path: root/core/fxge/ge
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/fxge/ge')
24 files changed, 0 insertions, 5254 deletions
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e00cb7c3ad..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_dibitmap.h"
-#include "third_party/base/logging.h"
-CFX_ClipRgn::CFX_ClipRgn(int width, int height)
- : m_Type(RectI), m_Box(0, 0, width, height) {}
-CFX_ClipRgn::CFX_ClipRgn(const CFX_ClipRgn& src) {
- m_Type = src.m_Type;
- m_Box = src.m_Box;
- m_Mask = src.m_Mask;
-CFX_ClipRgn::~CFX_ClipRgn() {}
-void CFX_ClipRgn::Reset(const FX_RECT& rect) {
- m_Type = RectI;
- m_Box = rect;
- m_Mask = nullptr;
-void CFX_ClipRgn::IntersectRect(const FX_RECT& rect) {
- if (m_Type == RectI) {
- m_Box.Intersect(rect);
- return;
- }
- if (m_Type == MaskF) {
- IntersectMaskRect(rect, m_Box, m_Mask);
- return;
- }
-void CFX_ClipRgn::IntersectMaskRect(FX_RECT rect,
- FX_RECT mask_rect,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pMask) {
- m_Type = MaskF;
- m_Box = rect;
- m_Box.Intersect(mask_rect);
- if (m_Box.IsEmpty()) {
- m_Type = RectI;
- return;
- }
- if (m_Box == mask_rect) {
- m_Mask = pMask;
- return;
- }
- CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> pOldMask(pMask);
- m_Mask = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- m_Mask->Create(m_Box.Width(), m_Box.Height(), FXDIB_8bppMask);
- for (int row =; row < m_Box.bottom; row++) {
- uint8_t* dest_scan =
- m_Mask->GetBuffer() + m_Mask->GetPitch() * (row -;
- uint8_t* src_scan =
- pOldMask->GetBuffer() + pOldMask->GetPitch() * (row -;
- for (int col = m_Box.left; col < m_Box.right; col++)
- dest_scan[col - m_Box.left] = src_scan[col - mask_rect.left];
- }
-void CFX_ClipRgn::IntersectMaskF(int left,
- int top,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pMask) {
- ASSERT(pMask->GetFormat() == FXDIB_8bppMask);
- FX_RECT mask_box(left, top, left + pMask->GetWidth(),
- top + pMask->GetHeight());
- if (m_Type == RectI) {
- IntersectMaskRect(m_Box, mask_box, pMask);
- return;
- }
- if (m_Type == MaskF) {
- FX_RECT new_box = m_Box;
- new_box.Intersect(mask_box);
- if (new_box.IsEmpty()) {
- m_Type = RectI;
- m_Mask = nullptr;
- m_Box = new_box;
- return;
- }
- auto new_dib = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- new_dib->Create(new_box.Width(), new_box.Height(), FXDIB_8bppMask);
- for (int row =; row < new_box.bottom; row++) {
- uint8_t* old_scan =
- m_Mask->GetBuffer() + (row - * m_Mask->GetPitch();
- uint8_t* mask_scan = pMask->GetBuffer() + (row - top) * pMask->GetPitch();
- uint8_t* new_scan =
- new_dib->GetBuffer() + (row - * new_dib->GetPitch();
- for (int col = new_box.left; col < new_box.right; col++) {
- new_scan[col - new_box.left] =
- old_scan[col - m_Box.left] * mask_scan[col - left] / 255;
- }
- }
- m_Box = new_box;
- m_Mask = std::move(new_dib);
- return;
- }
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.h b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 800e6ddbee..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h"
-class CFX_DIBitmap;
-class CFX_ClipRgn {
- public:
- enum ClipType { RectI, MaskF };
- CFX_ClipRgn(int device_width, int device_height);
- CFX_ClipRgn(const CFX_ClipRgn& src);
- ~CFX_ClipRgn();
- ClipType GetType() const { return m_Type; }
- const FX_RECT& GetBox() const { return m_Box; }
- CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> GetMask() const { return m_Mask; }
- void Reset(const FX_RECT& rect);
- void IntersectRect(const FX_RECT& rect);
- void IntersectMaskF(int left,
- int top,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& Mask);
- private:
- void IntersectMaskRect(FX_RECT rect,
- FX_RECT mask_box,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& Mask);
- ClipType m_Type;
- FX_RECT m_Box;
- CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> m_Mask;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_facecache.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_facecache.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e675e11510..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_facecache.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_facecache.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h"
-#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkStream.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontMgr.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontMgr_empty.h"
-namespace {
-constexpr uint32_t kInvalidGlyphIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
-constexpr int kMinPixel = 0;
-constexpr int kMaxPixel = 255;
-constexpr int kMaxGlyphDimension = 2048;
-void ContrastAdjust(uint8_t* pDataIn,
- uint8_t* pDataOut,
- int nWidth,
- int nHeight,
- int nSrcRowBytes,
- int nDstRowBytes) {
- int max = kMinPixel;
- int min = kMaxPixel;
- for (int row = 0; row < nHeight; row++) {
- uint8_t* pRow = pDataIn + row * nSrcRowBytes;
- for (int col = 0; col < nWidth; col++) {
- int val = pRow[col];
- max = std::max(val, max);
- min = std::min(val, min);
- }
- }
- int diff = max - min;
- if (diff == kMinPixel || diff == kMaxPixel) {
- int rowbytes = std::min(abs(nSrcRowBytes), nDstRowBytes);
- for (int row = 0; row < nHeight; row++) {
- memcpy(pDataOut + row * nDstRowBytes, pDataIn + row * nSrcRowBytes,
- rowbytes);
- }
- return;
- }
- float rate = 255.f / diff;
- for (int row = 0; row < nHeight; row++) {
- uint8_t* pSrcRow = pDataIn + row * nSrcRowBytes;
- uint8_t* pDstRow = pDataOut + row * nDstRowBytes;
- for (int col = 0; col < nWidth; col++) {
- int val = static_cast<int>((pSrcRow[col] - min) * rate + 0.5);
- pDstRow[col] =
- static_cast<uint8_t>(pdfium::clamp(val, kMinPixel, kMaxPixel));
- }
- }
-} // namespace
-CFX_FaceCache::CFX_FaceCache(FXFT_Face face)
- : m_Face(face)
- ,
- m_pTypeface(nullptr)
-CFX_FaceCache::~CFX_FaceCache() {
-std::unique_ptr<CFX_GlyphBitmap> CFX_FaceCache::RenderGlyph(
- const CFX_Font* pFont,
- uint32_t glyph_index,
- bool bFontStyle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- int dest_width,
- int anti_alias) {
- if (!m_Face)
- return nullptr;
- FXFT_Matrix ft_matrix;
- ft_matrix.xx = (signed long)(pMatrix->a / 64 * 65536);
- ft_matrix.xy = (signed long)(pMatrix->c / 64 * 65536);
- ft_matrix.yx = (signed long)(pMatrix->b / 64 * 65536);
- ft_matrix.yy = (signed long)(pMatrix->d / 64 * 65536);
- bool bUseCJKSubFont = false;
- const CFX_SubstFont* pSubstFont = pFont->GetSubstFont();
- if (pSubstFont) {
- bUseCJKSubFont = pSubstFont->m_bSubstCJK && bFontStyle;
- int skew = 0;
- if (bUseCJKSubFont)
- skew = pSubstFont->m_bItalicCJK ? -15 : 0;
- else
- skew = pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle;
- if (skew) {
- // |skew| is nonpositive so |-skew| is used as the index. We need to make
- // sure |skew| != INT_MIN since -INT_MIN is undefined.
- if (skew <= 0 && skew != std::numeric_limits<int>::min() &&
- static_cast<size_t>(-skew) < CFX_Font::kAngleSkewArraySize) {
- skew = -CFX_Font::s_AngleSkew[-skew];
- } else {
- skew = -58;
- }
- if (pFont->IsVertical())
- ft_matrix.yx += ft_matrix.yy * skew / 100;
- else
- ft_matrix.xy -= ft_matrix.xx * skew / 100;
- }
- if (pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) {
- pFont->AdjustMMParams(glyph_index, dest_width,
- pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight);
- }
- }
- ScopedFontTransform scoped_transform(m_Face, &ft_matrix);
- int load_flags = (m_Face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT)
- int error = FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index, load_flags);
- if (error) {
- // if an error is returned, try to reload glyphs without hinting.
- if (load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING || load_flags & FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE)
- return nullptr;
- load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
- error = FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index, load_flags);
- if (error)
- return nullptr;
- }
- int weight = 0;
- if (bUseCJKSubFont)
- weight = pSubstFont->m_WeightCJK;
- else
- weight = pSubstFont ? pSubstFont->m_Weight : 0;
- if (pSubstFont && !(pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) &&
- weight > 400) {
- uint32_t index = (weight - 400) / 10;
- if (index >= CFX_Font::kWeightPowArraySize)
- return nullptr;
- pdfium::base::CheckedNumeric<signed long> level = 0;
- if (pSubstFont->m_Charset == FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS)
- level = CFX_Font::s_WeightPow_SHIFTJIS[index] * 2;
- else
- level = CFX_Font::s_WeightPow_11[index];
- level = level *
- (abs(static_cast<int>(ft_matrix.xx)) +
- abs(static_cast<int>(ft_matrix.xy))) /
- 36655;
- FXFT_Outline_Embolden(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face),
- level.ValueOrDefault(0));
- }
- FXFT_Library_SetLcdFilter(CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->GetFTLibrary(),
- error = FXFT_Render_Glyph(m_Face, anti_alias);
- if (error)
- return nullptr;
- int bmwidth = FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Width(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
- int bmheight = FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Rows(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
- if (bmwidth > kMaxGlyphDimension || bmheight > kMaxGlyphDimension)
- return nullptr;
- int dib_width = bmwidth;
- auto pGlyphBitmap = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_GlyphBitmap>();
- pGlyphBitmap->m_pBitmap->Create(
- dib_width, bmheight,
- anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO ? FXDIB_1bppMask : FXDIB_8bppMask);
- pGlyphBitmap->m_Left = FXFT_Get_Glyph_BitmapLeft(m_Face);
- pGlyphBitmap->m_Top = FXFT_Get_Glyph_BitmapTop(m_Face);
- int dest_pitch = pGlyphBitmap->m_pBitmap->GetPitch();
- int src_pitch = FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Pitch(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
- uint8_t* pDestBuf = pGlyphBitmap->m_pBitmap->GetBuffer();
- uint8_t* pSrcBuf =
- (uint8_t*)FXFT_Get_Bitmap_Buffer(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face));
- if (anti_alias != FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO &&
- FXFT_Get_Bitmap_PixelMode(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face)) ==
- int bytes = anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD ? 3 : 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < bmheight; i++) {
- for (int n = 0; n < bmwidth; n++) {
- uint8_t data =
- (pSrcBuf[i * src_pitch + n / 8] & (0x80 >> (n % 8))) ? 255 : 0;
- for (int b = 0; b < bytes; b++)
- pDestBuf[i * dest_pitch + n * bytes + b] = data;
- }
- }
- } else {
- memset(pDestBuf, 0, dest_pitch * bmheight);
- if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO &&
- FXFT_Get_Bitmap_PixelMode(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap(m_Face)) ==
- int rowbytes = abs(src_pitch) > dest_pitch ? dest_pitch : abs(src_pitch);
- for (int row = 0; row < bmheight; row++) {
- memcpy(pDestBuf + row * dest_pitch, pSrcBuf + row * src_pitch,
- rowbytes);
- }
- } else {
- ContrastAdjust(pSrcBuf, pDestBuf, bmwidth, bmheight, src_pitch,
- dest_pitch);
- }
- }
- return pGlyphBitmap;
-const CFX_PathData* CFX_FaceCache::LoadGlyphPath(const CFX_Font* pFont,
- uint32_t glyph_index,
- int dest_width) {
- if (!m_Face || glyph_index == kInvalidGlyphIndex || dest_width < 0)
- return nullptr;
- uint32_t key = glyph_index;
- auto* pSubstFont = pFont->GetSubstFont();
- if (pSubstFont) {
- if (pSubstFont->m_Weight < 0 || pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle < 0)
- return nullptr;
- uint32_t weight = static_cast<uint32_t>(pSubstFont->m_Weight);
- uint32_t angle = static_cast<uint32_t>(pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle);
- uint32_t key_modifier = (weight / 16) << 15;
- key_modifier += (angle / 2) << 21;
- key_modifier += (static_cast<uint32_t>(dest_width) / 16) << 25;
- if (pFont->IsVertical())
- key_modifier += 1U << 31;
- key += key_modifier;
- }
- auto it = m_PathMap.find(key);
- if (it != m_PathMap.end())
- return it->second.get();
- CFX_PathData* pGlyphPath = pFont->LoadGlyphPathImpl(glyph_index, dest_width);
- m_PathMap[key] = std::unique_ptr<CFX_PathData>(pGlyphPath);
- return pGlyphPath;
-const CFX_GlyphBitmap* CFX_FaceCache::LoadGlyphBitmap(const CFX_Font* pFont,
- uint32_t glyph_index,
- bool bFontStyle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- int dest_width,
- int anti_alias,
- int& text_flags) {
- if (glyph_index == kInvalidGlyphIndex)
- return nullptr;
- CFX_UniqueKeyGen keygen;
- int nMatrixA = static_cast<int>(pMatrix->a * 10000);
- int nMatrixB = static_cast<int>(pMatrix->b * 10000);
- int nMatrixC = static_cast<int>(pMatrix->c * 10000);
- int nMatrixD = static_cast<int>(pMatrix->d * 10000);
- if (pFont->GetSubstFont()) {
- keygen.Generate(9, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
- pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle, pFont->IsVertical());
- } else {
- keygen.Generate(6, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias);
- }
- if (text_flags & FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT) {
- if (pFont->GetSubstFont()) {
