path: root/xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp
diff options
authorTom Sepez <>2016-01-26 14:51:21 -0800
committerTom Sepez <>2016-01-26 14:51:21 -0800
commit99ffdb0b9b488d743331646dc410f26b71e1f037 (patch)
treed9f7a4b05c8d4c46b38f9940ff8e3be9803b73e1 /xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp
parentc812495631df9f059bfd332ffe37e76dd011e96c (diff)
Fix DOS newlines Review URL: .
Diffstat (limited to 'xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp')
1 files changed, 2022 insertions, 2022 deletions
diff --git a/xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp b/xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp
index 4eddabc0bd..b949734fe9 100644
--- a/xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp
+++ b/xfa/src/fxfa/src/app/xfa_textlayout.cpp
@@ -1,2022 +1,2022 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "xfa/src/foxitlib.h"
-#include "xfa/src/fxfa/src/common/xfa_common.h"
-#include "xfa_textlayout.h"
-#include "xfa_ffapp.h"
-#include "xfa_ffdoc.h"
-#include "xfa_fontmgr.h"
-CXFA_CSSTagProvider::~CXFA_CSSTagProvider() {
- FX_POSITION pos = m_Attributes.GetStartPosition();
- while (pos) {
- CFX_WideString *pName = NULL, *pValue = NULL;
- m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void*&)pName, (void*&)pValue);
- if (pName != NULL) {
- delete pName;
- }
- if (pValue != NULL) {
- delete pValue;
- }
- }
-void CXFA_CSSTagProvider::GetNextAttribute(FX_POSITION& pos,
- CFX_WideStringC& wsAttr,
- CFX_WideStringC& wsValue) {
- if (pos == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- CFX_WideString* pName = NULL;
- CFX_WideString* pValue = NULL;
- m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void*&)pName, (void*&)pValue);
- wsAttr = *pName;
- wsValue = *pValue;
-void CXFA_CSSTagProvider::SetAttribute(const CFX_WideString& wsAttr,
- const CFX_WideString& wsValue) {
- CFX_WideString* pName = new CFX_WideString();
- CFX_WideString* pValue = new CFX_WideString();
- *pName = wsAttr;
- *pValue = wsValue;
- m_Attributes.SetAt(pName, pValue);
-void CXFA_TextParseContext::SetDecls(const IFDE_CSSDeclaration** ppDeclArray,
- int32_t iDeclCount) {
- if (iDeclCount <= 0 || ppDeclArray == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- m_dwMatchedDecls = iDeclCount;
- m_ppMatchedDecls = FX_Alloc(IFDE_CSSDeclaration*, iDeclCount);
- FX_memcpy(m_ppMatchedDecls, ppDeclArray,
- iDeclCount * sizeof(IFDE_CSSDeclaration*));
-CXFA_TextParser::~CXFA_TextParser() {
- if (m_pUASheet != NULL) {
- m_pUASheet->Release();
- }
- if (m_pSelector != NULL) {
- m_pSelector->Release();
- }
- if (m_pAllocator != NULL) {
- m_pAllocator->Release();
- }
- FX_POSITION ps = m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetStartPosition();
- while (ps) {
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode;
- CXFA_TextParseContext* pParseContext;
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetNextAssoc(ps, pXMLNode, pParseContext);
- if (pParseContext != NULL) {
- FDE_DeleteWith(CXFA_TextParseContext, m_pAllocator, pParseContext);
- }
- }
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.RemoveAll();
-void CXFA_TextParser::Reset() {
- FX_POSITION ps = m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetStartPosition();
- while (ps) {
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode;
- CXFA_TextParseContext* pParseContext;
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetNextAssoc(ps, pXMLNode, pParseContext);
- if (pParseContext != NULL) {
- FDE_DeleteWith(CXFA_TextParseContext, m_pAllocator, pParseContext);
- }
- }
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.RemoveAll();
- if (m_pAllocator != NULL) {
- m_pAllocator->Release();
- m_pAllocator = NULL;
- }
-void CXFA_TextParser::InitCSSData(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) {
- if (pTextProvider == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (m_pSelector == NULL) {
- CXFA_FFDoc* pDoc = pTextProvider->GetDocNode();
- IFX_FontMgr* pFontMgr = pDoc->GetApp()->GetFDEFontMgr();
- FXSYS_assert(pFontMgr != NULL);
- m_pSelector = IFDE_CSSStyleSelector::Create();
- m_pSelector->SetFontMgr(pFontMgr);
- FX_FLOAT fFontSize = 10;
- CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- fFontSize = font.GetFontSize();
- }
- m_pSelector->SetDefFontSize(fFontSize);
- }
- if (m_pUASheet == NULL) {
- m_pUASheet = LoadDefaultSheetStyle();
- m_pSelector->SetStyleSheet(FDE_CSSSTYLESHEETGROUP_UserAgent, m_pUASheet);
- m_pSelector->UpdateStyleIndex(FDE_CSSMEDIATYPE_ALL);
- }
-IFDE_CSSStyleSheet* CXFA_TextParser::LoadDefaultSheetStyle() {
- static const FX_WCHAR s_pStyle[] =
- L"html,body,ol,p,ul{display:block}"
- L"li{display:list-item}"
- L"ol,ul{padding-left:33px}ol{list-style-type:decimal}ol,ul{margin-top:0;"
- L"margin-bottom:0}ul,ol{margin:1.12em 0}"
- L"a{color:#0000ff;text-decoration:underline}b{font-weight:bolder}i{font-"
- L"style:italic}"
- L"sup{vertical-align:+15em;font-size:.66em}sub{vertical-align:-15em;font-"
- L"size:.66em}";
- return IFDE_CSSStyleSheet::LoadFromBuffer(
- CFX_WideString(), s_pStyle, FXSYS_wcslen(s_pStyle), FX_CODEPAGE_UTF8);
-IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* CXFA_TextParser::CreateRootStyle(
- IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) {
- CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- CXFA_Para para = pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = m_pSelector->CreateComputedStyle(NULL);
- IFDE_CSSFontStyle* pFontStyle = pStyle->GetFontStyles();
- IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = 0, fFontSize = 10;
- if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
- fLineHeight = para.GetLineHeight();
- indent.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetTextIndent());
- pParaStyle->SetTextIndent(indent);
- switch (para.GetHorizontalAlign()) {
- hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Center;
- break;
- hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Right;
- break;
- hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Justify;
- break;
- case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_JustifyAll:
- hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_JustifyAll;
- break;
- }
- pParaStyle->SetTextAlign(hAlgin);
- FDE_CSSRECT rtMarginWidth;
- rtMarginWidth.left.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetMarginLeft());
-, para.GetSpaceAbove());
- rtMarginWidth.right.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetMarginRight());
- rtMarginWidth.bottom.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetSpaceBelow());
- pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->SetMarginWidth(rtMarginWidth);
- }
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- pFontStyle->SetColor(font.GetColor());
- pFontStyle->SetFontStyle(font.IsItalic() ? FDE_CSSFONTSTYLE_Italic
- pFontStyle->SetFontWeight(font.IsBold() ? FXFONT_FW_BOLD
- pParaStyle->SetNumberVerticalAlign(-font.GetBaselineShift());
- fFontSize = font.GetFontSize();
- FDE_CSSLENGTH letterSpacing;
- letterSpacing.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, font.GetLetterSpacing());
- pParaStyle->SetLetterSpacing(letterSpacing);
- FX_DWORD dwDecoration = 0;
- if (font.GetLineThrough() > 0) {
- dwDecoration |= FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_LineThrough;
- }
- if (font.GetUnderline() > 1) {
- dwDecoration |= FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Double;
- } else if (font.GetUnderline() > 0) {
- dwDecoration |= FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Underline;
- }
- pParaStyle->SetTextDecoration(dwDecoration);
- }
- pParaStyle->SetLineHeight(fLineHeight);
- pFontStyle->SetFontSize(fFontSize);
- return pStyle;
-IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* CXFA_TextParser::CreateStyle(
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pNewStyle =
- m_pSelector->CreateComputedStyle(pParentStyle);
- FXSYS_assert(pNewStyle != NULL);
- if (pParentStyle) {
- IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pParentStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
- FX_DWORD dwDecoration = pParaStyle->GetTextDecoration();
- FX_FLOAT fBaseLine = 0;
- if (pParaStyle->GetVerticalAlign() == FDE_CSSVERTICALALIGN_Number) {
- fBaseLine = pParaStyle->GetNumberVerticalAlign();
- }
- pParaStyle = pNewStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
- pParaStyle->SetTextDecoration(dwDecoration);
- pParaStyle->SetNumberVerticalAlign(fBaseLine);
- IFDE_CSSBoundaryStyle* pBoundarytyle = pParentStyle->GetBoundaryStyles();
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect = pBoundarytyle->GetMarginWidth();
- if (pRect != NULL) {
- pBoundarytyle = pNewStyle->GetBoundaryStyles();
- pBoundarytyle->SetMarginWidth(*pRect);
- }
- }
- return pNewStyle;
-IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* CXFA_TextParser::ComputeStyle(
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
- CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext = static_cast<CXFA_TextParseContext*>(
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetValueAt(pXMLNode));
- if (!pContext)
- return nullptr;
- pContext->m_pParentStyle = pParentStyle;
- pParentStyle->AddRef();
- CXFA_CSSTagProvider tagProvider;
- ParseTagInfo(pXMLNode, tagProvider);
- if (tagProvider.m_bContent)
- return nullptr;
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = CreateStyle(pParentStyle);
- IFDE_CSSAccelerator* pCSSAccel = m_pSelector->InitAccelerator();
- pCSSAccel->OnEnterTag(&tagProvider);
- m_pSelector->ComputeStyle(&tagProvider, pContext->GetDecls(),
- pContext->CountDecls(), pStyle);
- pCSSAccel->OnLeaveTag(&tagProvider);
- return pStyle;
-void CXFA_TextParser::DoParse(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLContainer,
- IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) {
- if (pXMLContainer == NULL || pTextProvider == NULL || m_pAllocator != NULL) {
- return;
- }
- m_pAllocator =
- FX_CreateAllocator(FX_ALLOCTYPE_Fixed, 32, sizeof(CXFA_CSSTagProvider));
- InitCSSData(pTextProvider);
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pRootStyle = CreateRootStyle(pTextProvider);
- ParseRichText(pXMLContainer, pRootStyle);
- pRootStyle->Release();
-void CXFA_TextParser::ParseRichText(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
- if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- CXFA_CSSTagProvider tagProvider;
- ParseTagInfo(pXMLNode, tagProvider);
- if (!tagProvider.m_bTagAviliable) {
- return;
- }
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pNewStyle = NULL;
- if ((tagProvider.GetTagName() != FX_WSTRC(L"body")) ||
- (tagProvider.GetTagName() != FX_WSTRC(L"html"))) {
- CXFA_TextParseContext* pTextContext =
- FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator) CXFA_TextParseContext;
- if (!tagProvider.m_bContent) {
- pNewStyle = CreateStyle(pParentStyle);
- IFDE_CSSAccelerator* pCSSAccel = m_pSelector->InitAccelerator();
- pCSSAccel->OnEnterTag(&tagProvider);
- CFDE_CSSDeclarationArray DeclArray;
- int32_t iMatchedDecls =
- m_pSelector->MatchDeclarations(&tagProvider, DeclArray);
- const IFDE_CSSDeclaration** ppMatchDecls =
- (const IFDE_CSSDeclaration**)DeclArray.GetData();
- m_pSelector->ComputeStyle(&tagProvider, ppMatchDecls, iMatchedDecls,
- pNewStyle);
- pCSSAccel->OnLeaveTag(&tagProvider);
- if (iMatchedDecls > 0) {
- pTextContext->SetDecls(ppMatchDecls, iMatchedDecls);
- }
- eDisplay = pNewStyle->GetPositionStyles()->GetDisplay();
- }
- pTextContext->SetDisplay(eDisplay);
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.SetAt(pXMLNode, pTextContext);
- }
- for (IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLChild =
- pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::FirstChild);
- pXMLChild;
- pXMLChild = pXMLChild->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
- ParseRichText(pXMLChild, pNewStyle);
- }
- if (pNewStyle != NULL) {
- pNewStyle->Release();
- }
-void CXFA_TextParser::ParseTagInfo(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
- CXFA_CSSTagProvider& tagProvider) {
- static const FX_DWORD s_XFATagName[] = {
- 0x61, 0x62, 0x69, 0x70, 0x0001f714,
- 0x00022a55, 0x000239bb, 0x00025881, 0x0bd37faa, 0x0bd37fb8,
- 0xa73e3af2, 0xb182eaae, 0xdb8ac455,
- };
- CFX_WideString wsName;
- if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
- IFDE_XMLElement* pXMLElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLNode;
- pXMLElement->GetLocalTagName(wsName);
- tagProvider.SetTagNameObj(wsName);
- FX_DWORD dwHashCode =
- FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsName, wsName.GetLength(), TRUE);
- static const int32_t s_iCount = sizeof(s_XFATagName) / sizeof(FX_DWORD);
- CFX_DSPATemplate<FX_DWORD> lookup;
- tagProvider.m_bTagAviliable =
- lookup.Lookup(dwHashCode, s_XFATagName, s_iCount) > -1;
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- pXMLElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"style").GetPtr(), wsValue);
- if (!wsValue.IsEmpty()) {
- tagProvider.SetAttribute(FX_WSTRC(L"style"), wsValue);
- }
- } else if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Text) {
- tagProvider.m_bTagAviliable = TRUE;
- tagProvider.m_bContent = TRUE;
- }
-int32_t CXFA_TextParser::GetVAlgin(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) const {
- int32_t iAlign = XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Top;
- CXFA_Para para = pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
- if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
- iAlign = para.GetVerticalAlign();
- }
- return iAlign;
-FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetTabInterval(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (pStyle && pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"tab-interval"), wsValue)) {
- CXFA_Measurement ms(wsValue);
- return ms.ToUnit(XFA_UNIT_Pt);
- }
- return 36;
-int32_t CXFA_TextParser::CountTabs(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (pStyle && pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-tab-count"), wsValue)) {
- return wsValue.GetInteger();
- }
- return 0;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextParser::IsSpaceRun(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (pStyle && pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-spacerun"), wsValue)) {
- wsValue.MakeLower();
- return wsValue == FX_WSTRC(L"yes");
- }
- return FALSE;
-IFX_Font* CXFA_TextParser::GetFont(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- CFX_WideStringC wsFamily = FX_WSTRC(L"Courier");
- FX_DWORD dwStyle = 0;
- CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- font.GetTypeface(wsFamily);
- if (font.IsBold()) {
- dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold;
- }
- if (font.IsItalic()) {
- dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic;
- }
- }
- if (pStyle) {
- IFDE_CSSFontStyle* pFontStyle = pStyle->GetFontStyles();
- int32_t iCount = pFontStyle->CountFontFamilies();
- if (iCount > 0) {
- wsFamily = pFontStyle->GetFontFamily(iCount - 1);
- }
- dwStyle = 0;
- if (pFontStyle->GetFontWeight() > FXFONT_FW_NORMAL) {
- dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold;
- }
- if (pFontStyle->GetFontStyle() == FDE_CSSFONTSTYLE_Italic) {
- dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic;
- }
- }
- CXFA_FFDoc* pDoc = pTextProvider->GetDocNode();
- FXSYS_assert(pDoc != NULL);
- CXFA_FontMgr* pFontMgr = pDoc->GetApp()->GetXFAFontMgr();
- return pFontMgr->GetFont(pDoc, wsFamily, dwStyle);
-FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetFontSize(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- return pStyle->GetFontStyles()->GetFontSize();
- }
- CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- return font.GetFontSize();
- }
- return 10;
-int32_t CXFA_TextParser::GetHorScale(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode) const {
- if (pStyle) {
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-font-horizontal-scale"),
- wsValue)) {
- return wsValue.GetInteger();
- }
- while (pXMLNode) {
- CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext = static_cast<CXFA_TextParseContext*>(
- m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetValueAt(pXMLNode));
- if (pContext && pContext->m_pParentStyle &&
- pContext->m_pParentStyle->GetCustomStyle(
- FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-font-horizontal-scale"), wsValue)) {
- return wsValue.GetInteger();
- }
- pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::Parent);
- }
- }
- if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
- return static_cast<int32_t>(font.GetHorizontalScale());
- }
- return 100;
-int32_t CXFA_TextParser::GetVerScale(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-font-vertical-scale"), wsValue)) {
- return wsValue.GetInteger();
- }
- }
- if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
- return (int32_t)font.GetVerticalScale();
- }
- return 100;
-void CXFA_TextParser::GetUnderline(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- int32_t& iUnderline,
- int32_t& iPeriod) const {
- iUnderline = 0;
- if (pStyle) {
- FX_DWORD dwDecoration = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetTextDecoration();
- if (dwDecoration & FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Double) {
- iUnderline = 2;
- } else if (dwDecoration & FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Underline) {
- iUnderline = 1;
- }
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"underlinePeriod"), wsValue)) {
