// // MainPage.xaml.cpp // Implementation of the MainPage class. // #include "pch.h" #include "MainPage.xaml.h" #include "LVContents.h" #define LOOK_AHEAD 1 /* A +/- count on the pages to pre-render */ #define MIN_SCALE 0.5 #define MAX_SCALE 4 #define MARGIN_BUFF 400 #define MAX_SEARCH 500 #define SCALE_THUMB 0.25 static float screenScale = 1; static fz_context *ctx = NULL; fz_document *m_doc; int linkPage[MAX_SEARCH]; char *linkUrl[MAX_SEARCH]; using namespace winapp; using namespace Windows::Foundation; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Data; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Media; using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation; using namespace Windows::Graphics::Display; using namespace ListViewContents; //****************** Added ***************** using namespace Windows::Storage::Pickers; using namespace Windows::Devices::Enumeration; using namespace concurrency; using namespace Windows::Graphics::Imaging; //****************** End Add **************** typedef struct win_stream_struct_s { IRandomAccessStream^ stream; } win_stream_struct; static win_stream_struct win_stream; #ifndef NDEBUG unsigned int _mainThreadId = 0U; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // The IsMainThread function returns true if the current thread is the app's main thread and false otherwise. bool IsMainThread() { return (_mainThreadId == GetCurrentThreadId()); } // The IsBackgroundThread function returns false if the current thread is the app's main thread and true otherwise. bool IsBackgroundThread() { return (_mainThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()); } // The RecordMainThread function registers the main thread ID for use by the IsMainThread and IsBackgroundThread functions. void RecordMainThread() { _mainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* not NDEBUG */ MainPage::MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); Windows::UI::Color color; color.R = 0x25; color.G = 0x72; color.B = 0xAC; color.A = 0x40; m_textcolor_brush = ref new SolidColorBrush(color); color.R = 0xAC; color.G = 0x72; color.B = 0x25; color.A = 0x40; m_linkcolor_brush = ref new SolidColorBrush(color); // Create the image brush m_renderedImage = ref new ImageBrush(); m_doc = NULL; m_content.num = 0; CleanUp(); RecordMainThread(); // use at most 128M for resource cache ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, 128<<20); } void run_async_non_interactive(std::function&& action) { Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ wnd = Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplication::MainView->CoreWindow; assert(wnd != nullptr); wnd->Dispatcher->RunAsync( Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::Low, ref new Windows::UI::Core::DispatchedHandler([action]() { action(); })); } /// /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame. /// /// Event data that describes how this page was reached. The Parameter /// property is typically used to configure the page. void MainPage::OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs^ e) { (void) e; // Unused parameter } void winapp::MainPage::Picker(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { FileOpenPicker^ openPicker = ref new FileOpenPicker(); openPicker->ViewMode = PickerViewMode::List; openPicker->SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId::PicturesLibrary; openPicker->FileTypeFilter->Append(".pdf"); openPicker->FileTypeFilter->Append(".xps"); openPicker->FileTypeFilter->Append(".oxps"); create_task(openPicker->PickSingleFileAsync()).then([this](StorageFile^ file) { if (file) { this->OpenDocumentPrep(file); } else { /* Nothing selected */ } }); } void MainPage::NotifyUserFileNotExist() { //NotifyUser("The file '" + Filename + "' does not exist. Use scenario one to create this file.", NotifyType::ErrorMessage); } void MainPage::HandleFileNotFoundException(Platform::COMException^ e) { if (e->HResult == 0x80070002) // Catch FileNotExistException { NotifyUserFileNotExist(); } else { throw e; } } RectSize MainPage::currPageSize(int page) { RectSize Size; FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(page); Size.height = flipview_temp->ActualHeight; Size.width = flipview_temp->ActualWidth; return Size; } static RectSize measurePage(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page) { RectSize pageSize; fz_rect rect; fz_rect *bounds = fz_bound_page(doc, page, &rect); pageSize.width = bounds->x1 - bounds->x0; pageSize.height = bounds->y1 - bounds->y0; return pageSize; } static RectSize fitPageToScreen(RectSize page, RectSize screen) { RectSize pageSize; float hscale = screen.width / page.width; float vscale = screen.height / page.height; float scale = fz_min(hscale, vscale); pageSize.width = floorf(page.width * scale) / page.width; pageSize.height = floorf(page.height * scale) / page.height; return pageSize; } spatial_info_t MainPage::InitSpatial(double scale) { spatial_info_t value; value.size.height = this->ActualHeight; value.size.width = this->ActualWidth; value.scale_factor = scale; return value; } void Prepare_bmp(int width, int height, DataWriter ^dw) { int row_size = width * 4; int bmp_size = row_size * height + 54; dw->WriteString("BM"); dw->ByteOrder = ByteOrder::LittleEndian; dw->WriteInt32(bmp_size); dw->WriteInt16(0); dw->WriteInt16(0); dw->WriteInt32(54); dw->WriteInt32(40); dw->WriteInt32(width); dw->WriteInt32(height); dw->WriteInt16(1); dw->WriteInt16(32); dw->WriteInt32(0); dw->WriteInt32(row_size * height); dw->WriteInt32(2835); dw->WriteInt32(2835); dw->WriteInt32(0); dw->WriteInt32(0); } void MainPage::ReleasePages(int old_page, int new_page) { if (old_page == new_page) return; /* To keep from having memory issue reset the page back to the thumb if we are done rendering the thumbnails */ if (this->m_thumb_page_start == this->m_num_pages) { for (int k = old_page - LOOK_AHEAD; k <= old_page + LOOK_AHEAD; k++) { if (k < new_page - LOOK_AHEAD || k > new_page + LOOK_AHEAD) { if (k >= 0 && k < this->m_num_pages) { SetThumb(k); } } } } } void MainPage::InitThumbnails() { this->m_thumbnails.raster = ref new Array(m_num_pages); this->m_thumbnails.scale = ref new Array(m_num_pages); this->m_thumbnails.canvas_h = ref new Array(m_num_pages); this->m_thumbnails.canvas_v = ref new Array(m_num_pages); this->m_thumbnails.size = ref new Array(m_num_pages); } /* Return this page from a full res image to the thumb image. This should only be called after all thumbs have been rendered. */ void MainPage::SetThumb(int page_num) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) xaml_vert_flipView->Items->GetAt(page_num); flipview_temp->Content = this->m_thumbnails.canvas_v[page_num]; flipview_temp->Background = this->m_blankPage; flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) xaml_horiz_flipView->Items->GetAt(page_num); flipview_temp->Content = this->m_thumbnails.canvas_h[page_num]; flipview_temp->Background = this->m_blankPage; } /* Add rendered page into flipview structure at location page_num */ void MainPage::AddPage(int page_num) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = ref new FlipViewItem(); flipview_temp->Content = this->m_renderedCanvas; m_curr_flipView->Items->Append(flipview_temp); } /* Replace rendered page into flipview structure at location page_num */ void MainPage::ReplacePage(int page_num) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(page_num); flipview_temp->Content = this->m_renderedCanvas; flipview_temp->Background = nullptr; } /* Add rendered page into flipview structure at location page_num */ void MainPage::AddBlankPage(int page_num) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = ref new FlipViewItem(); flipview_temp->Background = this->m_blankPage; m_curr_flipView->Items->Append(flipview_temp); } /* Add rendered page into flipview structure at location page_num */ void MainPage::AddBlankPage(int page_num, FlipView^ flip_view) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = ref new FlipViewItem(); flipview_temp->Background = this->m_blankPage; flip_view->Items->Append(flipview_temp); } /* Add rendered page into flipview structure at location page_num */ void MainPage::AddThumbNail(int page_num, FlipView^ flip_view) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = ref new FlipViewItem(); flipview_temp->Content = this->m_renderedCanvas; flip_view->Items->Append(flipview_temp); } /* Create white image for us to use as place holder in large document for flip view filling instead of the thumbnail image */ void MainPage::CreateBlank(int width, int height) { Array^ bmp_data = ref new Array(height * 4 * width); /* Set up the memory stream */ WriteableBitmap ^bmp = ref new WriteableBitmap(width, height); InMemoryRandomAccessStream ^ras = ref new InMemoryRandomAccessStream(); DataWriter ^dw = ref new DataWriter(ras->GetOutputStreamAt(0)); /* Go ahead and write our header data into the memory stream */ Prepare_bmp(width, height, dw); /* Set the data to all white */ memset(bmp_data->Data, 255, height * 4 * width); /* Write the data */ dw->WriteBytes(bmp_data); DataWriterStoreOperation^ result = dw->StoreAsync(); /* Block on the Async call */ while(result->Status != AsyncStatus::Completed) { } /* And store in a the image brush */ bmp->SetSource(ras); m_blankPage = ref new ImageBrush(); m_blankPage->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::None; m_blankPage->ImageSource = bmp; } /* win_read_file. Reading of windows managed stream. This is not ideal as I have to read into a managed buffer and then transfer to the actual buffer I want. I would like a more direct approach */ static int win_read_file(fz_stream *stm, unsigned char *buf, int len) { void *temp = stm->state; win_stream_struct *stream = reinterpret_cast (temp); IRandomAccessStream^ Stream = stream->stream; unsigned long long curr_pos = Stream->Position; unsigned long long length = Stream->Size; DataReader^ local_reader = ref new DataReader(Stream); DataReaderLoadOperation^ result = local_reader->LoadAsync(len); /* Block on the Async call */ while(result->Status != AsyncStatus::Completed) { } result->GetResults(); int curr_len2 = local_reader->UnconsumedBufferLength; if (curr_len2 < len) len = curr_len2; Platform::Array^ arrByte = ref new Platform::Array(len); local_reader->ReadBytes(arrByte); memcpy(buf, arrByte->Data, len); local_reader->DetachStream(); return len; } static void win_seek_file(fz_stream *stm, int offset, int whence) { void *temp = stm->state; win_stream_struct *stream = reinterpret_cast (temp); IRandomAccessStream^ Stream = stream->stream; unsigned long long curr_pos = Stream->Position; unsigned long long length = Stream->Size; unsigned long long n; if (whence == SEEK_END) { n = length + offset; } else if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { n = curr_pos + offset; } else if (whence == SEEK_SET) { n = offset; } Stream->Seek(n); curr_pos = Stream->Position; stm->pos = n; stm->rp = stm->bp; stm->wp = stm->bp; } static void win_close_file(fz_context *ctx, void *state) { DataReader^ dataReader = reinterpret_cast (state); delete dataReader; } void PixToMemStream(fz_pixmap *pix, DataWriter ^dw, Platform::Array ^arr) { unsigned char *samples = fz_pixmap_samples(ctx, pix); int w = fz_pixmap_width(ctx, pix); int h = fz_pixmap_height(ctx, pix); /* Write the data */ dw->WriteBytes(arr); DataWriterStoreOperation^ result = dw->StoreAsync(); /* Block on the Async call */ while(result->Status != AsyncStatus::Completed) { } } void PageSize(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, int *width, int *height, spatial_info_t spatial_info) { RectSize pageSize; RectSize scale; RectSize screenSize; screenSize.height = spatial_info.size.height; screenSize.width = spatial_info.size.width; screenSize.width *= screenScale; screenSize.height *= screenScale; pageSize = measurePage(doc, page); scale = fitPageToScreen(pageSize, screenSize); *width = pageSize.width * scale.width * spatial_info.scale_factor; *height = pageSize.height * scale.height * spatial_info.scale_factor; } InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ RenderBitMap(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, int *width, int *height, spatial_info_t spatial_info) { fz_matrix ctm, *pctm = &ctm; fz_device *dev; fz_pixmap *pix; RectSize pageSize; RectSize scale; RectSize screenSize; int bmp_width, bmp_height; screenSize.height = spatial_info.size.height; screenSize.width = spatial_info.size.width; screenSize.width *= screenScale; screenSize.height *= screenScale; pageSize = measurePage(doc, page); scale = fitPageToScreen(pageSize, screenSize); pctm = fz_scale(pctm, scale.width * spatial_info.scale_factor, scale.height * spatial_info.scale_factor); bmp_width = pageSize.width * scale.width * spatial_info.scale_factor; bmp_height = pageSize.height * scale.height * spatial_info.scale_factor; *width = bmp_width; *height = bmp_height; /* Y is flipped for some reason */ ctm.f = bmp_height; ctm.d = -ctm.d; /* Allocate space for bmp */ Array^ bmp_data = ref new Array(bmp_height * 4 * bmp_width); /* Set up the memory stream */ InMemoryRandomAccessStream ^ras = ref new InMemoryRandomAccessStream(); DataWriter ^dw = ref new DataWriter(ras->GetOutputStreamAt(0)); //m_memory_use += bmp_height * 4 * bmp_width; /* Go ahead and write our header data into the memory stream */ Prepare_bmp(bmp_width, bmp_height, dw); /* Now get a pointer to our samples and pass it to fitz to use */ pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, fz_device_bgr, bmp_width, bmp_height, &(bmp_data[0])); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 255); dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, pctm, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); /* Now the data into the memory stream */ PixToMemStream(pix, dw, bmp_data); /* Return raster stream */ return ras; } task RenderPage_Task(fz_document *doc, int page_num, int *width, int *height, spatial_info_t spatial_info, ImageBrush^ *renderedImage) { fz_page *page = fz_load_page(doc, page_num); int width_val, height_val; auto p = std::make_shared>(-1,-1); /* This will launch rendering on another thread */ auto t = create_task([spatial_info, page_num, doc, page, width, height, p]()-> InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ { InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras; /* Get raster bitmap stream */ ras = RenderBitMap(doc, page, &(p->first), &(p->second), spatial_info); *width = p->first; *height = p->second; return ras; }); return t.then([renderedImage, doc, page, p](task the_task) { /* And store in a new image brush. Note: creation of WriteableBitmap MUST be done by the UI thread. */ InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras; assert(IsMainThread); try { ras = the_task.get(); } catch (const task_canceled& e) { return (Canvas^) nullptr; } WriteableBitmap ^bmp = ref new WriteableBitmap(p->first, p->second); bmp->SetSource(ras); *renderedImage = ref new ImageBrush(); (*renderedImage)->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::None; (*renderedImage)->ImageSource = bmp; Canvas^ ret_Canvas = ref new Canvas(); ret_Canvas->Width = p->first; ret_Canvas->Height = p->second; ret_Canvas->Background = *renderedImage; fz_free_page(doc, page); return ret_Canvas; }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } Canvas^ RenderPage(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, int *width, int *height, spatial_info_t spatial_info, ImageBrush^ *renderedImage) { InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras; /* Get raster bitmap stream */ ras = RenderBitMap(doc, page, width, height, spatial_info); /* And store in a new image brush. Note: creation of WriteableBitmap MUST be done by the UI thread. */ WriteableBitmap ^bmp = ref new WriteableBitmap(*width, *height); bmp->SetSource(ras); *renderedImage = ref new ImageBrush(); (*renderedImage)->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::None; (*renderedImage)->ImageSource = bmp; Canvas^ ret_Canvas = ref new Canvas(); ret_Canvas->Height = *height; ret_Canvas->Width = *width; ret_Canvas->Background = *renderedImage; return ret_Canvas; } void winapp::MainPage::SetupZoomCanvas() { int height = this->ActualHeight; int width = this->ActualWidth; CreateBlank(width, height); xaml_zoomCanvas->Background = this->m_blankPage; xaml_zoomCanvas->Background->Opacity = 0; /* Set the current flip view mode */ if (height > width) this->m_curr_flipView = xaml_vert_flipView; else this->m_curr_flipView = xaml_horiz_flipView; } /* Clean up everything as we are opening a new document after having another one open */ void winapp::MainPage::CleanUp() { /* Remove current pages in the flipviews */ if (xaml_vert_flipView->Items->Size) xaml_vert_flipView->Items->Clear(); if (xaml_horiz_flipView->Items->Size) xaml_horiz_flipView->Items->Clear(); /* Clean up mupdf */ if (m_doc != NULL) fz_close_document(m_doc); this->m_curr_flipView = nullptr; m_currpage = 0; m_file_open = false; m_doc = NULL; m_slider_min = 0; m_slider_max = 0; m_init_done = false; m_memory_use = 0; m_zoom_mode = false; m_from_doubleflip = false; m_first_time = false; m_insearch = false; m_search_active = false; m_sliderchange = false; m_flip_from_searchlink = false; m_num_pages = -1; m_search_rect_count = 0; ResetSearch(); m_ren_status = REN_AVAILABLE; m_thumb_page_start = 0; m_thumb_page_stop = 0; m_links_on = false; if (m_content.num) { //m_content.page->; // m_content.string_margin->Dispose(); //m_content.string_orig->Dispose(); m_content.num = 0; } m_curr_zoom = 1.0; m_canvas_translate.X = 0; m_canvas_translate.Y = 0; this->xaml_PageSlider->Minimum = m_slider_min; this->xaml_PageSlider->Maximum = m_slider_max; this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled = false; } /* Create the thumbnail images. This is started when we have space on the render thread */ void winapp::MainPage::RenderThumbs() { spatial_info_t spatial_info = this->InitSpatial(1); int num_pages = this->m_num_pages; int thumb_pages = this->m_thumb_page_start; int max_display = max(spatial_info.size.height, spatial_info.size.width) * SCALE_THUMB; cancellation_token_source cts; auto token = cts.get_token(); m_ThumbCancel = cts; this->m_ren_status = REN_THUMBS; thumbs_t thumbnails = m_thumbnails; create_task([spatial_info, max_display, num_pages, thumb_pages, thumbnails, this]()-> int { spatial_info_t spatial_info_local = spatial_info; InMemoryRandomAccessStream ^ras = ref new InMemoryRandomAccessStream(); for (int k = thumb_pages; k < num_pages; k++) { int width, height; int max_page_size; double scale_factor; fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, k); // Get page size spatial_info_local.scale_factor = 1; PageSize(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info_local); // Determine thumb scale factor max_page_size = max(width, height); scale_factor = (double) max_display/ (double) max_page_size; spatial_info_local.scale_factor = 0.1; thumbnails.raster[k] = RenderBitMap(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info_local); thumbnails.scale[k] = 0.1; thumbnails.size[k].Y = height; thumbnails.size[k].X = width; if (is_task_cancellation_requested()) { /* Just return the pages that we have done so far.*/ this->m_thumb_page_stop = k + 1; cancel_current_task(); } } return num_pages; /* all done with thumbnails! */ }, token).then([this](task the_task) { int new_end; assert(IsMainThread); try { new_end = the_task.get(); } catch (const task_canceled& e) { new_end = this->m_thumb_page_stop; } int old_end = this->m_thumb_page_start; /* Now go ahead and create the proper stuctures */ this->m_ren_status = REN_UPDATE_THUMB_CANVAS; this->m_thumb_page_start = new_end; for (int k = old_end; k < new_end; k++) { /* See if we already have something here as the main thread may have already put in place the full scale image. Since this operation is done on the main thread we should be safe here from race conditions. Creation of bmp has to be done in ui thread */ FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp_v = (FlipViewItem^) xaml_vert_flipView->Items->GetAt(k); FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp_h = (FlipViewItem^) xaml_horiz_flipView->Items->GetAt(k); FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp_curr = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(k); if (flipview_temp_curr->Background != nullptr) { WriteableBitmap ^bmp = ref new WriteableBitmap(m_thumbnails.size[k].Y, m_thumbnails.size[k].X); bmp->SetSource(m_thumbnails.raster[k]); ImageBrush^ renderedImage = ref new ImageBrush(); renderedImage->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::Fill; renderedImage->ImageSource = bmp; /* Different flip view items cannot share the same canvas */ m_thumbnails.canvas_h[k] = ref new Canvas(); m_thumbnails.canvas_h[k]->Height = m_thumbnails.size[k].Y / m_thumbnails.scale[k]; m_thumbnails.canvas_h[k]->Width = m_thumbnails.size[k].X / m_thumbnails.scale[k]; m_thumbnails.canvas_h[k]->Background = renderedImage; m_thumbnails.canvas_v[k] = ref new Canvas(); m_thumbnails.canvas_v[k]->Height = m_thumbnails.size[k].Y / m_thumbnails.scale[k]; m_thumbnails.canvas_v[k]->Width = m_thumbnails.size[k].X / m_thumbnails.scale[k]; m_thumbnails.canvas_v[k]->Background = renderedImage; flipview_temp_h->Content = m_thumbnails.canvas_h[k]; flipview_temp_v->Content = m_thumbnails.canvas_v[k]; } } this->m_ren_status = REN_AVAILABLE; }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } void winapp::MainPage::OpenDocumentPrep(StorageFile^ file) { if (this->m_num_pages != -1) { /* If the thumbnail thread is running then we need to end that first */ RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available, then clean up then open */ auto t = create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]()->int { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } return 0; }).then([this](task the_task) { CleanUp(); return 0; }, task_continuation_context::use_current()).then([this, file](task the_task) { OpenDocument(file); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } else { OpenDocument(file); } } void winapp::MainPage::OpenDocument(StorageFile^ file) { String^ path = file->Path; const wchar_t *w = path->Data(); int cb = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, w, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); char* name = new char[cb]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, w ,-1 ,name ,cb ,nullptr, nullptr); char *ext = strrchr(name, '.'); this->SetupZoomCanvas(); auto ui = task_continuation_context::use_current(); create_task(file->OpenAsync(FileAccessMode::Read)).then([this, file, ext, ui](task task) { try { IRandomAccessStream^ readStream = task.get(); UINT64 const size = readStream->Size; win_stream.stream = readStream; if (size <= MAXUINT32) { /* assign data reader to stream object */ fz_stream *str; str = fz_new_stream(ctx, 0, win_read_file, win_close_file); str->seek = win_seek_file; str->state = reinterpret_cast (&win_stream); /* Now lets see if we can render the file */ m_doc = fz_open_document_with_stream(ctx, ext, str); m_num_pages = m_doc->count_pages(m_doc); if ((m_currpage) >= m_num_pages) { m_currpage = m_num_pages - 1; } else if (m_currpage < 0) { m_currpage = 0; } /* Set up both flip views and intialize with blank pages */ FlipView^ temp_flip; if (this->m_curr_flipView == xaml_vert_flipView) temp_flip = xaml_horiz_flipView; else temp_flip = xaml_vert_flipView; /* Initialize all the flipvew items */ for (int k = 0; k < m_num_pages; k++) { AddBlankPage(k, xaml_horiz_flipView); AddBlankPage(k, xaml_vert_flipView); } /* Do the current page now though */ int height, width; spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1); for (int k = 0; k < LOOK_AHEAD + 2; k++) { if (m_num_pages > k ) { fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, k); this->m_renderedCanvas = RenderPage(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); ReplacePage(k); fz_free_page(m_doc, page); } } /* Update the slider settings, if more than one page */ if (m_num_pages > 1) { this->xaml_PageSlider->Maximum = m_num_pages; this->xaml_PageSlider->Minimum = 1; this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled = true; } else { this->xaml_PageSlider->Maximum = 0; this->xaml_PageSlider->Minimum = 0; this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled = false; } this->m_init_done = true; } else { delete readStream; } } catch(COMException^ ex) { this->HandleFileNotFoundException(ex); } }).then([this, ui]() { InitThumbnails(); this->RenderThumbs(); }); } task winapp::MainPage::RenderRange(int curr_page, int *height, int *width) { /* Render +/- the look ahead from where we are if blank page is present */ spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1); RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available */ auto t = create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }); return t.then([this, height, width, curr_page, spatial_info]() { // assert(IsMainThread); int val = 0; /* This runs on the main ui thread */ for (int k = curr_page - LOOK_AHEAD; k <= curr_page + LOOK_AHEAD; k++) { if (k >= 0 && k < m_num_pages) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(k); if (flipview_temp->Background == this->m_blankPage) { fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, k); this->m_ren_status = REN_PAGE; m_renderedCanvas = RenderPage(m_doc, page, width, height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); ReplacePage(k); fz_free_page(m_doc, page); this->m_ren_status = REN_AVAILABLE; } } } Canvas^ link_canvas = (Canvas^) (this->FindName("linkCanvas")); if (link_canvas != nullptr) { Canvas^ Parent_Canvas = (Canvas^) link_canvas->Parent; if (Parent_Canvas != nullptr) { Parent_Canvas->Children->RemoveAtEnd(); delete link_canvas; } } RectSize rectsize = this->currPageSize(curr_page); *height = rectsize.height; *width = rectsize.width; m_currpage = curr_page; if (this->m_links_on) { fz_drop_link(ctx, this->m_links); AddLinkCanvas(); } /* Check if thumb rendering is done. If not then restart */ if (this->m_num_pages != this->m_thumb_page_start) this->RenderThumbs(); return val; }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } void winapp::MainPage::Slider_Released(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives::RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs^ e) { int height, width; int newValue = (int) this->xaml_PageSlider->Value - 1; /* zero based */ // this->RenderRange(newValue, &height, &width); } void winapp::MainPage::Slider_ValueChanged(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives::RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs^ e) { int newValue = (int) this->xaml_PageSlider->Value - 1; /* zero based */ RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; auto ui = task_continuation_context::use_current(); if (m_update_flip) { m_update_flip = false; return; } if (m_init_done && this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(newValue); if (flipview_temp->Background == this->m_blankPage) { create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }).then([this, newValue]() { int width, height; fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, newValue); spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1); this->m_ren_status = REN_PAGE; m_renderedCanvas = RenderPage(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); ReplacePage(newValue); this->m_ren_status = REN_AVAILABLE; this->m_currpage = newValue; fz_free_page(m_doc, page); m_sliderchange = true; this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = newValue; ResetSearch(); }, ui); } } } void winapp::MainPage::FlipView_SelectionChanged(Object^ sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs^ e) { int pos = this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex; int height, width; m_update_flip = true; if (xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled) { xaml_PageSlider->Value = pos; } if (pos >= 0) { if (m_flip_from_searchlink) { m_flip_from_searchlink = false; return; } else if (m_sliderchange) { m_sliderchange = false; return; } else { ResetSearch(); } if (m_init_done) { /* Get the current page */ int curr_page = this->m_currpage; task task = this->RenderRange(pos, &height, &width); task.then([this, curr_page, pos](int val) { this->ReleasePages(curr_page, pos); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } } } void winapp::MainPage::Canvas_ManipulationStarting(Object^ sender, ManipulationStartingRoutedEventArgs^ e) { bool handled; e->GetType(); handled = e->Handled; } void winapp::MainPage::Canvas_ManipulationStarted(Object^ sender, ManipulationStartedRoutedEventArgs^ e) { this->m_touchpoint = e->Position; } void winapp::MainPage::Canvas_ManipulationCompleted(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs^ e) { if (m_scaling_occured) { int width, height; int pos = this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex; fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, pos); spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(m_curr_zoom); m_renderedCanvas = RenderPage(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background = this->m_renderedImage; m_renderedImage->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::None; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width = width; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height = height; } } void winapp::MainPage::Canvas_ManipulationDelta(Object^ sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs^ e) { int width, height; m_changes = e->Cumulative; if (e->Delta.Scale != 1 || m_first_time) { /* Render at scaled resolution */ int pos = this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex; fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, pos); spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(m_curr_zoom); m_curr_zoom = m_curr_zoom * e->Delta.Scale; if (m_curr_zoom < MIN_SCALE) m_curr_zoom = MIN_SCALE; if (m_curr_zoom > MAX_SCALE) m_curr_zoom = MAX_SCALE; if (m_first_time) { m_renderedCanvas = RenderPage(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background = this->m_renderedImage; m_renderedImage->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::None; } else { PageSize(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info); m_renderedImage->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::Fill; } this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width = width; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height = height; m_zoom_size.X = width; m_zoom_size.Y = height; m_first_time = false; m_scaling_occured = true; } TranslateTransform ^trans_transform = ref new TranslateTransform(); m_canvas_translate.X += e->Delta.Translation.X; m_canvas_translate.Y += e->Delta.Translation.Y; if (m_canvas_translate.Y > ((this->ActualHeight + m_zoom_size.Y) / 2 - MARGIN_BUFF) ) { m_canvas_translate.Y = (this->ActualHeight + m_zoom_size.Y) / 2 - MARGIN_BUFF; } if (m_canvas_translate.Y < (MARGIN_BUFF - (this->ActualHeight + m_zoom_size.Y) / 2) ) { m_canvas_translate.Y = MARGIN_BUFF - (this->ActualHeight + m_zoom_size.Y) / 2; } if (m_canvas_translate.X > ((this->ActualWidth + m_zoom_size.X) / 2 - MARGIN_BUFF)) { m_canvas_translate.X = (this->ActualWidth + m_zoom_size.X) / 2 - MARGIN_BUFF; } if (m_canvas_translate.X < (MARGIN_BUFF - (this->ActualWidth + m_zoom_size.X) / 2)) { m_canvas_translate.X = (MARGIN_BUFF - (this->ActualWidth + m_zoom_size.X) / 2); } trans_transform->X = m_canvas_translate.X; trans_transform->Y = m_canvas_translate.Y; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->RenderTransform = trans_transform; } void winapp::MainPage::FlipView_Double(Object^ sender, DoubleTappedRoutedEventArgs^ e) { if (!m_zoom_mode && this->m_num_pages != -1) { RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available */ auto t = create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }).then([this]() { m_zoom_mode = true; int pos = this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex; int width, height; fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, pos); spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1); m_renderedCanvas = RenderPage(m_doc, page, &width, &height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); m_renderedImage->Stretch = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch::None; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background = m_renderedImage; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width = width; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height = height; m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = false; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background->Opacity = 1; this->m_curr_flipView->Opacity = 0.0; m_first_time = true; m_from_doubleflip = true; m_curr_zoom = 1.0; }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } } void winapp::MainPage::Canvas_Double(Object^ sender, DoubleTappedRoutedEventArgs^ e) { TranslateTransform ^trans_transform = ref new TranslateTransform(); if (m_zoom_mode && !m_from_doubleflip) { m_zoom_mode = false; int pos = this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex; FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(pos); Canvas^ Curr_Canvas = (Canvas^) (flipview_temp->Content); if (this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background != Curr_Canvas->Background) this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background->Opacity = 0; else this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background = nullptr; this->m_curr_flipView->Opacity = 1; m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = true; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height = this->ActualHeight; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width = this->ActualWidth; trans_transform->X = 0; trans_transform->Y = 0; m_canvas_translate.X = 0; m_canvas_translate.Y = 0; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->RenderTransform = trans_transform; } m_from_doubleflip = false; } /* Search Related Code */ static int hit_count = 0; static fz_rect hit_bbox[MAX_SEARCH]; static int search_page(fz_document *doc, int number, char *needle, fz_cookie *cookie) { fz_page *page = fz_load_page(doc, number); fz_text_sheet *sheet = fz_new_text_sheet(ctx); fz_text_page *text = fz_new_text_page(ctx, &fz_empty_rect); fz_device *dev = fz_new_text_device(ctx, sheet, text); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, cookie); fz_free_device(dev); hit_count = fz_search_text_page(ctx, text, needle, hit_bbox, nelem(hit_bbox));; fz_free_text_page(ctx, text); fz_free_text_sheet(ctx, sheet); fz_free_page(doc, page); return