#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #if FZ_ENABLE_GPRF /* Choose whether to call gs via an exe or via an API */ #if defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(GSVIEW_WIN) #define USE_GS_API #endif /* GSVIEW on Windows does not support stdout stderr */ #ifdef GSVIEW_WIN #define GS_API_NULL_STDIO #endif #include "mupdf/fitz.h" #if defined(USE_GS_API) && !defined(__ANDROID__) #ifdef _MSC_VER #define GSDLLEXPORT #define GSDLLAPI __stdcall #define GSDLLCALL #endif #include "iapi.h" #endif typedef struct gprf_document_s gprf_document; typedef struct gprf_chapter_s gprf_chapter; typedef struct gprf_page_s gprf_page; /* Quality trumps speed for this file */ #ifndef SLOWCMYK #define SLOWCMYK #endif enum { GPRF_TILESIZE = 256 }; struct gprf_document_s { fz_document super; char *gprf_filename; char *pdf_filename; char *print_profile; char *display_profile; int res; int num_pages; struct { int w; int h; } *page_dims; }; typedef struct gprf_file_s { int refs; char *filename; } gprf_file; static gprf_file * fz_new_gprf_file(fz_context *ctx, char *filename) { gprf_file *file = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, gprf_file); file->refs = 1; file->filename = filename; return file; } static gprf_file * fz_keep_gprf_file(fz_context *ctx, gprf_file *file) { if (!ctx || !file) return NULL; return fz_keep_imp(ctx, file, &file->refs); } static void fz_drop_gprf_file(fz_context *ctx, gprf_file *file) { if (!ctx || !file) return; if (fz_drop_imp(ctx, file, &file->refs)) { unlink(file->filename); fz_free(ctx, file->filename); fz_free(ctx, file); } } struct gprf_page_s { fz_page super; gprf_document *doc; gprf_file *file; int number; fz_separations *separations; int width; int height; int tile_width; int tile_height; int num_tiles; fz_image **tiles; }; typedef struct fz_image_gprf_s { fz_image super; fz_off_t offset[FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS+3+1]; /* + RGB + END */ gprf_file *file; fz_separations *separations; } fz_image_gprf; static int gprf_count_pages(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc_) { gprf_document *doc = (gprf_document*)doc_; return doc->num_pages; } static void gprf_drop_page_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page*)page_; gprf_document *doc = page->doc; int i; fz_drop_document(ctx, (fz_document *)doc); if (page->tiles) { for (i = 0; i < page->num_tiles; i++) fz_drop_image(ctx, page->tiles[i]); fz_free(ctx, page->tiles); } fz_drop_separations(ctx, page->separations); fz_drop_gprf_file(ctx, page->file); } static fz_rect * gprf_bound_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_, fz_rect *bbox) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page*)page_; gprf_document *doc = page->doc; /* BBox is in points, not pixels */ bbox->x0 = 0; bbox->y0 = 0; bbox->x1 = 72.0 * page->width / doc->res; bbox->y1 = 72.0 * page->height / doc->res; return bbox; } static void fz_drop_image_gprf_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_storable *image_) { fz_image_gprf *image = (fz_image_gprf *)image_; fz_drop_gprf_file(ctx, image->file); fz_drop_separations(ctx, image->separations); fz_drop_image_base(ctx, &image->super); } static inline unsigned char *cmyk_to_rgba(unsigned char *out, uint32_t c, uint32_t m, uint32_t y, uint32_t k) { /* c m y k in 0 to 65535 range on entry */ uint32_t r, g, b; #ifdef SLOWCMYK /* FP version originally from poppler */ uint32_t x; uint32_t cm, c1m, cm1, c1m1; uint32_t c1m1y, c1m1y1, c1my, c1my1, cm1y, cm1y1, cmy, cmy1; /* We use some tricks here: * x + (x >> 15) * converts x from 0..65535 to 0..65536 * (A * B) >> 16 * multiplies A (0..65535) and B (0..65536) to give a 0...65535 result. * (This relies on A and B being unsigned). * * We also rely on the fact that if: * C = (A * B) >> 16 * for A (0..65535) and B (0..65536) then A - C is also in (0..65535) * as C cannot possibly be any larger than A. */ cm = (c * (m + (m>>15)))>>16; c1m = m - cm; cm1 = c - cm; c1m1 = 65535 - m - cm1; /* Need to clamp for underflow here */ if ((int)c1m1 < 0) c1m1 = 0; y += (y>>15); c1m1y = (c1m1 * y)>>16; c1m1y1 = c1m1 - c1m1y; c1my = (c1m * y)>>16; c1my1 = c1m - c1my; cm1y = (cm1 * y)>>16; cm1y1 = cm1 - cm1y; cmy = (cm * y)>>16; cmy1 = cm - cmy; #define CONST16(x) ((int)(x * 65536.0 + 0.5)) k += (k>>15); /* Move k to be 0..65536 */ /* this is a matrix multiplication, unrolled for performance */ x = (c1m1y1 * k)>>16; /* 0 0 0 1 */ r = g = b = c1m1y1 - x; /* 0 0 0 0 */ r += (CONST16(0.1373) * x)>>16; g += (CONST16(0.1216) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.1255) * x)>>16; x = (c1m1y * k)>>16; /* 0 0 1 1 */ r += (CONST16(0.1098) * x)>>16; g += (CONST16(0.1020) * x)>>16; x = c1m1y - x; /* 0 0 1 0 */ r += x; g += (CONST16(0.9490) * x)>>16; x = (c1my1 * k)>>16; /* 0 1 0 1 */ r += (CONST16(0.1412) * x)>>16; x = c1my1 - x; /* 0 1 0 0 */ r += (CONST16(0.9255) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.5490) * x)>>16; x = (c1my * k)>>16; /* 0 1 1 1 */ r += (CONST16(0.1333) * x)>>16; x = c1my - x; /* 0 1 1 0 */ r += (CONST16(0.9294) * x)>>16; g += (CONST16(0.1098) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.1412) * x)>>16; x = (cm1y1 * k)>>16; /* 1 0 0 1 */ g += (CONST16(0.0588) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.1412) * x)>>16; x = cm1y1 - x; /* 1 0 0 0 */ g += (CONST16(0.6784) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.9373) * x)>>16; x = (cm1y * k)>>16; /* 1 0 1 1 */ g += (CONST16(0.0745) * x)>>16; x = cm1y - x; /* 1 0 1 0 */ g += (CONST16(0.6510) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.3137) * x)>>16; x = (cmy1 * k)>>16; /* 1 1 0 1 */ b += (CONST16(0.0078) * x)>>16; x = cmy1 - x; /* 1 1 0 0 */ r += (CONST16(0.1804) * x)>>16; g += (CONST16(0.1922) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.5725) * x)>>16; x = (cmy * (65536-k))>>16; /* 1 1 1 0 */ r += (CONST16(0.2118) * x)>>16; g += (CONST16(0.2119) * x)>>16; b += (CONST16(0.2235) * x)>>16; /* I have convinced myself that r, g, b cannot have underflowed at * thus point. I have not convinced myself that they won't have * overflowed though. */ r >>= 8; if (r > 255) r = 255; g >>= 8; if (g > 255) g = 255; b >>= 8; if (b > 255) b = 255; #else k = 65536 - k; r = k - c; g = k - m; b = k - y; r >>= 8; if ((int)r < 0) r = 0; else if (r > 255) r = 255; g >>= 8; if ((int)g < 0) g = 0; else if (g > 255) g = 255; b >>= 8; if ((int)b < 0) b = 0; else if (b > 255) b = 255; #endif *out++ = r; *out++ = g; *out++ = b; *out++ = 0xFF; return out; } unsigned char undelta(unsigned char delta, unsigned char *ptr, int len) { do { delta = (*ptr++ += delta); } while (--len); return delta; } static fz_pixmap * gprf_get_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_image *image_, fz_irect *area, int w, int h, int *l2factor) { /* The file contains RGB + up to FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS. Hence the * "3 + FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS" usage in all the arrays below. */ fz_image_gprf *image = (fz_image_gprf *)image_; fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap(ctx, image->super.colorspace, image->super.w, image->super.h, 1); fz_stream *file[3 + FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS] = { NULL }; int read_sep[3 + FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS] = { 0 }; int num_seps, i, j, n; enum { decode_chunk_size = 64 }; unsigned char data[(3 + FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS) * decode_chunk_size]; unsigned char delta[3 + FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS] = { 0 }; unsigned char equiv[3 + FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS][4]; int bytes_per_channel = image->super.w * image->super.h; unsigned char *out = fz_pixmap_samples(ctx, pix); fz_var(file); if (area) { area->x0 = 0; area->y0 = 0; area->x1 = image->super.w; area->y1 = image->super.h; } fz_try(ctx) { /* First off, figure out if we are doing RGB or separations * decoding. */ num_seps = 3 + fz_count_separations(ctx, image->separations); if (fz_separations_all_enabled(ctx, image->separations)) { num_seps = 3; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) read_sep[i] = 1; } else { for (i = 3; i < num_seps; i++) { read_sep[i] = !fz_separation_disabled(ctx, image->separations, i-3); if (read_sep[i]) { uint32_t rgb, cmyk; (void)fz_get_separation(ctx, image->separations, i - 3, &rgb, &cmyk); equiv[i][0] = (cmyk>> 0) & 0xFF; equiv[i][1] = (cmyk>> 8) & 0xFF; equiv[i][2] = (cmyk>>16) & 0xFF; equiv[i][3] = (cmyk>>24) & 0xFF; } } } /* Open 1 file handle per channel */ for (i = 0; i < num_seps; i++) { if (!read_sep[i]) continue; if (image->offset[i] == image->offset[i+1]) { read_sep[i] = 2; memset(&data[i * decode_chunk_size], 0, decode_chunk_size); } file[i] = fz_open_file(ctx, image->file->filename); fz_seek(ctx, file[i], image->offset[i], SEEK_SET); file[i] = fz_open_flated(ctx, file[i], 15); } /* Now actually do the decode */ for (j = 0; j < bytes_per_channel; j += decode_chunk_size) { int len = bytes_per_channel - j; if (len > decode_chunk_size) len = decode_chunk_size; /* Load data with the unpacked channel bytes */ for (i = 0; i < num_seps; i++) { if (read_sep[i] == 1) { fz_read(ctx, file[i], &data[i * decode_chunk_size], len); delta[i] = undelta(delta[i], &data[i * decode_chunk_size], len); } } /* And unpack */ if (num_seps == 3) { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { *out++ = data[0 * decode_chunk_size + n]; *out++ = data[1 * decode_chunk_size + n]; *out++ = data[2 * decode_chunk_size + n]; *out++ = 0xFF; /* Alpha */ } } else { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { int c, m, y, k; c = m = y = k = 0; for (i = 3; i < num_seps; i++) { int v; if (read_sep[i] != 1) continue; v = data[i * decode_chunk_size + n]; v += (v>>7); c += v * equiv[i][0]; m += v * equiv[i][1]; y += v * equiv[i][2]; k += v * equiv[i][3]; } out = cmyk_to_rgba(out, c, m, y, k); } } } } fz_always(ctx) { for (i = 0; i < 3+num_seps; i++) fz_drop_stream(ctx, file[i]); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return pix; } static fz_image * fz_new_gprf_image(fz_context *ctx, gprf_page *page, int imagenum, fz_off_t offsets[], fz_off_t end) { fz_image_gprf *image = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_image_gprf); int tile_x = imagenum % page->tile_width; int tile_y = imagenum / page->tile_width; int w = GPRF_TILESIZE; int h = GPRF_TILESIZE; int seps = fz_count_separations(ctx, page->separations); if (tile_x == page->tile_width-1) { w = page->width % GPRF_TILESIZE; if (w == 0) w = GPRF_TILESIZE; } if (tile_y == page->tile_height-1) { h = page->height % GPRF_TILESIZE; if (h == 0) h = GPRF_TILESIZE; } FZ_INIT_STORABLE(&image->super, 1, fz_drop_image_gprf_imp); image->super.w = w; image->super.h = h; image->super.n = 4; /* Always RGB + Alpha */ image->super.colorspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, fz_device_rgb(ctx)); image->super.bpc = 8; image->super.get_pixmap = gprf_get_pixmap; image->super.xres = page->doc->res; image->super.yres = page->doc->res; image->super.mask = NULL; image->file = fz_keep_gprf_file(ctx, page->file); memcpy(image->offset, offsets, sizeof(fz_off_t) * (3+seps)); image->offset[seps+3] = end; image->separations = fz_keep_separations(ctx, page->separations); return &image->super; } static void fz_system(fz_context *ctx, const char *cmd) { int ret = system(cmd); if (ret != 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "child process reported error %d", ret); } #ifdef GS_API_NULL_STDIO static int GSDLLCALL gsdll_stdout(void *instance, const char *str, int len) { return len; } static int GSDLLCALL gsdll_stderr(void *instance, const char *str, int len) { return len; } #endif static void generate_page(fz_context *ctx, gprf_page *page) { gprf_document *doc = page->doc; char