- if (wsValue == FX_WSTRC(L"word")) {
- }
- } else if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
- iPeriod = font.GetUnderlinePeriod();
- }
- } else {
- CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- iUnderline = font.GetUnderline();
- iPeriod = font.GetUnderlinePeriod();
- }
- }
-void CXFA_TextParser::GetLinethrough(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- int32_t& iLinethrough) const {
- if (pStyle) {
- FX_DWORD dwDecoration = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetTextDecoration();
- iLinethrough = (dwDecoration & FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_LineThrough) ? 1 : 0;
- } else {
- CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- iLinethrough = font.GetLineThrough();
- }
- }
-FX_ARGB CXFA_TextParser::GetColor(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- return pStyle->GetFontStyles()->GetColor();
- }
- if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
- return font.GetColor();
- }
- return 0xFF000000;
-FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetBaseline(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
- if (pParaStyle->GetVerticalAlign() == FDE_CSSVERTICALALIGN_Number) {
- return pParaStyle->GetNumberVerticalAlign();
- }
- } else if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
- return font.GetBaselineShift();
- }
- return 0;
-FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetLineHeight(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- FX_BOOL bFirst,
- FX_FLOAT fVerScale) const {
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = 0;
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- fLineHeight = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetLineHeight();
- } else if (CXFA_Para para = pTextProvider->GetParaNode()) {
- fLineHeight = para.GetLineHeight();
- }
- if (bFirst) {
- FX_FLOAT fFontSize = GetFontSize(pTextProvider, pStyle);
- if (fLineHeight < 0.1f) {
- fLineHeight = fFontSize;
- } else {
- fLineHeight = std::min(fLineHeight, fFontSize);
- }
- } else if (fLineHeight < 0.1f) {
- fLineHeight = GetFontSize(pTextProvider, pStyle) * 1.2f;
- }
- fLineHeight *= fVerScale;
- return fLineHeight;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextParser::GetEmbbedObj(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
- CFX_WideString& wsValue) {
- wsValue.Empty();
- if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
- IFDE_XMLElement* pElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLNode;
- CFX_WideString wsAttr;
- pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa:embed").GetPtr(), wsAttr);
- if (wsAttr.IsEmpty()) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (wsAttr.GetAt(0) == L'#') {
- wsAttr.Delete(0);
- }
- CFX_WideString ws;
- pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa:embedType").GetPtr(), ws);
- if (ws.IsEmpty()) {
- ws = L"som";
- } else {
- ws.MakeLower();
- }
- FX_BOOL bURI = (ws == FX_WSTRC(L"uri"));
- if (!bURI && ws != FX_WSTRC(L"som")) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ws.Empty();
- pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa:embedMode").GetPtr(), ws);
- if (ws.IsEmpty()) {
- ws = L"formatted";
- } else {
- ws.MakeLower();
- }
- FX_BOOL bRaw = (ws == FX_WSTRC(L"raw"));
- if (!bRaw && ws != FX_WSTRC(L"formatted")) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- bRet = pTextProvider->GetEmbbedObj(bURI, bRaw, wsAttr, wsValue);
- }
- return bRet;
-CXFA_TextParseContext* CXFA_TextParser::GetParseContextFromMap(
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode) {
- return (CXFA_TextParseContext*)m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetValueAt(
- pXMLNode);
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextParser::GetTabstops(
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- CXFA_TextTabstopsContext* pTabstopContext) {
- if (pStyle == NULL || pTabstopContext == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- CFX_WideString wsValue;
- if (!pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-tab-stops"), wsValue) &&
- !pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"tab-stops"), wsValue)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int32_t iLength = wsValue.GetLength();
- const FX_WCHAR* pTabStops = wsValue;
- int32_t iCur = 0;
- int32_t iLast = 0;
- CFX_WideString wsAlign;
- FX_WCHAR ch;
- while (iCur < iLength) {
- ch = pTabStops[iCur];
- switch (eStatus) {
- if (ch <= ' ') {
- iCur++;
- } else {
- eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Alignment;
- iLast = iCur;
- }
- break;
- case XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Alignment:
- if (ch == ' ') {
- wsAlign = CFX_WideStringC(pTabStops + iLast, iCur - iLast);
- eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_StartLeader;
- iCur++;
- while (iCur < iLength && pTabStops[iCur] <= ' ') {
- iCur++;
- }
- iLast = iCur;
- } else {
- iCur++;
- }
- break;
- case XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_StartLeader:
- if (ch != 'l') {
- eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Location;
- } else {
- int32_t iCount = 0;
- while (iCur < iLength) {
- ch = pTabStops[iCur];
- iCur++;
- if (ch == '(') {
- iCount++;
- } else if (ch == ')') {
- iCount--;
- if (iCount == 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (iCur < iLength && pTabStops[iCur] <= ' ') {
- iCur++;
- }
- iLast = iCur;
- eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Location;
- }
- break;
- if (ch == ' ') {
- FX_DWORD dwHashCode =
- FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsAlign, wsAlign.GetLength(), TRUE);
- CXFA_Measurement ms(CFX_WideStringC(pTabStops + iLast, iCur - iLast));
- FX_FLOAT fPos = ms.ToUnit(XFA_UNIT_Pt);
- pTabstopContext->Append(dwHashCode, fPos);
- wsAlign.Empty();
- }
- iCur++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!wsAlign.IsEmpty()) {
- FX_DWORD dwHashCode =
- FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsAlign, wsAlign.GetLength(), TRUE);
- CXFA_Measurement ms(CFX_WideStringC(pTabStops + iLast, iCur - iLast));
- FX_FLOAT fPos = ms.ToUnit(XFA_UNIT_Pt);
- pTabstopContext->Append(dwHashCode, fPos);
- }
- return TRUE;
-CXFA_TextLayout::CXFA_TextLayout(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider)
- : m_bHasBlock(FALSE),
- m_pTextProvider(pTextProvider),
- m_pTextDataNode(nullptr),
- m_bRichText(FALSE),
- m_pAllocator(nullptr),
- m_pBreak(nullptr),
- m_pLoader(nullptr),
- m_iLines(0),
- m_fMaxWidth(0),
- m_pTabstopContext(nullptr),
- m_bBlockContinue(TRUE) {
- FXSYS_assert(m_pTextProvider);
-CXFA_TextLayout::~CXFA_TextLayout() {
- m_textParser.Reset();
- delete m_pLoader;
- delete m_pTabstopContext;
- Unload();
-void CXFA_TextLayout::Unload() {
- int32_t iCount = m_pieceLines.GetSize();
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
- CXFA_PieceLine* pLine = m_pieceLines.GetAt(i);
- FDE_DeleteWith(CXFA_PieceLine, m_pAllocator, pLine);
- }
- m_pieceLines.RemoveAll();
- if (m_pBreak != NULL) {
- m_pBreak->Release();
- m_pBreak = NULL;
- }
- if (m_pAllocator != NULL) {
- m_pAllocator->Release();
- m_pAllocator = NULL;
- }
-const CXFA_PieceLineArray* CXFA_TextLayout::GetPieceLines() {
- return &m_pieceLines;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::GetTextDataNode() {
- if (m_pTextProvider == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pTextProvider->GetTextNode(m_bRichText);
- if (pNode && m_bRichText) {
- m_textParser.Reset();
- }
- m_pTextDataNode = pNode;
-IFDE_XMLNode* CXFA_TextLayout::GetXMLContainerNode() {
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLContainer = NULL;
- if (m_bRichText) {
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLRoot = m_pTextDataNode->GetXMLMappingNode();
- if (!pXMLRoot) {
- return pXMLContainer;
- }
- for (IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLChild =
- pXMLRoot->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::FirstChild);
- pXMLChild;
- pXMLChild = pXMLChild->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
- if (pXMLChild->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
- IFDE_XMLElement* pXMLElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLChild;
- CFX_WideString wsTag;
- pXMLElement->GetLocalTagName(wsTag);
- if (wsTag.Equal(FX_WSTRC(L"body")) || wsTag.Equal(FX_WSTRC(L"html"))) {
- pXMLContainer = pXMLChild;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pXMLContainer;
-IFX_RTFBreak* CXFA_TextLayout::CreateBreak(FX_BOOL bDefault) {
- if (!bDefault) {
- dwStyle |= FX_RTFLAYOUTSTYLE_Pagination;
- }
- IFX_RTFBreak* pBreak = IFX_RTFBreak::Create(0);
- pBreak->SetLayoutStyles(dwStyle);
- pBreak->SetLineBreakChar(L'\n');
- pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(1);
- pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, NULL));
- pBreak->SetFontSize(m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, NULL));
- return pBreak;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::InitBreak(FX_FLOAT fLineWidth) {
- CXFA_Font font = m_pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
- CXFA_Para para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
- FX_FLOAT fStart = 0;
- FX_FLOAT fStartPos = 0;
- if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
- int32_t iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left;
- switch (para.GetHorizontalAlign()) {
- break;
- break;
- iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Justified;
- break;
- case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_JustifyAll:
- iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Distributed;
- break;
- }
- m_pBreak->SetAlignment(iAlign);
- fStart = para.GetMarginLeft();
- if (m_pTextProvider->IsCheckButtonAndAutoWidth()) {
- if (iAlign != FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left) {
- fLineWidth -= para.GetMarginRight();
- }
- } else {
- fLineWidth -= para.GetMarginRight();
- }
- if (fLineWidth < 0) {
- fLineWidth = fStart;
- }
- fStartPos = fStart;
- FX_FLOAT fIndent = para.GetTextIndent();
- if (fIndent > 0) {
- fStartPos += fIndent;
- }
- }
- m_pBreak->SetLineBoundary(fStart, fLineWidth);
- m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStartPos);
- if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
- m_pBreak->SetHorizontalScale((int32_t)font.GetHorizontalScale());
- m_pBreak->SetVerticalScale((int32_t)font.GetVerticalScale());
- m_pBreak->SetCharSpace(font.GetLetterSpacing());
- }
- FX_FLOAT fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, NULL);
- m_pBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize);
- m_pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, NULL));
- m_pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(fFontSize * 0.2f);
-void CXFA_TextLayout::InitBreak(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- FX_FLOAT fLineWidth,
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
- if (pStyle == NULL) {
- InitBreak(fLineWidth);
- return;
- }
- IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
- if (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block || eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) {
- int32_t iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left;
- switch (pParaStyle->GetTextAlign()) {
- break;
- break;
- case FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Justify:
- iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Justified;
- break;
- case FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_JustifyAll:
- iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Distributed;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- m_pBreak->SetAlignment(iAlign);
- FX_FLOAT fStart = 0;
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect = pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pPaddingRect =
- pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetPaddingWidth();
- if (pRect != NULL) {
- fStart = pRect->left.GetValue();
- fLineWidth -= pRect->right.GetValue();
- if (pPaddingRect != NULL) {
- fStart += pPaddingRect->left.GetValue();
- fLineWidth -= pPaddingRect->right.GetValue();
- }
- if (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) {
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pParRect =
- pParentStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pParPaddingRect =
- pParentStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetPaddingWidth();
- if (pParRect != NULL) {
- fStart += pParRect->left.GetValue();
- fLineWidth -= pParRect->right.GetValue();
- if (pParPaddingRect != NULL) {
- fStart += pParPaddingRect->left.GetValue();
- fLineWidth -= pParPaddingRect->right.GetValue();
- }
- }
- pNewRect.left.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, fStart);
- pNewRect.right.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, pRect->right.GetValue());
-, pRect->top.GetValue());
- pNewRect.bottom.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, pRect->bottom.GetValue());
- pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->SetMarginWidth(pNewRect);
- }
- }
- m_pBreak->SetLineBoundary(fStart, fLineWidth);
- FX_FLOAT fIndent = pParaStyle->GetTextIndent().GetValue();
- if (fIndent > 0) {
- fStart += fIndent;
- }
- m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStart);
- m_pBreak->SetTabWidth(m_textParser.GetTabInterval(pStyle));
- if (m_pTabstopContext == NULL) {
- m_pTabstopContext = new CXFA_TextTabstopsContext;
- }
- m_textParser.GetTabstops(pStyle, m_pTabstopContext);
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabCount; i++) {
- XFA_TABSTOPS* pTab = m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops.GetDataPtr(i);
- m_pBreak->AddPositionedTab(pTab->fTabstops);
- }
- }
- FX_FLOAT fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
- m_pBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize);
- m_pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(fFontSize * 0.2f);
- m_pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, pStyle));
- m_pBreak->SetHorizontalScale(
- m_textParser.GetHorScale(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pXMLNode));
- m_pBreak->SetVerticalScale(m_textParser.GetVerScale(m_pTextProvider, pStyle));
- m_pBreak->SetCharSpace(pParaStyle->GetLetterSpacing().GetValue());
-int32_t CXFA_TextLayout::GetText(CFX_WideString& wsText) {
- GetTextDataNode();
- wsText.Empty();
- if (m_bRichText) {
- } else {
- wsText = m_pTextDataNode->GetContent();
- }
- return wsText.GetLength();
-FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextLayout::GetLayoutHeight() {
- if (m_pLoader == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- int32_t iCount = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.GetSize();
- if (iCount == 0 && m_pLoader->m_fWidth > 0) {
- CFX_SizeF szMax, szDef;
- szMax.Set(m_pLoader->m_fWidth, m_pLoader->m_fHeight);
- szDef.Set(0, 0);
- m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = TRUE;
- m_pLoader->m_fLastPos = 0;
- CalcSize(szMax, szMax, szDef);
- m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = FALSE;
- return szDef.y;
- }
- FX_FLOAT fHeight = m_pLoader->m_fHeight;
- if (fHeight < 0.1f) {
- fHeight = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
- fHeight += m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.ElementAt(i);
- }
- }
- return fHeight;
-FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextLayout::StartLayout(FX_FLOAT fWidth) {
- if (m_pLoader == NULL) {
- m_pLoader = new CXFA_LoaderContext;
- }
- if (fWidth < 0 || (m_pLoader->m_fWidth > -1 &&
- FXSYS_fabs(fWidth - m_pLoader->m_fWidth) > 0)) {
- m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.RemoveAll();
- m_Blocks.RemoveAll();
- Unload();
- m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset = 0;
- }
- m_pLoader->m_fWidth = fWidth;
- if (fWidth < 0) {
- CFX_SizeF szMax, szDef;
- szMax.Set(0, 0);
- szDef.Set(0, 0);
- m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = TRUE;
- m_pLoader->m_fLastPos = 0;
- CalcSize(szMax, szMax, szDef);
- m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = FALSE;
- fWidth = szDef.x;
- }
- return fWidth;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::DoLayout(int32_t iBlockIndex,
- FX_FLOAT& fCalcHeight,
- FX_FLOAT fContentAreaHeight,
- FX_FLOAT fTextHeight) {
- if (m_pLoader == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int32_t iBlockCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
- FX_FLOAT fHeight = fTextHeight;
- if (fHeight < 0) {
- fHeight = GetLayoutHeight();
- }
- m_pLoader->m_fHeight = fHeight;
- if (fContentAreaHeight < 0) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_bHasBlock = TRUE;
- if (iBlockCount == 0 && fHeight > 0) {
- fHeight = fTextHeight - GetLayoutHeight();
- if (fHeight > 0) {
- int32_t iAlign = m_textParser.GetVAlgin(m_pTextProvider);
- if (iAlign == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Middle) {
- fHeight /= 2.0f;
- } else if (iAlign != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Bottom) {
- fHeight = 0;
- }
- m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset = fHeight;
- }
- }
- FX_FLOAT fLinePos = m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset;
- int32_t iLineIndex = 0;
- if (iBlockCount > 1) {
- if (iBlockCount >= (iBlockIndex + 1) * 2) {
- iLineIndex = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockIndex * 2);
- } else {
- iLineIndex = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 1) +
- m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 2);
- }
