#include "mupdf/fitz.h"
#include "mupdf/pdf.h"
#include "pdf-imp.h"

#include <zlib.h>

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h> /* for debug printing */
/* #define DEBUG_HEAP_SORT */
/* #define DEBUG_WRITING */

typedef struct pdf_write_state_s pdf_write_state;

	As part of linearization, we need to keep a list of what objects are used
	by what page. We do this by recording the objects used in a given page
	in a page_objects structure. We have a list of these structures (one per
	page) in the page_objects_list structure.

	The page_objects structure maintains a heap in the object array, so
	insertion takes log n time, and we can heapsort and dedupe at the end for
	a total worse case n log n time.

	The magic heap invariant is that:
		entry[n] >= entry[(n+1)*2-1] & entry[n] >= entry[(n+1)*2]
	or equivalently:
		entry[(n-1)>>1] >= entry[n]

	For a discussion of the heap data structure (and heapsort) see Kingston,
	"Algorithms and Data Structures".

typedef struct {
	int num_shared;
	int page_object_number;
	int num_objects;
	int min_ofs;
	int max_ofs;
	/* Extensible list of objects used on this page */
	int cap;
	int len;
	int object[1];
} page_objects;

typedef struct {
	int cap;
	int len;
	page_objects *page[1];
} page_objects_list;

struct pdf_write_state_s
	fz_output *out;

	int do_incremental;
	int do_tight;
	int do_ascii;
	int do_expand;
	int do_compress;
	int do_compress_images;
	int do_compress_fonts;
	int do_garbage;
	int do_linear;
	int do_clean;

	int *use_list;
	fz_off_t *ofs_list;
	int *gen_list;
	int *renumber_map;
	int continue_on_error;
	int *errors;
	/* The following extras are required for linearization */
	int *rev_renumber_map;
	int start;
	fz_off_t first_xref_offset;
	fz_off_t main_xref_offset;
	fz_off_t first_xref_entry_offset;
	fz_off_t file_len;
	int hints_shared_offset;
	int hintstream_len;
	pdf_obj *linear_l;
	pdf_obj *linear_h0;
	pdf_obj *linear_h1;
	pdf_obj *linear_o;
	pdf_obj *linear_e;
	pdf_obj *linear_n;
	pdf_obj *linear_t;
	pdf_obj *hints_s;
	pdf_obj *hints_length;
	int page_count;
	page_objects_list *page_object_lists;

 * Constants for use with use_list.
 * If use_list[num] = 0, then object num is unused.
 * If use_list[num] & PARAMS, then object num is the linearisation params obj.
 * If use_list[num] & CATALOGUE, then object num is used by the catalogue.
 * If use_list[num] & PAGE1, then object num is used by page 1.
 * If use_list[num] & SHARED, then object num is shared between pages.
 * If use_list[num] & PAGE_OBJECT then this must be the first object in a page.
 * If use_list[num] & OTHER_OBJECTS then this must should appear in section 9.
 * Otherwise object num is used by page (use_list[num]>>USE_PAGE_SHIFT).
	USE_PAGE1 = 4,
	USE_HINTS = 32,
	USE_PAGE_MASK = ~255,

 * page_objects and page_object_list handling functions
static page_objects_list *
page_objects_list_create(fz_context *ctx)
	page_objects_list *pol = fz_calloc(ctx, 1, sizeof(*pol));

	pol->cap = 1;
	pol->len = 0;
	return pol;

static void
page_objects_list_destroy(fz_context *ctx, page_objects_list *pol)
	int i;

	if (!pol)
	for (i = 0; i < pol->len; i++)
		fz_free(ctx, pol->page[i]);
	fz_free(ctx, pol);

static void
page_objects_list_ensure(fz_context *ctx, page_objects_list **pol, int newcap)
	int oldcap = (*pol)->cap;
	if (newcap <= oldcap)
	*pol = fz_resize_array(ctx, *pol, 1, sizeof(page_objects_list) + (newcap-1)*sizeof(page_objects *));
	memset(&(*pol)->page[oldcap], 0, (newcap-oldcap)*sizeof(page_objects *));
	(*pol)->cap = newcap;

static page_objects *
page_objects_create(fz_context *ctx)
	int initial_cap = 8;
	page_objects *po = fz_calloc(ctx, 1, sizeof(*po) + (initial_cap-1) * sizeof(int));

	po->cap = initial_cap;
	po->len = 0;
	return po;

static void
page_objects_insert(fz_context *ctx, page_objects **ppo, int i)
	page_objects *po;

	/* Make a page_objects if we don't have one */
	if (*ppo == NULL)
		*ppo = page_objects_create(ctx);

	po = *ppo;
	/* page_objects insertion: extend the page_objects by 1, and put us on the end */
	if (po->len == po->cap)
		po = fz_resize_array(ctx, po, 1, sizeof(page_objects) + (po->cap*2 - 1)*sizeof(int));
		po->cap *= 2;
		*ppo = po;
	po->object[po->len++] = i;

static void
page_objects_list_insert(fz_context *ctx, pdf_write_state *opts, int page, int object)
	page_objects_list_ensure(ctx, &opts->page_object_lists, page+1);
	if (opts->page_object_lists->len < page+1)
		opts->page_object_lists->len = page+1;
	page_objects_insert(ctx, &opts->page_object_lists->page[page], object);

static void
page_objects_list_set_page_object(fz_context *ctx, pdf_write_state *opts, int page, int object)
	page_objects_list_ensure(ctx, &opts->page_object_lists, page+1);
	opts->page_object_lists->page[page]->page_object_number = object;

static void
page_objects_sort(fz_context *ctx, page_objects *po)
	int i, j;
	int n = po->len;

	/* Step 1: Make a heap */
	/* Invariant: Valid heap in [0..i), unsorted elements in [i..n) */
	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
		/* Now bubble backwards to maintain heap invariant */
		j = i;
		while (j != 0)
			int tmp;
			int k = (j-1)>>1;
			if (po->object[k] >= po->object[j])
			tmp = po->object[k];
			po->object[k] = po->object[j];
			po->object[j] = tmp;
			j = k;

	/* Step 2: Heap sort */
	/* Invariant: valid heap in [0..i), sorted list in [i..n) */
	/* Initially: i = n */
	for (i = n-1; i > 0; i--)
		/* Swap the maximum (0th) element from the page_objects into its place
		 * in the sorted list (position i). */
		int tmp = po->object[0];
		po->object[0] = po->object[i];
		po->object[i] = tmp;
		/* Now, the page_objects is invalid because the 0th element is out
		 * of place. Bubble it until the page_objects is valid. */
		j = 0;
		while (1)
			/* Children are k and k+1 */
			int k = (j+1)*2-1;
			/* If both children out of the page_objects, we're done */
			if (k > i-1)
			/* If both are in the page_objects, pick the larger one */
			if (k < i-1 && po->object[k] < po->object[k+1])
			/* If j is bigger than k (i.e. both of its children),
			 * we're done */
			if (po->object[j] > po->object[k])
			tmp = po->object[k];
			po->object[k] = po->object[j];
			po->object[j] = tmp;
			j = k;

static int
order_ge(int ui, int uj)
	For linearization, we need to order the sections as follows:

		Remaining pages					(Part 7)
		Shared objects					(Part 8)
		Objects not associated with any page		(Part 9)
		Any "other" objects
							(Header)(Part 1)
		(Linearization params)				(Part 2)
					(1st page Xref/Trailer)	(Part 3)
		Catalogue (and other document level objects)	(Part 4)
		First page					(Part 6)
		(Primary Hint stream)			(*)	(Part 5)
		Any free objects

	Note, this is NOT the same order they appear in
	the final file!

	(*) The PDF reference gives us the option of putting the hint stream
	after the first page, and we take it, for simplicity.

	/* If the 2 objects are in the same section, then page object comes first. */
	if (((ui ^ uj) & ~USE_PAGE_OBJECT) == 0)
		return ((ui & USE_PAGE_OBJECT) == 0);
	/* Put unused objects last */
	else if (ui == 0)
		return 1;
	else if (uj == 0)
		return 0;
	/* Put the hint stream before that... */
	else if (ui & USE_HINTS)
		return 1;
	else if (uj & USE_HINTS)
		return 0;
	/* Put page 1 before that... */
	else if (ui & USE_PAGE1)
		return 1;
	else if (uj & USE_PAGE1)
		return 0;
	/* Put the catalogue before that... */
	else if (ui & USE_CATALOGUE)
		return 1;
	else if (uj & USE_CATALOGUE)
		return 0;
	/* Put the linearization params before that... */
	else if (ui & USE_PARAMS)
		return 1;
	else if (uj & USE_PARAMS)
		return 0;
	/* Put other objects before that */
	else if (ui & USE_OTHER_OBJECTS)
		return 1;
	else if (uj & USE_OTHER_OBJECTS)
		return 0;
	/* Put objects not associated with any page (anything
	 * not touched by the catalogue) before that... */
	else if (ui == 0)
		return 1;
	else if (uj == 0)
		return 0;
	/* Put shared objects before that... */
	else if (ui & USE_SHARED)
		return 1;
	else if (uj & USE_SHARED)
		return 0;
	/* And otherwise, order by the page number on which
	 * they are used. */
	return (ui>>USE_PAGE_SHIFT) >= (uj>>USE_PAGE_SHIFT);

static void
heap_sort(int *list, int n, const int *val, int (*ge)(int, int))
	int i, j;

