path: root/xfa/src/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp
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authorBo Xu <>2015-01-09 17:27:21 -0800
committerBo Xu <>2015-01-09 17:27:21 -0800
commita902979f7c6a39fbdd8e9fc1b2ce00553b655eeb (patch)
tree854a51dbf1577ee8493db769ba7c8ab07cc72140 /xfa/src/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp
parent5f21e9ddd181fc344f8d6070351858f98a25547e (diff)
Organize barcode codes into modules.
Previously all the files in barcode are lumped together. The naming of some files are inconsistent, leading to difficult understanding of the structure. Now files are grouped based on different barcode type like in zxing. This also matches what it looks like in other xfa folders. The file names in each folder could be further modified to be consistent. Review URL:
Diffstat (limited to 'xfa/src/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xfa/src/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp b/xfa/src/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33c875366c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xfa/src/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
+#include "BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "testing/fx_string_testhelpers.h"
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, EncodeHighLevel) {
+ // TODO(tsepez): implement test cases.
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, EncodeText) {
+ // TODO(tsepez): implement test cases.
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, EncodeBinary) {
+ struct EncodeBinaryCase {
+ const char* input;
+ int offset;
+ int count;
+ int startmode;
+ const wchar_t* expected;
+ int expected_length;
+ } encode_binary_cases[] = {
+ // Empty string encodes as empty string.
+ { "", 0, 0, CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::TEXT_COMPACTION, L"", 0 },
+ // Fewer than 6 characters encodes as prefix without compaction.
+ { "xxxxx", 0, 5, CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::TEXT_COMPACTION, L"\x0385xxxxx", 6 },
+ // 6 charcters triggerst text encoding compaction.
+ { "xxxxxx", 0, 6, CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::TEXT_COMPACTION,
+ L"\u039c\u00c9\u031f\u012a\u00d2\u02d0", 6 },
+ // Same result if initially in numeric compaction mode.
+ { "xxxxxx", 0, 6, CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::NUMERIC_COMPACTION,
+ L"\u039c\u00c9\u031f\u012a\u00d2\u02d0", 6 },
+ };
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Initialize();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(encode_binary_cases); ++i) {
+ EncodeBinaryCase* ptr = &encode_binary_cases[i];
+ CFX_ByteArray input_array;
+ size_t input_length = strlen(ptr->input);
+ input_array.SetSize(input_length);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
+ input_array.SetAt(j, ptr->input[j]);
+ }
+ CFX_WideString expected(ptr->expected, ptr->expected_length);
+ CFX_WideString result;
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::encodeBinary(
+ &input_array, ptr->offset, ptr->count, ptr->startmode, result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, result) << " for case number " << i;
+ }
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Finalize();
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, EncodeNumeric) {
+ struct EncodeNumericCase {
+ const wchar_t* input;
+ int offset;
+ int count;
+ const wchar_t* expected;
+ int expected_length;
+ } encode_numeric_cases[] = {
+ // Empty string encodes as empty string.
+ { L"", 0, 0, L"", 0 },
+ // Blank string encodes as empty string.
+ { L" ", 0, 1, L"", 0 },
+ // Single 0 should encode as 10 base-900 == 10.
+ { L"0", 0, 1, L"", 0 }, // wrong - should be \u000a?
+ // 800 should encode as 1800 base-900 == 2,0.
+ { L"800", 0, 3, L"\x0002\x0000", 2 },
+ // Test longer strings and sub-strings.
+ { L"123456", 0, 6, L"\x0001\x015c\x0100", 3 },
+ { L"123456", 0, 5, L"\x007c\x02e9", 2 },
+ { L"123456", 1, 5, L"\x0089\x009c", 2 },
+ { L"123456", 2, 2, L"\x0086", 1 },
+ // Up to 44 characters encodes as 15 base-900 words.
+ { L"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, 44,
+ L"\x01b5\x006f\x02cc\x0084\x01bc\x0076\x00b3\x005c\x01f0\x034f\x01e6\x0090\x020b\x019b\x0064", 15 },
+ // 45 characters should encode as same 15 words followed by one additional word.
+ { L"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, 45,
+ L"\x01b5\x006f\x02cc\x0084\x01bc\x0076\x00b3\x005c\x01f0\x034f\x01e6\x0090\x020b\x019b\x0064\x000a", 16 },
+ // 44 characters followed by 800 should encode as 15 words followed by 1800 base-900 == 2,0.