- if (m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize() > 0) {
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlockIndex; i++) {
- fLinePos -= m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.ElementAt(i * 2 + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- int32_t iCount = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.GetSize();
- int32_t i = 0;
- for (i = iLineIndex; i < iCount; i++) {
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.ElementAt(i);
- if ((i == iLineIndex) && (fLineHeight - fContentAreaHeight > 0.001)) {
- fCalcHeight = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (fLinePos + fLineHeight - fContentAreaHeight > 0.001) {
- if (iBlockCount >= (iBlockIndex + 1) * 2) {
- m_Blocks.SetAt(iBlockIndex * 2, iLineIndex);
- m_Blocks.SetAt(iBlockIndex * 2 + 1, i - iLineIndex);
- } else {
- m_Blocks.Add(iLineIndex);
- m_Blocks.Add(i - iLineIndex);
- }
- if (i == iLineIndex) {
- if (fCalcHeight <= fLinePos) {
- if (m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize() > iBlockIndex * 2 &&
- (m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetAt(iBlockIndex * 2) ==
- iBlockIndex)) {
- m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.SetAt(iBlockIndex * 2 + 1, fCalcHeight);
- } else {
- m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.Add((FX_FLOAT)iBlockIndex);
- m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.Add(fCalcHeight);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- fCalcHeight = fLinePos;
- return TRUE;
- }
- fLinePos += fLineHeight;
- }
- return FALSE;
-int32_t CXFA_TextLayout::CountBlocks() const {
- int32_t iCount = m_Blocks.GetSize() / 2;
- return iCount > 0 ? iCount : 1;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::CalcSize(const CFX_SizeF& minSize,
- const CFX_SizeF& maxSize,
- CFX_SizeF& defaultSize) {
- defaultSize.x = maxSize.x;
- if (defaultSize.x < 1) {
- defaultSize.x = 0xFFFF;
- }
- if (m_pBreak != NULL) {
- m_pBreak->Release();
- }
- m_pBreak = CreateBreak(FALSE);
- FX_FLOAT fLinePos = 0;
- m_iLines = 0;
- m_fMaxWidth = 0;
- Loader(defaultSize, fLinePos, FALSE);
- if (fLinePos < 0.1f) {
- fLinePos = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, NULL);
- }
- if (m_pTabstopContext) {
- delete m_pTabstopContext;
- m_pTabstopContext = NULL;
- }
- defaultSize.Set(m_fMaxWidth, fLinePos);
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::Layout(const CFX_SizeF& size, FX_FLOAT* fHeight) {
- if (size.x < 1) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- Unload();
- m_pBreak = CreateBreak(TRUE);
- if (m_pLoader != NULL) {
- m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = -1;
- m_pLoader->m_iChar = 0;
- }
- m_iLines = 0;
- FX_FLOAT fLinePos = 0;
- Loader(size, fLinePos, TRUE);
- UpdateAlign(size.y, fLinePos);
- if (m_pTabstopContext) {
- delete m_pTabstopContext;
- m_pTabstopContext = NULL;
- }
- if (fHeight) {
- *fHeight = fLinePos;
- }
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::Layout(int32_t iBlock) {
- if (m_pLoader == NULL || iBlock < 0 || iBlock >= CountBlocks()) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (m_pLoader->m_fWidth < 1) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = -1;
- m_iLines = 0;
- FX_FLOAT fLinePos = 0;
- CXFA_Node* pNode = NULL;
- CFX_SizeF szText;
- szText.Set(m_pLoader->m_fWidth, m_pLoader->m_fHeight);
- int32_t iCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
- int32_t iBlocksHeightCount = m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize();
- iBlocksHeightCount /= 2;
- if (iBlock < iBlocksHeightCount) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (iBlock == iBlocksHeightCount) {
- Unload();
- m_pBreak = CreateBreak(TRUE);
- fLinePos = m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlocksHeightCount; i++) {
- fLinePos -= m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.ElementAt(i * 2 + 1);
- }
- m_pLoader->m_iChar = 0;
- if (iCount > 1) {
- m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock * 2 + 1);
- }
- Loader(szText, fLinePos, TRUE);
- if (iCount == 0 && m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset < 0.1f) {
- UpdateAlign(szText.y, fLinePos);
- }
- } else if (m_pTextDataNode != NULL) {
- iBlock *= 2;
- if (iBlock < iCount - 2) {
- m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock + 1);
- }
- m_pBreak->Reset();
- if (m_bRichText) {
- IFDE_XMLNode* pContainerNode = GetXMLContainerNode();
- if (!pContainerNode) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode = m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode;
- if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- IFDE_XMLNode* pSaveXMLNode = m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode;
- for (; pXMLNode;
- pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
- FX_BOOL bFlag = LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText, fLinePos,
- m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle, TRUE);
- if (!bFlag) {
- break;
- }
- }
- while (pXMLNode == NULL) {
- pXMLNode = pSaveXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::Parent);
- if (pXMLNode == pContainerNode) {
- break;
- }
- FX_BOOL bFlag =
- LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText, fLinePos, m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle,
- if (!bFlag) {
- break;
- }
- pSaveXMLNode = pXMLNode;
- pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling);
- if (!pXMLNode) {
- continue;
- }
- for (; pXMLNode;
- pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
- FX_BOOL bFlag = LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText, fLinePos,
- m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle, TRUE);
- if (!bFlag) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- pNode = m_pLoader->m_pNode;
- if (pNode == NULL) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- LoadText(pNode, szText, fLinePos, TRUE);
- }
- }
- if (iBlock == iCount) {
- if (m_pTabstopContext != NULL) {
- delete m_pTabstopContext;
- m_pTabstopContext = NULL;
- }
- if (m_pLoader != NULL) {
- delete m_pLoader;
- m_pLoader = NULL;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::ItemBlocks(const CFX_RectF& rtText, int32_t iBlockIndex) {
- if (!m_pLoader) {
- return;
- }
- int32_t iCountHeight = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.GetSize();
- if (iCountHeight == 0) {
- return;
- }
- FX_BOOL bEndItem = TRUE;
- int32_t iBlockCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
- FX_FLOAT fLinePos = m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset;
- int32_t iLineIndex = 0;
- if (iBlockIndex > 0) {
- int32_t iBlockHeightCount = m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize();
- iBlockHeightCount /= 2;
- if (iBlockHeightCount >= iBlockIndex) {
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlockIndex; i++) {
- fLinePos -= m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.ElementAt(i * 2 + 1);
- }
- } else {
- fLinePos = 0;
- }
- iLineIndex = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 1) +
- m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 2);
- }
- int32_t i = 0;
- for (i = iLineIndex; i < iCountHeight; i++) {
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.ElementAt(i);
- if (fLinePos + fLineHeight - rtText.height > 0.001) {
- m_Blocks.Add(iLineIndex);
- m_Blocks.Add(i - iLineIndex);
- bEndItem = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- fLinePos += fLineHeight;
- }
- if (iCountHeight > 0 && (i - iLineIndex) > 0 && bEndItem) {
- m_Blocks.Add(iLineIndex);
- m_Blocks.Add(i - iLineIndex);
- }
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::DrawString(CFX_RenderDevice* pFxDevice,
- const CFX_Matrix& tmDoc2Device,
- const CFX_RectF& rtClip,
- int32_t iBlock) {
- IFDE_RenderDevice* pDevice = IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(pFxDevice);
- if (pDevice == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- FDE_HDEVICESTATE state = pDevice->SaveState();
- pDevice->SetClipRect(rtClip);
- IFDE_SolidBrush* pSolidBrush =
- (IFDE_SolidBrush*)IFDE_Brush::Create(FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid);
- IFDE_Pen* pPen = IFDE_Pen::Create();
- FXSYS_assert(pDevice != NULL && pSolidBrush != NULL && pPen != NULL);
- if (m_pieceLines.GetSize() == 0) {
- int32_t iBlockCount = CountBlocks();
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlockCount; i++) {
- Layout(i);
- }
- }
- int32_t iCharCount = 0;
- int32_t iLineStart = 0;
- int32_t iPieceLines = m_pieceLines.GetSize();
- int32_t iCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
- if (iCount > 0) {
- iBlock *= 2;
- if (iBlock < iCount) {
- iLineStart = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock);
- iPieceLines = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock + 1);
- } else {
- iPieceLines = 0;
- }
- }
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iPieceLines; i++) {
- if (i + iLineStart >= m_pieceLines.GetSize()) {
- break;
- }
- CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = m_pieceLines.GetAt(i + iLineStart);
- int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
- int32_t j = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < iPieces; j++) {
- XFA_LPCTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(j);
- int32_t iChars = pPiece->iChars;
- if (iCharCount < iChars) {
- FX_Free(pCharPos);
- pCharPos = FX_Alloc(FXTEXT_CHARPOS, iChars);
- iCharCount = iChars;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(pCharPos, 0, iCharCount * sizeof(FXTEXT_CHARPOS));
- RenderString(pDevice, pSolidBrush, pPieceLine, j, pCharPos, tmDoc2Device);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < iPieces; j++) {
- RenderPath(pDevice, pPen, pPieceLine, j, pCharPos, tmDoc2Device);
- }
- }
- pDevice->RestoreState(state);
- FX_Free(pCharPos);
- pSolidBrush->Release();
- pPen->Release();
- pDevice->Release();
- return iPieceLines;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::UpdateAlign(FX_FLOAT fHeight, FX_FLOAT fBottom) {
- fHeight -= fBottom;
- if (fHeight < 0.1f) {
- return;
- }
- switch (m_textParser.GetVAlgin(m_pTextProvider)) {
- fHeight /= 2.0f;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- int32_t iCount = m_pieceLines.GetSize();
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
- CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = m_pieceLines.GetAt(i);
- int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < iPieces; j++) {
- XFA_LPTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(j);
- CFX_RectF& rect = pPiece->rtPiece;
- += fHeight;
- }
- }
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::Loader(const CFX_SizeF& szText,
- FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
- FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
- if (m_pAllocator == NULL) {
- m_pAllocator = FX_CreateAllocator(FX_ALLOCTYPE_Static, 256, 0);
- }
- GetTextDataNode();
- if (m_pTextDataNode == NULL) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (m_bRichText) {
- IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLContainer = GetXMLContainerNode();
- if (pXMLContainer) {
- if (!m_textParser.IsParsed()) {
- m_textParser.DoParse(pXMLContainer, m_pTextProvider);
- }
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pRootStyle =
- m_textParser.CreateRootStyle(m_pTextProvider);
- LoadRichText(pXMLContainer, szText, fLinePos, pRootStyle, bSavePieces);
- pRootStyle->Release();
- }
- } else {
- LoadText(m_pTextDataNode, szText, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
- }
- return TRUE;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::LoadText(CXFA_Node* pNode,
- const CFX_SizeF& szText,
- FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
- FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
- InitBreak(szText.x);
- CXFA_Para para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
- FX_FLOAT fSpaceAbove = 0;
- if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
- fSpaceAbove = para.GetSpaceAbove();
- if (fSpaceAbove < 0.1f) {
- fSpaceAbove = 0;
- }
- int32_t verAlign = para.GetVerticalAlign();
- switch (verAlign) {
- case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Bottom: {
- fLinePos += fSpaceAbove;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- CFX_WideString wsText = pNode->GetContent();
- wsText.TrimRight(L" ");
- FX_BOOL bRet = AppendChar(wsText, fLinePos, fSpaceAbove, bSavePieces);
- if (bRet && m_pLoader != NULL) {
- m_pLoader->m_pNode = pNode;
- } else {
- EndBreak(FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
- }
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::LoadRichText(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
- const CFX_SizeF& szText,
- FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle,
- FX_BOOL bSavePieces,
- CXFA_LinkUserData* pLinkData,
- FX_BOOL bEndBreak,
- FX_BOOL bIsOl,
- int32_t iLiCount) {
- if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext =
- m_textParser.GetParseContextFromMap(pXMLNode);
- FX_BOOL bContentNode = FALSE;
- FX_FLOAT fSpaceBelow = 0;
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = NULL;
- CFX_WideString wsName;
- if (bEndBreak) {
- IFDE_XMLElement* pElement = NULL;
- if (pContext != NULL) {
- if (m_bBlockContinue ||
- (m_pLoader && pXMLNode == m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode)) {
- m_bBlockContinue = TRUE;
- }
- if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Text) {
- bContentNode = TRUE;
- } else if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
- pElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLNode;
- pElement->GetLocalTagName(wsName);
- }
- if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"ol")) {
- bIsOl = TRUE;
- bCurOl = TRUE;
- }
- if (m_bBlockContinue || bContentNode == FALSE) {
- eDisplay = pContext->GetDisplay();
- if (eDisplay != FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block &&
- eDisplay != FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Inline &&
- eDisplay != FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- pStyle = m_textParser.ComputeStyle(pXMLNode, pParentStyle);
- InitBreak(bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle, eDisplay, szText.x,
- pXMLNode, pParentStyle);
- if ((eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block ||
- eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) &&
- (pStyle != NULL) &&
- (wsName.IsEmpty() ||
- (wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"body") && wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"html") &&
- wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"ol") && wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"ul")))) {
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect =
- pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
- if (pRect) {
- fLinePos += pRect->top.GetValue();
- fSpaceBelow = pRect->bottom.GetValue();
- }
- }
- if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"a")) {
- CFX_WideString wsLinkContent;
- FXSYS_assert(pElement);
- pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"href").GetPtr(), wsLinkContent);
- if (!wsLinkContent.IsEmpty()) {
- pLinkData = FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator) CXFA_LinkUserData(
- m_pAllocator,
- wsLinkContent.GetBuffer(wsLinkContent.GetLength()));
- wsLinkContent.ReleaseBuffer(wsLinkContent.GetLength());
- }
- }
- int32_t iTabCount =
- m_textParser.CountTabs(bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle);
- FX_BOOL bSpaceRun =
- m_textParser.IsSpaceRun(bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle);
- CFX_WideString wsText;
- if (bContentNode && iTabCount == 0) {
- ((IFDE_XMLText*)pXMLNode)->GetText(wsText);
- } else if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"br")) {
- wsText = L'\n';
- } else if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"li")) {
- bCurLi = TRUE;
- if (bIsOl) {
- wsText.Format(L"%d. ", iLiCount);
- } else {
- wsText = 0x00B7 + FX_WSTRC(L" ");
- }
- } else if (!bContentNode) {
- if (iTabCount > 0)
- while (iTabCount-- > 0) {
- wsText += L'\t';
- }
- else {
- m_textParser.GetEmbbedObj(m_pTextProvider, pXMLNode, wsText);
- }
- }
- int32_t iLength = wsText.GetLength();
- if (iLength > 0 && bContentNode && !bSpaceRun) {
- ProcessText(wsText);
- }
- if (m_pLoader) {
- if (wsText.GetLength() > 0 &&
- (m_pLoader->m_dwFlags & XFA_LOADERCNTXTFLG_FILTERSPACE)) {
- wsText.TrimLeft(0x20);
- }
- if (FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block == eDisplay) {
- } else if (FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Inline == eDisplay &&
- (m_pLoader->m_dwFlags & XFA_LOADERCNTXTFLG_FILTERSPACE)) {
- } else if (wsText.GetLength() > 0 &&
- (0x20 == wsText.GetAt(wsText.GetLength() - 1))) {
- } else if (wsText.GetLength() == 0)
- ;
- else {
- }
- }
- if (wsText.GetLength() > 0) {
- if (m_pLoader == NULL || m_pLoader->m_iChar == 0) {
- if (pLinkData) {
- pLinkData->AddRef();
- }
- CXFA_TextUserData* pUserData = FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator)
- CXFA_TextUserData(m_pAllocator,
- bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle,
- pLinkData);
- m_pBreak->SetUserData(pUserData);
- }
- if (AppendChar(wsText, fLinePos, 0, bSavePieces)) {
- if (m_pLoader) {
- }
- if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) {
- if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines > -1) {
- m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode = pXMLNode;
- m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle = pParentStyle;
