#ifndef SOURCE_HTML_IMP_H #define SOURCE_HTML_IMP_H typedef struct fz_html_font_face_s fz_html_font_face; typedef struct fz_html_font_set_s fz_html_font_set; typedef struct fz_html_s fz_html; typedef struct fz_html_box_s fz_html_box; typedef struct fz_html_flow_s fz_html_flow; typedef struct fz_css_s fz_css; typedef struct fz_css_rule_s fz_css_rule; typedef struct fz_css_match_prop_s fz_css_match_prop; typedef struct fz_css_match_s fz_css_match; typedef struct fz_css_style_s fz_css_style; typedef struct fz_css_selector_s fz_css_selector; typedef struct fz_css_condition_s fz_css_condition; typedef struct fz_css_property_s fz_css_property; typedef struct fz_css_value_s fz_css_value; typedef struct fz_css_number_s fz_css_number; typedef struct fz_css_color_s fz_css_color; struct fz_html_font_face_s { char *family; int is_bold; int is_italic; fz_font *font; char *src; fz_html_font_face *next; }; struct fz_html_font_set_s { fz_font *fonts[12]; /* Times, Helvetica, Courier in R,I,B,BI */ fz_html_font_face *custom; }; enum { CSS_KEYWORD = 256, CSS_HASH, CSS_STRING, CSS_NUMBER, CSS_LENGTH, CSS_PERCENT, CSS_URI, }; struct fz_css_s { fz_pool *pool; fz_css_rule *rule; }; struct fz_css_rule_s { fz_css_selector *selector; fz_css_property *declaration; fz_css_rule *next; }; struct fz_css_selector_s { char *name; int combine; fz_css_condition *cond; fz_css_selector *left; fz_css_selector *right; fz_css_selector *next; }; struct fz_css_condition_s { int type; char *key; char *val; fz_css_condition *next; }; struct fz_css_property_s { char *name; fz_css_value *value; short spec; short important; fz_css_property *next; }; struct fz_css_value_s { int type; char *data; fz_css_value *args; /* function arguments */ fz_css_value *next; }; struct fz_css_match_prop_s { const char *name; /* not owned */ fz_css_value *value; /* not owned */ int spec; }; struct fz_css_match_s { fz_css_match *up; int count; fz_css_match_prop prop[64]; }; enum { DIS_NONE, DIS_BLOCK, DIS_INLINE, DIS_LIST_ITEM, DIS_INLINE_BLOCK }; enum { POS_STATIC, POS_RELATIVE, POS_ABSOLUTE, POS_FIXED }; enum { TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY }; enum { VA_BASELINE, VA_SUB, VA_SUPER, VA_TOP, VA_BOTTOM, VA_TEXT_TOP, VA_TEXT_BOTTOM }; enum { BS_NONE, BS_SOLID }; enum { V_VISIBLE, V_HIDDEN, V_COLLAPSE }; enum { PB_AUTO, PB_ALWAYS, PB_AVOID, PB_LEFT, PB_RIGHT }; enum { WS_COLLAPSE = 1, WS_ALLOW_BREAK_SPACE = 2, WS_FORCE_BREAK_NEWLINE = 4, WS_NORMAL = WS_COLLAPSE | WS_ALLOW_BREAK_SPACE, WS_PRE = WS_FORCE_BREAK_NEWLINE, WS_NOWRAP = WS_COLLAPSE, WS_PRE_WRAP = WS_ALLOW_BREAK_SPACE | WS_FORCE_BREAK_NEWLINE, WS_PRE_LINE = WS_COLLAPSE | WS_ALLOW_BREAK_SPACE | WS_FORCE_BREAK_NEWLINE }; enum { LST_NONE, LST_DISC, LST_CIRCLE, LST_SQUARE, LST_DECIMAL, LST_DECIMAL_ZERO, LST_LC_ROMAN, LST_UC_ROMAN, LST_LC_GREEK, LST_UC_GREEK, LST_LC_LATIN, LST_UC_LATIN, LST_LC_ALPHA, LST_UC_ALPHA, LST_ARMENIAN, LST_GEORGIAN, }; enum { N_NUMBER='u', N_LENGTH='p', N_SCALE='m', N_PERCENT='%', N_AUTO='a' }; struct fz_css_number_s { float value; int unit; }; struct fz_css_color_s { unsigned char r, g, b, a; }; struct fz_css_style_s { fz_css_number font_size; fz_css_number width, height; fz_css_number margin[4]; fz_css_number padding[4]; fz_css_number border_width[4]; fz_css_number text_indent; unsigned int visibility : 2; unsigned int white_space : 3; unsigned int text_align : 2; unsigned int vertical_align : 3; unsigned int list_style_type : 4; unsigned int page_break_before : 3; unsigned int page_break_after : 3; unsigned int border_style_0 : 1; unsigned int border_style_1 : 1; unsigned int border_style_2 : 1; unsigned int border_style_3 : 1; fz_css_number line_height; fz_css_color background_color; fz_css_color border_color[4]; fz_css_color color; fz_font *font; }; enum { BOX_BLOCK, /* block-level: contains block, break, and flow boxes */ BOX_BREAK, /* block-level: empty
