = fz_atoi(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "height", &val))
		opts->height = fz_atoi(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "colorspace", &val))
		if (fz_option_eq(val, "gray") || fz_option_eq(val, "grey") || fz_option_eq(val, "mono"))
			opts->colorspace = fz_device_gray(ctx);
		else if (fz_option_eq(val, "rgb"))
			opts->colorspace = fz_device_rgb(ctx);
		else if (fz_option_eq(val, "cmyk"))
			opts->colorspace = fz_device_cmyk(ctx);
			fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "unknown colorspace in options");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "alpha", &val))
		opts->alpha = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "graphics", &val))
		opts->text = opts->graphics = parse_aa_opts(val);
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "text", &val))
		opts->text = parse_aa_opts(val);

	/* Sanity check values */
	if (opts->x_resolution <= 0) opts->x_resolution = 96;
	if (opts->y_resolution <= 0) opts->y_resolution = 96;
	if (opts->width < 0) opts->width = 0;
	if (opts->height < 0) opts->height = 0;

	return opts;

fz_device *
fz_new_draw_device_with_options(fz_context *ctx, const fz_draw_options *opts, const fz_rect *mediabox, fz_pixmap **pixmap)
	float x_zoom = opts->x_resolution / 72.0f;
	float y_zoom = opts->y_resolution / 72.0f;
	int w = opts->width;
	int h = opts->height;
	fz_rect bounds;
	fz_irect ibounds;
	fz_matrix transform;
	fz_device *dev = NULL;
	fz_aa_context aa = *ctx->aa;

	fz_set_rasterizer_graphics_aa_level(ctx, &aa, opts->graphics);
	fz_set_rasterizer_text_aa_level(ctx, &aa, opts->text);

	fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(&transform, x_zoom, y_zoom), opts->rotate);
	bounds = *mediabox;
	fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &transform));

	/* If width or height are set, we may need to adjust the transform */
	if (w || h)
		float scalex = 1;
		float scaley = 1;
		if (w != 0)
			scalex = w / (bounds.x1 - bounds.x0);
		if (h != 0)
			scaley = h / (bounds.y1 - bounds.y0);
		if (scalex != scaley)
			if (w == 0)
				scalex = scaley;
			else if (h == 0)
				scaley = scalex;
			else if (scalex > scaley)
				scalex = scaley;
				scaley = scalex;
		if (scalex != 1 || scaley != 1)
			fz_pre_scale(&transform, scalex, scaley);
			bounds = *mediabox;
			fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &transform));

	*pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, opts->colorspace, &ibounds, NULL/* FIXME */, opts->alpha);
		fz_set_pixmap_resolution(ctx, *pixmap, opts->x_resolution, opts->y_resolution);
		if (opts->alpha)
			fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, *pixmap);
			fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, *pixmap, 255);

		dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, &transform, *pixmap);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, *pixmap);
		*pixmap = NULL;
	return dev;