- }
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- pStyle->Release();
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FX_BOOL ret = TRUE;
- for (IFDE_XMLNode* pChildNode =
- pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::FirstChild);
- pChildNode;
- pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
- if (bCurOl) {
- iLiCount++;
- }
- ret = LoadRichText(pChildNode, szText, fLinePos,
- pContext ? pStyle : pParentStyle, bSavePieces,
- pLinkData, TRUE, bIsOl, iLiCount);
- if (ret == FALSE) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (m_pLoader) {
- if (FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block == eDisplay) {
- }
- }
- if (bCurLi) {
- EndBreak(FX_RTFBREAK_LineBreak, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
- }
- } else {
- if (pContext != NULL) {
- eDisplay = pContext->GetDisplay();
- }
- }
- if (m_bBlockContinue) {
- if (pContext != NULL && !bContentNode) {
- FX_DWORD dwStatus = (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block)
- ? FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak
- : FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak;
- EndBreak(dwStatus, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
- if (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block) {
- fLinePos += fSpaceBelow;
- if (m_pTabstopContext) {
- m_pTabstopContext->RemoveAll();
- }
- }
- if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"a")) {
- if (pLinkData) {
- pLinkData->Release();
- pLinkData = nullptr;
- }
- }
- if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) {
- if (pStyle) {
- pStyle->Release();
- }
- if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines > -1) {
- m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode =
- pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling);
- m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle = pParentStyle;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pStyle != NULL) {
- pStyle->Release();
- }
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::AppendChar(const CFX_WideString& wsText,
- FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
- FX_FLOAT fSpaceAbove,
- FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
- FX_DWORD dwStatus = 0;
- int32_t iChar = 0;
- if (m_pLoader) {
- iChar = m_pLoader->m_iChar;
- }
- int32_t iLength = wsText.GetLength();
- for (int32_t i = iChar; i < iLength; i++) {
- FX_WCHAR wch = wsText.GetAt(i);
- if (wch == 0xA0) {
- wch = 0x20;
- }
- if ((dwStatus = m_pBreak->AppendChar(wch)) > FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak) {
- AppendTextLine(dwStatus, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
- if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) {
- if (m_pLoader != NULL) {
- m_pLoader->m_iChar = i;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (dwStatus == FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak && m_bRichText) {
- fLinePos += fSpaceAbove;
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_pLoader) {
- m_pLoader->m_iChar = 0;
- }
- return FALSE;
-FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::IsEnd(FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
- if (!bSavePieces) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines > 0) {
- return m_iLines >= m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines;
- }
- return FALSE;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::ProcessText(CFX_WideString& wsText) {
- int32_t iLen = wsText.GetLength();
- if (iLen == 0) {
- return;
- }
- FX_WCHAR* psz = wsText.GetBuffer(iLen);
- int32_t iTrimLeft = 0;
- FX_WCHAR wch = 0, wPrev = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
- wch = psz[i];
- if (wch < 0x20) {
- wch = 0x20;
- }
- if (wch == 0x20 && wPrev == 0x20) {
- continue;
- }
- wPrev = wch;
- psz[iTrimLeft++] = wch;
- }
- wsText.ReleaseBuffer(iLen);
- wsText = wsText.Left(iTrimLeft);
-void CXFA_TextLayout::EndBreak(FX_DWORD dwStatus,
- FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
- FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
- dwStatus = m_pBreak->EndBreak(dwStatus);
- if (dwStatus > FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak) {
- AppendTextLine(dwStatus, fLinePos, bSavePieces, TRUE);
- }
-void CXFA_TextLayout::DoTabstops(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
- CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine) {
- if (m_pTabstopContext == NULL || m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabCount == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (pStyle == NULL || pPieceLine == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
- if (iPieces == 0) {
- return;
- }
- XFA_LPTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPieces - 1);
- int32_t& iTabstopsIndex = m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabIndex;
- int32_t iCount = m_textParser.CountTabs(pStyle);
- if (iTabstopsIndex > m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabCount - 1) {
- return;
- }
- if (iCount > 0) {
- iTabstopsIndex++;
- m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops = TRUE;
- FX_FLOAT fRight = 0;
- if (iPieces > 1) {
- XFA_LPTEXTPIECE p = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPieces - 2);
- fRight = p->rtPiece.right();
- }
- m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth =
- pPiece->rtPiece.width + pPiece->rtPiece.left - fRight;
- } else if (iTabstopsIndex > -1) {
- FX_FLOAT fLeft = 0;
- if (m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops) {
- XFA_TABSTOPS* pTabstops =
- m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops.GetDataPtr(iTabstopsIndex);
- FX_DWORD dwAlgin = pTabstops->dwAlign;
- if (dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"center", 6)) {
- fLeft = pPiece->rtPiece.width / 2.0f;
- } else if (dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"right", 5) ||
- dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"before", 6)) {
- fLeft = pPiece->rtPiece.width;
- } else if (dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"decimal", 7)) {
- int32_t iChars = pPiece->iChars;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iChars; i++) {
- if (pPiece->pszText[i] == L'.') {
- break;
- }
- fLeft += pPiece->pWidths[i] / 20000.0f;
- }
- }
- m_pTabstopContext->m_fLeft =
- std::min(fLeft, m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth);
- m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops = FALSE;
- m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth = 0;
- }
- pPiece->rtPiece.left -= m_pTabstopContext->m_fLeft;
- }
-void CXFA_TextLayout::AppendTextLine(FX_DWORD dwStatus,
- FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
- FX_BOOL bSavePieces,
- FX_BOOL bEndBreak) {
- int32_t iPieces = m_pBreak->CountBreakPieces();
- if (iPieces < 1) {
- return;
- }
- IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = NULL;
- if (bSavePieces) {
- CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator) CXFA_PieceLine;
- m_pieceLines.Add(pPieceLine);
- if (m_pTabstopContext) {
- m_pTabstopContext->Reset();
- }
- FX_FLOAT fLineStep = 0, fBaseLine = 0;
- int32_t i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) {
- const CFX_RTFPiece* pPiece = m_pBreak->GetBreakPiece(i);
- CXFA_TextUserData* pUserData = (CXFA_TextUserData*)pPiece->m_pUserData;
- if (pUserData != NULL) {
- pStyle = pUserData->m_pStyle;
- }
- FX_FLOAT fVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale / 100.0f;
- (XFA_LPTEXTPIECE)m_pAllocator->Alloc(sizeof(XFA_TEXTPIECE));
- pTP->pszText =
- (FX_WCHAR*)m_pAllocator->Alloc(pPiece->m_iChars * sizeof(FX_WCHAR));
- pTP->pWidths =
- (int32_t*)m_pAllocator->Alloc(pPiece->m_iChars * sizeof(int32_t));
- pTP->iChars = pPiece->m_iChars;
- pPiece->GetString(pTP->pszText);
- pPiece->GetWidths(pTP->pWidths);
- pTP->iBidiLevel = pPiece->m_iBidiLevel;
- pTP->iHorScale = pPiece->m_iHorizontalScale;
- pTP->iVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale;
- m_textParser.GetUnderline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pTP->iUnderline,
- pTP->iPeriod);
- m_textParser.GetLinethrough(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pTP->iLineThrough);
- pTP->dwColor = m_textParser.GetColor(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
- pTP->pFont = m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
- pTP->fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
- pTP->rtPiece.left = pPiece->m_iStartPos / 20000.0f;
- pTP->rtPiece.width = pPiece->m_iWidth / 20000.0f;
- pTP->rtPiece.height = (FX_FLOAT)pPiece->m_iFontSize * fVerScale / 20.0f;
- FX_FLOAT fBaseLineTemp =
- m_textParser.GetBaseline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
- pTP-> = fBaseLineTemp;
- pPieceLine->m_textPieces.Add(pTP);
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_textParser.GetLineHeight(
- m_pTextProvider, pStyle, m_iLines == 0, fVerScale);
- if (fBaseLineTemp > 0) {
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeightTmp = fBaseLineTemp + pTP->rtPiece.height;
- if (fLineHeight < fLineHeightTmp) {
- fLineHeight = fLineHeightTmp;
- } else {
- fBaseLineTemp = 0;
- }
- } else if (fBaseLine < -fBaseLineTemp) {
- fBaseLine = -fBaseLineTemp;
- }
- fLineStep = std::max(fLineStep, fLineHeight);
- if (pUserData != NULL && pUserData->m_pLinkData != NULL) {
- pUserData->m_pLinkData->AddRef();
- pTP->pLinkData = pUserData->m_pLinkData;
- } else {
- pTP->pLinkData = NULL;
- }
- DoTabstops(pStyle, pPieceLine);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) {
- XFA_LPTEXTPIECE pTP = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(i);
- FX_FLOAT& fTop = pTP->;
- FX_FLOAT fBaseLineTemp = fTop;
- fTop = fLinePos + fLineStep - pTP->rtPiece.height - fBaseLineTemp;
- fTop = std::max(0.0f, fTop);
- }
- fLinePos += fLineStep + fBaseLine;
- } else {
- FX_FLOAT fLineStep = 0;
- FX_FLOAT fLineWidth = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) {
- const CFX_RTFPiece* pPiece = m_pBreak->GetBreakPiece(i);
- CXFA_TextUserData* pUserData = (CXFA_TextUserData*)pPiece->m_pUserData;
- if (pUserData != NULL) {
- pStyle = pUserData->m_pStyle;
- }
- FX_FLOAT fVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale / 100.0f;
- FX_FLOAT fBaseLine = m_textParser.GetBaseline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_textParser.GetLineHeight(
- m_pTextProvider, pStyle, m_iLines == 0, fVerScale);
- if (fBaseLine > 0) {
- FX_FLOAT fLineHeightTmp =
- fBaseLine + (FX_FLOAT)pPiece->m_iFontSize * fVerScale / 20.0f;
- if (fLineHeight < fLineHeightTmp) {
- fLineHeight = fLineHeightTmp;
- }
- }
- fLineStep = std::max(fLineStep, fLineHeight);
- fLineWidth += pPiece->m_iWidth / 20000.0f;
- }
- fLinePos += fLineStep;
- m_fMaxWidth = std::max(m_fMaxWidth, fLineWidth);
- if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight) {
- FX_FLOAT fHeight = fLinePos - m_pLoader->m_fLastPos;
- m_pLoader->m_fLastPos = fLinePos;
- m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.Add(fHeight);
- }
- }
- if (pStyle) {
- pStyle->AddRef();
- }
- m_pBreak->ClearBreakPieces();
- if (dwStatus == FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak) {
- m_pBreak->Reset();
- if (!pStyle && bEndBreak) {
- CXFA_Para para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
- if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
- FX_FLOAT fStartPos = para.GetMarginLeft();
- FX_FLOAT fIndent = para.GetTextIndent();
- if (fIndent > 0) {
- fStartPos += fIndent;
- }
- FX_FLOAT fSpaceBelow = para.GetSpaceBelow();
- if (fSpaceBelow < 0.1f) {
- fSpaceBelow = 0;
- }
- m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStartPos);
- fLinePos += fSpaceBelow;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pStyle) {
- FX_FLOAT fStart = 0;
- const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect = pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
- if (pRect) {
- fStart = pRect->left.GetValue();
- }
- FX_FLOAT fTextIndent =
- pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetTextIndent().GetValue();
- if (fTextIndent < 0) {
- fStart -= fTextIndent;
- }
- m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStart);
- pStyle->Release();
- }
- m_iLines++;
-void CXFA_TextLayout::RenderString(IFDE_RenderDevice* pDevice,
- IFDE_SolidBrush* pBrush,
- CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine,
- int32_t iPiece,
- const CFX_Matrix& tmDoc2Device) {
- XFA_LPCTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPiece);
- int32_t iCount = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
- if (iCount > 0) {
- pBrush->SetColor(pPiece->dwColor);
- pDevice->DrawString(pBrush, pPiece->pFont, pCharPos, iCount,
- pPiece->fFontSize, &tmDoc2Device);
- }
- pPieceLine->m_charCounts.Add(iCount);
-void CXFA_TextLayout::RenderPath(IFDE_RenderDevice* pDevice,
- IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine,
- int32_t iPiece,
- const CFX_Matrix& tmDoc2Device) {
- XFA_TEXTPIECE* pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPiece);
- FX_BOOL bNoUnderline = pPiece->iUnderline < 1 || pPiece->iUnderline > 2;
- FX_BOOL bNoLineThrough = pPiece->iLineThrough < 1 || pPiece->iLineThrough > 2;
- if (bNoUnderline && bNoLineThrough) {
- return;
- }
- pPen->SetColor(pPiece->dwColor);
- IFDE_Path* pPath = IFDE_Path::Create();
- int32_t iChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
- if (iChars > 0) {
- CFX_PointF pt1, pt2;
- FX_FLOAT fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY + 1.05f;
- int32_t i = 0;
- if (pPiece->iPeriod == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Word) {
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) {
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < iChars; j++) {
- pt1.x = pCharPos[j].m_OriginX;
- pt2.x =
- pt1.x + pCharPos[j].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
- pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
- pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
- }
- fEndY += 2.0f;
- }
- } else {
- pt1.x = pCharPos[0].m_OriginX;
- pt2.x =
- pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_OriginX +
- pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) {
- pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
- pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
- fEndY += 2.0f;
- }
- }
- fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY - pPiece->rtPiece.height * 0.25f;
- pt1.x = pCharPos[0].m_OriginX;
- pt2.x = pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_OriginX +
- pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
- for (i = 0; i < pPiece->iLineThrough; i++) {
- pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
- pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
- fEndY += 2.0f;
- }
- } else {
- if (bNoLineThrough &&
- (bNoUnderline || pPiece->iPeriod != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_All)) {
- goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
- }
- int32_t iCharsTmp = 0;
- int32_t iPiecePrev = iPiece, iPieceNext = iPiece;
- while (iPiecePrev > 0) {
- iPiecePrev--;
- iCharsTmp = pPieceLine->m_charCounts.GetAt(iPiecePrev);
- if (iCharsTmp > 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iCharsTmp == 0) {
- goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
- }
- iCharsTmp = 0;
- int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
- while (iPieceNext < iPieces - 1) {
- iPieceNext++;
- iCharsTmp = pPieceLine->m_charCounts.GetAt(iPieceNext);
- if (iCharsTmp > 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iCharsTmp == 0) {
- goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
- }
- FX_FLOAT fOrgX = 0.0f, fEndX = 0.0f;
- pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPiecePrev);
- iChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
- if (iChars < 1) {
- goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
- }
- fOrgX = pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_OriginX +
- pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
- pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPieceNext);
- iChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
- if (iChars < 1) {
- goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
- }
- fEndX = pCharPos[0].m_OriginX;
- CFX_PointF pt1, pt2;
- pt1.x = fOrgX, pt2.x = fEndX;
- FX_FLOAT fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY + 1.05f;
- int32_t i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) {
- pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
- pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
- fEndY += 2.0f;
- }
- fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY - pPiece->rtPiece.height * 0.25f;
- for (i = 0; i < pPiece->iLineThrough; i++) {
- pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
- pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
- fEndY += 2.0f;
- }
- }
- pDevice->DrawPath(pPen, 1, pPath, &tmDoc2Device);
- pPath->Release();
-int32_t CXFA_TextLayout::GetDisplayPos(XFA_LPCTEXTPIECE pPiece,
- FX_BOOL bCharCode) {
- if (pPiece == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!ToRun(pPiece, tr)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return m_pBreak->GetDisplayPos(&tr, pCharPos, bCharCode);
- int32_t iLength = pPiece->iChars;
- if (iLength < 1) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- tr.pStr = pPiece->pszText;
- tr.pFont = pPiece->pFont;
- tr.pRect = &pPiece->rtPiece;
- tr.pWidths = pPiece->pWidths;
- tr.iLength = iLength;
- tr.fFontSize = pPiece->fFontSize;
- tr.iBidiLevel = pPiece->iBidiLevel;