tag boxes */ BOX_FLOW, /* block-level: contains only inline boxes */ BOX_INLINE, /* inline-level: contains only inline boxes */ }; struct fz_html_s { fz_pool *pool; /* pool allocator for this html tree */ float page_w, page_h; float page_margin[4]; fz_html_box *root; }; struct fz_html_box_s { unsigned int type : 2; unsigned int is_first_flow : 1; /* for text-indent */ unsigned int markup_dir : 2; unsigned int list_item : 27; float x, y, w, b; /* content */ float padding[4]; float margin[4]; float border[4]; float em; fz_html_box *up, *down, *last, *next; fz_html_flow *flow_head, **flow_tail; char *id, *href; fz_css_style style; }; enum { FLOW_WORD = 0, FLOW_SPACE = 1, FLOW_BREAK = 2, FLOW_IMAGE = 3, FLOW_SBREAK = 4, FLOW_SHYPHEN = 5, FLOW_ANCHOR = 6 }; struct fz_html_flow_s { /* What type of node */ unsigned int type : 3; /* Whether this should expand during justification */ unsigned int expand : 1; /* Whether this node is currently taken as a line break */ unsigned int breaks_line : 1; /* Direction setting for text - UAX#9 says 125 is the max */ unsigned int bidi_level : 7; /* The script detected by the bidi code. */ unsigned int script : 8; /* Whether the markup specifies a given language. */ unsigned int markup_lang : 15; float x, y, w, h; fz_html_box *box; /* for style and em */ union { char *text; fz_image *image; } content; fz_html_flow *next; }; fz_css *fz_new_css(fz_context *ctx); void fz_parse_css(fz_context *ctx, fz_css *css, const char *source, const char *file); fz_css_property *fz_parse_css_properties(fz_context *ctx, fz_pool *pool, const char *source); void fz_drop_css(fz_context *ctx, fz_css *css); void fz_debug_css(fz_context *ctx, fz_css *css); void fz_match_css(fz_context *ctx, fz_css_match *match, fz_css *css, fz_xml *node); void fz_match_css_at_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_css_match *match, fz_css *css); int fz_get_css_match_display(fz_css_match *node); void fz_default_css_style(fz_context *ctx, fz_css_style *style); void fz_apply_css_style(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *set, fz_css_style *style, fz_css_match *match); float fz_from_css_number(fz_css_number number, float em, float percent_value, float auto_value); float fz_from_css_number_scale(fz_css_number number, float scale); fz_html_font_set *fz_new_html_font_set(fz_context *ctx); void fz_add_html_font_face(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *set, const char *family, int is_bold, int is_italic, const char *src, fz_font *font); fz_font *fz_load_html_font(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *set, const char *family, int is_bold, int is_italic); void fz_drop_html_font_set(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *htx); void fz_add_css_font_faces(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *set, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_css *css); fz_html *fz_parse_html(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *htx, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_buffer *buf, const char *user_css); void fz_layout_html(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *html, float w, float h, float em); void fz_draw_html(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_html *html, int page); float fz_find_html_target(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *html, const char *id); fz_link *fz_load_html_links(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *html, int page, const char *base_uri, void *doc); void fz_drop_html(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *html); fz_bookmark fz_make_html_bookmark(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *html, int page); int fz_lookup_html_bookmark(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *html, fz_bookmark mark); #endif