	fprintf(stderr, "Initially:\n");
	for (i=0; i < n; i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "%d: %d %x\n", i, list[i], val[list[i]]);
	/* Step 1: Make a heap */
	/* Invariant: Valid heap in [0..i), unsorted elements in [i..n) */
	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
		/* Now bubble backwards to maintain heap invariant */
		j = i;
		while (j != 0)
			int tmp;
			int k = (j-1)>>1;
			if (ge(val[list[k]], val[list[j]]))
			tmp = list[k];
			list[k] = list[j];
			list[j] = tmp;
			j = k;
	fprintf(stderr, "Valid heap:\n");
	for (i=0; i < n; i++)
		int k;
		fprintf(stderr, "%d: %d %x ", i, list[i], val[list[i]]);
		k = (i+1)*2-1;
		if (k < n)
			if (ge(val[list[i]], val[list[k]]))
				fprintf(stderr, "OK ");
				fprintf(stderr, "BAD ");
		if (k+1 < n)
			if (ge(val[list[i]], val[list[k+1]]))
				fprintf(stderr, "OK\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "BAD\n");
				fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	/* Step 2: Heap sort */
	/* Invariant: valid heap in [0..i), sorted list in [i..n) */
	/* Initially: i = n */
	for (i = n-1; i > 0; i--)
		/* Swap the maximum (0th) element from the page_objects into its place
		 * in the sorted list (position i). */
		int tmp = list[0];
		list[0] = list[i];
		list[i] = tmp;
		/* Now, the page_objects is invalid because the 0th element is out
		 * of place. Bubble it until the page_objects is valid. */
		j = 0;
		while (1)
			/* Children are k and k+1 */
			int k = (j+1)*2-1;
			/* If both children out of the page_objects, we're done */
			if (k > i-1)
			/* If both are in the page_objects, pick the larger one */
			if (k < i-1 && ge(val[list[k+1]], val[list[k]]))
			/* If j is bigger than k (i.e. both of its children),
			 * we're done */
			if (ge(val[list[j]], val[list[k]]))
			tmp = list[k];
			list[k] = list[j];
			list[j] = tmp;
			j = k;
	fprintf(stderr, "Sorted:\n");
	for (i=0; i < n; i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "%d: %d %x ", i, list[i], val[list[i]]);
		if (i+1 < n)
			if (ge(val[list[i+1]], val[list[i]]))
				fprintf(stderr, "OK");
				fprintf(stderr, "BAD");
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

static void
page_objects_dedupe(fz_context *ctx, page_objects *po)
	int i, j;
	int n = po->len-1;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (po->object[i] == po->object[i+1])
	j = i; /* j points to the last valid one */
	i++; /* i points to the first one we haven't looked at */
	for (; i < n; i++)
		if (po->object[j] != po->object[i])
			po->object[++j] = po->object[i];
	po->len = j+1;

static void
page_objects_list_sort_and_dedupe(fz_context *ctx, page_objects_list *pol)
	int i;
	int n = pol->len;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		page_objects_sort(ctx, pol->page[i]);
		page_objects_dedupe(ctx, pol->page[i]);

static void
page_objects_dump(pdf_write_state *opts)
	page_objects_list *pol = opts->page_object_lists;
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < pol->len; i++)
		page_objects *p = pol->page[i];
		fprintf(stderr, "Page %d\n", i+1);
		for (j = 0; j < p->len; j++)
			int o = p->object[j];
			fprintf(stderr, "\tObject %d: use=%x\n", o, opts->use_list[o]);
		fprintf(stderr, "Byte range=%d->%d\n", p->min_ofs, p->max_ofs);
		fprintf(stderr, "Number of objects=%d, Number of shared objects=%d\n", p->num_objects, p->num_shared);
		fprintf(stderr, "Page object number=%d\n", p->page_object_number);

static void
objects_dump(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	int i;

	for (i=0; i < pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc); i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "Object %d use=%x offset=%d\n", i, opts->use_list[i], (int)opts->ofs_list[i]);

 * Garbage collect objects not reachable from the trailer.

/* Mark a reference. If it's been marked already, return NULL (as no further
 * processing is required). If it's not, return the resolved object so
 * that we can continue our recursive marking. If it's a duff reference
 * return the fact so that we can remove the reference at source.
static pdf_obj *markref(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *obj, int *duff)
	int num = pdf_to_num(ctx, obj);

	if (num <= 0 || num >= pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc))
		*duff = 1;
		return NULL;
	*duff = 0;
	if (opts->use_list[num])
		return NULL;

	opts->use_list[num] = 1;

	/* Bake in /Length in stream objects */
		if (pdf_obj_num_is_stream(ctx, doc, num))
			pdf_obj *len = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length);
			if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, len))
				opts->use_list[pdf_to_num(ctx, len)] = 0;
				len = pdf_resolve_indirect(ctx, len);
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length, len);
		fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER);
		/* Leave broken */

	obj = pdf_resolve_indirect(ctx, obj);
	if (obj == NULL || pdf_is_null(ctx, obj))
		*duff = 1;
		opts->use_list[num] = 0;

	return obj;

static int depth = 0;

void indent()
	while (depth > 0)
		int d  = depth;
		if (d > 16)
			d = 16;
		printf("%s", &"                "[16-d]);
		depth -= d;
#define DEBUGGING_MARKING(A) do { A; } while (0)
#define DEBUGGING_MARKING(A) do { } while (0)

/* Recursively mark an object. If any references found are duff, then
 * replace them with nulls. */
static int markobj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *obj)
	int i;


	while (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, obj))
		int duff;
		DEBUGGING_MARKING(indent(); printf("Marking object %d\n", pdf_to_num(ctx, obj)));
		obj = markref(ctx, doc, opts, obj, &duff);
		if (duff)
			return 1;

	if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, obj))
		int n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			DEBUGGING_MARKING(indent(); printf("DICT[%d/%d] = %s\n", i, n, pdf_to_name(ctx, pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, obj, i))));
			if (markobj(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i)))
				pdf_dict_put_val_null(ctx, obj, i);

	else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, obj))
		int n = pdf_array_len(ctx, obj);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			DEBUGGING_MARKING(indent(); printf("ARRAY[%d/%d]\n", i, n));
			if (markobj(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i)))
				pdf_array_put_drop(ctx, obj, i, pdf_new_null(ctx, doc));


	return 0;

 * Scan for and remove duplicate objects (slow)

static void removeduplicateobjs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	int num, other;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	for (num = 1; num < xref_len; num++)
		/* Only compare an object to objects preceding it */
		for (other = 1; other < num; other++)
			pdf_obj *a, *b;
			int differ, newnum, streama, streamb;

			if (num == other || !opts->use_list[num] || !opts->use_list[other])

			/* TODO: resolve indirect references to see if we can omit them */

			 * Comparing stream objects data contents would take too long.
			 * pdf_obj_num_is_stream calls pdf_cache_object and ensures
			 * that the xref table has the objects loaded.
				streama = pdf_obj_num_is_stream(ctx, doc, num);
				streamb = pdf_obj_num_is_stream(ctx, doc, other);
				differ = streama || streamb;
				if (streama && streamb && opts->do_garbage >= 4)
					differ = 0;
				/* Assume different */
				differ = 1;
			if (differ)

			a = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num)->obj;
			b = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, other)->obj;

			if (pdf_objcmp(ctx, a, b))

			if (streama && streamb)
				/* Check to see if streams match too. */
				fz_buffer *sa = NULL;
				fz_buffer *sb = NULL;


				differ = 1;
					unsigned char *dataa, *datab;
					size_t lena, lenb;
					sa = pdf_load_raw_stream_number(ctx, doc, num);
					sb = pdf_load_raw_stream_number(ctx, doc, other);
					lena = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, sa, &dataa);
					lenb = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, sb, &datab);
					if (lena == lenb && memcmp(dataa, datab, lena) == 0)
						differ = 0;
					fz_drop_buffer(ctx, sa);
					fz_drop_buffer(ctx, sb);
				if (differ)

			/* Keep the lowest numbered object */
			newnum = fz_mini(num, other);
			opts->renumber_map[num] = newnum;
			opts->renumber_map[other] = newnum;
			opts->rev_renumber_map[newnum] = num; /* Either will do */
			opts->use_list[fz_maxi(num, other)] = 0;

			/* One duplicate was found, do not look for another */

 * Renumber objects sequentially so the xref is more compact
 * This code assumes that any opts->renumber_map[n] <= n for all n.

static void compactxref(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	int num, newnum;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	 * Update renumber_map in-place, clustering all used
	 * objects together at low object ids. Objects that
	 * already should be renumbered will have their new
	 * object ids be updated to reflect the compaction.

	newnum = 1;
	for (num = 1; num < xref_len; num++)
		/* If it's not used, map it to zero */
		if (!opts->use_list[opts->renumber_map[num]])
			opts->renumber_map[num] = 0;
		/* If it's not moved, compact it. */
		else if (opts->renumber_map[num] == num)
			opts->rev_renumber_map[newnum] = opts->rev_renumber_map[num];
			opts->renumber_map[num] = newnum++;
		/* Otherwise it's used, and moved. We know that it must have
		 * moved down, so the place it's moved to will be in the right
		 * place already. */
			opts->renumber_map[num] = opts->renumber_map[opts->renumber_map[num]];

 * Update indirect objects according to renumbering established when
 * removing duplicate objects and compacting the xref.

static void renumberobj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *obj)
	int i;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, obj))
		int n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, obj);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			pdf_obj *key = pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, obj, i);
			pdf_obj *val = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, obj, i);
			if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val))
				int o = pdf_to_num(ctx, val);
				if (o >= xref_len || o <= 0 || opts->renumber_map[o] == 0)
					val = pdf_new_null(ctx, doc);
					val = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, doc, opts->renumber_map[o], 0);
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, key, val);
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val);
				renumberobj(ctx, doc, opts, val);

	else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, obj))
		int n = pdf_array_len(ctx, obj);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			pdf_obj *val = pdf_array_get(ctx, obj, i);
			if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val))
				int o = pdf_to_num(ctx, val);
				if (o >= xref_len || o <= 0 || opts->renumber_map[o] == 0)
					val = pdf_new_null(ctx, doc);
					val = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, doc, opts->renumber_map[o], 0);
				pdf_array_put(ctx, obj, i, val);
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, val);
				renumberobj(ctx, doc, opts, val);

static void renumberobjs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	pdf_xref_entry *newxref = NULL;
	int newlen;
	int num;
	int *new_use_list;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	new_use_list = fz_calloc(ctx, pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc)+3, sizeof(int));

		/* Apply renumber map to indirect references in all objects in xref */
		renumberobj(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc));
		for (num = 0; num < xref_len; num++)
			pdf_obj *obj;
			int to = opts->renumber_map[num];

			/* If object is going to be dropped, don't bother renumbering */
			if (to == 0)

			obj = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num)->obj;

			if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, obj))
				obj = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, doc, to, 0);
				pdf_update_object(ctx, doc, num, obj);
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);
				renumberobj(ctx, doc, opts, obj);

		/* Create new table for the reordered, compacted xref */
		newxref = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref_len + 3, sizeof(pdf_xref_entry));
		newxref[0] = *pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, 0);

