path: root/core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h
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authorJohn Abd-El-Malek <>2014-05-23 17:49:55 -0700
committerJohn Abd-El-Malek <>2014-05-23 17:56:14 -0700
commit7c83a7cdce99a03841c3b2a66dcabeed68baa354 (patch)
tree59e9590539327d11c17b2b10bd4126a1936447b0 /core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h
parent5b51e49beb646a378f5cbaf012ff63c982345e66 (diff)
remove Microsoft SDK
Original patch by Lucas Nihlen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h')
-rw-r--r--core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h978
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 978 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h b/core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a589a985..0000000000
--- a/core/src/fxge/Microsoft SDK/include/specstrings.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,978 +0,0 @@
-* *
-* SpecStrings.h - markers for documenting the semantics of APIs *
-* *
-* Version 1.0 *
-* *
-* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. *
-* *
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Introduction
-// SpecStrings.h provides a set of annotations to describe how a function uses its
-// parameters - the assumptions it makes about them, and the guarantees it makes
-// upon finishing.
-// Annotations may be placed before either a function parameter's type or its return
-// type, and describe the function's behavior regarding the parameter or return value.
-// There are two classes of annotations: buffer annotations and advanced annotations.
-// Buffer annotations describe how functions use their pointer parameters, and
-// advanced annotations either describe complex/unusual buffer behavior, or provide
-// additional information about a parameter that is not otherwise expressible.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Buffer Annotations
-// The most important annotations in SpecStrings.h provide a consistent way to annotate
-// buffer parameters or return values for a function. Each of these annotations describes
-// a single buffer (which could be a string, a fixed-length or variable-length array,
-// or just a pointer) that the function interacts with: where it is, how large it is,
-// how much is initialized, and what the function does with it.
-// The appropriate macro for a given buffer can be constructed using the table below.
-// Just pick the appropriate values from each category, and combine them together
-// with a leading underscore. Some combinations of values do not make sense as buffer
-// annotations. Only meaningful annotations can be added to your code; for a list of
-// these, see the buffer annotation definitions section.
-// Only a single buffer annotation should be used for each parameter.
-// |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|---------------|
-// | Level | Usage | Size | Output | Optional | Parameters |
-// |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|---------------|
-// | <> | <> | <> | <> | <> | <> |
-// | _deref | _in | _ecount | _full | _opt | (size) |
-// | _deref_opt | _out | _bcount | _part | | (size,length) |
-// | | _inout | | | | |
-// | | | | | | |
-// |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|---------------|
-// Level: Describes the buffer pointer's level of indirection from the parameter or
-// return value 'p'.
-// <> : p is the buffer pointer.
-// _deref : *p is the buffer pointer. p must not be NULL.
-// _deref_opt : *p may be the buffer pointer. p may be NULL, in which case the rest of
-// the annotation is ignored.
-// Usage: Describes how the function uses the buffer.
-// <> : The buffer is not accessed. If used on the return value or with _deref, the
-// function will provide the buffer, and it will be uninitialized at exit.
-// Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer. This should only be used
-// for alloc and free functions.
-// _in : The function will only read from the buffer. The caller must provide the
-// buffer and initialize it.
-// _out : The function will only write to the buffer. If used on the return value or
-// with _deref, the function will provide the buffer and initialize it.
-// Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer, and the function will
-// initialize it.
-// _inout : The function may freely read from and write to the buffer. The caller must
-// provide the buffer and initialize it. If used with _deref, the buffer may
-// be reallocated by the function.
-// Size: Describes the total size of the buffer. This may be less than the space actually
-// allocated for the buffer, in which case it describes the accessible amount.
-// <> : No buffer size is given. If the type specifies the buffer size (such as
-// with LPSTR and LPWSTR), that amount is used. Otherwise, the buffer is one
-// element long. Must be used with _in, _out, or _inout.
-// _ecount : The buffer size is an explicit element count.
-// _bcount : The buffer size is an explicit byte count.
