#include "fitz.h" #include "muxps.h" static void xps_rels_for_part(char *buf, char *name, int buflen) { char *p, *basename; p = strrchr(name, '/'); basename = p ? p + 1 : name; fz_strlcpy(buf, name, buflen); p = strrchr(buf, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; fz_strlcat(buf, "/_rels/", buflen); fz_strlcat(buf, basename, buflen); fz_strlcat(buf, ".rels", buflen); } /* * The FixedDocumentSequence and FixedDocument parts determine * which parts correspond to actual pages, and the page order. */ void xps_debug_page_list(xps_document *doc) { xps_fixdoc *fixdoc = doc->first_fixdoc; xps_page *page = doc->first_page; if (doc->start_part) printf("start part %s\n", doc->start_part); while (fixdoc) { printf("fixdoc %s\n", fixdoc->name); fixdoc = fixdoc->next; } while (page) { printf("page[%d] %s w=%d h=%d\n", page->number, page->name, page->width, page->height); page = page->next; } } static void xps_add_fixed_document(xps_document *doc, char *name) { xps_fixdoc *fixdoc; /* Check for duplicates first */ for (fixdoc = doc->first_fixdoc; fixdoc; fixdoc = fixdoc->next) if (!strcmp(fixdoc->name, name)) return; fixdoc = fz_malloc_struct(doc->ctx, xps_fixdoc); fixdoc->name = fz_strdup(doc->ctx, name); fixdoc->outline = NULL; fixdoc->next = NULL; if (!doc->first_fixdoc) { doc->first_fixdoc = fixdoc; doc->last_fixdoc = fixdoc; } else { doc->last_fixdoc->next = fixdoc; doc->last_fixdoc = fixdoc; } } void xps_add_link(xps_document *doc, fz_rect area, char *base_uri, char *target_uri) { int len; char *buffer = NULL; char *uri; xps_target *target; fz_link_dest dest; fz_link *link; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_var(buffer); if (doc->current_page == NULL || doc->current_page->links_resolved) return; fz_try(ctx) { len = 2 + (base_uri ? strlen(base_uri) : 0) + (target_uri ? strlen(target_uri) : 0); buffer = fz_malloc(doc->ctx, len); xps_resolve_url(buffer, base_uri, target_uri, len); if (xps_url_is_remote(buffer)) { dest.kind = FZ_LINK_URI; dest.ld.uri.is_map = 0; dest.ld.uri.uri = buffer; buffer = NULL; } else { uri = buffer; /* FIXME: This won't work for remote docs */ /* Skip until we find the fragment marker */ while (*uri && *uri != '#') uri++; if (*uri == '#') uri++; for (target = doc->target; target; target = target->next) if (!strcmp(target->name, uri)) break; if (target == NULL) break; dest.kind = FZ_LINK_GOTO; dest.ld.gotor.flags = 0; dest.ld.gotor.lt.x = 0; dest.ld.gotor.lt.y = 0; dest.ld.gotor.rb.x = 0; dest.ld.gotor.rb.y = 0; dest.ld.gotor.page = target->page; dest.ld.gotor.file_spec = NULL; dest.ld.gotor.new_window = 0; } link = fz_new_link(doc->ctx, area, dest); link->next = doc->current_page->links; doc->current_page->links = link; } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free(doc->ctx, buffer); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow(ctx); } } fz_link * xps_load_links(xps_document *doc, xps_page *page) { if (!page->links_resolved) fz_warn(doc->ctx, "xps_load_links before page has been executed!"); return fz_keep_link(doc->ctx, page->links); } static void xps_add_fixed_page(xps_document *doc, char *name, int width, int height) { xps_page *page; /* Check for duplicates first */ for (page = doc->first_page; page; page = page->next) if (!strcmp(page->name, name)) return; page = fz_malloc_struct(doc->ctx, xps_page); page->name = fz_strdup(doc->ctx, name); page->number = doc->page_count++; page->width = width; page->height = height; page->links = NULL; page->links_resolved = 0; page->root = NULL; page->next = NULL; if (!doc->first_page) { doc->first_page = page; doc->last_page = page; } else { doc->last_page->next = page; doc->last_page = page; } } static void xps_add_link_target(xps_document *doc, char *name) { xps_page *page = doc->last_page; xps_target *target = fz_malloc_struct(doc->ctx, xps_target); target->name = fz_strdup(doc->ctx, name); target->page = page->number; target->next = doc->target; doc->target = target; } int xps_find_link_target(xps_document *doc, char *target_uri) { xps_target *target; char *needle = strrchr(target_uri, '#'); needle = needle ? needle + 1 : target_uri; for (target = doc->target; target; target = target->next) if (!strcmp(target->name, needle)) return target->page; return 0; } static void xps_free_link_targets(xps_document *doc) { xps_target *target = doc->target, *next; while (target) { next = target->next; fz_free(doc->ctx, target->name); fz_free(doc->ctx, target); target = next; } } static void xps_free_fixed_pages(xps_document *doc) { xps_page *page = doc->first_page; while (page) { xps_page *next = page->next; xps_free_page(doc, page); fz_free(doc->ctx, page->name); fz_free(doc->ctx, page); page = next; } doc->first_page = NULL; doc->last_page = NULL; } static void xps_free_fixed_documents(xps_document *doc) { xps_fixdoc *fixdoc = doc->first_fixdoc; while (fixdoc) { xps_fixdoc *next = fixdoc->next; fz_free(doc->ctx, fixdoc->name); fz_free(doc->ctx, fixdoc->outline); fz_free(doc->ctx, fixdoc); fixdoc = next; } doc->first_fixdoc = NULL; doc->last_fixdoc = NULL; } void xps_free_page_list(xps_document *doc) { xps_free_fixed_documents(doc); xps_free_fixed_pages(doc); xps_free_link_targets(doc); } /* * Parse the fixed document sequence structure and _rels/.rels to find the start part. */ static void xps_parse_metadata_imp(xps_document *doc, xml_element *item, xps_fixdoc *fixdoc) { while (item) { if (!strcmp(xml_tag(item), "Relationship")) { char *target = xml_att(item, "Target"); char *type = xml_att(item, "Type"); if (target && type) { char tgtbuf[1024]; xps_resolve_url(tgtbuf, doc->base_uri, target, sizeof tgtbuf); if (!strcmp(type, REL_START_PART)) doc->start_part = fz_strdup(doc->ctx, tgtbuf); if (!strcmp(type, REL_DOC_STRUCTURE) && fixdoc) fixdoc->outline = fz_strdup(doc->ctx, tgtbuf); } } if (!strcmp(xml_tag(item), "DocumentReference")) { char *source = xml_att(item, "Source"); if (source) { char srcbuf[1024]; xps_resolve_url(srcbuf, doc->base_uri, source, sizeof srcbuf); xps_add_fixed_document(doc, srcbuf); } } if (!strcmp(xml_tag(item), "PageContent")) { char *source = xml_att(item, "Source"); char *width_att = xml_att(item, "Width"); char *height_att = xml_att(item, "Height"); int width = width_att ? atoi(width_att) : 0; int height = height_att ? atoi(height_att) : 0; if (source) { char srcbuf[1024]; xps_resolve_url(srcbuf, doc->base_uri, source, sizeof srcbuf); xps_add_fixed_page(doc, srcbuf, width, height); } } if (!strcmp(xml_tag(item), "LinkTarget")) { char *name = xml_att(item, "Name"); if (name) xps_add_link_target(doc, name); } xps_parse_metadata_imp(doc, xml_down(item), fixdoc); item = xml_next(item); } } static void xps_parse_metadata(xps_document *doc, xps_part *part, xps_fixdoc *fixdoc) { xml_element *root; char buf[1024]; char *s; /* Save directory name part */ fz_strlcpy(buf, part->name, sizeof buf); s = strrchr(buf, '/'); if (s) s[0] = 0; /* _rels parts are voodoo: their URI references are from * the part they are associated with, not the actual _rels * part being parsed. */ s = strstr(buf, "/_rels"); if (s) *s = 0; doc->base_uri = buf; doc->part_uri = part->name; root = xml_parse_document(doc->ctx, part->data, part->size); xps_parse_metadata_imp(doc, root, fixdoc); xml_free_element(doc->ctx, root); doc->base_uri = NULL; doc->part_uri = NULL; } static void xps_read_and_process_metadata_part(xps_document *doc, char *name, xps_fixdoc *fixdoc) { if (xps_has_part(doc, name)) { xps_part *part = xps_read_part(doc, name); xps_parse_metadata(doc, part, fixdoc); xps_free_part(doc, part); } } void xps_read_page_list(xps_document *doc) { xps_fixdoc *fixdoc; xps_read_and_process_metadata_part(doc, "/_rels/.rels", NULL); if (!doc->start_part) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot find fixed document sequence start part"); xps_read_and_process_metadata_part(doc, doc->start_part, NULL); for (fixdoc = doc->first_fixdoc; fixdoc; fixdoc = fixdoc->next) { char relbuf[1024]; fz_try(doc->ctx) { xps_rels_for_part(relbuf, fixdoc->name, sizeof relbuf); xps_read_and_process_metadata_part(doc, relbuf, fixdoc); } fz_catch(doc->ctx) { fz_warn(doc->ctx, "cannot process FixedDocument rels part"); } xps_read_and_process_metadata_part(doc, fixdoc->name, fixdoc); } } int xps_count_pages(xps_document *doc) { return doc->page_count; } static void xps_load_fixed_page(xps_document *doc, xps_page *page) { xps_part *part; xml_element *root; char *width_att; char *height_att; part = xps_read_part(doc, page->name); root = xml_parse_document(doc->ctx, part->data, part->size); xps_free_part(doc, part); if (strcmp(xml_tag(root), "FixedPage")) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "expected FixedPage element (found %s)", xml_tag(root)); width_att = xml_att(root, "Width"); if (!width_att) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "FixedPage missing required attribute: Width"); height_att = xml_att(root, "Height"); if (!height_att) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "FixedPage missing required attribute: Height"); page->width = atoi(width_att); page->height = atoi(height_att); page->root = root; } xps_page * xps_load_page(xps_document *doc, int number) { xps_page *page; int n = 0; for (page = doc->first_page; page; page = page->next) { if (n == number) { doc->current_page = page; if (!page->root) xps_load_fixed_page(doc, page); return page; } n ++; } fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot find page %d", number + 1); return NULL; } fz_rect xps_bound_page(xps_document *doc, xps_page *page) { fz_rect bounds; bounds.x0 = bounds.y0 = 0; bounds.x1 = page->width * 72.0f / 96.0f; bounds.y1 = page->height * 72.0f / 96.0f; return bounds; } void xps_free_page(xps_document *doc, xps_page *page) { /* only free the XML contents */ if (page->root) xml_free_element(doc->ctx, page->root); fz_drop_link(doc->ctx, page->links); page->root = NULL; }