		/* Move used objects into the new compacted xref */
		newlen = 0;
		for (num = 1; num < xref_len; num++)
			if (opts->use_list[num])
				pdf_xref_entry *e;
				if (newlen < opts->renumber_map[num])
					newlen = opts->renumber_map[num];
				e = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num);
				newxref[opts->renumber_map[num]] = *e;
				if (e->obj)
					pdf_set_obj_parent(ctx, e->obj, opts->renumber_map[num]);
					e->obj = NULL;
				new_use_list[opts->renumber_map[num]] = opts->use_list[num];
				pdf_xref_entry *e = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num);
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, e->obj);
				e->obj = NULL;
				fz_drop_buffer(ctx, e->stm_buf);
				e->stm_buf = NULL;

		pdf_replace_xref(ctx, doc, newxref, newlen + 1);
		newxref = NULL;
		fz_free(ctx, newxref);
		fz_free(ctx, new_use_list);
	fz_free(ctx, opts->use_list);
	opts->use_list = new_use_list;

	for (num = 1; num < xref_len; num++)
		opts->renumber_map[num] = num;

static void page_objects_list_renumber(pdf_write_state *opts)
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < opts->page_object_lists->len; i++)
		page_objects *po = opts->page_object_lists->page[i];
		for (j = 0; j < po->len; j++)
			po->object[j] = opts->renumber_map[po->object[j]];
		po->page_object_number = opts->renumber_map[po->page_object_number];

static void
mark_all(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *val, int flag, int page)
	if (pdf_mark_obj(ctx, val))

		if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val))
			int num = pdf_to_num(ctx, val);
			if (opts->use_list[num] & USE_PAGE_MASK)
				/* Already used */
				opts->use_list[num] |= USE_SHARED;
				opts->use_list[num] |= flag;
			if (page >= 0)
				page_objects_list_insert(ctx, opts, page, num);

		if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, val))
			int i, n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, val);

			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, val, i), flag, page);
		else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, val))
			int i, n = pdf_array_len(ctx, val);

			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_array_get(ctx, val, i), flag, page);
		pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, val);

static int
mark_pages(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *val, int pagenum)
	if (pdf_mark_obj(ctx, val))
		return pagenum;

		if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, val))
			if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Page, pdf_dict_get(ctx, val, PDF_NAME_Type)))
				int num = pdf_to_num(ctx, val);
				pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, val);
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, val, pagenum == 0 ? USE_PAGE1 : (pagenum<<USE_PAGE_SHIFT), pagenum);
				page_objects_list_set_page_object(ctx, opts, pagenum, num);
				opts->use_list[num] |= USE_PAGE_OBJECT;
				int i, n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, val);

				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
					pdf_obj *key = pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, val, i);
					pdf_obj *obj = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, val, i);

					if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Kids, key))
						pagenum = mark_pages(ctx, doc, opts, obj, pagenum);
						mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, obj, USE_CATALOGUE, -1);

				if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val))
					int num = pdf_to_num(ctx, val);
					opts->use_list[num] |= USE_CATALOGUE;
		else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, val))
			int i, n = pdf_array_len(ctx, val);

			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				pagenum = mark_pages(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_array_get(ctx, val, i), pagenum);
			if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, val))
				int num = pdf_to_num(ctx, val);
				opts->use_list[num] |= USE_CATALOGUE;
		pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, val);
	return pagenum;

static void
mark_root(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *dict)
	int i, n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, dict);

	if (pdf_mark_obj(ctx, dict))

		if (pdf_is_indirect(ctx, dict))
			int num = pdf_to_num(ctx, dict);
			opts->use_list[num] |= USE_CATALOGUE;

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			pdf_obj *key = pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, dict, i);
			pdf_obj *val = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, dict, i);

			if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Pages, key))
				opts->page_count = mark_pages(ctx, doc, opts, val, 0);
			else if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Names, key))
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, val, USE_OTHER_OBJECTS, -1);
			else if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Dests, key))
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, val, USE_OTHER_OBJECTS, -1);
			else if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Outlines, key))
				int section;
				/* Look at PageMode to decide whether to
				 * USE_OTHER_OBJECTS or USE_PAGE1 here. */
				if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_PageMode), PDF_NAME_UseOutlines))
					section = USE_PAGE1;
					section = USE_OTHER_OBJECTS;
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, val, section, -1);
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, val, USE_CATALOGUE, -1);
		pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, dict);

static void
mark_trailer(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *dict)
	int i, n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, dict);

	if (pdf_mark_obj(ctx, dict))

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			pdf_obj *key = pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, dict, i);
			pdf_obj *val = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, dict, i);

			if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Root, key))
				mark_root(ctx, doc, opts, val);
				mark_all(ctx, doc, opts, val, USE_CATALOGUE, -1);
		pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, dict);

static void
add_linearization_objs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	pdf_obj *params_obj = NULL;
	pdf_obj *params_ref = NULL;
	pdf_obj *hint_obj = NULL;
	pdf_obj *hint_ref = NULL;
	pdf_obj *o;
	int params_num, hint_num;


		/* Linearization params */
		params_obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 10);
		params_ref = pdf_add_object(ctx, doc, params_obj);
		params_num = pdf_to_num(ctx, params_ref);

		opts->use_list[params_num] = USE_PARAMS;
		opts->renumber_map[params_num] = params_num;
		opts->rev_renumber_map[params_num] = params_num;
		opts->gen_list[params_num] = 0;
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_Linearized, pdf_new_real(ctx, doc, 1.0));
		opts->linear_l = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_L, opts->linear_l);
		opts->linear_h0 = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		o = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 2);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_H, o);
		pdf_array_push(ctx, o, opts->linear_h0);
		opts->linear_h1 = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_array_push(ctx, o, opts->linear_h1);
		opts->linear_o = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_O, opts->linear_o);
		opts->linear_e = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_E, opts->linear_e);
		opts->linear_n = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_N, opts->linear_n);
		opts->linear_t = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, params_obj, PDF_NAME_T, opts->linear_t);

		/* Primary hint stream */
		hint_obj = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 10);
		hint_ref = pdf_add_object(ctx, doc, hint_obj);
		hint_num = pdf_to_num(ctx, hint_ref);

		opts->use_list[hint_num] = USE_HINTS;
		opts->renumber_map[hint_num] = hint_num;
		opts->rev_renumber_map[hint_num] = hint_num;
		opts->gen_list[hint_num] = 0;
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, hint_obj, PDF_NAME_P, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, 0));
		opts->hints_s = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, hint_obj, PDF_NAME_S, opts->hints_s);
		/* FIXME: Do we have thumbnails? Do a T entry */
		/* FIXME: Do we have outlines? Do an O entry */
		/* FIXME: Do we have article threads? Do an A entry */
		/* FIXME: Do we have named destinations? Do a E entry */
		/* FIXME: Do we have interactive forms? Do a V entry */
		/* FIXME: Do we have document information? Do an I entry */
		/* FIXME: Do we have logical structure hierarchy? Do a C entry */
		/* FIXME: Do L, Page Label hint table */
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, hint_obj, PDF_NAME_Filter, PDF_NAME_FlateDecode);
		opts->hints_length = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MIN);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, hint_obj, PDF_NAME_Length, opts->hints_length);
		pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, hint_num)->stm_ofs = -1;
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, params_obj);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, params_ref);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, hint_ref);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, hint_obj);

static void
lpr_inherit_res_contents(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *res, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *text)
	pdf_obj *o, *r;
	int i, n;

	/* If the parent node doesn't have an entry of this type, give up. */
	o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, text);
	if (!o)

	/* If the resources dict we are building doesn't have an entry of this
	 * type yet, then just copy it (ensuring it's not a reference) */
	r = pdf_dict_get(ctx, res, text);
	if (r == NULL)
		o = pdf_resolve_indirect(ctx, o);
		if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, o))
			o = pdf_copy_dict(ctx, o);
		else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, o))
			o = pdf_copy_array(ctx, o);
			o = NULL;
		if (o)
			pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, res, text, o);

	/* Otherwise we need to merge o into r */
	if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, o))
		n = pdf_dict_len(ctx, o);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			pdf_obj *key = pdf_dict_get_key(ctx, o, i);
			pdf_obj *val = pdf_dict_get_val(ctx, o, i);

			if (pdf_dict_get(ctx, res, key))
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, res, key, val);

static void
lpr_inherit_res(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *node, int depth, pdf_obj *dict)
	while (1)
		pdf_obj *o;

		node = pdf_dict_get(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Parent);
		if (!node || depth < 0)

		o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Resources);
		if (o)
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_ExtGState);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_ColorSpace);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_Pattern);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_Shading);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_XObject);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_Font);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_ProcSet);
			lpr_inherit_res_contents(ctx, dict, o, PDF_NAME_Properties);

static pdf_obj *
lpr_inherit(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *node, char *text, int depth)
		pdf_obj *o = pdf_dict_gets(ctx, node, text);

		if (o)
			return pdf_resolve_indirect(ctx, o);
		node = pdf_dict_get(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Parent);
	while (depth >= 0 && node);

	return NULL;

static int
lpr(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *node, int depth, int page)
	pdf_obj *kids;
	pdf_obj *o = NULL;
	int i, n;

	if (pdf_mark_obj(ctx, node))
		return page;


		if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, PDF_NAME_Page, pdf_dict_get(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Type)))
			pdf_obj *r; /* r is deliberately not cleaned up */

			/* Copy resources down to the child */
			o = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, pdf_dict_get(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Resources));
			if (!o)
				o = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 2));
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Resources, o);
			lpr_inherit_res(ctx, node, depth, o);
			r = lpr_inherit(ctx, node, "MediaBox", depth);
			if (r)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_MediaBox, r);
			r = lpr_inherit(ctx, node, "CropBox", depth);
			if (r)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_CropBox, r);
			r = lpr_inherit(ctx, node, "BleedBox", depth);
			if (r)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_BleedBox, r);
			r = lpr_inherit(ctx, node, "TrimBox", depth);
			if (r)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_TrimBox, r);
			r = lpr_inherit(ctx, node, "ArtBox", depth);
			if (r)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_ArtBox, r);
			r = lpr_inherit(ctx, node, "Rotate", depth);
			if (r)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Rotate, r);
			kids = pdf_dict_get(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Kids);
			n = pdf_array_len(ctx, kids);
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				page = lpr(ctx, doc, pdf_array_get(ctx, kids, i), depth+1, page);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Resources);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_MediaBox);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_CropBox);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_BleedBox);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_TrimBox);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_ArtBox);
			pdf_dict_del(ctx, node, PDF_NAME_Rotate);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, o);

	pdf_unmark_obj(ctx, node);

	return page;

pdf_localise_page_resources(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	if (doc->resources_localised)

	lpr(ctx, doc, pdf_dict_getl(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Root, PDF_NAME_Pages, NULL), 0, 0);

	doc->resources_localised = 1;

static void
linearize(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	int i;
	int n = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc) + 2;
	int *reorder;
	int *rev_renumber_map;

	opts->page_object_lists = page_objects_list_create(ctx);

