#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "mupdf/pdf.h" #include "../fitz/fitz-imp.h" #include "pdf-name-table.h" #include #include #include typedef enum pdf_objkind_e { PDF_INT = 'i', PDF_REAL = 'f', PDF_STRING = 's', PDF_NAME = 'n', PDF_ARRAY = 'a', PDF_DICT = 'd', PDF_INDIRECT = 'r' } pdf_objkind; struct keyval { pdf_obj *k; pdf_obj *v; }; enum { PDF_FLAGS_MARKED = 1, PDF_FLAGS_SORTED = 2, PDF_FLAGS_DIRTY = 4, PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE = 8, PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE_BOOL = 16 }; struct pdf_obj_s { short refs; unsigned char kind; unsigned char flags; }; typedef struct pdf_obj_num_s { pdf_obj super; union { int64_t i; float f; } u; } pdf_obj_num; typedef struct pdf_obj_string_s { pdf_obj super; unsigned int len; char buf[1]; } pdf_obj_string; typedef struct pdf_obj_name_s { pdf_obj super; char n[1]; } pdf_obj_name; typedef struct pdf_obj_array_s { pdf_obj super; pdf_document *doc; int parent_num; int len; int cap; pdf_obj **items; } pdf_obj_array; typedef struct pdf_obj_dict_s { pdf_obj super; pdf_document *doc; int parent_num; int len; int cap; struct keyval *items; } pdf_obj_dict; typedef struct pdf_obj_ref_s { pdf_obj super; pdf_document *doc; /* Only needed for arrays, dicts and indirects */ int num; int gen; } pdf_obj_ref; #define NAME(obj) ((pdf_obj_name *)(obj)) #define NUM(obj) ((pdf_obj_num *)(obj)) #define STRING(obj) ((pdf_obj_string *)(obj)) #define DICT(obj) ((pdf_obj_dict *)(obj)) #define ARRAY(obj) ((pdf_obj_array *)(obj)) #define REF(obj) ((pdf_obj_ref *)(obj)) pdf_obj * pdf_new_null(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc) { return PDF_OBJ_NULL; } pdf_obj * pdf_new_bool(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int b) { return b ? PDF_OBJ_TRUE : PDF_OBJ_FALSE; } pdf_obj * pdf_new_int(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int64_t i) { pdf_obj_num *obj; obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(pdf_obj_num)), "pdf_obj(int)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_INT; obj->super.flags = 0; obj->u.i = i; return &obj->super; } pdf_obj * pdf_new_real(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, float f) { pdf_obj_num *obj; obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(pdf_obj_num)), "pdf_obj(real)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_REAL; obj->super.flags = 0; obj->u.f = f; return &obj->super; } pdf_obj * pdf_new_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *str, size_t len) { pdf_obj_string *obj; unsigned int l = (unsigned int)len; if ((size_t)l != len) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Overflow in pdf string"); obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, offsetof(pdf_obj_string, buf) + len + 1), "pdf_obj(string)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_STRING; obj->super.flags = 0; obj->len = l; memcpy(obj->buf, str, len); obj->buf[len] = '\0'; return &obj->super; } static int namecmp(const void *key, const void *name) { return strcmp((char *)key, *(char **)name); } pdf_obj * pdf_new_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *str) { pdf_obj_name *obj; const char **stdname; stdname = bsearch(str, &PDF_NAMES[1], PDF_OBJ_ENUM_NAME__LIMIT-1, sizeof(char *), namecmp); if (stdname != NULL) return (pdf_obj *)(intptr_t)(stdname - &PDF_NAMES[0]); obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, offsetof(pdf_obj_name, n) + strlen(str) + 1), "pdf_obj(name)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_NAME; obj->super.flags = 0; strcpy(obj->n, str); return &obj->super; } pdf_obj * pdf_new_indirect(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int num, int gen) { pdf_obj_ref *obj; obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(pdf_obj_ref)), "pdf_obj(indirect)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_INDIRECT; obj->super.flags = 0; obj->doc = doc; obj->num = num; obj->gen = gen; return &obj->super; } pdf_obj * pdf_keep_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) { (void)fz_keep_imp16(ctx, obj, &obj->refs); } return obj; } #define OBJ_IS_NULL(obj) \ (obj == PDF_OBJ_NULL) #define OBJ_IS_BOOL(obj) \ (obj == PDF_OBJ_TRUE || obj == PDF_OBJ_FALSE) #define OBJ_IS_INT(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? obj->kind == PDF_INT : 0) #define OBJ_IS_REAL(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? obj->kind == PDF_REAL : 0) #define OBJ_IS_NUMBER(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? (obj->kind == PDF_REAL || obj->kind == PDF_INT) : 0) #define OBJ_IS_STRING(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? obj->kind == PDF_STRING : 0) #define OBJ_IS_NAME(obj) \ ((obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) ? (obj->kind == PDF_NAME) : (obj != NULL && obj < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT)) #define OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? obj->kind == PDF_ARRAY : 0) #define OBJ_IS_DICT(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? obj->kind == PDF_DICT : 0) #define OBJ_IS_INDIRECT(obj) \ (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? obj->kind == PDF_INDIRECT : 0) #define RESOLVE(obj) \ if (OBJ_IS_INDIRECT(obj)) \ obj = pdf_resolve_indirect_chain(ctx, obj); \ int pdf_is_indirect(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { return OBJ_IS_INDIRECT(obj); } int pdf_is_null(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_NULL(obj); } int pdf_is_bool(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_BOOL(obj); } int pdf_is_int(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_INT(obj); } int pdf_is_real(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_REAL(obj); } int pdf_is_number(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_NUMBER(obj); } int pdf_is_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_STRING(obj); } int pdf_is_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_NAME(obj); } int pdf_is_array(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj); } int pdf_is_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return OBJ_IS_DICT(obj); } int pdf_to_bool(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); return obj == PDF_OBJ_TRUE; } int pdf_to_int(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; if (obj->kind == PDF_INT) return (int)NUM(obj)->u.i; if (obj->kind == PDF_REAL) return (int)(NUM(obj)->u.f + 0.5f); /* No roundf in MSVC */ return 0; } int64_t pdf_to_int64(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; if (obj->kind == PDF_INT) return NUM(obj)->u.i; if (obj->kind == PDF_REAL) return (NUM(obj)->u.f + 0.5f); /* No roundf in MSVC */ return 0; } float pdf_to_real(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; if (obj->kind == PDF_REAL) return NUM(obj)->u.f; if (obj->kind == PDF_INT) return NUM(obj)->u.i; return 0; } const char *pdf_to_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_NAME(obj)) return ""; if (obj < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) return PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)obj]; return NAME(obj)->n; } char *pdf_to_str_buf(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_STRING(obj)) return ""; return STRING(obj)->buf; } int pdf_to_str_len(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_STRING(obj)) return 0; return STRING(obj)->len; } void pdf_set_int(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int64_t i) { if (!OBJ_IS_INT(obj)) return; NUM(obj)->u.i = i; } /* for use by pdf_crypt_obj_imp to decrypt AES string in place */ void pdf_set_str_len(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int newlen) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_STRING(obj)) return; /* This should never happen */ if (newlen < 0 || (unsigned int)newlen > STRING(obj)->len) return; /* This should never happen */ STRING(obj)->len = newlen; } int pdf_to_num(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (!OBJ_IS_INDIRECT(obj)) return 0; return REF(obj)->num; } int pdf_to_gen(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (!OBJ_IS_INDIRECT(obj)) return 0; return REF(obj)->gen; } pdf_document *pdf_get_indirect_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (!OBJ_IS_INDIRECT(obj)) return NULL; return REF(obj)->doc; } pdf_document *pdf_get_bound_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return NULL; if (obj->kind == PDF_INDIRECT) return REF(obj)->doc; if (obj->kind == PDF_ARRAY) return ARRAY(obj)->doc; if (obj->kind == PDF_DICT) return DICT(obj)->doc; return NULL; } int pdf_objcmp_resolve(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *a, pdf_obj *b) { RESOLVE(a); RESOLVE(b); return pdf_objcmp(ctx, a, b); } int pdf_objcmp(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *a, pdf_obj *b) { int i; if (a == b) return 0; if (!a || !b) return 1; if (a < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) { if (b < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) return a != b; if (b < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 1; if (b->kind != PDF_NAME) return 1; return strcmp(NAME(b)->n, PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)a]); } if (b < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) { if (a < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 1; if (a->kind != PDF_NAME) return 1; return strcmp(NAME(a)->n, PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)b]); } if (a < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT || b < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return a != b; if (a->kind != b->kind) return 1; switch (a->kind) { case PDF_INT: return NUM(a)->u.i - NUM(b)->u.i; case PDF_REAL: if (NUM(a)->u.f < NUM(b)->u.f) return -1; if (NUM(a)->u.f > NUM(b)->u.f) return 1; return 0; case PDF_STRING: if (STRING(a)->len < STRING(b)->len) { if (memcmp(STRING(a)->buf, STRING(b)->buf, STRING(a)->len) <= 0) return -1; return 1; } if (STRING(a)->len > STRING(b)->len) { if (memcmp(STRING(a)->buf, STRING(b)->buf, STRING(b)->len) >= 0) return 1; return -1; } return memcmp(STRING(a)->buf, STRING(b)->buf, STRING(a)->len); case PDF_NAME: return strcmp(NAME(a)->n, NAME(b)->n); case PDF_INDIRECT: if (REF(a)->num == REF(b)->num) return REF(a)->gen - REF(b)->gen; return REF(a)->num - REF(b)->num; case PDF_ARRAY: if (ARRAY(a)->len != ARRAY(b)->len) return ARRAY(a)->len - ARRAY(b)->len; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY(a)->len; i++) if (pdf_objcmp(ctx, ARRAY(a)->items[i], ARRAY(b)->items[i])) return 1; return 0; case PDF_DICT: if (DICT(a)->len != DICT(b)->len) return DICT(a)->len - DICT(b)->len; for (i = 0; i < DICT(a)->len; i++) { if (pdf_objcmp(ctx, DICT(a)->items[i].k, DICT(b)->items[i].k)) return 1; if (pdf_objcmp(ctx, DICT(a)->items[i].v, DICT(b)->items[i].v)) return 1; } return 0; } return 1; } static char * pdf_objkindstr(pdf_obj *obj) { if (!obj) return ""; if (obj < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) return "name"; if (obj == PDF_OBJ_TRUE || obj == PDF_OBJ_FALSE) return "boolean"; if (obj == PDF_OBJ_NULL) return "null"; switch (obj->kind) { case PDF_INT: return "integer"; case PDF_REAL: return "real"; case PDF_STRING: return "string"; case PDF_NAME: return "name"; case PDF_ARRAY: return "array"; case PDF_DICT: return "dictionary"; case PDF_INDIRECT: return "reference"; } return ""; } pdf_obj * pdf_new_array(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int initialcap) { pdf_obj_array *obj; int i; obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(pdf_obj_array)), "pdf_obj(array)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_ARRAY; obj->super.flags = 0; obj->doc = doc; obj->parent_num = 0; obj->len = 0; obj->cap = initialcap > 1 ? initialcap : 6; fz_try(ctx) { obj->items = Memento_label(fz_malloc_array(ctx, obj->cap, sizeof(pdf_obj*)), "pdf_obj(array items)"); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free(ctx, obj); fz_rethrow(ctx); } for (i = 0; i < obj->cap; i++) obj->items[i] = NULL; return &obj->super; } static void pdf_array_grow(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj_array *obj) { int i; int new_cap = (obj->cap * 3) / 2; obj->items = fz_resize_array(ctx, obj->items, new_cap, sizeof(pdf_obj*)); obj->cap = new_cap; for (i = obj->len ; i < obj->cap; i++) obj->items[i] = NULL; } pdf_obj * pdf_copy_array(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { pdf_document *doc; pdf_obj *arr; int i; int n; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not an array (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); doc = ARRAY(obj)->doc; n = pdf_array_len(ctx, obj); arr = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, n); fz_try(ctx) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pdf_array_push(ctx, arr, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i)); fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, arr); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return arr; } int pdf_array_len(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) return 0; return ARRAY(obj)->len; } pdf_obj * pdf_array_get(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int i) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) return NULL; if (i < 0 || i >= ARRAY(obj)->len) return NULL; return ARRAY(obj)->items[i]; } static void prepare_object_for_alteration(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *val) { pdf_document *doc, *val_doc; int parent; /* obj should be a dict or an array. We don't care about any other types, as they aren't 