-// Output: Describes how much of the buffer will be initialized by the function. For
-// _inout buffers, this also describes how much is initialized at entry. Omit this
-// category for _in buffers; they must be fully initialized by the caller.
-// <> : The type specifies how much is initialized. For instance, a function initializing
-// an LPWSTR must NULL-terminate the string.
-// _full : The function initializes the entire buffer.
-// _part : The function initializes part of the buffer, and explicitly indicates how much.
-// Optional: Describes if the buffer itself is optional.
-// <> : The pointer to the buffer must not be NULL.
-// _opt : The pointer to the buffer might be NULL. It will be checked before being dereferenced.
-// Parameters: Gives explicit counts for the size and length of the buffer.
-// <> : There is no explicit count. Use when neither _ecount nor _bcount is used.
-// (size) : Only the buffer's total size is given. Use with _ecount or _bcount but not _part.
-// (size,length) : The buffer's total size and initialized length are given. Use with _ecount_part
-// and _bcount_part.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Buffer Annotation Examples
-// LPCSTR pszString, // No annotation required, const implies __in.
-// DWORD dwFlags,
-// __out int *piRet // A pointer whose dereference will be filled in.
-// );
-// void MyPaintingFunction(
-// __in HWND hwndControl, // An initialized read-only parameter.
-// __in_opt HDC hdcOptional, // An initialized read-only parameter that might be NULL.
-// __inout IPropertyStore *ppsStore // An initialized parameter that may be freely used
-// // and modified.
-// );
-// LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathExA(
-// __out_ecount(cchMax) LPSTR pszOut, // A string buffer with cch elements that will
-// // be NULL terminated on exit.
-// LPCSTR pszSrc, // No annotation required, const implies __in.
-// UINT cchMax,
-// DWORD dwFlags
-// );
-// HRESULT SHLocalAllocBytes(
-// size_t cb,
-// __deref_bcount(cb) T **ppv // A pointer whose dereference will be set to an
-// // uninitialized buffer with cb bytes.
-// );
-// __inout_bcount_full(cb) : A buffer with cb elements that is fully initialized at
-// entry and exit, and may be written to by this function.
-// __out_ecount_part(count, *countOut) : A buffer with count elements that will be
-// partially initialized by this function. The function indicates how much it
-// initialized by setting *countOut.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Advanced Annotations
-// Advanced annotations describe behavior that is not expressible with the regular
-// buffer macros. These may be used either to annotate buffer parameters that involve
-// complex or conditional behavior, or to enrich existing annotations with additional
-// information.
-// __success(expr) f :
-// <expr> indicates whether function f succeeded or not. If <expr> is true at exit,
-// all the function's guarantees (as given by other annotations) must hold. If <expr>
-// is false at exit, the caller should not expect any of the function's guarantees
-// to hold. If not used, the function must always satisfy its guarantees. Added
-// automatically to functions that indicate success in standard ways, such as by
-// returning an HRESULT.
-// __out_awcount(expr, size) p :
-// Pointer p is a buffer whose size may be given in either bytes or elements. If
-// <expr> is true, this acts like __out_bcount. If <expr> is false, this acts
-// like __out_ecount. This should only be used to annotate old APIs.
-// __in_awcount(expr, size) p :
-// Pointer p is a buffer whose size may be given in either bytes or elements. If
-// <expr> is true, this acts like __in_bcount. If <expr> is false, this acts
-// like __in_ecount. This should only be used to annotate old APIs.
-// __nullterminated p :
-// Pointer p is a buffer that may be read or written up to and including the first
-// NULL character or pointer. May be used on typedefs, which marks valid (properly
-// initialized) instances of that type as being NULL-terminated.
-// __nullnullterminated p :
-// Pointer p is a buffer that may be read or written up to and including the first
-// sequence of two NULL characters or pointers. May be used on typedefs, which marks
-// valid instances of that type as being double-NULL terminated.
-// __reserved v :
-// Value v must be 0/NULL, reserved for future use.
-// __checkReturn v :
-// Return value v must not be ignored by callers of this function.
-// __typefix(ctype) v :
-// Value v should be treated as an instance of ctype, rather than its declared type.