nameroot[32]; char *filename; char gs_command[1024]; char *disp_profile = NULL; char *print_profile = NULL; int len; /* put the page file in the same directory as the gproof file */ sprintf(nameroot, "gprf_%d_", page->number); filename = fz_tempfilename(ctx, nameroot, doc->gprf_filename); /* Set up the icc profiles */ if (strlen(doc->display_profile) == 0) { len = sizeof("-sPostRenderProfile=srgb.icc"); disp_profile = (char*)fz_malloc(ctx, len + 1); sprintf(disp_profile, "-sPostRenderProfile=srgb.icc"); } else { len = sizeof("-sPostRenderProfile=\"\""); /* with quotes */ disp_profile = (char*)fz_malloc(ctx, len + strlen(doc->display_profile) + 1); sprintf(disp_profile, "-sPostRenderProfile=\"%s\"", doc->display_profile); } if (strlen(doc->print_profile) == 0) { len = sizeof("-sOutputICCProfile=default_cmyk.icc"); print_profile = (char*)fz_malloc(ctx, len + 1); sprintf(print_profile, "-sOutputICCProfile=default_cmyk.icc"); } else { len = sizeof("-sOutputICCProfile=\"\""); /* with quotes */ print_profile = (char*)fz_malloc(ctx, len + strlen(doc->print_profile) + 1); sprintf(print_profile, "-sOutputICCProfile=\"%s\"", doc->print_profile); } fz_try(ctx) { #ifdef USE_GS_API void *instance; int code; char *argv[] = { "gs", "-sDEVICE=gprf", "-dUsePDFX3Profile", NULL, "-o", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; char arg_res[32]; char arg_fp[32]; char arg_lp[32]; sprintf(arg_res, "-r%d", doc->res); argv[3] = arg_res; argv[5] = filename; sprintf(arg_fp, "-dFirstPage=%d", page->number+1); argv[6] = arg_fp; sprintf(arg_lp, "-dLastPage=%d", page->number+1); argv[7] = arg_lp; argv[8] = disp_profile; argv[9] = print_profile; argv[10] = "-I%rom%Resource/Init/"; argv[11] = doc->pdf_filename; code = gsapi_new_instance(&instance, ctx); if (code < 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "GS startup failed: %d", code); #ifdef GS_API_NULL_STDIO gsapi_set_stdio(instance, NULL, gsdll_stdout, gsdll_stderr); #endif code = gsapi_init_with_args(instance, sizeof(argv)/sizeof(*argv), argv); gsapi_delete_instance(instance); if (code < 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "GS run failed: %d", code); #else /* Invoke gs to convert to a temp file. */ sprintf(gs_command, "gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=gprf -r%d -o \"%s\" %s %s -I%%rom%%Resource/Init/ -dFirstPage=%d -dLastPage=%d \"%s\"", doc->res, filename, disp_profile, print_profile, page->number+1, page->number+1, doc->pdf_filename); fz_system(ctx, gs_command); #endif page->file = fz_new_gprf_file(ctx, filename); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free(ctx, print_profile); fz_free(ctx, disp_profile); } fz_catch(ctx) { unlink(filename); fz_free(ctx, filename); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } static void read_tiles(fz_context *ctx, gprf_page *page) { fz_stream *file; int32_t val; uint64_t offset; int num_tiles; int num_seps; int i, x, y; int64_t off; /* Clear up any aborted attempts before (unlikely) */ fz_drop_separations(ctx, page->separations); page->separations = NULL; file = fz_open_file(ctx, page->file->filename); fz_try(ctx) { val = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); if (val != 0x46505347) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected signature in GSPF file"); val = fz_read_int16_le(ctx, file); if (val != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected version in GSPF file"); val = fz_read_int16_le(ctx, file); if (val != 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected compression in GSPF file"); val = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); if (val != page->width) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected width in GSPF file"); val = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); if (val != page->height) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected height in GSPF file"); val = fz_read_int16_le(ctx, file); if (val != 8) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected bpc in GSPF file"); num_seps = fz_read_int16_le(ctx, file); if (num_seps < 0 || num_seps > FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Unexpected number of separations in GSPF file"); offset = fz_read_int64_le(ctx, file); /* Ignore the ICC for now */ /* Read the table offset */ offset = fz_read_int64_le(ctx, file); /* Skip to the separations */ fz_seek(ctx, file, 64, SEEK_SET); page->separations = fz_new_separations(ctx); for (i = 0; i < num_seps; i++) { char blatter[4096]; int32_t rgba = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); int32_t cmyk = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); fz_read_string(ctx, file, blatter, sizeof(blatter)); fz_add_separation(ctx, page->separations, rgba, cmyk, blatter); } /* Seek to the image data */ fz_seek(ctx, file, (fz_off_t)offset, SEEK_SET); num_tiles = page->tile_width * page->tile_height; page->tiles = fz_calloc(ctx, num_tiles, sizeof(fz_image *)); i = 0; off = fz_read_int64_le(ctx, file); for (y = 0; y < page->tile_height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < page->tile_width; x++) { fz_off_t offsets[FZ_MAX_SEPARATIONS + 3]; /* SEPARATIONS + RGB */ int j; for (j = 0; j < num_seps+3; j++) { offsets[j] = (fz_off_t)off; off = fz_read_int64_le(ctx, file); } page->tiles[i] = fz_new_gprf_image(ctx, page, i, offsets, (fz_off_t)off); i++; } } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_stream(ctx, file); } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Free any tiles made so far */ for (i = num_tiles - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fz_drop_image(ctx, page->tiles[i]); } fz_free(ctx, page->tiles); fz_rethrow(ctx); } page->num_tiles = num_tiles; } static void gprf_run_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_cookie *cookie) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page*)page_; gprf_document *doc = page->doc; int i, y, x; /* If we have no page, generate it. */ if (page->file == NULL) { generate_page(ctx, page); } /* If we have no tiles, generate them. */ if (page->num_tiles == 0) { read_tiles(ctx, page); } /* Send the images to the page */ fz_render_flags(ctx, dev, FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED, 0); i = 0; for (y = 0; y < page->tile_height; y++) { double scale = GPRF_TILESIZE * 72.0 / doc->res; for (x = 0; x < page->tile_width; x++) { fz_matrix local; double scale_x = page->tiles[i]->w * 72.0 / doc->res; double scale_y = page->tiles[i]->h * 72.0 / doc->res; local.a = scale_x; local.b = 0; local.c = 0; local.d = scale_y; local.e = x * scale; local.f = y * scale; fz_concat(&local, &local, ctm); fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, page->tiles[i++], &local, 1.0); } } fz_render_flags(ctx, dev, 0, FZ_DEVFLAG_GRIDFIT_AS_TILED); } static int gprf_count_separations(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page *)page_; return fz_count_separations(ctx, page->separations); } static void gprf_control_separation(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_, int sep, int disable) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page *)page_; fz_control_separation(ctx, page->separations, sep, disable); } static int gprf_separation_disabled(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_, int sep) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page *)page_; return fz_separation_disabled(ctx, page->separations, sep); } static const char *gprf_get_separation(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_, int sep, uint32_t *rgba, uint32_t*cmyk) { gprf_page *page = (gprf_page *)page_; return fz_get_separation(ctx, page->separations, sep, rgba, cmyk); } static fz_page * gprf_load_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc_, int number) { gprf_document *doc = (gprf_document*)doc_; gprf_page *page = fz_new_page(ctx, sizeof *page); fz_try(ctx) { page->super.bound_page = gprf_bound_page; page->super.run_page_contents = gprf_run_page; page->super.drop_page = gprf_drop_page_imp; page->super.count_separations = gprf_count_separations; page->super.control_separation = gprf_control_separation; page->super.separation_disabled = gprf_separation_disabled; page->super.get_separation = gprf_get_separation; page->doc = (gprf_document *)fz_keep_document(ctx, &doc->super); page->number = number; page->separations = fz_new_separations(ctx); page->width = doc->page_dims[number].w; page->height = doc->page_dims[number].h; page->tile_width = (page->width + GPRF_TILESIZE-1)/GPRF_TILESIZE; page->tile_height = (page->height + GPRF_TILESIZE-1)/GPRF_TILESIZE; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_page(ctx, (fz_page *)page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return (fz_page*)page; } static void gprf_close_document(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc_) { gprf_document *doc = (gprf_document*)doc_; if (doc == NULL) return; fz_free(ctx, doc->page_dims); fz_free(ctx, doc->pdf_filename); fz_free(ctx, doc->gprf_filename); fz_free(ctx, doc->print_profile); fz_free(ctx, doc->display_profile); fz_free(ctx, doc); } static int gprf_lookup_metadata(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, const char *key, char *buf, int size) { if (!strcmp(key, "format")) return fz_snprintf(buf, size, "GPROOF"); return -1; } static fz_document * gprf_open_document_with_stream(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *file) { gprf_document *doc; doc = fz_new_document(ctx, gprf_document); doc->super.drop_document = gprf_close_document; doc->super.count_pages = gprf_count_pages; doc->super.load_page = gprf_load_page; doc->super.lookup_metadata = gprf_lookup_metadata; fz_try(ctx) { int32_t val; int i; char buf[4096]; val = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); if (val != 0x4f525047) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Invalid file signature in gproof file"); val = fz_read_byte(ctx, file); val |= fz_read_byte(ctx, file)<<8; if (val != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Invalid version in gproof file"); doc->res = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); if (doc->res < 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Invalid resolution in gproof file"); doc->num_pages = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); if (doc->num_pages < 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Invalid resolution in gproof file"); doc->page_dims = fz_calloc(ctx, doc->num_pages, sizeof(*doc->page_dims)); for (i = 0; i < doc->num_pages; i++) { doc->page_dims[i].w = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); doc->page_dims[i].h = fz_read_int32_le(ctx, file); } fz_read_string(ctx, file, buf, sizeof(buf)); doc->pdf_filename = fz_strdup(ctx, buf); fz_read_string(ctx, file, buf, sizeof(buf)); doc->print_profile = fz_strdup(ctx, buf); fz_read_string(ctx, file, buf, sizeof(buf)); doc->display_profile = fz_strdup(ctx, buf); } fz_catch(ctx) { gprf_close_document(ctx, (fz_document*)doc); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return (fz_document*)doc; } static fz_document * gprf_open_document(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename) { fz_stream *file = fz_open_file(ctx, filename); fz_document *doc; gprf_document *gdoc; fz_try(ctx) { doc = gprf_open_document_with_stream(ctx, file); gdoc = (gprf_document *)doc; gdoc->gprf_filename = fz_strdup(ctx,filename); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_stream(ctx, file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } return doc; } static int gprf_recognize(fz_context *doc, const char *magic) { char *ext = strrchr(magic, '.'); if (ext) if (!fz_strcasecmp(ext, ".gproof")) return 100; if (!strcmp(magic, "application/ghostproof")) return 100; return 0; } fz_document_handler gprf_document_handler = { &gprf_recognize, &gprf_open_document, &gprf_open_document_with_stream }; #endif