'containers'. */ if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return; switch (obj->kind) { case PDF_DICT: doc = DICT(obj)->doc; parent = DICT(obj)->parent_num; break; case PDF_ARRAY: doc = ARRAY(obj)->doc; parent = ARRAY(obj)->parent_num; break; default: return; } if (val) { val_doc = pdf_get_bound_document(ctx, val); if (doc && val_doc && val_doc != doc) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "container and item belong to different documents"); } /* parent_num = 0 while an object is being parsed from the file. No further action is necessary. */ if (parent == 0 || doc->freeze_updates) return; /* Otherwise we need to ensure that the containing hierarchy of objects has been moved to the incremental xref section and the newly linked object needs to record the parent_num */ pdf_xref_ensure_incremental_object(ctx, doc, parent); pdf_set_obj_parent(ctx, val, parent); } void pdf_array_put(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int i, pdf_obj *item) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not an array (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (i == ARRAY(obj)->len) { pdf_array_push(ctx, obj, item); return; } if (i < 0 || i > ARRAY(obj)->len) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "index out of bounds"); if (!item) item = PDF_OBJ_NULL; prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, item); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, ARRAY(obj)->items[i]); ARRAY(obj)->items[i] = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, item); } void pdf_array_put_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int i, pdf_obj *item) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_array_put(ctx, obj, i, item); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, item); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_array_push(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *item) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not an array (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (!item) item = PDF_OBJ_NULL; prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, item); if (ARRAY(obj)->len + 1 > ARRAY(obj)->cap) pdf_array_grow(ctx, ARRAY(obj)); ARRAY(obj)->items[ARRAY(obj)->len] = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, item); ARRAY(obj)->len++; } void pdf_array_push_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *item) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_array_push(ctx, obj, item); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, item); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } } void pdf_array_insert(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *item, int i) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not an array (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (i < 0 || i > ARRAY(obj)->len) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "index out of bounds"); if (!item) item = PDF_OBJ_NULL; prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, item); if (ARRAY(obj)->len + 1 > ARRAY(obj)->cap) pdf_array_grow(ctx, ARRAY(obj)); memmove(ARRAY(obj)->items + i + 1, ARRAY(obj)->items + i, (ARRAY(obj)->len - i) * sizeof(pdf_obj*)); ARRAY(obj)->items[i] = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, item); ARRAY(obj)->len++; } void pdf_array_insert_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *item, int i) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_array_insert(ctx, obj, item, i); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, item); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } } void pdf_array_delete(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int i) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_ARRAY(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not an array (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (i < 0 || i >= ARRAY(obj)->len) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "index out of bounds"); prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, NULL); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, ARRAY(obj)->items[i]); ARRAY(obj)->items[i] = 0; ARRAY(obj)->len--; memmove(ARRAY(obj)->items + i, ARRAY(obj)->items + i + 1, (ARRAY(obj)->len - i) * sizeof(pdf_obj*)); } int pdf_array_contains(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *arr, pdf_obj *obj) { int i, len; len = pdf_array_len(ctx, arr); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!pdf_objcmp(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, arr, i), obj)) return 1; return 0; } int pdf_array_find(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *arr, pdf_obj *obj) { int i, len; len = pdf_array_len(ctx, arr); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!pdf_objcmp(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, arr, i), obj)) return i; return -1; } pdf_obj *pdf_new_rect(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const fz_rect *rect) { pdf_obj *arr; arr = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 4); fz_try(ctx) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, rect->x0)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, rect->y0)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, rect->x1)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, rect->y1)); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, arr); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return arr; } pdf_obj *pdf_new_matrix(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const fz_matrix *mtx) { pdf_obj *arr; arr = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 6); fz_try(ctx) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, mtx->a)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, mtx->b)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, mtx->c)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, mtx->d)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, mtx->e)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, mtx->f)); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, arr); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return arr; } /* dicts may only have names as keys! */ static int keyvalcmp(const void *ap, const void *bp) { const struct keyval *a = ap; const struct keyval *b = bp; const char *an; const char *bn; /* We should never get a->k == NULL or b->k == NULL. If we * do, then they match. */ if (a->k < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) an = PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)a->k]; else if (a->k >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT && a->k->kind == PDF_NAME) an = NAME(a->k)->n; else return 0; if (b->k < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) bn = PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)b->k]; else if (b->k >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT && b->k->kind == PDF_NAME) bn = NAME(b->k)->n; else return 0; return strcmp(an, bn); } pdf_obj * pdf_new_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int initialcap) { pdf_obj_dict *obj; int i; obj = Memento_label(fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(pdf_obj_dict)), "pdf_obj(dict)"); obj->super.refs = 1; obj->super.kind = PDF_DICT; obj->super.flags = 0; obj->doc = doc; obj->parent_num = 0; obj->len = 0; obj->cap = initialcap > 1 ? initialcap : 10; fz_try(ctx) { DICT(obj)->items = Memento_label(fz_malloc_array(ctx, DICT(obj)->cap, sizeof(struct keyval)), "pdf_obj(dict items)"); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free(ctx, obj); fz_rethrow(ctx); } for (i = 0; i < DICT(obj)->cap; i++) { DICT(obj)->items[i].k = NULL; DICT(obj)->items[i].v = NULL; } return &obj->super; } static void pdf_dict_grow(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { int i; int new_cap = (DICT(obj)->cap * 3) / 2; DICT(obj)->items = fz_resize_array(ctx, DICT(obj)->items, new_cap, sizeof(struct keyval)); DICT(obj)->cap = new_cap; for (i = DICT(obj)->len; i < DICT(obj)->cap; i++) { DICT(obj)->items[i].k = NULL; DICT(obj)->items[i].v = NULL; } } pdf_obj * pdf_copy_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { pdf_document *doc; pdf_obj *dict; int i, n; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); doc = DICT(obj)->doc; n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj); dict = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, n); fz_try(ctx) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, obj, i), pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i)); fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, dict); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return dict; } int pdf_dict_len(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return 0; return DICT(obj)->len; } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_get_key(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int i) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return NULL; if (i < 0 || i >= DICT(obj)->len) return NULL; return DICT(obj)->items[i].k; } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_get_val(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int i) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return NULL; if (i < 0 || i >= DICT(obj)->len) return NULL; return DICT(obj)->items[i].v; } void pdf_dict_put_val_null(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int idx) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (idx < 0 || idx >= DICT(obj)->len) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "index out of bounds"); prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, NULL); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[idx].v); DICT(obj)->items[idx].v = PDF_OBJ_NULL; } /* Returns 0 <= i < len for key found. Returns -1-len < i <= -1 for key * not found, but with insertion point -1-i. */ static int pdf_dict_finds(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *key) { int len = DICT(obj)->len; if ((obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_SORTED) && len > 0) { int l = 0; int r = len - 1; if (strcmp(pdf_to_name(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[r].k), key) < 0) { return -1 - (r+1); } while (l <= r) { int m = (l + r) >> 1; int c = -strcmp(pdf_to_name(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[m].k), key); if (c < 0) r = m - 1; else if (c > 0) l = m + 1; else return m; } return -1 - l; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (strcmp(pdf_to_name(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[i].k), key) == 0) return i; return -1 - len; } } static int pdf_dict_find(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key) { int len = DICT(obj)->len; if ((obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_SORTED) && len > 0) { int l = 0; int r = len - 1; pdf_obj *k = DICT(obj)->items[r].k; if (k == key || (k >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT && strcmp(NAME(k)->n, PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)key]) < 0)) { return -1 - (r+1); } while (l <= r) { int m = (l + r) >> 1; int c; k = DICT(obj)->items[m].k; c = (k < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? (char *)key-(char *)k : -strcmp(NAME(k)->n, PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)key])); if (c < 0) r = m - 1; else if (c > 0) l = m + 1; else return m; } return -1 - l; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pdf_obj *k = DICT(obj)->items[i].k; if (k < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) { if (k == key) return i; } else { if (!strcmp(PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)key], NAME(k)->n)) return i; } } return -1 - len; } } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_gets(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *key) { int i; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return NULL; if (!key) return NULL; i = pdf_dict_finds(ctx, obj, key); if (i >= 0) return DICT(obj)->items[i].v; return NULL; } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_getp(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *keys) { char buf[256]; char *k, *e; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return NULL; if (strlen(keys)+1 > 256) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "path too long"); strcpy(buf, keys); e = buf; while (*e && obj) { k = e; while (*e != '/' && *e != '\0') e++; if (*e == '/') { *e = '\0'; e++; } obj = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, obj, k); } return obj; } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_getl(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, ...) { va_list keys; pdf_obj *key; va_start(keys, obj); while (obj != NULL && (key = va_arg(keys, pdf_obj *)) != NULL) { obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, key); } va_end(keys); return obj; } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_get(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key) { int i; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return NULL; if (!OBJ_IS_NAME(key)) return NULL; if (key < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) i = pdf_dict_find(ctx, obj, key); else i = pdf_dict_finds(ctx, obj, pdf_to_name(ctx, key)); if (i >= 0) return DICT(obj)->items[i].v; return NULL; } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_getsa(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *key, const char *abbrev) { pdf_obj *v; v = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, obj, key); if (v) return v; return pdf_dict_gets(ctx, obj, abbrev); } pdf_obj * pdf_dict_geta(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key, pdf_obj *abbrev) { pdf_obj *v; v = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, key); if (v) return v; return pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, abbrev); } static void pdf_dict_get_put(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key, pdf_obj *val, pdf_obj **old_val) { int i; if (old_val) *old_val = NULL; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (!OBJ_IS_NAME(key)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "key is not a name (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (!val) val = PDF_OBJ_NULL; if (DICT(obj)->len > 100 && !(obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_SORTED)) pdf_sort_dict(ctx, obj); if (key < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) i = pdf_dict_find(ctx, obj, key); else i = pdf_dict_finds(ctx, obj, pdf_to_name(ctx, key)); prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, val); if (i >= 0 && i < DICT(obj)->len) { if (DICT(obj)->items[i].v != val) { pdf_obj *d = DICT(obj)->items[i].v; DICT(obj)->items[i].v = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, val); if (old_val) *old_val = d; else pdf_drop_obj(ctx, d); } } else { if (DICT(obj)->len + 1 > DICT(obj)->cap) pdf_dict_grow(ctx, obj); i = -1-i; if ((obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_SORTED) && DICT(obj)->len > 0) memmove(&DICT(obj)->items[i + 1], &DICT(obj)->items[i], (DICT(obj)->len - i) * sizeof(struct keyval)); DICT(obj)->items[i].k = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, key); DICT(obj)->items[i].v = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, val); DICT(obj)->len ++; } } void pdf_dict_put(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key, pdf_obj *val) { pdf_dict_get_put(ctx, obj, key, val, NULL); } void pdf_dict_put_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key, pdf_obj *val) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_get_put(ctx, obj, key, val, NULL); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_dict_get_put_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key, pdf_obj *val, pdf_obj **old_val) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_get_put(ctx, obj, key, val, old_val); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_dict_puts(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *key, pdf_obj *val) { pdf_document *doc; pdf_obj *keyobj; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); doc = DICT(obj)->doc; keyobj = pdf_new_name(ctx, doc, key); fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, keyobj, val); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, keyobj); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_dict_puts_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *key, pdf_obj *val) { pdf_document *doc; pdf_obj *keyobj; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); doc = DICT(obj)->doc; keyobj = pdf_new_name(ctx, doc, key); fz_var(keyobj); fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, keyobj, val); fz_always(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, keyobj); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } } void pdf_dict_putp(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *keys, pdf_obj *val) { pdf_document *doc; char buf[256]; char *k, *e; pdf_obj *cobj = NULL; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (strlen(keys)+1 > 256) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "buffer overflow in pdf_dict_putp"); doc = DICT(obj)->doc; strcpy(buf, keys); e = buf; while (*e) { k = e; while (*e != '/' && *e != '\0') e++; if (*e == '/') { *e = '\0'; e++; } if (*e) { /* Not the last key in the key path. Create subdict if not already there. */ cobj = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, obj, k); if (cobj == NULL) { cobj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 1); fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_puts(ctx, obj, k, cobj); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, cobj); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } /* Move to subdict */ obj = cobj; } else { /* Last key. Use it to store the value */ /* Use val = NULL to request delete */ if (val) pdf_dict_puts(ctx, obj, k, val); else pdf_dict_dels(ctx, obj, k); } } } void pdf_dict_putp_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *keys, pdf_obj *val) { fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_putp(ctx, obj, keys, val); fz_always(ctx) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } static void pdf_dict_vputl(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *val, va_list keys) { pdf_obj *key; pdf_obj *next_key; pdf_obj *next_obj; pdf_document *doc; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); doc = DICT(obj)->doc; key = va_arg(keys, pdf_obj *); if (key == NULL) return; while ((next_key = va_arg(keys, pdf_obj *)) != NULL) { next_obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, key); if (next_obj == NULL) goto new_obj; obj = next_obj; key = next_key; } pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, key, val); return; new_obj: /* We have to create entries */ do { next_obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 1); pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, obj, key, next_obj); obj = next_obj; key = next_key; } while ((next_key = va_arg(keys, pdf_obj *)) != NULL); pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, key, val); return; } void pdf_dict_putl(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *val, ...) { va_list keys; va_start(keys, val); fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_vputl(ctx, obj, val, keys); fz_always(ctx) va_end(keys); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_dict_putl_drop(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *val, ...) { va_list keys; va_start(keys, val); fz_try(ctx) pdf_dict_vputl(ctx, obj, val, keys); fz_always(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val); va_end(keys); } fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } void pdf_dict_dels(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, const char *key) { int i; RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "not a dict (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(obj)); if (!key) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "key is null"); prepare_object_for_alteration(ctx, obj, NULL); i = pdf_dict_finds(ctx, obj, key); if (i >= 0) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[i].k); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[i].v); obj->flags &= ~PDF_FLAGS_SORTED; DICT(obj)->items[i] = DICT(obj)->items[DICT(obj)->len-1]; DICT(obj)->len --; } } void pdf_dict_del(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_obj *key) { if (!OBJ_IS_NAME(key)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "key is not a name (%s)", pdf_objkindstr(key)); if (key < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT) pdf_dict_dels(ctx, obj, PDF_NAMES[(intptr_t)key]); else pdf_dict_dels(ctx, obj, NAME(key)->n); } void pdf_sort_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (!OBJ_IS_DICT(obj)) return; if (!(obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_SORTED)) { qsort(DICT(obj)->items, DICT(obj)->len, sizeof(struct keyval), keyvalcmp); obj->flags |= PDF_FLAGS_SORTED; } } pdf_obj * pdf_deep_copy_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) { return pdf_keep_obj(ctx, obj); } if (obj->kind == PDF_DICT) { pdf_document *doc = DICT(obj)->doc; int n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj); pdf_obj *dict = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, n); int i; fz_try(ctx) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pdf_obj *obj_copy = pdf_deep_copy_obj(ctx, pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i)); pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, obj, i), obj_copy); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, dict); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return dict; } else if (obj->kind == PDF_ARRAY) { pdf_document *doc = ARRAY(obj)->doc; int n = pdf_array_len(ctx, obj); pdf_obj *arr = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, n); int i; fz_try(ctx) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pdf_obj *obj_copy = pdf_deep_copy_obj(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i)); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, arr, obj_copy); } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, arr); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return arr; } else { return pdf_keep_obj(ctx, obj); } } int pdf_obj_marked(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; return !!(obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_MARKED); } int pdf_mark_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { int marked; RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; marked = !!(obj->flags & PDF_FLAGS_MARKED); obj->flags |= PDF_FLAGS_MARKED; return marked; } void pdf_unmark_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return; obj->flags &= ~PDF_FLAGS_MARKED; } void pdf_set_obj_memo(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int bit, int memo) { if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return; bit <<= 1; obj->flags |= PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE << bit; if (memo) obj->flags |= PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE_BOOL << bit; else obj->flags &= ~(PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE_BOOL << bit); } int pdf_obj_memo(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int bit, int *memo) { if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; bit <<= 1; if (!(obj->flags & (PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE<flags & (PDF_FLAGS_MEMO_BASE_BOOL<flags & PDF_FLAGS_DIRTY); } void pdf_dirty_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { RESOLVE(obj); if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return; obj->flags |= PDF_FLAGS_DIRTY; } void pdf_clean_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return; obj->flags &= ~PDF_FLAGS_DIRTY; } static void pdf_drop_array(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { int i; for (i = 0; i < DICT(obj)->len; i++) pdf_drop_obj(ctx, ARRAY(obj)->items[i]); fz_free(ctx, DICT(obj)->items); fz_free(ctx, obj); } static void pdf_drop_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { int i; for (i = 0; i < DICT(obj)->len; i++) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[i].k); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, DICT(obj)->items[i].v); } fz_free(ctx, DICT(obj)->items); fz_free(ctx, obj); } void pdf_drop_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (obj >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) { if (fz_drop_imp16(ctx, obj, &obj->refs)) { if (obj->kind == PDF_ARRAY) pdf_drop_array(ctx, obj); else if (obj->kind == PDF_DICT) pdf_drop_dict(ctx, obj); else fz_free(ctx, obj); } } } void pdf_set_obj_parent(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int num) { int n, i; if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return; switch(obj->kind) { case PDF_ARRAY: ARRAY(obj)->parent_num = num; n = pdf_array_len(ctx, obj); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pdf_set_obj_parent(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i), num); break; case PDF_DICT: DICT(obj)->parent_num = num; n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pdf_set_obj_parent(ctx, pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i), num); break; } } int pdf_obj_parent_num(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { if (obj < PDF_OBJ__LIMIT) return 0; switch(obj->kind) { case PDF_INDIRECT: return REF(obj)->num; case PDF_ARRAY: return ARRAY(obj)->parent_num; case PDF_DICT: return DICT(obj)->parent_num; default: return 0; } } pdf_obj *pdf_new_obj_from_str(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *src) { pdf_obj *result = NULL; pdf_lexbuf lexbuf; fz_stream *stream = fz_open_memory(ctx, (unsigned char *)src, strlen(src)); pdf_lexbuf_init(ctx, &lexbuf, PDF_LEXBUF_SMALL); fz_try(ctx) { result = pdf_parse_stm_obj(ctx, doc, stream, &lexbuf); } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_lexbuf_fin(ctx, &lexbuf); fz_drop_stream(ctx, stream); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } return result; } /* Pretty printing objects */ struct fmt { char *buf; int cap; int len; int indent; int tight; int col; int sep; int last; pdf_crypt *crypt; int num; int gen; }; static void fmt_obj(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj); static inline int iswhite(int ch) { return ch == '\000' || ch == '\011' || ch == '\012' || ch == '\014' || ch == '\015' || ch == '\040'; } static inline int isdelim(int ch) { return ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '/' || ch == '%'; } static inline void fmt_putc(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, int c) { if (fmt->sep && !isdelim(fmt->last) && !isdelim(c)) { fmt->sep = 0; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ' '); } fmt->sep = 0; if (fmt->buf && fmt->len < fmt->cap) fmt->buf[fmt->len] = c; if (c == '\n') fmt->col = 0; else fmt->col ++; fmt->len ++; fmt->last = c; } static inline void fmt_indent(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt) { int i = fmt->indent; while (i--) { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ' '); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ' '); } } static