#include "mupdf/html.h"
static const char *default_css =
"h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 0}"
"h2{font-size:1.5em;margin:.75em 0}"
"h3{font-size:1.17em;margin:.83em 0}"
"h4,p,blockquote,ul,ol,dl,dir,menu{margin:1.12em 0}"
"h5{font-size:.83em;margin:1.5em 0}"
"h6{font-size:.75em;margin:1.67em 0}"
"hr{border:1px inset}"
"ol ul,ul ol,ul ul,ol ol{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}"
BOX_BLOCK, /* block-level: contains other block and anonymous boxes */
BOX_ANONYMOUS, /* block-level: contains only inline boxes */
BOX_INLINE, /* inline-level: contains only inline boxes */
struct box
int type;
float x, y, w, h;
struct box *up, *down, *last, *next;
fz_xml *node;
struct style style;
struct box *new_box(fz_context *ctx, fz_xml *node, struct style *up_style)
struct box *box;
box = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, struct box);
box->type = BOX_BLOCK;
box->x = box->y = 0;
box->w = box->h = 0;
box->up = NULL;
box->last = NULL;
box->down = NULL;
box->next = NULL;
box->node = node;
box->style.up = up_style;
box->style.count = 0;
return box;
void insert_box(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, int type, struct box *top)
box->type = type;
box->up = top;
if (top)
if (!top->last)
top->down = top->last = box;
top->last->next = box;
top->last = box;
static struct box *insert_block_box(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, struct box *top)
if (top->type == BOX_BLOCK)
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_BLOCK, top);
else if (top->type == BOX_ANONYMOUS)
while (top->type != BOX_BLOCK)
top = top->up;
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_BLOCK, top);
else if (top->type == BOX_INLINE)
while (top->type != BOX_BLOCK)
top = top->up;
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_BLOCK, top);
return top;
static void insert_inline_box(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, struct box *top)
if (top->type == BOX_BLOCK)
if (top->last && top->last->type == BOX_ANONYMOUS)
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_INLINE, top->last);
struct box *anon = new_box(ctx, NULL, &top->style);
insert_box(ctx, anon, BOX_ANONYMOUS, top);
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_INLINE, anon);
else if (box->type == BOX_ANONYMOUS)
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_INLINE, top);
else if (box->type == BOX_INLINE)
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_INLINE, top);
static void generate_boxes(fz_context *ctx, fz_xml *node, struct box *top, struct rule *rule)
struct style *up_style;
struct box *box;
int display;
/* link styles separately because splitting inline blocks breaks the style/box tree symmetry */
up_style = &top->style;
while (node)
box = new_box(ctx, node, up_style);
if (fz_xml_tag(node))
apply_styles(ctx, &box->style, rule, node);
display = get_style_property_display(&box->style);
// TOOD:
// TODO:
if (display != DIS_NONE)
if (display == DIS_BLOCK)
top = insert_block_box(ctx, box, top);
else if (display == DIS_INLINE)
insert_inline_box(ctx, box, top);
fz_warn(ctx, "unknown box display type");
insert_box(ctx, box, BOX_BLOCK, top);
if (fz_xml_down(node))
generate_boxes(ctx, fz_xml_down(node), box, rule);
insert_inline_box(ctx, box, top);
node = fz_xml_next(node);
static void layout_inline(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, struct box *top)
struct computed_style style;
struct box *child;
const char *s;
compute_style(&style, &box->style, top->w);
box->x = top->x + top->w;
box->y = top->y;
box->h = style.font_size;
box->w = 0;
s = fz_xml_text(box->node);
if (s)
box->w += strlen(s) * 0.5 * style.font_size;
for (child = box->down; child; child = child->next)
layout_inline(ctx, child, top);
if (child->h > box->h)
box->h = child->h;
top->w += child->w;
static void layout_anonymous(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, struct box *top)
struct computed_style style;
struct box *child;
compute_style(&style, &box->style, top->w);
box->x = top->x;
box->y = top->y + top->h;
box->h = 0;
box->w = 0;
for (child = box->down; child; child = child->next)
layout_inline(ctx, child, box);
if (child->h > box->h)
box->h = child->h;
box->w += child->w;
static void layout_block(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, struct box *top)
struct computed_style style;
struct box *child;
compute_style(&style, &box->style, top->w);
box->x = top->x + style.margin[LEFT];
box->y = top->y + top->h + style.margin[TOP];
box->w = top->w - (style.margin[LEFT] + style.margin[RIGHT]);
box->h = 0;
for (child = box->down; child; child = child->next)
if (child->type == BOX_BLOCK)
layout_block(ctx, child, box);
else if (child->type == BOX_ANONYMOUS)
layout_anonymous(ctx, child, box);
box->h += child->h;
box->h += style.margin[BOTTOM];
static void indent(int level)
while (level--) printf(" ");
static void print_box(fz_context *ctx, struct box *box, int level)
while (box)
printf("%-5d %-5d", (int)box->x, (int)box->y);
switch (box->type)
case BOX_BLOCK: printf("block"); break;
case BOX_ANONYMOUS: printf("anonymous"); break;
case BOX_INLINE: printf("inline"); break;
if (box->node)
const char *tag = fz_xml_tag(box->node);
const char *text = fz_xml_text(box->node);
if (tag) printf(" <%s>", tag);
if (text) printf(" \"%s\"", text);
if (box->down)
print_box(ctx, box->down, level + 1);
box = box->next;
static char *concat_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_xml *root)
fz_xml *node;
int i = 0, n = 1;
char *s;
for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node))
const char *text = fz_xml_text(node);
n += text ? strlen(text) : 0;
s = fz_malloc(ctx, n);
for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node))
const char *text = fz_xml_text(node);
if (text)
n = strlen(text);
memcpy(s+i, text, n);
i += n;
s[i] = 0;
return s;
static struct rule *load_css(fz_context *ctx, struct rule *css, fz_xml *root)
fz_xml *node;
for (node = root; node; node = fz_xml_next(node))
const char *tag = fz_xml_tag(node);
#if 0
if (tag && !strcmp(tag, "link"))
char *rel = fz_xml_att(node, "rel");
if (rel && !strcasecmp(rel, "stylesheet"))
char *type = fz_xml_att(node, "type");
if ((type && !strcmp(type, "text/css")) || !type)
char *href = fz_xml_att(node, "href");
strcpy(filename, dirname);
strcat(filename, href);
css = css_parse_file(css, filename);
if (tag && !strcmp(tag, "style"))
char *s = concat_text(ctx, node);
css = fz_parse_css(ctx, css, s);
fz_free(ctx, s);
if (fz_xml_down(node))
css = load_css(ctx, css, fz_xml_down(node));
return css;
html_layout_document(html_document *doc, float w, float h)
struct rule *css = NULL;
struct box *root_box;
struct box *win_box;
#if 0
strcpy(dirname, argv[i]);
s = strrchr(dirname, '/');
if (!s) s = strrchr(dirname, '\\');
if (s) s[1] = 0;
else strcpy(dirname, "./");
css = fz_parse_css(doc->ctx, NULL, default_css);
css = load_css(doc->ctx, css, doc->root);
root_box = new_box(doc->ctx, NULL, NULL);
generate_boxes(doc->ctx, doc->root, root_box, css);
win_box = new_box(doc->ctx, NULL, NULL);
win_box->w = w;
win_box->h = 0;
layout_block(doc->ctx, root_box, win_box);
print_box(doc->ctx, root_box, 0);