- keygen.Generate(9, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
- pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle,
- pFont->IsVertical());
- } else {
- keygen.Generate(6, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias);
- }
- } else {
- if (pFont->GetSubstFont()) {
- keygen.Generate(10, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
- pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle, pFont->IsVertical(),
- 3);
- } else {
- keygen.Generate(7, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias, 3);
- }
- }
- CFX_ByteString FaceGlyphsKey(keygen.m_Key, keygen.m_KeyLen);
- return LookUpGlyphBitmap(pFont, pMatrix, FaceGlyphsKey, glyph_index,
- bFontStyle, dest_width, anti_alias);
- if (text_flags & FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT) {
- return LookUpGlyphBitmap(pFont, pMatrix, FaceGlyphsKey, glyph_index,
- bFontStyle, dest_width, anti_alias);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<CFX_GlyphBitmap> pGlyphBitmap;
- auto it = m_SizeMap.find(FaceGlyphsKey);
- if (it != m_SizeMap.end()) {
- CFX_SizeGlyphCache* pSizeCache = it->second.get();
- auto it2 = pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.find(glyph_index);
- if (it2 != pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.end())
- return it2->second.get();
- pGlyphBitmap = RenderGlyph_Nativetext(pFont, glyph_index, pMatrix,
- dest_width, anti_alias);
- if (pGlyphBitmap) {
- CFX_GlyphBitmap* pResult = pGlyphBitmap.get();
- pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap[glyph_index] = std::move(pGlyphBitmap);
- return pResult;
- }
- } else {
- pGlyphBitmap = RenderGlyph_Nativetext(pFont, glyph_index, pMatrix,
- dest_width, anti_alias);
- if (pGlyphBitmap) {
- auto pNewCache = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_SizeGlyphCache>();
- CFX_SizeGlyphCache* pSizeCache = pNewCache.get();
- m_SizeMap[FaceGlyphsKey] = std::move(pNewCache);
- CFX_GlyphBitmap* pResult = pGlyphBitmap.get();
- pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap[glyph_index] = std::move(pGlyphBitmap);
- return pResult;
- }
- }
- if (pFont->GetSubstFont()) {
- keygen.Generate(9, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias, pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Weight,
- pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_ItalicAngle, pFont->IsVertical());
- } else {
- keygen.Generate(6, nMatrixA, nMatrixB, nMatrixC, nMatrixD, dest_width,
- anti_alias);
- }
- CFX_ByteString FaceGlyphsKey2(keygen.m_Key, keygen.m_KeyLen);
- text_flags |= FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT;
- return LookUpGlyphBitmap(pFont, pMatrix, FaceGlyphsKey2, glyph_index,
- bFontStyle, dest_width, anti_alias);
-#if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ || defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_
-CFX_TypeFace* CFX_FaceCache::GetDeviceCache(const CFX_Font* pFont) {
- if (!m_pTypeface) {
- m_pTypeface = SkTypeface::MakeFromStream(
- new SkMemoryStream(pFont->GetFontData(), pFont->GetSize()));
- }
- if (!m_pTypeface) {
- sk_sp<SkFontMgr> customMgr(SkFontMgr_New_Custom_Empty());
- m_pTypeface.reset(customMgr->createFromStream(
- new SkMemoryStream(pFont->GetFontData(), pFont->GetSize())));
- }
- return m_pTypeface.get();
-void CFX_FaceCache::InitPlatform() {}
-CFX_GlyphBitmap* CFX_FaceCache::LookUpGlyphBitmap(
- const CFX_Font* pFont,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- const CFX_ByteString& FaceGlyphsKey,
- uint32_t glyph_index,
- bool bFontStyle,
- int dest_width,
- int anti_alias) {
- CFX_SizeGlyphCache* pSizeCache;
- auto it = m_SizeMap.find(FaceGlyphsKey);
- if (it == m_SizeMap.end()) {
- auto pNewCache = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_SizeGlyphCache>();
- pSizeCache = pNewCache.get();
- m_SizeMap[FaceGlyphsKey] = std::move(pNewCache);
- } else {
- pSizeCache = it->second.get();
- }
- auto it2 = pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.find(glyph_index);
- if (it2 != pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap.end())
- return it2->second.get();
- std::unique_ptr<CFX_GlyphBitmap> pGlyphBitmap = RenderGlyph(
- pFont, glyph_index, bFontStyle, pMatrix, dest_width, anti_alias);
- CFX_GlyphBitmap* pResult = pGlyphBitmap.get();
- pSizeCache->m_GlyphMap[glyph_index] = std::move(pGlyphBitmap);
- return pResult;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a13af068e8..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h"
-#include <limits>
-#include <utility>
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-#include "third_party/base/stl_util.h"
-namespace {
-const struct {
- const char* m_pName;
- const char* m_pSubstName;
-} Base14Substs[] = {
- {"Courier", "Courier New"},
- {"Courier-Bold", "Courier New Bold"},
- {"Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier New Bold Italic"},
- {"Courier-Oblique", "Courier New Italic"},
- {"Helvetica", "Arial"},
- {"Helvetica-Bold", "Arial Bold"},
- {"Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Arial Bold Italic"},
- {"Helvetica-Oblique", "Arial Italic"},
- {"Times-Roman", "Times New Roman"},
- {"Times-Bold", "Times New Roman Bold"},
- {"Times-BoldItalic", "Times New Roman Bold Italic"},
- {"Times-Italic", "Times New Roman Italic"},
-CFX_ByteString FPDF_ReadStringFromFile(FILE* pFile, uint32_t size) {
- CFX_ByteString buffer;
- if (!fread(buffer.GetBuffer(size), size, 1, pFile))
- return CFX_ByteString();
- buffer.ReleaseBuffer(size);
- return buffer;
-CFX_ByteString FPDF_LoadTableFromTT(FILE* pFile,
- const uint8_t* pTables,
- uint32_t nTables,
- uint32_t tag) {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nTables; i++) {
- const uint8_t* p = pTables + i * 16;
- if (GET_TT_LONG(p) == tag) {
- uint32_t offset = GET_TT_LONG(p + 8);
- uint32_t size = GET_TT_LONG(p + 12);
- fseek(pFile, offset, SEEK_SET);
- return FPDF_ReadStringFromFile(pFile, size);
- }
- }
- return CFX_ByteString();
-uint32_t GetCharset(int charset) {
- switch (charset) {
- case FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS:
- case FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified:
- case FX_CHARSET_ChineseTraditional:
- case FX_CHARSET_Hangul:
- case FX_CHARSET_Symbol:
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-int32_t GetSimilarValue(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int pitch_family,
- uint32_t style) {
- int32_t iSimilarValue = 0;
- if (!!(style & FXFONT_BOLD) == (weight > 400))
- iSimilarValue += 16;
- if (!!(style & FXFONT_ITALIC) == bItalic)
- iSimilarValue += 16;
- if (!!(style & FXFONT_SERIF) == !!(pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_ROMAN))
- iSimilarValue += 16;
- if (!!(style & FXFONT_SCRIPT) == !!(pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_SCRIPT))
- iSimilarValue += 8;
- if (!!(style & FXFONT_FIXED_PITCH) ==
- !!(pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_FIXEDPITCH)) {
- iSimilarValue += 8;
- }
- return iSimilarValue;
-} // namespace
-CFX_FolderFontInfo::CFX_FolderFontInfo() {}
-CFX_FolderFontInfo::~CFX_FolderFontInfo() {}
-void CFX_FolderFontInfo::AddPath(const CFX_ByteString& path) {
- m_PathList.push_back(path);
-bool CFX_FolderFontInfo::EnumFontList(CFX_FontMapper* pMapper) {
- m_pMapper = pMapper;
- for (const auto& path : m_PathList)
- ScanPath(path);
- return true;
-void CFX_FolderFontInfo::ScanPath(const CFX_ByteString& path) {
- FX_FileHandle* handle = FX_OpenFolder(path.c_str());
- if (!handle)
- return;
- CFX_ByteString filename;
- bool bFolder;
- while (FX_GetNextFile(handle, &filename, &bFolder)) {
- if (bFolder) {
- if (filename == "." || filename == "..")
- continue;
- } else {
- CFX_ByteString ext = filename.Right(4);
- ext.MakeUpper();
- if (ext != ".TTF" && ext != ".OTF" && ext != ".TTC")
- continue;
- }
- CFX_ByteString fullpath = path;
- fullpath += "\\";
- fullpath += "/";
- fullpath += filename;
- bFolder ? ScanPath(fullpath) : ScanFile(fullpath);
- }
- FX_CloseFolder(handle);
-void CFX_FolderFontInfo::ScanFile(const CFX_ByteString& path) {
- FILE* pFile = fopen(path.c_str(), "rb");
- if (!pFile)
- return;
- fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
- uint32_t filesize = ftell(pFile);
- uint8_t buffer[16];
- fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- size_t readCnt = fread(buffer, 12, 1, pFile);
- if (readCnt != 1) {
- fclose(pFile);
- return;
- }
- if (GET_TT_LONG(buffer) == kTableTTCF) {
- uint32_t nFaces = GET_TT_LONG(buffer + 8);
- if (nFaces > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() / 4) {
- fclose(pFile);
- return;
- }
- uint32_t face_bytes = nFaces * 4;
- uint8_t* offsets = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, face_bytes);
- readCnt = fread(offsets, 1, face_bytes, pFile);
- if (readCnt != face_bytes) {
- FX_Free(offsets);
- fclose(pFile);
- return;
- }
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nFaces; i++) {
- uint8_t* p = offsets + i * 4;
- ReportFace(path, pFile, filesize, GET_TT_LONG(p));
- }
- FX_Free(offsets);
- } else {
- ReportFace(path, pFile, filesize, 0);
- }
- fclose(pFile);
-void CFX_FolderFontInfo::ReportFace(const CFX_ByteString& path,
- FILE* pFile,
- uint32_t filesize,
- uint32_t offset) {
- fseek(pFile, offset, SEEK_SET);
- char buffer[16];
- if (!fread(buffer, 12, 1, pFile))
- return;
- uint32_t nTables = GET_TT_SHORT(buffer + 4);
- CFX_ByteString tables = FPDF_ReadStringFromFile(pFile, nTables * 16);
- if (tables.IsEmpty())
- return;
- CFX_ByteString names =
- FPDF_LoadTableFromTT(pFile, tables.raw_str(), nTables, 0x6e616d65);
- if (names.IsEmpty())
- return;
- CFX_ByteString facename =
- GetNameFromTT(names.raw_str(), names.GetLength(), 1);
- if (facename.IsEmpty())
- return;
- CFX_ByteString style = GetNameFromTT(names.raw_str(), names.GetLength(), 2);
- if (style != "Regular")
- facename += " " + style;
- if (pdfium::ContainsKey(m_FontList, facename))
- return;
- auto pInfo = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_FontFaceInfo>(path, facename, tables,
- offset, filesize);
- CFX_ByteString os2 =
- FPDF_LoadTableFromTT(pFile, tables.raw_str(), nTables, 0x4f532f32);
- if (os2.GetLength() >= 86) {
- const uint8_t* p = os2.raw_str() + 78;
- uint32_t codepages = GET_TT_LONG(p);
- if (codepages & (1 << 17)) {
- m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(facename, FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS);
- pInfo->m_Charsets |= CHARSET_FLAG_SHIFTJIS;
- }
- if (codepages & (1 << 18)) {
- m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(facename, FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified);
- pInfo->m_Charsets |= CHARSET_FLAG_GB;
- }
- if (codepages & (1 << 20)) {
- m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(facename, FX_CHARSET_ChineseTraditional);
- pInfo->m_Charsets |= CHARSET_FLAG_BIG5;
- }
- if ((codepages & (1 << 19)) || (codepages & (1 << 21))) {
- m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(facename, FX_CHARSET_Hangul);
- pInfo->m_Charsets |= CHARSET_FLAG_KOREAN;
- }
- if (codepages & (1 << 31)) {
- m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(facename, FX_CHARSET_Symbol);
- pInfo->m_Charsets |= CHARSET_FLAG_SYMBOL;
- }
- }
- m_pMapper->AddInstalledFont(facename, FX_CHARSET_ANSI);
- pInfo->m_Charsets |= CHARSET_FLAG_ANSI;
- pInfo->m_Styles = 0;
- if (style.Find("Bold") > -1)
- pInfo->m_Styles |= FXFONT_BOLD;
- if (style.Find("Italic") > -1 || style.Find("Oblique") > -1)
- pInfo->m_Styles |= FXFONT_ITALIC;
- if (facename.Find("Serif") > -1)
- pInfo->m_Styles |= FXFONT_SERIF;
- m_FontList[facename] = std::move(pInfo);
-void* CFX_FolderFontInfo::GetSubstFont(const CFX_ByteString& face) {
- for (size_t iBaseFont = 0; iBaseFont < FX_ArraySize(Base14Substs);
- iBaseFont++) {
- if (face == Base14Substs[iBaseFont].m_pName)
- return GetFont(Base14Substs[iBaseFont].m_pSubstName);
- }
- return nullptr;
-void* CFX_FolderFontInfo::FindFont(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int charset,
- int pitch_family,
- const char* family,
- bool bMatchName) {
- CFX_FontFaceInfo* pFind = nullptr;
- if (charset == FX_CHARSET_ANSI && (pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_FIXEDPITCH))
- return GetFont("Courier New");
- uint32_t charset_flag = GetCharset(charset);
- int32_t iBestSimilar = 0;
- for (const auto& it : m_FontList) {
- const CFX_ByteString& bsName = it.first;
- CFX_FontFaceInfo* pFont = it.second.get();
- if (!(pFont->m_Charsets & charset_flag) && charset != FX_CHARSET_Default)
- continue;
- int32_t index = bsName.Find(family);
- if (bMatchName && index < 0)
- continue;
- int32_t iSimilarValue =
- GetSimilarValue(weight, bItalic, pitch_family, pFont->m_Styles);
- if (iSimilarValue > iBestSimilar) {
- iBestSimilar = iSimilarValue;
- pFind = pFont;
- }
- }
- return pFind;
-void* CFX_FolderFontInfo::MapFont(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int charset,
- int pitch_family,
- const char* family,
- int& iExact) {
- return nullptr;
-void* CFX_FolderFontInfo::MapFontByUnicode(uint32_t dwUnicode,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int pitch_family) {