-// __override f :
-// Specify C#-style 'override' behaviour for overriding virtual methods.
-// __callback f :
-// Function f can be used as a function pointer.
-// __format_string p :
-// Pointer p is a string that contains % markers in the style of printf.
-// __blocksOn(resource) f :
-// Function f blocks on the resource 'resource'.
-// __fallthrough :
-// Annotates switch statement labels where fall-through is desired, to distinguish
-// from forgotten break statements.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Advanced Annotation Examples
-// __success(return == TRUE) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL)
-// PathCanonicalizeA(__out_ecount(MAX_PATH) LPSTR pszBuf, LPCSTR pszPath) :
-// pszBuf is only guaranteed to be NULL-terminated when TRUE is returned.
-// typedef __nullterminated WCHAR* LPWSTR : Initialized LPWSTRs are NULL-terminated strings.
-// __out_ecount(cch) __typefix(LPWSTR) void *psz : psz is a buffer parameter which will be
-// a NULL-terminated WCHAR string at exit, and which initially contains cch WCHARs.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // #if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#define __specstrings
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#ifndef __nothrow
-# define __nothrow __declspec(nothrow)
-extern "C" {
-#ifndef __nothrow
-# define __nothrow
-#endif // #ifdef __cplusplus
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helper Macro Definitions
-// These express behavior common to many of the high-level annotations.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The helper annotations are only understood by the compiler version used by various
-// defect detection tools. When the regular compiler is running, they are defined into
-// nothing, and do not affect the compiled code.
-#if (_MSC_VER >= 1000) && !defined(MIDL_PASS) && defined(_PREFAST_)
- // In the primitive __declspec("SAL_*") annotations "SAL" stands for Standard
- // Annotation Language. These __declspec("SAL_*") annotations are the
- // primitives the compiler understands and all high-level SpecString MACROs
- // will decompose into these primivates.
- #define SPECSTRINGIZE( x ) #x
- //
- // __null p
- // __notnull p
- // __maybenull p
- //
- // Annotates a pointer p. States that pointer p is null. Commonly used
- // in the negated form __notnull or the possibly null form __maybenull.
- //
- #define __null __declspec("SAL_null")
- #define __notnull __declspec("SAL_notnull")
- #define __maybenull __declspec("SAL_maybenull")
- //
- // __readonly l
- // __notreadonly l
- // __mabyereadonly l
- //
- // Annotates a location l. States that location l is not modified after
- // this point. If the annotation is placed on the precondition state of
- // a function, the restriction only applies until the postcondition state
- // of the function. __maybereadonly states that the annotated location
- // may be modified, whereas __notreadonly states that a location must be
- // modified.
- //
- #define __readonly __declspec("SAL_readonly")
- #define __notreadonly __declspec("SAL_notreadonly")
- #define __maybereadonly __declspec("SAL_maybereadonly")
- //
- // __valid v
- // __notvalid v
- // __maybevalid v
- //
- // Annotates any value v. States that the value satisfies all properties of
- // valid values of its type. For example, for a string buffer, valid means
- // that the buffer pointer is either NULL or points to a NULL-terminated string.
- //
- #define __valid __declspec("SAL_valid")
- #define __notvalid __declspec("SAL_notvalid")
- #define __maybevalid __declspec("SAL_maybevalid")
- //
- // __readableTo(extent) p
- //
- // Annotates a buffer pointer p. If the buffer can be read, extent describes
- // how much of the buffer is readable. For a reader of the buffer, this is
- // an explicit permission to read up to that amount, rather than a restriction to
- // read only up to it.
- //
- #define __readableTo(extent) __declspec("SAL_readableTo("SPECSTRINGIZE(extent)")")
- //
- // __elem_readableTo(size)
- //
- // Annotates a buffer pointer p as being readable to size elements.
- //
- #define __elem_readableTo(size) __declspec("SAL_readableTo(elementCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
- //
- // __byte_readableTo(size)
- //
- // Annotates a buffer pointer p as being readable to size bytes.