	/* Ensure that every page has local references of its resources */
	/* FIXME: We could 'thin' the resources according to what is actually
	 * required for each page, but this would require us to run the page
	 * content streams. */
	pdf_localise_page_resources(ctx, doc);

	/* Walk the objects for each page, marking which ones are used, where */
	memset(opts->use_list, 0, n * sizeof(int));
	mark_trailer(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc));

	/* Add new objects required for linearization */
	add_linearization_objs(ctx, doc, opts);

	fprintf(stderr, "Usage calculated:\n");
	for (i=0; i < pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc); i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "%d: use=%d\n", i, opts->use_list[i]);

	/* Allocate/init the structures used for renumbering the objects */
	reorder = fz_calloc(ctx, n, sizeof(int));
	rev_renumber_map = fz_calloc(ctx, n, sizeof(int));
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		reorder[i] = i;

	/* Heap sort the reordering */
	heap_sort(reorder+1, n-1, opts->use_list, &order_ge);

	fprintf(stderr, "Reordered:\n");
	for (i=1; i < pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc); i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "%d: use=%d\n", i, opts->use_list[reorder[i]]);

	/* Find the split point */
	for (i = 1; (opts->use_list[reorder[i]] & USE_PARAMS) == 0; i++) {}
	opts->start = i;

	/* Roll the reordering into the renumber_map */
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		opts->renumber_map[reorder[i]] = i;
		rev_renumber_map[i] = opts->rev_renumber_map[reorder[i]];
	fz_free(ctx, opts->rev_renumber_map);
	opts->rev_renumber_map = rev_renumber_map;
	fz_free(ctx, reorder);

	/* Apply the renumber_map */
	renumberobjs(ctx, doc, opts);

	page_objects_list_sort_and_dedupe(ctx, opts->page_object_lists);

static void
update_linearization_params(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	fz_off_t offset;
	pdf_set_int(ctx, opts->linear_l, opts->file_len);
	/* Primary hint stream offset (of object, not stream!) */
	pdf_set_int_offset(ctx, opts->linear_h0, opts->ofs_list[pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc)-1]);
	/* Primary hint stream length (of object, not stream!) */
	offset = (opts->start == 1 ? opts->main_xref_offset : opts->ofs_list[1] + opts->hintstream_len);
	pdf_set_int_offset(ctx, opts->linear_h1, offset - opts->ofs_list[pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc)-1]);
	/* Object number of first pages page object (the first object of page 0) */
	pdf_set_int(ctx, opts->linear_o, opts->page_object_lists->page[0]->object[0]);
	/* Offset of end of first page (first page is followed by primary
	 * hint stream (object n-1) then remaining pages (object 1...). The
	 * primary hint stream counts as part of the first pages data, I think.
	offset = (opts->start == 1 ? opts->main_xref_offset : opts->ofs_list[1] + opts->hintstream_len);
	pdf_set_int_offset(ctx, opts->linear_e, offset);
	/* Number of pages in document */
	pdf_set_int(ctx, opts->linear_n, opts->page_count);
	/* Offset of first entry in main xref table */
	pdf_set_int_offset(ctx, opts->linear_t, opts->first_xref_entry_offset + opts->hintstream_len);
	/* Offset of shared objects hint table in the primary hint stream */
	pdf_set_int_offset(ctx, opts->hints_s, opts->hints_shared_offset);
	/* Primary hint stream length */
	pdf_set_int(ctx, opts->hints_length, opts->hintstream_len);

 * Make sure we have loaded objects from object streams.

static void preloadobjstms(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	pdf_obj *obj;
	int num;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	for (num = 0; num < xref_len; num++)
		if (pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num)->type == 'o')
			obj = pdf_load_object(ctx, doc, num);
			pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);

 * Save streams and objects to the output

static inline int isbinary(int c)
	if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t')
		return 0;
	return c < 32 || c > 127;

static int isbinarystream(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf)
	unsigned char *data;
	size_t len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		if (isbinary(data[i]))
			return 1;
	return 0;

static fz_buffer *hexbuf(fz_context *ctx, unsigned char *p, size_t n)
	static const char hex[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
	int x = 0;
	size_t len = n * 2 + (n / 32) + 2;
	unsigned char *data = fz_malloc(ctx, len);
	fz_buffer *buf = fz_new_buffer_from_data(ctx, data, len);

	while (n--)
		*data++ = hex[*p >> 4];
		*data++ = hex[*p & 15];
		if (++x == 32)
			*data++ = '\n';
			x = 0;

	*data++ = '>';
	*data++ = '\n';

	return buf;

static void addhexfilter(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *dict)
	pdf_obj *f, *dp, *newf, *newdp;

	newf = newdp = NULL;
	f = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Filter);
	dp = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_DecodeParms);


		if (pdf_is_name(ctx, f))
			newf = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 2);
			pdf_array_push(ctx, newf, PDF_NAME_ASCIIHexDecode);
			pdf_array_push(ctx, newf, f);
			f = newf;
			if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, dp))
				newdp = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 2);
				pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, newdp, pdf_new_null(ctx, doc));
				pdf_array_push(ctx, newdp, dp);
				dp = newdp;
		else if (pdf_is_array(ctx, f))
			pdf_array_insert(ctx, f, PDF_NAME_ASCIIHexDecode, 0);
			if (pdf_is_array(ctx, dp))
				pdf_array_insert_drop(ctx, dp, pdf_new_null(ctx, doc), 0);
			f = PDF_NAME_ASCIIHexDecode;

		pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Filter, f);
		if (dp)
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_DecodeParms, dp);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, newf);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, newdp);

static fz_buffer *deflatebuf(fz_context *ctx, unsigned char *p, size_t n)
	fz_buffer *buf;
	uLongf csize;
	int t;
	uLong longN = (uLong)n;
	unsigned char *data;
	size_t cap;

	if (n != (size_t)longN)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Buffer too large to deflate");

	cap = compressBound(longN);
	data = fz_malloc(ctx, cap);
	buf = fz_new_buffer_from_data(ctx, data, cap);
	csize = (uLongf)cap;
	t = compress(data, &csize, p, longN);
	if (t != Z_OK)
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot deflate buffer");
	fz_resize_buffer(ctx, buf, csize);
	return buf;

static void copystream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *obj_orig, int num, int gen, int do_deflate)
	fz_buffer *buf, *tmp;
	pdf_obj *newlen;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	size_t len;
	unsigned char *data;

	buf = pdf_load_raw_stream_number(ctx, doc, num);

	obj = pdf_copy_dict(ctx, obj_orig);

	len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);
	if (do_deflate && !pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Filter))
		size_t clen;
		unsigned char *cdata;
		tmp = deflatebuf(ctx, data, len);
		clen = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, tmp, &cdata);
		if (clen >= len)
			/* Don't bother compressing, as we gain nothing. */
			fz_drop_buffer(ctx, tmp);
			len = clen;
			data = cdata;
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Filter, PDF_NAME_FlateDecode);
			fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
			buf = tmp;

	if (opts->do_ascii && isbinarystream(ctx, buf))
		tmp = hexbuf(ctx, data, len);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
		buf = tmp;
		len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);

		addhexfilter(ctx, doc, obj);

	newlen = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, (int)len);
	pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length, newlen);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, newlen);

	fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen);
	pdf_print_obj(ctx, opts->out, obj, opts->do_tight);
	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\nstream\n");
	fz_write_data(ctx, opts->out, data, len);
	if (len > 0 && data[len-1] != '\n')
		fz_write_byte(ctx, opts->out, '\n');
	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n");

	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);

static void expandstream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *obj_orig, int num, int gen, int do_deflate)
	fz_buffer *buf, *tmp;
	pdf_obj *newlen;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	int truncated = 0;
	size_t len;
	unsigned char *data;

	buf = pdf_load_stream_truncated(ctx, doc, num, (opts->continue_on_error ? &truncated : NULL));
	if (truncated && opts->errors)

	obj = pdf_copy_dict(ctx, obj_orig);
	pdf_dict_del(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Filter);
	pdf_dict_del(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_DecodeParms);

	len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);
	if (do_deflate)
		unsigned char *cdata;
		size_t clen;
		tmp = deflatebuf(ctx, data, len);
		clen = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, tmp, &cdata);
		if (clen >= len)
			/* Don't bother compressing, as we gain nothing. */
			fz_drop_buffer(ctx, tmp);
			len = clen;
			data = cdata;
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Filter, PDF_NAME_FlateDecode);
			fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
			buf = tmp;

	if (opts->do_ascii && isbinarystream(ctx, buf))
		tmp = hexbuf(ctx, data, len);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
		buf = tmp;
		len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);

		addhexfilter(ctx, doc, obj);

	newlen = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, (int)len);
	pdf_dict_put(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length, newlen);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, newlen);

	fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen);
	pdf_print_obj(ctx, opts->out, obj, opts->do_tight);
	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\nstream\n");
	fz_write_data(ctx, opts->out, data, len);
	if (len > 0 && data[len-1] != '\n')
		fz_write_byte(ctx, opts->out, '\n');
	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n");