- return nullptr;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
-void* CFX_FolderFontInfo::GetFont(const char* face) {
- auto it = m_FontList.find(face);
- return it != m_FontList.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr;
-uint32_t CFX_FolderFontInfo::GetFontData(void* hFont,
- uint32_t table,
- uint8_t* buffer,
- uint32_t size) {
- if (!hFont)
- return 0;
- const CFX_FontFaceInfo* pFont = static_cast<CFX_FontFaceInfo*>(hFont);
- uint32_t datasize = 0;
- uint32_t offset = 0;
- if (table == 0) {
- datasize = pFont->m_FontOffset ? 0 : pFont->m_FileSize;
- } else if (table == kTableTTCF) {
- datasize = pFont->m_FontOffset ? pFont->m_FileSize : 0;
- } else {
- uint32_t nTables = pFont->m_FontTables.GetLength() / 16;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nTables; i++) {
- const uint8_t* p = pFont->m_FontTables.raw_str() + i * 16;
- if (GET_TT_LONG(p) == table) {
- offset = GET_TT_LONG(p + 8);
- datasize = GET_TT_LONG(p + 12);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!datasize || size < datasize)
- return datasize;
- FILE* pFile = fopen(pFont->m_FilePath.c_str(), "rb");
- if (!pFile)
- return 0;
- if (fseek(pFile, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0 ||
- fread(buffer, datasize, 1, pFile) != 1) {
- datasize = 0;
- }
- fclose(pFile);
- return datasize;
-void CFX_FolderFontInfo::DeleteFont(void* hFont) {}
-bool CFX_FolderFontInfo::GetFaceName(void* hFont, CFX_ByteString* name) {
- if (!hFont)
- return false;
- *name = static_cast<CFX_FontFaceInfo*>(hFont)->m_FaceName;
- return true;
-bool CFX_FolderFontInfo::GetFontCharset(void* hFont, int* charset) {
- return false;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad363b5f0d..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include "core/fxcrt/cfx_unowned_ptr.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_systemfontinfo.h"
-class CFX_FolderFontInfo : public IFX_SystemFontInfo {
- public:
- CFX_FolderFontInfo();
- ~CFX_FolderFontInfo() override;
- void AddPath(const CFX_ByteString& path);
- // IFX_SytemFontInfo:
- bool EnumFontList(CFX_FontMapper* pMapper) override;
- void* MapFont(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int charset,
- int pitch_family,
- const char* face,
- int& bExact) override;
- void* MapFontByUnicode(uint32_t dwUnicode,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int pitch_family) override;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
- void* GetFont(const char* face) override;
- uint32_t GetFontData(void* hFont,
- uint32_t table,
- uint8_t* buffer,
- uint32_t size) override;
- void DeleteFont(void* hFont) override;
- bool GetFaceName(void* hFont, CFX_ByteString* name) override;
- bool GetFontCharset(void* hFont, int* charset) override;
- protected:
- void ScanPath(const CFX_ByteString& path);
- void ScanFile(const CFX_ByteString& path);
- void ReportFace(const CFX_ByteString& path,
- FILE* pFile,
- uint32_t filesize,
- uint32_t offset);
- void* GetSubstFont(const CFX_ByteString& face);
- void* FindFont(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int charset,
- int pitch_family,
- const char* family,
- bool bMatchName);
- std::map<CFX_ByteString, std::unique_ptr<CFX_FontFaceInfo>> m_FontList;
- std::vector<CFX_ByteString> m_PathList;
- CFX_UnownedPtr<CFX_FontMapper> m_pMapper;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_font.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_font.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 144675cdbd..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_font.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_facecache.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontcache.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-#define EM_ADJUST(em, a) (em == 0 ? (a) : (a)*1000 / em)
-namespace {
- CFX_PathData* m_pPath;
- int m_CurX;
- int m_CurY;
- float m_CoordUnit;
-unsigned long FTStreamRead(FXFT_Stream stream,
- unsigned long offset,
- unsigned char* buffer,
- unsigned long count) {
- if (count == 0)
- return 0;
- IFX_SeekableReadStream* pFile =
- static_cast<IFX_SeekableReadStream*>(stream->descriptor.pointer);
- return pFile && pFile->ReadBlock(buffer, offset, count) ? count : 0;
-void FTStreamClose(FXFT_Stream stream) {}
-bool LoadFileImp(FXFT_Library library,
- FXFT_Face* Face,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableReadStream>& pFile,
- int32_t faceIndex,
- std::unique_ptr<FXFT_StreamRec>* stream) {
- auto stream1 = pdfium::MakeUnique<FXFT_StreamRec>();
- stream1->base = nullptr;
- stream1->size = static_cast<unsigned long>(pFile->GetSize());
- stream1->pos = 0;
- stream1->descriptor.pointer = static_cast<void*>(pFile.Get());
- stream1->close = FTStreamClose;
- stream1->read = FTStreamRead;
- FXFT_Open_Args args;
- args.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM;
- = stream1.get();
- if (FXFT_Open_Face(library, &args, faceIndex, Face))
- return false;
- if (stream)
- *stream = std::move(stream1);
- return true;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
-FXFT_Face FT_LoadFont(const uint8_t* pData, int size) {
- return CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->GetFixedFace(pData, size, 0);
-void Outline_CheckEmptyContour(OUTLINE_PARAMS* param) {
- std::vector<FX_PATHPOINT>& points = param->m_pPath->GetPoints();
- size_t size = points.size();
- if (size >= 2 && points[size - 2].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo) &&
- points[size - 2].m_Point == points[size - 1].m_Point) {
- size -= 2;
- }
- if (size >= 4 && points[size - 4].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo) &&
- points[size - 3].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) &&
- points[size - 3].m_Point == points[size - 4].m_Point &&
- points[size - 2].m_Point == points[size - 4].m_Point &&
- points[size - 1].m_Point == points[size - 4].m_Point) {
- size -= 4;
- }
- points.resize(size);
-int Outline_MoveTo(const FXFT_Vector* to, void* user) {
- OUTLINE_PARAMS* param = static_cast<OUTLINE_PARAMS*>(user);
- Outline_CheckEmptyContour(param);
- param->m_pPath->ClosePath();
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(
- CFX_PointF(to->x / param->m_CoordUnit, to->y / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
- param->m_CurX = to->x;
- param->m_CurY = to->y;
- return 0;
-int Outline_LineTo(const FXFT_Vector* to, void* user) {
- OUTLINE_PARAMS* param = static_cast<OUTLINE_PARAMS*>(user);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(
- CFX_PointF(to->x / param->m_CoordUnit, to->y / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
- param->m_CurX = to->x;
- param->m_CurY = to->y;
- return 0;
-int Outline_ConicTo(const FXFT_Vector* control,
- const FXFT_Vector* to,
- void* user) {
- OUTLINE_PARAMS* param = static_cast<OUTLINE_PARAMS*>(user);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(
- CFX_PointF((param->m_CurX + (control->x - param->m_CurX) * 2 / 3) /
- param->m_CoordUnit,
- (param->m_CurY + (control->y - param->m_CurY) * 2 / 3) /
- param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo, false);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(
- CFX_PointF((control->x + (to->x - control->x) / 3) / param->m_CoordUnit,
- (control->y + (to->y - control->y) / 3) / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo, false);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(
- CFX_PointF(to->x / param->m_CoordUnit, to->y / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo, false);
- param->m_CurX = to->x;
- param->m_CurY = to->y;
- return 0;
-int Outline_CubicTo(const FXFT_Vector* control1,
- const FXFT_Vector* control2,
- const FXFT_Vector* to,
- void* user) {
- OUTLINE_PARAMS* param = static_cast<OUTLINE_PARAMS*>(user);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(control1->x / param->m_CoordUnit,
- control1->y / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo, false);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(control2->x / param->m_CoordUnit,
- control2->y / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo, false);
- param->m_pPath->AppendPoint(
- CFX_PointF(to->x / param->m_CoordUnit, to->y / param->m_CoordUnit),
- FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo, false);
- param->m_CurX = to->x;
- param->m_CurY = to->y;
- return 0;
-} // namespace
-const char CFX_Font::s_AngleSkew[] = {
- 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25,
- 27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55,
-const uint8_t CFX_Font::s_WeightPow[] = {
- 0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 37,
- 37, 37, 38, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42,
- 42, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46, 46, 47,
- 47, 47, 47, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 49, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
- 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53,
-const uint8_t CFX_Font::s_WeightPow_11[] = {
- 0, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
- 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41,
- 41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46,
- 46, 43, 47, 47, 48, 48, 48, 48, 45, 50, 50, 50, 46, 51, 51, 51, 52,
- 52, 52, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55,
- 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58,
-const uint8_t CFX_Font::s_WeightPow_SHIFTJIS[] = {
- 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21,
- 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 48, 48, 48, 48,
- 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 50, 51, 51, 51, 51, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 53,
- 53, 53, 53, 53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 56, 56, 56,
- 56, 56, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58,
- 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- :
- m_bShallowCopy(false),
- m_pOwnedStream(nullptr),
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
- m_Face(nullptr),
- m_FaceCache(nullptr),
- m_pFontData(nullptr),
- m_pGsubData(nullptr),
- m_dwSize(0),
- m_pPlatformFont(nullptr),
- m_bEmbedded(false),
- m_bVertical(false) {
-bool CFX_Font::LoadClone(const CFX_Font* pFont) {
- if (!pFont)
- return false;
- m_bShallowCopy = true;
- if (pFont->m_pSubstFont) {
- m_pSubstFont = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_SubstFont>();
- m_pSubstFont->m_Charset = pFont->m_pSubstFont->m_Charset;
- m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags = pFont->m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags;
- m_pSubstFont->m_Weight = pFont->m_pSubstFont->m_Weight;
- m_pSubstFont->m_Family = pFont->m_pSubstFont->m_Family;
- m_pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle = pFont->m_pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle;
- }
- m_Face = pFont->m_Face;
- m_bEmbedded = pFont->m_bEmbedded;
- m_bVertical = pFont->m_bVertical;
- m_dwSize = pFont->m_dwSize;
- m_pFontData = pFont->m_pFontData;
- m_pGsubData = pFont->m_pGsubData;
- m_pPlatformFont = pFont->m_pPlatformFont;
- m_pOwnedStream = pFont->m_pOwnedStream;
- m_FaceCache = pFont->GetFaceCache();
- return true;
-void CFX_Font::SetFace(FXFT_Face face) {
- ClearFaceCache();
- m_Face = face;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
-CFX_Font::~CFX_Font() {
- if (m_bShallowCopy)
- return;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
- if (m_Face) {
- if (FXFT_Get_Face_External_Stream(m_Face)) {
- FXFT_Clear_Face_External_Stream(m_Face);
- }
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
- DeleteFace();
- }
- delete m_pOwnedStream;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
- FX_Free(m_pGsubData);
- ReleasePlatformResource();
-void CFX_Font::DeleteFace() {
- ClearFaceCache();
- if (m_bEmbedded)
- FXFT_Done_Face(m_Face);
- else
- CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->ReleaseFace(m_Face);
- m_Face = nullptr;
-void CFX_Font::LoadSubst(const CFX_ByteString& face_name,
- bool bTrueType,
- uint32_t flags,
- int weight,
- int italic_angle,
- int CharsetCP,
- bool bVertical) {
- m_bEmbedded = false;
- m_bVertical = bVertical;
- m_pSubstFont = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_SubstFont>();
- m_Face = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->FindSubstFont(
- face_name, bTrueType, flags, weight, italic_angle, CharsetCP,
- m_pSubstFont.get());
- if (m_Face) {
- m_pFontData = FXFT_Get_Face_Stream_Base(m_Face);
- m_dwSize = FXFT_Get_Face_Stream_Size(m_Face);
- }
-bool CFX_Font::LoadFile(const CFX_RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableReadStream>& pFile,
- int nFaceIndex) {
- m_bEmbedded = false;
- CFX_FontMgr* pFontMgr = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr();
- pFontMgr->InitFTLibrary();
- FXFT_Library library = pFontMgr->GetFTLibrary();
- std::unique_ptr<FXFT_StreamRec> stream;
- if (!LoadFileImp(library, &m_Face, pFile, nFaceIndex, &stream))
- return false;
- m_pOwnedStream = stream.release();
- FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(m_Face, 0, 64);
- return true;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