+ { L"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800", 0, 47,
+ L"\x01b5\x006f\x02cc\x0084\x01bc\x0076\x00b3\x005c\x01f0\x034f\x01e6\x0090\x020b\x019b\x0064\x0002\x0000", 17 },
+ // Even longer input.
+ { L"10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, 50,
+ L"\x01e0\x02f0\x036d\x02ad\x029c\x01ea\x0011\x000b\x02d6\x023c\x0108\x02bb\x0023\x02d2\x00c8\x0001\x00d3\x0064", 18 },
+ };
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Initialize();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(encode_numeric_cases); ++i) {
+ EncodeNumericCase* ptr = &encode_numeric_cases[i];
+ CFX_WideString input(ptr->input);
+ CFX_WideString expected(ptr->expected, ptr->expected_length);
+ CFX_WideString result;
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::encodeNumeric(
+ input, ptr->offset, ptr->count, result);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, result) << " for case number " << i;
+ }
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Finalize();
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, ConsecutiveDigitCount) {
+ struct ConsecutiveDigitCase {
+ const wchar_t* input;
+ int offset;
+ int expected_count;
+ } consecutive_digit_cases[] = {
+ // Empty string contains 0 consecuitve digits.
+ { L"", 0, 0 },
+ // Single non-digit character contains 0 consecutive digits.
+ { L"X", 0, 0 },
+ // Leading non-digit followed by digits contains 0 consecutive.
+ { L"X123", 0, 0 },
+ // Single digit contains 1 consecutive digit.
+ { L"1", 0, 1 },
+ // Single digit followe by non-digit contains 1 consecutive digit.
+ { L"1Z", 0, 1 },
+ // Test longer strings.
+ { L"123FOO45678", 0, 3 },
+ // Test subtring starting in digits field.
+ { L"123FOO45678", 3, 0 },
+ // Test subtring starting in non-digits field.
+ { L"123FOO45678", 3, 0 },
+ // Test substring starting in digits field following non-digit field.
+ { L"123FOO45678", 6, 5 },
+ };
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Initialize();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(consecutive_digit_cases); ++i) {
+ ConsecutiveDigitCase* ptr = &consecutive_digit_cases[i];
+ CFX_WideString input(ptr->input);
+ int actual_count = CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::determineConsecutiveDigitCount(input, ptr->offset);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ptr->expected_count, actual_count) << " for case number " << i;
+ }
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Finalize();
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, ConsecutiveTextCount) {
+ struct ConsecutiveTextCase {
+ const wchar_t* input;
+ int offset;
+ int expected_count;
+ } consecutive_text_cases[] = {
+ // Empty string contains 0 consecutive text characters.
+ { L"", 0, 0 },
+ // Single text character is 1 consecutive text characters.
+ { L"X", 0, 1 },
+ // Trailing numbers count as text characters.
+ { L"X123", 0, 4 },
+ // Leading numbers count as text characters.
+ { L"123X", 0, 4 },
+ // Embedded lo-value binary characters terminate text runs.
+ { L"ABC\x0001XXXX", 0, 3 },
+ // Embedded hi-value binary characters terminate text runs.
+ { L"ABC\x0100XXXX", 0, 3 },
+ // Text run still found after indexing past lo-value character.
+ { L"ABC\x0001XXXX", 4, 4 },
+ // Text run still found after indexing past hi-value character.
+ { L"ABC\x0100XXXX", 4, 4 },
+ // Leading hi-value character results in 0 consecutive characters.
+ { L"\x0100XXX", 0, 0 },
+ // Up to 12 numbers count as text.
+ { L"123456789012", 0, 12 },
+ // 13 or more numbers are compresssed using numeric compression, not text.
+ { L"1234567890123", 0, 0 },
+ // Leading Text character doesn't affect the 12 character case.
+ { L"X123456789012", 0, 13 },
+ // Leading Text character doesn't affect the 13 character case.
+ { L"X1234567890123", 0, 1 },
+ // Jumping between numbers and letters works properly.
+ { L"XXX121XXX12345678901234", 0, 9 },
+ };
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Initialize();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(consecutive_text_cases); ++i) {
+ ConsecutiveTextCase* ptr = &consecutive_text_cases[i];
+ CFX_WideString input(ptr->input);
+ int actual_count = CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::determineConsecutiveTextCount(input, ptr->offset);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ptr->expected_count, actual_count) << " for case number " << i;
+ }
+ CBC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder::Finalize();
+TEST(PDF417HighLevelEncoder, ConsecutiveBinaryCount) {