#include "fitz-internal.h" #include "muxps.h" #include static void xps_init_document(xps_document *doc); xps_part * xps_new_part(xps_document *doc, char *name, int size) { xps_part *part; part = fz_malloc(doc->ctx, sizeof(xps_part)); part->name = fz_strdup(doc->ctx, name); part->size = size; part->data = fz_malloc(doc->ctx, size + 1); part->data[size] = 0; /* null-terminate for xml parser */ return part; } void xps_free_part(xps_document *doc, xps_part *part) { fz_free(doc->ctx, part->name); fz_free(doc->ctx, part->data); fz_free(doc->ctx, part); } static inline int getshort(fz_stream *file) { int a = fz_read_byte(file); int b = fz_read_byte(file); return a | b << 8; } static inline int getlong(fz_stream *file) { int a = fz_read_byte(file); int b = fz_read_byte(file); int c = fz_read_byte(file); int d = fz_read_byte(file); return a | b << 8 | c << 16 | d << 24; } static void * xps_zip_alloc_items(xps_document *doc, int items, int size) { return fz_malloc_array(doc->ctx, items, size); } static void xps_zip_free(xps_document *doc, void *ptr) { fz_free(doc->ctx, ptr); } static int xps_compare_entries(const void *a0, const void *b0) { xps_entry *a = (xps_entry*) a0; xps_entry *b = (xps_entry*) b0; return xps_strcasecmp(a->name, b->name); } static xps_entry * xps_find_zip_entry(xps_document *doc, char *name) { int l = 0; int r = doc->zip_count - 1; while (l <= r) { int m = (l + r) >> 1; int c = xps_strcasecmp(name, doc->zip_table[m].name); if (c < 0) r = m - 1; else if (c > 0) l = m + 1; else return &doc->zip_table[m]; } return NULL; } static void xps_read_zip_entry(xps_document *doc, xps_entry *ent, unsigned char *outbuf) { z_stream stream; unsigned char *inbuf; int sig; int version, general, method; int namelength, extralength; int code; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_seek(doc->file, ent->offset, 0); sig = getlong(doc->file); if (sig != ZIP_LOCAL_FILE_SIG) { fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_throw(doc->ctx, "wrong zip local file signature (0x%x)", sig); } version = getshort(doc->file); general = getshort(doc->file); method = getshort(doc->file); (void) getshort(doc->file); /* file time */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* file date */ (void) getlong(doc->file); /* crc-32 */ (void) getlong(doc->file); /* csize */ (void) getlong(doc->file); /* usize */ namelength = getshort(doc->file); extralength = getshort(doc->file); fz_seek(doc->file, namelength + extralength, 1); if (method == 0) { fz_read(doc->file, outbuf, ent->usize); } else if (method == 8) { inbuf = fz_malloc(doc->ctx, ent->csize); fz_read(doc->file, inbuf, ent->csize); memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(z_stream)); stream.zalloc = (alloc_func) xps_zip_alloc_items; stream.zfree = (free_func) xps_zip_free; stream.opaque = doc; stream.next_in = inbuf; stream.avail_in = ent->csize; stream.next_out = outbuf; stream.avail_out = ent->usize; code = inflateInit2(&stream, -15); if (code != Z_OK) { fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_throw(doc->ctx, "zlib inflateInit2 error: %s", stream.msg); } code = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH); if (code != Z_STREAM_END) { inflateEnd(&stream); fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_throw(doc->ctx, "zlib inflate error: %s", stream.msg); } code = inflateEnd(&stream); if (code != Z_OK) { fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_throw(doc->ctx, "zlib inflateEnd error: %s", stream.msg); } fz_free(doc->ctx, inbuf); } else { fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_throw(doc->ctx, "unknown compression method (%d)", method); } fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); } /* * Read the central directory in a zip file. */ static void xps_read_zip_dir(xps_document *doc, int start_offset) { int sig; int offset, count; int namesize, metasize, commentsize; int i; fz_seek(doc->file, start_offset, 0); sig = getlong(doc->file); if (sig != ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIG) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "wrong zip end of central directory signature (0x%x)", sig); (void) getshort(doc->file); /* this disk */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* start disk */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* entries in this disk */ count = getshort(doc->file); /* entries in central directory disk */ (void) getlong(doc->file); /* size of central directory */ offset = getlong(doc->file); /* offset to central directory */ doc->zip_count = count; doc->zip_table = fz_malloc_array(doc->ctx, count, sizeof(xps_entry)); fz_seek(doc->file, offset, 0); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { sig = getlong(doc->file); if (sig != ZIP_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIG) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "wrong zip central directory signature (0x%x)", sig); (void) getshort(doc->file); /* version made by */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* version to extract */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* general */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* method */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* last mod file time */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* last mod file date */ (void) getlong(doc->file); /* crc-32 */ doc->zip_table[i].csize = getlong(doc->file); doc->zip_table[i].usize = getlong(doc->file); namesize = getshort(doc->file); metasize = getshort(doc->file); commentsize = getshort(doc->file); (void) getshort(doc->file); /* disk number start */ (void) getshort(doc->file); /* int file atts */ (void) getlong(doc->file); /* ext file atts */ doc->zip_table[i].offset = getlong(doc->file); doc->zip_table[i].name = fz_malloc(doc->ctx, namesize + 1); fz_read(doc->file, (unsigned char*)doc->zip_table[i].name, namesize); doc->zip_table[i].name[namesize] = 0; fz_seek(doc->file, metasize, 1); fz_seek(doc->file, commentsize, 1); } qsort(doc->zip_table, count, sizeof(xps_entry), xps_compare_entries); } static void xps_find_and_read_zip_dir(xps_document *doc) { unsigned char buf[512]; int file_size, back, maxback; int i, n; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_seek(doc->file, 0, SEEK_END); file_size = fz_tell(doc->file); maxback = MIN(file_size, 0xFFFF + sizeof buf); back = MIN(maxback, sizeof buf); while (back < maxback) { fz_seek(doc->file, file_size - back, 0); n = fz_read(doc->file, buf, sizeof buf); for (i = n - 4; i > 0; i--) { if (!memcmp(buf + i, "PK\5\6", 4)) { xps_read_zip_dir(doc, file_size - back + i); fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); return; } } back += sizeof buf - 4; } fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FILE); fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot find end of central directory"); } /* * Read and interleave split parts from a ZIP file. */ static xps_part * xps_read_zip_part(xps_document *doc, char *partname) { char buf[2048]; xps_entry *ent; xps_part *part; int count, size, offset, i; char *name; int seen_last = 0; name = partname; if (name[0] == '/') name ++; /* All in one piece */ ent = xps_find_zip_entry(doc, name); if (ent) { part = xps_new_part(doc, partname, ent->usize); xps_read_zip_entry(doc, ent, part->data); return part; } /* Count the number of pieces and their total size */ count = 0; size = 0; while (!seen_last) { sprintf(buf, "%s/[%d].piece", name, count); ent = xps_find_zip_entry(doc, buf); if (!ent) { sprintf(buf, "%s/[%d].last.piece", name, count); ent = xps_find_zip_entry(doc, buf); seen_last = (ent != NULL); } if (!ent) break; count ++; size += ent->usize; } if (!seen_last) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot find all pieces for part '%s'", partname); /* Inflate the pieces */ if (count) { part = xps_new_part(doc, partname, size); offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i < count - 1) sprintf(buf, "%s/[%d].piece", name, i); else sprintf(buf, "%s/[%d].last.piece", name, i); ent = xps_find_zip_entry(doc, buf); xps_read_zip_entry(doc, ent, part->data + offset); offset += ent->usize; } return part; } fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot find part '%s'", partname); return NULL; } static int xps_has_zip_part(xps_document *doc, char *name) { char buf[2048]; if (name[0] == '/') name++; if (xps_find_zip_entry(doc, name)) return 1; sprintf(buf, "%s/[0].piece", name); if (xps_find_zip_entry(doc, buf)) return 1; sprintf(buf, "%s/[0].last.piece", name); if (xps_find_zip_entry(doc, buf)) return 1; return 0; } /* * Read and interleave split parts from files in the directory. */ static xps_part * xps_read_dir_part(xps_document *doc, char *name) { char buf[2048]; xps_part *part; FILE *file; int count, size, offset, i, n; fz_strlcpy(buf, doc->directory, sizeof buf); fz_strlcat(buf, name, sizeof buf); /* All in one piece */ file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (file) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); part = xps_new_part(doc, name, size); fread(part->data, 1, size, file); fclose(file); return part; } /* Count the number of pieces and their total size */ count = 0; size = 0; while (1) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].piece", doc->directory, name, count); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (!file) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].last.piece", doc->directory, name, count); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); } if (!file) break; count ++; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size += ftell(file); fclose(file); } /* Inflate the pieces */ if (count) { part = xps_new_part(doc, name, size); offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i < count - 1) sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].piece", doc->directory, name, i); else sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].last.piece", doc->directory, name, i); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (!file) fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot open file '%s'", buf); n = fread(part->data + offset, 1, size - offset, file); offset += n; fclose(file); } return part; } fz_throw(doc->ctx, "cannot find part '%s'", name); return NULL; } static int file_exists(xps_document *doc, char *name) { char buf[2048]; FILE *file; fz_strlcpy(buf, doc->directory, sizeof buf); fz_strlcat(buf, name, sizeof buf); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (file) { fclose(file); return 1; } return 0; } static int xps_has_dir_part(xps_document *doc, char *name) { char buf[2048]; if (file_exists(doc, name)) return 1; sprintf(buf, "%s/[0].piece", name); if (file_exists(doc, buf)) return 1; sprintf(buf, "%s/[0].last.piece", name); if (file_exists(doc, buf)) return 1; return 0; } xps_part * xps_read_part(xps_document *doc, char *partname) { if (doc->directory) return xps_read_dir_part(doc, partname); return xps_read_zip_part(doc, partname); } int xps_has_part(xps_document *doc, char *partname) { if (doc->directory) return xps_has_dir_part(doc, partname); return xps_has_zip_part(doc, partname); } static xps_document * xps_open_document_with_directory(fz_context *ctx, char *directory) { xps_document *doc; doc = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, xps_document); xps_init_document(doc); doc->ctx = ctx; doc->directory = fz_strdup(ctx, directory); fz_try(ctx) { xps_read_page_list(doc); } fz_catch(ctx) { xps_close_document(doc); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return doc; } xps_document * xps_open_document_with_stream(fz_stream *file) { fz_context *ctx = file->ctx; xps_document *doc; doc = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, xps_document); xps_init_document(doc); doc->ctx = ctx; doc->file = fz_keep_stream(file); fz_try(ctx) { xps_find_and_read_zip_dir(doc); xps_read_page_list(doc); } fz_catch(ctx) { xps_close_document(doc); fz_rethrow(ctx); } return doc; } xps_document * xps_open_document(fz_context *ctx, char *filename) { char buf[2048]; fz_stream *file; char *p; xps_document *doc; if (strstr(filename, "/_rels/.rels") || strstr(filename, "\\_rels\\.rels")) { fz_strlcpy(buf, filename, sizeof buf); p = strstr(buf, "/_rels/.rels"); if (!p) p = strstr(buf, "\\_rels\\.rels"); *p = 0; return xps_open_document_with_directory(ctx, buf); } file = fz_open_file(ctx, filename); if (!file) fz_throw(ctx, "cannot open file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno)); fz_try(ctx) { doc = xps_open_document_with_stream(file); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_close(file); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load document '%s'", filename); } fz_close(file); return doc; } void xps_close_document(xps_document *doc) { xps_font_cache *font, *next; int i; if (!doc) return; if (doc->file) fz_close(doc->file); for (i = 0; i < doc->zip_count; i++) fz_free(doc->ctx, doc->zip_table[i].name); fz_free(doc->ctx, doc->zip_table); font = doc->font_table; while (font) { next = font->next; fz_drop_font(doc->ctx, font->font); fz_free(doc->ctx, font->name); fz_free(doc->ctx, font); font = next; } xps_free_page_list(doc); fz_free(doc->ctx, doc->start_part); fz_free(doc->ctx, doc->directory); fz_free(doc->ctx, doc); } /* Document interface wrappers */ static void xps_close_document_shim(fz_document *doc) { xps_close_document((xps_document*)doc); } static fz_outline *xps_load_outline_shim(fz_document *doc) { return xps_load_outline((xps_document*)doc); } static int xps_count_pages_shim(fz_document *doc) { return xps_count_pages((xps_document*)doc); } static fz_page *xps_load_page_shim(fz_document *doc, int number) { return (fz_page*) xps_load_page((xps_document*)doc, number); } static fz_link *xps_load_links_shim(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page) { return xps_load_links((xps_document*)doc, (xps_page*)page); } static fz_rect xps_bound_page_shim(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page) { return xps_bound_page((xps_document*)doc, (xps_page*)page); } static void xps_run_page_shim(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix transform, fz_cookie *cookie) { xps_run_page((xps_document*)doc, (xps_page*)page, dev, transform, cookie); } static void xps_free_page_shim(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page) { xps_free_page((xps_document*)doc, (xps_page*)page); } static void xps_init_document(xps_document *doc) { doc->super.close = xps_close_document_shim; doc->super.needs_password = NULL; doc->super.authenticate_password = NULL; doc->super.load_outline = xps_load_outline_shim; doc->super.count_pages = xps_count_pages_shim; doc->super.load_page = xps_load_page_shim; doc->super.load_links = xps_load_links_shim; doc->super.bound_page = xps_bound_page_shim; doc->super.run_page = xps_run_page_shim; doc->super.free_page = xps_free_page_shim; }