#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "draw-imp.h" #undef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER /* Define ourselves a 'fixed' type for clarity */ typedef int fixed; #define fixed_shift 8 #define float2fixed(x) ((int)((x)*(1<<fixed_shift))) #define fixed2int(x) ((int)((x)>>fixed_shift)) #define fixed_half (1<<(fixed_shift-1)) #define fixed_1 (1<<fixed_shift) #define int2fixed(x) ((x)<<fixed_shift) enum { DIRN_UNSET = -1, DIRN_UP = 0, DIRN_DOWN = 1 }; typedef struct { fixed left; fixed right; fixed y; signed char d; /* 0 up (or horiz), 1 down, -1 uninited */ /* unset == 1, iff the values in the above are unset */ unsigned char unset; /* can_save == 1, iff we are eligible to 'save'. i.e. if we * have not yet output a cursor, and have not detected * any line segments completely out of range. */ unsigned char can_save; unsigned char saved; fixed save_left; fixed save_right; int save_iy; int save_d; } cursor_t; typedef struct fz_edgebuffer_s { fz_rasterizer super; int app; int sorted; int n; int index_cap; int *index; int table_cap; int *table; /* cursor section, for use with any part of pixel mode */ cursor_t cursor[3]; } fz_edgebuffer; static fz_rasterizer_insert_fn fz_insert_edgebuffer_app; static fz_rasterizer_insert_fn fz_insert_edgebuffer; #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER int debugging_scan_converter = 1; static void fz_edgebuffer_print(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_edgebuffer * edgebuffer) { int i; int height = edgebuffer->super.clip.y1 - edgebuffer->super.clip.y0; fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "Edgebuffer %x\n", edgebuffer); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "xmin=%x xmax=%x base=%x height=%x\n", edgebuffer->super.clip.x0, edgebuffer->super.clip.x1, edgebuffer->super.clip.y0, height); for (i=0; i < height; i++) { int offset = edgebuffer->index[i]; int *row = &edgebuffer->table[offset]; int count = *row++; assert ((count & 1) == 0); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%x @ %x: %d =", i, offset, count); while (count-- > 0) { int v = *row++; fz_write_printf(ctx, out, " %x:%d", v&~1, v&1); } fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "\n"); } } static void fz_edgebuffer_print_app(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_edgebuffer * edgebuffer) { int i; int height = edgebuffer->super.clip.y1 - edgebuffer->super.clip.y0; fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "Edgebuffer %x\n", edgebuffer); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "xmin=%x xmax=%x base=%x height=%x\n", edgebuffer->super.clip.x0, edgebuffer->super.clip.x1, edgebuffer->super.clip.y0, height); if (edgebuffer->table == NULL) return; for (i=0; i < height; i++) { int offset = edgebuffer->index[i]; int *row = &edgebuffer->table[offset]; int count = *row++; int count0 = count; fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%x @ %x: %d =", i, offset, count); while (count-- > 0) { int l = *row++; int r = *row++; fz_write_printf(ctx, out, " %x:%x", l, r); } assert((count0 & 1) == 0); (void)count0; fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "\n"); } } #endif static void fz_drop_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *r) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)r; if (eb) { fz_free(ctx, eb->index); fz_free(ctx, eb->table); } fz_free(ctx, eb); } static void index_edgebuffer_insert(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *ras, float fsx, float fsy, float fex, float fey, int rev) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)ras; int iminy, imaxy; int height = eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0; if (fsy == fey) return; if (fsx < fex) { if (fsx < eb->super.bbox.x0) eb->super.bbox.x0 = fsx; if (fex > eb->super.bbox.x1) eb->super.bbox.x1 = fex; } else { if (fsx > eb->super.bbox.x1) eb->super.bbox.x1 = fsx; if (fex < eb->super.bbox.x0) eb->super.bbox.x0 = fex; } if (fsy < fey) { if (fsy < eb->super.bbox.y0) eb->super.bbox.y0 = fsy; if (fey > eb->super.bbox.y1) eb->super.bbox.y1 = fey; } else { if (fey < eb->super.bbox.y0) eb->super.bbox.y0 = fey; if (fsy > eb->super.bbox.y1) eb->super.bbox.y1 = fsy; } /* To strictly match, this should be: * iminy = int2fixed(float2fixed(fsy)) * imaxy = int2fixed(float2fixed(fsx)) * but this is faster. It can round differently, * (on some machines at least) hence the iminy--; below. */ iminy = (int)fsy; imaxy = (int)fey; if (iminy > imaxy) { int t; t = iminy; iminy = imaxy; imaxy = t; } imaxy++; iminy--; imaxy -= eb->super.clip.y0; if (imaxy < 0) return; iminy -= eb->super.clip.y0; if (iminy < 0) iminy = 0; else if (iminy > height) return; if (imaxy > height-1) imaxy = height-1; #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) fprintf(stderr, "%x->%x:%d\n", iminy, imaxy, eb->n); #endif eb->index[iminy] += eb->n; eb->index[imaxy+1] -= eb->n; } static void fz_postindex_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *r) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)r; int height = eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0 + 1; int n = eb->n; int total = 0; int delta = 0; int i; eb->super.fns.insert = (eb->app ? fz_insert_edgebuffer_app : fz_insert_edgebuffer); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { delta += eb->index[i]; eb->index[i] = total; total += 1 + delta*n; } assert(delta == 0); if (eb->table_cap < total) { eb->table = fz_resize_array(ctx, eb->table, total, sizeof(int)); eb->table_cap = total; } for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { eb->table[eb->index[i]] = 0; } } static int fz_reset_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *r) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)r; int height = eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0 + 1; int n; eb->sorted = 0; if (eb->index_cap < height) { eb->index = fz_resize_array(ctx, eb->index, height, sizeof(int)); eb->index_cap = height; } memset(eb->index, 0, sizeof(int) * height); n = 1; if (eb->app) { n = 2; eb->cursor[0].saved = 0; eb->cursor[0].unset = 1; eb->cursor[0].can_save = 1; eb->cursor[0].d = DIRN_UNSET; eb->cursor[1].saved = 0; eb->cursor[1].unset = 1; eb->cursor[1].can_save = 1; eb->cursor[1].d = DIRN_UNSET; eb->cursor[2].saved = 0; eb->cursor[2].unset = 1; eb->cursor[2].can_save = 1; eb->cursor[2].d = DIRN_UNSET; } eb->n = n; eb->super.fns.insert = index_edgebuffer_insert; return 1; } static void mark_line(fz_context *ctx, fz_edgebuffer *eb, fixed sx, fixed sy, fixed ex, fixed ey) { int base_y = eb->super.clip.y0; int height = eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0; int *table = eb->table; int *index = eb->index; int delta; int iy, ih; fixed clip_sy, clip_ey; int dirn = DIRN_UP; int *row; if (fixed2int(sy + fixed_half-1) == fixed2int(ey + fixed_half-1)) return; if (sy > ey) { int t; t = sy; sy = ey; ey = t; t = sx; sx = ex; ex = t; dirn = DIRN_DOWN; } if (fixed2int(sx) < eb->super.bbox.x0) eb->super.bbox.x0 = fixed2int(sx); if (fixed2int(sx + fixed_1 - 1) > eb->super.bbox.x1) eb->super.bbox.x1 = fixed2int(sx + fixed_1 - 1); if (fixed2int(ex) < eb->super.bbox.x0) eb->super.bbox.x0 = fixed2int(ex); if (fixed2int(ex + fixed_1 - 1) > eb->super.bbox.x1) eb->super.bbox.x1 = fixed2int(ex + fixed_1 - 1); if (fixed2int(sy) < eb->super.bbox.y0) eb->super.bbox.y0 = fixed2int(sy); if (fixed2int(ey + fixed_1 - 1) > eb->super.bbox.y1) eb->super.bbox.y1 = fixed2int(ey + fixed_1 - 1); /* Lines go from sy to ey, closed at the start, open at the end. */ /* We clip them to a region to make them closed at both ends. */ /* Thus the unset scanline marked (>= sy) is: */ clip_sy = ((sy + fixed_half - 1) & ~(fixed_1-1)) | fixed_half; /* The last scanline marked (< ey) is: */ clip_ey = ((ey - fixed_half - 1) & ~(fixed_1-1)) | fixed_half; /* Now allow for banding */ if (clip_sy < int2fixed(base_y) + fixed_half) clip_sy = int2fixed(base_y) + fixed_half; if (ey <= clip_sy) return; if (clip_ey > int2fixed(base_y + height - 1) + fixed_half) clip_ey = int2fixed(base_y + height - 1) + fixed_half; if (sy > clip_ey) return; delta = clip_sy - sy; if (delta > 0) { int dx = ex - sx; int dy = ey - sy; int advance = (int)(((int64_t)dx * delta + (dy>>1)) / dy); sx += advance; sy += delta; } ex -= sx; ey -= sy; clip_ey -= clip_sy; delta = ey - clip_ey; if (delta > 0) { int advance = (int)(((int64_t)ex * delta + (ey>>1)) / ey); ex -= advance; ey -= delta; } ih = fixed2int(ey); assert(ih >= 0); iy = fixed2int(sy) - base_y; #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) fz_write_printf(ctx, fz_stderr(ctx), " iy=%x ih=%x\n", iy, ih); #endif assert(iy >= 0 && iy < height); /* We always cross at least one scanline */ row = &table[index[iy]]; *row = (*row)+1; /* Increment the count */ row[*row] = (sx&~1) | dirn; if (ih == 0) return; if (ex >= 0) { int x_inc, n_inc, f; /* We want to change sx by ex in ih steps. So each step, we add * ex/ih to sx. That's x_inc + n_inc/ih. */ x_inc = ex/ih; n_inc = ex-(x_inc*ih); f = ih>>1; delta = ih; do { int count; iy++; sx += x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) { f += ih; sx++; } assert(iy >= 0 && iy < height); row = &table[index[iy]]; count = *row = (*row)+1; /* Increment the count */ row[count] = (sx&~1) | dirn; } while (--delta); } else { int x_dec, n_dec, f; ex = -ex; /* We want to change sx by ex in ih steps. So each step, we subtract * ex/ih from sx. That's x_dec + n_dec/ih. */ x_dec = ex/ih; n_dec = ex-(x_dec*ih); f = ih>>1; delta = ih; do { int count; iy++; sx -= x_dec; f -= n_dec; if (f < 0) { f += ih; sx--; } assert(iy >= 0 && iy < height); row = &table[index[iy]]; count = *row = (*row)+1; /* Increment the count */ row[count] = (sx&~1) | dirn; } while (--delta); } } static void fz_insert_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *ras, float fsx, float fsy, float fex, float fey, int rev) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)ras; fixed sx = float2fixed(fsx); fixed sy = float2fixed(fsy); fixed ex = float2fixed(fex); fixed ey = float2fixed(fey); mark_line(ctx, eb, sx, sy, ex, ey); } static inline void cursor_output(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, int iy) { int *row; int count; int height = eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0; cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; rev &= 1; /* Edge label 0 is forwards, 1 and 2 are reverse */ if (iy >= 0 && iy < height) { if (cr->can_save) { /* Save it for later in case we join up */ cr->save_left = cr->left; cr->save_right = cr->right; cr->save_iy = iy; cr->save_d = cr->d; cr->saved = 1; } else { /* Enter it into the table */ row = &eb->table[eb->index[iy]]; if (cr->d == DIRN_UNSET) { /* Move 0 0; line 10 0; line 0 0; */ /* FIXME */ } else { *row = count = (*row)+1; /* Increment the count */ #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) fprintf(stderr, "row: %x: %x->%x %c\n", iy, cr->left, cr->right, (cr->d^rev) == DIRN_UP ? '^' : (cr->d^rev) == DIRN_DOWN ? 