#pragma once #include "pch.h" #include "muctx.h" #include "Links.h" /* This class interfaces to mupdf API with minimal windows objects * (other than the file streaming stuff) */ /* File streaming set up for mupdf */ /* win_read_file etc. Reading of windows managed stream. This is * not ideal as I have to read into a managed buffer and then transfer * to the actual buffer I want. I would like a more direct approach. * Alternate approach is to push this off outside the winrt and read * from a memory buffer. */ static int win_read_file(fz_stream *stm, unsigned char *buf, int len) { void *temp = stm->state; win_stream_struct *stream = reinterpret_cast (temp); IRandomAccessStream^ Stream = stream->stream; unsigned long long curr_pos = Stream->Position; unsigned long long length = Stream->Size; DataReader^ local_reader = ref new DataReader(Stream); DataReaderLoadOperation^ result = local_reader->LoadAsync(len); /* Block on the Async call */ while(result->Status != AsyncStatus::Completed) { } result->GetResults(); int curr_len2 = local_reader->UnconsumedBufferLength; if (curr_len2 < len) len = curr_len2; Platform::Array^ arrByte = ref new Platform::Array(len); local_reader->ReadBytes(arrByte); memcpy(buf, arrByte->Data, len); local_reader->DetachStream(); return len; } static void win_seek_file(fz_stream *stm, int offset, int whence) { void *temp = stm->state; win_stream_struct *stream = reinterpret_cast (temp); IRandomAccessStream^ Stream = stream->stream; unsigned long long curr_pos = Stream->Position; unsigned long long length = Stream->Size; unsigned long long n; if (whence == SEEK_END) { n = length + offset; } else if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { n = curr_pos + offset; } else if (whence == SEEK_SET) { n = offset; } Stream->Seek(n); curr_pos = Stream->Position; stm->pos = n; stm->rp = stm->bp; stm->wp = stm->bp; } static void win_close_file(fz_context *ctx, void *state) { DataReader^ dataReader = reinterpret_cast (state); delete dataReader; } /* mutext functions see mupdf readme for details */ static void lock_mutex(void *user, int lock) { LPCRITICAL_SECTION locks = (LPCRITICAL_SECTION)user; EnterCriticalSection(&locks[lock]); } static void unlock_mutex(void *user, int lock) { LPCRITICAL_SECTION locks = (LPCRITICAL_SECTION)user; LeaveCriticalSection(&locks[lock]); } void muctx::CleanUp(void) { free(this->mu_cookie); if (mu_outline != NULL) fz_free_outline(mu_ctx, mu_outline); if (mu_doc != NULL) fz_close_document(mu_doc); if (mu_ctx != NULL) fz_free_context(mu_ctx); this->mu_cookie = NULL; this->mu_ctx = NULL; this->mu_doc = NULL; this->mu_outline = NULL; this->mu_stream = NULL; } /* Set up the context, mutex and cookie */ HRESULT muctx::InitializeContext() { int i; /* Get the mutexes set up */ for (i = 0; i < FZ_LOCK_MAX; i++) InitializeCriticalSectionEx(&mu_criticalsec[i], 0, 0); mu_locks.user = &mu_criticalsec[0]; mu_locks.lock = lock_mutex; mu_locks.unlock = unlock_mutex; /* Allocate the context */ this->mu_ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, &mu_locks, FZ_STORE_DEFAULT); if (this->mu_ctx == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { /* If we are fine, allocate the cookie for progress etc. */ this->mu_cookie = (fz_cookie*)malloc(sizeof(fz_cookie)); if (this->mu_cookie == NULL) { fz_free_context(this->mu_ctx); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else return S_OK; } } /* Initializer */ muctx::muctx(void) { this->mu_cookie = NULL; this->mu_ctx = NULL; this->mu_doc = NULL; this->mu_outline = NULL; this->mu_stream = NULL; } /* Destructor */ muctx::~muctx(void) { free(this->mu_cookie); if (mu_outline != NULL) fz_free_outline(mu_ctx, mu_outline); if (mu_doc != NULL) fz_close_document(mu_doc); if (mu_ctx != NULL) fz_free_context(mu_ctx); this->mu_cookie = NULL; this->mu_ctx = NULL; this->mu_doc = NULL; this->mu_outline = NULL; this->mu_stream = NULL; } /* Set up the stream access */ HRESULT muctx::InitializeStream(IRandomAccessStream^ readStream, char *ext) { win_stream.stream = readStream; this->mu_stream = fz_new_stream(mu_ctx, 0, win_read_file, win_close_file); this->mu_stream->seek = win_seek_file; this->mu_stream->state = reinterpret_cast (&win_stream); /* Now lets see if we can open the file */ mu_doc = fz_open_document_with_stream(mu_ctx, ext, this->mu_stream); if (mu_doc == NULL) return E_FAIL; else return S_OK; } /* Return the documents page count */ int muctx::GetPageCount() { if (this->mu_doc == NULL) return -1; else return this->mu_doc->count_pages(this->mu_doc); } /* Get page size */ Point muctx::MeasurePage(int page_num) { Point pageSize; fz_rect rect; fz_page *page; fz_rect *bounds; page = fz_load_page(mu_doc, page_num); bounds = fz_bound_page(mu_doc, page, &rect); pageSize.X = bounds->x1 - bounds->x0; pageSize.Y = bounds->y1 - bounds->y0; return pageSize; } /* Get page size */ Point muctx::MeasurePage(fz_page *page) { Point pageSize; fz_rect rect; fz_rect *bounds; bounds = fz_bound_page(mu_doc, page, &rect); pageSize.X = bounds->x1 - bounds->x0; pageSize.Y = bounds->y1 - bounds->y0; return pageSize; } void muctx::FlattenOutline(fz_outline *outline, int level, sh_vector_content contents_vec) { char indent[8*4+1]; if (level > 8) level = 8; memset(indent, ' ', level * 4); indent[level * 4] = 0; String^ indent_str = char_to_String(indent); String^ str_indent; while (outline) { if (outline->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_GOTO) { int page = outline->dest.ld.gotor.page; if (page >= 0 && outline->title) { /* Add to the contents std:vec */ sh_content content_item(new content_t()); content_item->page = page; content_item->string_orig = char_to_String(outline->title); content_item->string_margin = str_indent->Concat(indent_str, content_item->string_orig); contents_vec->push_back(content_item); } } FlattenOutline(outline->down, level + 1, contents_vec); outline = outline->next; } } int muctx::GetContents(sh_vector_content contents_vec) { fz_outline *root = NULL; fz_context *ctx_clone = NULL; int has_content = 0; if (mu_cookie->abort == 1) return has_content; ctx_clone = fz_clone_context(mu_ctx); fz_var(root); fz_try(ctx_clone) { root = fz_load_outline(mu_doc); if (root != NULL) { has_content = 1; FlattenOutline(root, 0, contents_vec); } } fz_always(ctx_clone) { if (root != NULL) { fz_free_outline(ctx_clone, root); } } fz_catch(ctx_clone) { fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return E_FAIL; } fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return has_content; } int muctx::GetTextSearch(int page_num, char* needle, sh_vector_text texts_vec) { fz_page *page = NULL; fz_text_sheet *sheet = NULL; fz_device *dev = NULL; fz_context *ctx_clone = NULL; fz_text_page *text = NULL; int hit_count = 0; int k; if (mu_cookie->abort == 1) return hit_count; ctx_clone = fz_clone_context(mu_ctx); fz_var(page); fz_var(sheet); fz_var(dev); fz_try(ctx_clone) { page = fz_load_page(mu_doc, page_num); sheet = fz_new_text_sheet(ctx_clone); text = fz_new_text_page(ctx_clone, &fz_empty_rect); // Free? dev = fz_new_text_device(ctx_clone, sheet, text); fz_run_page(mu_doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); /* Why does this need to be done here? Seems odd */ dev = NULL; hit_count = fz_search_text_page(ctx_clone, text, needle, mu_hit_bbox, nelem(mu_hit_bbox)); for (k = 0; k < hit_count; k++) { sh_text text_search(new text_search_t()); text_search->upper_left.X = mu_hit_bbox[k].x0; text_search->upper_left.Y = mu_hit_bbox[k].y0; text_search->lower_right.X = mu_hit_bbox[k].x1; text_search->lower_right.Y = mu_hit_bbox[k].y1; texts_vec->push_back(text_search); } } fz_always(ctx_clone) { if (page != NULL) { fz_free_page(mu_doc, page); } if (dev != NULL) { fz_free_device(dev); } if (sheet != NULL) { fz_free_text_sheet(ctx_clone, sheet); } if (text != NULL) { fz_free_text_page(ctx_clone, text); } } fz_catch(ctx_clone) { fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return E_FAIL; } fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return hit_count; } /* Get the links and pack into a smart pointer structure */ int