- //
- #define __byte_readableTo(size) __declspec("SAL_readableTo(byteCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
- //
- // __writableTo(extent) p
- //
- // Annotates a buffer pointer p. If the buffer can be modified, extent
- // describes how much of the buffer is writable (usually the allocation
- // size). For a writer of the buffer, this is an explicit permission to
- // write up to that amount, rather than a restriction to write only up to it.
- //
- #define __writableTo(size) __declspec("SAL_writableTo("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)")")
- //
- // __elem_writableTo(size)
- //
- // Annotates a buffer pointer p as being writable to size elements.
- //
- #define __elem_writableTo(size) __declspec("SAL_writableTo(elementCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
- //
- // __byte_writableTo(size)
- //
- // Annotates a buffer pointer p as being writable to size bytes.
- //
- #define __byte_writableTo(size) __declspec("SAL_writableTo(byteCount("SPECSTRINGIZE(size)"))")
- //
- // __deref p
- //
- // Annotates a pointer p. The next annotation applies one dereference down
- // in the type. If readableTo(p, size) then the next annotation applies to
- // all elements *(p+i) for which i satisfies the size. If p is a pointer
- // to a struct, the next annotation applies to all fields of the struct.
- //
- #define __deref __declspec("SAL_deref")
- //
- // __pre __next_annotation
- //
- // The next annotation applies in the precondition state
- //
- #define __pre __declspec("SAL_pre")
- //
- // __post __next_annotation
- //
- // The next annotation applies in the postcondition state
- //
- #define __post __declspec("SAL_post")
- //
- // __precond(<expr>)
- //
- // When <expr> is true, the next annotation applies in the precondition state
- // (currently not enabled)
- //
- #define __precond(expr) __pre
- //
- // __postcond(<expr>)
- //
- // When <expr> is true, the next annotation applies in the postcondition state
- // (currently not enabled)
- //
- #define __postcond(expr) __post
- //
- // __exceptthat
- //
- // Given a set of annotations Q containing __exceptthat maybeP, the effect of
- // the except clause is to erase any P or notP annotations (explicit or
- // implied) within Q at the same level of dereferencing that the except
- // clause appears, and to replace it with maybeP.
- //
- // Example 1: __valid __exceptthat __maybenull on a pointer p means that the
- // pointer may be null, and is otherwise valid, thus overriding
- // the implicit notnull annotation implied by __valid on
- // pointers.
- //
- // Example 2: __valid __deref __exceptthat __maybenull on an int **p means
- // that p is not null (implied by valid), but the elements
- // pointed to by p could be null, and are otherwise valid.
- //
- #define __exceptthat __declspec("SAL_except")
- //
- // _refparam
- //
- // Added to all out parameter macros to indicate that they are all reference
- // parameters.
- //
- #define __refparam __deref __notreadonly
- //
- // __inner_*
- //
- // Helper macros that directly correspond to certain high-level annotations.
- //
- //
- // Macros to classify the entrypoints and indicate their category.
- //
- //
- // Pre-defined control point categories include: RPC, LPC, DeviceDriver, UserToKernel, ISAPI, COM.
- //
- #define __inner_control_entrypoint(category) __declspec("SAL_entrypoint(controlEntry, "SPECSTRINGIZE(category)")")
- //
- // Pre-defined data entry point categories include: Registry, File, Network.
