/* * PDF cleaning tool: general purpose pdf syntax washer. * * Rewrite PDF with pretty printed objects. * Garbage collect unreachable objects. * Inflate compressed streams. * Create subset documents. * * TODO: linearize document for fast web view */ #include "mupdf/pdf.h" typedef struct globals_s { pdf_document *doc; fz_context *ctx; } globals; static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: mutool clean [options] input.pdf [output.pdf] [pages]\n" "\t-p -\tpassword\n" "\t-g\tgarbage collect unused objects\n" "\t-gg\tin addition to -g compact xref table\n" "\t-ggg\tin addition to -gg merge duplicate objects\n" "\t-s\tclean content streams\n" "\t-d\tdecompress all streams\n" "\t-l\tlinearize PDF\n" "\t-i\ttoggle decompression of image streams\n" "\t-f\ttoggle decompression of font streams\n" "\t-a\tascii hex encode binary streams\n" "\tpages\tcomma separated list of ranges\n"); exit(1); } static int string_in_names_list(pdf_obj *p, pdf_obj *names_list) { int n = pdf_array_len(names_list); int i; char *str = pdf_to_str_buf(p); for (i = 0; i < n ; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(pdf_to_str_buf(pdf_array_get(names_list, i)), str)) return 1; } return 0; } /* * Recreate page tree to only retain specified pages. */ static void retainpage(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *parent, pdf_obj *kids, int page) { pdf_obj *pageref = pdf_lookup_page_obj(doc, page-1); pdf_obj *pageobj = pdf_resolve_indirect(pageref); pdf_dict_puts(pageobj, "Parent", parent); /* Store page object in new kids array */ pdf_array_push(kids, pageref); } static void retainpages(globals *glo, int argc, char **argv) { pdf_obj *oldroot, *root, *pages, *kids, *countobj, *parent, *olddests; pdf_document *doc = glo->doc; int argidx = 0; pdf_obj *names_list = NULL; int pagecount; int i; /* Keep only pages/type and (reduced) dest entries to avoid * references to unretained pages */ oldroot = pdf_dict_gets(pdf_trailer(doc), "Root"); pages = pdf_dict_gets(oldroot, "Pages"); olddests = pdf_load_name_tree(doc, "Dests"); root = pdf_new_dict(doc, 2); pdf_dict_puts(root, "Type", pdf_dict_gets(oldroot, "Type")); pdf_dict_puts(root, "Pages", pdf_dict_gets(oldroot, "Pages")); pdf_update_object(doc, pdf_to_num(oldroot), root); pdf_drop_obj(root); /* Create a new kids array with only the pages we want to keep */ parent = pdf_new_indirect(doc, pdf_to_num(pages), pdf_to_gen(pages)); kids = pdf_new_array(doc, 1); /* Retain pages specified */ while (argc - argidx) { int page, spage, epage; char *spec, *dash; char *pagelist = argv[argidx]; pagecount = pdf_count_pages(doc); spec = fz_strsep(&pagelist, ","); while (spec) { dash = strchr(spec, '-'); if (dash == spec) spage = epage = pagecount; else spage = epage = atoi(spec); if (dash) { if (strlen(dash) > 1) epage = atoi(dash + 1); else epage = pagecount; } spage = fz_clampi(spage, 1, pagecount); epage = fz_clampi(epage, 1, pagecount); if (spage < epage) for (page = spage; page <= epage; ++page) retainpage(doc, parent, kids, page); else for (page = spage; page >= epage; --page) retainpage(doc, parent, kids, page); spec = fz_strsep(&pagelist, ","); } argidx++; } pdf_drop_obj(parent); /* Update page count and kids array */ countobj = pdf_new_int(doc, pdf_array_len(kids)); pdf_dict_puts(pages, "Count", countobj); pdf_drop_obj(countobj); pdf_dict_puts(pages, "Kids", kids); pdf_drop_obj(kids); /* Also preserve the (partial) Dests name tree */ if (olddests) { pdf_obj *names = pdf_new_dict(doc, 1); pdf_obj *dests = pdf_new_dict(doc, 1); int len = pdf_dict_len(olddests); names_list = pdf_new_array(doc, 32); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pdf_obj *key = pdf_dict_get_key(olddests, i); pdf_obj *val = pdf_dict_get_val(olddests, i); pdf_obj *dest = pdf_dict_gets(val, "D"); dest = pdf_array_get(dest ? dest : val, 0); if (pdf_array_contains(pdf_dict_gets(pages, "Kids"), dest)) { pdf_obj *key_str = pdf_new_string(doc, pdf_to_name(key), strlen(pdf_to_name(key))); pdf_array_push(names_list, key_str); pdf_array_push(names_list, val); pdf_drop_obj(key_str); } } root = pdf_dict_gets(pdf_trailer(doc), "Root"); pdf_dict_puts(dests, "Names", names_list); pdf_dict_puts(names, "Dests", dests); pdf_dict_puts(root, "Names", names); pdf_drop_obj(names); pdf_drop_obj(dests); pdf_drop_obj(names_list); pdf_drop_obj(olddests); } /* Force the next call to pdf_count_pages to recount */ glo->doc->page_count = 0; /* Edit each pages /Annot list to remove any links that point to * nowhere. */ pagecount = pdf_count_pages(doc); for (i = 0; i < pagecount; i++) { pdf_obj *pageref = pdf_lookup_page_obj(doc, i); pdf_obj *pageobj = pdf_resolve_indirect(pageref); pdf_obj *annots = pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "Annots"); int len = pdf_array_len(annots); int j; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { pdf_obj *o = pdf_array_get(annots, j); pdf_obj *p; if (strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(o, "Subtype")), "Link")) continue; p = pdf_dict_gets(o, "A"); if (strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(p, "S")), "GoTo")) continue; if (string_in_names_list(pdf_dict_gets(p, "D"), names_list)) continue; /* FIXME: Should probably look at Next too */ /* Remove this annotation */ pdf_array_delete(annots, j); j--; } } } void pdfclean_clean(fz_context *ctx, char *infile, char *outfile, char *password, fz_write_options *opts, char *argv[], int argc) { globals glo = { 0 }; glo.ctx = ctx; fz_try(ctx) { glo.doc = pdf_open_document_no_run(ctx, infile); if (pdf_needs_password(glo.doc)) if (!pdf_authenticate_password(glo.doc, password)) fz_throw(glo.ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot authenticate password: %s", infile); /* Only retain the specified subset of the pages */ if (argc) retainpages(&glo, argc, argv); pdf_write_document(glo.doc, outfile, opts); } fz_always(ctx) { pdf_close_document(glo.doc); } fz_catch(ctx) { if (opts && opts->errors) *opts->errors = *opts->errors+1; } } int pdfclean_main(int argc, char **argv) { char *infile; char *outfile = "out.pdf"; char *password = ""; int c; fz_write_options opts; int errors = 0; fz_context *ctx; opts.do_incremental = 0; opts.do_garbage = 0; opts.do_expand = 0; opts.do_ascii = 0; opts.do_linear = 0; opts.continue_on_error = 1; opts.errors = &errors; opts.do_clean = 0; while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "adfgilp:s")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': password = fz_optarg; break; case 'g': opts.do_garbage ++; break; case 'd': opts.do_expand ^= fz_expand_all; break; case 'f': opts.do_expand ^= fz_expand_fonts; break; case 'i': opts.do_expand ^= fz_expand_images; break; case 'l': opts.do_linear ++; break; case 'a': opts.do_ascii ++; break; case 's': opts.do_clean ++; break; default: usage(); break; } } if (argc - fz_optind < 1) usage(); infile = argv[fz_optind++]; if (argc - fz_optind > 0 && (strstr(argv[fz_optind], ".pdf") || strstr(argv[fz_optind], ".PDF"))) { outfile = argv[fz_optind++]; } ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED); if (!ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialise context\n"); exit(1); } fz_try(ctx) { pdfclean_clean(ctx, infile, outfile, password, &opts, &argv[fz_optind], argc - fz_optind); } fz_catch(ctx) { errors++; } fz_free_context(ctx); return errors == 0; }