/* * mudraw -- command line tool for drawing pdf/xps/cbz documents */ #include "mupdf/fitz.h" #include "mupdf/pdf.h" /* for mujstest */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #define main main_utf8 #else #include #endif enum { TEXT_PLAIN = 1, TEXT_HTML = 2, TEXT_XML = 3 }; enum { OUT_PNG, OUT_PPM, OUT_PNM, OUT_PAM, OUT_PGM, OUT_PBM, OUT_SVG, OUT_PWG, OUT_PCL, OUT_PDF }; enum { CS_INVALID, CS_UNSET, CS_MONO, CS_GRAY, CS_GRAYALPHA, CS_RGB, CS_RGBA }; typedef struct { char *suffix; int format; } suffix_t; static const suffix_t suffix_table[] = { { ".png", OUT_PNG }, { ".pgm", OUT_PGM }, { ".ppm", OUT_PPM }, { ".pnm", OUT_PNM }, { ".pam", OUT_PAM }, { ".pbm", OUT_PBM }, { ".svg", OUT_SVG }, { ".pwg", OUT_PWG }, { ".pcl", OUT_PCL }, { ".pdf", OUT_PDF }, }; typedef struct { char *name; int colorspace; } cs_name_t; static const cs_name_t cs_name_table[] = { { "m", CS_MONO }, { "mono", CS_MONO }, { "g", CS_GRAY }, { "gray", CS_GRAY }, { "grey", CS_GRAY }, { "ga", CS_GRAYALPHA }, { "grayalpha", CS_GRAYALPHA }, { "greyalpha", CS_GRAYALPHA }, { "rgb", CS_RGB }, { "rgba", CS_RGBA }, { "rgbalpha", CS_RGBA } }; typedef struct { int format; int default_cs; int permitted_cs[6]; } format_cs_table_t; static const format_cs_table_t format_cs_table[] = { { OUT_PNG, CS_RGB, { CS_GRAY, CS_GRAYALPHA, CS_RGB, CS_RGBA } }, { OUT_PPM, CS_RGB, { CS_GRAY, CS_RGB } }, { OUT_PNM, CS_GRAY, { CS_GRAY, CS_RGB } }, { OUT_PAM, CS_RGBA, { CS_RGBA } }, { OUT_PGM, CS_GRAY, { CS_GRAY, CS_RGB } }, { OUT_PBM, CS_MONO, { CS_MONO } }, { OUT_SVG, CS_RGB, { CS_RGB } }, { OUT_PWG, CS_RGB, { CS_MONO, CS_GRAY, CS_RGB } }, { OUT_PCL, CS_MONO, { CS_MONO } }, { OUT_PDF, CS_RGB, { CS_RGB } } }; /* A useful bit of bash script to call this to generate mjs files: for f in tests_private/pdf/forms/v1.3/ *.pdf ; do g=${f%.*} ; echo $g ; ../mupdf.git/win32/debug/mudraw.exe -j $g.mjs $g.pdf ; done Remove the space from "/ *.pdf" before running - can't leave that in here, as it causes a warning about a possibly malformed comment. */ static char lorem[] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum " "vehicula augue id est lobortis mollis. Aenean vestibulum metus sed est " "gravida non tempus lacus aliquet. Nulla vehicula lobortis tincidunt. " "Donec malesuada nisl et lacus condimentum nec tincidunt urna gravida. " "Sed dapibus magna eu velit ultrices non rhoncus risus lacinia. Fusce " "vitae nulla volutpat elit dictum ornare at eu libero. Maecenas felis " "enim, tempor a tincidunt id, commodo consequat lectus.\n" "Morbi tincidunt adipiscing lacus eu dignissim. Pellentesque augue elit, " "ultrices vitae fermentum et, faucibus et purus. Nam ante libero, lacinia " "id tincidunt at, ultricies a lorem. Donec non neque at purus condimentum " "eleifend quis sit amet libero. Sed semper, mi ut tempus tincidunt, lacus " "eros pellentesque lacus, id vehicula est diam eu quam. Integer tristique " "fringilla rhoncus. Phasellus convallis, justo ut mollis viverra, dui odio " "euismod ante, nec fringilla nisl mi ac diam.\n" "Maecenas mi urna, ornare commodo feugiat id, cursus in massa. Vivamus " "augue augue, aliquam at varius eu, venenatis fermentum felis. Sed varius " "turpis a felis ultrices quis aliquet nunc tincidunt. Suspendisse posuere " "commodo nunc non viverra. Praesent condimentum varius quam, vel " "consectetur odio volutpat in. Sed malesuada augue ut lectus commodo porta. " "Vivamus eget mauris sit amet diam ultrices sollicitudin. Cras pharetra leo " "non elit lacinia vulputate.\n" "Donec ac enim justo, ornare scelerisque diam. Ut vel ante at lorem " "placerat bibendum ultricies mattis metus. Phasellus in imperdiet odio. " "Proin semper lacinia libero, sed rutrum eros blandit non. Duis tincidunt " "ligula est, non pellentesque mauris. Aliquam in erat scelerisque lacus " "dictum suscipit eget semper magna. Nullam luctus imperdiet risus a " "semper.