#include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "mupdf/pdf.h" #include #include #define TILE /* * Emit graphics calls to device. */ typedef struct pdf_material_s pdf_material; typedef struct pdf_run_processor_s pdf_run_processor; static void pdf_run_xobject(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *proc, pdf_obj *xobj, pdf_obj *page_resources, const fz_matrix *transform, int is_smask); enum { PDF_FILL, PDF_STROKE, }; enum { PDF_MAT_NONE, PDF_MAT_COLOR, PDF_MAT_PATTERN, PDF_MAT_SHADE, }; struct pdf_material_s { int kind; fz_colorspace *colorspace; pdf_pattern *pattern; fz_shade *shade; int gstate_num; fz_color_params color_params; float alpha; float v[FZ_MAX_COLORS]; }; struct pdf_gstate_s { fz_matrix ctm; int clip_depth; /* path stroking */ fz_stroke_state *stroke_state; /* materials */ pdf_material stroke; pdf_material fill; /* text state */ pdf_text_state text; /* transparency */ int blendmode; pdf_obj *softmask; pdf_obj *softmask_resources; fz_matrix softmask_ctm; float softmask_bc[FZ_MAX_COLORS]; int luminosity; }; struct pdf_run_processor_s { pdf_processor super; fz_device *dev; fz_default_colorspaces *default_cs; int nested_depth; /* path object state */ fz_path *path; int clip; int clip_even_odd; /* text object state */ pdf_text_object_state tos; /* graphics state */ pdf_gstate *gstate; int gcap; int gtop; int gbot; int gparent; }; typedef struct softmask_save_s softmask_save; struct softmask_save_s { pdf_obj *softmask; pdf_obj *page_resources; fz_matrix ctm; }; static pdf_gstate * begin_softmask(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, softmask_save *save) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_obj *softmask = gstate->softmask; fz_rect mask_bbox; fz_matrix tos_save[2], save_ctm; fz_matrix mask_matrix; fz_colorspace *mask_colorspace; save->softmask = softmask; if (softmask == NULL) return gstate; save->page_resources = gstate->softmask_resources; save->ctm = gstate->softmask_ctm; save_ctm = gstate->ctm; pdf_xobject_bbox(ctx, softmask, &mask_bbox); pdf_xobject_matrix(ctx, softmask, &mask_matrix); pdf_tos_save(ctx, &pr->tos, tos_save); if (gstate->luminosity) mask_bbox = fz_infinite_rect; else { fz_transform_rect(&mask_bbox, &mask_matrix); fz_transform_rect(&mask_bbox, &gstate->softmask_ctm); } gstate->softmask = NULL; gstate->softmask_resources = NULL; gstate->ctm = gstate->softmask_ctm; mask_colorspace = pdf_xobject_colorspace(ctx, softmask); if (gstate->luminosity && !mask_colorspace) mask_colorspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, fz_device_gray(ctx)); fz_try(ctx) { fz_begin_mask(ctx, pr->dev, &mask_bbox, gstate->luminosity, mask_colorspace, gstate->softmask_bc, &gstate->fill.color_params); pdf_run_xobject(ctx, pr, softmask, save->page_resources, &fz_identity, 1); } fz_always(ctx) fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, mask_colorspace); fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); /* FIXME: Ignore error - nasty, but if we throw from * here the clip stack would be messed up. */ /* TODO: pass cookie here to increase the cookie error count */ } fz_end_mask(ctx, pr->dev); pdf_tos_restore(ctx, &pr->tos, tos_save); gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->ctm = save_ctm; return gstate; } static void end_softmask(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, softmask_save *save) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; if (save->softmask == NULL) return; gstate->softmask = save->softmask; gstate->softmask_resources = save->page_resources; gstate->softmask_ctm = save->ctm; fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } static pdf_gstate * pdf_begin_group(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, const fz_rect *bbox, softmask_save *softmask) { pdf_gstate *gstate = begin_softmask(ctx, pr, softmask); if (gstate->blendmode) fz_begin_group(ctx, pr->dev, bbox, NULL, 0, 0, gstate->blendmode, 1); return pr->gstate + pr->gtop; } static void pdf_end_group(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, softmask_save *softmask) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; if (gstate->blendmode) fz_end_group(ctx, pr->dev); end_softmask(ctx, pr, softmask); } static void pdf_show_shade(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, fz_shade *shd) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; fz_rect bbox; softmask_save softmask = { NULL }; if (pr->super.hidden) return; fz_bound_shade(ctx, shd, &gstate->ctm, &bbox); gstate = pdf_begin_group(ctx, pr, &bbox, &softmask); /* FIXME: The gstate->ctm in the next line may be wrong; maybe * it should be the parent gstates ctm? */ fz_fill_shade(ctx, pr->dev, shd, &gstate->ctm, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); pdf_end_group(ctx, pr, &softmask); } static pdf_material * pdf_keep_material(fz_context *ctx, pdf_material *mat) { if (mat->colorspace) fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, mat->colorspace); if (mat->pattern) pdf_keep_pattern(ctx, mat->pattern); if (mat->shade) fz_keep_shade(ctx, mat->shade); return mat; } static pdf_material * pdf_drop_material(fz_context *ctx, pdf_material *mat) { fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, mat->colorspace); pdf_drop_pattern(ctx, mat->pattern); fz_drop_shade(ctx, mat->shade); return mat; } static void pdf_copy_pattern_gstate(fz_context *ctx, pdf_gstate *gs, const pdf_gstate *old) { gs->ctm = old->ctm; pdf_drop_font(ctx, gs->text.font); gs->text.font = pdf_keep_font(ctx, old->text.font); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, gs->softmask); gs->softmask = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, old->softmask); fz_drop_stroke_state(ctx, gs->stroke_state); gs->stroke_state = fz_keep_stroke_state(ctx, old->stroke_state); } static void pdf_unset_pattern(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int what) { pdf_gstate *gs = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_material *mat; mat = what == PDF_FILL ? &gs->fill : &gs->stroke; if (mat->kind == PDF_MAT_PATTERN) { pdf_drop_pattern(ctx, mat->pattern); mat->pattern = NULL; mat->kind = PDF_MAT_COLOR; } } static void pdf_keep_gstate(fz_context *ctx, pdf_gstate *gs) { pdf_keep_material(ctx, &gs->stroke); pdf_keep_material(ctx, &gs->fill); if (gs->text.font) pdf_keep_font(ctx, gs->text.font); if (gs->softmask) pdf_keep_obj(ctx, gs->softmask); if (gs->softmask_resources) pdf_keep_obj(ctx, gs->softmask_resources); fz_keep_stroke_state(ctx, gs->stroke_state); } static void pdf_drop_gstate(fz_context *ctx, pdf_gstate *gs) { pdf_drop_material(ctx, &gs->stroke); pdf_drop_material(ctx, &gs->fill); pdf_drop_font(ctx, gs->text.font); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, gs->softmask); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, gs->softmask_resources); fz_drop_stroke_state(ctx, gs->stroke_state); } static void pdf_gsave(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr) { if (pr->gtop == pr->gcap-1) { pr->gstate = fz_resize_array(ctx, pr->gstate, pr->gcap*2, sizeof(pdf_gstate)); pr->gcap *= 2; } memcpy(&pr->gstate[pr->gtop + 1], &pr->gstate[pr->gtop], sizeof(pdf_gstate)); pr->gtop++; pdf_keep_gstate(ctx, &pr->gstate[pr->gtop]); } static