-int CFX_Font::GetGlyphWidth(uint32_t glyph_index) {
- if (!m_Face)
- return 0;
- if (m_pSubstFont && (m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM))
- AdjustMMParams(glyph_index, 0, 0);
- int err = FXFT_Load_Glyph(
- m_Face, glyph_index,
- if (err)
- return 0;
- int width = EM_ADJUST(FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face),
- FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriAdvance(m_Face));
- return width;
-bool CFX_Font::LoadEmbedded(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size) {
- std::vector<uint8_t> temp(data, data + size);
- m_pFontDataAllocation.swap(temp);
- m_Face = FT_LoadFont(, size);
- m_pFontData =;
- m_bEmbedded = true;
- m_dwSize = size;
- return !!m_Face;
-bool CFX_Font::IsTTFont() const {
- return m_Face && FXFT_Is_Face_TT_OT(m_Face) == FXFT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT;
-int CFX_Font::GetAscent() const {
- if (!m_Face)
- return 0;
- return EM_ADJUST(FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face),
- FXFT_Get_Face_Ascender(m_Face));
-int CFX_Font::GetDescent() const {
- if (!m_Face)
- return 0;
- return EM_ADJUST(FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face),
- FXFT_Get_Face_Descender(m_Face));
-bool CFX_Font::GetGlyphBBox(uint32_t glyph_index, FX_RECT& bbox) {
- if (!m_Face)
- return false;
- if (FXFT_Is_Face_Tricky(m_Face)) {
- int error = FXFT_Set_Char_Size(m_Face, 0, 1000 * 64, 72, 72);
- if (error)
- return false;
- error = FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index,
- if (error)
- return false;
- FXFT_BBox cbox;
- FT_Glyph glyph;
- error = FXFT_Get_Glyph(m_Face->glyph, &glyph);
- if (error)
- return false;
- FXFT_Glyph_Get_CBox(glyph, FXFT_GLYPH_BBOX_PIXELS, &cbox);
- int pixel_size_x = m_Face->size->metrics.x_ppem,
- pixel_size_y = m_Face->size->metrics.y_ppem;
- if (pixel_size_x == 0 || pixel_size_y == 0) {
- bbox.left = cbox.xMin;
- bbox.right = cbox.xMax;
- = cbox.yMax;
- bbox.bottom = cbox.yMin;
- } else {
- bbox.left = cbox.xMin * 1000 / pixel_size_x;
- bbox.right = cbox.xMax * 1000 / pixel_size_x;
- = cbox.yMax * 1000 / pixel_size_y;
- bbox.bottom = cbox.yMin * 1000 / pixel_size_y;
- }
- = std::min(,
- static_cast<int32_t>(FXFT_Get_Face_Ascender(m_Face)));
- bbox.bottom = std::max(
- bbox.bottom, static_cast<int32_t>(FXFT_Get_Face_Descender(m_Face)));
- FT_Done_Glyph(glyph);
- return FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(m_Face, 0, 64) == 0;
- }
- if (FXFT_Load_Glyph(
- m_Face, glyph_index,
- return false;
- }
- int em = FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face);
- if (em == 0) {
- bbox.left = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriBearingX(m_Face);
- bbox.bottom = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriBearingY(m_Face);
- = bbox.bottom - FXFT_Get_Glyph_Height(m_Face);
- bbox.right = bbox.left + FXFT_Get_Glyph_Width(m_Face);
- } else {
- bbox.left = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriBearingX(m_Face) * 1000 / em;
- =
- (FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriBearingY(m_Face) - FXFT_Get_Glyph_Height(m_Face)) *
- 1000 / em;
- bbox.right =
- (FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriBearingX(m_Face) + FXFT_Get_Glyph_Width(m_Face)) *
- 1000 / em;
- bbox.bottom = (FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriBearingY(m_Face)) * 1000 / em;
- }
- return true;
-bool CFX_Font::IsItalic() const {
- if (!m_Face)
- return false;
- if (FXFT_Is_Face_Italic(m_Face) == FXFT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC)
- return true;
- CFX_ByteString str(FXFT_Get_Face_Style_Name(m_Face));
- str.MakeLower();
- return str.Find("italic") != -1;
-bool CFX_Font::IsBold() const {
- return m_Face && FXFT_Is_Face_Bold(m_Face) == FXFT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;
-bool CFX_Font::IsFixedWidth() const {
- return m_Face && FXFT_Is_Face_fixedwidth(m_Face) != 0;
-CFX_ByteString CFX_Font::GetPsName() const {
- if (!m_Face)
- return CFX_ByteString();
- CFX_ByteString psName = FXFT_Get_Postscript_Name(m_Face);
- if (psName.IsEmpty())
- psName = "Untitled";
- return psName;
-CFX_ByteString CFX_Font::GetFamilyName() const {
- if (!m_Face && !m_pSubstFont)
- return CFX_ByteString();
- if (m_Face)
- return CFX_ByteString(FXFT_Get_Face_Family_Name(m_Face));
- return m_pSubstFont->m_Family;
-CFX_ByteString CFX_Font::GetFaceName() const {
- if (!m_Face && !m_pSubstFont)
- return CFX_ByteString();
- if (m_Face) {
- CFX_ByteString style = CFX_ByteString(FXFT_Get_Face_Style_Name(m_Face));
- CFX_ByteString facename = GetFamilyName();
- if (facename.IsEmpty())
- facename = "Untitled";
- if (!style.IsEmpty() && style != "Regular")
- facename += " " + style;
- return facename;
- }
- return m_pSubstFont->m_Family;
-bool CFX_Font::GetBBox(FX_RECT& bbox) {
- if (!m_Face)
- return false;
- int em = FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face);
- if (em == 0) {
- bbox.left = FXFT_Get_Face_xMin(m_Face);
- bbox.bottom = FXFT_Get_Face_yMax(m_Face);
- = FXFT_Get_Face_yMin(m_Face);
- bbox.right = FXFT_Get_Face_xMax(m_Face);
- } else {
- bbox.left = FXFT_Get_Face_xMin(m_Face) * 1000 / em;
- = FXFT_Get_Face_yMin(m_Face) * 1000 / em;
- bbox.right = FXFT_Get_Face_xMax(m_Face) * 1000 / em;
- bbox.bottom = FXFT_Get_Face_yMax(m_Face) * 1000 / em;
- }
- return true;
-CFX_FaceCache* CFX_Font::GetFaceCache() const {
- if (!m_FaceCache)
- m_FaceCache = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache()->GetCachedFace(this);
- return m_FaceCache.Get();
-void CFX_Font::ClearFaceCache() {
- if (!m_FaceCache)
- return;
- m_FaceCache = nullptr;
- CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache()->ReleaseCachedFace(this);
-void CFX_Font::AdjustMMParams(int glyph_index,
- int dest_width,
- int weight) const {
- FXFT_MM_Var pMasters = nullptr;
- FXFT_Get_MM_Var(m_Face, &pMasters);
- if (!pMasters)
- return;
- long coords[2];
- if (weight == 0)
- coords[0] = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Def(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 0)) / 65536;
- else
- coords[0] = weight;
- if (dest_width == 0) {
- coords[1] = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Def(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 1)) / 65536;
- } else {
- int min_param = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Min(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 1)) / 65536;
- int max_param = FXFT_Get_MM_Axis_Max(FXFT_Get_MM_Axis(pMasters, 1)) / 65536;
- coords[1] = min_param;
- FXFT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates(m_Face, 2, coords);
- FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index,
- int min_width = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriAdvance(m_Face) * 1000 /
- FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face);
- coords[1] = max_param;
- FXFT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates(m_Face, 2, coords);
- FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index,
- int max_width = FXFT_Get_Glyph_HoriAdvance(m_Face) * 1000 /
- FXFT_Get_Face_UnitsPerEM(m_Face);
- if (max_width == min_width) {
- FXFT_Free(m_Face, pMasters);
- return;
- }
- int param = min_param +
- (max_param - min_param) * (dest_width - min_width) /
- (max_width - min_width);
- coords[1] = param;
- }
- FXFT_Free(m_Face, pMasters);
- FXFT_Set_MM_Design_Coordinates(m_Face, 2, coords);
-CFX_PathData* CFX_Font::LoadGlyphPathImpl(uint32_t glyph_index,
- int dest_width) const {
- if (!m_Face)
- return nullptr;
- FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(m_Face, 0, 64);
- FXFT_Matrix ft_matrix = {65536, 0, 0, 65536};
- if (m_pSubstFont) {
- if (m_pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle) {
- int skew = m_pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle;
- // |skew| is nonpositive so |-skew| is used as the index. We need to make
- // sure |skew| != INT_MIN since -INT_MIN is undefined.
- if (skew <= 0 && skew != std::numeric_limits<int>::min() &&
- static_cast<size_t>(-skew) < kAngleSkewArraySize) {
- skew = -s_AngleSkew[-skew];
- } else {
- skew = -58;
- }
- if (m_bVertical)
- ft_matrix.yx += ft_matrix.yy * skew / 100;
- else
- ft_matrix.xy -= ft_matrix.xx * skew / 100;
- }
- if (m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM)
- AdjustMMParams(glyph_index, dest_width, m_pSubstFont->m_Weight);
- }
- ScopedFontTransform scoped_transform(m_Face, &ft_matrix);
- int load_flags = FXFT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP;
- if (!(m_Face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT) || !FT_IS_TRICKY(m_Face))
- load_flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING;
- if (FXFT_Load_Glyph(m_Face, glyph_index, load_flags))
- return nullptr;
- if (m_pSubstFont && !(m_pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags & FXFONT_SUBST_MM) &&
- m_pSubstFont->m_Weight > 400) {
- uint32_t index = (m_pSubstFont->m_Weight - 400) / 10;
- index = std::min(index, static_cast<uint32_t>(kWeightPowArraySize - 1));
- int level = 0;
- if (m_pSubstFont->m_Charset == FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS)
- level = s_WeightPow_SHIFTJIS[index] * 2 * 65536 / 36655;
- else
- level = s_WeightPow[index] * 2;
- FXFT_Outline_Embolden(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face), level);
- }
- FXFT_Outline_Funcs funcs;
- funcs.move_to = Outline_MoveTo;
- funcs.line_to = Outline_LineTo;
- funcs.conic_to = Outline_ConicTo;
- funcs.cubic_to = Outline_CubicTo;
- funcs.shift = 0;
- = 0;
- auto pPath = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_PathData>();
- params.m_pPath = pPath.get();
- params.m_CurX = params.m_CurY = 0;
- params.m_CoordUnit = 64 * 64.0;
- FXFT_Outline_Decompose(FXFT_Get_Glyph_Outline(m_Face), &funcs, &params);
- if (pPath->GetPoints().empty())
- return nullptr;
- Outline_CheckEmptyContour(&params);
- pPath->ClosePath();
- return pPath.release();
-const CFX_GlyphBitmap* CFX_Font::LoadGlyphBitmap(uint32_t glyph_index,
- bool bFontStyle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- int dest_width,
- int anti_alias,
- int& text_flags) const {
- return GetFaceCache()->LoadGlyphBitmap(this, glyph_index, bFontStyle, pMatrix,
- dest_width, anti_alias, text_flags);
-const CFX_PathData* CFX_Font::LoadGlyphPath(uint32_t glyph_index,
- int dest_width) const {
- return GetFaceCache()->LoadGlyphPath(this, glyph_index, dest_width);
-CFX_TypeFace* CFX_Font::GetDeviceCache() const {
- return GetFaceCache()->GetDeviceCache(this);
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontcache.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontcache.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ccac8cfbc..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontcache.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontcache.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_facecache.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-CFX_FontCache::CountedFaceCache::CountedFaceCache() {}
-CFX_FontCache::CountedFaceCache::~CountedFaceCache() {}
-CFX_FontCache::CFX_FontCache() {}
-CFX_FontCache::~CFX_FontCache() {
- ASSERT(m_ExtFaceMap.empty());
- ASSERT(m_FTFaceMap.empty());
-CFX_FaceCache* CFX_FontCache::GetCachedFace(const CFX_Font* pFont) {
- FXFT_Face face = pFont->GetFace();
- const bool bExternal = !face;
- CFX_FTCacheMap& map = bExternal ? m_ExtFaceMap : m_FTFaceMap;
- auto it = map.find(face);
- if (it != map.end()) {
- CountedFaceCache* counted_face_cache = it->second.get();
- counted_face_cache->m_nCount++;
- return counted_face_cache->m_Obj.get();
- }
- auto counted_face_cache = pdfium::MakeUnique<CountedFaceCache>();
- counted_face_cache->m_nCount = 2;
- auto new_cache =
- pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_FaceCache>(bExternal ? nullptr : face);
- CFX_FaceCache* face_cache = new_cache.get();
- counted_face_cache->m_Obj = std::move(new_cache);
- map[face] = std::move(counted_face_cache);
- return face_cache;
-#ifdef _SKIA_SUPPORT_
-CFX_TypeFace* CFX_FontCache::GetDeviceCache(const CFX_Font* pFont) {
- return GetCachedFace(pFont)->GetDeviceCache(pFont);
-void CFX_FontCache::ReleaseCachedFace(const CFX_Font* pFont) {
- FXFT_Face face = pFont->GetFace();
- const bool bExternal = !face;
- CFX_FTCacheMap& map = bExternal ? m_ExtFaceMap : m_FTFaceMap;
- auto it = map.find(face);
- if (it == map.end())
- return;
- CountedFaceCache* counted_face_cache = it->second.get();
- if (counted_face_cache->m_nCount > 2) {
- counted_face_cache->m_nCount--;
- } else {
- map.erase(it);
- }
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontmapper.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontmapper.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4ceaac59..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontmapper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_systemfontinfo.h"
-#include "third_party/base/stl_util.h"
-#define FX_FONT_STYLE_None 0x00
-#define FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold 0x01
-#define FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic 0x02
-#define FX_FONT_STYLE_BoldBold 0x04
-namespace {