\n" "Curabitur sit amet tempor sapien. Quisque et tortor in lacus dictum " "pulvinar. Nunc at nisl ut velit vehicula hendrerit. Mauris elementum " "sollicitudin leo ac ullamcorper. Proin vel leo nec justo tempus aliquet " "nec ut mi. Pellentesque vel nisl id dui hendrerit fermentum nec quis " "tortor. Proin eu sem luctus est consequat euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum " "primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce " "consectetur ultricies nisl ornare dictum. Cras sagittis consectetur lorem " "sed posuere. Mauris accumsan laoreet arcu, id molestie lorem faucibus eu. " "Vivamus commodo, neque nec imperdiet pretium, lorem metus viverra turpis, " "malesuada vulputate justo eros sit amet neque. Nunc quis justo elit, non " "rutrum mauris. Maecenas blandit condimentum nibh, nec vulputate orci " "pulvinar at. Proin sed arcu vel odio tempus lobortis sed posuere ipsum. Ut " "feugiat pellentesque tortor nec ornare.\n"; static char *output = NULL; static char *format = NULL; static float resolution = 72; static int res_specified = 0; static float rotation = 0; static int showxml = 0; static int showtext = 0; static int showtime = 0; static int showmd5 = 0; static pdf_document *pdfout = NULL; static int showoutline = 0; static int uselist = 1; static int alphabits = 8; static float gamma_value = 1; static int invert = 0; static int width = 0; static int height = 0; static int fit = 0; static int errored = 0; static int ignore_errors = 0; static int output_format; static int append = 0; static int out_cs = CS_UNSET; static int bandheight = 0; static int memtrace_current = 0; static int memtrace_peak = 0; static int memtrace_total = 0; static int showmemory = 0; static fz_text_sheet *sheet = NULL; static fz_colorspace *colorspace; static char *filename; static int files = 0; fz_output *out = NULL; static char *mujstest_filename = NULL; static FILE *mujstest_file = NULL; static int mujstest_count = 0; static struct { int count, total; int min, max; int minpage, maxpage; char *minfilename; char *maxfilename; } timing; static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: mudraw [options] input [pages]\n" "\t-o -\toutput filename (%%d for page number)\n" "\t-F -\toutput format (if no -F, -o will be examined)\n" "\t\tsupported formats: pgm, ppm, pam, png, pbm\n" "\t-p -\tpassword\n" "\t-r -\tresolution in dpi (default: 72)\n" "\t-w -\twidth (in pixels) (maximum width if -r is specified)\n" "\t-h -\theight (in pixels) (maximum height if -r is specified)\n" "\t-f -\tfit width and/or height exactly (ignore aspect)\n" "\t-c -\tcolorspace {mono,gray,grayalpha,rgb,rgba}\n" "\t-b -\tnumber of bits of antialiasing (0 to 8)\n" "\t-B -\tmaximum bandheight (pgm, ppm, pam output only)\n" "\t-g\trender in grayscale\n" "\t-m\tshow timing information\n" "\t-M\tshow memory use summary\n" "\t-t\tshow text (-tt for xml, -ttt for more verbose xml)\n" "\t-x\tshow display list\n" "\t-d\tdisable use of display list\n" "\t-5\tshow md5 checksums\n" "\t-R -\trotate clockwise by given number of degrees\n" "\t-G -\tgamma correct output\n" "\t-I\tinvert output\n" "\t-l\tprint outline\n" "\t-j -\tOutput mujstest file\n" "\t-i\tignore errors and continue with the next file\n" "\tpages\tcomma separated list of ranges\n"); exit(1); } static int gettime(void) { static struct timeval first; static int once = 1; struct timeval now; if (once) { gettimeofday(&first, NULL); once = 0; } gettimeofday(&now, NULL); return (now.tv_sec - first.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - first.tv_usec) / 1000; } static int isrange(char *s) { while (*s) { if ((*s < '0' || *s > '9') && *s != '-' && *s != ',') return 0; s++; } return 1; } static void escape_string(FILE *out, int len, const char *string) { while (len-- && *string) { char c = *string++; switch (c) { case '\n': fputc('\\', out); fputc('n', out); break; case '\r': fputc('\\', out); fputc('r', out); break; case '\t': fputc('\\', out); fputc('t', out); break; default: fputc(c, out); } } } static void drawpage(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, int pagenum) { fz_page *page; fz_display_list *list = NULL; fz_device *dev = NULL; int start; fz_cookie cookie = { 0 }; int needshot = 0; fz_var(list); fz_var(dev); if (showtime) { start = gettime(); } fz_try(ctx) { page = fz_load_page(doc, pagenum - 1); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot load page %d in file '%s'", pagenum, filename); } if (mujstest_file) { pdf_document *inter = pdf_specifics(doc); pdf_widget *widget = NULL; if (inter) widget = pdf_first_widget(inter, (pdf_page *)page); if (widget) { fprintf(mujstest_file, "GOTO %d\n", pagenum); needshot = 1; } for (;widget; widget = pdf_next_widget(widget)) { fz_rect rect; int w, h, len; int type = pdf_widget_get_type(widget); pdf_bound_widget(widget, &rect); w = (rect.x1 - rect.x0); h = (rect.y1 - rect.y0); ++mujstest_count; switch (type) { default: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% UNKNOWN %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% PUSHBUTTON %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_CHECKBOX: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% CHECKBOX %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% RADIOBUTTON %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT: { int maxlen = pdf_text_widget_max_len(inter, widget); int texttype = pdf_text_widget_content_type(inter, widget); /* If height is low, assume a single row, and base * the width off that. */ if (h < 10) { w = (w+h-1) / (h ? h : 1); h = 1; } /* Otherwise, if width is low, work off height */ else if (w < 10) { h = (w+h-1) / (w ? w : 1); w = 1; } else { w = (w+9)/10; h = (h+9)/10; } len = w*h; if (len < 2) len = 2; if (len > maxlen) len = maxlen; fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% TEXT %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); switch (texttype) { default: case PDF_WIDGET_CONTENT_UNRESTRAINED: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %d ", mujstest_count); escape_string(mujstest_file, len-3, lorem); fprintf(mujstest_file, "\n"); break; case PDF_WIDGET_CONTENT_NUMBER: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %d\n", mujstest_count); break; case PDF_WIDGET_CONTENT_SPECIAL: #ifdef __MINGW32__ fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %I64d\n", 46702919800LL + mujstest_count); #else fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %lld\n", 46702919800LL + mujstest_count); #endif break; case PDF_WIDGET_CONTENT_DATE: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT Jun %d 1979\n", 1 + ((13 + mujstest_count) % 30)); break; case PDF_WIDGET_CONTENT_TIME: ++mujstest_count; fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %02d:%02d\n", ((mujstest_count/60) % 24), mujstest_count % 60); break; } break; } case PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_LISTBOX: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% LISTBOX %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case PDF_WIDGET_TYPE_COMBOBOX: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% COMBOBOX %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; } fprintf(mujstest_file, "CLICK %0.2f %0.2f\n", (rect.x0+rect.x1)/2, (rect.y0+rect.y1)/2); } } if (uselist) { fz_try(ctx) { list = fz_new_display_list(ctx); dev = fz_new_list_device(ctx, list); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, &cookie); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot draw page %d in file '%s'", pagenum, filename); } } if (showxml) { fz_try(ctx) { dev = fz_new_trace_device(ctx); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &fz_identity, &fz_infinite_rect, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, &cookie); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } if (showtext) { fz_text_page *text = NULL; fz_var(text); fz_try(ctx) { text = fz_new_text_page(ctx); dev = fz_new_text_device(ctx, sheet, text); if (showtext == TEXT_HTML) fz_disable_device_hints(dev, FZ_IGNORE_IMAGE); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &fz_identity, &fz_infinite_rect, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, &cookie); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; if (showtext == TEXT_XML) { fz_print_text_page_xml(ctx, out, text); } else if (showtext == TEXT_HTML) { fz_analyze_text(ctx, sheet, text); fz_print_text_page_html(ctx, out, text); } else if (showtext == TEXT_PLAIN) { fz_print_text_page(ctx, out, text); fz_printf(out, "\f\n"); } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_free_text_page(ctx, text); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } if (showmd5 || showtime) printf("page %s %d", filename, pagenum); if (pdfout) { fz_matrix ctm; fz_rect bounds, tbounds; pdf_page *newpage; fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); fz_rotate(&ctm, rotation); tbounds = bounds; fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm); newpage = pdf_create_page(pdfout, bounds, 72, 0); fz_try(ctx) { dev = pdf_page_write(pdfout, newpage); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &ctm, &tbounds, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, &cookie); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } pdf_insert_page(pdfout, newpage, INT_MAX); pdf_free_page(pdfout, newpage); } if (output && output_format == OUT_SVG) { float zoom; fz_matrix ctm; fz_rect bounds, tbounds; char buf[512]; FILE *file; fz_output *out; if (!strcmp(output, "-")) file = stdout; else { sprintf(buf, output, pagenum); file = fopen(buf, "wb"); if (file == NULL) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot open file '%s': %s", buf, strerror(errno)); } out = fz_new_output_with_file(ctx, file); fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); zoom = resolution / 72; fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(&ctm, zoom, zoom), rotation); tbounds = bounds; fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm); fz_try(ctx) { dev = fz_new_svg_device(ctx, out, tbounds.x1-tbounds.x0, tbounds.y1-tbounds.y0); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &ctm, &tbounds, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, &cookie); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_close_output(out); if (file != stdout) fclose(file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } if ((output && output_format != OUT_SVG && !pdfout)|| showmd5 || showtime) { float zoom; fz_matrix ctm; fz_rect bounds, tbounds; fz_irect ibounds; fz_pixmap *pix = NULL; int w, h; fz_output *output_file = NULL; fz_png_output_context *poc = NULL; fz_var(pix); fz_var(poc); fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); zoom = resolution / 72; fz_pre_scale(fz_rotate(&ctm, rotation), zoom, zoom); tbounds = bounds; fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm)); /* Make local copies of our width/height */ w = width; h = height; /* If a resolution is specified, check to see whether w/h are * exceeded; if not, unset them. */ if (res_specified) { int t; t = ibounds.x1 - ibounds.x0; if (w && t <= w) w = 0; t = ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0; if (h && t <= h) h = 0; } /* Now w or h will be 0 unless they need to be enforced. */ if (w || h) { float scalex = w / (tbounds.x1 - tbounds.x0); float scaley = h / (tbounds.y1 - tbounds.y0); fz_matrix scale_mat; if (fit) { if (w == 0) scalex = 1.0f; if (h == 0) scaley = 1.0f; } else { if (w == 0) scalex = scaley; if (h == 0) scaley = scalex; } if (!fit) { if (scalex > scaley) scalex = scaley; else scaley = scalex; } fz_scale(&scale_mat, scalex, scaley); fz_concat(&ctm, &ctm, &scale_mat); tbounds = bounds; fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm); } fz_round_rect(&ibounds, &tbounds); fz_rect_from_irect(&tbounds, &ibounds); /* TODO: banded rendering and multi-page ppm */ fz_try(ctx) { int savealpha = (out_cs == CS_RGBA || out_cs == CS_GRAYALPHA); fz_irect band_ibounds = ibounds; int band, bands = 1; char filename_buf[512]; int totalheight = ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0; int drawheight = totalheight; if (bandheight != 0) { /* Banded rendering; we'll only render to a * given height at a time. */ drawheight = bandheight; if (totalheight > bandheight) band_ibounds.y1 = band_ibounds.y0 + bandheight; bands = (totalheight + bandheight-1)/bandheight; tbounds.y1 = tbounds.y0 + bandheight + 2; } pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, colorspace, &band_ibounds); fz_pixmap_set_resolution(pix, resolution); if (output) { if (!strcmp(output, "-")) output_file = fz_new_output_with_file(ctx, stdout); else { sprintf(filename_buf, output, pagenum); output_file = fz_new_output_to_filename(ctx, filename_buf); } if (output_format == OUT_PGM || output_format == OUT_PPM || output_format == OUT_PNM) fz_output_pnm_header(output_file, pix->w, totalheight, pix->n); else if (output_format == OUT_PAM) fz_output_pam_header(output_file, pix->w, totalheight, pix->n, pix->colorspace, savealpha); else if (output_format == OUT_PNG) poc = fz_output_png_header(output_file, pix->w, totalheight, pix->n, savealpha); } for (band = 0; band < bands; band++) { if (savealpha) fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, pix); else fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 255); dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &ctm, &tbounds, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, &cookie); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; if (invert) fz_invert_pixmap(ctx, pix); if (gamma_value != 1) fz_gamma_pixmap(ctx, pix, gamma_value); if (savealpha) fz_unmultiply_pixmap(ctx, pix); if (output) { if (output_format == OUT_PGM || output_format == OUT_PPM || output_format == OUT_PNM) fz_output_pnm_band(output_file, pix->w, totalheight, pix->n, band, drawheight, pix->samples); else if (output_format == OUT_PAM) fz_output_pam_band(output_file, pix->w, totalheight, pix->n, band, drawheight, pix->samples, savealpha); else if (output_format == OUT_PNG) fz_output_png_band(output_file, pix->w, totalheight, pix->n, band, drawheight, pix->samples, savealpha, poc); else if (output_format == OUT_PWG) { if (strstr(output, "%d") != NULL) append = 0; if (out_cs == CS_MONO) { fz_bitmap *bit = fz_halftone_pixmap(ctx, pix, NULL); fz_write_pwg_bitmap(ctx, bit, filename_buf, append, NULL); fz_drop_bitmap(ctx, bit); } else fz_write_pwg(ctx, pix, filename_buf, append, NULL); append = 1; } else if (output_format == OUT_PCL) { fz_pcl_options options; fz_pcl_preset(ctx, &options, "ljet4"); if (strstr(output, "%d") != NULL) append = 0; if (out_cs == CS_MONO) { fz_bitmap *bit = fz_halftone_pixmap(ctx, pix, NULL); fz_write_pcl_bitmap(ctx, bit, filename_buf, append, &options); fz_drop_bitmap(ctx, bit); } else fz_write_pcl(ctx, pix, filename_buf, append, &options); append = 1; } else if (output_format == OUT_PBM) { fz_bitmap *bit = fz_halftone_pixmap(ctx, pix, NULL); fz_write_pbm(ctx, bit, filename_buf); fz_drop_bitmap(ctx, bit); } } ctm.f -= drawheight; } if (showmd5) { unsigned char digest[16]; int i; fz_md5_pixmap(pix, digest); printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf("%02x", digest[i]); } } fz_always(ctx) { if (output) { if (output_format == OUT_PNG) fz_output_png_trailer(output_file, poc); } fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); if (output_file) fz_close_output(output_file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } if (list) fz_drop_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); if (showtime) { int end = gettime(); int diff = end - start; if (diff < timing.min) { timing.min = diff; timing.minpage = pagenum; timing.minfilename = filename; } if (diff > timing.max) { timing.max = diff; timing.maxpage = pagenum; timing.maxfilename = filename; } timing.total += diff; timing.count ++; printf(" %dms", diff); } if (showmd5 || showtime) printf("\n"); if (showmemory) { fz_dump_glyph_cache_stats(ctx); } fz_flush_warnings(ctx); if (mujstest_file && needshot) { fprintf(mujstest_file, "SCREENSHOT\n"); } if (cookie.errors) errored = 1; } static void drawrange(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, char *range) { int page, spage, epage, pagecount; char *spec, *dash; pagecount = fz_count_pages(doc); spec = fz_strsep(&range, ","); while (spec) { dash = strchr(spec, '-'); if (dash == spec) spage = epage = pagecount; else spage = epage = atoi(spec); if (dash) { if (strlen(dash) > 1) epage = atoi(dash + 1); else epage = pagecount; } spage = fz_clampi(spage, 1, pagecount); epage = fz_clampi(epage, 1, pagecount); if (spage < epage) for (page = spage; page <= epage; page++) drawpage(ctx, doc, page); else for (page = spage; page >= epage; page--) drawpage(ctx, doc, page); spec = fz_strsep(&range, ","); } } static void drawoutline(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc) { fz_outline *outline = fz_load_outline(doc); fz_output *out = NULL; fz_var(out); fz_try(ctx) { out = fz_new_output_with_file(ctx, stdout); if (showoutline > 1) fz_print_outline_xml(ctx, out, outline); else fz_print_outline(ctx, out, outline); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_close_output(out); fz_free_outline(ctx, outline); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } } static int parse_colorspace(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nelem(cs_name_table); i++) { if (!strcmp(name, cs_name_table[i].name)) return cs_name_table[i].colorspace; } fprintf(stderr, "Unknown colorspace \"%s\"\n", name); exit(1); return -1; } static void * trace_malloc(void *arg, unsigned int size) { int *p; if (size == 0) return NULL; p = malloc(size + sizeof(unsigned int)); if (p == NULL) return NULL; p[0] = size; memtrace_current += size; memtrace_total += size; if (memtrace_current > memtrace_peak) memtrace_peak = memtrace_current; return (void *)&p[1]; } static void trace_free(void *arg, void *p_) { int *p = (int *)p_; if (p == NULL) return; memtrace_current -= p[-1]; free(&p[-1]); } static void * trace_realloc(void *arg, void *p_, unsigned int size) { int *p = (int *)p_; unsigned int oldsize; if (size == 0) { trace_free(arg, p_); return NULL; } if (p == NULL) return trace_malloc(arg, size); oldsize = p[-1]; p = realloc(&p[-1], size + sizeof(unsigned int)); if (p == NULL) return NULL; memtrace_current += size - oldsize; if (size > oldsize) memtrace_total += size - oldsize; if (memtrace_current > memtrace_peak) memtrace_peak = memtrace_current; p[0] = size; return &p[1]; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *password = ""; fz_document *doc = NULL; int c; fz_context *ctx; fz_alloc_context alloc_ctx = { NULL, trace_malloc, trace_realloc, trace_free }; fz_var(doc); while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "lo:F:p:r:R:b:c:dgmtx5G:Iw:h:fij:MB:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'o': output = fz_optarg; break; case 'F': format = fz_optarg; break; case 'p': password = fz_optarg; break; case 'r': resolution = atof(fz_optarg); res_specified = 1; break; case 'R': rotation = atof(fz_optarg); break; case 'b': alphabits = atoi(fz_optarg); break; case 'B': bandheight = atoi(fz_optarg); break; case 'l': showoutline++; break; case 'm': showtime++; break; case 'M': showmemory++; break; case 't': showtext++; break; case 'x': showxml++; break; case '5': showmd5++; break; case 'g': out_cs = CS_GRAY; break; case 'd': uselist = 0; break; case 'c': out_cs = parse_colorspace(fz_optarg); break; case 'G': gamma_value = atof(fz_optarg); break; case 'w': width = atof(fz_optarg); break; case 'h': height = atof(fz_optarg); break; case 'f': fit = 1; break; case 'I': invert++; break; case 'j': mujstest_filename = fz_optarg; break; case 'i': ignore_errors = 1; break; default: usage(); break; } } if (fz_optind == argc) usage(); if (!showtext && !showxml && !showtime && !showmd5 && !showoutline && !output && !mujstest_filename) { printf("nothing to do\n"); exit(0); } if (mujstest_filename) { if (strcmp(mujstest_filename, "-") == 0) mujstest_file = stdout; else mujstest_file = fopen(mujstest_filename, "wb"); } ctx = fz_new_context((showmemory == 0 ? NULL : &alloc_ctx), NULL, FZ_STORE_DEFAULT); if (!ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialise context\n"); exit(1); } fz_set_aa_level(ctx, alphabits); /* Determine output type */ if (bandheight < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bandheight must be > 0\n"); exit(1); } output_format = OUT_PNG; if (format) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nelem(suffix_table); i++) { if (!strcmp(format, suffix_table[i].suffix+1)) { output_format = suffix_table[i].format; break; } } if (i == nelem(suffix_table)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format '%s'\n", format); exit(1); } } else if (output) { char *suffix = output; int i; for (i = 0; i < nelem(suffix_table); i++) { char *s = strstr(suffix, suffix_table[i].suffix); if (s != NULL) { suffix = s+1; output_format = suffix_table[i].format; i = 0; } } } if (bandheight) { if (output_format != OUT_PAM && output_format != OUT_PGM && output_format != OUT_PPM && output_format != OUT_PNM && output_format != OUT_PNG) { fprintf(stderr, "Banded operation only