	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);

static int is_image_filter(char *s)
	if (!strcmp(s, "CCITTFaxDecode") || !strcmp(s, "CCF") ||
		!strcmp(s, "DCTDecode") || !strcmp(s, "DCT") ||
		!strcmp(s, "RunLengthDecode") || !strcmp(s, "RL") ||
		!strcmp(s, "JBIG2Decode") ||
		!strcmp(s, "JPXDecode"))
		return 1;
	return 0;

static int filter_implies_image(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *o)
	if (!o)
		return 0;
	if (pdf_is_name(ctx, o))
		return is_image_filter(pdf_to_name(ctx, o));
	if (pdf_is_array(ctx, o))
		int i, len;
		len = pdf_array_len(ctx, o);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
			if (is_image_filter(pdf_to_name(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, o, i))))
				return 1;
	return 0;

static int is_image_stream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj)
	pdf_obj *o;
	if ((o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Type), pdf_name_eq(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_XObject)))
		if ((o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Subtype), pdf_name_eq(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_Image)))
			return 1;
	if (o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Filter), filter_implies_image(ctx, o))
		return 1;
	if (pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Width) != NULL && pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Height) != NULL)
		return 1;
	return 0;

static int is_font_stream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_obj *obj)
	pdf_obj *o;
	if (o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Type), pdf_name_eq(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_Font))
		return 1;
	if (o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Type), pdf_name_eq(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_FontDescriptor))
		return 1;
	if (pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length1) != NULL)
		return 1;
	if (pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length2) != NULL)
		return 1;
	if (pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Length3) != NULL)
		return 1;
	if (o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Subtype), pdf_name_eq(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_Type1C))
		return 1;
	if (o = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Subtype), pdf_name_eq(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_CIDFontType0C))
		return 1;
	return 0;

static void writeobject(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, int num, int gen, int skip_xrefs)
	pdf_xref_entry *entry;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	pdf_obj *type;

		obj = pdf_load_object(ctx, doc, num);
		fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER);
		if (opts->continue_on_error)
			fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d obj\nnull\nendobj\n", num, gen);
			if (opts->errors)
			fz_warn(ctx, "%s", fz_caught_message(ctx));

	/* skip ObjStm and XRef objects */
	if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, obj))
		type = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME_Type);
		if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, type, PDF_NAME_ObjStm))
			opts->use_list[num] = 0;
			pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);
		if (skip_xrefs && pdf_name_eq(ctx, type, PDF_NAME_XRef))
			opts->use_list[num] = 0;
			pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);

	entry = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num);
	if (!pdf_obj_num_is_stream(ctx, doc, num))
		fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen);
		pdf_print_obj(ctx, opts->out, obj, opts->do_tight);
		fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\nendobj\n\n");
	else if (entry->stm_ofs < 0 && entry->stm_buf == NULL)
		fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen);
		pdf_print_obj(ctx, opts->out, obj, opts->do_tight);
		fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\nstream\nendstream\nendobj\n\n");
			int do_deflate = opts->do_compress;
			int do_expand = opts->do_expand;
			if (opts->do_compress_images && is_image_stream(ctx, obj))
				do_deflate = 1, do_expand = 0;
			if (opts->do_compress_fonts && is_font_stream(ctx, obj))
				do_deflate = 1, do_expand = 0;
			if (do_expand)
				expandstream(ctx, doc, opts, obj, num, gen, do_deflate);
				copystream(ctx, doc, opts, obj, num, gen, do_deflate);
			fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER);
			if (opts->continue_on_error)
				fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d obj\nnull\nendobj\n", num, gen);
				if (opts->errors)
				fz_warn(ctx, "%s", fz_caught_message(ctx));
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);

	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);

static void writexrefsubsect(fz_context *ctx, pdf_write_state *opts, int from, int to)
	int num;

	fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%d %d\n", from, to - from);
	for (num = from; num < to; num++)
		if (opts->use_list[num])
			fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%010Zd %05d n \n", opts->ofs_list[num], opts->gen_list[num]);
			fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%010Zd %05d f \n", opts->ofs_list[num], opts->gen_list[num]);

static void writexref(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, int from, int to, int first, int main_xref_offset, int startxref)
	pdf_obj *trailer = NULL;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	pdf_obj *nobj = NULL;

	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "xref\n");
	opts->first_xref_entry_offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);

	if (opts->do_incremental)
		int subfrom = from;
		int subto;

		while (subfrom < to)
			while (subfrom < to && !pdf_xref_is_incremental(ctx, doc, subfrom))

			subto = subfrom;
			while (subto < to && pdf_xref_is_incremental(ctx, doc, subto))

			if (subfrom < subto)
				writexrefsubsect(ctx, opts, subfrom, subto);

			subfrom = subto;
		writexrefsubsect(ctx, opts, from, to);

	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\n");


		if (opts->do_incremental)
			trailer = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc));
			pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_Size, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc)));
			pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_Prev, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, doc->startxref));
			doc->startxref = startxref;
			trailer = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 5);

			nobj = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, to);
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_Size, nobj);
			pdf_drop_obj(ctx, nobj);
			nobj = NULL;

			if (first)
				obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Info);
				if (obj)
					pdf_dict_put(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_Info, obj);

				obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Root);
				if (obj)
					pdf_dict_put(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_Root, obj);

				obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_ID);
				if (obj)
					pdf_dict_put(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_ID, obj);
			if (main_xref_offset != 0)
				nobj = pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, main_xref_offset);
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, trailer, PDF_NAME_Prev, nobj);
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, nobj);
				nobj = NULL;
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, nobj);

	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "trailer\n");
	pdf_print_obj(ctx, opts->out, trailer, opts->do_tight);
	fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\n");

	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, trailer);

	fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n", startxref);

	doc->has_xref_streams = 0;

static void writexrefstreamsubsect(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_obj *index, fz_buffer *fzbuf, int from, int to)
	int num;

	pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, index, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, from));
	pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, index, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, to - from));
	for (num = from; num < to; num++)
		fz_append_byte(ctx, fzbuf, opts->use_list[num] ? 1 : 0);
		fz_append_byte(ctx, fzbuf, opts->ofs_list[num]>>24);
		fz_append_byte(ctx, fzbuf, opts->ofs_list[num]>>16);
		fz_append_byte(ctx, fzbuf, opts->ofs_list[num]>>8);
		fz_append_byte(ctx, fzbuf, opts->ofs_list[num]);
		fz_append_byte(ctx, fzbuf, opts->gen_list[num]);

static void writexrefstream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, int from, int to, int first, int main_xref_offset, int startxref)
	int num;
	pdf_obj *dict = NULL;
	pdf_obj *obj;
	pdf_obj *w = NULL;
	pdf_obj *index;
	fz_buffer *fzbuf = NULL;

		num = pdf_create_object(ctx, doc);
		dict = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 6);
		pdf_update_object(ctx, doc, num, dict);

		opts->first_xref_entry_offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);


		if (first)
			obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Info);
			if (obj)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Info, obj);

			obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Root);
			if (obj)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Root, obj);

			obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_ID);
			if (obj)
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_ID, obj);

			if (opts->do_incremental)
				obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Encrypt);
				if (obj)
					pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Encrypt, obj);

		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Size, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, to));

		if (opts->do_incremental)
			pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Prev, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, doc->startxref));
			doc->startxref = startxref;
			if (main_xref_offset != 0)
				pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Prev, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, main_xref_offset));

		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Type, PDF_NAME_XRef);

		w = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 3);
		pdf_dict_put(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_W, w);
		pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, w, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, 1));
		pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, w, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, 4));
		pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, w, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, 1));

		index = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 2);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME_Index, index);

		/* opts->gen_list[num] is already initialized by fz_calloc. */
		opts->use_list[num] = 1;
		opts->ofs_list[num] = opts->first_xref_entry_offset;

		fzbuf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, (1 + 4 + 1) * (to-from));

		if (opts->do_incremental)
			int subfrom = from;
			int subto;

			while (subfrom < to)
				while (subfrom < to && !pdf_xref_is_incremental(ctx, doc, subfrom))

				subto = subfrom;
				while (subto < to && pdf_xref_is_incremental(ctx, doc, subto))

				if (subfrom < subto)
					writexrefstreamsubsect(ctx, doc, opts, index, fzbuf, subfrom, subto);

				subfrom = subto;
			writexrefstreamsubsect(ctx, doc, opts, index, fzbuf, from, to);

		pdf_update_stream(ctx, doc, dict, fzbuf, 0);

		writeobject(ctx, doc, opts, num, 0, 0);
		fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "startxref\n%Zd\n%%%%EOF\n", startxref);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, dict);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, w);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, fzbuf);

static void
padto(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_off_t target)
	fz_off_t pos = fz_tell_output(ctx, out);

	assert(pos <= target);
	while (pos < target)
		fz_write_byte(ctx, out, '\n');

static void
dowriteobject(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, int num, int pass)
	pdf_xref_entry *entry = pdf_get_xref_entry(ctx, doc, num);
	if (entry->type == 'f')
		opts->gen_list[num] = entry->gen;
	if (entry->type == 'n')
		opts->gen_list[num] = entry->gen;
	if (entry->type == 'o')
		opts->gen_list[num] = 0;