-const int kNumStandardFonts = 14;
-const char* const g_Base14FontNames[kNumStandardFonts] = {
- "Courier",
- "Courier-Bold",
- "Courier-BoldOblique",
- "Courier-Oblique",
- "Helvetica",
- "Helvetica-Bold",
- "Helvetica-BoldOblique",
- "Helvetica-Oblique",
- "Times-Roman",
- "Times-Bold",
- "Times-BoldItalic",
- "Times-Italic",
- "Symbol",
- "ZapfDingbats",
-const struct AltFontName {
- const char* m_pName;
- int m_Index;
-} g_AltFontNames[] = {
- {"Arial", 4},
- {"Arial,Bold", 5},
- {"Arial,BoldItalic", 6},
- {"Arial,Italic", 7},
- {"Arial-Bold", 5},
- {"Arial-BoldItalic", 6},
- {"Arial-BoldItalicMT", 6},
- {"Arial-BoldMT", 5},
- {"Arial-Italic", 7},
- {"Arial-ItalicMT", 7},
- {"ArialBold", 5},
- {"ArialBoldItalic", 6},
- {"ArialItalic", 7},
- {"ArialMT", 4},
- {"ArialMT,Bold", 5},
- {"ArialMT,BoldItalic", 6},
- {"ArialMT,Italic", 7},
- {"ArialRoundedMTBold", 5},
- {"Courier", 0},
- {"Courier,Bold", 1},
- {"Courier,BoldItalic", 2},
- {"Courier,Italic", 3},
- {"Courier-Bold", 1},
- {"Courier-BoldOblique", 2},
- {"Courier-Oblique", 3},
- {"CourierBold", 1},
- {"CourierBoldItalic", 2},
- {"CourierItalic", 3},
- {"CourierNew", 0},
- {"CourierNew,Bold", 1},
- {"CourierNew,BoldItalic", 2},
- {"CourierNew,Italic", 3},
- {"CourierNew-Bold", 1},
- {"CourierNew-BoldItalic", 2},
- {"CourierNew-Italic", 3},
- {"CourierNewBold", 1},
- {"CourierNewBoldItalic", 2},
- {"CourierNewItalic", 3},
- {"CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT", 2},
- {"CourierNewPS-BoldMT", 1},
- {"CourierNewPS-ItalicMT", 3},
- {"CourierNewPSMT", 0},
- {"CourierStd", 0},
- {"CourierStd-Bold", 1},
- {"CourierStd-BoldOblique", 2},
- {"CourierStd-Oblique", 3},
- {"Helvetica", 4},
- {"Helvetica,Bold", 5},
- {"Helvetica,BoldItalic", 6},
- {"Helvetica,Italic", 7},
- {"Helvetica-Bold", 5},
- {"Helvetica-BoldItalic", 6},
- {"Helvetica-BoldOblique", 6},
- {"Helvetica-Italic", 7},
- {"Helvetica-Oblique", 7},
- {"HelveticaBold", 5},
- {"HelveticaBoldItalic", 6},
- {"HelveticaItalic", 7},
- {"Symbol", 12},
- {"SymbolMT", 12},
- {"Times-Bold", 9},
- {"Times-BoldItalic", 10},
- {"Times-Italic", 11},
- {"Times-Roman", 8},
- {"TimesBold", 9},
- {"TimesBoldItalic", 10},
- {"TimesItalic", 11},
- {"TimesNewRoman", 8},
- {"TimesNewRoman,Bold", 9},
- {"TimesNewRoman,BoldItalic", 10},
- {"TimesNewRoman,Italic", 11},
- {"TimesNewRoman-Bold", 9},
- {"TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic", 10},
- {"TimesNewRoman-Italic", 11},
- {"TimesNewRomanBold", 9},
- {"TimesNewRomanBoldItalic", 10},
- {"TimesNewRomanItalic", 11},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS", 8},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS-Bold", 9},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic", 10},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT", 10},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 9},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS-Italic", 11},
- {"TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT", 11},
- {"TimesNewRomanPSMT", 8},
- {"TimesNewRomanPSMT,Bold", 9},
- {"TimesNewRomanPSMT,BoldItalic", 10},
- {"TimesNewRomanPSMT,Italic", 11},
- {"ZapfDingbats", 13},
-const struct AltFontFamily {
- const char* m_pFontName;
- const char* m_pFontFamily;
-} g_AltFontFamilies[] = {
- {"AGaramondPro", "Adobe Garamond Pro"},
- {"BankGothicBT-Medium", "BankGothic Md BT"},
- {"ForteMT", "Forte"},
-const struct FX_FontStyle {
- const char* style;
- int32_t len;
-} g_FontStyles[] = {
- {"Bold", 4}, {"Italic", 6}, {"BoldItalic", 10}, {"Reg", 3}, {"Regular", 7},
-const struct CODEPAGE_MAP {
- uint16_t codepage;
- uint8_t charset;
-} g_Codepage2CharsetTable[] = {
- {0, 1}, {42, 2}, {437, 254}, {850, 255}, {874, 222},
- {932, 128}, {936, 134}, {949, 129}, {950, 136}, {1250, 238},
- {1251, 204}, {1252, 0}, {1253, 161}, {1254, 162}, {1255, 177},
- {1256, 178}, {1257, 186}, {1258, 163}, {1361, 130}, {10000, 77},
- {10001, 78}, {10002, 81}, {10003, 79}, {10004, 84}, {10005, 83},
- {10006, 85}, {10007, 89}, {10008, 80}, {10021, 87}, {10029, 88},
- {10081, 86},
-int CompareFontFamilyString(const void* key, const void* element) {
- CFX_ByteString str_key((const char*)key);
- const AltFontFamily* family = reinterpret_cast<const AltFontFamily*>(element);
- if (str_key.Find(family->m_pFontName) != -1)
- return 0;
- return FXSYS_stricmp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key), family->m_pFontName);
-int CompareString(const void* key, const void* element) {
- return FXSYS_stricmp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key),
- reinterpret_cast<const AltFontName*>(element)->m_pName);
-CFX_ByteString TT_NormalizeName(const char* family) {
- CFX_ByteString norm(family);
- norm.Remove(' ');
- norm.Remove('-');
- norm.Remove(',');
- int pos = norm.Find('+');
- if (pos > 0)
- norm = norm.Left(pos);
- norm.MakeLower();
- return norm;
-uint8_t GetCharsetFromCodePage(uint16_t codepage) {
- const CODEPAGE_MAP* pEnd =
- g_Codepage2CharsetTable + FX_ArraySize(g_Codepage2CharsetTable);
- const CODEPAGE_MAP* pCharmap =
- std::lower_bound(g_Codepage2CharsetTable, pEnd, codepage,
- [](const CODEPAGE_MAP& charset, uint16_t page) {
- return charset.codepage < page;
- });
- if (pCharmap < pEnd && codepage == pCharmap->codepage)
- return pCharmap->charset;
- return FX_CHARSET_Default;
-CFX_ByteString GetFontFamily(CFX_ByteString fontName, int nStyle) {
- if (fontName.Find("Script") >= 0) {
- if ((nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold) == FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold)
- fontName = "ScriptMTBold";
- else if (fontName.Find("Palace") >= 0)
- fontName = "PalaceScriptMT";
- else if (fontName.Find("French") >= 0)
- fontName = "FrenchScriptMT";
- else if (fontName.Find("FreeStyle") >= 0)
- fontName = "FreeStyleScript";
- return fontName;
- }
- AltFontFamily* found = reinterpret_cast<AltFontFamily*>(bsearch(
- fontName.c_str(), g_AltFontFamilies, FX_ArraySize(g_AltFontFamilies),
- sizeof(AltFontFamily), CompareFontFamilyString));
- return found ? CFX_ByteString(found->m_pFontFamily) : fontName;
-CFX_ByteString ParseStyle(const char* pStyle, int iLen, int iIndex) {
- std::ostringstream buf;
- if (!iLen || iLen <= iIndex)
- return CFX_ByteString(buf);
- while (iIndex < iLen) {
- if (pStyle[iIndex] == ',')
- break;
- buf << pStyle[iIndex];
- ++iIndex;
- }
- return CFX_ByteString(buf);
-int32_t GetStyleType(const CFX_ByteString& bsStyle, bool bReverse) {
- int32_t iLen = bsStyle.GetLength();
- if (!iLen)
- return -1;
- int iSize = FX_ArraySize(g_FontStyles);
- const FX_FontStyle* pStyle = nullptr;
- for (int i = iSize - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- pStyle = g_FontStyles + i;
- if (!pStyle || pStyle->len > iLen)
- continue;
- if (bReverse) {
- if (bsStyle.Right(pStyle->len).Compare(pStyle->style) == 0)
- return i;
- } else {
- if (bsStyle.Left(pStyle->len).Compare(pStyle->style) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-bool CheckSupportThirdPartFont(CFX_ByteString name, int& PitchFamily) {
- if (name == "MyriadPro") {
- PitchFamily &= ~FXFONT_FF_ROMAN;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void UpdatePitchFamily(uint32_t flags, int& PitchFamily) {
- if (flags & FXFONT_SERIF)
- PitchFamily |= FXFONT_FF_ROMAN;
- if (flags & FXFONT_SCRIPT)
- PitchFamily |= FXFONT_FF_SCRIPT;
- if (flags & FXFONT_FIXED_PITCH)
-} // namespace
-CFX_FontMapper::CFX_FontMapper(CFX_FontMgr* mgr)
- : m_bListLoaded(false), m_pFontMgr(mgr) {
- m_MMFaces[0] = nullptr;
- m_MMFaces[1] = nullptr;
- memset(m_FoxitFaces, 0, sizeof(m_FoxitFaces));
-CFX_FontMapper::~CFX_FontMapper() {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(m_FoxitFaces); ++i) {
- if (m_FoxitFaces[i])
- FXFT_Done_Face(m_FoxitFaces[i]);
- }
- if (m_MMFaces[0])
- FXFT_Done_Face(m_MMFaces[0]);
- if (m_MMFaces[1])
- FXFT_Done_Face(m_MMFaces[1]);
-void CFX_FontMapper::SetSystemFontInfo(
- std::unique_ptr<IFX_SystemFontInfo> pFontInfo) {
- if (!pFontInfo)
- return;
- m_pFontInfo = std::move(pFontInfo);
-CFX_ByteString CFX_FontMapper::GetPSNameFromTT(void* hFont) {
- if (!m_pFontInfo)
- return CFX_ByteString();
- uint32_t size = m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, kTableNAME, nullptr, 0);
- if (!size)
- return CFX_ByteString();
- std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(size);
- uint8_t* buffer_ptr =;
- uint32_t bytes_read =
- m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, kTableNAME, buffer_ptr, size);
- return bytes_read == size ? GetNameFromTT(buffer_ptr, bytes_read, 6)
- : CFX_ByteString();
-void CFX_FontMapper::AddInstalledFont(const CFX_ByteString& name, int charset) {
- if (!m_pFontInfo)
- return;
- m_FaceArray.push_back({name, static_cast<uint32_t>(charset)});
- if (name == m_LastFamily)
- return;
- bool bLocalized = std::any_of(name.begin(), name.end(), [](const char& c) {
- return static_cast<uint8_t>(c) > 0x80;
- });
- if (bLocalized) {
- void* hFont = m_pFontInfo->GetFont(name.c_str());
- if (!hFont) {
- int iExact;
- hFont = m_pFontInfo->MapFont(0, 0, FX_CHARSET_Default, 0, name.c_str(),
- iExact);
- if (!hFont)
- return;
- }
- CFX_ByteString new_name = GetPSNameFromTT(hFont);
- if (!new_name.IsEmpty())
- m_LocalizedTTFonts.push_back(std::make_pair(new_name, name));
- m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont);
- }
- m_InstalledTTFonts.push_back(name);
- m_LastFamily = name;
-void CFX_FontMapper::LoadInstalledFonts() {
- if (!m_pFontInfo || m_bListLoaded)
- return;
- m_pFontInfo->EnumFontList(this);
- m_bListLoaded = true;
-CFX_ByteString CFX_FontMapper::MatchInstalledFonts(
- const CFX_ByteString& norm_name) {
- LoadInstalledFonts();
- int i;
- for (i = pdfium::CollectionSize<int>(m_InstalledTTFonts) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- CFX_ByteString norm1 = TT_NormalizeName(m_InstalledTTFonts[i].c_str());
- if (norm1 == norm_name)
- return m_InstalledTTFonts[i];
- }
- for (i = pdfium::CollectionSize<int>(m_LocalizedTTFonts) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- CFX_ByteString norm1 =
- TT_NormalizeName(m_LocalizedTTFonts[i].first.c_str());
- if (norm1 == norm_name)
- return m_LocalizedTTFonts[i].second;
- }
- return CFX_ByteString();
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMapper::UseInternalSubst(CFX_SubstFont* pSubstFont,
- int iBaseFont,
- int italic_angle,
- int weight,
- int picthfamily) {
- if (iBaseFont < kNumStandardFonts) {
- if (m_FoxitFaces[iBaseFont])
- return m_FoxitFaces[iBaseFont];
- const uint8_t* pFontData = nullptr;
- uint32_t size = 0;
- if (m_pFontMgr->GetBuiltinFont(iBaseFont, &pFontData, &size)) {
- m_FoxitFaces[iBaseFont] = m_pFontMgr->GetFixedFace(pFontData, size, 0);
- return m_FoxitFaces[iBaseFont];
- }
- }
- pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags |= FXFONT_SUBST_MM;
- pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle = italic_angle;
- if (weight)
- pSubstFont->m_Weight = weight;
- if (picthfamily & FXFONT_FF_ROMAN) {
- pSubstFont->m_Weight = pSubstFont->m_Weight * 4 / 5;
- pSubstFont->m_Family = "Chrome Serif";
- if (m_MMFaces[1])
- return m_MMFaces[1];
- const uint8_t* pFontData = nullptr;
- uint32_t size = 0;
- m_pFontMgr->GetBuiltinFont(14, &pFontData, &size);
- m_MMFaces[1] = m_pFontMgr->GetFixedFace(pFontData, size, 0);
- return m_MMFaces[1];
- }
- pSubstFont->m_Family = "Chrome Sans";
- if (m_MMFaces[0])
- return m_MMFaces[0];
- const uint8_t* pFontData = nullptr;
- uint32_t size = 0;
- m_pFontMgr->GetBuiltinFont(15, &pFontData, &size);
- m_MMFaces[0] = m_pFontMgr->GetFixedFace(pFontData, size, 0);
- return m_MMFaces[0];
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMapper::FindSubstFont(const CFX_ByteString& name,
- bool bTrueType,
- uint32_t flags,
- int weight,
- int italic_angle,
- int WindowCP,
- CFX_SubstFont* pSubstFont) {
- if (!(flags & FXFONT_USEEXTERNATTR)) {
- weight = FXFONT_FW_NORMAL;
- italic_angle = 0;
- }
- CFX_ByteString SubstName = name;
- SubstName.Remove(' ');
- if (bTrueType && name[0] == '@')
- SubstName = name.Mid(1);
- PDF_GetStandardFontName(&SubstName);
- if (SubstName == "Symbol" && !bTrueType) {
- pSubstFont->m_Family = "Chrome Symbol";
- pSubstFont->m_Charset = FX_CHARSET_Symbol;
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, 12, italic_angle, weight, 0);
- }
- if (SubstName == "ZapfDingbats") {
- pSubstFont->m_Family = "Chrome Dingbats";
- pSubstFont->m_Charset = FX_CHARSET_Symbol;
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, 13, italic_angle, weight, 0);
- }
- int iBaseFont = 0;
- CFX_ByteString family;
- CFX_ByteString style;
- bool bHasComma = false;
- bool bHasHyphen = false;
- int find = SubstName.Find(",", 0);
- if (find >= 0) {
- family = SubstName.Left(find);
- PDF_GetStandardFontName(&family);
- style = SubstName.Mid(find + 1);
- bHasComma = true;
- } else {
- family = SubstName;
- }
- for (; iBaseFont < 12; iBaseFont++) {
- if (family == CFX_ByteStringC(g_Base14FontNames[iBaseFont]))
- break;
- }
- int PitchFamily = 0;
- bool bItalic = false;
- uint32_t nStyle = 0;
- bool bStyleAvail = false;
- if (iBaseFont < 12) {
- if ((iBaseFont % 4) == 1 || (iBaseFont % 4) == 2)