- tr.iCharRotation = 0;
- tr.wLineBreakChar = L'\n';
- tr.iVerticalScale = pPiece->iVerScale;
- tr.dwLayoutStyles = FX_RTFLAYOUTSTYLE_ExpandTab;
- tr.iHorizontalScale = pPiece->iHorScale;
- return TRUE;
+// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "xfa/src/foxitlib.h"
+#include "xfa/src/fxfa/src/common/xfa_common.h"
+#include "xfa_textlayout.h"
+#include "xfa_ffapp.h"
+#include "xfa_ffdoc.h"
+#include "xfa_fontmgr.h"
+CXFA_CSSTagProvider::~CXFA_CSSTagProvider() {
+ FX_POSITION pos = m_Attributes.GetStartPosition();
+ while (pos) {
+ CFX_WideString *pName = NULL, *pValue = NULL;
+ m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void*&)pName, (void*&)pValue);
+ if (pName != NULL) {
+ delete pName;
+ }
+ if (pValue != NULL) {
+ delete pValue;
+ }
+ }
+void CXFA_CSSTagProvider::GetNextAttribute(FX_POSITION& pos,
+ CFX_WideStringC& wsAttr,
+ CFX_WideStringC& wsValue) {
+ if (pos == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CFX_WideString* pName = NULL;
+ CFX_WideString* pValue = NULL;
+ m_Attributes.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void*&)pName, (void*&)pValue);
+ wsAttr = *pName;
+ wsValue = *pValue;
+void CXFA_CSSTagProvider::SetAttribute(const CFX_WideString& wsAttr,
+ const CFX_WideString& wsValue) {
+ CFX_WideString* pName = new CFX_WideString();
+ CFX_WideString* pValue = new CFX_WideString();
+ *pName = wsAttr;
+ *pValue = wsValue;
+ m_Attributes.SetAt(pName, pValue);
+void CXFA_TextParseContext::SetDecls(const IFDE_CSSDeclaration** ppDeclArray,
+ int32_t iDeclCount) {
+ if (iDeclCount <= 0 || ppDeclArray == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_dwMatchedDecls = iDeclCount;
+ m_ppMatchedDecls = FX_Alloc(IFDE_CSSDeclaration*, iDeclCount);
+ FX_memcpy(m_ppMatchedDecls, ppDeclArray,
+ iDeclCount * sizeof(IFDE_CSSDeclaration*));
+CXFA_TextParser::~CXFA_TextParser() {
+ if (m_pUASheet != NULL) {
+ m_pUASheet->Release();
+ }
+ if (m_pSelector != NULL) {
+ m_pSelector->Release();
+ }
+ if (m_pAllocator != NULL) {
+ m_pAllocator->Release();
+ }
+ FX_POSITION ps = m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetStartPosition();
+ while (ps) {
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode;
+ CXFA_TextParseContext* pParseContext;
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetNextAssoc(ps, pXMLNode, pParseContext);
+ if (pParseContext != NULL) {
+ FDE_DeleteWith(CXFA_TextParseContext, m_pAllocator, pParseContext);
+ }
+ }
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.RemoveAll();
+void CXFA_TextParser::Reset() {
+ FX_POSITION ps = m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetStartPosition();
+ while (ps) {
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode;
+ CXFA_TextParseContext* pParseContext;
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetNextAssoc(ps, pXMLNode, pParseContext);
+ if (pParseContext != NULL) {
+ FDE_DeleteWith(CXFA_TextParseContext, m_pAllocator, pParseContext);
+ }
+ }
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.RemoveAll();
+ if (m_pAllocator != NULL) {
+ m_pAllocator->Release();
+ m_pAllocator = NULL;
+ }
+void CXFA_TextParser::InitCSSData(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) {
+ if (pTextProvider == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_pSelector == NULL) {
+ CXFA_FFDoc* pDoc = pTextProvider->GetDocNode();
+ IFX_FontMgr* pFontMgr = pDoc->GetApp()->GetFDEFontMgr();
+ FXSYS_assert(pFontMgr != NULL);
+ m_pSelector = IFDE_CSSStyleSelector::Create();
+ m_pSelector->SetFontMgr(pFontMgr);
+ FX_FLOAT fFontSize = 10;
+ CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ fFontSize = font.GetFontSize();
+ }
+ m_pSelector->SetDefFontSize(fFontSize);
+ }
+ if (m_pUASheet == NULL) {
+ m_pUASheet = LoadDefaultSheetStyle();
+ m_pSelector->SetStyleSheet(FDE_CSSSTYLESHEETGROUP_UserAgent, m_pUASheet);
+ m_pSelector->UpdateStyleIndex(FDE_CSSMEDIATYPE_ALL);
+ }
+IFDE_CSSStyleSheet* CXFA_TextParser::LoadDefaultSheetStyle() {
+ static const FX_WCHAR s_pStyle[] =
+ L"html,body,ol,p,ul{display:block}"
+ L"li{display:list-item}"
+ L"ol,ul{padding-left:33px}ol{list-style-type:decimal}ol,ul{margin-top:0;"
+ L"margin-bottom:0}ul,ol{margin:1.12em 0}"
+ L"a{color:#0000ff;text-decoration:underline}b{font-weight:bolder}i{font-"
+ L"style:italic}"
+ L"sup{vertical-align:+15em;font-size:.66em}sub{vertical-align:-15em;font-"
+ L"size:.66em}";
+ return IFDE_CSSStyleSheet::LoadFromBuffer(
+ CFX_WideString(), s_pStyle, FXSYS_wcslen(s_pStyle), FX_CODEPAGE_UTF8);
+IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* CXFA_TextParser::CreateRootStyle(
+ IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) {
+ CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ CXFA_Para para = pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = m_pSelector->CreateComputedStyle(NULL);
+ IFDE_CSSFontStyle* pFontStyle = pStyle->GetFontStyles();
+ IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = 0, fFontSize = 10;
+ if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
+ fLineHeight = para.GetLineHeight();
+ indent.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetTextIndent());
+ pParaStyle->SetTextIndent(indent);
+ switch (para.GetHorizontalAlign()) {
+ hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Center;
+ break;
+ hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Right;
+ break;
+ hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Justify;
+ break;
+ case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_JustifyAll:
+ hAlgin = FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_JustifyAll;
+ break;
+ }
+ pParaStyle->SetTextAlign(hAlgin);
+ FDE_CSSRECT rtMarginWidth;
+ rtMarginWidth.left.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetMarginLeft());
+, para.GetSpaceAbove());
+ rtMarginWidth.right.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetMarginRight());
+ rtMarginWidth.bottom.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, para.GetSpaceBelow());
+ pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->SetMarginWidth(rtMarginWidth);
+ }
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ pFontStyle->SetColor(font.GetColor());
+ pFontStyle->SetFontStyle(font.IsItalic() ? FDE_CSSFONTSTYLE_Italic
+ pFontStyle->SetFontWeight(font.IsBold() ? FXFONT_FW_BOLD
+ pParaStyle->SetNumberVerticalAlign(-font.GetBaselineShift());
+ fFontSize = font.GetFontSize();
+ FDE_CSSLENGTH letterSpacing;
+ letterSpacing.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, font.GetLetterSpacing());
+ pParaStyle->SetLetterSpacing(letterSpacing);
+ FX_DWORD dwDecoration = 0;
+ if (font.GetLineThrough() > 0) {
+ dwDecoration |= FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_LineThrough;
+ }
+ if (font.GetUnderline() > 1) {
+ dwDecoration |= FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Double;
+ } else if (font.GetUnderline() > 0) {
+ dwDecoration |= FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Underline;
+ }
+ pParaStyle->SetTextDecoration(dwDecoration);
+ }
+ pParaStyle->SetLineHeight(fLineHeight);
+ pFontStyle->SetFontSize(fFontSize);
+ return pStyle;
+IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* CXFA_TextParser::CreateStyle(
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pNewStyle =
+ m_pSelector->CreateComputedStyle(pParentStyle);
+ FXSYS_assert(pNewStyle != NULL);
+ if (pParentStyle) {
+ IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pParentStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
+ FX_DWORD dwDecoration = pParaStyle->GetTextDecoration();
+ FX_FLOAT fBaseLine = 0;
+ if (pParaStyle->GetVerticalAlign() == FDE_CSSVERTICALALIGN_Number) {
+ fBaseLine = pParaStyle->GetNumberVerticalAlign();
+ }
+ pParaStyle = pNewStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
+ pParaStyle->SetTextDecoration(dwDecoration);
+ pParaStyle->SetNumberVerticalAlign(fBaseLine);
+ IFDE_CSSBoundaryStyle* pBoundarytyle = pParentStyle->GetBoundaryStyles();
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect = pBoundarytyle->GetMarginWidth();
+ if (pRect != NULL) {
+ pBoundarytyle = pNewStyle->GetBoundaryStyles();
+ pBoundarytyle->SetMarginWidth(*pRect);
+ }
+ }
+ return pNewStyle;
+IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* CXFA_TextParser::ComputeStyle(
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
+ CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext = static_cast<CXFA_TextParseContext*>(
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetValueAt(pXMLNode));
+ if (!pContext)
+ return nullptr;
+ pContext->m_pParentStyle = pParentStyle;
+ pParentStyle->AddRef();
+ CXFA_CSSTagProvider tagProvider;
+ ParseTagInfo(pXMLNode, tagProvider);
+ if (tagProvider.m_bContent)
+ return nullptr;
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = CreateStyle(pParentStyle);
+ IFDE_CSSAccelerator* pCSSAccel = m_pSelector->InitAccelerator();
+ pCSSAccel->OnEnterTag(&tagProvider);
+ m_pSelector->ComputeStyle(&tagProvider, pContext->GetDecls(),
+ pContext->CountDecls(), pStyle);
+ pCSSAccel->OnLeaveTag(&tagProvider);
+ return pStyle;
+void CXFA_TextParser::DoParse(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLContainer,
+ IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) {
+ if (pXMLContainer == NULL || pTextProvider == NULL || m_pAllocator != NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_pAllocator =
+ FX_CreateAllocator(FX_ALLOCTYPE_Fixed, 32, sizeof(CXFA_CSSTagProvider));
+ InitCSSData(pTextProvider);
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pRootStyle = CreateRootStyle(pTextProvider);
+ ParseRichText(pXMLContainer, pRootStyle);
+ pRootStyle->Release();
+void CXFA_TextParser::ParseRichText(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
+ if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CXFA_CSSTagProvider tagProvider;
+ ParseTagInfo(pXMLNode, tagProvider);
+ if (!tagProvider.m_bTagAviliable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pNewStyle = NULL;
+ if ((tagProvider.GetTagName() != FX_WSTRC(L"body")) ||
+ (tagProvider.GetTagName() != FX_WSTRC(L"html"))) {
+ CXFA_TextParseContext* pTextContext =
+ FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator) CXFA_TextParseContext;
+ if (!tagProvider.m_bContent) {
+ pNewStyle = CreateStyle(pParentStyle);
+ IFDE_CSSAccelerator* pCSSAccel = m_pSelector->InitAccelerator();
+ pCSSAccel->OnEnterTag(&tagProvider);
+ CFDE_CSSDeclarationArray DeclArray;
+ int32_t iMatchedDecls =
+ m_pSelector->MatchDeclarations(&tagProvider, DeclArray);
+ const IFDE_CSSDeclaration** ppMatchDecls =
+ (const IFDE_CSSDeclaration**)DeclArray.GetData();
+ m_pSelector->ComputeStyle(&tagProvider, ppMatchDecls, iMatchedDecls,
+ pNewStyle);
+ pCSSAccel->OnLeaveTag(&tagProvider);
+ if (iMatchedDecls > 0) {
+ pTextContext->SetDecls(ppMatchDecls, iMatchedDecls);
+ }
+ eDisplay = pNewStyle->GetPositionStyles()->GetDisplay();
+ }
+ pTextContext->SetDisplay(eDisplay);
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.SetAt(pXMLNode, pTextContext);
+ }
+ for (IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLChild =
+ pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::FirstChild);
+ pXMLChild;
+ pXMLChild = pXMLChild->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
+ ParseRichText(pXMLChild, pNewStyle);
+ }
+ if (pNewStyle != NULL) {
+ pNewStyle->Release();
+ }
+void CXFA_TextParser::ParseTagInfo(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
+ CXFA_CSSTagProvider& tagProvider) {
+ static const FX_DWORD s_XFATagName[] = {
+ 0x61, 0x62, 0x69, 0x70, 0x0001f714,
+ 0x00022a55, 0x000239bb, 0x00025881, 0x0bd37faa, 0x0bd37fb8,
+ 0xa73e3af2, 0xb182eaae, 0xdb8ac455,
+ };
+ CFX_WideString wsName;
+ if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
+ IFDE_XMLElement* pXMLElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLNode;
+ pXMLElement->GetLocalTagName(wsName);
+ tagProvider.SetTagNameObj(wsName);
+ FX_DWORD dwHashCode =
+ FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsName, wsName.GetLength(), TRUE);
+ static const int32_t s_iCount = sizeof(s_XFATagName) / sizeof(FX_DWORD);
+ CFX_DSPATemplate<FX_DWORD> lookup;
+ tagProvider.m_bTagAviliable =
+ lookup.Lookup(dwHashCode, s_XFATagName, s_iCount) > -1;
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ pXMLElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"style").GetPtr(), wsValue);
+ if (!wsValue.IsEmpty()) {
+ tagProvider.SetAttribute(FX_WSTRC(L"style"), wsValue);
+ }
+ } else if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Text) {
+ tagProvider.m_bTagAviliable = TRUE;
+ tagProvider.m_bContent = TRUE;
+ }
+int32_t CXFA_TextParser::GetVAlgin(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) const {
+ int32_t iAlign = XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Top;
+ CXFA_Para para = pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
+ if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
+ iAlign = para.GetVerticalAlign();
+ }
+ return iAlign;
+FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetTabInterval(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (pStyle && pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"tab-interval"), wsValue)) {
+ CXFA_Measurement ms(wsValue);
+ return ms.ToUnit(XFA_UNIT_Pt);
+ }
+ return 36;
+int32_t CXFA_TextParser::CountTabs(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (pStyle && pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-tab-count"), wsValue)) {
+ return wsValue.GetInteger();
+ }
+ return 0;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextParser::IsSpaceRun(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (pStyle && pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-spacerun"), wsValue)) {
+ wsValue.MakeLower();
+ return wsValue == FX_WSTRC(L"yes");
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+IFX_Font* CXFA_TextParser::GetFont(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ CFX_WideStringC wsFamily = FX_WSTRC(L"Courier");
+ FX_DWORD dwStyle = 0;
+ CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ font.GetTypeface(wsFamily);
+ if (font.IsBold()) {
+ dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold;
+ }
+ if (font.IsItalic()) {
+ dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStyle) {
+ IFDE_CSSFontStyle* pFontStyle = pStyle->GetFontStyles();
+ int32_t iCount = pFontStyle->CountFontFamilies();
+ if (iCount > 0) {
+ wsFamily = pFontStyle->GetFontFamily(iCount - 1);
+ }
+ dwStyle = 0;
+ if (pFontStyle->GetFontWeight() > FXFONT_FW_NORMAL) {
+ dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold;
+ }
+ if (pFontStyle->GetFontStyle() == FDE_CSSFONTSTYLE_Italic) {
+ dwStyle |= FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic;
+ }
+ }
+ CXFA_FFDoc* pDoc = pTextProvider->GetDocNode();
+ FXSYS_assert(pDoc != NULL);
+ CXFA_FontMgr* pFontMgr = pDoc->GetApp()->GetXFAFontMgr();
+ return pFontMgr->GetFont(pDoc, wsFamily, dwStyle);
+FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetFontSize(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ return pStyle->GetFontStyles()->GetFontSize();
+ }
+ CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ return font.GetFontSize();
+ }
+ return 10;
+int32_t CXFA_TextParser::GetHorScale(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode) const {
+ if (pStyle) {
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-font-horizontal-scale"),
+ wsValue)) {
+ return wsValue.GetInteger();
+ }
+ while (pXMLNode) {
+ CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext = static_cast<CXFA_TextParseContext*>(
+ m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetValueAt(pXMLNode));
+ if (pContext && pContext->m_pParentStyle &&
+ pContext->m_pParentStyle->GetCustomStyle(
+ FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-font-horizontal-scale"), wsValue)) {
+ return wsValue.GetInteger();
+ }
+ pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::Parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(font.GetHorizontalScale());
+ }
+ return 100;
+int32_t CXFA_TextParser::GetVerScale(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-font-vertical-scale"), wsValue)) {
+ return wsValue.GetInteger();
+ }
+ }
+ if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
+ return (int32_t)font.GetVerticalScale();
+ }
+ return 100;
+void CXFA_TextParser::GetUnderline(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ int32_t& iUnderline,
+ int32_t& iPeriod) const {
+ iUnderline = 0;
+ if (pStyle) {
+ FX_DWORD dwDecoration = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetTextDecoration();
+ if (dwDecoration & FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Double) {
+ iUnderline = 2;
+ } else if (dwDecoration & FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_Underline) {
+ iUnderline = 1;
+ }
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"underlinePeriod"), wsValue)) {
+ if (wsValue == FX_WSTRC(L"word")) {
+ }
+ } else if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
+ iPeriod = font.GetUnderlinePeriod();
+ }
+ } else {
+ CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ iUnderline = font.GetUnderline();
+ iPeriod = font.GetUnderlinePeriod();
+ }
+ }
+void CXFA_TextParser::GetLinethrough(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ int32_t& iLinethrough) const {
+ if (pStyle) {
+ FX_DWORD dwDecoration = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetTextDecoration();
+ iLinethrough = (dwDecoration & FDE_CSSTEXTDECORATION_LineThrough) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ iLinethrough = font.GetLineThrough();
