#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "fitz-imp.h" #include <string.h> #include <zlib.h> #if !defined (INT32_MAX) #define INT32_MAX 2147483647L #endif #define ZIP_LOCAL_FILE_SIG 0x04034b50 #define ZIP_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIG 0x02014b50 #define ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIG 0x06054b50 struct fz_zip_writer_s { fz_output *output; fz_buffer *central; int count; int closed; }; void fz_write_zip_entry(fz_context *ctx, fz_zip_writer *zip, const char *name, fz_buffer *buf, int compress) { int offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, zip->output); int sum; sum = crc32(0, NULL, 0); sum = crc32(sum, buf->data, (uInt)buf->len); fz_append_int32_le(ctx, zip->central, ZIP_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIG); fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* version made by: MS-DOS */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 20); /* version to extract: 2.0 */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* general purpose bit flag */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* compression method: store */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* TODO: last mod file time */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* TODO: last mod file date */ fz_append_int32_le(ctx, zip->central, sum); /* crc-32 */ fz_append_int32_le(ctx, zip->central, (int)buf->len); /* csize */ fz_append_int32_le(ctx, zip->central, (int)buf->len); /* usize */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, (int)strlen(name)); /* file name length */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* extra field length */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* file comment length */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* disk number start */ fz_append_int16_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* internal file attributes */ fz_append_int32_le(ctx, zip->central, 0); /* external file attributes */ fz_append_int32_le(ctx, zip->central, offset); /* relative offset of local header */ fz_append_string(ctx, zip->central, name); fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, ZIP_LOCAL_FILE_SIG); fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 20); /* version to extract: 2.0 */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* general purpose bit flag */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* compression method: store */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* TODO: last mod file time */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* TODO: last mod file date */ fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, sum); /* crc-32 */ fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, (int)buf->len); /* csize */ fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, (int)buf->len); /* usize */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, (int)strlen(name)); /* file name length */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* extra field length */ fz_write_data(ctx, zip->output, name, strlen(name)); fz_write_data(ctx, zip->output, buf->data, buf->len); ++zip->count; } void fz_close_zip_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_zip_writer *zip) { fz_off_t offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, zip->output); fz_write_data(ctx, zip->output, zip->central->data, zip->central->len); fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIG); fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* number of this disk */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 0); /* number of disk where central directory starts */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, zip->count); /* entries in central directory in this disk */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, zip->count); /* entries in central directory in total */ fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, (int)zip->central->len); /* size of the central directory */ fz_write_int32_le(ctx, zip->output, (int)offset); /* offset of the central directory */ fz_write_int16_le(ctx, zip->output, 5); /* zip file comment length */ fz_write_data(ctx, zip->output, "MuPDF", 5); zip->closed = 1; } void fz_drop_zip_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_zip_writer *zip) { if (!zip) return; if (!zip->closed) fz_warn(ctx, "dropping unclosed zip writer"); fz_drop_output(ctx, zip->output); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, zip->central); fz_free(ctx, zip); } fz_zip_writer * fz_new_zip_writer(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename) { fz_zip_writer *zip = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_zip_writer); fz_try(ctx) { zip->output = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, filename, 0); zip->central = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 0); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_output(ctx, zip->output); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, zip->central); fz_free(ctx, zip); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return zip; }