'v' : '-'); #endif assert(count <= (eb->index[iy+1] - eb->index[iy] - 1)/2); row[2 * count - 1] = (cr->left&~1) | (cr->d ^ rev); row[2 * count] = cr->right; } } } cr->can_save = 0; } static inline void cursor_output_inrange(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, int iy) { int *row; int count; cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; rev &= 1; /* Edge label 0 is forwards, 1 and 2 are reverse */ assert(iy >= 0 && iy < eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0); if (cr->can_save) { /* Save it for later in case we join up */ cr->save_left = cr->left; cr->save_right = cr->right; cr->save_iy = iy; cr->save_d = cr->d; cr->saved = 1; } else { /* Enter it into the table */ assert(cr->d != DIRN_UNSET); row = &eb->table[eb->index[iy]]; *row = count = (*row)+1; /* Increment the count */ #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) printf("row= %x: %x->%x %c\n", iy, cr->left, cr->right, (cr->d^rev) == DIRN_UP ? '^' : (cr->d^rev) == DIRN_DOWN ? 'v' : '-'); #endif row[2 * count - 1] = (cr->left&~1) | (cr->d ^ rev); row[2 * count] = cr->right; } cr->can_save = 0; } /* Step the cursor in y, allowing for maybe crossing a scanline */ static inline void cursor_step(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int new_iy; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; int iy = fixed2int(cr->y) - base; cr->y += dy; new_iy = fixed2int(cr->y) - base; if (new_iy != iy) { cursor_output(eb, rev, iy); cr->left = x; cr->right = x; } else { if (x < cr->left) cr->left = x; if (x > cr->right) cr->right = x; } } /* Step the cursor in y, never by enough to cross a scanline. */ static inline void cursor_never_step_vertical(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; assert(fixed2int(cr->y+dy) == fixed2int(cr->y)); cr->y += dy; } /* Step the cursor in y, never by enough to cross a scanline, * knowing that we are moving left, and that the right edge * has already been accounted for. */ static inline void cursor_never_step_left(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; assert(fixed2int(cr->y+dy) == fixed2int(cr->y)); if (x < cr->left) cr->left = x; cr->y += dy; } /* Step the cursor in y, never by enough to cross a scanline, * knowing that we are moving right, and that the left edge * has already been accounted for. */ static inline void cursor_never_step_right(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; assert(fixed2int(cr->y+dy) == fixed2int(cr->y)); if (x > cr->right) cr->right = x; cr->y += dy; } /* Step the cursor in y, always by enough to cross a scanline. */ static inline void cursor_always_step(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; int iy = fixed2int(cr->y) - base; cursor_output(eb, rev, iy); cr->y += dy; cr->left = x; cr->right = x; } /* Step the cursor in y, always by enough to cross a scanline, as * part of a vertical line, knowing that we are moving from a * position guaranteed to be in the valid y range. */ static inline void cursor_always_step_inrange_vertical(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; int iy = fixed2int(cr->y) - base; cursor_output(eb, rev, iy); cr->y += dy; } /* Step the cursor in y, always by enough to cross a scanline, as * part of a left moving line, knowing that we are moving from a * position guaranteed to be in the valid y range. */ static inline void cursor_always_inrange_step_left(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; int iy = fixed2int(cr->y) - base; cr->y += dy; cursor_output_inrange(eb, rev, iy); cr->right = x; } /* Step the cursor in y, always by enough to cross a scanline, as * part of a right moving line, knowing that we are moving from a * position guaranteed to be in the valid y range. */ static inline void cursor_always_inrange_step_right(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed dy, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; int iy = fixed2int(cr->y) - base; cr->y += dy; cursor_output_inrange(eb, rev, iy); cr->left = x; } static inline void cursor_init(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed y, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; assert(y >= int2fixed(eb->super.clip.y0) && y <= int2fixed(eb->super.clip.y1)); cr->y = y; cr->left = x; cr->right = x; cr->d = DIRN_UNSET; } static inline void cursor_left_merge(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; if (x < cr->left) cr->left = x; } static inline void cursor_left(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; cr->left = x; } static inline void cursor_right_merge(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; if (x > cr->right) cr->right = x; } static inline void cursor_right(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; cr->right = x; } static inline void cursor_down(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; if (cr->d == DIRN_UP) { cursor_output(eb, rev, fixed2int(cr->y) - base); cr->left = x; cr->right = x; } cr->d = DIRN_DOWN; } static inline void cursor_up(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb, int rev, fixed x) { cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; int base = eb->super.clip.y0; if (cr->d == DIRN_DOWN) { cursor_output(eb, rev, fixed2int(cr->y) - base); cr->left = x; cr->right = x; } cr->d = DIRN_UP; } static inline int dirns_match(int d0, int d1) { return d0 == d1 || d0 == DIRN_UNSET || d1 == DIRN_UNSET; } static inline int dirn_flip(int d) { return d < 0 ? d : d^1; } static inline int dirns_merge(int d0, int d1) { if (d0 == DIRN_UNSET) return d1; assert(dirns_match(d0, d1)); return d0; } static void cursor_flush(fz_edgebuffer * restrict eb) { int base = eb->super.clip.y0; int iy0, iy1, iy2; cursor_t * restrict cr0 = &eb->cursor[0]; cursor_t * restrict cr1 = &eb->cursor[1]; cursor_t * restrict cr2 = &eb->cursor[2]; if (cr0->unset) { assert(cr1->unset && cr2->unset); return; } iy0 = fixed2int(cr0->y) - base; iy1 = fixed2int(cr1->y) - base; if (!cr2->unset) { assert(!cr1->unset); iy2 = fixed2int(cr2->y) - base; /* Try to merge the end of cursor 0 with the end of cursor 1 */ if (iy0 == iy1 && dirns_match(cr0->d, dirn_flip(cr1->d))) { /* Succeeded! Just one to output. */ cr0->d = dirns_merge(cr0->d, dirn_flip(cr1->d)); if (cr0->left > cr1->left) cr0->left = cr1->left; if (cr0->right < cr1->right) cr0->right = cr1->right; cr1->unset = 1; /* Stop us outputting cursor 1 later */ } /* Try to merge the end of cursor 2 with the start of cursor 0 */ if (cr0->saved) { if (cr0->save_iy == iy2 && dirns_match(cr0->save_d, cr2->d)) { cr0->save_d = dirns_merge(cr0->save_d, cr2->d); if (cr0->save_left > cr2->left) cr0->save_left = cr2->left; if (cr0->save_right > cr2->right) cr0->save_right = cr2->right; cr2->unset = 1; /* Stop us outputting cursor 2 later */ } } else { /* Maybe cursor 0 never moved from the original pixel */ if (iy0 == iy2 && dirns_match(cr0->d, cr2->d)) { cr0->d = dirns_merge(cr0->d, cr2->d); if (cr0->left > cr2->left) cr0->left = cr2->left; if (cr0->right > cr2->right) cr0->right = cr2->right; cr2->unset = 1; /* Stop us outputting cursor 2 later */ } } /* Try to merge the start of cursor 2 with the start of cursor 1 */ if (cr1->saved) { if (cr2->saved) { if (cr2->save_iy == cr1->save_iy && dirns_match(cr2->save_d, dirn_flip(cr1->save_d))) { cr2->save_d = dirns_merge(cr2->save_d, dirn_flip(cr1->save_d)); if (cr2->save_left > cr1->save_left) cr2->save_left = cr1->save_left; if (cr2->save_right > cr1->save_right) cr2->save_right = cr1->save_right; cr1->saved = 0; /* Don't output cr1->saved again later */ } } else if (!cr2->unset) { /* Maybe cursor 2 never moved from the original pixel */ if (iy2 == cr1->save_iy && dirns_match(cr2->d, dirn_flip(cr1->save_d))) { cr2->d = dirns_merge(cr2->d, dirn_flip(cr1->save_d)); if (cr2->left > cr1->save_left) cr2->left = cr1->save_left; if (cr2->right > cr1->save_right) cr2->right = cr1->save_right; cr1->saved = 0; /* Don't output cr1->saved again later */ } } } else if (!cr1->unset) { /* Cursor 1 might not have moved from the original pixel, hence nothing saved */ if (cr2->saved) { if (cr2->save_iy == iy1 && dirns_match(cr2->save_d, dirn_flip(cr1->d))) { cr2->save_d = dirns_merge(cr2->save_d, dirn_flip(cr1->d)); if (cr2->save_left > cr1->left) cr2->save_left = cr1->left; if (cr2->save_right > cr1->right) cr2->save_right = cr1->right; cr1->unset = 1; /* Stop us outputting cursor 1 later */ } } else if (!cr2->unset) { /* Maybe cursor 2 never moved from the original pixel */ if (iy2 == iy1 && dirns_match(cr2->d, dirn_flip(cr1->d))) { cr2->d = dirns_merge(cr2->d, dirn_flip(cr1->d)); if (cr2->left > cr1->left) cr2->left = cr1->left; if (cr2->right > cr1->right) cr2->right = cr1->right; cr1->unset = 1; /* Stop us outputting cursor 1 later */ } } } else { /* Cursor 1 might not have moved from the original pixel, hence nothing saved, * AND we might have merged it with cursor 0 already! */ if (cr2->saved) { if (iy0 == cr2->save_iy && dirns_match(cr0->d, cr2->save_d)) { cr0->d = dirns_merge(cr0->d, cr2->save_d); if (cr0->left > cr2->save_left) cr0->left = cr2->save_left; if (cr0->right > cr2->save_right) cr0->right = cr2->save_right; cr2->saved = 0; /* Stop us outputting saved cursor 2 later */ } } else if (!cr2->unset) { /* Maybe cursor 2 never moved from the original pixel */ if (iy0 == iy2 && dirns_match(cr0->d, cr2->d)) { cr0->d = dirns_merge(cr0->d, cr2->d); if (cr0->left > cr2->left) cr0->left = cr2->left; if (cr0->right > cr2->right) cr0->right = cr2->right; cr2->unset = 1; /* Stop us outputting cursor 2 later */ } } } } else { /* Try to merge the end of cursor 0 with the start of cursor 0 */ if (cr0->saved) { if (iy0 == cr0->save_iy && dirns_match(cr0->d, cr0->save_d)) { cr0->d = dirns_merge(cr0->d, cr0->save_d); if (cr0->left > cr0->save_left) cr0->left = cr0->save_left; if (cr0->right > cr0->save_right) cr0->right = cr0->save_right; cr0->saved = 0; /* Stop us outputting saved cursor 0 later */ } } if (!cr1->unset) { /* Try to merge the end of cursor 1 with the start of cursor 1 */ if (cr1->saved) { if (iy1 == cr1->save_iy && dirns_match(cr1->d, cr1->save_d)) { cr1->d = dirns_merge(cr1->d, cr1->save_d); if (cr1->left > cr1->save_left) cr1->left = cr1->save_left; if (cr1->right > cr1->save_right) cr1->right = cr1->save_right; cr1->saved = 0; /* Stop us outputting saved cursor 1 later */ } } } } if (!cr0->unset) cursor_output(eb, 0, iy0); if (cr0->saved) { cr0->left = cr0->save_left; cr0->right = cr0->save_right; cr0->d = cr0->save_d; cursor_output(eb, 0, cr0->save_iy); } if (!cr1->unset) cursor_output(eb, 1, iy1); if (cr1->saved) { cr1->left = cr1->save_left; cr1->right = cr1->save_right; cr1->d = cr1->save_d; cursor_output(eb, 1, cr1->save_iy); } if (!cr2->unset) cursor_output(eb, 2, iy2); if (cr2->saved) { cr2->left = cr2->save_left; cr2->right = cr2->save_right; cr2->d = cr2->save_d; cursor_output(eb, 2, cr2->save_iy); } } static void do_mark_line_app(fz_context *ctx, fz_edgebuffer *eb, fixed sx, fixed sy, fixed ex, fixed ey, int rev) { int base_y = eb->super.clip.y0; int height = eb->super.clip.y1 - eb->super.clip.y0; int isy, iey; fixed y_steps; fixed save_sy = sy; fixed save_ex = ex; fixed save_ey = ey; int truncated; cursor_t * restrict cr = &eb->cursor[rev]; if (cr->unset) cr->y = sy, cr->left = sx, cr->right = sx, cr->unset = 0; /* Floating point inaccuracies can cause these not *quite* to be true. */ assert(cr->y == sy && cr->left <= sx && cr->right >= sx && cr->d >= DIRN_UNSET && cr->d <= DIRN_DOWN); sy = cr->y; if (cr->left > sx) sx = cr->left; else if (cr->right < sx) sx = cr->right; if (sx == ex && sy == ey) return; isy = fixed2int(sy) - base_y; iey = fixed2int(ey) - base_y; #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) fz_write_printf(ctx, fz_stderr(ctx), "Marking line (app) from %x,%x to %x,%x (%x,%x) %d\n", sx, sy, ex, ey, isy, iey, rev); #endif if (isy < iey) { /* Rising line */ if (iey < 0 || isy >= height) { /* All line is outside. */ cr->y = ey; cr->left = ex; cr->right = ex; cr->can_save = 0; return; } if (isy < 0) { /* Move sy up */ int y = ey - sy; int new_sy = int2fixed(base_y); int dy = new_sy - sy; sx += (int)((((int64_t)(ex-sx))*dy + y/2)/y); sy = new_sy; cursor_init(eb, rev, sy, sx); isy = 0; } truncated = iey > height; if (truncated) { /* Move ey down */ int y = ey - sy; int new_ey = int2fixed(base_y + height); int dy = ey - new_ey; save_ex = ex; save_ey = ey; ex -= (int)((((int64_t)(ex-sx))*dy + y/2)/y); ey = new_ey; iey = height; } } else { /* Falling line */ if (isy < 0 || iey >= height) { /* All line is outside. */ cr->y = ey; cr->left = ex; cr->right = ex; cr->can_save = 0; return; } truncated = iey < 0; if (truncated) { /* Move ey up */ int y = ey - sy; int new_ey = int2fixed(base_y); int dy = ey - new_ey; ex -= (int)((((int64_t)(ex-sx))*dy + y/2)/y); ey = new_ey; iey = 0; } if (isy >= height) { /* Move sy down */ int y = ey - sy; if (y) { int new_sy = int2fixed(base_y + height); int dy = new_sy - sy; sx += (int)((((int64_t)(ex-sx))*dy + y/2)/y); sy = new_sy; cursor_init(eb, rev, sy, sx); isy = height; } } } assert(cr->left <= sx); assert(cr->right >= sx); assert(cr->y == sy); /* A note: The code below used to be of the form: * if (isy == iey) ... deal with horizontal lines * else if (ey > sy) { * fixed y_steps = ey - sy; * ... deal with rising lines ... * } else { * fixed y_steps = ey - sy; * ... deal with falling lines * } * but that lead to problems, for instance, an example seen * has sx=2aa8e, sy=8aee7, ex=7ffc1686, ey=8003e97a. * Thus isy=84f, iey=ff80038a. We can see that ey < sy, but * sy - ey < 0! * We therefore rejig our code so that the choice between * cases is done based on the sign of y_steps rather than * the relative size of ey and sy. */ /* First, deal with lines that don't change scanline. * This accommodates horizontal lines. */ if (isy == iey) { if (save_sy == save_ey) { /* Horizontal line. Don't change cr->d, don't flush. */ } else if (save_sy > save_ey) { /* Falling line, flush if previous was rising */ cursor_down(eb, rev, sx); } else { /* Rising line, flush if previous was falling */ cursor_up(eb, rev, sx); } if (sx <= ex) { cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, ex); } else { cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, ex); cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); } cr->y = ey; if (sy > save_ey) goto endFalling; } else if ((y_steps = ey - sy) > 0) { /* We want to change from sy to ey, which are guaranteed to be on * different scanlines. We do this in 3 phases. * Phase 1 gets us from sy to the next scanline boundary. * Phase 2 gets us all the way to the last scanline boundary. * Phase 3 gets us from the last scanline boundary to ey. */ /* We want to change from sy to ey, which are guaranteed to be on * different scanlines. We do this in 3 phases. * Phase 1 gets us from sy to the next scanline boundary. (We may exit after phase 1). * Phase 2 gets us all the way to the last scanline boundary. (This may be a null operation) * Phase 3 gets us from the last scanline boundary to ey. (We are guaranteed to have output the cursor at least once before phase 3). */ int phase1_y_steps = (-sy) & (fixed_1 - 1); int phase3_y_steps = ey & (fixed_1 - 1); cursor_up(eb, rev, sx); if (sx == ex) { /* Vertical line. (Rising) */ /* Phase 1: */ cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); if (phase1_y_steps) { /* If phase 1 will move us into a new scanline, then we must * flush it before we move. */ cursor_step(eb, rev, phase1_y_steps, sx); sy += phase1_y_steps; y_steps -= phase1_y_steps; if (y_steps == 0) goto end; } /* Phase 3: precalculation */ y_steps -= phase3_y_steps; /* Phase 2: */ y_steps = fixed2int(y_steps); assert(y_steps >= 0); if (y_steps > 0) { cursor_always_step(eb, rev, fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; while (y_steps) { cursor_always_step_inrange_vertical(eb, rev, fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; } } /* Phase 3 */ assert(cr->left == sx && cr->right == sx); cr->y += phase3_y_steps; } else if (sx < ex) { /* Lines increasing in x. (Rightwards, rising) */ int phase1_x_steps, phase3_x_steps; fixed x_steps = ex - sx; /* Phase 1: */ cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); if (phase1_y_steps) { phase1_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase1_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); sx += phase1_x_steps; cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); x_steps -= phase1_x_steps; cursor_step(eb, rev, phase1_y_steps, sx); sy += phase1_y_steps; y_steps -= phase1_y_steps; if (y_steps == 0) goto end; } /* Phase 3: precalculation */ phase3_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase3_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase3_x_steps; y_steps -= phase3_y_steps; assert((y_steps & (fixed_1 - 1)) == 0); /* Phase 2: */ y_steps = fixed2int(y_steps); assert(y_steps >= 0); if (y_steps) { /* We want to change sx by x_steps in y_steps steps. * So each step, we add x_steps/y_steps to sx. That's x_inc + n_inc/y_steps. */ int x_inc = x_steps/y_steps; int n_inc = x_steps - (x_inc * y_steps); int f = y_steps/2; int d = y_steps; /* Special casing the unset iteration, allows us to simplify * the following loop. */ sx += x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx++; cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); cursor_always_step(eb, rev, fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; while (y_steps) { sx += x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx++; cursor_right(eb, rev, sx); cursor_always_inrange_step_right(eb, rev, fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; }; } /* Phase 3 */ assert(cr->left <= ex && cr->right >= sx); cursor_right(eb, rev, ex); cr->y += phase3_y_steps; } else { /* Lines decreasing in x. (Leftwards, rising) */ int phase1_x_steps, phase3_x_steps; fixed x_steps = sx - ex; /* Phase 1: */ cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); if (phase1_y_steps) { phase1_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase1_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase1_x_steps; sx -= phase1_x_steps; cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); cursor_step(eb, rev, phase1_y_steps, sx); sy += phase1_y_steps; y_steps -= phase1_y_steps; if (y_steps == 0) goto end; } /* Phase 3: precalculation */ phase3_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase3_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase3_x_steps; y_steps -= phase3_y_steps; assert((y_steps & (fixed_1 - 1)) == 0); /* Phase 2: */ y_steps = fixed2int(y_steps); assert(y_steps >= 0); if (y_steps) { /* We want to change sx by x_steps in y_steps steps. * So each step, we sub x_steps/y_steps from sx. That's x_inc + n_inc/ey. */ int x_inc = x_steps/y_steps; int n_inc = x_steps - (x_inc * y_steps); int f = y_steps/2; int d = y_steps; /* Special casing the unset iteration, allows us to simplify * the following loop. */ sx -= x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx--; cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); cursor_always_step(eb, rev, fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; while (y_steps) { sx -= x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx--; cursor_left(eb, rev, sx); cursor_always_inrange_step_left(eb, rev, fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; } } /* Phase 3 */ assert(cr->right >= ex && cr->left <= sx); cursor_left(eb, rev, ex); cr->y += phase3_y_steps; } } else { /* So lines decreasing in y. */ /* We want to change from sy to ey, which are guaranteed to be on * different scanlines. We do this in 3 phases. * Phase 1 gets us from sy to the next scanline boundary. This never causes an output. * Phase 2 gets us all the way to the last scanline boundary. This is guaranteed to cause an output. * Phase 3 gets us from the last scanline boundary to ey. We are guaranteed to have outputted by now. */ int phase1_y_steps = sy & (fixed_1 - 1); int phase3_y_steps = (-ey) & (fixed_1 - 1); y_steps = -y_steps; /* Cope with the awkward 0x80000000 case. */ if (y_steps < 0) { int mx, my; mx = sx + ((ex-sx)>>1); my = sy + ((ey-sy)>>1); do_mark_line_app(ctx, eb, sx, sy, mx, my, rev); do_mark_line_app(ctx, eb, mx, my, ex, ey, rev); return; } cursor_down(eb, rev, sx); if (sx == ex) { /* Vertical line. (Falling) */ /* Phase 1: */ cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); if (phase1_y_steps) { /* Phase 1 in a falling line never moves us into a new scanline. */ cursor_never_step_vertical(eb, rev, -phase1_y_steps, sx); sy -= phase1_y_steps; y_steps -= phase1_y_steps; if (y_steps == 0) goto endFalling; } /* Phase 3: precalculation */ y_steps -= phase3_y_steps; assert((y_steps & (fixed_1 - 1)) == 0); /* Phase 2: */ y_steps = fixed2int(y_steps); assert(y_steps >= 0); if (y_steps) { cursor_always_step(eb, rev, -fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; while (y_steps) { cursor_always_step_inrange_vertical(eb, rev, -fixed_1, sx); y_steps--; } } /* Phase 3 */ if (phase3_y_steps > 0) { cursor_step(eb, rev, -phase3_y_steps, sx); assert(cr->left == sx && cr->right == sx); } } else if (sx < ex) { /* Lines increasing in x. (Rightwards, falling) */ int phase1_x_steps, phase3_x_steps; fixed x_steps = ex - sx; /* Phase 1: */ cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); if (phase1_y_steps) { phase1_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase1_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase1_x_steps; sx += phase1_x_steps; /* Phase 1 in a falling line never moves us into a new scanline. */ cursor_never_step_right(eb, rev, -phase1_y_steps, sx); sy -= phase1_y_steps; y_steps -= phase1_y_steps; if (y_steps == 0) goto endFalling; } else cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); /* Phase 3: precalculation */ phase3_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase3_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase3_x_steps; y_steps -= phase3_y_steps; assert((y_steps & (fixed_1 - 1)) == 0); /* Phase 2: */ y_steps = fixed2int(y_steps); assert(y_steps >= 0); if (y_steps) { /* We want to change sx by x_steps in y_steps steps. * So each step, we add x_steps/y_steps to sx. That's x_inc + n_inc/ey. */ int x_inc = x_steps/y_steps; int n_inc = x_steps - (x_inc * y_steps); int f = y_steps/2; int d = y_steps; cursor_always_step(eb, rev, -fixed_1, sx); sx += x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx++; cursor_right(eb, rev, sx); y_steps--; while (y_steps) { cursor_always_inrange_step_right(eb, rev, -fixed_1, sx); sx += x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx++; cursor_right(eb, rev, sx); y_steps--; } } /* Phase 3 */ if (phase3_y_steps > 0) { cursor_step(eb, rev, -phase3_y_steps, sx); cursor_right(eb, rev, ex); assert(cr->left == sx && cr->right == ex); } } else { /* Lines decreasing in x. (Falling) */ int phase1_x_steps, phase3_x_steps; fixed x_steps = sx - ex; /* Phase 1: */ cursor_right_merge(eb, rev, sx); if (phase1_y_steps) { phase1_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase1_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase1_x_steps; sx -= phase1_x_steps; /* Phase 1 in a falling line never moves us into a new scanline. */ cursor_never_step_left(eb, rev, -phase1_y_steps, sx); sy -= phase1_y_steps; y_steps -= phase1_y_steps; if (y_steps == 0) goto endFalling; } else cursor_left_merge(eb, rev, sx); /* Phase 3: precalculation */ phase3_x_steps = (int)(((int64_t)x_steps * phase3_y_steps + y_steps/2) / y_steps); x_steps -= phase3_x_steps; y_steps -= phase3_y_steps; assert((y_steps & (fixed_1 - 1)) == 0); /* Phase 2: */ y_steps = fixed2int(y_steps); assert(y_steps >= 0); if (y_steps) { /* We want to change sx by x_steps in y_steps steps. * So each step, we sub x_steps/y_steps from sx. That's x_inc + n_inc/ey. */ int x_inc = x_steps/y_steps; int n_inc = x_steps - (x_inc * y_steps); int f = y_steps/2; int d = y_steps; cursor_always_step(eb, rev, -fixed_1, sx); sx -= x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx--; cursor_left(eb, rev, sx); y_steps--; while (y_steps) { cursor_always_inrange_step_left(eb, rev, -fixed_1, sx); sx -= x_inc; f -= n_inc; if (f < 0) f += d, sx--; cursor_left(eb, rev, sx); y_steps--; } } /* Phase 3 */ if (phase3_y_steps > 0) { cursor_step(eb, rev, -phase3_y_steps, sx); cursor_left(eb, rev, ex); assert(cr->left == ex && cr->right == sx); } } endFalling: if (truncated) cursor_output(eb, rev, fixed2int(cr->y) - base_y); } end: if (truncated) { cr->left = save_ex; cr->right = save_ex; cr->y = save_ey; } } static void mark_line_app(fz_context *ctx, fz_edgebuffer *eb, fixed sx, fixed sy, fixed ex, fixed ey, int rev) { if (rev == 1) { fixed t; t = sx, sx = ex, ex = t; t = sy, sy = ey, ey = t; } do_mark_line_app(ctx, eb, sx, sy, ex, ey, rev); } static void fz_insert_edgebuffer_app(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *ras, float fsx, float fsy, float fex, float fey, int rev) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)ras; fixed sx = float2fixed(fsx); fixed sy = float2fixed(fsy); fixed ex = float2fixed(fex); fixed ey = float2fixed(fey); if (fsx < fex) { if (fsx < eb->super.bbox.x0) eb->super.bbox.x0 = fsx; if (fex > eb->super.bbox.x1) eb->super.bbox.x1 = fex; } else { if (fsx > eb->super.bbox.x1) eb->super.bbox.x1 = fsx; if (fex < eb->super.bbox.x0) eb->super.bbox.x0 = fex; } if (fsy < fey) { if (fsy < eb->super.bbox.y0) eb->super.bbox.y0 = fsy; if (fey > eb->super.bbox.y1) eb->super.bbox.y1 = fey; } else { if (fey < eb->super.bbox.y0) eb->super.bbox.y0 = fey; if (fsy > eb->super.bbox.y1) eb->super.bbox.y1 = fsy; } mark_line_app(ctx, eb, sx, sy, ex, ey, rev); } static int intcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return *((int*)a) - *((int *)b); } static void fz_convert_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *ras, int eofill, const fz_irect *clip, fz_pixmap *pix, unsigned char *color) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)ras; int scanlines = ras->clip.y1 - ras->clip.y0; int i, n, a, pl, pr; int *table = eb->table; int *index = eb->index; uint8_t *out; fz_solid_color_painter_t *fn; fn = fz_get_solid_color_painter(pix->n, color, pix->alpha); assert(fn); if (fn == NULL) return; #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before sort:\n"); fz_edgebuffer_print(ctx, err, eb); } #endif if (!eb->sorted) { eb->sorted = 1; for (i = 0; i < scanlines; i++) { int *row = &table[index[i]]; int rowlen = *row++; /* Bubblesort short runs, qsort longer ones. */ /* FIXME: Check "6" below */ if (rowlen <= 6) { int j, k; for (j = 0; j < rowlen-1; j++) { int t = row[j]; for (k = j+1; k < rowlen; k++) { int s = row[k]; if (t > s) row[k] = t, t = row[j] = s; } } } else qsort(row, rowlen, sizeof(int), intcmp); } #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before filter: %s\n", eofill ? "EO" : "NZ"); fz_edgebuffer_print(ctx, err, eb); } #endif for (i=0; i < scanlines; i++) { int *row = &table[index[i]]; int *rowstart = row; int rowlen = *row++; int *rowout = row; while (rowlen > 0) { int left, right; if (eofill) { /* Even Odd */ left = (*row++)&~1; right = (*row++)&~1; rowlen -= 2; } else { /* Non-Zero */ int w; left = *row++; w = ((left&1)-1) | (left&1); rowlen--; do { right = *row++; rowlen--; w += ((right&1)-1) | (right&1); } while (w != 0); left &= ~1; right &= ~1; } if (right > left) { *rowout++ = left; *rowout++ = right; } } *rowstart = (rowout-rowstart)-1; } } #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before render:\n"); fz_edgebuffer_print(ctx, err, eb); } #endif n = pix->n; a = pix->alpha; pl = fz_maxi(ras->clip.x0, pix->x); pr = fz_mini(ras->clip.x1, pix->x + pix->w); out = pix->samples + pix->stride * fz_maxi(ras->clip.y0 - pix->y, 0) + fz_maxi(ras->clip.x0 - pix->x, 0) * n; if (scanlines > pix->y + pix->h - ras->clip.y0) scanlines = pix->y + pix->h - ras->clip.y0; for (i = fz_maxi(pix->y - ras->clip.y0, 0); i < scanlines; i++) { int *row = &table[index[i]]; int rowlen = *row++; while (rowlen > 0) { int left, right; left = *row++; right = *row++; rowlen -= 2; left = fixed2int(left + fixed_half) - pl; right = fixed2int(right + fixed_half) - pl; if (right <= 0) continue; if (left >= pr) continue; if (right > pr) right = pr; if (left < 0) left = 0; right -= left; if (right > 0) { (*fn)(out + left*n, n, right, color, a); } } out += pix->stride; } } static int edgecmp(const void *a, const void *b) { int left = ((int*)a)[0]; int right = ((int*)b)[0]; left -= right; if (left) return left; return ((int*)a)[1] - ((int*)b)[1]; } static void fz_convert_edgebuffer_app(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *ras, int eofill, const fz_irect *clip, fz_pixmap *pix, unsigned char *color) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)ras; int scanlines = ras->clip.y1 - ras->clip.y0; int i, n, a, pl, pr; int *table = eb->table; int *index = eb->index; uint8_t *out; fz_solid_color_painter_t *fn; fn = fz_get_solid_color_painter(pix->n, color, pix->alpha); assert(fn); if (fn == NULL) return; #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before sort:\n"); fz_edgebuffer_print_app(ctx, err, eb); } #endif if (!eb->sorted) { eb->sorted = 1; for (i = 0; i < scanlines; i++) { int *row = &table[index[i]]; int rowlen = *row++; /* Bubblesort short runs, qsort longer ones. */ /* FIXME: Check "6" below */ if (rowlen <= 6) { int j, k; for (j = 0; j < rowlen-1; j++) { int * restrict t = &row[j<<1]; for (k = j+1; k < rowlen; k++) { int * restrict s = &row[k<<1]; int tmp; if (t[0] < s[0]) continue; if (t[0] > s[0]) tmp = t[0], t[0] = s[0], s[0] = tmp; else if (t[0] <= s[1]) continue; tmp = t[1]; t[1] = s[1]; s[1] = tmp; } } } else qsort(row, rowlen, 2*sizeof(int), edgecmp); } #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before filter: %s\n", eofill ? "EO" : "NZ"); fz_edgebuffer_print_app(ctx, err, eb); } #endif for (i=0; i < scanlines; i++) { int *row = &table[index[i]]; int rowlen = *row++; int *rowstart = row; int *rowout = row; int ll, lr, rl, rr, wind, marked_to; /* Avoid double setting pixels, by keeping where we have marked to. */ marked_to = int2fixed(clip->x0); while (rowlen > 0) { if (eofill) { /* Even Odd */ ll = (*row++)&~1; lr = *row; row += 2; rowlen-=2; /* We will fill solidly from ll to at least lr, possibly further */ assert(rowlen >= 0); rr = (*row++); if (rr > lr) lr = rr; } else { /* Non-Zero */ int w; ll = *row++; lr = *row++; wind = -(ll&1) | 1; ll &= ~1; rowlen--; assert(rowlen > 0); do { rl = *row++; rr = *row++; w = -(rl&1) | 1; rl &= ~1; rowlen--; if (rr > lr) lr = rr; wind += w; if (wind == 0) break; } while (rowlen > 0); } if (marked_to >= lr) continue; if (marked_to >= ll) { if (rowout == rowstart) ll = marked_to; else { rowout -= 2; ll = *rowout; } } if (lr > ll) { *rowout++ = ll; *rowout++ = lr; marked_to = lr; } } rowstart[-1] = rowout-rowstart; } } #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before render:\n"); fz_edgebuffer_print_app(ctx, err, eb); } #endif n = pix->n; a = pix->alpha; pl = clip->x0; pr = clip->x1 - pl; out = pix->samples + pix->stride * (clip->y0 - pix->y) + (clip->x0 - pix->x) * n; if (scanlines > clip->y1 - ras->clip.y0) scanlines = clip->y1 - ras->clip.y0; i = (clip->y0 - ras->clip.y0); if (i < 0) return; for (; i < scanlines; i++) { int *row = &table[index[i]]; int rowlen = *row++; while (rowlen > 0) { int left, right; left = *row++; right = *row++; rowlen -= 2; left = fixed2int(left + fixed_half) - pl; right = fixed2int(right + fixed_half) - pl; if (right <= 0) continue; if (left >= pr) break; if (right > pr) right = pr; if (left < 0) left = 0; right -= left; if (right > 0) { (*fn)(out + left*n, n, right, color, a); } } out += pix->stride; } } static void fz_gap_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *ras) { fz_edgebuffer *eb = (fz_edgebuffer *)ras; if (eb->app) { #ifdef DEBUG_SCAN_CONVERTER if (0 && debugging_scan_converter) { fz_output *err = fz_stderr(ctx); fz_write_printf(ctx, fz_stderr(ctx), "Pen up move.\n"); fz_write_printf(ctx, err, "Before flush:\n"); fz_edgebuffer_print_app(ctx, err, eb); } #endif cursor_flush(eb); eb->cursor[0].saved = 0; eb->cursor[0].unset = 1; eb->cursor[0].can_save = 1; eb->cursor[0].d = DIRN_UNSET; eb->cursor[1].saved = 0; eb->cursor[1].unset = 1; eb->cursor[1].can_save = 1; eb->cursor[1].d = DIRN_UNSET; eb->cursor[2].saved = 0; eb->cursor[2].unset = 1; eb->cursor[2].can_save = 1; eb->cursor[2].d = DIRN_UNSET; } } static int fz_is_rect_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_rasterizer *r) { return 0; } static const fz_rasterizer_fns edgebuffer_app = { fz_drop_edgebuffer, fz_reset_edgebuffer, fz_postindex_edgebuffer, fz_insert_edgebuffer_app, NULL, fz_gap_edgebuffer, fz_convert_edgebuffer_app, fz_is_rect_edgebuffer, 1 /* Reusable */ }; static const fz_rasterizer_fns edgebuffer_cop = { fz_drop_edgebuffer, fz_reset_edgebuffer, fz_postindex_edgebuffer, fz_insert_edgebuffer, NULL, NULL, /* gap */ fz_convert_edgebuffer, fz_is_rect_edgebuffer, 1 /* Reusable */ }; fz_rasterizer * fz_new_edgebuffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_edgebuffer_rule rule) { fz_edgebuffer *eb; eb = fz_new_derived_rasterizer(ctx, fz_edgebuffer, rule == FZ_EDGEBUFFER_ANY_PART_OF_PIXEL ? &edgebuffer_app : &edgebuffer_cop); fz_try(ctx) { eb->app = rule == FZ_EDGEBUFFER_ANY_PART_OF_PIXEL; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free(ctx, eb); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return &eb->super; }