#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "fitz-imp.h" #include <string.h> fz_text * fz_new_text(fz_context *ctx) { fz_text *text = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_text); text->refs = 1; return text; } fz_text * fz_keep_text(fz_context *ctx, const fz_text *textc) { fz_text *text = (fz_text *)textc; /* Explicit cast away of const */ return fz_keep_imp(ctx, text, &text->refs); } void fz_drop_text(fz_context *ctx, const fz_text *textc) { fz_text *text = (fz_text *)textc; /* Explicit cast away of const */ if (fz_drop_imp(ctx, text, &text->refs)) { fz_text_span *span = text->head; while (span) { fz_text_span *next = span->next; fz_drop_font(ctx, span->font); fz_free(ctx, span->items); fz_free(ctx, span); span = next; } fz_free(ctx, text); } } static fz_text_span * fz_new_text_span(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int wmode, int bidi_level, fz_bidi_direction markup_dir, fz_text_language language, const fz_matrix *trm) { fz_text_span *span = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_text_span); span->font = fz_keep_font(ctx, font); span->wmode = wmode; span->bidi_level = bidi_level; span->markup_dir = markup_dir; span->language = language; span->trm = *trm; span->trm.e = 0; span->trm.f = 0; return span; } static fz_text_span * fz_add_text_span(fz_context *ctx, fz_text *text, fz_font *font, int wmode, int bidi_level, fz_bidi_direction markup_dir, fz_text_language language, const fz_matrix *trm) { if (!text->tail) { text->head = text->tail = fz_new_text_span(ctx, font, wmode, bidi_level, markup_dir, language, trm); } else if (text->tail->font != font || text->tail->wmode != wmode || text->tail->bidi_level != bidi_level || text->tail->markup_dir != markup_dir || text->tail->language != language || text->tail->trm.a != trm->a || text->tail->trm.b != trm->b || text->tail->trm.c != trm->c || text->tail->trm.d != trm->d) { text->tail = text->tail->next = fz_new_text_span(ctx, font, wmode, bidi_level, markup_dir, language, trm); } return text->tail; } static void fz_grow_text_span(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_span *span, int n) { int new_cap = span->cap; if (span->len + n < new_cap) return; while (span->len + n > new_cap) new_cap = new_cap + 36; span->items = fz_resize_array(ctx, span->items, new_cap, sizeof(fz_text_item)); span->cap = new_cap; } void fz_show_glyph(fz_context *ctx, fz_text *text, fz_font *font, const fz_matrix *trm, int gid, int ucs, int wmode, int bidi_level, fz_bidi_direction markup_dir, fz_text_language lang) { fz_text_span *span; if (text->refs != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot modify shared text objects"); span = fz_add_text_span(ctx, text, font, wmode, bidi_level, markup_dir, lang, trm); fz_grow_text_span(ctx, span, 1); span->items[span->len].ucs = ucs; span->items[span->len].gid = gid; span->items[span->len].x = trm->e; span->items[span->len].y = trm->f; span->len++; } void fz_show_string(fz_context *ctx, fz_text *text, fz_font *user_font, fz_matrix *trm, const char *s, int wmode, int bidi_level, fz_bidi_direction markup_dir, fz_text_language language) { fz_font *font; int gid, ucs; float adv; while (*s) { s += fz_chartorune(&ucs, s); gid = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, user_font, ucs, 0, language, &font); fz_show_glyph(ctx, text, font, trm, gid, ucs, wmode, bidi_level, markup_dir, language); adv = fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, gid, wmode); if (wmode == 0) fz_pre_translate(trm, adv, 0); else fz_pre_translate(trm, 0, -adv); } } fz_rect * fz_bound_text(fz_context *ctx, const fz_text *text, const fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_rect *bbox) { fz_text_span *span; fz_matrix tm, trm; fz_rect gbox; int i; *bbox = fz_empty_rect; for (span = text->head; span; span = span->next) { if (span->len > 0) { tm = span->trm; for (i = 0; i < span->len; i++) { if (span->items[i].gid >= 0) { tm.e = span->items[i].x; tm.f = span->items[i].y; fz_concat(&trm, &tm, ctm); fz_bound_glyph(ctx, span->font, span->items[i].gid, &trm, &gbox); fz_union_rect(bbox, &gbox); } } } } if (!fz_is_empty_rect(bbox)) { if (stroke) fz_adjust_rect_for_stroke(ctx, bbox, stroke, ctm); /* Compensate for the glyph cache limited positioning precision */ bbox->x0 -= 1; bbox->y0 -= 1; bbox->x1 += 1; bbox->y1 += 1; } return bbox; } fz_text_language fz_text_language_from_string(const char *str) { fz_text_language lang; if (str == NULL) return FZ_LANG_UNSET; if (!strcmp(str, "zh-Hant") || !strcmp(str, "zh-HK") || !strcmp(str, "zh-MO") || !strcmp(str, "zh-SG") || !strcmp(str, "zh-TW")) return FZ_LANG_zh_Hant; if (!strcmp(str, "zh-Hans") || !strcmp(str, "zh-CN")) return FZ_LANG_zh_Hans; /* 1st char */ if (str[0] >= 'a' && str[0] <= 'z') lang = str[0] - 'a' + 1; else if (str[0] >= 'A' && str[0] <= 'Z') lang = str[0] - 'A' + 1; else return 0; /* 2nd char */ if (str[1] >= 'a' && str[1] <= 'z') lang += 27*(str[1] - 'a' + 1); else if (str[1] >= 'A' && str[1] <= 'Z') lang += 27*(str[1] - 'A' + 1); else return 0; /* There are no valid 1 char language codes */ /* 3nd char */ if (str[2] >= 'a' && str[2] <= 'z') lang += 27*27*(str[2] - 'a' + 1); else if (str[2] >= 'A' && str[2] <= 'Z') lang += 27*27*(str[2] - 'A' + 1); /* We don't support iso 639-6 4 char codes, cos the standard * has been withdrawn, and no one uses them. */ return lang; } char *fz_string_from_text_language(char str[8], fz_text_language lang) { int c; /* str is supposed to be at least 8 chars in size */ if (str == NULL) return NULL; if (lang == FZ_LANG_zh_Hant) fz_strlcpy(str, "zh-Hant", 8); else if (lang == FZ_LANG_zh_Hans) fz_strlcpy(str, "zh-Hans", 8); else { c = lang % 27; lang = lang / 27; str[0] = c == 0 ? 0 : c - 1 + 'a'; c = lang % 27; lang = lang / 27; str[1] = c == 0 ? 0 : c - 1 + 'a'; c = lang % 27; str[2] = c == 0 ? 0 : c - 1 + 'a'; str[3] = 0; } return str; }