#include "mupdf/fitz/stream.h"
#include "mupdf/fitz/string.h"

/* File stream - progressive reading to simulate http download */

typedef struct prog_state
	FILE *file;
	fz_off_t length;
	fz_off_t available;
	int bps;
	clock_t start_time;
	unsigned char buffer[4096];
} prog_state;

static int next_prog(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, size_t len)
	prog_state *ps = (prog_state *)stm->state;
	size_t n;
	unsigned char *buf = ps->buffer;

	if (len > sizeof(ps->buffer))
		len = sizeof(ps->buffer);

	/* Simulate more data having arrived */
	if (ps->available < ps->length)
		fz_off_t av = (fz_off_t)((double)(clock() - ps->start_time) * ps->bps / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC*8));
		if (av > ps->length)
			av = ps->length;
		ps->available = av;
		/* Limit any fetches to be within the data we have */
		if (av < ps->length && len + stm->pos > (size_t)av)
			len = av - stm->pos;
			if (len <= 0)
				fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER, "Not enough data yet");

	n = (len > 0 ? fread(buf, 1, len, ps->file) : 0);
	if (n < len && ferror(ps->file))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "read error: %s", strerror(errno));
	stm->rp = ps->buffer + stm->pos;
	stm->wp = ps->buffer + stm->pos + n;
	stm->pos += n;
	if (n == 0)
		return EOF;
	return *stm->rp++;

static void seek_prog(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, fz_off_t offset, int whence)
	prog_state *ps = (prog_state *)stm->state;

	/* Simulate more data having arrived */
	if (ps->available < ps->length)
		int av = (int)((float)(clock() - ps->start_time) * ps->bps / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC*8));
		if (av > ps->length)
			av = ps->length;
		ps->available = av;
	if (ps->available < ps->length)
		if (whence == SEEK_END)
			fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER, "Not enough data to seek to end yet");
	if (whence == SEEK_CUR)
		whence = SEEK_SET;
		offset += stm->pos;
		if (offset > ps->available)
			fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER, "Not enough data to seek (relatively) to offset yet");
	if (whence == SEEK_SET)
		if (offset > ps->available)
			fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER, "Not enough data to seek to offset yet");

	if (fz_fseek(ps->file, offset, whence) != 0)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot seek: %s", strerror(errno));
	stm->pos = offset;
	stm->wp = stm->rp;

static void close_prog(fz_context *ctx, void *state)
	prog_state *ps = (prog_state *)state;
	fz_free(ctx, state);

static int meta_prog(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, int key, int size, void *ptr)
	prog_state *ps = (prog_state *)stm->state;
		return 1;
		return ps->length;
	return -1;

fz_stream *
fz_open_file_ptr_progressive(fz_context *ctx, FILE *file, int bps)
	fz_stream *stm;
	prog_state *state;

	state = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, prog_state);
	state->file = file;
	state->bps = bps;
	state->start_time = clock();
	state->available = 0;

	fz_fseek(state->file, 0, SEEK_END);
	state->length = fz_ftell(state->file);
	fz_fseek(state->file, 0, SEEK_SET);

		stm = fz_new_stream(ctx, state, next_prog, close_prog);
		fz_free(ctx, state);
	stm->seek = seek_prog;
	stm->meta = meta_prog;

	return stm;

fz_stream *
fz_open_file_progressive(fz_context *ctx, const char *name, int bps)
	FILE *f;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
	char *s = (char*)name;
	wchar_t *wname, *d;
	int c;
	d = wname = fz_malloc(ctx, (strlen(name)+1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
	while (*s) {
		s += fz_chartorune(&c, s);
		*d++ = c;
	*d = 0;
	f = _wfopen(wname, L"rb");
	fz_free(ctx, wname);
	f = fz_fopen(name, "rb");
	if (f == NULL)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot open %s", name);
	return fz_open_file_ptr_progressive(ctx, f, bps);