void pdf_grestore(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr) { pdf_gstate *gs = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; int clip_depth = gs->clip_depth; if (pr->gtop <= pr->gbot) { fz_warn(ctx, "gstate underflow in content stream"); return; } pdf_drop_gstate(ctx, gs); pr->gtop --; gs = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; while (clip_depth > gs->clip_depth) { fz_try(ctx) { fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Silently swallow the problem - restores must * never throw! */ } clip_depth--; } } static void pdf_show_pattern(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, pdf_pattern *pat, pdf_gstate *pat_gstate, const fz_rect *area, int what) { pdf_gstate *gstate; int gparent_save; fz_matrix ptm, invptm, gparent_save_ctm; int x0, y0, x1, y1; float fx0, fy0, fx1, fy1; fz_rect local_area; int id; pdf_gsave(ctx, pr); gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; /* Patterns are run with the gstate of the parent */ pdf_copy_pattern_gstate(ctx, gstate, pat_gstate); if (pat->ismask) { pdf_unset_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL); pdf_unset_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE); if (what == PDF_FILL) { pdf_drop_material(ctx, &gstate->stroke); pdf_keep_material(ctx, &gstate->fill); gstate->stroke = gstate->fill; } if (what == PDF_STROKE) { pdf_drop_material(ctx, &gstate->fill); pdf_keep_material(ctx, &gstate->stroke); gstate->fill = gstate->stroke; } id = 0; /* don't cache uncolored patterns, since we colorize them when drawing */ } else { // TODO: unset only the current fill/stroke or both? pdf_unset_pattern(ctx, pr, what); id = pat->id; } /* don't apply soft masks to objects in the pattern as well */ if (gstate->softmask) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, gstate->softmask); gstate->softmask = NULL; } fz_concat(&ptm, &pat->matrix, &pat_gstate->ctm); fz_invert_matrix(&invptm, &ptm); /* The parent_ctm is amended with our pattern matrix */ gparent_save = pr->gparent; pr->gparent = pr->gtop-1; gparent_save_ctm = pr->gstate[pr->gparent].ctm; pr->gstate[pr->gparent].ctm = ptm; fz_try(ctx) { /* patterns are painted using the parent_ctm. area = bbox of * shape to be filled in device space. Map it back to pattern * space. */ local_area = *area; fz_transform_rect(&local_area, &invptm); fx0 = (local_area.x0 - pat->bbox.x0) / pat->xstep; fy0 = (local_area.y0 - pat->bbox.y0) / pat->ystep; fx1 = (local_area.x1 - pat->bbox.x0) / pat->xstep; fy1 = (local_area.y1 - pat->bbox.y0) / pat->ystep; if (fx0 > fx1) { float t = fx0; fx0 = fx1; fx1 = t; } if (fy0 > fy1) { float t = fy0; fy0 = fy1; fy1 = t; } #ifdef TILE /* We have tried various formulations in the past, but this one is * best we've found; only use it as a tile if a whole repeat is * required in at least one direction. Note, that this allows for * 'sections' of 4 tiles to be show, but all non-overlapping. */ if (fx1-fx0 > 1 || fy1-fy0 > 1) #else if (0) #endif { int cached = fz_begin_tile_id(ctx, pr->dev, &local_area, &pat->bbox, pat->xstep, pat->ystep, &ptm, id); if (cached) { fz_end_tile(ctx, pr->dev); } else { gstate->ctm = ptm; pdf_gsave(ctx, pr); fz_try(ctx) pdf_process_contents(ctx, (pdf_processor*)pr, pat->document, pat->resources, pat->contents, NULL); fz_always(ctx) { pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); fz_end_tile(ctx, pr->dev); } fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } } else { int x, y; /* When calculating the number of tiles required, we adjust by * a small amount to allow for rounding errors. By choosing * this amount to be smaller than 1/256, we guarantee we won't * cause problems that will be visible even under our most * extreme antialiasing. */ x0 = floorf(fx0 + 0.001f); y0 = floorf(fy0 + 0.001f); x1 = ceilf(fx1 - 0.001f); y1 = ceilf(fy1 - 0.001f); /* The above adjustments cause problems for sufficiently * large values for xstep/ystep which may be used if the * pattern is expected to be rendered exactly once. */ if (fx1 > fx0 && x1 == x0) x1 = x0 + 1; if (fy1 > fy0 && y1 == y0) y1 = y0 + 1; for (y = y0; y < y1; y++) { for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) { gstate->ctm = ptm; fz_pre_translate(&gstate->ctm, x * pat->xstep, y * pat->ystep); pdf_gsave(ctx, pr); fz_try(ctx) pdf_process_contents(ctx, (pdf_processor*)pr, pat->document, pat->resources, pat->contents, NULL); fz_always(ctx) pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } } } } fz_always(ctx) { pr->gstate[pr->gparent].ctm = gparent_save_ctm; pr->gparent = gparent_save; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); } static void pdf_show_image_imp(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, fz_image *image, fz_matrix *image_ctm, fz_rect *bbox) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; if (image->colorspace) { fz_fill_image(ctx, pr->dev, image, image_ctm, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); return; } if (gstate->fill.kind == PDF_MAT_COLOR) fz_fill_image_mask(ctx, pr->dev, image, image_ctm, gstate->fill.colorspace, gstate->fill.v, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); else if (gstate->fill.kind == PDF_MAT_PATTERN && gstate->fill.pattern) { fz_clip_image_mask(ctx, pr->dev, image, image_ctm, bbox); fz_try(ctx) pdf_show_pattern(ctx, pr, gstate->fill.pattern, &pr->gstate[gstate->fill.gstate_num], bbox, PDF_FILL); fz_always(ctx) fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } else if (gstate->fill.kind == PDF_MAT_SHADE && gstate->fill.shade) { fz_clip_image_mask(ctx, pr->dev, image, image_ctm, bbox); fz_try(ctx) fz_fill_shade(ctx, pr->dev, gstate->fill.shade, &pr->gstate[gstate->fill.gstate_num].ctm, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); fz_always(ctx) fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } } static void pdf_show_image(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, fz_image *image) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; fz_matrix image_ctm; fz_rect bbox; if (pr->super.hidden) return; /* PDF has images bottom-up, so flip them right side up here */ image_ctm = gstate->ctm; fz_pre_scale(fz_pre_translate(&image_ctm, 0, 1), 1, -1); bbox = fz_unit_rect; fz_transform_rect(&bbox, &image_ctm); if (image->mask && gstate->blendmode) { /* apply blend group even though we skip the soft mask */ fz_begin_group(ctx, pr->dev, &bbox, NULL, 0, 0, gstate->blendmode, 1); fz_try(ctx) fz_clip_image_mask(ctx, pr->dev, image->mask, &image_ctm, &bbox); fz_catch(ctx) { fz_end_group(ctx, pr->dev); fz_rethrow(ctx); } fz_try(ctx) pdf_show_image_imp(ctx, pr, image, &image_ctm, &bbox); fz_always(ctx) { fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); fz_end_group(ctx, pr->dev); } fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } else if (image->mask) { fz_clip_image_mask(ctx, pr->dev, image->mask, &image_ctm, &bbox); fz_try(ctx) pdf_show_image_imp(ctx, pr, image, &image_ctm, &bbox); fz_always(ctx) fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } else { softmask_save softmask = { NULL }; gstate = pdf_begin_group(ctx, pr, &bbox, &softmask); fz_try(ctx) pdf_show_image_imp(ctx, pr, image, &image_ctm, &bbox); fz_always(ctx) pdf_end_group(ctx, pr, &softmask); fz_catch(ctx) fz_rethrow(ctx); } } static void pdf_show_path(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int doclose, int dofill, int dostroke, int even_odd) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; fz_path *path; fz_rect bbox; softmask_save softmask = { NULL }; int knockout_group = 0; if (dostroke) { if (pr->dev->flags & (FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_LINEWIDTH_UNDEFINED)) pr->dev->flags |= FZ_DEVFLAG_UNCACHEABLE; else if (gstate->stroke_state->dash_len != 0 && pr->dev->flags & (FZ_DEVFLAG_STARTCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_DASHCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_ENDCAP_UNDEFINED)) pr->dev->flags |= FZ_DEVFLAG_UNCACHEABLE; else if (gstate->stroke_state->linejoin == FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER && (pr->dev->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_MITERLIMIT_UNDEFINED)) pr->dev->flags |= FZ_DEVFLAG_UNCACHEABLE; } if (dofill) { if (pr->dev->flags & FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED) pr->dev->flags |= FZ_DEVFLAG_UNCACHEABLE; } path = pr->path; pr->path = fz_new_path(ctx); fz_try(ctx) { if (doclose) fz_closepath(ctx, path); fz_bound_path(ctx, path, (dostroke ? gstate->stroke_state : NULL), &gstate->ctm, &bbox); if (pr->clip) { gstate->clip_depth++; fz_clip_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, pr->clip_even_odd, &gstate->ctm, &bbox); pr->clip = 0; } if (pr->super.hidden) dostroke = dofill = 0; if (dofill || dostroke) gstate = pdf_begin_group(ctx, pr, &bbox, &softmask); if (dofill && dostroke) { /* We may need to push a knockout group */ if (gstate->stroke.alpha == 0) { /* No need for group, as stroke won't do anything */ } else if (gstate->stroke.alpha == 1.0f && gstate->blendmode == FZ_BLEND_NORMAL) { /* No need for group, as stroke won't show up */ } else { knockout_group = 1; fz_begin_group(ctx, pr->dev, &bbox, NULL, 0, 1, FZ_BLEND_NORMAL, 1); } } if (dofill) { switch (gstate->fill.kind) { case PDF_MAT_NONE: break; case PDF_MAT_COLOR: fz_fill_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, even_odd, &gstate->ctm, gstate->fill.colorspace, gstate->fill.v, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); break; case PDF_MAT_PATTERN: if (gstate->fill.pattern) { fz_clip_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, even_odd, &gstate->ctm, &bbox); pdf_show_pattern(ctx, pr, gstate->fill.pattern, &pr->gstate[gstate->fill.gstate_num], &bbox, PDF_FILL); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; case PDF_MAT_SHADE: if (gstate->fill.shade) { fz_clip_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, even_odd, &gstate->ctm, &bbox); /* The cluster and page 2 of patterns.pdf shows that fz_fill_shade should NOT be called with gstate->ctm. */ fz_fill_shade(ctx, pr->dev, gstate->fill.shade, &pr->gstate[gstate->fill.gstate_num].ctm, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; } } if (dostroke) { switch (gstate->stroke.kind) { case PDF_MAT_NONE: break; case PDF_MAT_COLOR: fz_stroke_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm, gstate->stroke.colorspace, gstate->stroke.v, gstate->stroke.alpha, &gstate->stroke.color_params); break; case PDF_MAT_PATTERN: if (gstate->stroke.pattern) { fz_clip_stroke_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm, &bbox); pdf_show_pattern(ctx, pr, gstate->stroke.pattern, &pr->gstate[gstate->stroke.gstate_num], &bbox, PDF_STROKE); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; case PDF_MAT_SHADE: if (gstate->stroke.shade) { fz_clip_stroke_path(ctx, pr->dev, path, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm, &bbox); fz_fill_shade(ctx, pr->dev, gstate->stroke.shade, &pr->gstate[gstate->stroke.gstate_num].ctm, gstate->stroke.alpha, &gstate->stroke.color_params); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; } } if (knockout_group) fz_end_group(ctx, pr->dev); if (dofill || dostroke) pdf_end_group(ctx, pr, &softmask); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_path(ctx, path); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } } /* * Assemble and emit text */ static pdf_gstate * pdf_flush_text(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; fz_text *text; int dofill; int dostroke; int doclip; int doinvisible; softmask_save softmask = { NULL }; int knockout_group = 0; text = pdf_tos_get_text(ctx, &pr->tos); if (!text) return gstate; dofill = dostroke = doclip = doinvisible = 0; switch (pr->tos.text_mode) { case 0: dofill = 1; break; case 1: dostroke = 1; break; case 2: dofill = dostroke = 1; break; case 3: doinvisible = 1; break; case 4: dofill = doclip = 1; break; case 5: dostroke = doclip = 1; break; case 6: dofill = dostroke = doclip = 1; break; case 7: doclip = 1; break; } if (pr->super.hidden) dostroke = dofill = 0; fz_try(ctx) { fz_rect tb = pr->tos.text_bbox; fz_transform_rect(&tb, &gstate->ctm); if (dostroke) fz_adjust_rect_for_stroke(ctx, &tb, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm); /* Don't bother sending a text group with nothing in it */ if (!text->head) break; if (dofill || dostroke) gstate = pdf_begin_group(ctx, pr, &tb, &softmask); if (dofill && dostroke) { /* We may need to push a knockout group */ if (gstate->stroke.alpha == 0) { /* No need for group, as stroke won't do anything */ } else if (gstate->stroke.alpha == 1.0f && gstate->blendmode == FZ_BLEND_NORMAL) { /* No need for group, as stroke won't show up */ } else { knockout_group = 1; fz_begin_group(ctx, pr->dev, &tb, NULL, 0, 1, FZ_BLEND_NORMAL, 1); } } if (doinvisible) fz_ignore_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, &gstate->ctm); if (dofill) { switch (gstate->fill.kind) { case PDF_MAT_NONE: break; case PDF_MAT_COLOR: fz_fill_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, &gstate->ctm, gstate->fill.colorspace, gstate->fill.v, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); break; case PDF_MAT_PATTERN: if (gstate->fill.pattern) { fz_clip_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, &gstate->ctm, &tb); pdf_show_pattern(ctx, pr, gstate->fill.pattern, &pr->gstate[gstate->fill.gstate_num], &tb, PDF_FILL); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; case PDF_MAT_SHADE: if (gstate->fill.shade) { fz_clip_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, &gstate->ctm, &tb); /* Page 2 of patterns.pdf shows that fz_fill_shade should NOT be called with gstate->ctm */ fz_fill_shade(ctx, pr->dev, gstate->fill.shade, &pr->gstate[gstate->fill.gstate_num].ctm, gstate->fill.alpha, &gstate->fill.color_params); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; } } if (dostroke) { switch (gstate->stroke.kind) { case PDF_MAT_NONE: break; case PDF_MAT_COLOR: fz_stroke_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm, gstate->stroke.colorspace, gstate->stroke.v, gstate->stroke.alpha, &gstate->stroke.color_params); break; case PDF_MAT_PATTERN: if (gstate->stroke.pattern) { fz_clip_stroke_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm, &tb); pdf_show_pattern(ctx, pr, gstate->stroke.pattern, &pr->gstate[gstate->stroke.gstate_num], &tb, PDF_STROKE); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; case PDF_MAT_SHADE: if (gstate->stroke.shade) { fz_clip_stroke_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, gstate->stroke_state, &gstate->ctm, &tb); fz_fill_shade(ctx, pr->dev, gstate->stroke.shade, &pr->gstate[gstate->stroke.gstate_num].ctm, gstate->stroke.alpha, &gstate->stroke.color_params); fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); } break; } } if (knockout_group) fz_end_group(ctx, pr->dev); if (dofill || dostroke) pdf_end_group(ctx, pr, &softmask); if (doclip) { gstate->clip_depth++; fz_clip_text(ctx, pr->dev, text, &gstate->ctm, &tb); } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_text(ctx, text); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } return pr->gstate + pr->gtop; } static void pdf_show_char(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int cid) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = gstate->text.font; fz_matrix trm; int gid; int ucsbuf[8]; int ucslen; int i; int render_direct; gid = pdf_tos_make_trm(ctx, &pr->tos, &gstate->text, fontdesc, cid, &trm); /* If we are a type3 font within a type 3 font, or are otherwise * uncachable, then render direct. */ render_direct = (!fz_font_ft_face(ctx, fontdesc->font) && pr->nested_depth > 0) || !fz_glyph_cacheable(ctx, fontdesc->font, gid); /* flush buffered text if rendermode has changed */ if (!pr->tos.text || gstate->text.render != pr->tos.text_mode || render_direct) { gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); pdf_tos_reset(ctx, &pr->tos, gstate->text.render); } if (render_direct) { /* Render the glyph stream direct here (only happens for * type3 glyphs that seem to inherit current graphics * attributes, or type 3 glyphs within type3 glyphs). */ fz_matrix composed; fz_concat(&composed, &trm, &gstate->ctm); fz_render_t3_glyph_direct(ctx, pr->dev, fontdesc->font, gid, &composed, gstate, pr->nested_depth, pr->default_cs); /* Render text invisibly so that it can still be extracted. */ pr->tos.text_mode = 3; } ucslen = 0; if (fontdesc->to_unicode) ucslen = pdf_lookup_cmap_full(fontdesc->to_unicode, cid, ucsbuf); if (ucslen == 0 && (size_t)cid < fontdesc->cid_to_ucs_len) { ucsbuf[0] = fontdesc->cid_to_ucs[cid]; ucslen = 1; } if (ucslen == 0 || (ucslen == 1 && ucsbuf[0] == 0)) { ucsbuf[0] = FZ_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; ucslen = 1; } /* add glyph to textobject */ fz_show_glyph(ctx, pr->tos.text, fontdesc->font, &trm, gid, ucsbuf[0], fontdesc->wmode, 0, FZ_BIDI_NEUTRAL, FZ_LANG_UNSET); /* add filler glyphs for one-to-many unicode mapping */ for (i = 1; i < ucslen; i++) fz_show_glyph(ctx, pr->tos.text, fontdesc->font, &trm, -1, ucsbuf[i], fontdesc->wmode, 0, FZ_BIDI_NEUTRAL, FZ_LANG_UNSET); pdf_tos_move_after_char(ctx, &pr->tos); } static void pdf_show_space(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, float tadj) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = gstate->text.font; if (fontdesc->wmode == 0) fz_pre_translate(&pr->tos.tm, tadj * gstate->text.scale, 0); else fz_pre_translate(&pr->tos.tm, 0, tadj); } static void show_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, unsigned char *buf, int len) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = gstate->text.font; unsigned char *end = buf + len; unsigned int cpt; int cid; while (buf < end) { int w = pdf_decode_cmap(fontdesc->encoding, buf, end, &cpt); buf += w; cid = pdf_lookup_cmap(fontdesc->encoding, cpt); if (cid >= 0) pdf_show_char(ctx, pr, cid); else fz_warn(ctx, "cannot encode character"); if (cpt == 32 && w == 1) pdf_show_space(ctx, pr, gstate->text.word_space); } } static void pdf_show_string(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, unsigned char *buf, int len) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = gstate->text.font; if (!fontdesc) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot draw text since font and size not set"); return; } show_string(ctx, pr, buf, len); } static void pdf_show_text(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, pdf_obj *text) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = gstate->text.font; int i; if (!fontdesc) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot draw text since font and size not set"); return; } if (pdf_is_array(ctx, text)) { int n = pdf_array_len(ctx, text); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pdf_obj *item = pdf_array_get(ctx, text, i); if (pdf_is_string(ctx, item)) show_string(ctx, pr, (unsigned char *)pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, item), pdf_to_str_len(ctx, item)); else pdf_show_space(ctx, pr, - pdf_to_real(ctx, item) * gstate->text.size * 0.001f); } } else if (pdf_is_string(ctx, text)) { pdf_show_string(ctx, pr, (unsigned char *)pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, text), pdf_to_str_len(ctx, text)); } } /* * Interpreter and graphics state stack. */ static void pdf_init_gstate(fz_context *ctx, pdf_gstate *gs, const fz_matrix *ctm) { gs->ctm = *ctm; gs->clip_depth = 0; gs->stroke_state = fz_new_stroke_state(ctx); gs->stroke.kind = PDF_MAT_COLOR; gs->stroke.colorspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, fz_device_gray(ctx)); gs->stroke.v[0] = 0; gs->stroke.pattern = NULL; gs->stroke.shade = NULL; gs->stroke.alpha = 1; gs->stroke.gstate_num = -1; gs->fill.kind = PDF_MAT_COLOR; gs->fill.colorspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, fz_device_gray(ctx)); gs->fill.v[0] = 0; gs->fill.pattern = NULL; gs->fill.shade = NULL; gs->fill.alpha = 1; gs->fill.gstate_num = -1; gs->text.char_space = 0; gs->text.word_space = 0; gs->text.scale = 1; gs->text.leading = 0; gs->text.font = NULL; gs->text.size = -1; gs->text.render = 0; gs->text.rise = 0; gs->blendmode = 0; gs->softmask = NULL; gs->softmask_resources = NULL; gs->softmask_ctm = fz_identity; gs->luminosity = 0; gs->fill.color_params = *fz_default_color_params(ctx); gs->stroke.color_params = *fz_default_color_params(ctx); } static void pdf_copy_gstate(fz_context *ctx, pdf_gstate *gs, pdf_gstate *old) { pdf_drop_gstate(ctx, gs); *gs = *old; pdf_keep_gstate(ctx, gs); } /* * Material state */ static void pdf_set_colorspace(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int what, fz_colorspace *colorspace) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_material *mat; int n = fz_colorspace_n(ctx, colorspace); gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); mat = what == PDF_FILL ? &gstate->fill : &gstate->stroke; fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, mat->colorspace); mat->kind = PDF_MAT_COLOR; mat->colorspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, colorspace); mat->v[0] = 0; mat->v[1] = 0; mat->v[2] = 0; mat->v[3] = 1; if (pdf_is_tint_colorspace(ctx, colorspace)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mat->v[i] = 1.0f; } } static void pdf_set_color(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int what, float *v) { pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_material *mat; gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); mat = what == PDF_FILL ? &gstate->fill : &gstate->stroke; switch (mat->kind) { case PDF_MAT_PATTERN: case PDF_MAT_COLOR: fz_clamp_color(ctx, mat->colorspace, v, mat->v); break; default: fz_warn(ctx, "color incompatible with material"); } mat->gstate_num = pr->gparent; } static void pdf_set_shade(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int what, fz_shade *shade) { pdf_gstate *gs; pdf_material *mat; gs = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); mat = what == PDF_FILL ? &gs->fill : &gs->stroke; fz_drop_shade(ctx, mat->shade); mat->kind = PDF_MAT_SHADE; mat->shade = fz_keep_shade(ctx, shade); mat->gstate_num = pr->gparent; } static void pdf_set_pattern(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *pr, int what, pdf_pattern *pat, float *v) { pdf_gstate *gs; pdf_material *mat; gs = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); mat = what == PDF_FILL ? &gs->fill : &gs->stroke; pdf_drop_pattern(ctx, mat->pattern); mat->pattern = NULL; mat->kind = PDF_MAT_PATTERN; if (pat) mat->pattern = pdf_keep_pattern(ctx, pat); if (v) pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, what, v); mat->gstate_num = pr->gparent; } static void pdf_run_xobject(fz_context *ctx, pdf_run_processor *proc, pdf_obj *xobj, pdf_obj *page_resources, const fz_matrix *transform, int is_smask) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = NULL; int oldtop = 0; int oldbot = -1; fz_matrix local_transform = *transform; softmask_save softmask = { NULL }; int gparent_save; fz_matrix gparent_save_ctm; int cleanup_state = 0; char errmess[256] = ""; pdf_obj *resources; fz_rect xobj_bbox; fz_matrix xobj_matrix; int transparency = 0; pdf_document *doc; fz_colorspace *cs = NULL; fz_default_colorspaces *saved_def_cs = NULL; /* Avoid infinite recursion */ if (xobj == NULL || pdf_mark_obj(ctx, xobj)) return; fz_var(cleanup_state); fz_var(gstate); fz_var(oldtop); fz_var(oldbot); fz_var(cs); fz_var(saved_def_cs); gparent_save = pr->gparent; pr->gparent = pr->gtop; oldtop = pr->gtop; fz_try(ctx) { pdf_gsave(ctx, pr); gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_xobject_bbox(ctx, xobj, &xobj_bbox); pdf_xobject_matrix(ctx, xobj, &xobj_matrix); transparency = pdf_xobject_transparency(ctx, xobj); /* apply xobject's transform matrix */ fz_concat(&local_transform, &xobj_matrix, &local_transform); fz_concat(&gstate->ctm, &local_transform, &gstate->ctm); /* The gparent is updated with the modified ctm */ gparent_save_ctm = pr->gstate[pr->gparent].ctm; pr->gstate[pr->gparent].ctm = gstate->ctm; /* apply soft mask, create transparency group and reset state */ if (transparency) { fz_rect bbox; int isolated = pdf_xobject_isolated(ctx, xobj); bbox = xobj_bbox; fz_transform_rect(&bbox, &gstate->ctm); /* Remember that we tried to call begin_softmask. Even * if it throws an error, we must call end_softmask. */ cleanup_state = 1; gstate = begin_softmask(ctx, pr, &softmask); /* Remember that we tried to call fz_begin_group. Even * if it throws an error, we must call fz_end_group. */ cleanup_state = 2; if (isolated) cs = pdf_xobject_colorspace(ctx, xobj); fz_begin_group(ctx, pr->dev, &bbox, cs, (is_smask ? 1 : isolated), pdf_xobject_knockout(ctx, xobj), gstate->blendmode, gstate->fill.alpha); gstate->blendmode = 0; gstate->stroke.alpha = 1; gstate->fill.alpha = 1; } /* Remember that we tried to save for the clippath. Even if it * throws an error, we must pop it. */ cleanup_state = 3; pdf_gsave(ctx, pr); /* Save here so the clippath doesn't persist */ /* clip to the bounds */ fz_moveto(ctx, pr->path, xobj_bbox.x0, xobj_bbox.y0); fz_lineto(ctx, pr->path, xobj_bbox.x1, xobj_bbox.y0); fz_lineto(ctx, pr->path, xobj_bbox.x1, xobj_bbox.y1); fz_lineto(ctx, pr->path, xobj_bbox.x0, xobj_bbox.y1); fz_closepath(ctx, pr->path); pr->clip = 1; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* run contents */ resources = pdf_xobject_resources(ctx, xobj); if (!resources) resources = page_resources; saved_def_cs = pr->default_cs; pr->default_cs = NULL; pr->default_cs = pdf_update_default_colorspaces(ctx, saved_def_cs, resources); if (pr->default_cs != saved_def_cs) fz_set_default_colorspaces(ctx, pr->dev, pr->default_cs); doc = pdf_get_bound_document(ctx, xobj); oldbot = pr->gbot; pr->gbot = pr->gtop; pdf_process_contents(ctx, (pdf_processor*)pr, doc, resources, xobj, NULL); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, cs); if (saved_def_cs) { fz_drop_default_colorspaces(ctx, pr->default_cs); pr->default_cs = saved_def_cs; fz_try(ctx) { fz_set_default_colorspaces(ctx, pr->dev, pr->default_cs); } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Postpone the problem */ strcpy(errmess, fz_caught_message(ctx)); } } /* Undo any gstate mismatches due to the pdf_process_contents call */ if (oldbot != -1) { while (pr->gtop > pr->gbot) { pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); } pr->gbot = oldbot; } if (cleanup_state >= 3) pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); /* Remove the state we pushed for the clippath */ /* wrap up transparency stacks */ if (transparency) { if (cleanup_state >= 2) { fz_try(ctx) { fz_end_group(ctx, pr->dev); } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Postpone the problem */ if (errmess[0]) fz_warn(ctx, "%s", errmess); strcpy(errmess, fz_caught_message(ctx)); } } if (cleanup_state >= 1) { fz_try(ctx) { end_softmask(ctx, pr, &softmask); } fz_catch(ctx) { /* Postpone the problem */ if (errmess[0]) fz_warn(ctx, "%s", errmess); strcpy(errmess, fz_caught_message(ctx)); } } } pr->gstate[pr->gparent].ctm = gparent_save_ctm; pr->gparent = gparent_save; while (oldtop < pr->gtop) pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, xobj); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } /* Rethrow postponed errors */ if (errmess[0]) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "%s", errmess); } /* general graphics state */ static void pdf_run_w(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float linewidth) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_LINEWIDTH_UNDEFINED; gstate->stroke_state = fz_unshare_stroke_state(ctx, gstate->stroke_state); gstate->stroke_state->linewidth = linewidth; } static void pdf_run_j(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int linejoin) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED; gstate->stroke_state = fz_unshare_stroke_state(ctx, gstate->stroke_state); gstate->stroke_state->linejoin = linejoin; } static void pdf_run_J(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int linecap) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); pr->dev->flags &= ~(FZ_DEVFLAG_STARTCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_DASHCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_ENDCAP_UNDEFINED); gstate->stroke_state = fz_unshare_stroke_state(ctx, gstate->stroke_state); gstate->stroke_state->start_cap = linecap; gstate->stroke_state->dash_cap = linecap; gstate->stroke_state->end_cap = linecap; } static void pdf_run_M(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float miterlimit) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_MITERLIMIT_UNDEFINED; gstate->stroke_state = fz_unshare_stroke_state(ctx, gstate->stroke_state); gstate->stroke_state->miterlimit = miterlimit; } static void pdf_run_d(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, pdf_obj *array, float phase) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); int len, i; len = pdf_array_len(ctx, array); gstate->stroke_state = fz_unshare_stroke_state_with_dash_len(ctx, gstate->stroke_state, len); gstate->stroke_state->dash_len = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) gstate->stroke_state->dash_list[i] = pdf_array_get_real(ctx, array, i); gstate->stroke_state->dash_phase = phase; } static void pdf_run_ri(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *intent) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->fill.color_params.ri = fz_lookup_rendering_intent(intent); gstate->stroke.color_params.ri = gstate->fill.color_params.ri; } static void pdf_run_gs_OP(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int b) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->stroke.color_params.op = b; gstate->fill.color_params.op = b; } static void pdf_run_gs_op(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int b) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->fill.color_params.op = b; } static void pdf_run_gs_OPM(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int i) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->stroke.color_params.opm = i; gstate->fill.color_params.opm = i; } static void pdf_run_gs_UseBlackPtComp(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, pdf_obj *obj) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); int on = pdf_name_eq(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(ON)); /* The spec says that "ON" means on, "OFF" means "Off", and * "Default" or anything else means "Meh, do what you want." */ gstate->stroke.color_params.bp = on; gstate->fill.color_params.bp = on; } static void pdf_run_i(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float flatness) { } static void pdf_run_gs_begin(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, pdf_obj *extgstate) { } static void pdf_run_gs_end(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { } /* transparency graphics state */ static void pdf_run_gs_BM(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *blendmode) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->blendmode = fz_lookup_blendmode(blendmode); } static void pdf_run_gs_CA(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float alpha) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->stroke.alpha = fz_clamp(alpha, 0, 1); } static void pdf_run_gs_ca(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float alpha) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); gstate->fill.alpha = fz_clamp(alpha, 0, 1); } static void pdf_run_gs_SMask(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, pdf_obj *smask, pdf_obj *page_resources, float *bc, int luminosity) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); int i; if (gstate->softmask) { pdf_drop_obj(ctx, gstate->softmask); gstate->softmask = NULL; pdf_drop_obj(ctx, gstate->softmask_resources); gstate->softmask_resources = NULL; } if (smask) { fz_colorspace *cs = pdf_xobject_colorspace(ctx, smask); int cs_n = 1; if (cs) cs_n = fz_colorspace_n(ctx, cs); gstate->softmask_ctm = gstate->ctm; gstate->softmask = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, smask); gstate->softmask_resources = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, page_resources); for (i = 0; i < cs_n; ++i) gstate->softmask_bc[i] = bc[i]; gstate->luminosity = luminosity; fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, cs); } } /* special graphics state */ static void pdf_run_q(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gsave(ctx, pr); } static void pdf_run_Q(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); } static void pdf_run_cm(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); fz_matrix m; m.a = a; m.b = b; m.c = c; m.d = d; m.e = e; m.f = f; fz_concat(&gstate->ctm, &m, &gstate->ctm); } /* path construction */ static void pdf_run_m(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float x, float y) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_moveto(ctx, pr->path, x, y); } static void pdf_run_l(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float x, float y) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_lineto(ctx, pr->path, x, y); } static void pdf_run_c(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_curveto(ctx, pr->path, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } static void pdf_run_v(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_curvetov(ctx, pr->path, x2, y2, x3, y3); } static void pdf_run_y(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float x1, float y1, float x3, float y3) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_curvetoy(ctx, pr->path, x1, y1, x3, y3); } static void pdf_run_h(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_closepath(ctx, pr->path); } static void pdf_run_re(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float x, float y, float w, float h) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_rectto(ctx, pr->path, x, y, x+w, y+h); } /* path painting */ static void pdf_run_S(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 0, 1, 0); } static void pdf_run_s(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 1, 0, 1, 0); } static void pdf_run_F(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 1, 0, 0); } static void pdf_run_f(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 1, 0, 0); } static void pdf_run_fstar(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 1, 0, 1); } static void pdf_run_B(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 1, 1, 0); } static void pdf_run_Bstar(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 1, 1, 1); } static void pdf_run_b(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 1, 1, 1, 0); } static void pdf_run_bstar(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 1, 1, 1, 1); } static void pdf_run_n(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_path(ctx, pr, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /* clipping paths */ static void pdf_run_W(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->clip = 1; pr->clip_even_odd = 0; } static void pdf_run_Wstar(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->clip = 1; pr->clip_even_odd = 1; } /* text objects */ static void pdf_run_BT(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->tos.tm = fz_identity; pr->tos.tlm = fz_identity; } static void pdf_run_ET(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); } /* text state */ static void pdf_run_Tc(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float charspace) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.char_space = charspace; } static void pdf_run_Tw(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float wordspace) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.word_space = wordspace; } static void pdf_run_Tz(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float