possible with PAM, PGM, PPM, PNM and PNG outputs\n"); exit(1); } if (showmd5) { fprintf(stderr, "Banded operation not compatible with MD5\n"); exit(1); } } { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < nelem(format_cs_table); i++) { if (format_cs_table[i].format == output_format) { if (out_cs == CS_UNSET) out_cs = format_cs_table[i].default_cs; for (j = 0; j < nelem(format_cs_table[i].permitted_cs); j++) { if (format_cs_table[i].permitted_cs[j] == out_cs) break; } if (j == nelem(format_cs_table[i].permitted_cs)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported colorspace for this format\n"); exit(1); } } } } switch (out_cs) { case CS_MONO: case CS_GRAY: case CS_GRAYALPHA: colorspace = fz_device_gray(ctx); break; case CS_RGB: case CS_RGBA: colorspace = fz_device_rgb(ctx); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown colorspace!\n"); exit(1); break; } if (output_format == OUT_PDF) { pdfout = pdf_create_document(ctx); } timing.count = 0; timing.total = 0; timing.min = 1 << 30; timing.max = 0; timing.minpage = 0; timing.maxpage = 0; timing.minfilename = ""; timing.maxfilename = ""; if (showxml || showtext) out = fz_new_output_with_file(ctx, stdout); if (showxml || showtext == TEXT_XML) fz_printf(out, "\n"); if (showtext) sheet = fz_new_text_sheet(ctx); if (showtext == TEXT_HTML) { fz_printf(out, "\n"); fz_printf(out, "\n"); } fz_try(ctx) { while (fz_optind < argc) { fz_try(ctx) { filename = argv[fz_optind++]; files++; fz_try(ctx) { doc = fz_open_document(ctx, filename); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot open document: %s", filename); } if (fz_needs_password(doc)) { if (!fz_authenticate_password(doc, password)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot authenticate password: %s", filename); if (mujstest_file) fprintf(mujstest_file, "PASSWORD %s\n", password); } if (mujstest_file) { fprintf(mujstest_file, "OPEN %s\n", filename); } if (showxml || showtext == TEXT_XML) fz_printf(out, "\n", filename); if (showoutline) drawoutline(ctx, doc); if (showtext || showxml || showtime || showmd5 || output || mujstest_file) { if (fz_optind == argc || !isrange(argv[fz_optind])) drawrange(ctx, doc, "1-"); if (fz_optind < argc && isrange(argv[fz_optind])) drawrange(ctx, doc, argv[fz_optind++]); } if (showxml || showtext == TEXT_XML) fz_printf(out, "\n"); fz_close_document(doc); doc = NULL; } fz_catch(ctx) { if (!ignore_errors) fz_rethrow(ctx); fz_close_document(doc); doc = NULL; fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring error in '%s'", filename); } } } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_close_document(doc); fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot draw '%s'\n", filename); errored = 1; } if (pdfout) { fz_write_options opts = { 0 }; pdf_write_document(pdfout, output, &opts); pdf_close_document(pdfout); } if (showtext == TEXT_HTML) { fz_printf(out, "\n"); fz_printf(out, "\n"); } if (showtext) fz_free_text_sheet(ctx, sheet); if (showxml || showtext) { fz_close_output(out); out = NULL; } if (showtime && timing.count > 0) { if (files == 1) { printf("total %dms / %d pages for an average of %dms\n", timing.total, timing.count, timing.total / timing.count); printf("fastest page %d: %dms\n", timing.minpage, timing.min); printf("slowest page %d: %dms\n", timing.maxpage, timing.max); } else { printf("total %dms / %d pages for an average of %dms in %d files\n", timing.total, timing.count, timing.total / timing.count, files); printf("fastest page %d: %dms (%s)\n", timing.minpage, timing.min, timing.minfilename); printf("slowest page %d: %dms (%s)\n", timing.maxpage, timing.max, timing.maxfilename); } } if (mujstest_file && mujstest_file != stdout) fclose(mujstest_file); fz_free_context(ctx); if (showmemory) { printf("Total memory use = %d bytes\n", memtrace_total); printf("Peak memory use = %d bytes\n", memtrace_peak); printf("Current memory use = %d bytes\n", memtrace_current); } return (errored != 0); } #ifdef _MSC_VER int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *wargv[]) { char **argv = fz_argv_from_wargv(argc, wargv); int ret = main(argc, argv); fz_free_argv(argc, argv); return ret; } #endif