path: root/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
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authortsepez <>2017-01-23 14:36:20 -0800
committerCommit bot <>2017-01-23 14:36:20 -0800
commit4022f87eb8716155291543efaaf289e51d7cbf43 (patch)
tree28e2a3b99367932ee84a92b1f6c913245e62afb1 /third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
parentb76f49b36baffea2b2ecb90d67c7b6bb734e7bb9 (diff)
Update safe numerics package to get bitwise ops
Fix callers conventions to avoid ambiguity. Fix bad bounds check unmasked by change. Directly include headers no longer pulled in by numerics itself. Review-Url:
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
index dd0d1e47dc..dc61d9c9cc 100644
--- a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
+++ b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
@@ -2,65 +2,271 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <type_traits>
-#include "safe_conversions_impl.h"
-#include "third_party/base/logging.h"
+#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h"
namespace pdfium {
namespace base {
+// The following are helper constexpr template functions and classes for safely
+// performing a range of conversions, assignments, and tests:
+// checked_cast<> - Analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
+// that it CHECKs that the specified numeric conversion will not overflow
+// or underflow. NaN source will always trigger a CHECK.
+// The default CHECK triggers a crash, but the handler can be overriden.
+// saturated_cast<> - Analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
+// that it returns a saturated result when the specified numeric conversion
+// would otherwise overflow or underflow. An NaN source returns 0 by
+// default, but can be overridden to return a different result.
+// strict_cast<> - Analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except that
+// it will cause a compile failure if the destination type is not large
+// enough to contain any value in the source type. It performs no runtime
+// checking and thus introduces no runtime overhead.
+// IsValueInRangeForNumericType<>() - A convenience function that returns true
+// if the type supplied to the template parameter can represent the value
+// passed as an argument to the function.
+// IsValueNegative<>() - A convenience function that will accept any arithmetic
+// type as an argument and will return whether the value is less than zero.
+// Unsigned types always return false.
+// SafeUnsignedAbs() - Returns the absolute value of the supplied integer
+// parameter as an unsigned result (thus avoiding an overflow if the value
+// is the signed, two's complement minimum).
+// StrictNumeric<> - A wrapper type that performs assignments and copies via
+// the strict_cast<> template, and can perform valid arithmetic comparisons
+// across any range of arithmetic types. StrictNumeric is the return type
+// for values extracted from a CheckedNumeric class instance. The raw
+// arithmetic value is extracted via static_cast to the underlying type.
+// MakeStrictNum() - Creates a new StrictNumeric from the underlying type of
+// the supplied arithmetic or StrictNumeric type.
// Convenience function that returns true if the supplied value is in range
// for the destination type.
template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline bool IsValueInRangeForNumericType(Src value) {
- return internal::DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst>(value) ==
- internal::RANGE_VALID;
+constexpr bool IsValueInRangeForNumericType(Src value) {
+ return internal::DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst>(value).IsValid();
+// Forces a crash, like a CHECK(false). Used for numeric boundary errors.
+struct CheckOnFailure {
+ template <typename T>
+ static T HandleFailure() {
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ __builtin_trap();
+ ((void)(*(volatile char*)0 = 0));
+ return T();
+ }
// checked_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types,
// except that it CHECKs that the specified numeric conversion will not
// overflow or underflow. NaN source will always trigger a CHECK.
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline Dst checked_cast(Src value) {
- CHECK(IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Dst>(value));
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+template <typename Dst, class CheckHandler = CheckOnFailure, typename Src>
+constexpr Dst checked_cast(Src value) {
+ // This throws a compile-time error on evaluating the constexpr if it can be
+ // determined at compile-time as failing, otherwise it will CHECK at runtime.
+ using SrcType = typename internal::UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Dst, SrcType>(value)
+ ? static_cast<Dst>(static_cast<SrcType>(value))
+ : CheckHandler::template HandleFailure<Dst>();
+// Default boundaries for integral/float: max/infinity, lowest/-infinity, 0/NaN.
+template <typename T>
+struct SaturationDefaultHandler {
+ static constexpr T NaN() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN
+ ? std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()
+ : T();
+ }
+ static constexpr T max() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); }
+ static constexpr T Overflow() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity
+ ? std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()
+ : std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ }
+ static constexpr T lowest() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest(); }
+ static constexpr T Underflow() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity
+ ? std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() * -1
+ : std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
+ }
+namespace internal {
+template <typename Dst, template <typename> class S, typename Src>
+constexpr Dst saturated_cast_impl(Src value, RangeCheck constraint) {
+ // For some reason clang generates much better code when the branch is
+ // structured exactly this way, rather than a sequence of checks.
+ return !constraint.IsOverflowFlagSet()
+ ? (!constraint.IsUnderflowFlagSet() ? static_cast<Dst>(value)
+ : S<Dst>::Underflow())
+ // Skip this check for integral Src, which cannot be NaN.
+ : (std::is_integral<Src>::value || !constraint.IsUnderflowFlagSet()
+ ? S<Dst>::Overflow()
+ : S<Dst>::NaN());
// saturated_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
-// that the specified numeric conversion will saturate rather than overflow or
-// underflow. NaN assignment to an integral will trigger a CHECK condition.
+// that the specified numeric conversion will saturate by default rather than
+// overflow or underflow, and NaN assignment to an integral will return 0.
+// All boundary condition behaviors can be overriden with a custom handler.