	/* If we are renumbering, then make sure all generation numbers are
	 * zero (except object 0 which must be free, and have a gen number of
	 * 65535). Changing the generation numbers (and indeed object numbers)
	 * will break encryption - so only do this if we are renumbering
	 * anyway. */
	if (opts->do_garbage >= 2)
		opts->gen_list[num] = (num == 0 ? 65535 : 0);

	if (opts->do_garbage && !opts->use_list[num])

	if (entry->type == 'n' || entry->type == 'o')
		if (pass > 0)
			padto(ctx, opts->out, opts->ofs_list[num]);
		if (!opts->do_incremental || pdf_xref_is_incremental(ctx, doc, num))
			opts->ofs_list[num] = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);
			writeobject(ctx, doc, opts, num, opts->gen_list[num], 1);
		opts->use_list[num] = 0;

static void
writeobjects(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, int pass)
	int num;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	if (!opts->do_incremental)
		fz_write_printf(ctx, opts->out, "%%PDF-%d.%d\n", doc->version / 10, doc->version % 10);
		fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "%%\316\274\341\277\246\n\n");

	dowriteobject(ctx, doc, opts, opts->start, pass);

	if (opts->do_linear)
		/* Write first xref */
		if (pass == 0)
			opts->first_xref_offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);
			padto(ctx, opts->out, opts->first_xref_offset);
		writexref(ctx, doc, opts, opts->start, pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc), 1, opts->main_xref_offset, 0);

	for (num = opts->start+1; num < xref_len; num++)
		dowriteobject(ctx, doc, opts, num, pass);
	if (opts->do_linear && pass == 1)
		fz_off_t offset = (opts->start == 1 ? opts->main_xref_offset : opts->ofs_list[1] + opts->hintstream_len);
		padto(ctx, opts->out, offset);
	for (num = 1; num < opts->start; num++)
		if (pass == 1)
			opts->ofs_list[num] += opts->hintstream_len;
		dowriteobject(ctx, doc, opts, num, pass);

static int
my_log2(int x)
	int i = 0;

	if (x <= 0)
		return 0;

	while ((1<<i) <= x && (1<<i) > 0)

	if ((1<<i) <= 0)
		return 0;

	return i;

static void
make_page_offset_hints(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, fz_buffer *buf)
	int i, j;
	int min_objs_per_page, max_objs_per_page;
	int min_page_length, max_page_length;
	int objs_per_page_bits;
	int min_shared_object, max_shared_object;
	int max_shared_object_refs = 0;
	int min_shared_length, max_shared_length;
	page_objects **pop = &opts->page_object_lists->page[0];
	int page_len_bits, shared_object_bits, shared_object_id_bits;
	int shared_length_bits;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	min_shared_object = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);
	max_shared_object = 1;
	min_shared_length = opts->file_len;
	max_shared_length = 0;
	for (i=1; i < xref_len; i++)
		int min, max, page;

		min = opts->ofs_list[i];
		if (i == opts->start-1 || (opts->start == 1 && i == xref_len-1))
			max = opts->main_xref_offset;
		else if (i == xref_len-1)
			max = opts->ofs_list[1];
			max = opts->ofs_list[i+1];

		assert(max > min);

		if (opts->use_list[i] & USE_SHARED)
			page = -1;
			if (i < min_shared_object)
				min_shared_object = i;
			if (i > max_shared_object)
				max_shared_object = i;
			if (min_shared_length > max - min)
				min_shared_length = max - min;
			if (max_shared_length < max - min)
				max_shared_length = max - min;
		else if (opts->use_list[i] & (USE_CATALOGUE | USE_HINTS | USE_PARAMS))
			page = -1;
		else if (opts->use_list[i] & USE_PAGE1)
			page = 0;
			if (min_shared_length > max - min)
				min_shared_length = max - min;
			if (max_shared_length < max - min)
				max_shared_length = max - min;
		else if (opts->use_list[i] == 0)
			page = -1;
			page = opts->use_list[i]>>USE_PAGE_SHIFT;

		if (page >= 0)
			if (pop[page]->min_ofs > min)
				pop[page]->min_ofs = min;
			if (pop[page]->max_ofs < max)
				pop[page]->max_ofs = max;

	min_objs_per_page = max_objs_per_page = pop[0]->num_objects;
	min_page_length = max_page_length = pop[0]->max_ofs - pop[0]->min_ofs;
	for (i=1; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		int tmp;
		if (min_objs_per_page > pop[i]->num_objects)
			min_objs_per_page = pop[i]->num_objects;
		if (max_objs_per_page < pop[i]->num_objects)
			max_objs_per_page = pop[i]->num_objects;
		tmp = pop[i]->max_ofs - pop[i]->min_ofs;
		if (tmp < min_page_length)
			min_page_length = tmp;
		if (tmp > max_page_length)
			max_page_length = tmp;

	for (i=0; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		int count = 0;
		page_objects *po = opts->page_object_lists->page[i];
		for (j = 0; j < po->len; j++)
			if (i == 0 && opts->use_list[po->object[j]] & USE_PAGE1)
			else if (i != 0 && opts->use_list[po->object[j]] & USE_SHARED)
		po->num_shared = count;
		if (i == 0 || count > max_shared_object_refs)
			max_shared_object_refs = count;
	if (min_shared_object > max_shared_object)
		min_shared_object = max_shared_object = 0;

	/* Table F.3 - Header */
	/* Header Item 1: Least number of objects in a page */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, min_objs_per_page, 32);
	/* Header Item 2: Location of first pages page object */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, opts->ofs_list[pop[0]->page_object_number], 32);
	/* Header Item 3: Number of bits required to represent the difference
	 * between the greatest and least number of objects in a page. */
	objs_per_page_bits = my_log2(max_objs_per_page - min_objs_per_page);
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, objs_per_page_bits, 16);
	/* Header Item 4: Least length of a page. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, min_page_length, 32);
	/* Header Item 5: Number of bits needed to represent the difference
	 * between the greatest and least length of a page. */
	page_len_bits = my_log2(max_page_length - min_page_length);
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, page_len_bits, 16);
	/* Header Item 6: Least offset to start of content stream (Acrobat
	 * sets this to always be 0) */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 32);
	/* Header Item 7: Number of bits needed to represent the difference
	 * between the greatest and least offset to content stream (Acrobat
	 * sets this to always be 0) */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 16);
	/* Header Item 8: Least content stream length. (Acrobat
	 * sets this to always be 0) */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 32);
	/* Header Item 9: Number of bits needed to represent the difference
	 * between the greatest and least content stream length (Acrobat
	 * sets this to always be the same as item 5) */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, page_len_bits, 16);
	/* Header Item 10: Number of bits needed to represent the greatest
	 * number of shared object references. */
	shared_object_bits = my_log2(max_shared_object_refs);
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, shared_object_bits, 16);
	/* Header Item 11: Number of bits needed to represent the greatest
	 * shared object identifier. */
	shared_object_id_bits = my_log2(max_shared_object - min_shared_object + pop[0]->num_shared);
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, shared_object_id_bits, 16);
	/* Header Item 12: Number of bits needed to represent the numerator
	 * of the fractions. We always send 0. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 16);
	/* Header Item 13: Number of bits needed to represent the denominator
	 * of the fractions. We always send 0. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 16);

	/* Table F.4 - Page offset hint table (per page) */
	/* Item 1: A number that, when added to the least number of objects
	 * on a page, gives the number of objects in the page. */
	for (i = 0; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, pop[i]->num_objects - min_objs_per_page, objs_per_page_bits);
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	/* Item 2: A number that, when added to the least page length, gives
	 * the length of the page in bytes. */
	for (i = 0; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, pop[i]->max_ofs - pop[i]->min_ofs - min_page_length, page_len_bits);
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	/* Item 3: The number of shared objects referenced from the page. */
	for (i = 0; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, pop[i]->num_shared, shared_object_bits);
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	/* Item 4: Shared object id for each shared object ref in every page.
	 * Spec says "not for page 1", but acrobat does send page 1's - all
	 * as zeros. */
	for (i = 0; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < pop[i]->len; j++)
			int o = pop[i]->object[j];
			if (i == 0 && opts->use_list[o] & USE_PAGE1)
				fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0 /* o - pop[0]->page_object_number */, shared_object_id_bits);
			if (i != 0 && opts->use_list[o] & USE_SHARED)
				fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, o - min_shared_object + pop[0]->num_shared, shared_object_id_bits);
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	/* Item 5: Numerator of fractional position for each shared object reference. */
	/* We always send 0 in 0 bits */
	/* Item 6: A number that, when added to the least offset to the start
	 * of the content stream (F.3 Item 6), gives the offset in bytes of
	 * start of the pages content stream object relative to the beginning
	 * of the page. Always 0 in 0 bits. */
	/* Item 7: A number that, when added to the least content stream length
	 * (F.3 Item 8), gives the length of the pages content stream object.
	 * Always == Item 2 as least content stream length = least page stream
	 * length.
	for (i = 0; i < opts->page_count; i++)
		fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, pop[i]->max_ofs - pop[i]->min_ofs - min_page_length, page_len_bits);

	/* Pad, and then do shared object hint table */
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	opts->hints_shared_offset = (int)fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, NULL);

	/* Table F.5: */
	/* Header Item 1: Object number of the first object in the shared
	 * objects section. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, min_shared_object, 32);
	/* Header Item 2: Location of first object in the shared objects
	 * section. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, opts->ofs_list[min_shared_object], 32);
	/* Header Item 3: The number of shared object entries for the first
	 * page. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, pop[0]->num_shared, 32);
	/* Header Item 4: The number of shared object entries for the shared
	 * objects section + first page. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, max_shared_object - min_shared_object + pop[0]->num_shared, 32);
	/* Header Item 5: The number of bits needed to represent the greatest
	 * number of objects in a shared object group (Always 0). */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 16);
	/* Header Item 6: The least length of a shared object group in bytes. */
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, min_shared_length, 32);
	/* Header Item 7: The number of bits required to represent the
	 * difference between the greatest and least length of a shared object
	 * group. */
	shared_length_bits = my_log2(max_shared_length - min_shared_length);
	fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, shared_length_bits, 16);

	/* Table F.6 */
	/* Item 1: Shared object group length (page 1 objects) */
	for (j = 0; j < pop[0]->len; j++)
		int o = pop[0]->object[j];
		fz_off_t min, max;
		min = opts->ofs_list[o];
		if (o == opts->start-1)
			max = opts->main_xref_offset;
		else if (o < xref_len-1)
			max = opts->ofs_list[o+1];
			max = opts->ofs_list[1];
		if (opts->use_list[o] & USE_PAGE1)
			fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, max - min - min_shared_length, shared_length_bits);
	/* Item 1: Shared object group length (shared objects) */
	for (i = min_shared_object; i <= max_shared_object; i++)
		int min, max;
		min = opts->ofs_list[i];
		if (i == opts->start-1)
			max = opts->main_xref_offset;
		else if (i < xref_len-1)
			max = opts->ofs_list[i+1];
			max = opts->ofs_list[1];
		fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, max - min - min_shared_length, shared_length_bits);
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);

	/* Item 2: MD5 presence flags */
	for (i = max_shared_object - min_shared_object + pop[0]->num_shared; i > 0; i--)
		fz_append_bits(ctx, buf, 0, 1);
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	/* Item 3: MD5 sums (not present) */
	fz_append_bits_pad(ctx, buf);
	/* Item 4: Number of objects in the group (not present) */

static void
make_hint_stream(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	fz_buffer *buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 100);

		make_page_offset_hints(ctx, doc, opts, buf);
		pdf_update_stream(ctx, doc, pdf_load_object(ctx, doc, pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc)-1), buf, 0);
		opts->hintstream_len = (int)fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, NULL);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

static void dump_object_details(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc); i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "%d@%d: use=%d\n", i, opts->ofs_list[i], opts->use_list[i]);

static void presize_unsaved_signature_byteranges(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	int s;

	for (s = 0; s < doc->num_incremental_sections; s++)
		pdf_xref *xref = &doc->xref_sections[s];

		if (xref->unsaved_sigs)
			/* The ByteRange objects of signatures are initially written out with
			* dummy values, and then overwritten later. We need to make sure their
			* initial form at least takes enough sufficient file space */
			pdf_unsaved_sig *usig;
			int n = 0;