muctx::GetLinks(int page_num, sh_vector_link links_vec) { fz_page *page = NULL; fz_link *links = NULL; fz_context *ctx_clone = NULL; int k = 0; int num_links = 0; if (mu_cookie->abort == 1) return num_links; ctx_clone = fz_clone_context(mu_ctx); fz_var(page); fz_var(links); fz_try(ctx_clone) { page = fz_load_page(mu_doc, page_num); links = fz_load_links(mu_doc, page); fz_link *curr_link = links; if (curr_link != NULL) { /* Get our smart pointer structure filled */ while (curr_link != NULL) { fz_rect curr_rect = curr_link->rect; sh_link link(new document_link_t()); link->upper_left.X = curr_rect.x0; link->upper_left.Y = curr_rect.y0; link->lower_right.X = curr_rect.x1; link->lower_right.Y = curr_rect.y1; switch (curr_link->dest.kind) { case FZ_LINK_GOTO: link->type = LINK_GOTO; link->page_num = curr_link->dest.ld.gotor.page; break; case FZ_LINK_URI: { int lenstr = strlen(curr_link->dest.ld.uri.uri); std::unique_ptr uri(new char[lenstr + 1]); strcpy_s(uri.get(), lenstr + 1, curr_link->dest.ld.uri.uri); link->uri.swap(uri); link->type = LINK_URI; break; } default: link->type = NOT_SET; } links_vec->push_back(link); curr_link = curr_link->next; num_links += 1; } } } fz_always(ctx_clone) { if (page != NULL) { fz_free_page(mu_doc, page); } if (links != NULL) { fz_drop_link(ctx_clone, links); } } fz_catch(ctx_clone) { fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return E_FAIL; } fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return num_links; } /* Render page_num to size width by height into bmp_data buffer */ HRESULT muctx::RenderPage(int page_num, int width, int height, unsigned char *bmp_data) { fz_device *dev = NULL; fz_pixmap *pix = NULL; fz_page *page = NULL; fz_matrix ctm, *pctm = &ctm; Point page_size; fz_context *ctx_clone = NULL; if (mu_cookie->abort == 1) return S_OK; ctx_clone = fz_clone_context(mu_ctx); fz_var(dev); fz_var(pix); fz_var(page); fz_try(ctx_clone) { page = fz_load_page(mu_doc, page_num); page_size = MeasurePage(page); /* Figure out scale factors so that we get the desired size */ pctm = fz_scale(pctm, (float) width / page_size.X, (float) height / page_size.Y); /* Flip on Y */ ctm.f = height; ctm.d = -ctm.d; pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx_clone, fz_device_bgr, width, height, bmp_data); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx_clone, pix, 255); dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx_clone, pix); fz_run_page(mu_doc, page, dev, pctm, NULL); } fz_always(ctx_clone) { if (dev != NULL) { fz_free_device(dev); } if (pix != NULL) { fz_drop_pixmap(ctx_clone, pix); } if (page != NULL) { fz_free_page(mu_doc, page); } } fz_catch(ctx_clone) { fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return E_FAIL; } fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return S_OK; } String^ muctx::GetHTML(int page_num) { fz_output *out = NULL; fz_device *dev = NULL; fz_page *page = NULL; fz_text_sheet *sheet = NULL; fz_text_page *text = NULL; fz_context *ctx_clone = NULL; fz_buffer *buf = NULL; String^ html; if (mu_cookie->abort == 1) return nullptr; ctx_clone = fz_clone_context(mu_ctx); fz_var(dev); fz_var(page); fz_var(sheet); fz_var(text); // Free? fz_var(buf); // Free? fz_try(ctx_clone) { page = fz_load_page(mu_doc, page_num); sheet = fz_new_text_sheet(ctx_clone); text = fz_new_text_page(ctx_clone, &fz_empty_rect); dev = fz_new_text_device(ctx_clone, sheet, text); fz_run_page(mu_doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_analyze_text(ctx_clone, sheet, text); buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx_clone, 256); out = fz_new_output_with_buffer(ctx_clone, buf); fz_print_text_page_html(ctx_clone, out, text); html = char_to_String((char*) buf->data); } fz_always(ctx_clone) { if (dev != NULL) { fz_free_device(dev); } if (page != NULL) { fz_free_page(mu_doc, page); } if (sheet != NULL) { fz_free_text_sheet(ctx_clone, sheet); } } fz_catch(ctx_clone) { fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return nullptr; } fz_free_context(ctx_clone); return html; }