+ }
+ }
+FX_ARGB CXFA_TextParser::GetColor(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ return pStyle->GetFontStyles()->GetColor();
+ }
+ if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
+ return font.GetColor();
+ }
+ return 0xFF000000;
+FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetBaseline(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle) const {
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
+ if (pParaStyle->GetVerticalAlign() == FDE_CSSVERTICALALIGN_Number) {
+ return pParaStyle->GetNumberVerticalAlign();
+ }
+ } else if (CXFA_Font font = pTextProvider->GetFontNode()) {
+ return font.GetBaselineShift();
+ }
+ return 0;
+FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextParser::GetLineHeight(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ FX_BOOL bFirst,
+ FX_FLOAT fVerScale) const {
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = 0;
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ fLineHeight = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetLineHeight();
+ } else if (CXFA_Para para = pTextProvider->GetParaNode()) {
+ fLineHeight = para.GetLineHeight();
+ }
+ if (bFirst) {
+ FX_FLOAT fFontSize = GetFontSize(pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ if (fLineHeight < 0.1f) {
+ fLineHeight = fFontSize;
+ } else {
+ fLineHeight = std::min(fLineHeight, fFontSize);
+ }
+ } else if (fLineHeight < 0.1f) {
+ fLineHeight = GetFontSize(pTextProvider, pStyle) * 1.2f;
+ }
+ fLineHeight *= fVerScale;
+ return fLineHeight;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextParser::GetEmbbedObj(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider,
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
+ CFX_WideString& wsValue) {
+ wsValue.Empty();
+ if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
+ IFDE_XMLElement* pElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLNode;
+ CFX_WideString wsAttr;
+ pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa:embed").GetPtr(), wsAttr);
+ if (wsAttr.IsEmpty()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (wsAttr.GetAt(0) == L'#') {
+ wsAttr.Delete(0);
+ }
+ CFX_WideString ws;
+ pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa:embedType").GetPtr(), ws);
+ if (ws.IsEmpty()) {
+ ws = L"som";
+ } else {
+ ws.MakeLower();
+ }
+ FX_BOOL bURI = (ws == FX_WSTRC(L"uri"));
+ if (!bURI && ws != FX_WSTRC(L"som")) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ws.Empty();
+ pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa:embedMode").GetPtr(), ws);
+ if (ws.IsEmpty()) {
+ ws = L"formatted";
+ } else {
+ ws.MakeLower();
+ }
+ FX_BOOL bRaw = (ws == FX_WSTRC(L"raw"));
+ if (!bRaw && ws != FX_WSTRC(L"formatted")) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ bRet = pTextProvider->GetEmbbedObj(bURI, bRaw, wsAttr, wsValue);
+ }
+ return bRet;
+CXFA_TextParseContext* CXFA_TextParser::GetParseContextFromMap(
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode) {
+ return (CXFA_TextParseContext*)m_mapXMLNodeToParseContext.GetValueAt(
+ pXMLNode);
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextParser::GetTabstops(
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ CXFA_TextTabstopsContext* pTabstopContext) {
+ if (pStyle == NULL || pTabstopContext == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ CFX_WideString wsValue;
+ if (!pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"xfa-tab-stops"), wsValue) &&
+ !pStyle->GetCustomStyle(FX_WSTRC(L"tab-stops"), wsValue)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ int32_t iLength = wsValue.GetLength();
+ const FX_WCHAR* pTabStops = wsValue;
+ int32_t iCur = 0;
+ int32_t iLast = 0;
+ CFX_WideString wsAlign;
+ FX_WCHAR ch;
+ while (iCur < iLength) {
+ ch = pTabStops[iCur];
+ switch (eStatus) {
+ if (ch <= ' ') {
+ iCur++;
+ } else {
+ eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Alignment;
+ iLast = iCur;
+ }
+ break;
+ case XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Alignment:
+ if (ch == ' ') {
+ wsAlign = CFX_WideStringC(pTabStops + iLast, iCur - iLast);
+ eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_StartLeader;
+ iCur++;
+ while (iCur < iLength && pTabStops[iCur] <= ' ') {
+ iCur++;
+ }
+ iLast = iCur;
+ } else {
+ iCur++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_StartLeader:
+ if (ch != 'l') {
+ eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Location;
+ } else {
+ int32_t iCount = 0;
+ while (iCur < iLength) {
+ ch = pTabStops[iCur];
+ iCur++;
+ if (ch == '(') {
+ iCount++;
+ } else if (ch == ')') {
+ iCount--;
+ if (iCount == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (iCur < iLength && pTabStops[iCur] <= ' ') {
+ iCur++;
+ }
+ iLast = iCur;
+ eStatus = XFA_TABSTOPSSTATUS_Location;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (ch == ' ') {
+ FX_DWORD dwHashCode =
+ FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsAlign, wsAlign.GetLength(), TRUE);
+ CXFA_Measurement ms(CFX_WideStringC(pTabStops + iLast, iCur - iLast));
+ FX_FLOAT fPos = ms.ToUnit(XFA_UNIT_Pt);
+ pTabstopContext->Append(dwHashCode, fPos);
+ wsAlign.Empty();
+ }
+ iCur++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!wsAlign.IsEmpty()) {
+ FX_DWORD dwHashCode =
+ FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsAlign, wsAlign.GetLength(), TRUE);
+ CXFA_Measurement ms(CFX_WideStringC(pTabStops + iLast, iCur - iLast));
+ FX_FLOAT fPos = ms.ToUnit(XFA_UNIT_Pt);
+ pTabstopContext->Append(dwHashCode, fPos);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+CXFA_TextLayout::CXFA_TextLayout(IXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider)
+ : m_bHasBlock(FALSE),
+ m_pTextProvider(pTextProvider),
+ m_pTextDataNode(nullptr),
+ m_bRichText(FALSE),
+ m_pAllocator(nullptr),
+ m_pBreak(nullptr),
+ m_pLoader(nullptr),
+ m_iLines(0),
+ m_fMaxWidth(0),
+ m_pTabstopContext(nullptr),
+ m_bBlockContinue(TRUE) {
+ FXSYS_assert(m_pTextProvider);
+CXFA_TextLayout::~CXFA_TextLayout() {
+ m_textParser.Reset();
+ delete m_pLoader;
+ delete m_pTabstopContext;
+ Unload();
+void CXFA_TextLayout::Unload() {
+ int32_t iCount = m_pieceLines.GetSize();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pLine = m_pieceLines.GetAt(i);
+ FDE_DeleteWith(CXFA_PieceLine, m_pAllocator, pLine);
+ }
+ m_pieceLines.RemoveAll();
+ if (m_pBreak != NULL) {
+ m_pBreak->Release();
+ m_pBreak = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pAllocator != NULL) {
+ m_pAllocator->Release();
+ m_pAllocator = NULL;
+ }
+const CXFA_PieceLineArray* CXFA_TextLayout::GetPieceLines() {
+ return &m_pieceLines;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::GetTextDataNode() {
+ if (m_pTextProvider == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pTextProvider->GetTextNode(m_bRichText);
+ if (pNode && m_bRichText) {
+ m_textParser.Reset();
+ }
+ m_pTextDataNode = pNode;
+IFDE_XMLNode* CXFA_TextLayout::GetXMLContainerNode() {
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLContainer = NULL;
+ if (m_bRichText) {
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLRoot = m_pTextDataNode->GetXMLMappingNode();
+ if (!pXMLRoot) {
+ return pXMLContainer;
+ }
+ for (IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLChild =
+ pXMLRoot->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::FirstChild);
+ pXMLChild;
+ pXMLChild = pXMLChild->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
+ if (pXMLChild->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
+ IFDE_XMLElement* pXMLElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLChild;
+ CFX_WideString wsTag;
+ pXMLElement->GetLocalTagName(wsTag);
+ if (wsTag.Equal(FX_WSTRC(L"body")) || wsTag.Equal(FX_WSTRC(L"html"))) {
+ pXMLContainer = pXMLChild;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pXMLContainer;
+IFX_RTFBreak* CXFA_TextLayout::CreateBreak(FX_BOOL bDefault) {
+ if (!bDefault) {
+ dwStyle |= FX_RTFLAYOUTSTYLE_Pagination;
+ }
+ IFX_RTFBreak* pBreak = IFX_RTFBreak::Create(0);
+ pBreak->SetLayoutStyles(dwStyle);
+ pBreak->SetLineBreakChar(L'\n');
+ pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(1);
+ pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, NULL));
+ pBreak->SetFontSize(m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, NULL));
+ return pBreak;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::InitBreak(FX_FLOAT fLineWidth) {
+ CXFA_Font font = m_pTextProvider->GetFontNode();
+ CXFA_Para para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
+ FX_FLOAT fStart = 0;
+ FX_FLOAT fStartPos = 0;
+ if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
+ int32_t iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left;
+ switch (para.GetHorizontalAlign()) {
+ break;
+ break;
+ iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Justified;
+ break;
+ case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_JustifyAll:
+ iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Distributed;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetAlignment(iAlign);
+ fStart = para.GetMarginLeft();
+ if (m_pTextProvider->IsCheckButtonAndAutoWidth()) {
+ if (iAlign != FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left) {
+ fLineWidth -= para.GetMarginRight();
+ }
+ } else {
+ fLineWidth -= para.GetMarginRight();
+ }
+ if (fLineWidth < 0) {
+ fLineWidth = fStart;
+ }
+ fStartPos = fStart;
+ FX_FLOAT fIndent = para.GetTextIndent();
+ if (fIndent > 0) {
+ fStartPos += fIndent;
+ }
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetLineBoundary(fStart, fLineWidth);
+ m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStartPos);
+ if (font.IsExistInXML()) {
+ m_pBreak->SetHorizontalScale((int32_t)font.GetHorizontalScale());
+ m_pBreak->SetVerticalScale((int32_t)font.GetVerticalScale());
+ m_pBreak->SetCharSpace(font.GetLetterSpacing());
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, NULL);
+ m_pBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize);
+ m_pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, NULL));
+ m_pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(fFontSize * 0.2f);
+void CXFA_TextLayout::InitBreak(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ FX_FLOAT fLineWidth,
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) {
+ if (pStyle == NULL) {
+ InitBreak(fLineWidth);
+ return;
+ }
+ IFDE_CSSParagraphStyle* pParaStyle = pStyle->GetParagraphStyles();
+ if (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block || eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) {
+ int32_t iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Left;
+ switch (pParaStyle->GetTextAlign()) {
+ break;
+ break;
+ case FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_Justify:
+ iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Justified;
+ break;
+ case FDE_CSSTEXTALIGN_JustifyAll:
+ iAlign = FX_RTFLINEALIGNMENT_Distributed;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetAlignment(iAlign);
+ FX_FLOAT fStart = 0;
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect = pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pPaddingRect =
+ pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetPaddingWidth();
+ if (pRect != NULL) {
+ fStart = pRect->left.GetValue();
+ fLineWidth -= pRect->right.GetValue();
+ if (pPaddingRect != NULL) {
+ fStart += pPaddingRect->left.GetValue();
+ fLineWidth -= pPaddingRect->right.GetValue();
+ }
+ if (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) {
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pParRect =
+ pParentStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pParPaddingRect =
+ pParentStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetPaddingWidth();
+ if (pParRect != NULL) {
+ fStart += pParRect->left.GetValue();
+ fLineWidth -= pParRect->right.GetValue();
+ if (pParPaddingRect != NULL) {
+ fStart += pParPaddingRect->left.GetValue();
+ fLineWidth -= pParPaddingRect->right.GetValue();
+ }
+ }
+ pNewRect.left.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, fStart);
+ pNewRect.right.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, pRect->right.GetValue());
+, pRect->top.GetValue());
+ pNewRect.bottom.Set(FDE_CSSLENGTHUNIT_Point, pRect->bottom.GetValue());
+ pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->SetMarginWidth(pNewRect);
+ }
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetLineBoundary(fStart, fLineWidth);
+ FX_FLOAT fIndent = pParaStyle->GetTextIndent().GetValue();
+ if (fIndent > 0) {
+ fStart += fIndent;
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStart);
+ m_pBreak->SetTabWidth(m_textParser.GetTabInterval(pStyle));
+ if (m_pTabstopContext == NULL) {
+ m_pTabstopContext = new CXFA_TextTabstopsContext;
+ }
+ m_textParser.GetTabstops(pStyle, m_pTabstopContext);
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabCount; i++) {
+ XFA_TABSTOPS* pTab = m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops.GetDataPtr(i);
+ m_pBreak->AddPositionedTab(pTab->fTabstops);
+ }
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ m_pBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize);
+ m_pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(fFontSize * 0.2f);
+ m_pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, pStyle));
+ m_pBreak->SetHorizontalScale(
+ m_textParser.GetHorScale(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pXMLNode));
+ m_pBreak->SetVerticalScale(m_textParser.GetVerScale(m_pTextProvider, pStyle));
+ m_pBreak->SetCharSpace(pParaStyle->GetLetterSpacing().GetValue());
+int32_t CXFA_TextLayout::GetText(CFX_WideString& wsText) {
+ GetTextDataNode();
+ wsText.Empty();
+ if (m_bRichText) {
+ } else {
+ wsText = m_pTextDataNode->GetContent();
+ }
+ return wsText.GetLength();
+FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextLayout::GetLayoutHeight() {
+ if (m_pLoader == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int32_t iCount = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.GetSize();
+ if (iCount == 0 && m_pLoader->m_fWidth > 0) {
+ CFX_SizeF szMax, szDef;
+ szMax.Set(m_pLoader->m_fWidth, m_pLoader->m_fHeight);
+ szDef.Set(0, 0);
+ m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = TRUE;
+ m_pLoader->m_fLastPos = 0;
+ CalcSize(szMax, szMax, szDef);
+ m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = FALSE;
+ return szDef.y;
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fHeight = m_pLoader->m_fHeight;
+ if (fHeight < 0.1f) {
+ fHeight = 0;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
+ fHeight += m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.ElementAt(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return fHeight;
+FX_FLOAT CXFA_TextLayout::StartLayout(FX_FLOAT fWidth) {
+ if (m_pLoader == NULL) {
+ m_pLoader = new CXFA_LoaderContext;
+ }
+ if (fWidth < 0 || (m_pLoader->m_fWidth > -1 &&
+ FXSYS_fabs(fWidth - m_pLoader->m_fWidth) > 0)) {
+ m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.RemoveAll();
+ m_Blocks.RemoveAll();
+ Unload();
+ m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset = 0;
+ }
+ m_pLoader->m_fWidth = fWidth;
+ if (fWidth < 0) {
+ CFX_SizeF szMax, szDef;
+ szMax.Set(0, 0);
+ szDef.Set(0, 0);
+ m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = TRUE;
+ m_pLoader->m_fLastPos = 0;
+ CalcSize(szMax, szMax, szDef);
+ m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight = FALSE;
+ fWidth = szDef.x;
+ }
+ return fWidth;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::DoLayout(int32_t iBlockIndex,
+ FX_FLOAT& fCalcHeight,
+ FX_FLOAT fContentAreaHeight,
+ FX_FLOAT fTextHeight) {
+ if (m_pLoader == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ int32_t iBlockCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
+ FX_FLOAT fHeight = fTextHeight;
+ if (fHeight < 0) {
+ fHeight = GetLayoutHeight();
+ }
+ m_pLoader->m_fHeight = fHeight;
+ if (fContentAreaHeight < 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ m_bHasBlock = TRUE;
+ if (iBlockCount == 0 && fHeight > 0) {
+ fHeight = fTextHeight - GetLayoutHeight();
+ if (fHeight > 0) {
+ int32_t iAlign = m_textParser.GetVAlgin(m_pTextProvider);
+ if (iAlign == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Middle) {
+ fHeight /= 2.0f;
+ } else if (iAlign != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Bottom) {
+ fHeight = 0;
+ }
+ m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset = fHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fLinePos = m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset;
+ int32_t iLineIndex = 0;
+ if (iBlockCount > 1) {
+ if (iBlockCount >= (iBlockIndex + 1) * 2) {
+ iLineIndex = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockIndex * 2);
+ } else {
+ iLineIndex = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 1) +
+ m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 2);
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize() > 0) {
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlockIndex; i++) {
+ fLinePos -= m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.ElementAt(i * 2 + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t iCount = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.GetSize();
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ for (i = iLineIndex; i < iCount; i++) {
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.ElementAt(i);
+ if ((i == iLineIndex) && (fLineHeight - fContentAreaHeight > 0.001)) {