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold;
- if ((iBaseFont % 4) / 2)
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic;
- if (iBaseFont < 4)
- if (iBaseFont >= 8)
- PitchFamily |= FXFONT_FF_ROMAN;
- } else {
- iBaseFont = kNumStandardFonts;
- if (!bHasComma) {
- find = family.ReverseFind('-');
- if (find >= 0) {
- style = family.Mid(find + 1);
- family = family.Left(find);
- bHasHyphen = true;
- }
- }
- if (!bHasHyphen) {
- int nLen = family.GetLength();
- int32_t nRet = GetStyleType(family, true);
- if (nRet > -1) {
- family = family.Left(nLen - g_FontStyles[nRet].len);
- if (nRet == 0)
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold;
- else if (nRet == 1)
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic;
- else if (nRet == 2)
- nStyle |= (FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold | FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic);
- }
- }
- UpdatePitchFamily(flags, PitchFamily);
- }
- if (!style.IsEmpty()) {
- int nLen = style.GetLength();
- const char* pStyle = style.c_str();
- int i = 0;
- bool bFirstItem = true;
- CFX_ByteString buf;
- while (i < nLen) {
- buf = ParseStyle(pStyle, nLen, i);
- int32_t nRet = GetStyleType(buf, false);
- if ((i && !bStyleAvail) || (!i && nRet < 0)) {
- family = SubstName;
- iBaseFont = kNumStandardFonts;
- break;
- }
- if (nRet >= 0) {
- bStyleAvail = true;
- }
- if (nRet == 1) {
- if (bFirstItem) {
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic;
- } else {
- family = SubstName;
- iBaseFont = kNumStandardFonts;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (nRet == 0) {
- if (nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold)
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_BoldBold;
- else
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold;
- bFirstItem = false;
- } else if (nRet == 2) {
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic;
- if (nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold)
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_BoldBold;
- else
- nStyle |= FX_FONT_STYLE_Bold;
- bFirstItem = false;
- }
- i += buf.GetLength() + 1;
- }
- }
- weight = weight ? weight : FXFONT_FW_NORMAL;
- int old_weight = weight;
- if (nStyle) {
- weight =
- nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_BoldBold
- ? 900
- }
- if (nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic)
- bItalic = true;
- int iExact = 0;
- int Charset = FX_CHARSET_ANSI;
- if (WindowCP)
- Charset = GetCharsetFromCodePage(WindowCP);
- else if (iBaseFont == kNumStandardFonts && (flags & FXFONT_SYMBOLIC))
- Charset = FX_CHARSET_Symbol;
- bool bCJK = (Charset == FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS ||
- Charset == FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified ||
- Charset == FX_CHARSET_Hangul ||
- Charset == FX_CHARSET_ChineseTraditional);
- if (!m_pFontInfo) {
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, iBaseFont, italic_angle, old_weight,
- PitchFamily);
- }
- family = GetFontFamily(family, nStyle);
- CFX_ByteString match = MatchInstalledFonts(TT_NormalizeName(family.c_str()));
- if (match.IsEmpty() && family != SubstName &&
- (!bHasComma && (!bHasHyphen || (bHasHyphen && !bStyleAvail)))) {
- match = MatchInstalledFonts(TT_NormalizeName(SubstName.c_str()));
- }
- if (match.IsEmpty() && iBaseFont >= kNumStandardFonts) {
- if (!bCJK) {
- if (!CheckSupportThirdPartFont(family, PitchFamily)) {
- bItalic = italic_angle != 0;
- weight = old_weight;
- }
- if (SubstName.Find("Narrow") > 0 || SubstName.Find("Condensed") > 0)
- family = "LiberationSansNarrow";
- if (family.Find("Narrow") > 0 || family.Find("Condensed") > 0)
- family = "RobotoCondensed";
- if (family.Find("Narrow") > 0 || family.Find("Condensed") > 0)
- family = "ArialNarrow";
- } else {
- pSubstFont->m_bSubstCJK = true;
- if (nStyle)
- pSubstFont->m_WeightCJK = nStyle ? weight : FXFONT_FW_NORMAL;
- if (nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_Italic)
- pSubstFont->m_bItalicCJK = true;
- }
- } else {
- italic_angle = 0;
- weight =
- nStyle & FX_FONT_STYLE_BoldBold
- ? 900
- }
- if (!match.IsEmpty() || iBaseFont < kNumStandardFonts) {
- if (!match.IsEmpty())
- family = match;
- if (iBaseFont < kNumStandardFonts) {
- if (nStyle && !(iBaseFont % 4)) {
- if ((nStyle & 0x3) == 1)
- iBaseFont += 1;
- if ((nStyle & 0x3) == 2)
- iBaseFont += 3;
- if ((nStyle & 0x3) == 3)
- iBaseFont += 2;
- }
- family = g_Base14FontNames[iBaseFont];
- }
- } else {
- if (flags & FXFONT_ITALIC)
- bItalic = true;
- }
- iExact = !match.IsEmpty();
- void* hFont = m_pFontInfo->MapFont(weight, bItalic, Charset, PitchFamily,
- family.c_str(), iExact);
- if (iExact)
- pSubstFont->m_SubstFlags |= FXFONT_SUBST_EXACT;
- if (!hFont) {
- if (flags & FXFONT_EXACTMATCH)
- return nullptr;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
- if (bCJK) {
- bItalic = italic_angle != 0;
- weight = old_weight;
- }
- if (!match.IsEmpty()) {
- hFont = m_pFontInfo->GetFont(match.c_str());
- if (!hFont) {
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, iBaseFont, italic_angle, old_weight,
- PitchFamily);
- }
- } else {
- if (Charset == FX_CHARSET_Symbol) {
- if (SubstName == "Symbol") {
- pSubstFont->m_Family = "Chrome Symbol";
- pSubstFont->m_Charset = FX_CHARSET_Symbol;
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, 12, italic_angle, old_weight,
- PitchFamily);
- }
- return FindSubstFont(family, bTrueType, flags & ~FXFONT_SYMBOLIC,
- weight, italic_angle, 0, pSubstFont);
- }
- if (Charset == FX_CHARSET_ANSI) {
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, iBaseFont, italic_angle, old_weight,
- PitchFamily);
- }
- auto it =
- std::find_if(m_FaceArray.begin(), m_FaceArray.end(),
- [Charset](const FaceData& face) {
- return face.charset == static_cast<uint32_t>(Charset);
- });
- if (it == m_FaceArray.end()) {
- return UseInternalSubst(pSubstFont, iBaseFont, italic_angle, old_weight,
- PitchFamily);
- }
- hFont = m_pFontInfo->GetFont(it->name.c_str());
- }
- }
- if (!hFont)
- return nullptr;
- m_pFontInfo->GetFaceName(hFont, &SubstName);
- if (Charset == FX_CHARSET_Default)
- m_pFontInfo->GetFontCharset(hFont, &Charset);
- uint32_t ttc_size = m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, kTableTTCF, nullptr, 0);
- uint32_t font_size = m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, 0, nullptr, 0);
- if (font_size == 0 && ttc_size == 0) {
- m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont);
- return nullptr;
- }
- FXFT_Face face = nullptr;
- if (ttc_size)
- face = GetCachedTTCFace(hFont, kTableTTCF, ttc_size, font_size);
- else
- face = GetCachedFace(hFont, SubstName, weight, bItalic, font_size);
- if (!face) {
- m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont);
- return nullptr;
- }
- pSubstFont->m_Family = SubstName;
- pSubstFont->m_Charset = Charset;
- bool bNeedUpdateWeight = false;
- if (FXFT_Is_Face_Bold(face))
- bNeedUpdateWeight = weight != FXFONT_FW_BOLD;
- else
- bNeedUpdateWeight = weight != FXFONT_FW_NORMAL;
- if (bNeedUpdateWeight)
- pSubstFont->m_Weight = weight;
- if (bItalic && !FXFT_Is_Face_Italic(face)) {
- if (italic_angle == 0)
- italic_angle = -12;
- else if (abs(italic_angle) < 5)
- italic_angle = 0;
- pSubstFont->m_ItalicAngle = italic_angle;
- }
- m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont);
- return face;
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMapper::FindSubstFontByUnicode(uint32_t dwUnicode,
- uint32_t flags,
- int weight,
- int italic_angle) {
- if (!m_pFontInfo)
- return nullptr;
- bool bItalic = (flags & FXFONT_ITALIC) != 0;
- int PitchFamily = 0;
- UpdatePitchFamily(flags, PitchFamily);
- void* hFont =
- m_pFontInfo->MapFontByUnicode(dwUnicode, weight, bItalic, PitchFamily);
- if (!hFont)
- return nullptr;
- uint32_t ttc_size = m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, 0x74746366, nullptr, 0);
- uint32_t font_size = m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, 0, nullptr, 0);
- if (font_size == 0 && ttc_size == 0) {
- m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont);
- return nullptr;
- }
- FXFT_Face face = nullptr;
- if (ttc_size) {
- face = GetCachedTTCFace(hFont, 0x74746366, ttc_size, font_size);
- } else {
- CFX_ByteString SubstName;
- m_pFontInfo->GetFaceName(hFont, &SubstName);
- face = GetCachedFace(hFont, SubstName, weight, bItalic, font_size);
- }
- m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont);
- return face;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
-int CFX_FontMapper::GetFaceSize() const {
- return pdfium::CollectionSize<int>(m_FaceArray);
-bool CFX_FontMapper::IsBuiltinFace(const FXFT_Face face) const {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < MM_FACE_COUNT; ++i) {
- if (m_MMFaces[i] == face)
- return true;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FOXIT_FACE_COUNT; ++i) {
- if (m_FoxitFaces[i] == face)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMapper::GetCachedTTCFace(void* hFont,
- const uint32_t tableTTCF,
- uint32_t ttc_size,
- uint32_t font_size) {
- FXFT_Face face;
- uint8_t buffer[1024];
- m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, tableTTCF, buffer, FX_ArraySize(buffer));
- uint32_t* pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer);
- uint32_t checksum = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- checksum += pBuffer[i];
- uint8_t* pFontData;
- face = m_pFontMgr->GetCachedTTCFace(ttc_size, checksum, ttc_size - font_size,
- pFontData);
- if (!face) {
- pFontData = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, ttc_size);
- m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, tableTTCF, pFontData, ttc_size);
- face = m_pFontMgr->AddCachedTTCFace(ttc_size, checksum, pFontData, ttc_size,
- ttc_size - font_size);
- }
- return face;
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMapper::GetCachedFace(void* hFont,
- CFX_ByteString SubstName,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- uint32_t font_size) {
- FXFT_Face face;
- uint8_t* pFontData;
- face = m_pFontMgr->GetCachedFace(SubstName, weight, bItalic, pFontData);
- if (!face) {
- pFontData = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, font_size);
- m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, 0, pFontData, font_size);
- face =
- m_pFontMgr->AddCachedFace(SubstName, weight, bItalic, pFontData,
- font_size, m_pFontInfo->GetFaceIndex(hFont));
- }
- return face;
-int PDF_GetStandardFontName(CFX_ByteString* name) {
- AltFontName* found = static_cast<AltFontName*>(
- bsearch(name->c_str(), g_AltFontNames, FX_ArraySize(g_AltFontNames),
- sizeof(AltFontName), CompareString));
- if (!found)
- return -1;
- *name = g_Base14FontNames[found->m_Index];
- return found->m_Index;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontmgr.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontmgr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ec184ae266..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_fontmgr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fontdata/chromefontdata/chromefontdata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_systemfontinfo.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-namespace {
-struct BuiltinFont {
- const uint8_t* m_pFontData;
- uint32_t m_dwSize;
-const BuiltinFont g_FoxitFonts[14] = {
- {g_FoxitFixedFontData, 17597},
- {g_FoxitFixedBoldFontData, 18055},
- {g_FoxitFixedBoldItalicFontData, 19151},
- {g_FoxitFixedItalicFontData, 18746},
- {g_FoxitSansFontData, 15025},
- {g_FoxitSansBoldFontData, 16344},
- {g_FoxitSansBoldItalicFontData, 16418},
- {g_FoxitSansItalicFontData, 16339},
- {g_FoxitSerifFontData, 19469},
- {g_FoxitSerifBoldFontData, 19395},
- {g_FoxitSerifBoldItalicFontData, 20733},
- {g_FoxitSerifItalicFontData, 21227},
- {g_FoxitSymbolFontData, 16729},
- {g_FoxitDingbatsFontData, 29513},
-const BuiltinFont g_MMFonts[2] = {
- {g_FoxitSerifMMFontData, 113417},
- {g_FoxitSansMMFontData, 66919},
-CFX_ByteString KeyNameFromFace(const CFX_ByteString& face_name,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic) {
- CFX_ByteString key(face_name);
- key += ',';
- key += CFX_ByteString::FormatInteger(weight);
- key += bItalic ? 'I' : 'N';
- return key;
-CFX_ByteString KeyNameFromSize(int ttc_size, uint32_t checksum) {
- CFX_ByteString key;
- key.Format("%d:%d", ttc_size, checksum);
- return key;
-int GetTTCIndex(const uint8_t* pFontData,
- uint32_t ttc_size,
- uint32_t font_offset) {
- int face_index = 0;
- const uint8_t* p = pFontData + 8;
- uint32_t nfont = GET_TT_LONG(p);
- uint32_t index;
- for (index = 0; index < nfont; index++) {
- p = pFontData + 12 + index * 4;
- if (GET_TT_LONG(p) == font_offset)
- break;
- }
- if (index >= nfont)
- face_index = 0;
- else
- face_index = index;
- return face_index;
-} // namespace
- : m_FTLibrary(nullptr), m_FTLibrarySupportsHinting(false) {
- m_pBuiltinMapper = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_FontMapper>(this);
-CFX_FontMgr::~CFX_FontMgr() {
- // |m_FaceMap| and |m_pBuiltinMapper| reference |m_FTLibrary|, so they must
- // be destroyed first.