			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs; usig; usig = usig->next)

			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs; usig; usig = usig->next)
				/* There will be segments of bytes at the beginning, at
				* the end and between each consecutive pair of signatures,
				* hence n + 1 */
				int i;
				pdf_obj *byte_range = pdf_dict_getl(ctx, usig->field, PDF_NAME_V, PDF_NAME_ByteRange, NULL);

				for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++)
					pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, byte_range, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MAX));
					pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, byte_range, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, INT_MAX));

static void complete_signatures(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, const char *filename)
	pdf_unsaved_sig *usig;
	char buf[5120];
	int s;
	int i;
	int last_end;
	FILE *f;

	for (s = 0; s < doc->num_incremental_sections; s++)
		pdf_xref *xref = &doc->xref_sections[doc->num_incremental_sections - s - 1];

		if (xref->unsaved_sigs)
			pdf_obj *byte_range;

			f = fz_fopen(filename, "rb+");
			if (!f)
				fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Failed to open %s to complete signatures", filename);

			/* Locate the byte ranges and contents in the saved file */
			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs; usig; usig = usig->next)
				char *bstr, *cstr, *fstr;
				int pnum = pdf_obj_parent_num(ctx, pdf_dict_getl(ctx, usig->field, PDF_NAME_V, PDF_NAME_ByteRange, NULL));
				fz_fseek(f, opts->ofs_list[pnum], SEEK_SET);
				(void)fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f);
				buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;

				bstr = strstr(buf, "/ByteRange");
				cstr = strstr(buf, "/Contents");
				fstr = strstr(buf, "/Filter");

				if (bstr && cstr && fstr && bstr < cstr && cstr < fstr)
					usig->byte_range_start = bstr - buf + 10 + opts->ofs_list[pnum];
					usig->byte_range_end = cstr - buf + opts->ofs_list[pnum];
					usig->contents_start = cstr - buf + 9 + opts->ofs_list[pnum];
					usig->contents_end = fstr - buf + opts->ofs_list[pnum];

			/* Recreate ByteRange with correct values. Initially store the
			* recreated object in the first of the unsaved signatures */
			byte_range = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, 4);
			pdf_dict_putl_drop(ctx, xref->unsaved_sigs->field, byte_range, PDF_NAME_V, PDF_NAME_ByteRange, NULL);

			last_end = 0;
			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs; usig; usig = usig->next)
				pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, byte_range, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, last_end));
				pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, byte_range, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, usig->contents_start - last_end));
				last_end = usig->contents_end;
			pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, byte_range, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, last_end));
			pdf_array_push_drop(ctx, byte_range, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, xref->end_ofs - last_end));

			/* Copy the new ByteRange to the other unsaved signatures */
			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs->next; usig; usig = usig->next)
				pdf_dict_putl_drop(ctx, usig->field, pdf_copy_array(ctx, byte_range), PDF_NAME_V, PDF_NAME_ByteRange, NULL);

			/* Write the byte range into buf, padding with spaces*/
			i = pdf_sprint_obj(ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), byte_range, 1);
			memset(buf+i, ' ', sizeof(buf)-i);

			/* Write the byte range to the file */
			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs; usig; usig = usig->next)
				fz_fseek(f, usig->byte_range_start, SEEK_SET);
				fwrite(buf, 1, usig->byte_range_end - usig->byte_range_start, f);


			/* Write the digests into the file */
			for (usig = xref->unsaved_sigs; usig; usig = usig->next)
				pdf_write_digest(ctx, doc, filename, byte_range, usig->contents_start, usig->contents_end - usig->contents_start, usig->signer);

			/* delete the unsaved_sigs records */
			while ((usig = xref->unsaved_sigs) != NULL)
				xref->unsaved_sigs = usig->next;
				pdf_drop_obj(ctx, usig->field);
				pdf_drop_signer(ctx, usig->signer);
				fz_free(ctx, usig);

static void sanitize(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int ascii)
	int n = pdf_count_pages(ctx, doc);
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		pdf_annot *annot;
		pdf_page *page = pdf_load_page(ctx, doc, i);
		pdf_clean_page_contents(ctx, doc, page, NULL, NULL, NULL, ascii);

		for (annot = pdf_first_annot(ctx, page); annot != NULL; annot = pdf_next_annot(ctx, annot))
			pdf_clean_annot_contents(ctx, doc, annot, NULL, NULL, NULL, ascii);

		fz_drop_page(ctx, &page->super);

/* Initialise the pdf_write_state, used dynamically during the write, from the static
 * pdf_write_options, passed into pdf_save_document */
static void initialise_write_state(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const pdf_write_options *in_opts, pdf_write_state *opts)
	int num;
	int xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

	opts->do_incremental = in_opts->do_incremental;
	opts->do_ascii = in_opts->do_ascii;
	opts->do_tight = !in_opts->do_pretty;
	opts->do_expand = in_opts->do_decompress;
	opts->do_compress = in_opts->do_compress;
	opts->do_compress_images = in_opts->do_compress_images;
	opts->do_compress_fonts = in_opts->do_compress_fonts;

	opts->do_garbage = in_opts->do_garbage;
	opts->do_linear = in_opts->do_linear;
	opts->do_clean = in_opts->do_clean;
	opts->start = 0;
	opts->main_xref_offset = INT_MIN;

	/* We deliberately make these arrays long enough to cope with
	* 1 to n access rather than 0..n-1, and add space for 2 new
	* extra entries that may be required for linearization. */
	opts->use_list = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref_len + 3, sizeof(int));
	opts->ofs_list = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref_len + 3, sizeof(fz_off_t));
	opts->gen_list = fz_calloc(ctx, xref_len + 3, sizeof(int));
	opts->renumber_map = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref_len + 3, sizeof(int));
	opts->rev_renumber_map = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref_len + 3, sizeof(int));
	opts->continue_on_error = in_opts->continue_on_error;
	opts->errors = in_opts->errors;

	for (num = 0; num < xref_len; num++)
		opts->use_list[num] = 0;
		opts->ofs_list[num] = 0;
		opts->renumber_map[num] = num;
		opts->rev_renumber_map[num] = num;

/* Free the resources held by the dynamic write options */
static void finalise_write_state(fz_context *ctx, pdf_write_state *opts)
	fz_free(ctx, opts->use_list);
	fz_free(ctx, opts->ofs_list);
	fz_free(ctx, opts->gen_list);
	fz_free(ctx, opts->renumber_map);
	fz_free(ctx, opts->rev_renumber_map);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_l);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_h0);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_h1);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_o);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_e);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_n);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->linear_t);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->hints_s);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, opts->hints_length);
	page_objects_list_destroy(ctx, opts->page_object_lists);

const char *fz_pdf_write_options_usage =
	"PDF output options:\n"
	"\tdecompress: decompress all streams (except compress-fonts/images)\n"
	"\tcompress: compress all streams\n"
	"\tcompress-fonts: compress embedded fonts\n"
	"\tcompress-images: compress images\n"
	"\tascii: ASCII hex encode binary streams\n"
	"\tpretty: pretty-print objects with indentation\n"
	"\tlinearize: optimize for web browsers\n"
	"\tsanitize: clean up graphics commands in content streams\n"
	"\tgarbage: garbage collect unused objects\n"
	"\tor garbage=compact: ... and compact cross reference table\n"
	"\tor garbage=deduplicate: ... and remove duplicate objects\n"

pdf_write_options *
pdf_parse_write_options(fz_context *ctx, pdf_write_options *opts, const char *args)
	const char *val;

	memset(opts, 0, sizeof *opts);

	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "decompress", &val))
		opts->do_decompress = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "compress", &val))
		opts->do_compress = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "compress-fonts", &val))
		opts->do_compress_fonts = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "compress-images", &val))
		opts->do_compress_images = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "ascii", &val))
		opts->do_ascii = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "pretty", &val))
		opts->do_pretty = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "linearize", &val))
		opts->do_linear = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "sanitize", &val))
		opts->do_clean = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "incremental", &val))
		opts->do_incremental = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "continue-on-error", &val))
		opts->continue_on_error = fz_option_eq(val, "yes");
	if (fz_has_option(ctx, args, "garbage", &val))
		if (fz_option_eq(val, "yes"))
			opts->do_garbage = 1;
		else if (fz_option_eq(val, "compact"))
			opts->do_garbage = 2;
		else if (fz_option_eq(val, "deduplicate"))
			opts->do_garbage = 3;
			opts->do_garbage = fz_atoi(val);

	return opts;

int pdf_can_be_saved_incrementally(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	if (doc->repair_attempted)
		return 0;
	if (doc->crypt != NULL)
		return 0;
	return 1;

static void
prepare_for_save(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_options *in_opts)
	doc->freeze_updates = 1;

	/* Sanitize the operator streams */
	if (in_opts->do_clean)
		sanitize(ctx, doc, in_opts->do_ascii);

	pdf_finish_edit(ctx, doc);
	presize_unsaved_signature_byteranges(ctx, doc);

static void
do_pdf_save_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_write_state *opts, pdf_write_options *in_opts)
	int lastfree;
	int num;
	int xref_len;

	if (in_opts->do_incremental)
		/* If no changes, nothing to write */
		if (doc->num_incremental_sections == 0)
		if (opts->out)
			fz_seek_output(ctx, opts->out, 0, SEEK_END);
			fz_write_string(ctx, opts->out, "\n");

	xref_len = pdf_xref_len(ctx, doc);

		initialise_write_state(ctx, doc, in_opts, opts);

		/* Make sure any objects hidden in compressed streams have been loaded */
		if (!opts->do_incremental)
			pdf_ensure_solid_xref(ctx, doc, xref_len);
			preloadobjstms(ctx, doc);

