path: root/xfa_test/FormFiller_Test/BookMarkView.cpp
diff options
authorBo Xu <>2014-10-28 23:03:33 -0700
committerBo Xu <>2014-11-03 11:10:11 -0800
commitfdc00a7042d912aafaabddae4d9c84199921ef23 (patch)
tree32ab8ac91cc68d2cd15b9168782a71b3f3f5e7b9 /xfa_test/FormFiller_Test/BookMarkView.cpp
parente9b38fa38de2c95d8260be31c57d9272c4d127ed (diff)
Merge XFA to PDFium master at 4dc95e7 on 10/28/2014
Diffstat (limited to 'xfa_test/FormFiller_Test/BookMarkView.cpp')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xfa_test/FormFiller_Test/BookMarkView.cpp b/xfa_test/FormFiller_Test/BookMarkView.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..283c9a47cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xfa_test/FormFiller_Test/BookMarkView.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// BookMarkView.cpp : implementation file
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "ReaderVC.h"
+#include "ChildFrm.h"
+#include "BookMarkView.h"
+#include "ReaderVCDoc.h"
+#include "ReaderVCView.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define new DEBUG_NEW
+#undef THIS_FILE
+static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
+// CBookMarkView
+ m_pFram = NULL;
+ m_pDoc = NULL;
+BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBookMarkView, CTreeView)
+ //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBookMarkView)
+// CBookMarkView drawing
+void CBookMarkView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
+ CReaderVCDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
+ // TODO: add draw code here
+// CBookMarkView diagnostics
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CBookMarkView::AssertValid() const
+ CTreeView::AssertValid();
+void CBookMarkView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
+ CTreeView::Dump(dc);
+CReaderVCDoc* CBookMarkView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline
+ ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CReaderVCDoc)));
+ return (CReaderVCDoc*)m_pDocument;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+// CBookMarkView message handlers
+void CBookMarkView::OnInitialUpdate()
+ CTreeView::OnInitialUpdate();
+ CReaderVCDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
+ if (! m_pFram || !m_pFram->m_pView)
+ return;
+ m_pDoc = m_pFram->m_pView->GetPDFDoc();
+ if(m_pDoc == NULL) return;
+ int num = m_pFram->m_pView->GetTotalPages();
+ CString strName = pDoc->GetTitle();
+ FPDF_BOOKMARK bookmark1 = NULL;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //insert items
+// CTreeCtrl &treeCtrl = this->GetTreeCtrl();
+// m_hItemRoot = treeCtrl.InsertItem(strName,0,0,TVI_ROOT,TVI_FIRST);
+// treeCtrl.SetItemData(m_hItemRoot,0);
+// bookmark1 = FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild(m_pDoc, NULL);
+// if (bookmark1 == NULL)//insert the page index to tree
+// {
+// for (int i=0; i<num; i++)
+// {
+// CString str;
+// str.Format(_T("Page%d"), i+1);
+// HTREEITEM hItem = treeCtrl.InsertItem(str);
+// treeCtrl.SetItemData(hItem, i);
+// }
+// }else{
+// while(bookmark1 != NULL) {
+// this->InsertChildItem(bookmark1, m_hItemRoot, treeCtrl);
+// bookmark1 = FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling(m_pDoc,bookmark1);
+// }
+// }
+// treeCtrl.Expand(m_hItemRoot,TVE_EXPAND);
+// LONG nStyle = ::GetWindowLong(this->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE);
+// nStyle |= TVS_LINESATROOT;
+// nStyle |= TVS_HASLINES;
+// nStyle |= TVS_HASBUTTONS;
+// ::SetWindowLong(this->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, nStyle);
+void CBookMarkView::InsertChildItem(FPDF_BOOKMARK bookmark, HTREEITEM hItem, CTreeCtrl &treectrl)
+// CString strTitle;
+// DWORD dwItemData = 0;
+// WCHAR buffer[1024];
+// CString str;
+// int strlenth = 0;
+// unsigned long pdf_actType = 0;
+// FPDF_DEST dest = NULL;
+// FPDF_ACTION action = NULL;
+// memset(buffer,0,1024*sizeof(WCHAR));
+// strlenth = FPDFBookmark_GetTitle(bookmark, buffer, 0);
+// int nlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,buffer,-1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+// char *buffer1 = new char[nlen];
+// memset(buffer1,0,nlen);
+// WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,buffer,strlenth,buffer1,nlen,NULL,NULL);
+// buffer1[nlen -1] = '\0';
+// /* int strl = strlen(buffer1);
+// strTitle = buffer;//
+// strTitle = strTitle.Left(strl-1);*/
+// hItem = treectrl.InsertItem(buffer1, 0, 0, hItem, TVI_LAST);
+// action = FPDFBookmark_GetAction(bookmark);
+// if (action != NULL)
+// {
+// pdf_actType = FPDFAction_GetType(action);
+// if (pdf_actType == 1)
+// {
+// dest = FPDFAction_GetDest(m_pDoc, action);
+// dwItemData = FPDFDest_GetPageIndex(m_pDoc, dest);
+// int nZoomMode = FPDFDest_GetZoomMode(dest);
+// if(nZoomMode == 1)
+// {
+// double nStartX = FPDFDest_GetZoomParam(dest, 0);
+// double nStartY = FPDFDest_GetZoomParam(dest, 1);
+// CPoint pos((int)nStartX, (int)nStartY);
+// m_PosMap.SetAt(hItem, pos);
+// }
+// treectrl.SetItemData(hItem, dwItemData);
+// }else{
+// dwItemData = 0;
+// treectrl.SetItemData(hItem, dwItemData);
+// }
+// }else{
+// dest = FPDFBookmark_GetDest(m_pDoc, bookmark);
+// dwItemData = FPDFDest_GetPageIndex(m_pDoc, dest);
+// treectrl.SetItemData(hItem, dwItemData);
+// }
+// bookmark = FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild(m_pDoc, bookmark);
+// while(bookmark != NULL)
+// {
+// this->InsertChildItem(bookmark, hItem, treectrl);
+// bookmark = FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling(m_pDoc, bookmark);
+// }
+// delete buffer1;
+void CBookMarkView::OnSelchanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
+ // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
+ DWORD dwPageIdex= 0;
+ if(m_pDoc == NULL) return;
+ hItem = GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem();
+ dwPageIdex = GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hItem);
+ CPoint p;
+ if(0 == m_PosMap.Lookup(hItem, p))
+ {
+ p.x = 0;
+ p.y = 0;
+ }
+ m_pFram->m_pView->LoadPDFPage(m_pDoc, dwPageIdex, p);
+ m_pFram->m_pView->Invalidate();
+ *pResult = 0;