#include "mupdf/pdf.h" #if FZ_ENABLE_JS #include "mujs.h" struct pdf_js_s { fz_context *ctx; pdf_document *doc; pdf_obj *form; pdf_js_event event; js_State *imp; }; FZ_NORETURN static void rethrow(pdf_js *js) { js_newerror(js->imp, fz_caught_message(js->ctx)); js_throw(js->imp); } /* Unpack argument object with named arguments into actual parameters. */ static pdf_js *unpack_arguments(js_State *J, ...) { if (js_isobject(J, 1)) { int i = 1; va_list args; js_copy(J, 1); va_start(args, J); for (;;) { const char *s = va_arg(args, const char *); if (!s) break; js_getproperty(J, -1, s); js_replace(J, i++); } va_end(args); js_pop(J, 1); } return js_getcontext(J); } static char *pdf_from_utf8(fz_context *ctx, const char *utf8) { char *pdf = fz_malloc(ctx, strlen(utf8)+1); int i = 0; unsigned char c; while ((c = *utf8) != 0) { if ((c & 0x80) == 0 && pdf_doc_encoding[c] == c) { pdf[i++] = c; utf8++ ; } else { int rune; int j; utf8 += fz_chartorune(&rune, utf8); for (j = 0; j < sizeof(pdf_doc_encoding) && pdf_doc_encoding[j] != rune; j++) ; if (j < sizeof(pdf_doc_encoding)) pdf[i++] = j; } } pdf[i] = 0; return pdf; } static void app_alert(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = unpack_arguments(J, "cMsg", "nIcon", "nType", "cTitle", 0); pdf_alert_event event; event.message = js_tostring(J, 1); event.icon_type = js_tointeger(J, 2); event.button_group_type = js_tointeger(J, 3); event.title = js_tostring(J, 4); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_event_issue_alert(js->ctx, js->doc, &event); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); js_pushnumber(J, event.button_pressed); } static void app_execDialog(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); // monitor // inheritDialog // parentDoc fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_event_issue_exec_dialog(js->ctx, js->doc); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); // return "ok" or "cancel" js_pushstring(J, "cancel"); } static void app_execMenuItem(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); const char *cMenuItem = js_tostring(J, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_event_issue_exec_menu_item(js->ctx, js->doc, cMenuItem); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void app_launchURL(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); const char *cUrl = js_tostring(J, 1); int bNewFrame = js_toboolean(J, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_event_issue_launch_url(js->ctx, js->doc, cUrl, bNewFrame); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void field_finalize(js_State *J, void *p) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_drop_obj(js->ctx, p); } static void field_buttonSetCaption(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); const char *cCaption = js_tostring(J, 1); char *caption = pdf_from_utf8(js->ctx, cCaption); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_field_set_button_caption(js->ctx, js->doc, field, caption); fz_always(js->ctx) fz_free(js->ctx, caption); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void field_getName(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); char *name; fz_try(js->ctx) name = pdf_field_name(js->ctx, js->doc, field); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); js_pushstring(J, name); /* to utf8? */ } static void field_setName(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); fz_warn(js->ctx, "Unexpected call to field_setName"); } static void field_getDisplay(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); int display; fz_try(js->ctx) display = pdf_field_display(js->ctx, js->doc, field); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); js_pushnumber(J, display); } static void field_setDisplay(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); int display = js_tonumber(J, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_field_set_display(js->ctx, js->doc, field, display); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static pdf_obj *load_color(pdf_js *js, int idx) { fz_context *ctx = js->ctx; pdf_document *doc = js->doc; js_State *J = js->imp; pdf_obj *color = NULL; int i, n; float c; n = js_getlength(J, idx); /* The