- //
- #define __inner_data_entrypoint(category) __declspec("SAL_entrypoint(dataEntry, "SPECSTRINGIZE(category)")")
- #define __inner_success(expr) __declspec("SAL_success("SPECSTRINGIZE(expr)")")
- #define __inner_checkReturn __declspec("SAL_checkReturn")
- #define __inner_typefix(ctype) __declspec("SAL_typefix("SPECSTRINGIZE(ctype)")")
- #define __inner_override __declspec("__override")
- #define __inner_callback __declspec("__callback")
- #define __inner_blocksOn(resource) __declspec("SAL_blocksOn("SPECSTRINGIZE(resource)")")
- #define __inner_fallthrough_dec __inline __nothrow void __FallThrough() {}
- #define __inner_fallthrough __FallThrough();
-#ifndef __null
- #define __null
-#ifndef __notnull
- #define __notnull
-#ifndef __maybenull
- #define __maybenull
-#ifndef __readonly
- #define __readonly
-#ifndef __notreadonly
- #define __notreadonly
-#ifndef __maybereadonly
- #define __maybereadonly
-#ifndef __valid
- #define __valid
-#ifndef __notvalid
- #define __notvalid
-#ifndef __maybevalid
- #define __maybevalid
-#ifndef __readableTo
- #define __readableTo(extent)
-#ifndef __elem_readableTo
- #define __elem_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __byte_readableTo
- #define __byte_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __writableTo
- #define __writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __elem_writableTo
- #define __elem_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __byte_writableTo
- #define __byte_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref
- #define __deref
-#ifndef __pre
- #define __pre
-#ifndef __post
- #define __post
-#ifndef __precond
- #define __precond(expr)
-#ifndef __postcond
- #define __postcond(expr)
-#ifndef __exceptthat
- #define __exceptthat
-#ifndef __inner_success
- #define __inner_success(expr)
-#ifndef __inner_checkReturn
- #define __inner_checkReturn
-#ifndef __inner_typefix
- #define __inner_typefix(ctype)
-#ifndef __inner_override
- #define __inner_override
-#ifndef __inner_callback
- #define __inner_callback
-#ifndef __inner_blocksOn
- #define __inner_blocksOn(resource)
-#ifndef __inner_fallthrough_dec
- #define __inner_fallthrough_dec
-#ifndef __inner_fallthrough
- #define __inner_fallthrough
-#ifndef __refparam
- #define __refparam
-#ifndef __inner_control_entrypoint
- #define __inner_control_entrypoint(category)
-#ifndef __inner_data_entrypoint
- #define __inner_data_entrypoint(category)
-#endif // #if (_MSC_VER >= 1000) && !defined(MIDL_PASS) && defined(_PREFAST_)
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Buffer Annotation Definitions
-// Any of these may be used to directly annotate functions, but only one should
-// be used for each parameter. To determine which annotation to use for a given
-// buffer, use the table in the buffer annotations section.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef __ecount
-#define __ecount(size) __notnull __elem_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __bcount
-#define __bcount(size) __notnull __byte_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __in
-#define __in __pre __valid __pre __deref __readonly
-#ifndef __in_ecount
-#define __in_ecount(size) __in __pre __elem_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __in_bcount
-#define __in_bcount(size) __in __pre __byte_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __out
-#define __out __ecount(1) __post __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __out_ecount
-#define __out_ecount(size) __ecount(size) __post __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __out_bcount
-#define __out_bcount(size) __bcount(size) __post __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __out_ecount_part
-#define __out_ecount_part(size,length) __out_ecount(size) __post __elem_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __out_bcount_part
-#define __out_bcount_part(size,length) __out_bcount(size) __post __byte_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __out_ecount_full
-#define __out_ecount_full(size) __out_ecount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __out_bcount_full
-#define __out_bcount_full(size) __out_bcount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __inout
-#define __inout __pre __valid __post __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __inout_ecount
-#define __inout_ecount(size) __out_ecount(size) __pre __valid
-#ifndef __inout_bcount
-#define __inout_bcount(size) __out_bcount(size) __pre __valid
-#ifndef __inout_ecount_part
-#define __inout_ecount_part(size,length) __out_ecount_part(size,length) __pre __valid __pre __elem_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __inout_bcount_part
-#define __inout_bcount_part(size,length) __out_bcount_part(size,length) __pre __valid __pre __byte_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __inout_ecount_full
-#define __inout_ecount_full(size) __inout_ecount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __inout_bcount_full
-#define __inout_bcount_full(size) __inout_bcount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __ecount_opt
-#define __ecount_opt(size) __ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __bcount_opt
-#define __bcount_opt(size) __bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __in_opt
-#define __in_opt __in __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __in_ecount_opt
-#define __in_ecount_opt(size) __in_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __in_bcount_opt
-#define __in_bcount_opt(size) __in_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_opt
-#define __out_opt __out __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_ecount_opt
-#define __out_ecount_opt(size) __out_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_bcount_opt
-#define __out_bcount_opt(size) __out_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_ecount_part_opt
-#define __out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __out_ecount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_bcount_part_opt
-#define __out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __out_bcount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_ecount_full_opt