scale) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.scale = scale / 100; } static void pdf_run_TL(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float leading) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.leading = leading; } static void pdf_run_Tf(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, pdf_font_desc *font, float size) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_drop_font(ctx, gstate->text.font); gstate->text.font = pdf_keep_font(ctx, font); gstate->text.size = size; } static void pdf_run_Tr(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int render) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.render = render; } static void pdf_run_Ts(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float rise) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.rise = rise; } /* text positioning */ static void pdf_run_Td(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float tx, float ty) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_tos_translate(&pr->tos, tx, ty); } static void pdf_run_TD(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float tx, float ty) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.leading = -ty; pdf_tos_translate(&pr->tos, tx, ty); } static void pdf_run_Tm(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_tos_set_matrix(&pr->tos, a, b, c, d, e, f); } static void pdf_run_Tstar(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_tos_newline(&pr->tos, gstate->text.leading); } /* text showing */ static void pdf_run_TJ(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, pdf_obj *obj) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_text(ctx, pr, obj); } static void pdf_run_Tj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, char *string, int string_len) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_string(ctx, pr, (unsigned char *)string, string_len); } static void pdf_run_squote(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, char *string, int string_len) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; pdf_tos_newline(&pr->tos, gstate->text.leading); pdf_show_string(ctx, pr, (unsigned char*)string, string_len); } static void pdf_run_dquote(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float aw, float ac, char *string, int string_len) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_gstate *gstate = pr->gstate + pr->gtop; gstate->text.word_space = aw; gstate->text.char_space = ac; pdf_tos_newline(&pr->tos, gstate->text.leading); pdf_show_string(ctx, pr, (unsigned char*)string, string_len); } /* type 3 fonts */ static void pdf_run_d0(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float wx, float wy) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; if (pr->nested_depth > 1) return; pr->dev->flags |= FZ_DEVFLAG_COLOR; } static void pdf_run_d1(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float wx, float wy, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; if (pr->nested_depth > 1) return; pr->dev->flags |= FZ_DEVFLAG_MASK | FZ_DEVFLAG_BBOX_DEFINED; pr->dev->flags &= ~(FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_STARTCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_DASHCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_ENDCAP_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_MITERLIMIT_UNDEFINED | FZ_DEVFLAG_LINEWIDTH_UNDEFINED); pr->dev->d1_rect.x0 = fz_min(llx, urx); pr->dev->d1_rect.y0 = fz_min(lly, ury); pr->dev->d1_rect.x1 = fz_max(llx, urx); pr->dev->d1_rect.y1 = fz_max(lly, ury); } /* color */ static void pdf_run_CS(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_colorspace *colorspace) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; if (!strcmp(name, "Pattern")) pdf_set_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, NULL, NULL); else pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, colorspace); } static void pdf_run_cs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_colorspace *colorspace) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; if (!strcmp(name, "Pattern")) pdf_set_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, NULL, NULL); else pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, colorspace); } static void pdf_run_SC_color(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int n, float *color) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, color); } static void pdf_run_sc_color(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, int n, float *color) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, color); } static void pdf_run_SC_pattern(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, pdf_pattern *pat, int n, float *color) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, pat, color); } static void pdf_run_sc_pattern(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, pdf_pattern *pat, int n, float *color) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, pat, color); } static void pdf_run_SC_shade(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_shade *shade) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_shade(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, shade); } static void pdf_run_sc_shade(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_shade *shade) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_shade(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, shade); } static void pdf_run_G(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float g) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, fz_device_gray(ctx)); pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, &g); } static void pdf_run_g(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float g) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, fz_device_gray(ctx)); pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, &g); } static void pdf_run_K(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float c, float m, float y, float k) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; float color[4] = {c, m, y, k}; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, fz_device_cmyk(ctx)); pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, color); } static void pdf_run_k(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float c, float m, float y, float k) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; float color[4] = {c, m, y, k}; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, fz_device_cmyk(ctx)); pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, color); } static void pdf_run_RG(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float r, float g, float b) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; float color[3] = {r, g, b}; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, fz_device_rgb(ctx)); pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, color); } static void pdf_run_rg(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, float r, float g, float b) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; float color[3] = {r, g, b}; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_FILLCOLOR_UNDEFINED; pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, fz_device_rgb(ctx)); pdf_set_color(ctx, pr, PDF_FILL, color); } /* shadings, images, xobjects */ static void pdf_run_BI(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, fz_image *image) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_image(ctx, pr, image); } static void pdf_run_sh(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_shade *shade) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_shade(ctx, pr, shade); } static void pdf_run_Do_image(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_image *image) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_show_image(ctx, pr, image); } static void pdf_run_Do_form(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, pdf_obj *xobj, pdf_obj *page_resources) { pdf_run_xobject(ctx, (pdf_run_processor*)proc, xobj, page_resources, &fz_identity, 0); } /* marked content */ static void pdf_run_MP(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *tag) { } static void pdf_run_DP(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *tag, pdf_obj *raw, pdf_obj *cooked) { } static void pdf_run_BMC(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *tag) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; if (!tag) tag = "UnnamedLayer"; fz_begin_layer(ctx, pr->dev, tag); } static void pdf_run_BDC(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *tag, pdf_obj *raw, pdf_obj *cooked) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; const char *str; if (!tag || strcmp(tag, "OC")) return; str = pdf_dict_get_string(ctx, cooked, PDF_NAME(Name), NULL); if (strlen(str) == 0) str = "UnnamedLayer"; fz_begin_layer(ctx, pr->dev, str); } static void pdf_run_EMC(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; fz_end_layer(ctx, pr->dev); } /* compatibility */ static void pdf_run_BX(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { } static void pdf_run_EX(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { } static void pdf_run_END(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pdf_flush_text(ctx, pr); } static void pdf_drop_run_processor(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; while (pr->gtop) pdf_grestore(ctx, pr); pdf_drop_material(ctx, &pr->gstate[0].fill); pdf_drop_material(ctx, &pr->gstate[0].stroke); pdf_drop_font(ctx, pr->gstate[0].text.font); pdf_drop_obj(ctx, pr->gstate[0].softmask); fz_drop_stroke_state(ctx, pr->gstate[0].stroke_state); while (pr->gstate[0].clip_depth--) fz_pop_clip(ctx, pr->dev); fz_drop_path(ctx, pr->path); fz_drop_text(ctx, pr->tos.text); fz_drop_default_colorspaces(ctx, pr->default_cs); fz_free(ctx, pr->gstate); } pdf_processor * pdf_new_run_processor(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, const char *usage, pdf_gstate *gstate, int nested, fz_default_colorspaces *default_cs) { pdf_run_processor *proc = pdf_new_processor(ctx, sizeof *proc); { proc->super.usage = usage; proc->super.drop_processor = pdf_drop_run_processor; /* general graphics state */ proc->super.op_w = pdf_run_w; proc->super.op_j = pdf_run_j; proc->super.op_J = pdf_run_J; proc->super.op_M = pdf_run_M; proc->super.op_d = pdf_run_d; proc->super.op_ri = pdf_run_ri; proc->super.op_i = pdf_run_i; proc->super.op_gs_begin = pdf_run_gs_begin; proc->super.op_gs_end = pdf_run_gs_end; /* transparency graphics state */ proc->super.op_gs_BM = pdf_run_gs_BM; proc->super.op_gs_CA = pdf_run_gs_CA; proc->super.op_gs_ca = pdf_run_gs_ca; proc->super.op_gs_SMask = pdf_run_gs_SMask; /* special graphics state */ proc->super.op_q = pdf_run_q; proc->super.op_Q = pdf_run_Q; proc->super.op_cm = pdf_run_cm; /* path construction */ proc->super.op_m = pdf_run_m; proc->super.op_l = pdf_run_l; proc->super.op_c = pdf_run_c; proc->super.op_v = pdf_run_v; proc->super.op_y = pdf_run_y; proc->super.op_h = pdf_run_h; proc->super.op_re = pdf_run_re; /* path painting */ proc->super.op_S = pdf_run_S; proc->super.op_s = pdf_run_s; proc->super.op_F = pdf_run_F; proc->super.op_f = pdf_run_f; proc->super.op_fstar = pdf_run_fstar; proc->super.op_B = pdf_run_B; proc->super.op_Bstar = pdf_run_Bstar; proc->super.op_b = pdf_run_b; proc->super.op_bstar = pdf_run_bstar; proc->super.op_n = pdf_run_n; /* clipping paths */ proc->super.op_W = pdf_run_W; proc->super.op_Wstar = pdf_run_Wstar; /* text objects */ proc->super.op_BT = pdf_run_BT; proc->super.op_ET = pdf_run_ET; /* text state */ proc->super.op_Tc = pdf_run_Tc; proc->super.op_Tw = pdf_run_Tw; proc->super.op_Tz = pdf_run_Tz; proc->super.op_TL = pdf_run_TL; proc->super.op_Tf = pdf_run_Tf; proc->super.op_Tr = pdf_run_Tr; proc->super.op_Ts = pdf_run_Ts; /* text positioning */ proc->super.op_Td = pdf_run_Td; proc->super.op_TD = pdf_run_TD; proc->super.op_Tm = pdf_run_Tm; proc->super.op_Tstar = pdf_run_Tstar; /* text showing */ proc->super.op_TJ = pdf_run_TJ; proc->super.op_Tj = pdf_run_Tj; proc->super.op_squote = pdf_run_squote; proc->super.op_dquote = pdf_run_dquote; /* type 3 fonts */ proc->super.op_d0 = pdf_run_d0; proc->super.op_d1 = pdf_run_d1; /* color */ proc->super.op_CS = pdf_run_CS; proc->super.op_cs = pdf_run_cs; proc->super.op_SC_color = pdf_run_SC_color; proc->super.op_sc_color = pdf_run_sc_color; proc->super.op_SC_pattern = pdf_run_SC_pattern; proc->super.op_sc_pattern = pdf_run_sc_pattern; proc->super.op_SC_shade = pdf_run_SC_shade; proc->super.op_sc_shade = pdf_run_sc_shade; proc->super.op_G = pdf_run_G; proc->super.op_g = pdf_run_g; proc->super.op_RG = pdf_run_RG; proc->super.op_rg = pdf_run_rg; proc->super.op_K = pdf_run_K; proc->super.op_k = pdf_run_k; /* shadings, images, xobjects */ proc->super.op_sh = pdf_run_sh; if (dev->fill_image || dev->fill_image_mask || dev->clip_image_mask) { proc->super.op_BI = pdf_run_BI; proc->super.op_Do_image = pdf_run_Do_image; } proc->super.op_Do_form = pdf_run_Do_form; /* marked content */ proc->super.op_MP = pdf_run_MP; proc->super.op_DP = pdf_run_DP; proc->super.op_BMC = pdf_run_BMC; proc->super.op_BDC = pdf_run_BDC; proc->super.op_EMC = pdf_run_EMC; /* compatibility */ proc->super.op_BX = pdf_run_BX; proc->super.op_EX = pdf_run_EX; /* extgstate */ proc->super.op_gs_OP = pdf_run_gs_OP; proc->super.op_gs_op = pdf_run_gs_op; proc->super.op_gs_OPM = pdf_run_gs_OPM; proc->super.op_gs_UseBlackPtComp = pdf_run_gs_UseBlackPtComp; proc->super.op_END = pdf_run_END; } proc->dev = dev; proc->default_cs = fz_keep_default_colorspaces(ctx, default_cs); proc->nested_depth = nested; proc->path = NULL; proc->clip = 0; proc->clip_even_odd = 0; proc->tos.text = NULL; proc->tos.tlm = fz_identity; proc->tos.tm = fz_identity; proc->tos.text_mode = 0; fz_try(ctx) { proc->path = fz_new_path(ctx); proc->gcap = 64; proc->gstate = fz_malloc_array(ctx, proc->gcap, sizeof(pdf_gstate)); pdf_init_gstate(ctx, &proc->gstate[0], ctm); if (gstate) { pdf_copy_gstate(ctx, &proc->gstate[0], gstate); proc->gstate[0].clip_depth = 0; proc->gstate[0].ctm = *ctm; } proc->gtop = 0; proc->gbot = 0; proc->gparent = 0; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_path(ctx, proc->path); fz_free(ctx, proc); fz_rethrow(ctx); } /* We need to save an extra level to allow for level 0 to be the parent gstate level. */ pdf_gsave(ctx, proc); return (pdf_processor*)proc; }