only legitimate color expressed as an array of length 1 * is [T], meaning transparent. Return a NULL object to represent * transparent */ if (n <= 1) return NULL; fz_var(color); fz_try(ctx) { color = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, n-1); for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) { js_getindex(J, idx, i+1); c = js_tonumber(J, -1); js_pop(J, 1); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, color, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, c)); } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, color); rethrow(js); } return color; } static void field_getFillColor(js_State *J) { js_pushundefined(J); } static void field_setFillColor(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); pdf_obj *color = load_color(js, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_field_set_fill_color(js->ctx, js->doc, field, color); fz_always(js->ctx) pdf_drop_obj(js->ctx, color); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void field_getTextColor(js_State *J) { js_pushundefined(J); } static void field_setTextColor(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); pdf_obj *color = load_color(js, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_field_set_text_color(js->ctx, js->doc, field, color); fz_always(js->ctx) pdf_drop_obj(js->ctx, color); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void field_getBorderStyle(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); const char *border_style; fz_try(js->ctx) border_style = pdf_field_border_style(js->ctx, js->doc, field); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); js_pushstring(J, border_style); } static void field_setBorderStyle(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); const char *border_style = js_tostring(J, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_field_set_border_style(js->ctx, js->doc, field, border_style); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void field_getValue(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); char *val; fz_try(js->ctx) val = pdf_field_value(js->ctx, js->doc, field); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); js_pushstring(J, val ? val : ""); fz_free(js->ctx, val); } static void field_setValue(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(J, 0, "Field"); const char *value = js_tostring(J, 1); fz_try(js->ctx) (void)pdf_field_set_value(js->ctx, js->doc, field, value); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void event_getTarget(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); js_getregistry(J, "Field"); js_newuserdata(J, "Field", pdf_keep_obj(js->ctx, js->event.target), field_finalize); } static void event_setTarget(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); fz_warn(js->ctx, "Unexpected call to event_setTarget"); } static void event_getValue(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); const char *v = js->event.value; js_pushstring(J, v ? v : ""); } static void event_setValue(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); const char *value = js_tostring(J, 1); fz_free(js->ctx, js->event.value); js->event.value = fz_strdup(js->ctx, value); } static void event_getWillCommit(js_State *J) { js_pushnumber(J, 1); } static void event_setWillCommit(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); fz_warn(js->ctx, "Unexpected call to event_setWillCommit"); } static void event_getRC(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); js_pushnumber(J, js->event.rc); } static void event_setRC(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); js->event.rc = js_tointeger(js->imp, 1); } static void doc_getField(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); fz_context *ctx = js->ctx; const char *cName = js_tostring(J, 1); char *name = pdf_from_utf8(ctx, cName); pdf_obj *dict; fz_try(ctx) dict = pdf_lookup_field(ctx, js->form, name); fz_always(ctx) fz_free(ctx, name); fz_catch(ctx) rethrow(js); if (dict) { js_getregistry(J, "Field"); js_newuserdata(J, "Field", pdf_keep_obj(js->ctx, dict), field_finalize); } else { js_pushnull(J); } } static void reset_field(pdf_js *js, const char *cName) { fz_context *ctx = js->ctx; if (cName) { char *name = pdf_from_utf8(ctx, cName); fz_try(ctx) { pdf_obj *field = js_touserdata(js->imp, 0, "Field"); if (field) pdf_field_reset(ctx, js->doc, field); } fz_always(ctx) fz_free(ctx, name); fz_catch(ctx) rethrow(js); } } static void doc_resetForm(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); fz_context *ctx = js->ctx; int i, n; /* An array of fields has been passed in. Call pdf_reset_field on each item. */ if (js_isarray(J, 1)) { n = js_getlength(J, 1); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { js_getindex(J, 1, i); reset_field(js, js_tostring(J, -1)); js_pop(J, 1); } } /* No argument or null passed in means reset all. */ else { n = pdf_array_len(ctx, js->form); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_field_reset(ctx, js->doc, pdf_array_get(ctx, js->form, i)); fz_catch(ctx) rethrow(js); } } } static void doc_print(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = js_getcontext(J); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_event_issue_print(js->ctx, js->doc); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void doc_mailDoc(js_State *J) { pdf_js *js = unpack_arguments(J, "bUI", "cTo", "cCc", "cBcc", "cSubject", "cMessage", 0); pdf_mail_doc_event event; event.ask_user = js_isdefined(J, 1) ? js_toboolean(J, 1) : 1; event.to = js_tostring(J, 2); event.cc = js_tostring(J, 3); event.bcc = js_tostring(J, 4); event.subject = js_tostring(J, 5); event.message = js_tostring(J, 6); fz_try(js->ctx) pdf_event_issue_mail_doc(js->ctx, js->doc, &event); fz_catch(js->ctx) rethrow(js); } static void addmethod(js_State *J, const char *name, js_CFunction fun, int n) { const char *realname = strchr(name, '.'); realname = realname ? realname + 1 : name; js_newcfunction(J, fun, name, n); js_defproperty(J, -2, realname, JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF); } static void addproperty(js_State *J, const char *name, js_CFunction getfun, js_CFunction setfun) { const char *realname = strchr(name, '.'); realname = realname ? realname + 1 : name; js_newcfunction(J, getfun, name, 0); js_newcfunction(J, setfun, name, 1); js_defaccessor(J, -3, realname, JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF); } static void declare_dom(pdf_js *js) { js_State *J = js->imp; /* Allow access to the global environment via the 'global' name */ js_pushglobal(J); js_defglobal(J, "global", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTCONF | JS_DONTENUM); /* Create the 'app' object */ js_newobject(J); { addmethod(J, "app.alert", app_alert, 4); addmethod(J, "app.execDialog", app_execDialog, 0); addmethod(J, "app.execMenuItem", app_execMenuItem, 1); addmethod(J, "app.launchURL", app_launchURL, 2); } js_defglobal(J, "app", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTCONF | JS_DONTENUM); /* Create the 'event' object */ js_newobject(J); { addproperty(J, "event.target", event_getTarget, event_setTarget); addproperty(J, "event.value", event_getValue, event_setValue); addproperty(J, "event.willCommit", event_getWillCommit, event_setWillCommit); addproperty(J, "event.rc", event_getRC, event_setRC); } js_defglobal(J, "event", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTCONF | JS_DONTENUM); /* Create the Field prototype object */ js_newobject(J); { addproperty(J, "Field.value", field_getValue, field_setValue); addproperty(J, "Field.borderStyle", field_getBorderStyle, field_setBorderStyle); addproperty(J, "Field.textColor", field_getTextColor, field_setTextColor); addproperty(J, "Field.fillColor", field_getFillColor, field_setFillColor); addproperty(J, "Field.display", field_getDisplay, field_setDisplay); addproperty(J, "Field.name", field_getName, field_setName); addmethod(J, "Field.buttonSetCaption", field_buttonSetCaption, 1); } js_setregistry(J, "Field"); /* Create the Doc prototype object */ js_newobject(J); { addmethod(J, "Doc.getField", doc_getField, 1); addmethod(J, "Doc.resetForm", doc_resetForm, 0); addmethod(J, "Doc.print", doc_print, 0); addmethod(J, "Doc.mailDoc", doc_mailDoc, 6); } js_setregistry(J, "Doc"); js_getregistry(J, "Doc"); js_setglobal(J, "MuPDF_Doc"); /* for pdf-util.js use */ } static void preload_helpers(pdf_js *js) { /* When