- m_FaceMap.clear();
- m_pBuiltinMapper.reset();
- FXFT_Done_FreeType(m_FTLibrary);
-void CFX_FontMgr::InitFTLibrary() {
- if (m_FTLibrary)
- return;
- FXFT_Init_FreeType(&m_FTLibrary);
- m_FTLibrarySupportsHinting =
- FXFT_Library_SetLcdFilter(m_FTLibrary, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT) !=
- FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature;
-void CFX_FontMgr::SetSystemFontInfo(
- std::unique_ptr<IFX_SystemFontInfo> pFontInfo) {
- m_pBuiltinMapper->SetSystemFontInfo(std::move(pFontInfo));
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::FindSubstFont(const CFX_ByteString& face_name,
- bool bTrueType,
- uint32_t flags,
- int weight,
- int italic_angle,
- int CharsetCP,
- CFX_SubstFont* pSubstFont) {
- InitFTLibrary();
- return m_pBuiltinMapper->FindSubstFont(face_name, bTrueType, flags, weight,
- italic_angle, CharsetCP, pSubstFont);
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::GetCachedFace(const CFX_ByteString& face_name,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- uint8_t*& pFontData) {
- auto it = m_FaceMap.find(KeyNameFromFace(face_name, weight, bItalic));
- if (it == m_FaceMap.end())
- return nullptr;
- CTTFontDesc* pFontDesc = it->second.get();
- pFontData = pFontDesc->m_pFontData;
- pFontDesc->m_RefCount++;
- return pFontDesc->m_SingleFace;
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::AddCachedFace(const CFX_ByteString& face_name,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- uint8_t* pData,
- uint32_t size,
- int face_index) {
- auto pFontDesc = pdfium::MakeUnique<CTTFontDesc>();
- pFontDesc->m_Type = 1;
- pFontDesc->m_SingleFace = nullptr;
- pFontDesc->m_pFontData = pData;
- pFontDesc->m_RefCount = 1;
- InitFTLibrary();
- FXFT_Library library = m_FTLibrary;
- int ret = FXFT_New_Memory_Face(library, pData, size, face_index,
- &pFontDesc->m_SingleFace);
- if (ret)
- return nullptr;
- ret = FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFontDesc->m_SingleFace, 64, 64);
- if (ret)
- return nullptr;
- CTTFontDesc* pResult = pFontDesc.get();
- m_FaceMap[KeyNameFromFace(face_name, weight, bItalic)] = std::move(pFontDesc);
- return pResult->m_SingleFace;
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::GetCachedTTCFace(int ttc_size,
- uint32_t checksum,
- int font_offset,
- uint8_t*& pFontData) {
- auto it = m_FaceMap.find(KeyNameFromSize(ttc_size, checksum));
- if (it == m_FaceMap.end())
- return nullptr;
- CTTFontDesc* pFontDesc = it->second.get();
- pFontData = pFontDesc->m_pFontData;
- pFontDesc->m_RefCount++;
- int face_index = GetTTCIndex(pFontDesc->m_pFontData, ttc_size, font_offset);
- if (!pFontDesc->m_TTCFaces[face_index]) {
- pFontDesc->m_TTCFaces[face_index] =
- GetFixedFace(pFontDesc->m_pFontData, ttc_size, face_index);
- }
- return pFontDesc->m_TTCFaces[face_index];
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::AddCachedTTCFace(int ttc_size,
- uint32_t checksum,
- uint8_t* pData,
- uint32_t size,
- int font_offset) {
- auto pFontDesc = pdfium::MakeUnique<CTTFontDesc>();
- pFontDesc->m_Type = 2;
- pFontDesc->m_pFontData = pData;
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- pFontDesc->m_TTCFaces[i] = nullptr;
- pFontDesc->m_RefCount++;
- CTTFontDesc* pResult = pFontDesc.get();
- m_FaceMap[KeyNameFromSize(ttc_size, checksum)] = std::move(pFontDesc);
- int face_index = GetTTCIndex(pResult->m_pFontData, ttc_size, font_offset);
- pResult->m_TTCFaces[face_index] =
- GetFixedFace(pResult->m_pFontData, ttc_size, face_index);
- return pResult->m_TTCFaces[face_index];
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::GetFixedFace(const uint8_t* pData,
- uint32_t size,
- int face_index) {
- InitFTLibrary();
- FXFT_Library library = m_FTLibrary;
- FXFT_Face face = nullptr;
- if (FXFT_New_Memory_Face(library, pData, size, face_index, &face))
- return nullptr;
- return FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 64, 64) ? nullptr : face;
-FXFT_Face CFX_FontMgr::GetFileFace(const char* filename, int face_index) {
- InitFTLibrary();
- FXFT_Library library = m_FTLibrary;
- FXFT_Face face = nullptr;
- if (FXFT_New_Face(library, filename, face_index, &face))
- return nullptr;
- return FXFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 64, 64) ? nullptr : face;
-void CFX_FontMgr::ReleaseFace(FXFT_Face face) {
- if (!face)
- return;
- bool bNeedFaceDone = true;
- auto it = m_FaceMap.begin();
- while (it != m_FaceMap.end()) {
- auto temp = it++;
- int nRet = temp->second->ReleaseFace(face);
- if (nRet == -1)
- continue;
- bNeedFaceDone = false;
- if (nRet == 0)
- m_FaceMap.erase(temp);
- break;
- }
- if (bNeedFaceDone && !m_pBuiltinMapper->IsBuiltinFace(face))
- FXFT_Done_Face(face);
-bool CFX_FontMgr::GetBuiltinFont(size_t index,
- const uint8_t** pFontData,
- uint32_t* size) {
- if (index < FX_ArraySize(g_FoxitFonts)) {
- *pFontData = g_FoxitFonts[index].m_pFontData;
- *size = g_FoxitFonts[index].m_dwSize;
- return true;
- }
- index -= FX_ArraySize(g_FoxitFonts);
- if (index < FX_ArraySize(g_MMFonts)) {
- *pFontData = g_MMFonts[index].m_pFontData;
- *size = g_MMFonts[index].m_dwSize;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_gemodule.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_gemodule.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4516d61e27..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_gemodule.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontcache.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-namespace {
-CFX_GEModule* g_pGEModule = nullptr;
-} // namespace
- : m_pFontMgr(pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_FontMgr>()),
- m_pPlatformData(nullptr),
- m_pUserFontPaths(nullptr) {}
-CFX_GEModule::~CFX_GEModule() {
- DestroyPlatform();
-// static
-CFX_GEModule* CFX_GEModule::Get() {
- if (!g_pGEModule)
- g_pGEModule = new CFX_GEModule();
- return g_pGEModule;
-// static
-void CFX_GEModule::Destroy() {
- ASSERT(g_pGEModule);
- delete g_pGEModule;
- g_pGEModule = nullptr;
-void CFX_GEModule::Init(const char** userFontPaths) {
- ASSERT(g_pGEModule);
- m_pUserFontPaths = userFontPaths;
- InitPlatform();
-CFX_FontCache* CFX_GEModule::GetFontCache() {
- if (!m_pFontCache)
- m_pFontCache = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_FontCache>();
- return m_pFontCache.get();
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_graphstate.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_graphstate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ad6b5fc6c7..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_graphstate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstate.h"
-#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
-CFX_GraphState::CFX_GraphState() {}
-CFX_GraphState::CFX_GraphState(const CFX_GraphState& that)
- : m_Ref(that.m_Ref) {}
-CFX_GraphState::~CFX_GraphState() {}
-void CFX_GraphState::Emplace() {
- m_Ref.Emplace();
-void CFX_GraphState::SetLineDash(CPDF_Array* pArray, float phase, float scale) {
- CFX_GraphStateData* pData = m_Ref.GetPrivateCopy();
- pData->m_DashPhase = phase * scale;
- pData->SetDashCount(static_cast<int>(pArray->GetCount()));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pArray->GetCount(); i++)
- pData->m_DashArray[i] = pArray->GetNumberAt(i) * scale;
-float CFX_GraphState::GetLineWidth() const {
- return m_Ref.GetObject() ? m_Ref.GetObject()->m_LineWidth : 1.f;
-void CFX_GraphState::SetLineWidth(float width) {
- m_Ref.GetPrivateCopy()->m_LineWidth = width;
-CFX_GraphStateData::LineCap CFX_GraphState::GetLineCap() const {
- return m_Ref.GetObject() ? m_Ref.GetObject()->m_LineCap
- : CFX_GraphStateData::LineCapButt;
-void CFX_GraphState::SetLineCap(CFX_GraphStateData::LineCap cap) {
- m_Ref.GetPrivateCopy()->m_LineCap = cap;
-CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoin CFX_GraphState::GetLineJoin() const {
- return m_Ref.GetObject() ? m_Ref.GetObject()->m_LineJoin
- : CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoinMiter;
-void CFX_GraphState::SetLineJoin(CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoin join) {
- m_Ref.GetPrivateCopy()->m_LineJoin = join;
-float CFX_GraphState::GetMiterLimit() const {
- return m_Ref.GetObject() ? m_Ref.GetObject()->m_MiterLimit : 10.f;
-void CFX_GraphState::SetMiterLimit(float limit) {
- m_Ref.GetPrivateCopy()->m_MiterLimit = limit;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_graphstatedata.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_graphstatedata.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 82fede176a..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_graphstatedata.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstatedata.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
- : m_LineCap(LineCapButt),
- m_DashCount(0),
- m_DashArray(nullptr),
- m_DashPhase(0),
- m_LineJoin(LineJoinMiter),
- m_MiterLimit(10 * 1.0f),
- m_LineWidth(1.0f) {}
-CFX_GraphStateData::CFX_GraphStateData(const CFX_GraphStateData& src) {
- m_DashArray = nullptr;
- Copy(src);
-void CFX_GraphStateData::Copy(const CFX_GraphStateData& src) {
- m_LineCap = src.m_LineCap;
- m_DashCount = src.m_DashCount;
- FX_Free(m_DashArray);
- m_DashArray = nullptr;
- m_DashPhase = src.m_DashPhase;
- m_LineJoin = src.m_LineJoin;
- m_MiterLimit = src.m_MiterLimit;
- m_LineWidth = src.m_LineWidth;
- if (m_DashCount) {
- m_DashArray = FX_Alloc(float, m_DashCount);
- memcpy(m_DashArray, src.m_DashArray, m_DashCount * sizeof(float));
- }
-CFX_GraphStateData::~CFX_GraphStateData() {
- FX_Free(m_DashArray);
-void CFX_GraphStateData::SetDashCount(int count) {
- FX_Free(m_DashArray);
- m_DashArray = nullptr;
- m_DashCount = count;
- if (count == 0)
- return;
- m_DashArray = FX_Alloc(float, count);
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_pathdata.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_pathdata.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fe3c6778d5..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_pathdata.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
-#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h"
-namespace {
-void UpdateLineEndPoints(CFX_FloatRect* rect,
- const CFX_PointF& start_pos,
- const CFX_PointF& end_pos,
- float hw) {
- if (start_pos.x == end_pos.x) {
- if (start_pos.y == end_pos.y) {
- rect->UpdateRect(end_pos.x + hw, end_pos.y + hw);
- rect->UpdateRect(end_pos.x - hw, end_pos.y - hw);
- return;
- }
- float point_y;
- if (end_pos.y < start_pos.y)
- point_y = end_pos.y - hw;
- else
- point_y = end_pos.y + hw;
- rect->UpdateRect(end_pos.x + hw, point_y);
- rect->UpdateRect(end_pos.x - hw, point_y);
- return;
- }
- if (start_pos.y == end_pos.y) {
- float point_x;
- if (end_pos.x < start_pos.x)
- point_x = end_pos.x - hw;
- else
- point_x = end_pos.x + hw;
- rect->UpdateRect(point_x, end_pos.y + hw);
- rect->UpdateRect(point_x, end_pos.y - hw);
- return;
- }
- CFX_PointF diff = end_pos - start_pos;
- float ll = FXSYS_sqrt2(diff.x, diff.y);
- float mx = end_pos.x + hw * diff.x / ll;
- float my = end_pos.y + hw * diff.y / ll;
- float dx1 = hw * diff.y / ll;
- float dy1 = hw * diff.x / ll;
- rect->UpdateRect(mx - dx1, my + dy1);
- rect->UpdateRect(mx + dx1, my - dy1);
-void UpdateLineJoinPoints(CFX_FloatRect* rect,
- const CFX_PointF& start_pos,
- const CFX_PointF& mid_pos,
- const CFX_PointF& end_pos,
- float half_width,
- float miter_limit) {
- float start_k = 0;
- float start_c = 0;
- float end_k = 0;
- float end_c = 0;
- float start_len = 0;
- float start_dc = 0;
- float end_len = 0;
- float end_dc = 0;
- float one_twentieth = 1.0f / 20;
- bool bStartVert = fabs(start_pos.x - mid_pos.x) < one_twentieth;
- bool bEndVert = fabs(mid_pos.x - end_pos.x) < one_twentieth;
- if (bStartVert && bEndVert) {
- int start_dir = mid_pos.y > start_pos.y ? 1 : -1;
- float point_y = mid_pos.y + half_width * start_dir;
- rect->UpdateRect(mid_pos.x + half_width, point_y);
- rect->UpdateRect(mid_pos.x - half_width, point_y);
- return;
- }
- if (!bStartVert) {
- CFX_PointF start_to_mid = start_pos - mid_pos;
- start_k = (mid_pos.y - start_pos.y) / (mid_pos.x - start_pos.x);
- start_c = mid_pos.y - (start_k * mid_pos.x);
- start_len = FXSYS_sqrt2(start_to_mid.x, start_to_mid.y);
- start_dc =
- static_cast<float>(fabs(half_width * start_len / start_to_mid.x));
- }
- if (!bEndVert) {
- CFX_PointF end_to_mid = end_pos - mid_pos;
- end_k = end_to_mid.y / end_to_mid.x;
- end_c = mid_pos.y - (end_k * mid_pos.x);
- end_len = FXSYS_sqrt2(end_to_mid.x, end_to_mid.y);
- end_dc = static_cast<float>(fabs(half_width * end_len / end_to_mid.x));
- }
- if (bStartVert) {
- CFX_PointF outside(start_pos.x, 0);
- if (end_pos.x < start_pos.x)
- outside.x += half_width;
- else
- outside.x -= half_width;
- if (start_pos.y < (end_k * start_pos.x) + end_c)
- outside.y = (end_k * outside.x) + end_c + end_dc;
- else
- outside.y = (end_k * outside.x) + end_c - end_dc;
- rect->UpdateRect(outside.x, outside.y);
- return;
- }
- if (bEndVert) {
- CFX_PointF outside(end_pos.x, 0);
- if (start_pos.x < end_pos.x)
- outside.x += half_width;
- else
- outside.x -= half_width;
- if (end_pos.y < (start_k * end_pos.x) + start_c)
- outside.y = (start_k * outside.x) + start_c + start_dc;
- else
- outside.y = (start_k * outside.x) + start_c - start_dc;
- rect->UpdateRect(outside.x, outside.y);
- return;
- }
- if (fabs(start_k - end_k) < one_twentieth) {
- int start_dir = mid_pos.x > start_pos.x ? 1 : -1;
- int end_dir = end_pos.x > mid_pos.x ? 1 : -1;
- if (start_dir == end_dir)
- UpdateLineEndPoints(rect, mid_pos, end_pos, half_width);
- else
- UpdateLineEndPoints(rect, start_pos, mid_pos, half_width);
- return;
- }
- float start_outside_c = start_c;
- if (end_pos.y < (start_k * end_pos.x) + start_c)
- start_outside_c += start_dc;
- else
- start_outside_c -= start_dc;
- float end_outside_c = end_c;