inline void fmt_puts(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, char *s) { while (*s) fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, *s++); } static inline void fmt_sep(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt) { fmt->sep = 1; } static void fmt_str_out(fz_context *ctx, void *fmt_, const unsigned char *s, int n) { struct fmt *fmt = (struct fmt *)fmt_; int i, c; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { c = (unsigned char)s[i]; if (c == '\n') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\n"); else if (c == '\r') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\r"); else if (c == '\t') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\t"); else if (c == '\b') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\b"); else if (c == '\f') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\f"); else if (c == '(') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\("); else if (c == ')') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\)"); else if (c == '\\') fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "\\\\"); else if (c < 32 || c >= 127) { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '\\'); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '0' + ((c / 64) & 7)); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '0' + ((c / 8) & 7)); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '0' + ((c) & 7)); } else fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, c); } } static void fmt_str(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, obj); int n = pdf_to_str_len(ctx, obj); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '('); pdf_encrypt_data(ctx, fmt->crypt, fmt->num, fmt->gen, fmt_str_out, fmt, s, n); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ')'); } static void fmt_hex_out(fz_context *ctx, void *arg, const unsigned char *s, int n) { struct fmt *fmt = (struct fmt *)arg; int i, b, c; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { b = (unsigned char) s[i]; c = (b >> 4) & 0x0f; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, c < 0xA ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 0xA); c = (b) & 0x0f; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, c < 0xA ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 0xA); } } static void fmt_hex(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, obj); int n = pdf_to_str_len(ctx, obj); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '<'); pdf_encrypt_data(ctx, fmt->crypt, fmt->num, fmt->gen, fmt_hex_out, fmt, s, n); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '>'); } static void fmt_name(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) pdf_to_name(ctx, obj); int i, c; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '/'); for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) { if (isdelim(s[i]) || iswhite(s[i]) || s[i] == '#' || s[i] < 32 || s[i] >= 127) { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '#'); c = (s[i] >> 4) & 0xf; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, c < 0xA ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 0xA); c = s[i] & 0xf; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, c < 0xA ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 0xA); } else { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, s[i]); } } } static void fmt_array(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj) { int i, n; n = pdf_array_len(ctx, obj); if (fmt->tight) { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '['); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fmt_obj(ctx, fmt, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i)); fmt_sep(ctx, fmt); } fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ']'); } else { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '['); fmt->indent ++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (fmt->col > 60) { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '\n'); fmt_indent(ctx, fmt); } else { fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ' '); } fmt_obj(ctx, fmt, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i)); } fmt->indent --; fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ' '); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ']'); fmt_sep(ctx, fmt); } } static void fmt_dict(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj) { int i, n; pdf_obj *key, *val; n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj); if (fmt->tight) { fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "<<"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fmt_obj(ctx, fmt, pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, obj, i)); fmt_sep(ctx, fmt); fmt_obj(ctx, fmt, pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i)); fmt_sep(ctx, fmt); } fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, ">>"); } else { fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "<<\n"); fmt->indent ++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { key = pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, obj, i); val = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i); fmt_indent(ctx, fmt); fmt_obj(ctx, fmt, key); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, ' '); if (!pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val) && pdf_is_array(ctx, val)) fmt->indent ++; fmt_obj(ctx, fmt, val); fmt_putc(ctx, fmt, '\n'); if (!pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val) && pdf_is_array(ctx, val)) fmt->indent --; } fmt->indent --; fmt_indent(ctx, fmt); fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, ">>"); } } static void count_encrypted_data(fz_context *ctx, void *arg, const unsigned char *str, int len) { int *encrypted_len = (int *)arg; int added = 0; int i; unsigned char c; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = (unsigned char)str[i]; if (c != 0 && strchr("()\\\n\r\t\b\f", c)) added ++; else if (c < 32 || c >= 127) added += 3; } *encrypted_len += added; } static void fmt_obj(fz_context *ctx, struct fmt *fmt, pdf_obj *obj) { char buf[256]; if (!obj) fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, ""); else if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, obj)) { fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d %d R", pdf_to_num(ctx, obj), pdf_to_gen(ctx, obj)); fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, buf); } else if (pdf_is_null(ctx, obj)) fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, "null"); else if (pdf_is_bool(ctx, obj)) fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, pdf_to_bool(ctx, obj) ? "true" : "false"); else if (pdf_is_int(ctx, obj)) { fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d", pdf_to_int(ctx, obj)); fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, buf); } else if (pdf_is_real(ctx, obj)) { fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%g", pdf_to_real(ctx, obj)); fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, buf); } else if (pdf_is_string(ctx, obj)) { unsigned char *str = (unsigned char *)pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, obj); int len = pdf_to_str_len(ctx, obj); int encoded_len = 0; pdf_encrypt_data(ctx, fmt->crypt, fmt->num, fmt->gen, count_encrypted_data, &encoded_len, str, len); if (encoded_len < 2*len) fmt_str(ctx, fmt, obj); else fmt_hex(ctx, fmt, obj); } else if (pdf_is_name(ctx, obj)) fmt_name(ctx, fmt, obj); else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, obj)) fmt_array(ctx, fmt, obj); else if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, obj)) fmt_dict(ctx, fmt, obj); else fmt_puts(ctx, fmt, ""); } int pdf_sprint_encrypted_obj(fz_context *ctx, char *s, int n, pdf_obj *obj, int tight, pdf_crypt *crypt, int num, int gen) { struct fmt fmt; fmt.indent = 0; fmt.col = 0; fmt.sep = 0; fmt.last = 0; fmt.tight = tight; fmt.buf = s; fmt.cap = n; fmt.len = 0; fmt.crypt = crypt; fmt.num = num; fmt.gen = gen; fmt_obj(ctx, &fmt, obj); if (fmt.buf && fmt.len < fmt.cap) fmt.buf[fmt.len] = '\0'; return fmt.len; } int pdf_sprint_obj(fz_context *ctx, char *s, int n, pdf_obj *obj, int tight) { return pdf_sprint_encrypted_obj(ctx, s, n, obj, tight, NULL, 0, 0); } int pdf_print_encrypted_obj(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, pdf_obj *obj, int tight, pdf_crypt *crypt, int num, int gen) { char buf[1024]; char *ptr; int n; n = pdf_sprint_encrypted_obj(ctx, buf, sizeof buf, obj, tight, crypt, num, gen); if (n <= sizeof buf) { fz_write_data(ctx, out, buf, n); } else { ptr = fz_malloc(ctx, n + 1); pdf_sprint_encrypted_obj(ctx, ptr, n + 1, obj, tight, crypt, num, gen); fz_write_data(ctx, out, ptr, n); fz_free(ctx, ptr); } return n; } int pdf_print_obj(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, pdf_obj *obj, int tight) { return pdf_print_encrypted_obj(ctx, out, obj, tight, NULL, 0, 0); } static int pdf_debug_encrypted_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj, int tight, pdf_crypt *crypt, int num, int gen) { char buf[1024]; char *ptr; int n; n = pdf_sprint_obj(ctx, NULL, 0, obj, tight); if ((n + 1) < sizeof buf) { pdf_sprint_encrypted_obj(ctx, buf, sizeof buf, obj, tight, crypt, num, gen); fwrite(buf, 1, n, stdout); } else { ptr = fz_malloc(ctx, n + 1); pdf_sprint_encrypted_obj(ctx, ptr, n + 1, obj, tight, crypt, num, gen); fwrite(ptr, 1, n, stdout); fz_free(ctx, ptr); } return n; } void pdf_debug_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj) { pdf_debug_encrypted_obj(ctx, obj, 0, NULL, 0, 0); putchar('\n'); } int pdf_obj_refs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *ref) { return (ref >= PDF_OBJ__LIMIT ? ref->refs : 0); } /* Convenience functions */ void pdf_dict_put_bool(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, int x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_bool(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_dict_put_int(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, int64_t x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_int(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_dict_put_real(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, double x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_real(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_dict_put_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, const char *x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_name(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_dict_put_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, const char *x, size_t n) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_string(ctx, NULL, x, n)); } void pdf_dict_put_text_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, const char *x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_text_string(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_dict_put_rect(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, const fz_rect *x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_rect(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_dict_put_matrix(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, const fz_matrix *x) { pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, pdf_new_matrix(ctx, NULL, x)); } pdf_obj *pdf_dict_put_array(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, int initial) { pdf_obj *obj = pdf_new_array(ctx, pdf_get_bound_document(ctx, dict), initial); pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, obj); return obj; } pdf_obj *pdf_dict_put_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *key, int initial) { pdf_obj *obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, pdf_get_bound_document(ctx, dict), initial); pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, key, obj); return obj; } void pdf_array_push_bool(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, int x) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, pdf_new_bool(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_array_push_int(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, int64_t x) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, pdf_new_int(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_array_push_real(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, double x) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, pdf_new_real(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_array_push_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, const char *x) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, pdf_new_name(ctx, NULL, x)); } void pdf_array_push_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, const char *x, size_t n) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, pdf_new_string(ctx, NULL, x, n)); } void pdf_array_push_text_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, const char *x) { pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, pdf_new_text_string(ctx, NULL, x)); } pdf_obj *pdf_array_push_array(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, int initial) { pdf_obj *obj = pdf_new_array(ctx, pdf_get_bound_document(ctx, array), initial); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, obj); return obj; } pdf_obj *pdf_array_push_dict(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *array, int initial) { pdf_obj *obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, pdf_get_bound_document(ctx, array), initial); pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, array, obj); return obj; }