testing on the cluster: * Use a fixed date for "new Date" and Date.now(). * Sadly, this breaks uses of the Date function without the new keyword. * Return a fixed number from Math.random(). */ #ifdef CLUSTER js_dostring(js->imp, "var MuPDFOldDate = Date\n" "Date = function() { return new MuPDFOldDate(298252800000); }\n" "Date.now = function() { return 298252800000; }\n" "Date.UTC = function() { return 298252800000; }\n" "Date.parse = MuPDFOldDate.parse;\n" "Math.random = function() { return 1/4; }\n" ); #endif js_dostring(js->imp, #include "gen_js_util.h" ); } void pdf_drop_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_js *js) { if (js) { js_freestate(js->imp); fz_free(ctx, js->event.value); fz_free(ctx, js); } } static void *pdf_js_alloc(void *actx, void *ptr, int n) { fz_context *ctx = actx; if (n == 0) { fz_free(ctx, ptr); return NULL; } if (ptr) return fz_resize_array(ctx, ptr, n, 1); return fz_malloc_array(ctx, n, 1); } static pdf_js *pdf_new_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { pdf_js *js = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_js); js->ctx = ctx; js->doc = doc; fz_try(ctx) { pdf_obj *root, *acroform; /* Find the form array */ root = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Root); acroform = pdf_dict_get(ctx, root, PDF_NAME_AcroForm); js->form = pdf_dict_get(ctx, acroform, PDF_NAME_Fields); /* Initialise the javascript engine, passing the fz_context for use in memory allocation. */ js->imp = js_newstate(pdf_js_alloc, ctx, 0); if (!js->imp) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot initialize javascript engine"); /* Also set our pdf_js context, so we can retrieve it in callbacks. */ js_setcontext(js->imp, js); declare_dom(js); preload_helpers(js); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_js(ctx, js); js = NULL; } return js; } static void pdf_js_load_document_level(pdf_js *js) { fz_context *ctx = js->ctx; pdf_document *doc = js->doc; pdf_obj *javascript; int len, i; javascript = pdf_load_name_tree(ctx, doc, PDF_NAME_JavaScript); len = pdf_dict_len(ctx, javascript); fz_try(ctx) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pdf_obj *fragment = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, javascript, i); pdf_obj *code = pdf_dict_get(ctx, fragment, PDF_NAME_JS); char *codebuf = pdf_load_stream_or_string_as_utf8(ctx, code); pdf_js_execute(js, codebuf); fz_free(ctx, codebuf); } } fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, javascript); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_js_setup_event(pdf_js *js, pdf_js_event *e) { if (js) { fz_context *ctx = js->ctx; char *ev = e->value ? e->value : ""; char *v = fz_strdup(ctx, ev); fz_free(ctx, js->event.value); js->event.value = v; js->event.target = e->target; js->event.rc = 1; } } pdf_js_event *pdf_js_get_event(pdf_js *js) { return js ? &js->event : NULL; } void pdf_js_execute(pdf_js *js, char *source) { if (js) { if (js_ploadstring(js->imp, "[pdf]", source)) { fz_warn(js->ctx, "%s", js_tostring(js->imp, -1)); js_pop(js->imp, 1); return; } js_getregistry(js->imp, "Doc"); /* set 'this' to the Doc object */ if (js_pcall(js->imp, 0)) { fz_warn(js->ctx, "%s", js_tostring(js->imp, -1)); js_pop(js->imp, 1); return; } js_pop(js->imp, 1); } } void pdf_enable_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { if (!doc->js) { doc->js = pdf_new_js(ctx, doc); pdf_js_load_document_level(doc->js); } } void pdf_disable_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { if (doc->js) pdf_drop_js(ctx, doc->js); doc->js = NULL; } int pdf_js_supported(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { return doc->js != NULL; } #else /* FZ_ENABLE_JS */ void pdf_drop_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_js *js) { } void pdf_enable_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { } void pdf_disable_js(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { } int pdf_js_supported(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { return 0; } void pdf_js_setup_event(pdf_js *js, pdf_js_event *e) { } pdf_js_event *pdf_js_get_event(pdf_js *js) { return NULL; } void pdf_js_execute(pdf_js *js, char *code) { } #endif /* FZ_ENABLE_JS */