#include "pdf-interpret-imp.h" static pdf_csi * pdf_new_csi(pdf_document *doc, fz_cookie *cookie, const pdf_process *process) { pdf_csi *csi = NULL; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_var(csi); fz_try(ctx) { csi = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_csi); csi->doc = doc; csi->in_text = 0; csi->top = 0; csi->obj = NULL; csi->name[0] = 0; csi->string_len = 0; memset(csi->stack, 0, sizeof csi->stack); csi->process = *process; csi->xbalance = 0; csi->cookie = cookie; } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_process_op(csi, PDF_OP_END, process); fz_free(ctx, csi); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return csi; } static void pdf_clear_stack(pdf_csi *csi) { int i; fz_drop_image(csi->doc->ctx, csi->img); csi->img = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = NULL; csi->name[0] = 0; csi->string_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < csi->top; i++) csi->stack[i] = 0; csi->top = 0; } static void pdf_free_csi(pdf_csi *csi) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; pdf_process_op(csi, PDF_OP_END, &csi->process); fz_free(ctx, csi); } #define A(a) (a) #define B(a,b) (a | b << 8) #define C(a,b,c) (a | b << 8 | c << 16) static void parse_inline_image(pdf_csi *csi) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; pdf_obj *rdb = csi->rdb; fz_stream *file = csi->file; int ch, found; fz_drop_image(ctx, csi->img); csi->img = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = NULL; csi->obj = pdf_parse_dict(csi->doc, file, &csi->doc->lexbuf.base); /* read whitespace after ID keyword */ ch = fz_read_byte(file); if (ch == '\r') if (fz_peek_byte(file) == '\n') fz_read_byte(file); fz_try(ctx) { csi->img = pdf_load_inline_image(csi->doc, rdb, csi->obj, file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } /* find EI */ found = 0; ch = fz_read_byte(file); do { while (ch != 'E' && ch != EOF) ch = fz_read_byte(file); if (ch == 'E') { ch = fz_read_byte(file); if (ch == 'I') { ch = fz_peek_byte(file); if (ch == ' ' || ch <= 32 || ch == EOF || ch == '<' || ch == '/') { found = 1; break; } } } } while (ch != EOF); if (!found) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntax error after inline image"); } static int pdf_run_keyword(pdf_csi *csi, char *buf) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; int key; PDF_OP op; key = buf[0]; if (buf[1]) { key |= buf[1] << 8; if (buf[2]) { key |= buf[2] << 16; if (buf[3]) key = 0; } } switch (key) { case A('"'): op = PDF_OP_dquote;break; case A('\''): op = PDF_OP_squote; break; case A('B'): op = PDF_OP_B; break; case B('B','*'): op = PDF_OP_Bstar; break; case C('B','D','C'): op = PDF_OP_BDC; break; case B('B','I'): op = PDF_OP_BI; break; case C('B','M','C'): op = PDF_OP_BMC; break; case B('B','T'): op = PDF_OP_BT; csi->in_text = 1; break; case B('B','X'): op = PDF_OP_BX; csi->xbalance++; break; case B('C','S'): op = PDF_OP_CS; break; case B('D','P'): op = PDF_OP_DP; break; case B('D','o'): op = PDF_OP_Do; break; case C('E','M','C'): op = PDF_OP_EMC; break; case B('E','T'): op = PDF_OP_ET; csi->in_text = 0; break; case B('E','X'): op = PDF_OP_EX; csi->xbalance--; break; case A('F'): op = PDF_OP_F; break; case A('G'): op = PDF_OP_G; break; case A('J'): op = PDF_OP_J; break; case A('K'): op = PDF_OP_K; break; case A('M'): op = PDF_OP_M; break; case B('M','P'): op = PDF_OP_MP; break; case A('Q'): op = PDF_OP_Q; break; case B('R','G'): op = PDF_OP_RG; break; case A('S'): op = PDF_OP_S; break; case B('S','C'): op = PDF_OP_SC; break; case C('S','C','N'): op = PDF_OP_SCN; break; case B('T','*'): op = PDF_OP_Tstar; break; case B('T','D'): op = PDF_OP_TD; break; case B('T','J'): op = PDF_OP_TJ; break; case B('T','L'): op = PDF_OP_TL; break; case B('T','c'): op = PDF_OP_Tc; break; case B('T','d'): op = PDF_OP_Td; break; case B('T','f'): op = PDF_OP_Tf; break; case B('T','j'): op = PDF_OP_Tj; break; case B('T','m'): op = PDF_OP_Tm; break; case B('T','r'): op = PDF_OP_Tr; break; case B('T','s'): op = PDF_OP_Ts; break; case B('T','w'): op = PDF_OP_Tw; break; case B('T','z'): op = PDF_OP_Tz; break; case A('W'): op = PDF_OP_W; break; case B('W','*'): op = PDF_OP_Wstar; break; case A('b'): op = PDF_OP_b; break; case B('b','*'): op = PDF_OP_bstar; break; case A('c'): op = PDF_OP_c; break; case B('c','m'): op = PDF_OP_cm; break; case B('c','s'): op = PDF_OP_cs; break; case A('d'): op = PDF_OP_d; break; case B('d','0'): op = PDF_OP_d0; break; case