+template <typename Dst,
+ template <typename>
+ class SaturationHandler = SaturationDefaultHandler,
+ typename Src>
+constexpr Dst saturated_cast(Src value) {
+ using SrcType = typename UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ return saturated_cast_impl<Dst, SaturationHandler, SrcType>(
+ value,
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, SaturationHandler, SrcType>(value));
+// strict_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except that
+// it will cause a compile failure if the destination type is not large enough
+// to contain any value in the source type. It performs no runtime checking.
template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline Dst saturated_cast(Src value) {
- // Optimization for floating point values, which already saturate.
- if (std::numeric_limits<Dst>::is_iec559)
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+constexpr Dst strict_cast(Src value) {
+ using SrcType = typename UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ static_assert(UnderlyingType<Src>::is_numeric, "Argument must be numeric.");
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Dst>::value, "Result must be numeric.");
- switch (internal::DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst>(value)) {
- case internal::RANGE_VALID:
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+ // If you got here from a compiler error, it's because you tried to assign
+ // from a source type to a destination type that has insufficient range.
+ // The solution may be to change the destination type you're assigning to,
+ // and use one large enough to represent the source.
+ // Alternatively, you may be better served with the checked_cast<> or
+ // saturated_cast<> template functions for your particular use case.
+ static_assert(StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, SrcType>::value ==
+ "The source type is out of range for the destination type. "
+ "Please see strict_cast<> comments for more information.");
- case internal::RANGE_UNDERFLOW:
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::min();
+ return static_cast<Dst>(static_cast<SrcType>(value));
- case internal::RANGE_OVERFLOW:
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max();
+// Some wrappers to statically check that a type is in range.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, class Enable = void>
+struct IsNumericRangeContained {
+ static const bool value = false;
- // Should fail only on attempting to assign NaN to a saturated integer.
- case internal::RANGE_INVALID:
- CHECK(false);
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max();
+template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+struct IsNumericRangeContained<
+ Dst,
+ Src,
+ typename std::enable_if<ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<Dst>::value &&
+ ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<Src>::value>::type> {
+ static const bool value = StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, Src>::value ==
+// StrictNumeric implements compile time range checking between numeric types by
+// wrapping assignment operations in a strict_cast. This class is intended to be
+// used for function arguments and return types, to ensure the destination type
+// can always contain the source type. This is essentially the same as enforcing
+// -Wconversion in gcc and C4302 warnings on MSVC, but it can be applied
+// incrementally at API boundaries, making it easier to convert code so that it
+// compiles cleanly with truncation warnings enabled.
+// This template should introduce no runtime overhead, but it also provides no
+// runtime checking of any of the associated mathematical operations. Use
+// CheckedNumeric for runtime range checks of the actual value being assigned.
+template <typename T>
+class StrictNumeric {
+ public:
+ using type = T;
+ constexpr StrictNumeric() : value_(0) {}
+ // Copy constructor.
+ template <typename Src>
+ constexpr StrictNumeric(const StrictNumeric<Src>& rhs)
+ : value_(strict_cast<T>(rhs.value_)) {}
+ // This is not an explicit constructor because we implicitly upgrade regular
+ // numerics to StrictNumerics to make them easier to use.
+ template <typename Src>
+ constexpr StrictNumeric(Src value) // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
+ : value_(strict_cast<T>(value)) {}
+ // If you got here from a compiler error, it's because you tried to assign
+ // from a source type to a destination type that has insufficient range.
+ // The solution may be to change the destination type you're assigning to,
+ // and use one large enough to represent the source.
+ // If you're assigning from a CheckedNumeric<> class, you may be able to use
+ // the AssignIfValid() member function, specify a narrower destination type to
+ // the member value functions (e.g. val.template ValueOrDie<Dst>()), use one
+ // of the value helper functions (e.g. ValueOrDieForType<Dst>(val)).
+ // If you've encountered an _ambiguous overload_ you can use a static_cast<>
+ // to explicitly cast the result to the destination type.
+ // If none of that works, you may be better served with the checked_cast<> or
+ // saturated_cast<> template functions for your particular use case.
+ template <typename Dst,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ IsNumericRangeContained<Dst, T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ constexpr operator Dst() const {
+ return static_cast<typename ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<Dst>::type>(value_);
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+ private:
+ const T value_;
+// Convience wrapper returns a StrictNumeric from the provided arithmetic type.
+template <typename T>
+constexpr StrictNumeric<typename UnderlyingType<T>::type> MakeStrictNum(
+ const T value) {
+ return value;
+// Overload the ostream output operator to make logging work nicely.
+template <typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StrictNumeric<T>& value) {
+ os << static_cast<T>(value);
+ return os;
+ template <typename L, typename R, \
+ typename std::enable_if< \
+ internal::IsStrictOp<L, R>::value>::type* = nullptr> \
+ constexpr bool operator OP(const L lhs, const R rhs) { \
+ return SafeCompare<NAME, typename UnderlyingType<L>::type, \
+ typename UnderlyingType<R>::type>(lhs, rhs); \
+ }
+STRICT_COMPARISON_OP(IsGreaterOrEqual, >=);
+using internal::strict_cast;
+using internal::saturated_cast;
+using internal::SafeUnsignedAbs;
+using internal::StrictNumeric;
+using internal::MakeStrictNum;
+using internal::IsValueNegative;
+// Explicitly make a shorter size_t alias for convenience.
+using SizeT = StrictNumeric<size_t>;
} // namespace base
} // namespace pdfium