+ fCalcHeight = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (fLinePos + fLineHeight - fContentAreaHeight > 0.001) {
+ if (iBlockCount >= (iBlockIndex + 1) * 2) {
+ m_Blocks.SetAt(iBlockIndex * 2, iLineIndex);
+ m_Blocks.SetAt(iBlockIndex * 2 + 1, i - iLineIndex);
+ } else {
+ m_Blocks.Add(iLineIndex);
+ m_Blocks.Add(i - iLineIndex);
+ }
+ if (i == iLineIndex) {
+ if (fCalcHeight <= fLinePos) {
+ if (m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize() > iBlockIndex * 2 &&
+ (m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetAt(iBlockIndex * 2) ==
+ iBlockIndex)) {
+ m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.SetAt(iBlockIndex * 2 + 1, fCalcHeight);
+ } else {
+ m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.Add((FX_FLOAT)iBlockIndex);
+ m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.Add(fCalcHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ fCalcHeight = fLinePos;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ fLinePos += fLineHeight;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+int32_t CXFA_TextLayout::CountBlocks() const {
+ int32_t iCount = m_Blocks.GetSize() / 2;
+ return iCount > 0 ? iCount : 1;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::CalcSize(const CFX_SizeF& minSize,
+ const CFX_SizeF& maxSize,
+ CFX_SizeF& defaultSize) {
+ defaultSize.x = maxSize.x;
+ if (defaultSize.x < 1) {
+ defaultSize.x = 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ if (m_pBreak != NULL) {
+ m_pBreak->Release();
+ }
+ m_pBreak = CreateBreak(FALSE);
+ FX_FLOAT fLinePos = 0;
+ m_iLines = 0;
+ m_fMaxWidth = 0;
+ Loader(defaultSize, fLinePos, FALSE);
+ if (fLinePos < 0.1f) {
+ fLinePos = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, NULL);
+ }
+ if (m_pTabstopContext) {
+ delete m_pTabstopContext;
+ m_pTabstopContext = NULL;
+ }
+ defaultSize.Set(m_fMaxWidth, fLinePos);
+ return TRUE;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::Layout(const CFX_SizeF& size, FX_FLOAT* fHeight) {
+ if (size.x < 1) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Unload();
+ m_pBreak = CreateBreak(TRUE);
+ if (m_pLoader != NULL) {
+ m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = -1;
+ m_pLoader->m_iChar = 0;
+ }
+ m_iLines = 0;
+ FX_FLOAT fLinePos = 0;
+ Loader(size, fLinePos, TRUE);
+ UpdateAlign(size.y, fLinePos);
+ if (m_pTabstopContext) {
+ delete m_pTabstopContext;
+ m_pTabstopContext = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fHeight) {
+ *fHeight = fLinePos;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::Layout(int32_t iBlock) {
+ if (m_pLoader == NULL || iBlock < 0 || iBlock >= CountBlocks()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader->m_fWidth < 1) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = -1;
+ m_iLines = 0;
+ FX_FLOAT fLinePos = 0;
+ CXFA_Node* pNode = NULL;
+ CFX_SizeF szText;
+ szText.Set(m_pLoader->m_fWidth, m_pLoader->m_fHeight);
+ int32_t iCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
+ int32_t iBlocksHeightCount = m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize();
+ iBlocksHeightCount /= 2;
+ if (iBlock < iBlocksHeightCount) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (iBlock == iBlocksHeightCount) {
+ Unload();
+ m_pBreak = CreateBreak(TRUE);
+ fLinePos = m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlocksHeightCount; i++) {
+ fLinePos -= m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.ElementAt(i * 2 + 1);
+ }
+ m_pLoader->m_iChar = 0;
+ if (iCount > 1) {
+ m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock * 2 + 1);
+ }
+ Loader(szText, fLinePos, TRUE);
+ if (iCount == 0 && m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset < 0.1f) {
+ UpdateAlign(szText.y, fLinePos);
+ }
+ } else if (m_pTextDataNode != NULL) {
+ iBlock *= 2;
+ if (iBlock < iCount - 2) {
+ m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock + 1);
+ }
+ m_pBreak->Reset();
+ if (m_bRichText) {
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pContainerNode = GetXMLContainerNode();
+ if (!pContainerNode) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode = m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode;
+ if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pSaveXMLNode = m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode;
+ for (; pXMLNode;
+ pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
+ FX_BOOL bFlag = LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText, fLinePos,
+ m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle, TRUE);
+ if (!bFlag) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (pXMLNode == NULL) {
+ pXMLNode = pSaveXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::Parent);
+ if (pXMLNode == pContainerNode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ FX_BOOL bFlag =
+ LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText, fLinePos, m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle,
+ if (!bFlag) {
+ break;
+ }
+ pSaveXMLNode = pXMLNode;
+ pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling);
+ if (!pXMLNode) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (; pXMLNode;
+ pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
+ FX_BOOL bFlag = LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText, fLinePos,
+ m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle, TRUE);
+ if (!bFlag) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ pNode = m_pLoader->m_pNode;
+ if (pNode == NULL) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ LoadText(pNode, szText, fLinePos, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iBlock == iCount) {
+ if (m_pTabstopContext != NULL) {
+ delete m_pTabstopContext;
+ m_pTabstopContext = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader != NULL) {
+ delete m_pLoader;
+ m_pLoader = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::ItemBlocks(const CFX_RectF& rtText, int32_t iBlockIndex) {
+ if (!m_pLoader) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t iCountHeight = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.GetSize();
+ if (iCountHeight == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ FX_BOOL bEndItem = TRUE;
+ int32_t iBlockCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
+ FX_FLOAT fLinePos = m_pLoader->m_fStartLineOffset;
+ int32_t iLineIndex = 0;
+ if (iBlockIndex > 0) {
+ int32_t iBlockHeightCount = m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.GetSize();
+ iBlockHeightCount /= 2;
+ if (iBlockHeightCount >= iBlockIndex) {
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlockIndex; i++) {
+ fLinePos -= m_pLoader->m_BlocksHeight.ElementAt(i * 2 + 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ fLinePos = 0;
+ }
+ iLineIndex = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 1) +
+ m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlockCount - 2);
+ }
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ for (i = iLineIndex; i < iCountHeight; i++) {
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.ElementAt(i);
+ if (fLinePos + fLineHeight - rtText.height > 0.001) {
+ m_Blocks.Add(iLineIndex);
+ m_Blocks.Add(i - iLineIndex);
+ bEndItem = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ fLinePos += fLineHeight;
+ }
+ if (iCountHeight > 0 && (i - iLineIndex) > 0 && bEndItem) {
+ m_Blocks.Add(iLineIndex);
+ m_Blocks.Add(i - iLineIndex);
+ }
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::DrawString(CFX_RenderDevice* pFxDevice,
+ const CFX_Matrix& tmDoc2Device,
+ const CFX_RectF& rtClip,
+ int32_t iBlock) {
+ IFDE_RenderDevice* pDevice = IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(pFxDevice);
+ if (pDevice == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ FDE_HDEVICESTATE state = pDevice->SaveState();
+ pDevice->SetClipRect(rtClip);
+ IFDE_SolidBrush* pSolidBrush =
+ (IFDE_SolidBrush*)IFDE_Brush::Create(FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid);
+ IFDE_Pen* pPen = IFDE_Pen::Create();
+ FXSYS_assert(pDevice != NULL && pSolidBrush != NULL && pPen != NULL);
+ if (m_pieceLines.GetSize() == 0) {
+ int32_t iBlockCount = CountBlocks();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iBlockCount; i++) {
+ Layout(i);
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t iCharCount = 0;
+ int32_t iLineStart = 0;
+ int32_t iPieceLines = m_pieceLines.GetSize();
+ int32_t iCount = m_Blocks.GetSize();
+ if (iCount > 0) {
+ iBlock *= 2;
+ if (iBlock < iCount) {
+ iLineStart = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock);
+ iPieceLines = m_Blocks.ElementAt(iBlock + 1);
+ } else {
+ iPieceLines = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iPieceLines; i++) {
+ if (i + iLineStart >= m_pieceLines.GetSize()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = m_pieceLines.GetAt(i + iLineStart);
+ int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
+ int32_t j = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < iPieces; j++) {
+ XFA_LPCTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(j);
+ int32_t iChars = pPiece->iChars;
+ if (iCharCount < iChars) {
+ FX_Free(pCharPos);
+ pCharPos = FX_Alloc(FXTEXT_CHARPOS, iChars);
+ iCharCount = iChars;
+ }
+ FXSYS_memset(pCharPos, 0, iCharCount * sizeof(FXTEXT_CHARPOS));
+ RenderString(pDevice, pSolidBrush, pPieceLine, j, pCharPos, tmDoc2Device);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < iPieces; j++) {
+ RenderPath(pDevice, pPen, pPieceLine, j, pCharPos, tmDoc2Device);
+ }
+ }
+ pDevice->RestoreState(state);
+ FX_Free(pCharPos);
+ pSolidBrush->Release();
+ pPen->Release();
+ pDevice->Release();
+ return iPieceLines;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::UpdateAlign(FX_FLOAT fHeight, FX_FLOAT fBottom) {
+ fHeight -= fBottom;
+ if (fHeight < 0.1f) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (m_textParser.GetVAlgin(m_pTextProvider)) {
+ fHeight /= 2.0f;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t iCount = m_pieceLines.GetSize();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = m_pieceLines.GetAt(i);
+ int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < iPieces; j++) {
+ XFA_LPTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(j);
+ CFX_RectF& rect = pPiece->rtPiece;
+ += fHeight;
+ }
+ }
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::Loader(const CFX_SizeF& szText,
+ FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
+ FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
+ if (m_pAllocator == NULL) {
+ m_pAllocator = FX_CreateAllocator(FX_ALLOCTYPE_Static, 256, 0);
+ }
+ GetTextDataNode();
+ if (m_pTextDataNode == NULL) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (m_bRichText) {
+ IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLContainer = GetXMLContainerNode();
+ if (pXMLContainer) {
+ if (!m_textParser.IsParsed()) {
+ m_textParser.DoParse(pXMLContainer, m_pTextProvider);
+ }
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pRootStyle =
+ m_textParser.CreateRootStyle(m_pTextProvider);
+ LoadRichText(pXMLContainer, szText, fLinePos, pRootStyle, bSavePieces);
+ pRootStyle->Release();
+ }
+ } else {
+ LoadText(m_pTextDataNode, szText, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::LoadText(CXFA_Node* pNode,
+ const CFX_SizeF& szText,
+ FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
+ FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
+ InitBreak(szText.x);
+ CXFA_Para para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
+ FX_FLOAT fSpaceAbove = 0;
+ if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
+ fSpaceAbove = para.GetSpaceAbove();
+ if (fSpaceAbove < 0.1f) {
+ fSpaceAbove = 0;
+ }
+ int32_t verAlign = para.GetVerticalAlign();
+ switch (verAlign) {
+ case XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Bottom: {
+ fLinePos += fSpaceAbove;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CFX_WideString wsText = pNode->GetContent();
+ wsText.TrimRight(L" ");
+ FX_BOOL bRet = AppendChar(wsText, fLinePos, fSpaceAbove, bSavePieces);
+ if (bRet && m_pLoader != NULL) {
+ m_pLoader->m_pNode = pNode;
+ } else {
+ EndBreak(FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
+ }
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::LoadRichText(IFDE_XMLNode* pXMLNode,
+ const CFX_SizeF& szText,
+ FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle,
+ FX_BOOL bSavePieces,
+ CXFA_LinkUserData* pLinkData,
+ FX_BOOL bEndBreak,
+ FX_BOOL bIsOl,
+ int32_t iLiCount) {
+ if (pXMLNode == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext =
+ m_textParser.GetParseContextFromMap(pXMLNode);
+ FX_BOOL bContentNode = FALSE;
+ FX_FLOAT fSpaceBelow = 0;
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = NULL;
+ CFX_WideString wsName;
+ if (bEndBreak) {
+ IFDE_XMLElement* pElement = NULL;
+ if (pContext != NULL) {
+ if (m_bBlockContinue ||
+ (m_pLoader && pXMLNode == m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode)) {
+ m_bBlockContinue = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Text) {
+ bContentNode = TRUE;
+ } else if (pXMLNode->GetType() == FDE_XMLNODE_Element) {
+ pElement = (IFDE_XMLElement*)pXMLNode;
+ pElement->GetLocalTagName(wsName);
+ }
+ if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"ol")) {
+ bIsOl = TRUE;
+ bCurOl = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (m_bBlockContinue || bContentNode == FALSE) {
+ eDisplay = pContext->GetDisplay();
+ if (eDisplay != FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block &&
+ eDisplay != FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Inline &&
+ eDisplay != FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ pStyle = m_textParser.ComputeStyle(pXMLNode, pParentStyle);
+ InitBreak(bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle, eDisplay, szText.x,
+ pXMLNode, pParentStyle);
+ if ((eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block ||
+ eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_ListItem) &&
+ (pStyle != NULL) &&
+ (wsName.IsEmpty() ||
+ (wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"body") && wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"html") &&
+ wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"ol") && wsName != FX_WSTRC(L"ul")))) {
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect =
+ pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
+ if (pRect) {
+ fLinePos += pRect->top.GetValue();
+ fSpaceBelow = pRect->bottom.GetValue();
+ }
+ }
+ if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"a")) {
+ CFX_WideString wsLinkContent;
+ FXSYS_assert(pElement);
+ pElement->GetString(FX_WSTRC(L"href").GetPtr(), wsLinkContent);
+ if (!wsLinkContent.IsEmpty()) {
+ pLinkData = FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator) CXFA_LinkUserData(
+ m_pAllocator,
+ wsLinkContent.GetBuffer(wsLinkContent.GetLength()));
+ wsLinkContent.ReleaseBuffer(wsLinkContent.GetLength());
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t iTabCount =
+ m_textParser.CountTabs(bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle);
+ FX_BOOL bSpaceRun =
+ m_textParser.IsSpaceRun(bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle);
+ CFX_WideString wsText;
+ if (bContentNode && iTabCount == 0) {
+ ((IFDE_XMLText*)pXMLNode)->GetText(wsText);
+ } else if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"br")) {
+ wsText = L'\n';
+ } else if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"li")) {
+ bCurLi = TRUE;
+ if (bIsOl) {
+ wsText.Format(L"%d. ", iLiCount);
+ } else {
+ wsText = 0x00B7 + FX_WSTRC(L" ");
+ }
+ } else if (!bContentNode) {
+ if (iTabCount > 0)
+ while (iTabCount-- > 0) {
+ wsText += L'\t';
+ }
+ else {
+ m_textParser.GetEmbbedObj(m_pTextProvider, pXMLNode, wsText);
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t iLength = wsText.GetLength();
+ if (iLength > 0 && bContentNode && !bSpaceRun) {
+ ProcessText(wsText);
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader) {
+ if (wsText.GetLength() > 0 &&
+ (m_pLoader->m_dwFlags & XFA_LOADERCNTXTFLG_FILTERSPACE)) {
+ wsText.TrimLeft(0x20);
+ }
+ if (FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block == eDisplay) {
+ } else if (FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Inline == eDisplay &&
+ (m_pLoader->m_dwFlags & XFA_LOADERCNTXTFLG_FILTERSPACE)) {
+ } else if (wsText.GetLength() > 0 &&
+ (0x20 == wsText.GetAt(wsText.GetLength() - 1))) {
+ } else if (wsText.GetLength() == 0)
+ ;
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (wsText.GetLength() > 0) {
+ if (m_pLoader == NULL || m_pLoader->m_iChar == 0) {
+ if (pLinkData) {
+ pLinkData->AddRef();
+ }
+ CXFA_TextUserData* pUserData = FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator)
+ CXFA_TextUserData(m_pAllocator,
+ bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle,
+ pLinkData);
+ m_pBreak->SetUserData(pUserData);
+ }
+ if (AppendChar(wsText, fLinePos, 0, bSavePieces)) {
+ if (m_pLoader) {
+ }
+ if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) {
+ if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines > -1) {
+ m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode = pXMLNode;
+ m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle = pParentStyle;
+ }
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ pStyle->Release();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FX_BOOL ret = TRUE;
+ for (IFDE_XMLNode* pChildNode =
+ pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::FirstChild);
+ pChildNode;
+ pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling)) {
+ if (bCurOl) {
+ iLiCount++;
+ }
+ ret = LoadRichText(pChildNode, szText, fLinePos,
+ pContext ? pStyle : pParentStyle, bSavePieces,
+ pLinkData, TRUE, bIsOl, iLiCount);
+ if (ret == FALSE) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader) {
+ if (FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block == eDisplay) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (bCurLi) {
+ EndBreak(FX_RTFBREAK_LineBreak, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (pContext != NULL) {
+ eDisplay = pContext->GetDisplay();
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_bBlockContinue) {
+ if (pContext != NULL && !bContentNode) {
+ FX_DWORD dwStatus = (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block)
+ ? FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak
+ : FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak;
+ EndBreak(dwStatus, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
+ if (eDisplay == FDE_CSSDISPLAY_Block) {
+ fLinePos += fSpaceBelow;
+ if (m_pTabstopContext) {
+ m_pTabstopContext->RemoveAll();
+ }
+ }
+ if (wsName == FX_WSTRC(L"a")) {
+ if (pLinkData) {
+ pLinkData->Release();
+ pLinkData = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) {
+ if (pStyle) {
+ pStyle->Release();
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines > -1) {
+ m_pLoader->m_pXMLNode =
+ pXMLNode->GetNodeItem(IFDE_XMLNode::NextSibling);
+ m_pLoader->m_pParentStyle = pParentStyle;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStyle != NULL) {
+ pStyle->Release();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::AppendChar(const CFX_WideString& wsText,
+ FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
+ FX_FLOAT fSpaceAbove,
+ FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
+ FX_DWORD dwStatus = 0;
+ int32_t iChar = 0;
+ if (m_pLoader) {
+ iChar = m_pLoader->m_iChar;
+ }
+ int32_t iLength = wsText.GetLength();
+ for (int32_t i = iChar; i < iLength; i++) {
+ FX_WCHAR wch = wsText.GetAt(i);
+ if (wch == 0xA0) {
+ wch = 0x20;
+ }
+ if ((dwStatus = m_pBreak->AppendChar(wch)) > FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak) {
+ AppendTextLine(dwStatus, fLinePos, bSavePieces);
+ if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) {
+ if (m_pLoader != NULL) {
+ m_pLoader->m_iChar = i;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (dwStatus == FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak && m_bRichText) {
+ fLinePos += fSpaceAbove;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader) {
+ m_pLoader->m_iChar = 0;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+FX_BOOL CXFA_TextLayout::IsEnd(FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
+ if (!bSavePieces) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines > 0) {
+ return m_iLines >= m_pLoader->m_iTotalLines;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::ProcessText(CFX_WideString& wsText) {
+ int32_t iLen = wsText.GetLength();
+ if (iLen == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ FX_WCHAR* psz = wsText.GetBuffer(iLen);
+ int32_t iTrimLeft = 0;
+ FX_WCHAR wch = 0, wPrev = 0;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
+ wch = psz[i];
+ if (wch < 0x20) {
+ wch = 0x20;
+ }
+ if (wch == 0x20 && wPrev == 0x20) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ wPrev = wch;
+ psz[iTrimLeft++] = wch;
+ }
+ wsText.ReleaseBuffer(iLen);
+ wsText = wsText.Left(iTrimLeft);
+void CXFA_TextLayout::EndBreak(FX_DWORD dwStatus,
+ FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
+ FX_BOOL bSavePieces) {
+ dwStatus = m_pBreak->EndBreak(dwStatus);
+ if (dwStatus > FX_RTFBREAK_PieceBreak) {
+ AppendTextLine(dwStatus, fLinePos, bSavePieces, TRUE);
+ }
+void CXFA_TextLayout::DoTabstops(IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle,
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine) {
+ if (m_pTabstopContext == NULL || m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabCount == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pStyle == NULL || pPieceLine == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
+ if (iPieces == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ XFA_LPTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPieces - 1);
+ int32_t& iTabstopsIndex = m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabIndex;
+ int32_t iCount = m_textParser.CountTabs(pStyle);
+ if (iTabstopsIndex > m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabCount - 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (iCount > 0) {
+ iTabstopsIndex++;
+ m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops = TRUE;
+ FX_FLOAT fRight = 0;
+ if (iPieces > 1) {
+ XFA_LPTEXTPIECE p = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPieces - 2);
+ fRight = p->rtPiece.right();
+ }
+ m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth =
+ pPiece->rtPiece.width + pPiece->rtPiece.left - fRight;
+ } else if (iTabstopsIndex > -1) {
+ FX_FLOAT fLeft = 0;
+ if (m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops) {
+ XFA_TABSTOPS* pTabstops =
+ m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops.GetDataPtr(iTabstopsIndex);
+ FX_DWORD dwAlgin = pTabstops->dwAlign;
+ if (dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"center", 6)) {
+ fLeft = pPiece->rtPiece.width / 2.0f;
+ } else if (dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"right", 5) ||
+ dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"before", 6)) {
+ fLeft = pPiece->rtPiece.width;
+ } else if (dwAlgin == FX_HashCode_String_GetW(L"decimal", 7)) {
+ int32_t iChars = pPiece->iChars;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iChars; i++) {
+ if (pPiece->pszText[i] == L'.') {
+ break;
+ }
+ fLeft += pPiece->pWidths[i] / 20000.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ m_pTabstopContext->m_fLeft =
+ std::min(fLeft, m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth);
+ m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops = FALSE;
+ m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth = 0;
+ }
+ pPiece->rtPiece.left -= m_pTabstopContext->m_fLeft;
+ }
+void CXFA_TextLayout::AppendTextLine(FX_DWORD dwStatus,
+ FX_FLOAT& fLinePos,
+ FX_BOOL bSavePieces,
+ FX_BOOL bEndBreak) {
+ int32_t iPieces = m_pBreak->CountBreakPieces();
+ if (iPieces < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IFDE_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle = NULL;
+ if (bSavePieces) {
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = FDE_NewWith(m_pAllocator) CXFA_PieceLine;
+ m_pieceLines.Add(pPieceLine);
+ if (m_pTabstopContext) {
+ m_pTabstopContext->Reset();
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fLineStep = 0, fBaseLine = 0;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) {
+ const CFX_RTFPiece* pPiece = m_pBreak->GetBreakPiece(i);
+ CXFA_TextUserData* pUserData = (CXFA_TextUserData*)pPiece->m_pUserData;
+ if (pUserData != NULL) {
+ pStyle = pUserData->m_pStyle;
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale / 100.0f;
+ (XFA_LPTEXTPIECE)m_pAllocator->Alloc(sizeof(XFA_TEXTPIECE));
+ pTP->pszText =
+ (FX_WCHAR*)m_pAllocator->Alloc(pPiece->m_iChars * sizeof(FX_WCHAR));
+ pTP->pWidths =
+ (int32_t*)m_pAllocator->Alloc(pPiece->m_iChars * sizeof(int32_t));
+ pTP->iChars = pPiece->m_iChars;
+ pPiece->GetString(pTP->pszText);
+ pPiece->GetWidths(pTP->pWidths);
+ pTP->iBidiLevel = pPiece->m_iBidiLevel;
+ pTP->iHorScale = pPiece->m_iHorizontalScale;
+ pTP->iVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale;
+ m_textParser.GetUnderline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pTP->iUnderline,
+ pTP->iPeriod);
+ m_textParser.GetLinethrough(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pTP->iLineThrough);
+ pTP->dwColor = m_textParser.GetColor(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ pTP->pFont = m_textParser.GetFont(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ pTP->fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ pTP->rtPiece.left = pPiece->m_iStartPos / 20000.0f;
+ pTP->rtPiece.width = pPiece->m_iWidth / 20000.0f;
+ pTP->rtPiece.height = (FX_FLOAT)pPiece->m_iFontSize * fVerScale / 20.0f;
+ FX_FLOAT fBaseLineTemp =
+ m_textParser.GetBaseline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ pTP-> = fBaseLineTemp;
+ pPieceLine->m_textPieces.Add(pTP);
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_textParser.GetLineHeight(
+ m_pTextProvider, pStyle, m_iLines == 0, fVerScale);
+ if (fBaseLineTemp > 0) {
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeightTmp = fBaseLineTemp + pTP->rtPiece.height;
+ if (fLineHeight < fLineHeightTmp) {
+ fLineHeight = fLineHeightTmp;
+ } else {
+ fBaseLineTemp = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (fBaseLine < -fBaseLineTemp) {
+ fBaseLine = -fBaseLineTemp;
+ }
+ fLineStep = std::max(fLineStep, fLineHeight);
+ if (pUserData != NULL && pUserData->m_pLinkData != NULL) {
+ pUserData->m_pLinkData->AddRef();
+ pTP->pLinkData = pUserData->m_pLinkData;
+ } else {
+ pTP->pLinkData = NULL;
+ }
+ DoTabstops(pStyle, pPieceLine);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) {
+ XFA_LPTEXTPIECE pTP = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(i);
+ FX_FLOAT& fTop = pTP->;
+ FX_FLOAT fBaseLineTemp = fTop;
+ fTop = fLinePos + fLineStep - pTP->rtPiece.height - fBaseLineTemp;
+ fTop = std::max(0.0f, fTop);
+ }
+ fLinePos += fLineStep + fBaseLine;
+ } else {
+ FX_FLOAT fLineStep = 0;
+ FX_FLOAT fLineWidth = 0;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) {
+ const CFX_RTFPiece* pPiece = m_pBreak->GetBreakPiece(i);
+ CXFA_TextUserData* pUserData = (CXFA_TextUserData*)pPiece->m_pUserData;
+ if (pUserData != NULL) {
+ pStyle = pUserData->m_pStyle;
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale / 100.0f;
+ FX_FLOAT fBaseLine = m_textParser.GetBaseline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle);
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeight = m_textParser.GetLineHeight(
+ m_pTextProvider, pStyle, m_iLines == 0, fVerScale);
+ if (fBaseLine > 0) {
+ FX_FLOAT fLineHeightTmp =
+ fBaseLine + (FX_FLOAT)pPiece->m_iFontSize * fVerScale / 20.0f;
+ if (fLineHeight < fLineHeightTmp) {
+ fLineHeight = fLineHeightTmp;
+ }
+ }
+ fLineStep = std::max(fLineStep, fLineHeight);
+ fLineWidth += pPiece->m_iWidth / 20000.0f;
+ }
+ fLinePos += fLineStep;
+ m_fMaxWidth = std::max(m_fMaxWidth, fLineWidth);
+ if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->m_bSaveLineHeight) {
+ FX_FLOAT fHeight = fLinePos - m_pLoader->m_fLastPos;
+ m_pLoader->m_fLastPos = fLinePos;
+ m_pLoader->m_lineHeights.Add(fHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStyle) {
+ pStyle->AddRef();
+ }
+ m_pBreak->ClearBreakPieces();
+ if (dwStatus == FX_RTFBREAK_ParagraphBreak) {
+ m_pBreak->Reset();
+ if (!pStyle && bEndBreak) {
+ CXFA_Para para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaNode();
+ if (para.IsExistInXML()) {
+ FX_FLOAT fStartPos = para.GetMarginLeft();
+ FX_FLOAT fIndent = para.GetTextIndent();
+ if (fIndent > 0) {
+ fStartPos += fIndent;
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fSpaceBelow = para.GetSpaceBelow();
+ if (fSpaceBelow < 0.1f) {
+ fSpaceBelow = 0;
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStartPos);
+ fLinePos += fSpaceBelow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pStyle) {
+ FX_FLOAT fStart = 0;
+ const FDE_CSSRECT* pRect = pStyle->GetBoundaryStyles()->GetMarginWidth();
+ if (pRect) {
+ fStart = pRect->left.GetValue();
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fTextIndent =
+ pStyle->GetParagraphStyles()->GetTextIndent().GetValue();
+ if (fTextIndent < 0) {
+ fStart -= fTextIndent;
+ }
+ m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStart);
+ pStyle->Release();
+ }
+ m_iLines++;
+void CXFA_TextLayout::RenderString(IFDE_RenderDevice* pDevice,
+ IFDE_SolidBrush* pBrush,
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine,
+ int32_t iPiece,
+ const CFX_Matrix& tmDoc2Device) {
+ XFA_LPCTEXTPIECE pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPiece);
+ int32_t iCount = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
+ if (iCount > 0) {
+ pBrush->SetColor(pPiece->dwColor);
+ pDevice->DrawString(pBrush, pPiece->pFont, pCharPos, iCount,
+ pPiece->fFontSize, &tmDoc2Device);
+ }
+ pPieceLine->m_charCounts.Add(iCount);
+void CXFA_TextLayout::RenderPath(IFDE_RenderDevice* pDevice,
+ IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine,
+ int32_t iPiece,
+ const CFX_Matrix& tmDoc2Device) {
+ XFA_TEXTPIECE* pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPiece);
+ FX_BOOL bNoUnderline = pPiece->iUnderline < 1 || pPiece->iUnderline > 2;
+ FX_BOOL bNoLineThrough = pPiece->iLineThrough < 1 || pPiece->iLineThrough > 2;
+ if (bNoUnderline && bNoLineThrough) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pPen->SetColor(pPiece->dwColor);
+ IFDE_Path* pPath = IFDE_Path::Create();
+ int32_t iChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
+ if (iChars > 0) {
+ CFX_PointF pt1, pt2;
+ FX_FLOAT fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY + 1.05f;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ if (pPiece->iPeriod == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Word) {
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) {
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < iChars; j++) {
+ pt1.x = pCharPos[j].m_OriginX;
+ pt2.x =
+ pt1.x + pCharPos[j].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
+ pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
+ pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
+ }
+ fEndY += 2.0f;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pt1.x = pCharPos[0].m_OriginX;
+ pt2.x =
+ pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_OriginX +
+ pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) {
+ pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
+ pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
+ fEndY += 2.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY - pPiece->rtPiece.height * 0.25f;
+ pt1.x = pCharPos[0].m_OriginX;
+ pt2.x = pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_OriginX +
+ pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
+ for (i = 0; i < pPiece->iLineThrough; i++) {
+ pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
+ pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
+ fEndY += 2.0f;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (bNoLineThrough &&
+ (bNoUnderline || pPiece->iPeriod != XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_All)) {
+ goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
+ }
+ int32_t iCharsTmp = 0;
+ int32_t iPiecePrev = iPiece, iPieceNext = iPiece;
+ while (iPiecePrev > 0) {
+ iPiecePrev--;
+ iCharsTmp = pPieceLine->m_charCounts.GetAt(iPiecePrev);
+ if (iCharsTmp > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iCharsTmp == 0) {
+ goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
+ }
+ iCharsTmp = 0;
+ int32_t iPieces = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetSize();
+ while (iPieceNext < iPieces - 1) {
+ iPieceNext++;
+ iCharsTmp = pPieceLine->m_charCounts.GetAt(iPieceNext);
+ if (iCharsTmp > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iCharsTmp == 0) {
+ goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
+ }
+ FX_FLOAT fOrgX = 0.0f, fEndX = 0.0f;
+ pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPiecePrev);
+ iChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
+ if (iChars < 1) {
+ goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
+ }
+ fOrgX = pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_OriginX +
+ pCharPos[iChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f;
+ pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces.GetAt(iPieceNext);
+ iChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos);
+ if (iChars < 1) {
+ goto XFA_RenderPathRet;
+ }
+ fEndX = pCharPos[0].m_OriginX;
+ CFX_PointF pt1, pt2;
+ pt1.x = fOrgX, pt2.x = fEndX;
+ FX_FLOAT fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY + 1.05f;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) {
+ pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
+ pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
+ fEndY += 2.0f;
+ }
+ fEndY = pCharPos[0].m_OriginY - pPiece->rtPiece.height * 0.25f;
+ for (i = 0; i < pPiece->iLineThrough; i++) {
+ pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY;
+ pPath->AddLine(pt1, pt2);
+ fEndY += 2.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ pDevice->DrawPath(pPen, 1, pPath, &tmDoc2Device);
+ pPath->Release();
+int32_t CXFA_TextLayout::GetDisplayPos(XFA_LPCTEXTPIECE pPiece,
+ FX_BOOL bCharCode) {
+ if (pPiece == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!ToRun(pPiece, tr)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_pBreak->GetDisplayPos(&tr, pCharPos, bCharCode);
+ int32_t iLength = pPiece->iChars;
+ if (iLength < 1) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ tr.pStr = pPiece->pszText;
+ tr.pFont = pPiece->pFont;
+ tr.pRect = &pPiece->rtPiece;
+ tr.pWidths = pPiece->pWidths;
+ tr.iLength = iLength;
+ tr.fFontSize = pPiece->fFontSize;
+ tr.iBidiLevel = pPiece->iBidiLevel;
+ tr.iCharRotation = 0;
+ tr.wLineBreakChar = L'\n';
+ tr.iVerticalScale = pPiece->iVerScale;
+ tr.dwLayoutStyles = FX_RTFLAYOUTSTYLE_ExpandTab;
+ tr.iHorizontalScale = pPiece->iHorScale;
+ return TRUE;