B('d','1'): op = PDF_OP_d1; break; case A('f'): op = PDF_OP_f; break; case B('f','*'): op = PDF_OP_fstar; break; case A('g'): op = PDF_OP_g; break; case B('g','s'): op = PDF_OP_gs; break; case A('h'): op = PDF_OP_h; break; case A('i'): op = PDF_OP_i; break; case A('j'): op = PDF_OP_j; break; case A('k'): op = PDF_OP_k; break; case A('l'): op = PDF_OP_l; break; case A('m'): op = PDF_OP_m; break; case A('n'): op = PDF_OP_n; break; case A('q'): op = PDF_OP_q; break; case B('r','e'): op = PDF_OP_re; break; case B('r','g'): op = PDF_OP_rg; break; case B('r','i'): op = PDF_OP_ri; break; case A('s'): op = PDF_OP_s; break; case B('s','c'): op = PDF_OP_sc; break; case C('s','c','n'): op = PDF_OP_scn; break; case B('s','h'): op = PDF_OP_sh; break; case A('v'): op = PDF_OP_v; break; case A('w'): op = PDF_OP_w; break; case A('y'): op = PDF_OP_y; break; default: if (!csi->xbalance) { fz_warn(ctx, "unknown keyword: '%s'", buf); return 1; } return 0; } if (op == PDF_OP_BI) { parse_inline_image(csi); } if (op < PDF_OP_Do) { pdf_process_op(csi, op, &csi->process); } else if (op < PDF_OP_END) { fz_try(ctx) { pdf_process_op(csi, op, &csi->process); } fz_catch(ctx) { switch (op) { case PDF_OP_Do: fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot draw xobject/image"); break; case PDF_OP_Tf: fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot set font"); break; case PDF_OP_gs: fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot set graphics state"); break; case PDF_OP_sh: fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot draw shading"); break; default: fz_rethrow(ctx); /* Should never happen */ } } } return 0; } void pdf_process_stream(pdf_csi *csi, pdf_lexbuf *buf) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; fz_stream *file = csi->file; pdf_token tok = PDF_TOK_ERROR; int in_text_array = 0; int ignoring_errors = 0; /* make sure we have a clean slate if we come here from flush_text */ pdf_clear_stack(csi); fz_var(in_text_array); fz_var(tok); if (csi->cookie) { csi->cookie->progress_max = -1; csi->cookie->progress = 0; } do { fz_try(ctx) { do { /* Check the cookie */ if (csi->cookie) { if (csi->cookie->abort) { tok = PDF_TOK_EOF; break; } csi->cookie->progress++; } tok = pdf_lex(file, buf); if (in_text_array) { switch(tok) { case PDF_TOK_CLOSE_ARRAY: in_text_array = 0; break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: pdf_array_push_drop(csi->obj, pdf_new_real(csi->doc, buf->f)); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: pdf_array_push_drop(csi->obj, pdf_new_int(csi->doc, buf->i)); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: pdf_array_push_drop(csi->obj, pdf_new_string(csi->doc, buf->scratch, buf->len)); break; case PDF_TOK_EOF: break; case PDF_TOK_KEYWORD: if (!strcmp(buf->scratch, "Tw") || !strcmp(buf->scratch, "Tc")) { int l = pdf_array_len(csi->obj); if (l > 0) { pdf_obj *o = pdf_array_get(csi->obj, l-1); if (pdf_is_number(o)) { csi->stack[0] = pdf_to_real(o); pdf_array_delete(csi->obj, l-1); if (pdf_run_keyword(csi, buf->scratch) == 0) break; } } } /* Deliberate Fallthrough! */ default: fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntax error in array"); } } else switch (tok) { case PDF_TOK_ENDSTREAM: case PDF_TOK_EOF: tok = PDF_TOK_EOF; break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_ARRAY: if (csi->obj) { pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = NULL; } if (csi->in_text) { in_text_array = 1; csi->obj = pdf_new_array(csi->doc, 4); } else { csi->obj = pdf_parse_array(csi->doc, file, buf); } break; case PDF_TOK_OPEN_DICT: if (csi->obj) { pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = NULL; } csi->obj = pdf_parse_dict(csi->doc, file, buf); break; case PDF_TOK_NAME: if (csi->name[0]) { pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = NULL; csi->obj = pdf_new_name(csi->doc, buf->scratch); } else fz_strlcpy(csi->name, buf->scratch, sizeof(csi->name)); break; case PDF_TOK_INT: if (csi->top < nelem(csi->stack)) { csi->stack[csi->top] = buf->i; csi->top ++; } else fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "stack overflow"); break; case PDF_TOK_REAL: if (csi->top < nelem(csi->stack)) { csi->stack[csi->top] = buf->f; csi->top ++; } else fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "stack overflow"); break; case PDF_TOK_STRING: if (buf->len <= sizeof(csi->string)) { memcpy(csi->string, buf->scratch, buf->len); csi->string_len = buf->len; } else { if (csi->obj) { pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = NULL; } csi->obj = pdf_new_string(csi->doc, buf->scratch, buf->len); } break; case PDF_TOK_KEYWORD: if (pdf_run_keyword(csi, buf->scratch)) { tok = PDF_TOK_EOF; } pdf_clear_stack(csi); break; default: fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntax error in content stream"); } } while (tok != PDF_TOK_EOF); } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_clear_stack(csi); } fz_catch(ctx) { if (!csi->cookie) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); } else if (fz_caught(ctx) == FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER) { if (csi->cookie->incomplete_ok) csi->cookie->incomplete++; else fz_rethrow(ctx); } else { csi->cookie->errors++; } if (!ignoring_errors) { fz_warn(ctx, "Ignoring errors during rendering"); ignoring_errors = 1; } /* If we do catch an error, then reset ourselves to a * base lexing state */ in_text_array = 0; } } while (tok != PDF_TOK_EOF); } /* * Entry points */ static void pdf_process_contents_stream(pdf_csi *csi, pdf_obj *rdb, fz_stream *file) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; pdf_lexbuf *buf; int save_in_text; pdf_obj *save_obj; pdf_obj *save_rdb = csi->rdb; fz_stream *save_file = csi->file; fz_var(buf); if (file == NULL) return; buf = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*buf)); /* we must be re-entrant for type3 fonts */ pdf_lexbuf_init(ctx, buf, PDF_LEXBUF_SMALL); save_in_text = csi->in_text; csi->in_text = 0; save_obj = csi->obj; csi->obj = NULL; csi->rdb = rdb; csi->file = file; fz_try(ctx) { csi->process.processor->process_stream(csi, csi->process.state, buf); } fz_always(ctx) { csi->in_text = save_in_text; pdf_drop_obj(csi->obj); csi->obj = save_obj; csi->rdb = save_rdb; csi->file = save_file; pdf_lexbuf_fin(buf); fz_free(ctx, buf); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "Content stream parsing error - rendering truncated"); } } void pdf_process_annot(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, pdf_annot *annot, const pdf_process *process, fz_cookie *cookie) { fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; pdf_csi *csi; int flags; csi = pdf_new_csi(doc, cookie, process); fz_try(ctx) { flags = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(annot->obj, "F")); /* Check not invisible (bit 0) and hidden (bit 1) */ /* TODO: NoZoom and NoRotate */ if (flags & ((1 << 0) | (1 << 1))) break; csi->process.processor->process_annot(csi, csi->process.state, page->resources, annot); } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_free_csi(csi); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot parse annotation appearance stream"); } } void pdf_process_contents_object(pdf_csi *csi, pdf_obj *rdb, pdf_obj *contents) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; fz_stream *file = NULL; if (contents == NULL) return; file = pdf_open_contents_stream(csi->doc, contents); fz_try(ctx) { pdf_process_contents_stream(csi, rdb, file); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_close(file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } } static void pdf_process_contents_buffer(pdf_csi *csi, pdf_obj *rdb, fz_buffer *contents) { fz_context *ctx = csi->doc->ctx; fz_stream *file = NULL; if (contents == NULL) return; file = fz_open_buffer(ctx, contents); fz_try(ctx) { pdf_process_contents_stream(csi, rdb, file); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_close(file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } } void pdf_process_stream_object(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *obj, const pdf_process *process, pdf_obj *res, fz_cookie *cookie) { fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; pdf_csi *csi; csi = pdf_new_csi(doc, cookie, process); fz_try(ctx) { csi->process.processor->process_contents(csi, csi->process.state, res, obj); } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_free_csi(csi); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot parse content stream"); } } void pdf_process_glyph(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *resources, fz_buffer *contents, pdf_process *process) { pdf_csi *csi; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; csi = pdf_new_csi(doc, NULL, process); fz_try(ctx) { pdf_process_contents_buffer(csi, resources, contents); } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_free_csi(csi); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot parse glyph content stream"); } }