/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Grigori Goronzy <greg@kinoho.net> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "mupdf/ucdn.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct { unsigned char category; unsigned char combining; unsigned char bidi_class; unsigned char east_asian_width; unsigned char script; unsigned char linebreak_class; } UCDRecord; typedef struct { unsigned short from, to; } MirrorPair; typedef struct { unsigned short from, to; unsigned char type; } BracketPair; typedef struct { unsigned int start; short count, index; } Reindex; #include "ucdn_db.h" /* constants required for Hangul (de)composition */ #define SBASE 0xAC00 #define LBASE 0x1100 #define VBASE 0x1161 #define TBASE 0x11A7 #define SCOUNT 11172 #define LCOUNT 19 #define VCOUNT 21 #define TCOUNT 28 #define NCOUNT (VCOUNT * TCOUNT) static const UCDRecord *get_ucd_record(uint32_t code) { int index, offset; if (code >= 0x110000) index = 0; else { index = index0[code >> (SHIFT1+SHIFT2)] << SHIFT1; offset = (code >> SHIFT2) & ((1<<SHIFT1) - 1); index = index1[index + offset] << SHIFT2; offset = code & ((1<<SHIFT2) - 1); index = index2[index + offset]; } return &ucd_records[index]; } static const unsigned short *get_decomp_record(uint32_t code) { int index, offset; if (code >= 0x110000) index = 0; else { index = decomp_index0[code >> (DECOMP_SHIFT1+DECOMP_SHIFT2)] << DECOMP_SHIFT1; offset = (code >> DECOMP_SHIFT2) & ((1<<DECOMP_SHIFT1) - 1); index = decomp_index1[index + offset] << DECOMP_SHIFT2; offset = code & ((1<<DECOMP_SHIFT2) - 1); index = decomp_index2[index + offset]; } return &decomp_data[index]; } static int compare_reindex(const void *a, const void *b) { Reindex *ra = (Reindex *)a; Reindex *rb = (Reindex *)b; if (ra->start < rb->start) return -1; else if (ra->start > (rb->start + rb->count)) return 1; else return 0; } static int get_comp_index(uint32_t code, const Reindex *idx, size_t len) { Reindex *res; Reindex r = {0, 0, 0}; r.start = code; res = (Reindex *) bsearch(&r, idx, len, sizeof(Reindex), compare_reindex); if (res != NULL) return res->index + (code - res->start); else return -1; } static int compare_mp(const void *a, const void *b) { MirrorPair *mpa = (MirrorPair *)a; MirrorPair *mpb = (MirrorPair *)b; return mpa->from - mpb->from; } static int compare_bp(const void *a, const void *b) { BracketPair *bpa = (BracketPair *)a; BracketPair *bpb = (BracketPair *)b; return bpa->from - bpb->from; } static BracketPair *search_bp(uint32_t code) { BracketPair bp = {0,0,2}; BracketPair *res; bp.from = code; res = (BracketPair *) bsearch(&bp, bracket_pairs, BIDI_BRACKET_LEN, sizeof(BracketPair), compare_bp); return res; } static int hangul_pair_decompose(uint32_t code, uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b) { int si = code - SBASE; if (si < 0 || si >= SCOUNT) return 0; if (si % TCOUNT) { /* LV,T */ *a = SBASE + (si / TCOUNT) * TCOUNT; *b = TBASE + (si % TCOUNT); return 3; } else { /* L,V */ *a = LBASE + (si / NCOUNT); *b = VBASE + (si % NCOUNT) / TCOUNT; return 2; } } static int hangul_pair_compose(uint32_t *code, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { if (a >= SBASE && a < (SBASE + SCOUNT) && b >= TBASE && b < (TBASE + TCOUNT)) { /* LV,T */ *code = a + (b - TBASE); return 3; } else if (a >= LBASE && a < (LBASE + LCOUNT) && b >= VBASE && b < (VBASE + VCOUNT)) { /* L,V */ int li = a - LBASE; int vi = b - VBASE; *code = SBASE + li * NCOUNT + vi * TCOUNT; return 2; } else { return 0; } } static uint32_t decode_utf16(const unsigned short **code_ptr) { const unsigned short *code = *code_ptr; if (code[0] < 0xd800 || code[0] > 0xdc00) { *code_ptr += 1; return (uint32_t)code[0]; } else { *code_ptr += 2; return 0x10000 + ((uint32_t)code[1] - 0xdc00) + (((uint32_t)code[0] - 0xd800) << 10); } } const char *ucdn_get_unicode_version(void) { return UNIDATA_VERSION; } int ucdn_get_combining_class(uint32_t code) { return get_ucd_record(code)->combining; } int ucdn_get_east_asian_width(uint32_t code) { return get_ucd_record(code)->east_asian_width; } int ucdn_get_general_category(uint32_t code) { return get_ucd_record(code)->category; } int ucdn_get_bidi_class(uint32_t code) { return get_ucd_record(code)->bidi_class; } int ucdn_get_mirrored(uint32_t code) { return ucdn_mirror(code) != code; } int ucdn_get_script(uint32_t code) { return get_ucd_record(code)->script; } int ucdn_get_linebreak_class(uint32_t code) { return get_ucd_record(code)->linebreak_class; } int ucdn_get_resolved_linebreak_class(uint32_t code) { const UCDRecord *record = get_ucd_record(code); switch (record->linebreak_class) { case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_AI: case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_SG: case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_XX: return UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_AL; case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_SA: if (record->category == UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MC || record->category == UCDN_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MN) return UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_CM; return UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_AL; case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_CJ: return UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_NS; case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_CB: return UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_B2; case UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_NL: return UCDN_LINEBREAK_CLASS_BK; default: return record->linebreak_class; } } uint32_t ucdn_mirror(uint32_t code) { MirrorPair mp = {0}; MirrorPair *res; mp.from = code; res = (MirrorPair *) bsearch(&mp, mirror_pairs, BIDI_MIRROR_LEN, sizeof(MirrorPair), compare_mp); if (res == NULL) return code; else return res->to; } uint32_t ucdn_paired_bracket(uint32_t code) { BracketPair *res = search_bp(code); if (res == NULL) return code; else return res->to; } int ucdn_paired_bracket_type(uint32_t code) { BracketPair *res = search_bp(code); if (res == NULL) return UCDN_BIDI_PAIRED_BRACKET_TYPE_NONE; else return res->type; } int ucdn_decompose(uint32_t code, uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b) { const unsigned short *rec; int len; if (hangul_pair_decompose(code, a, b)) return 1; rec = get_decomp_record(code); len = rec[0] >> 8; if ((rec[0] & 0xff) != 0 || len == 0) return 0; rec++; *a = decode_utf16(&rec); if (len > 1) *b = decode_utf16(&rec); else *b = 0; return 1; } int ucdn_compose(uint32_t *code, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { int l, r, index, indexi, offset; if (hangul_pair_compose(code, a, b)) return 1; l = get_comp_index(a, nfc_first, sizeof(nfc_first) / sizeof(Reindex)); r = get_comp_index(b, nfc_last, sizeof(nfc_last) / sizeof(Reindex)); if (l < 0 || r < 0) return 0; indexi = l * TOTAL_LAST + r; index = comp_index0[indexi >> (COMP_SHIFT1+COMP_SHIFT2)] << COMP_SHIFT1; offset = (indexi >> COMP_SHIFT2) & ((1<<COMP_SHIFT1) - 1); index = comp_index1[index + offset] << COMP_SHIFT2; offset = indexi & ((1<<COMP_SHIFT2) - 1); *code = comp_data[index + offset]; return *code != 0; } int ucdn_compat_decompose(uint32_t code, uint32_t *decomposed) { int i, len; const unsigned short *rec = get_decomp_record(code); len = rec[0] >> 8; if (len == 0) return 0; rec++; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) decomposed[i] = decode_utf16(&rec); return len; }