#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> const char *fz_pclm_write_options_usage = "PCLm output options:\n" "\tcompression=none: No compression (default)\n" "\tcompression=flate: Flate compression\n" "\tstrip-height=N: Strip height (default 16)\n" "\n"; fz_pclm_options * fz_parse_pclm_options(fz_context *ctx, fz_pclm_options *opts, const char *args) { const char *val; memset(opts, 0, sizeof *opts); if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "compression", &val)) { if (fz_option_eq(val, "none")) opts->compress = 0; else if (fz_option_eq(val, "flate")) opts->compress = 1; else fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unsupported PCLm compression %s (none, or flate only)", val); } if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "strip-height", &val)) { int i = fz_atoi(val); if (i <= 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unsupported PCLm strip height %d (suggest 16)", i); opts->strip_height = i; } return opts; } void fz_write_pixmap_as_pclm(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, const fz_pixmap *pixmap, const fz_pclm_options *pclm) { fz_band_writer *writer; if (!pixmap || !out) return; writer = fz_new_pclm_band_writer(ctx, out, pclm); fz_try(ctx) { fz_write_header(ctx, writer, pixmap->w, pixmap->h, pixmap->n, pixmap->alpha, pixmap->xres, pixmap->yres, 0, pixmap->colorspace, pixmap->seps); fz_write_band(ctx, writer, pixmap->stride, pixmap->h, pixmap->samples); } fz_always(ctx) fz_drop_band_writer(ctx, writer); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } typedef struct pclm_band_writer_s { fz_band_writer super; fz_pclm_options options; int obj_num; int xref_max; int64_t *xref; int pages; int page_max; int *page_obj; unsigned char *stripbuf; unsigned char *compbuf; size_t complen; } pclm_band_writer; static int new_obj(fz_context *ctx, pclm_band_writer *writer) { int64_t pos = fz_tell_output(ctx, writer->super.out); if (writer->obj_num >= writer->xref_max) { int new_max = writer->xref_max * 2; if (new_max < writer->obj_num + 8) new_max = writer->obj_num + 8; writer->xref = fz_resize_array(ctx, writer->xref, new_max, sizeof(*writer->xref)); writer->xref_max = new_max; } writer->xref[writer->obj_num] = pos; return writer->obj_num++; } static void pclm_write_header(fz_context *ctx, fz_band_writer *writer_, const fz_colorspace *cs) { pclm_band_writer *writer = (pclm_band_writer *)writer_; fz_output *out = writer->super.out; int w = writer->super.w; int h = writer->super.h; int n = writer->super.n; int s = writer->super.s; int a = writer->super.alpha; int xres = writer->super.xres; int yres = writer->super.yres; int sh = writer->options.strip_height; int strips = (h + sh-1)/sh; int i; size_t len; unsigned char *data; fz_buffer *buf = NULL; if (a != 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "PCLm cannot write alpha channel"); if (s != 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "PCLm cannot write spot colors"); if (n != 3 && n != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "PCLm expected to be Grayscale or RGB"); fz_free(ctx, writer->stripbuf); fz_free(ctx, writer->compbuf); writer->stripbuf = fz_malloc(ctx, w * sh * n); writer->complen = fz_deflate_bound(ctx, w * sh * n); writer->compbuf = fz_malloc(ctx, writer->complen); /* Send the file header on the first page */ if (writer->pages == 0) fz_write_string(ctx, out, "%PDF-1.4\n%PCLm-1.0\n"); if (writer->page_max <= writer->pages) { int new_max = writer->page_max * 2; if (new_max == 0) new_max = writer->pages + 8; writer->page_obj = fz_resize_array(ctx, writer->page_obj, new_max, sizeof(*writer->page_obj)); writer->page_max = new_max; } writer->page_obj[writer->pages] = writer->obj_num; writer->pages++; /* Send the Page Object */ fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%d 