hit_count; } void winapp::MainPage::Searcher(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { /* Update the app bar so that we can do the search */ StackPanel^ leftPanel = (StackPanel^) this->TopAppBar->FindName("LeftPanel"); if (leftPanel != nullptr && m_insearch) { m_insearch = false; leftPanel->Children->RemoveAtEnd(); leftPanel->Children->RemoveAtEnd(); leftPanel->Children->RemoveAtEnd(); } else if (leftPanel != nullptr && !m_insearch) { m_insearch = true; Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Button^ PrevButton = ref new Button(); PrevButton->Style = safe_cast(App::Current->Resources->Lookup("PreviousAppBarButtonStyle")); PrevButton->Click += ref new RoutedEventHandler(this, &winapp::MainPage::SearchPrev); Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Button^ NextButton = ref new Button(); NextButton->Style = safe_cast(App::Current->Resources->Lookup("NextAppBarButtonStyle")); NextButton->Click += ref new RoutedEventHandler(this, &winapp::MainPage::SearchNext); Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::TextBox^ SearchBox = ref new TextBox(); SearchBox->Name = "findBox"; SearchBox->Width = 200; SearchBox->Height = 20; leftPanel->Children->Append(SearchBox); leftPanel->Children->Append(PrevButton); leftPanel->Children->Append(NextButton); } } void winapp::MainPage::ShowSearchResults(SearchResult_t result) { int height, width; int old_page = this->m_currpage; int new_page = result.page_num; spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(1); //task task = this->RenderRange(new_page, &height, &width); this->m_ren_status = REN_PAGE; task the_task = RenderPage_Task(m_doc, new_page, &width, &height, spatial_info, &m_renderedImage); the_task.then([this, old_page, new_page](task the_task) { assert(IsMainThread); try { this->m_renderedCanvas = the_task.get(); } catch (const task_canceled& e) { this->m_renderedCanvas = nullptr; } ReplacePage(new_page); this->m_ren_status = REN_AVAILABLE; this->ReleasePages(old_page, new_page); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()).then([this, result]() { /* Once the rendering is done launch this task to show the result */ RectSize screenSize; RectSize pageSize; RectSize scale; if (this->m_links_on) { fz_drop_link(ctx, this->m_links); AddLinkCanvas(); } fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, result.page_num); FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(result.page_num); Canvas^ results_Canvas = (Canvas^) (flipview_temp->Content); m_searchpage = result.page_num; screenSize.height = this->ActualHeight; screenSize.width = this->ActualWidth; screenSize.width *= screenScale; screenSize.height *= screenScale; pageSize = measurePage(m_doc, page); scale = fitPageToScreen(pageSize, screenSize); /* Now add the rects */ for (int k = 0; k < result.box_count && k < MAX_SEARCH; k++) { /* Create a new ref counted Rectangle */ Rectangle^ a_rectangle = ref new Rectangle(); TranslateTransform ^trans_transform = ref new TranslateTransform(); a_rectangle->Width = hit_bbox[k].x1 - hit_bbox[k].x0; a_rectangle->Height = hit_bbox[k].y1 - hit_bbox[k].y0; trans_transform->X = hit_bbox[k].x0 * scale.width; trans_transform->Y = hit_bbox[k].y0 * scale.height; a_rectangle->Width *= scale.width; a_rectangle->Height *= scale.height; a_rectangle->RenderTransform = trans_transform; a_rectangle->Fill = m_textcolor_brush; results_Canvas->Children->Append(a_rectangle); m_search_rect_count += 1; } if (result.box_count > 0) { m_flip_from_searchlink = true; this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = result.page_num; m_currpage = result.page_num; } }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } void winapp::MainPage::SearchNext(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { StackPanel^ leftPanel = (StackPanel^) this->TopAppBar->FindName("LeftPanel"); TextBox^ findBox = (TextBox^) leftPanel->FindName("findBox"); String^ textToFind = findBox->Text; RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available */ create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }).then([this, textToFind]() { if (this->m_search_active == false) SearchInDirection(1, textToFind); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } void winapp::MainPage::SearchPrev(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { StackPanel^ leftPanel = (StackPanel^) this->TopAppBar->FindName("LeftPanel"); TextBox^ findBox = (TextBox^) leftPanel->FindName("findBox"); String^ textToFind = findBox->Text; RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available */ create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }).then([this, textToFind]() { if (this->m_search_active == false) SearchInDirection(-1, textToFind); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } void winapp::MainPage::CancelSearch(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { m_searchcts.cancel(); } void winapp::MainPage::ResetSearch(void) { m_searchpage = -1; #if 0 wchar_t buf[20]; String^ TempString = ref new String(buf); /* Remove all the rects */ for (int k = 0; k < this->m_search_rect_count; k++) { unsigned int index; int len = swprintf_s(buf, 20, L"%s_%d", L"Rect",k); Rectangle^ curr_rect = (Rectangle^) (m_curr_flipView->FindName(TempString)); if (curr_rect != nullptr) { Canvas^ results_Canvas = (Canvas^) curr_rect->Parent; results_Canvas->Children->IndexOf(curr_rect, &index); results_Canvas->Children->RemoveAt(index); } } #endif } void winapp::MainPage::SearchInDirection(int dir, String^ textToFind) { int start; const wchar_t *w = textToFind->Data(); int cb = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, textToFind->Data(), -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); char* needle = new char[cb]; fz_document *local_doc = m_doc; cancellation_token_source cts; auto token = cts.get_token(); m_searchcts = cts; SearchResult_t result; int pos = m_currpage; result.box_count = 0; result.page_num = -1; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, textToFind->Data() ,-1 ,needle ,cb ,nullptr, nullptr); if (m_searchpage == pos) start = pos + dir; else start = pos; /* ProgressBar^ my_xaml_Progress = (ProgressBar^) (this->FindName("xaml_Progress")); my_xaml_Progress->Value = start; my_xaml_Progress->IsEnabled = true; my_xaml_Progress->Opacity = 1.0; */ /* ProgressBar^ my_bar = (ProgressBar^) (xaml_MainGrid->FindName("search_progress")); if (my_bar == nullptr) { my_bar = ref new ProgressBar(); my_bar->Name = "search_progress"; my_bar->Maximum = this->m_num_pages; my_bar->Value = start; my_bar->IsIndeterminate = false; my_bar->Height = 10; my_bar->Width = 400; xaml_MainGrid->Children->Append(my_bar); } else { my_bar->Value = start; } */ this->m_search_active = true; /* Do task lambdas here to avoid UI blocking issues */ auto search_task = create_task([this, needle, dir, start, local_doc, &result]()->SearchResult_t { for (int i = start; i >= 0 && i < fz_count_pages(local_doc); i += dir) { result.box_count = search_page(local_doc, i, needle, NULL); result.page_num = i; //my_xaml_Progress->Value = i; if (result.box_count) { free(needle); return result; } if (is_task_cancellation_requested()) { free(needle); } } /* Todo no matches found alert */ free(needle); return result; }, token); /* Do the continuation on the ui thread */ search_task.then([this](task the_task) { SearchResult_t the_result = the_task.get(); if (the_result.box_count > 0) { // ProgressBar^ xaml_Progress = (ProgressBar^) (this->FindName("xaml_Progress")); // xaml_Progress->IsEnabled = false; // xaml_Progress->Opacity = 0.0; this->ShowSearchResults(the_result); this->m_search_active = false; } }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } /* This is here to handle when we rotate or go into the snapview mode ToDo add in data binding to change the scroll direction */ void winapp::MainPage::GridSizeChanged() { int height = this->ActualHeight; int width = this->ActualWidth; FlipView^ old_flip = m_curr_flipView; if (m_zoom_mode) { Canvas_Double(nullptr, nullptr); } if (height > width) { m_curr_flipView = this->xaml_vert_flipView; if (!m_zoom_mode) { this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height = height; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width = width; this->m_curr_flipView->Height = height; this->m_curr_flipView->Width = width; } xaml_vert_flipView->IsEnabled = true; xaml_vert_flipView->Opacity = 1; xaml_horiz_flipView->IsEnabled = false; xaml_horiz_flipView->Opacity = 0; } else { m_curr_flipView = this->xaml_horiz_flipView; if (!m_zoom_mode) { this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height = height; this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width = width; this->m_curr_flipView->Height = height; this->m_curr_flipView->Width = width; } xaml_horiz_flipView->IsEnabled = true; xaml_horiz_flipView->Opacity = 1; xaml_vert_flipView->IsEnabled = false; xaml_vert_flipView->Opacity = 0; } // if (m_num_pages > 0 && this->m_links_on) // ClearLinksCanvas(); UpDatePageSizes(); if (m_num_pages > 0 && old_flip != m_curr_flipView && old_flip != nullptr) { if ((this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex == this->m_currpage) && this->m_links_on) FlipView_SelectionChanged(nullptr, nullptr); else this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = this->m_currpage; } } void winapp::MainPage::UpDatePageSizes() { int width, height; /* Render our current pages at the new resolution and rescale the thumbnail canvas if needed */ if (m_num_pages > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_num_pages; i++) { FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(i); if (flipview_temp != nullptr && flipview_temp->Content != nullptr) { Canvas^ curr_canvas = (Canvas^) flipview_temp->Content; int curr_canvas_height = curr_canvas->Height; int curr_canvas_width = curr_canvas->Width; double scale_x = (double) curr_canvas_height / (double) this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height; double scale_y = (double) curr_canvas_width / (double) this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width; double min_scale = max(scale_x, scale_y); curr_canvas->Height = curr_canvas_height / min_scale; curr_canvas->Width = curr_canvas_width / min_scale; } } // this->RenderRange(this->m_currpage, &height, &width); } }; void winapp::MainPage::ClearLinksCanvas() { Canvas^ link_canvas = (Canvas^) (this->FindName("linkCanvas")); if (link_canvas != nullptr) { Canvas^ Parent_Canvas = (Canvas^) link_canvas->Parent; if (Parent_Canvas != nullptr) { Parent_Canvas->Children->RemoveAtEnd(); delete link_canvas; } } } /* Link related code */ void winapp::MainPage::Linker(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { m_links_on = !m_links_on; RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; if (m_links_on) { auto t = create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }); t.then([this]() { AddLinkCanvas(); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } else ClearLinksCanvas(); } void winapp::MainPage::AddLinkCanvas() { if (m_links_on) { ClearLinksCanvas(); /* To render current page with links */ fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, this->m_currpage); m_links = fz_load_links(m_doc, page); if (m_links != NULL) { RectSize screenSize; RectSize pageSize; RectSize scale; screenSize.height = this->ActualHeight; screenSize.width = this->ActualWidth; screenSize.width *= screenScale; screenSize.height *= screenScale; pageSize = measurePage(m_doc, page); scale = fitPageToScreen(pageSize, screenSize); /* A new canvas */ Canvas^ link_canvas = ref new Canvas(); link_canvas->Name = "linkCanvas"; /* Get current flipview item */ FlipViewItem ^flipview_temp = (FlipViewItem^) m_curr_flipView->Items->GetAt(this->m_currpage); Canvas^ curr_canvas = (Canvas^) flipview_temp->Content; link_canvas->Height = curr_canvas->Height; link_canvas->Width = curr_canvas->Width; curr_canvas->Children->Append(link_canvas); /* Now add the rects */ fz_link *curr_link = m_links; fz_rect curr_rect; while (curr_link != NULL) { Rectangle^ a_rectangle = ref new Rectangle(); TranslateTransform ^trans_transform = ref new TranslateTransform(); a_rectangle->IsTapEnabled = true; curr_rect = curr_link->rect; a_rectangle->Width = curr_rect.x1 - curr_rect.x0; a_rectangle->Height = curr_rect.y1 - curr_rect.y0; trans_transform->X = curr_rect.x0 * scale.width; trans_transform->Y = curr_rect.y0 * scale.height; a_rectangle->Width *= scale.width; a_rectangle->Height *= scale.height; a_rectangle->RenderTransform = trans_transform; a_rectangle->Fill = m_linkcolor_brush; link_canvas->Children->Append(a_rectangle); curr_link = curr_link->next; } } } } bool winapp::MainPage::CheckRect(Rectangle^ curr_rect, Point pt) { TranslateTransform ^trans_transform = (TranslateTransform^) curr_rect->RenderTransform; Point rect_start; Point rect_end; rect_start.X = trans_transform->X; rect_start.Y = trans_transform->Y; rect_end.X = rect_start.X + curr_rect->Width; rect_end.Y = rect_start.Y + curr_rect->Height; if ((rect_start.X < pt.X) && (pt.X < rect_end.X) && (rect_start.Y < pt.Y) && (pt.Y < rect_end.Y)) return true; return false; } void winapp::MainPage::Canvas_Single_Tap(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e) { /* See if we are currently viewing any links */ if (m_links_on) { Point pt; Canvas^ link_canvas = (Canvas^) (m_curr_flipView->FindName("linkCanvas")); if (link_canvas != nullptr) { pt = e->GetPosition(link_canvas); IIterator ^it = link_canvas->Children->First(); int count = 0; while (it->HasCurrent) { Rectangle^ curr_rect = (Rectangle^) (it->Current); if (CheckRect(curr_rect, pt)) { JumpToLink(count); break; } it->MoveNext(); count += 1; } } } } /* Window string hurdles.... */ String^ char_to_String(char *char_in) { size_t size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, char_in, -1, NULL, 0); wchar_t *pw; pw = new wchar_t[size]; if (!pw) { delete []pw; return