path: root/xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_lexer.h
diff options
authorDan Sinclair <>2016-03-08 13:49:22 -0500
committerDan Sinclair <>2016-03-08 13:49:22 -0500
commit6cdf084fa40a62eb33185171622ad12d95c6009e (patch)
treedaeea24a81365ed27582f280b7f19add0cb7b0d7 /xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_lexer.h
parent653e0797debddb4e9aecbc6cde65748d43b18b79 (diff)
Remove xfa/src/fxfa/src/common and xfa/src/fxfa/src
This Cl moves the code in xfa/src/fxfa/src/common to the diretory which contains the respective implementations and removes the xfa/src/fxfa/src/common directory. It them moves all of the code in xfa/src/fxfa/src up one level and removes the xfa/src/fxfa/src directory. Review URL: .
Diffstat (limited to 'xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_lexer.h')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_lexer.h b/xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_lexer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f45f639e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_lexer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
+#include <memory>
+#include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
+#include "xfa/src/fxfa/fm2js/xfa_error.h"
+enum XFA_FM_TOKEN {
+ TOKand,
+ TOKlparen,
+ TOKrparen,
+ TOKmul,
+ TOKplus,
+ TOKcomma,
+ TOKminus,
+ TOKdot,
+ TOKdiv,
+ TOKlt,
+ TOKassign,
+ TOKgt,
+ TOKlbracket,
+ TOKrbracket,
+ TOKor,
+ TOKdotscream,
+ TOKdotstar,
+ TOKdotdot,
+ TOKle,
+ TOKne,
+ TOKeq,
+ TOKge,
+ TOKdo,
+ TOKkseq,
+ TOKksge,
+ TOKksgt,
+ TOKif,
+ TOKin,
+ TOKksle,
+ TOKkslt,
+ TOKksne,
+ TOKksor,
+ TOKnull,
+ TOKbreak,
+ TOKksand,
+ TOKend,
+ TOKeof,
+ TOKfor,
+ TOKnan,
+ TOKksnot,
+ TOKvar,
+ TOKthen,
+ TOKelse,
+ TOKexit,
+ TOKdownto,
+ TOKreturn,
+ TOKinfinity,
+ TOKendwhile,
+ TOKforeach,
+ TOKendfunc,
+ TOKelseif,
+ TOKwhile,
+ TOKendfor,
+ TOKthrow,
+ TOKstep,
+ TOKupto,
+ TOKcontinue,
+ TOKfunc,
+ TOKendif,
+ TOKstar,
+ TOKidentifier,
+ TOKunderscore,
+ TOKdollar,
+ TOKexclamation,
+ TOKcall,
+ TOKstring,
+ TOKnumber,
+ TOKreserver
+struct XFA_FMKeyword {
+ XFA_FM_TOKEN m_type;
+ uint32_t m_uHash;
+ const FX_WCHAR* m_keyword;
+const FX_WCHAR* XFA_FM_KeywordToString(XFA_FM_TOKEN op);
+class CXFA_FMToken {
+ public:
+ CXFA_FMToken();
+ explicit CXFA_FMToken(FX_DWORD uLineNum);
+ CFX_WideStringC m_wstring;
+ XFA_FM_TOKEN m_type;
+ FX_DWORD m_uLinenum;
+class CXFA_FMLexer {
+ public:
+ CXFA_FMLexer(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFormcalc, CXFA_FMErrorInfo* pErrorInfo);
+ CXFA_FMToken* NextToken();
+ FX_DWORD Number(CXFA_FMToken* t, const FX_WCHAR* p, const FX_WCHAR*& pEnd);
+ FX_DWORD String(CXFA_FMToken* t, const FX_WCHAR* p, const FX_WCHAR*& pEnd);
+ FX_DWORD Identifiers(CXFA_FMToken* t,
+ const FX_WCHAR* p,
+ const FX_WCHAR*& pEnd);
+ void Comment(const FX_WCHAR* p, const FX_WCHAR*& pEnd);
+ XFA_FM_TOKEN IsKeyword(const CFX_WideStringC& p);
+ void SetCurrentLine(FX_DWORD line) { m_uCurrentLine = line; }
+ void SetToken(CXFA_FMToken* pToken) {
+ if (m_pToken.get() != pToken)
+ m_pToken.reset(pToken);
+ }
+ const FX_WCHAR* SavePos() { return m_ptr; }
+ void RestorePos(const FX_WCHAR* pPos) { m_ptr = pPos; }
+ void Error(XFA_FM_ERRMSG msg, ...);
+ FX_BOOL HasError() const;
+ protected:
+ CXFA_FMToken* Scan();
+ const FX_WCHAR* m_ptr;
+ FX_DWORD m_uCurrentLine;
+ std::unique_ptr<CXFA_FMToken> m_pToken;
+ CXFA_FMErrorInfo* m_pErrorInfo;