0 obj\n<<\n/Type /Page\n/Parent 2 0 R\n/Resources <<\n/XObject <<\n", new_obj(ctx, writer)); for (i = 0; i < strips; i++) fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "/Image%d %d 0 R\n", i, writer->obj_num + 1 + i); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, ">>\n>>\n/MediaBox[ 0 0 %g %g ]\n/Contents [ %d 0 R ]\n>>\nendobj\n", w * 72.0f / xres, h * 72.0f / yres, writer->obj_num); /* And the Page contents */ /* We need the length to this, so write to a buffer first */ fz_var(buf); fz_try(ctx) { buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 0); fz_append_printf(ctx, buf, "%g 0 0 %g 0 0 cm\n", 72.0f/xres, 72.0f/yres); for (i = 0; i < strips; i++) { int at = h - (i+1)*sh; int this_sh = sh; if (at < 0) { this_sh += at; at = 0; } fz_append_printf(ctx, buf, "/P <</MCID 0>> BDC q\n%d 0 0 %d 0 %d cm\n/Image%d Do Q\n", w, this_sh, at, i); } len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%d 0 obj\n<<\n/Length %zd\n>>\nstream\n", new_obj(ctx, writer), len); fz_write_data(ctx, out, data, len); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); buf = NULL; fz_write_string(ctx, out, "\nendstream\nendobj\n"); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } static void flush_strip(fz_context *ctx, pclm_band_writer *writer, int fill) { unsigned char *data = writer->stripbuf; fz_output *out = writer->super.out; int w = writer->super.w; int n = writer->super.n; size_t len = w*n*fill; /* Buffer is full, compress it and write it. */ if (writer->options.compress) { size_t destLen = writer->complen; fz_deflate(ctx, writer->compbuf, &destLen, data, len, FZ_DEFLATE_DEFAULT); len = destLen; data = writer->compbuf; } fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%d 0 obj\n<<\n/Width %d\n/ColorSpace /Device%s\n/Height %d\n%s/Subtype /Image\n", new_obj(ctx, writer), w, n == 1 ? "Gray" : "RGB", fill, writer->options.compress ? "/Filter /FlateDecode\n" : ""); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "/Length %zd\n/Type /XObject\n/BitsPerComponent 8\n>>\nstream\n", len); fz_write_data(ctx, out, data, len); fz_write_string(ctx, out, "\nendstream\nendobj\n"); } static void pclm_write_band(fz_context *ctx, fz_band_writer *writer_, int stride, int band_start, int band_height, const unsigned char *sp) { pclm_band_writer *writer = (pclm_band_writer *)writer_; fz_output *out = writer->super.out; int w = writer->super.w; int h = writer->super.h; int n = writer->super.n; int sh = writer->options.strip_height; int line; if (!out) return; for (line = 0; line < band_height; line++) { int dstline = (band_start+line) % sh; memcpy(writer->stripbuf + w*n*dstline, sp + line * w*n, w*n); if (dstline+1 == sh) flush_strip(ctx, writer, dstline+1); } if (band_start + band_height == h && h % sh != 0) flush_strip(ctx, writer, h % sh); } static void pclm_write_trailer(fz_context *ctx, fz_band_writer *writer_) { } static void pclm_drop_band_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_band_writer *writer_) { pclm_band_writer *writer = (pclm_band_writer *)writer_; fz_output *out = writer->super.out; int i; /* We actually do the trailer writing in the drop */ if (writer->xref_max > 2) { int64_t t_pos; /* Catalog */ writer->xref[1] = fz_tell_output(ctx, out); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "1 0 obj\n<<\n/Type /Catalog\n/Pages 2 0 R\n>>\nendobj\n"); /* Page table */ writer->xref[2] = fz_tell_output(ctx, out); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "2 0 obj\n<<\n/Count %d\n/Kids [ ", writer->pages); for (i = 0; i < writer->pages; i++) fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%d 0 R ", writer->page_obj[i]); fz_write_string(ctx, out, "]\n/Type /Pages\n>>\nendobj\n"); /* Xref */ t_pos = fz_tell_output(ctx, out); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "xref\n0 %d\n0000000000 65535 f \n", writer->obj_num); for (i = 1; i < writer->obj_num; i++) fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "%010zd 00000 n \n", writer->xref[i]); fz_write_printf(ctx, out, "trailer\n<<\n/Size %d\n/Root 1 0 R\n>>\nstartxref\n%ld\n%%%%EOF\n", writer->obj_num, t_pos); } fz_free(ctx, writer->stripbuf); fz_free(ctx, writer->compbuf); fz_free(ctx, writer->page_obj); fz_free(ctx, writer->xref); } fz_band_writer *fz_new_pclm_band_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, const fz_pclm_options *options) { pclm_band_writer *writer = fz_new_band_writer(ctx, pclm_band_writer, out); writer->super.header = pclm_write_header; writer->super.band = pclm_write_band; writer->super.trailer = pclm_write_trailer; writer->super.drop = pclm_drop_band_writer; if (options) writer->options = *options; else memset(&writer->options, 0, sizeof(writer->options)); if (writer->options.strip_height == 0) writer->options.strip_height = 16; writer->obj_num = 3; /* 1 reserved for catalog, 2 for pages tree. */ return &writer->super; } void fz_save_pixmap_as_pclm(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pixmap, char *filename, int append, const fz_pclm_options *pclm) { fz_output *out = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, filename, append); fz_try(ctx) { fz_write_pixmap_as_pclm(ctx, out, pixmap, pclm); fz_close_output(ctx, out); } fz_always(ctx) fz_drop_output(ctx, out); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } /* High-level document writer interface */ typedef struct fz_pclm_writer_s fz_pclm_writer; struct fz_pclm_writer_s { fz_document_writer super; fz_draw_options draw; fz_pclm_options pclm; fz_pixmap *pixmap; fz_band_writer *bander; fz_output *out; int pagenum; }; static fz_device * pclm_begin_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_, const fz_rect *mediabox) { fz_pclm_writer *wri = (fz_pclm_writer*)wri_; return fz_new_draw_device_with_options(ctx, &wri->draw, mediabox, &wri->pixmap); } static void pclm_end_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_, fz_device *dev) { fz_pclm_writer *wri = (fz_pclm_writer*)wri_; fz_pixmap *pix = wri->pixmap; fz_try(ctx) fz_close_device(ctx, dev); fz_always(ctx) fz_drop_device(ctx, dev); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); fz_write_header(ctx, wri->bander, pix->w, pix->h, pix->n, pix->alpha, pix->xres, pix->yres, wri->pagenum++, pix->colorspace, pix->seps); fz_write_band(ctx, wri->bander, pix->stride, pix->h, pix->samples); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); wri->pixmap = NULL; } static void pclm_close_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_) { fz_pclm_writer *wri = (fz_pclm_writer*)wri_; fz_drop_band_writer(ctx, wri->bander); wri->bander = NULL; fz_close_output(ctx, wri->out); } static void pclm_drop_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_) { fz_pclm_writer *wri = (fz_pclm_writer*)wri_; fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, wri->pixmap); fz_drop_output(ctx, wri->out); fz_drop_band_writer(ctx, wri->bander); } fz_document_writer * fz_new_pclm_writer(fz_context *ctx, const char *path, const char *options) { fz_pclm_writer *wri = fz_new_derived_document_writer(ctx, fz_pclm_writer, pclm_begin_page, pclm_end_page, pclm_close_writer, pclm_drop_writer); fz_try(ctx) { fz_parse_draw_options(ctx, &wri->draw, options); fz_parse_pclm_options(ctx, &wri->pclm, options); wri->out = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, path ? path : "out.pclm", 0); wri->bander = fz_new_pclm_band_writer(ctx, wri->out, &wri->pclm); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_output(ctx, wri->out); fz_free(ctx, wri); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return (fz_document_writer*)wri; }