nullptr; } MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, char_in, -1, pw, size ); String^ str_out = ref new String(pw); delete []pw; return str_out; } void winapp::MainPage::JumpToLink(int index) { fz_link *link = this->m_links; RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Get through the list */ for (int k = 0; k < index; k++) link = link->next; if (link->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_GOTO) { int page = link->dest.ld.gotor.page; this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = page; this->m_currpage = page; if (this->m_links_on) { fz_drop_link(ctx, this->m_links); } } else if (link->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_URI) { String^ str = char_to_String(link->dest.ld.uri.uri); // The URI to launch auto uri = ref new Windows::Foundation::Uri(str); // Set the option to show a warning auto launchOptions = ref new Windows::System::LauncherOptions(); launchOptions->TreatAsUntrusted = true; // Launch the URI with a warning prompt concurrency::task launchUriOperation(Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(uri, launchOptions)); launchUriOperation.then([](bool success) { if (success) { // URI launched } else { // URI launch failed } }); } } void winapp::MainPage::FlattenOutline(fz_outline *outline, int level) { char indent[8*4+1]; if (level > 8) level = 8; memset(indent, ' ', level * 4); indent[level * 4] = 0; String^ indent_str = char_to_String(indent); String^ str_indent; while (outline) { if (outline->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_GOTO) { int page = outline->dest.ld.gotor.page; if (page >= 0 && outline->title) { /* Add to the contents */ m_content.page->Append(page); String^ str = char_to_String(outline->title); m_content.string_orig->Append(str); str_indent = str_indent->Concat(indent_str, str); m_content.string_margin->Append(str_indent); m_content.num += 1; } } FlattenOutline(outline->down, level + 1); outline = outline->next; } } /* Bring up the contents */ void winapp::MainPage::ContentDisplay(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { if (this->m_num_pages < 0) return; if (this->xaml_ListView->IsEnabled) { this->xaml_ListView->Opacity = 0.0; this->xaml_ListView->IsEnabled = false; this->m_curr_flipView->Opacity = 1.0; this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = true; } else { if (!m_content.num) { /* Make sure we are good to go */ RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; fz_outline *root = NULL; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available */ auto t = create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }).then([this, &root]() { root = fz_load_outline(m_doc); if (root) { /* Flatten here if needed */ m_content.page = ref new Vector; m_content.string_margin = ref new Vector; m_content.string_orig = ref new Vector; FlattenOutline(root, 0); fz_free_outline(ctx, root); /* Bring up the content now */ for (int k = 0; k < m_content.num; k++) { auto content_val = ref new LVContents; content_val->Page = m_content.page->GetAt(k); content_val->ContentItem = m_content.string_margin->GetAt(k); this->xaml_ListView->Items->Append(content_val); } } if (m_content.num) { this->xaml_ListView->Opacity = 1.0; this->xaml_ListView->IsEnabled = true; this->m_curr_flipView->Opacity = 0.0; this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = false; } /* Check if thumb rendering is done. If not then restart */ if (this->m_num_pages != this->m_thumb_page_start) this->RenderThumbs(); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } else { this->xaml_ListView->Opacity = 1.0; this->xaml_ListView->IsEnabled = true; this->m_curr_flipView->Opacity = 0.0; this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = false; } } } void winapp::MainPage::ContentSelected(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ItemClickEventArgs^ e) { LVContents^ b = safe_cast(e->ClickedItem); int newpage = b->Page; if (newpage > -1 && newpage < this->m_num_pages) { this->xaml_ListView->Opacity = 0.0; this->xaml_ListView->IsEnabled = false; this->m_curr_flipView->Opacity = 1.0; this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = true; int old_page = this->m_currpage; this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = newpage; this->m_currpage = newpage; } } void winapp::MainPage::Reflower(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e) { if (xaml_WebView->Visibility == Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Visible) { /* Go back to flip view */ xaml_WebView->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed; this->xaml_MainGrid->Opacity = 1.0; this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = true; } else if (this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled) { /* Only go from flip view to reflow */ RenderingStatus_t *ren_status = &m_ren_status; cancellation_token_source *ThumbCancel = &m_ThumbCancel; /* Create a task to wait until the renderer is available */ auto t = create_task([ren_status, ThumbCancel]() { if (*ren_status == REN_THUMBS) ThumbCancel->cancel(); while (*ren_status != REN_AVAILABLE) { } }).then([this]() { fz_rect bounds; fz_output *out; fz_page *page = fz_load_page(m_doc, this->m_currpage); fz_text_sheet *sheet = fz_new_text_sheet(ctx); fz_text_page *text = fz_new_text_page(ctx, &fz_empty_rect); fz_device *dev = fz_new_text_device(ctx, sheet, text); fz_run_page(m_doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_text_analysis(ctx, sheet, text); fz_buffer *buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 256); out = fz_new_output_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_print_text_page_html(ctx, out, text); xaml_WebView->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Visible; this->xaml_MainGrid->Opacity = 0.0; this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = false; String^ html_string = char_to_String((char*) buf->data); // WebViewBrush^ web_brush = ref new WebViewBrush(); this->xaml_WebView->NavigateToString(html_string); // web_brush->SourceName = "xaml_WebView"; // web_brush->Redraw(); // this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Background = web_brush; // xaml_WebView->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed; /* Check if thumb rendering is done. If not then restart */ if (this->m_num_pages != this->m_thumb_page_start) this->RenderThumbs(); }, task_continuation_context::use_current()); } } void winapp::MainPage::WebViewDelta(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs^ e) { double scale_val = e->Delta.Scale; } void winapp::MainPage::WebViewStarting(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationStartingRoutedEventArgs^ e) { int zz = 1; } void winapp::MainPage::WebViewCompleted(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs^ e) { int zz = 1; } void winapp::MainPage::TempViewStarting(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationStartingRoutedEventArgs^ e) { int zz = 1; }