		/* Sweep & mark objects from the trailer */
		if (opts->do_garbage >= 1 || opts->do_linear)
			(void)markobj(ctx, doc, opts, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc));
			for (num = 0; num < xref_len; num++)
				opts->use_list[num] = 1;

		/* Coalesce and renumber duplicate objects */
		if (opts->do_garbage >= 3)
			removeduplicateobjs(ctx, doc, opts);

		/* Compact xref by renumbering and removing unused objects */
		if (opts->do_garbage >= 2 || opts->do_linear)
			compactxref(ctx, doc, opts);

		/* Make renumbering affect all indirect references and update xref */
		if (opts->do_garbage >= 2 || opts->do_linear)
			renumberobjs(ctx, doc, opts);

		/* Truncate the xref after compacting and renumbering */
		if ((opts->do_garbage >= 2 || opts->do_linear) && !opts->do_incremental)
			while (xref_len > 0 && !opts->use_list[xref_len-1])

		if (opts->do_linear)
			linearize(ctx, doc, opts);

		if (opts->do_incremental)
			int i;

			doc->disallow_new_increments = 1;

			for (i = 0; i < doc->num_incremental_sections; i++)
				doc->xref_base = doc->num_incremental_sections - i - 1;

				writeobjects(ctx, doc, opts, 0);

				dump_object_details(ctx, doc, opts);

				for (num = 0; num < xref_len; num++)
					if (!opts->use_list[num] && pdf_xref_is_incremental(ctx, doc, num))
						/* Make unreusable. FIXME: would be better to link to existing free list */
						opts->gen_list[num] = 65535;
						opts->ofs_list[num] = 0;

				opts->first_xref_offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);
				if (doc->has_xref_streams)
					writexrefstream(ctx, doc, opts, 0, xref_len, 1, 0, opts->first_xref_offset);
					writexref(ctx, doc, opts, 0, xref_len, 1, 0, opts->first_xref_offset);

				doc->xref_sections[doc->xref_base].end_ofs = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);

			doc->xref_base = 0;
			doc->disallow_new_increments = 0;
			writeobjects(ctx, doc, opts, 0);

			dump_object_details(ctx, doc, opts);

			/* Construct linked list of free object slots */
			lastfree = 0;
			for (num = 0; num < xref_len; num++)
				if (!opts->use_list[num])
					opts->ofs_list[lastfree] = num;
					lastfree = num;

			if (opts->do_linear)
				opts->main_xref_offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);
				writexref(ctx, doc, opts, 0, opts->start, 0, 0, opts->first_xref_offset);
				opts->file_len = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);

				make_hint_stream(ctx, doc, opts);
				if (opts->do_ascii)
					opts->hintstream_len *= 2;
					opts->hintstream_len += 1 + ((opts->hintstream_len+63)>>6);
				opts->file_len += opts->hintstream_len;
				opts->main_xref_offset += opts->hintstream_len;
				update_linearization_params(ctx, doc, opts);
				fz_seek_output(ctx, opts->out, 0, 0);
				writeobjects(ctx, doc, opts, 1);

				padto(ctx, opts->out, opts->main_xref_offset);
				writexref(ctx, doc, opts, 0, opts->start, 0, 0, opts->first_xref_offset);
				opts->first_xref_offset = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);
				writexref(ctx, doc, opts, 0, xref_len, 1, 0, opts->first_xref_offset);

			doc->xref_sections[0].end_ofs = fz_tell_output(ctx, opts->out);

		doc->dirty = 0;
		objects_dump(ctx, doc, opts);
		finalise_write_state(ctx, opts);

		doc->freeze_updates = 0;

int pdf_has_unsaved_sigs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	int s;
	for (s = 0; s < doc->num_incremental_sections; s++)
		pdf_xref *xref = &doc->xref_sections[doc->num_incremental_sections - s - 1];

		if (xref->unsaved_sigs)
			return 1;
	return 0;

void pdf_write_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, fz_output *out, pdf_write_options *in_opts)
	pdf_write_options opts_defaults = { 0 };
	pdf_write_state opts = { 0 };

	if (!doc)

	if (!in_opts)
		in_opts = &opts_defaults;

	if (in_opts->do_incremental && doc->repair_attempted)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes on a repaired file");
	if (in_opts->do_incremental && in_opts->do_garbage)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes with garbage collection");
	if (in_opts->do_incremental && in_opts->do_linear)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes with linearisation");
	if (pdf_has_unsaved_sigs(ctx, doc))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't write pdf that has unsaved sigs to a fz_output!");

	prepare_for_save(ctx, doc, in_opts);

	opts.out = out;

	do_pdf_save_document(ctx, doc, &opts, in_opts);

void pdf_save_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *filename, pdf_write_options *in_opts)
	pdf_write_options opts_defaults = { 0 };
	pdf_write_state opts = { 0 };

	if (!doc)

	if (!in_opts)
		in_opts = &opts_defaults;

	if (in_opts->do_incremental && !doc->file)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes on a new document");
	if (in_opts->do_incremental && doc->repair_attempted)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes on a repaired file");
	if (in_opts->do_incremental && in_opts->do_garbage)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes with garbage collection");
	if (in_opts->do_incremental && in_opts->do_linear)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "Can't do incremental writes with linearisation");

	prepare_for_save(ctx, doc, in_opts);

	if (in_opts->do_incremental)
		/* If no changes, nothing to write */
		if (doc->num_incremental_sections == 0)
		opts.out = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, filename, 1);
		opts.out = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, filename, 0);

	if (!opts.out)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot open output file '%s'", filename);

		do_pdf_save_document(ctx, doc, &opts, in_opts);

		complete_signatures(ctx, doc, &opts, filename);
		fz_drop_output(ctx, opts.out);
		opts.out = NULL;

#define KIDS_PER_LEVEL 32

#if 0

// TODO: pdf_rebalance_page_tree(ctx, doc);

static pdf_obj *
make_page_tree_node(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int l, int r, pdf_obj *parent_ref, int root)
	int count_per_kid, spaces;
	pdf_obj *a = NULL;
	pdf_obj *me = NULL;
	pdf_obj *o = NULL;
	pdf_obj *me_ref = NULL;

	count_per_kid = 1;
	while(count_per_kid * KIDS_PER_LEVEL < r-l)
		count_per_kid *= KIDS_PER_LEVEL;


		me = pdf_new_dict(ctx, doc, 2);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, me, PDF_NAME_Type, PDF_NAME_Pages);
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, me, PDF_NAME_Count, pdf_new_int(ctx, doc, r-l));
		if (!root)
			pdf_dict_put(ctx, me, PDF_NAME_Parent, parent_ref);
		a = pdf_new_array(ctx, doc, KIDS_PER_LEVEL);
		me_ref = pdf_add_object(ctx, doc, me);

		for (spaces = KIDS_PER_LEVEL; l < r; spaces--)
			if (spaces >= r-l)
				o = pdf_keep_obj(ctx, doc->page_refs[l++]);
				pdf_dict_put(ctx, o, PDF_NAME_Parent, me_ref);
				int j = l+count_per_kid;
				if (j > r)
					j = r;
				o = make_page_tree_node(ctx, doc, l, j, me_ref, 0);
				l = j;
			pdf_array_push(ctx, a, o);
			pdf_drop_obj(ctx, o);
			o = NULL;
		pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, me, PDF_NAME_Kids, a);
		a = NULL;
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, me);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, a);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, o);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, me);
	return me_ref;

static void
pdf_rebalance_page_tree(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	pdf_obj *catalog;
	pdf_obj *pages;

	if (!doc || !doc->needs_page_tree_rebuild)

	catalog = pdf_dict_get(ctx, pdf_trailer(ctx, doc), PDF_NAME_Root);
	pages = make_page_tree_node(ctx, doc, 0, doc->page_len, catalog, 1);
	pdf_dict_put_drop(ctx, catalog, PDF_NAME_Pages, pages);

	doc->needs_page_tree_rebuild = 0;


static void
pdf_rebalance_page_tree(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)

void pdf_finish_edit(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc)
	if (!doc)
	pdf_rebalance_page_tree(ctx, doc);

typedef struct pdf_writer_s pdf_writer;

struct pdf_writer_s
	fz_document_writer super;
	pdf_document *pdf;
	pdf_write_options opts;
	char *filename;

	fz_rect mediabox;
	pdf_obj *resources;
	fz_buffer *contents;

static fz_device *
pdf_writer_begin_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_, const fz_rect *mediabox)
	pdf_writer *wri = (pdf_writer*)wri_;
	wri->mediabox = *mediabox;
	return pdf_page_write(ctx, wri->pdf, &wri->mediabox, &wri->resources, &wri->contents);

static void
pdf_writer_end_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_, fz_device *dev)
	pdf_writer *wri = (pdf_writer*)wri_;
	pdf_obj *obj = NULL;


		fz_close_device(ctx, dev);
		obj = pdf_add_page(ctx, wri->pdf, &wri->mediabox, 0, wri->resources, wri->contents);
		pdf_insert_page(ctx, wri->pdf, -1, obj);
		fz_drop_device(ctx, dev);
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, obj);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, wri->contents);
		wri->contents = NULL;
		pdf_drop_obj(ctx, wri->resources);
		wri->resources = NULL;

static void
pdf_writer_close_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_)
	pdf_writer *wri = (pdf_writer*)wri_;
	pdf_save_document(ctx, wri->pdf, wri->filename, &wri->opts);

static void
pdf_writer_drop_writer(fz_context *ctx, fz_document_writer *wri_)
	pdf_writer *wri = (pdf_writer*)wri_;
	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, wri->contents);
	pdf_drop_obj(ctx, wri->resources);
	pdf_drop_document(ctx, wri->pdf);
	fz_free(ctx, wri->filename);

fz_document_writer *
fz_new_pdf_writer(fz_context *ctx, const char *path, const char *options)
	pdf_writer *wri = fz_new_derived_document_writer(ctx, pdf_writer, pdf_writer_begin_page, pdf_writer_end_page, pdf_writer_close_writer, pdf_writer_drop_writer);

		pdf_parse_write_options(ctx, &wri->opts, options);
		wri->filename = fz_strdup(ctx, path ? path : "out.pdf");
		wri->pdf = pdf_create_document(ctx);
		pdf_drop_document(ctx, wri->pdf);
		fz_free(ctx, wri->filename);
		fz_free(ctx, wri);

	return (fz_document_writer*)wri;