-#define __out_ecount_full_opt(size) __out_ecount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __out_bcount_full_opt
-#define __out_bcount_full_opt(size) __out_bcount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_opt
-#define __inout_opt __inout __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_ecount_opt
-#define __inout_ecount_opt(size) __inout_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_bcount_opt
-#define __inout_bcount_opt(size) __inout_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_ecount_part_opt
-#define __inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __inout_ecount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_bcount_part_opt
-#define __inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __inout_bcount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_ecount_full_opt
-#define __inout_ecount_full_opt(size) __inout_ecount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __inout_bcount_full_opt
-#define __inout_bcount_full_opt(size) __inout_bcount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_ecount
-#define __deref_ecount(size) __ecount(1) __post __elem_readableTo(1) __post __deref __notnull __post __deref __elem_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref_bcount
-#define __deref_bcount(size) __ecount(1) __post __elem_readableTo(1) __post __deref __notnull __post __deref __byte_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref_in
-#define __deref_in __in __pre __deref __deref __readonly
-#ifndef __deref_in_ecount
-#define __deref_in_ecount(size) __deref_in __pre __deref __elem_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref_in_bcount
-#define __deref_in_bcount(size) __deref_in __pre __deref __byte_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref_out
-#define __deref_out __deref_ecount(1) __post __deref __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __deref_out_ecount
-#define __deref_out_ecount(size) __deref_ecount(size) __post __deref __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __deref_out_bcount
-#define __deref_out_bcount(size) __deref_bcount(size) __post __deref __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __deref_out_ecount_part
-#define __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length) __deref_out_ecount(size) __post __deref __elem_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __deref_out_bcount_part
-#define __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length) __deref_out_bcount(size) __post __deref __byte_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __deref_out_ecount_full
-#define __deref_out_ecount_full(size) __deref_out_ecount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __deref_out_bcount_full
-#define __deref_out_bcount_full(size) __deref_out_bcount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __deref_inout
-#define __deref_inout __notnull __elem_readableTo(1) __pre __deref __valid __post __deref __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __deref_inout_ecount
-#define __deref_inout_ecount(size) __deref_inout __pre __deref __elem_writableTo(size) __post __deref __elem_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref_inout_bcount
-#define __deref_inout_bcount(size) __deref_inout __pre __deref __byte_writableTo(size) __post __deref __byte_writableTo(size)
-#ifndef __deref_inout_ecount_part
-#define __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length) __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __elem_readableTo(length) __post __deref __elem_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __deref_inout_bcount_part
-#define __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length) __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __byte_readableTo(length) __post __deref __byte_readableTo(length)
-#ifndef __deref_inout_ecount_full
-#define __deref_inout_ecount_full(size) __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __deref_inout_bcount_full
-#define __deref_inout_bcount_full(size) __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,size)
-#ifndef __deref_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_ecount_opt(size) __deref_ecount(size) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_bcount_opt(size) __deref_bcount(size) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_in_opt
-#define __deref_in_opt __deref_in __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_in_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_in_ecount_opt(size) __deref_in_ecount(size) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_in_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_in_bcount_opt(size) __deref_in_bcount(size) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_opt
-#define __deref_out_opt __deref_out __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_out_ecount_opt(size) __deref_out_ecount(size) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_out_bcount_opt(size) __deref_out_bcount(size) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_ecount_part_opt
-#define __deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_bcount_part_opt
-#define __deref_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_ecount_full_opt
-#define __deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size) __deref_out_ecount_full(size) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_out_bcount_full_opt
-#define __deref_out_bcount_full_opt(size) __deref_out_bcount_full(size) __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_opt
-#define __deref_inout_opt __deref_inout __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size) __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size) __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt
-#define __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt
-#define __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt
-#define __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size) __deref_inout_ecount_full(size) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt
-#define __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt(size) __deref_inout_bcount_full(size) __pre __deref __exceptthat __maybenull __post __deref __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_ecount
-#define __deref_opt_ecount(size) __deref_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_bcount
-#define __deref_opt_bcount(size) __deref_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_in
-#define __deref_opt_in __deref_in __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_in_ecount
-#define __deref_opt_in_ecount(size) __deref_in_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_in_bcount
-#define __deref_opt_in_bcount(size) __deref_in_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out
-#define __deref_opt_out __deref_out __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_ecount
-#define __deref_opt_out_ecount(size) __deref_out_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_bcount
-#define __deref_opt_out_bcount(size) __deref_out_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_ecount_part
-#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_part(size,length) __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_bcount_part
-#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_part(size,length) __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_ecount_full
-#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_full(size) __deref_out_ecount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_bcount_full
-#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_full(size) __deref_out_bcount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout
-#define __deref_opt_inout __deref_inout __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_ecount
-#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size) __deref_inout_ecount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_bcount
-#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size) __deref_inout_bcount(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part
-#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part(size,length) __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part
-#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part(size,length) __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full
-#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full(size) __deref_inout_ecount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full
-#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full(size) __deref_inout_bcount_full(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_ecount_opt(size) __deref_ecount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_bcount_opt(size) __deref_bcount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_in_opt
-#define __deref_opt_in_opt __deref_in_opt __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_in_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_in_ecount_opt(size) __deref_in_ecount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_in_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_in_bcount_opt(size) __deref_in_bcount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_opt __deref_out_opt __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size) __deref_out_ecount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size) __deref_out_bcount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_ecount_part_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_bcount_part_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_ecount_full_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_full_opt(size) __deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_out_bcount_full_opt
-#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_full_opt(size) __deref_out_bcount_full_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_opt __deref_inout_opt __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size) __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size) __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt(size) __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifndef __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full_opt
-#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full_opt(size) __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt(size) __exceptthat __maybenull
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Advanced Annotation Definitions
-// Any of these may be used to directly annotate functions, and may be used in
-// combination with each other or with regular buffer macros. For an explanation
-// of each annotation, see the advanced annotations section.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef __out_awcount
-#define __out_awcount(expr,size) __pre __notnull \
- __precond(expr) __byte_writableTo(size) \
- __precond(!(expr)) __byte_writableTo((size)*2) \
- __post __valid __refparam
-#ifndef __in_awcount
-#define __in_awcount(expr,size) __pre __valid \
- __pre __deref __readonly \
- __precond(expr) __byte_readableTo(size) \
- __precond(!(expr)) __elem_readableTo(size)
-#ifndef __success
-#define __success(expr) __inner_success(expr)
-#ifndef __nullterminated
-#define __nullterminated __readableTo(sentinel(0))
-#ifndef __nullnullterminated
-#define __nullnullterminated
-#ifndef __reserved
-#define __reserved __pre __null
-#ifndef __checkReturn
-#define __checkReturn __inner_checkReturn
-#ifndef __typefix
-#define __typefix(ctype) __inner_typefix(ctype)
-#ifndef __override
-#define __override __inner_override
-#ifndef __callback
-#define __callback __inner_callback
-#ifndef __format_string
-#define __format_string
-#ifndef __blocksOn
-#define __blocksOn(resource) __inner_blocksOn(resource)
-#ifndef __control_entrypoint
-#define __control_entrypoint(category) __inner_control_entrypoint(category)
-#ifndef __data_entrypoint
-#define __data_entrypoint(category) __inner_data_entrypoint(category)
-#ifndef __fallthrough
- __inner_fallthrough_dec
- #define __fallthrough __inner_fallthrough
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Deprecated Annotation Definitions
-// These should be removed from existing code.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// #define __opt __exceptthat __maybenull
-#ifdef __cplusplus