- if (start_pos.y < (end_k * start_pos.x) + end_c)
- end_outside_c += end_dc;
- else
- end_outside_c -= end_dc;
- float join_x = (end_outside_c - start_outside_c) / (start_k - end_k);
- float join_y = start_k * join_x + start_outside_c;
- rect->UpdateRect(join_x, join_y);
-} // namespace
-FX_PATHPOINT::FX_PATHPOINT(const CFX_PointF& point, FXPT_TYPE type, bool close)
- : m_Point(point), m_Type(type), m_CloseFigure(close) {}
-CFX_PathData::CFX_PathData() {}
-CFX_PathData::~CFX_PathData() {}
-CFX_PathData::CFX_PathData(const CFX_PathData& src) : m_Points(src.m_Points) {}
-void CFX_PathData::Clear() {
- m_Points.clear();
-void CFX_PathData::ClosePath() {
- if (m_Points.empty())
- return;
- m_Points.back().m_CloseFigure = true;
-void CFX_PathData::Append(const CFX_PathData* pSrc, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- if (pSrc->m_Points.empty())
- return;
- size_t cur_size = m_Points.size();
- m_Points.insert(m_Points.end(), pSrc->m_Points.begin(), pSrc->m_Points.end());
- if (!pMatrix)
- return;
- for (size_t i = cur_size; i < m_Points.size(); i++)
- m_Points[i].m_Point = pMatrix->Transform(m_Points[i].m_Point);
-void CFX_PathData::AppendPoint(const CFX_PointF& point,
- FXPT_TYPE type,
- bool closeFigure) {
- m_Points.push_back(FX_PATHPOINT(point, type, closeFigure));
-void CFX_PathData::AppendRect(float left,
- float bottom,
- float right,
- float top) {
- m_Points.push_back(
- FX_PATHPOINT(CFX_PointF(left, bottom), FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false));
- m_Points.push_back(
- FX_PATHPOINT(CFX_PointF(left, top), FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false));
- m_Points.push_back(
- FX_PATHPOINT(CFX_PointF(right, top), FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false));
- m_Points.push_back(
- FX_PATHPOINT(CFX_PointF(right, bottom), FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false));
- m_Points.push_back(
- FX_PATHPOINT(CFX_PointF(left, bottom), FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, true));
-CFX_FloatRect CFX_PathData::GetBoundingBox() const {
- if (m_Points.empty())
- return CFX_FloatRect();
- CFX_FloatRect rect;
- rect.InitRect(m_Points[0].m_Point.x, m_Points[0].m_Point.y);
- for (size_t i = 1; i < m_Points.size(); i++)
- rect.UpdateRect(m_Points[i].m_Point.x, m_Points[i].m_Point.y);
- return rect;
-CFX_FloatRect CFX_PathData::GetBoundingBox(float line_width,
- float miter_limit) const {
- CFX_FloatRect rect(100000.0f, 100000.0f, -100000.0f, -100000.0f);
- size_t iPoint = 0;
- float half_width = line_width;
- int iStartPoint = 0;
- int iEndPoint = 0;
- int iMiddlePoint = 0;
- bool bJoin;
- while (iPoint < m_Points.size()) {
- if (m_Points[iPoint].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo)) {
- if (iPoint + 1 == m_Points.size())
- break;
- iStartPoint = iPoint + 1;
- iEndPoint = iPoint;
- bJoin = false;
- } else {
- if (m_Points[iPoint].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo)) {
- rect.UpdateRect(m_Points[iPoint].m_Point.x, m_Points[iPoint].m_Point.y);
- rect.UpdateRect(m_Points[iPoint + 1].m_Point.x,
- m_Points[iPoint + 1].m_Point.y);
- iPoint += 2;
- }
- if (iPoint == m_Points.size() - 1 ||
- m_Points[iPoint + 1].IsTypeAndOpen(FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo)) {
- iStartPoint = iPoint - 1;
- iEndPoint = iPoint;
- bJoin = false;
- } else {
- iStartPoint = iPoint - 1;
- iMiddlePoint = iPoint;
- iEndPoint = iPoint + 1;
- bJoin = true;
- }
- }
- CFX_PointF start_pos = m_Points[iStartPoint].m_Point;
- CFX_PointF end_pos = m_Points[iEndPoint].m_Point;
- if (bJoin) {
- CFX_PointF mid_pos = m_Points[iMiddlePoint].m_Point;
- UpdateLineJoinPoints(&rect, start_pos, mid_pos, end_pos, half_width,
- miter_limit);
- } else {
- UpdateLineEndPoints(&rect, start_pos, end_pos, half_width);
- }
- iPoint++;
- }
- return rect;
-void CFX_PathData::Transform(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- if (!pMatrix)
- return;
- for (auto& point : m_Points)
- point.m_Point = pMatrix->Transform(point.m_Point);
-bool CFX_PathData::GetZeroAreaPath(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- bool bAdjust,
- CFX_PathData* NewPath,
- bool* bThin,
- bool* setIdentity) const {
- *setIdentity = false;
- if (m_Points.size() < 3)
- return false;
- if (m_Points.size() == 3 && m_Points[0].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo &&
- m_Points[1].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo &&
- m_Points[2].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo &&
- m_Points[0].m_Point == m_Points[2].m_Point) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- CFX_PointF point = m_Points[i].m_Point;
- if (bAdjust) {
- if (pMatrix)
- point = pMatrix->Transform(point);
- point = CFX_PointF(static_cast<int>(point.x) + 0.5f,
- static_cast<int>(point.y) + 0.5f);
- }
- NewPath->AppendPoint(
- point, i == 0 ? FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo : FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
- }
- if (bAdjust && pMatrix)
- *setIdentity = true;
- // Note, they both have to be not equal.
- if (m_Points[0].m_Point.x != m_Points[1].m_Point.x &&
- m_Points[0].m_Point.y != m_Points[1].m_Point.y) {
- *bThin = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (((m_Points.size() > 3) && (m_Points.size() % 2))) {
- int mid = m_Points.size() / 2;
- bool bZeroArea = false;
- CFX_PathData t_path;
- for (int i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
- if (!(m_Points[mid - i - 1].m_Point == m_Points[mid + i + 1].m_Point &&
- m_Points[mid - i - 1].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo &&
- m_Points[mid + i + 1].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo)) {
- bZeroArea = true;
- break;
- }
- t_path.AppendPoint(m_Points[mid - i].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
- t_path.AppendPoint(m_Points[mid - i - 1].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo,
- false);
- }
- if (!bZeroArea) {
- NewPath->Append(&t_path, nullptr);
- *bThin = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- int startPoint = 0;
- int next = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Points.size(); i++) {
- FXPT_TYPE point_type = m_Points[i].m_Type;
- if (point_type == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo) {
- startPoint = i;
- } else if (point_type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo) {
- next = (i + 1 - startPoint) % (m_Points.size() - startPoint) + startPoint;
- if (m_Points[next].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo &&
- m_Points[next].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo) {
- if ((m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.x == m_Points[i].m_Point.x &&
- m_Points[i].m_Point.x == m_Points[next].m_Point.x) &&
- ((m_Points[i].m_Point.y - m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.y) *
- (m_Points[i].m_Point.y - m_Points[next].m_Point.y) >
- 0)) {
- int pre = i;
- if (fabs(m_Points[i].m_Point.y - m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.y) <
- fabs(m_Points[i].m_Point.y - m_Points[next].m_Point.y)) {
- pre--;
- next--;
- }
- NewPath->AppendPoint(m_Points[pre].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
- NewPath->AppendPoint(m_Points[next].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo,
- false);
- } else if ((m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.y == m_Points[i].m_Point.y &&
- m_Points[i].m_Point.y == m_Points[next].m_Point.y) &&
- ((m_Points[i].m_Point.x - m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.x) *
- (m_Points[i].m_Point.x - m_Points[next].m_Point.x) >
- 0)) {
- int pre = i;
- if (fabs(m_Points[i].m_Point.x - m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.x) <
- fabs(m_Points[i].m_Point.x - m_Points[next].m_Point.x)) {
- pre--;
- next--;
- }
- NewPath->AppendPoint(m_Points[pre].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
- NewPath->AppendPoint(m_Points[next].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo,
- false);
- } else if (m_Points[i - 1].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo &&
- m_Points[next].m_Type == FXPT_TYPE::LineTo &&
- m_Points[i - 1].m_Point == m_Points[next].m_Point &&
- m_Points[next].m_CloseFigure) {
- NewPath->AppendPoint(m_Points[i - 1].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo,
- false);
- NewPath->AppendPoint(m_Points[i].m_Point, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
- *bThin = true;
- }
- }
- } else if (point_type == FXPT_TYPE::BezierTo) {
- i += 2;
- continue;
- }
- }
- size_t new_path_size = NewPath->GetPoints().size();
- if (m_Points.size() > 3 && new_path_size > 0)
- *bThin = true;
- return new_path_size != 0;
-bool CFX_PathData::IsRect() const {
- if (m_Points.size() != 5 && m_Points.size() != 4)
- return false;
- if ((m_Points.size() == 5 && m_Points[0].m_Point != m_Points[4].m_Point) ||
- m_Points[0].m_Point == m_Points[2].m_Point ||
- m_Points[1].m_Point == m_Points[3].m_Point) {
- return false;
- }
- // Note, both x,y have to not equal.
- if (m_Points[0].m_Point.x != m_Points[3].m_Point.x &&
- m_Points[0].m_Point.y != m_Points[3].m_Point.y) {
- return false;
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- if (m_Points[i].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::LineTo)
- return false;
- // Note, both x,y have to not equal.
- if (m_Points[i].m_Point.x != m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.x &&
- m_Points[i].m_Point.y != m_Points[i - 1].m_Point.y) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return m_Points.size() == 5 || m_Points[3].m_CloseFigure;
-bool CFX_PathData::IsRect(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- CFX_FloatRect* pRect) const {
- if (!pMatrix) {
- if (!IsRect())
- return false;
- if (pRect) {
- pRect->left = m_Points[0].m_Point.x;
- pRect->right = m_Points[2].m_Point.x;
- pRect->bottom = m_Points[0].m_Point.y;
- pRect->top = m_Points[2].m_Point.y;
- pRect->Normalize();
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (m_Points.size() != 5 && m_Points.size() != 4)
- return false;
- if ((m_Points.size() == 5 && m_Points[0].m_Point != m_Points[4].m_Point) ||
- m_Points[1].m_Point == m_Points[3].m_Point) {
- return false;
- }
- // Note, both x,y not equal.
- if (m_Points.size() == 4 && m_Points[0].m_Point.x != m_Points[3].m_Point.x &&
- m_Points[0].m_Point.y != m_Points[3].m_Point.y) {
- return false;
- }
- CFX_PointF points[5];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Points.size(); i++) {
- points[i] = pMatrix->Transform(m_Points[i].m_Point);
- if (i == 0)
- continue;
- if (m_Points[i].m_Type != FXPT_TYPE::LineTo)
- return false;
- if (points[i].x != points[i - 1].x && points[i].y != points[i - 1].y)
- return false;
- }
- if (pRect) {
- pRect->left = points[0].x;
- pRect->right = points[2].x;
- pRect->bottom = points[0].y;
- pRect->top = points[2].y;
- pRect->Normalize();
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c974439a..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1135 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_defaultrenderdevice.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_facecache.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstatedata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_imagerenderer.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_renderdevicedriver.h"
-#if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ || defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypes.h"
-namespace {
-void AdjustGlyphSpace(std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS>* pGlyphAndPos) {
- ASSERT(pGlyphAndPos->size() > 1);
- std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS>& glyphs = *pGlyphAndPos;
- bool bVertical = glyphs.back().m_Origin.x == glyphs.front().m_Origin.x;
- if (!bVertical && (glyphs.back().m_Origin.y != glyphs.front().m_Origin.y))
- return;
- for (size_t i = glyphs.size() - 1; i > 1; --i) {
- FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& next = glyphs[i];
- int next_origin = bVertical ? next.m_Origin.y : next.m_Origin.x;
- float next_origin_f = bVertical ? next.m_fOrigin.y : next.m_fOrigin.x;
- FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& current = glyphs[i - 1];
- int& current_origin = bVertical ? current.m_Origin.y : current.m_Origin.x;
- float current_origin_f =
- bVertical ? current.m_fOrigin.y : current.m_fOrigin.x;
- int space = next_origin - current_origin;
- float space_f = next_origin_f - current_origin_f;
- float error = fabs(space_f) - fabs(static_cast<float>(space));
- if (error > 0.5f)
- current_origin += space > 0 ? -1 : 1;
- }
-const uint8_t g_TextGammaAdjust[256] = {
- 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,
- 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
- 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52,
- 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
- 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
- 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113,
- 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,
- 129, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
- 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 156,
- 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171,
- 172, 173, 174, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,
- 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,
- 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213,
- 214, 215, 216, 217, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227,
- 228, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 239, 240,
- 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254,
- 255,
-int TextGammaAdjust(int value) {
- ASSERT(value >= 0);
- ASSERT(value <= 255);
- return g_TextGammaAdjust[value];
-int CalcAlpha(int src, int alpha) {
- return src * alpha / 255;
-void Merge(uint8_t src, int channel, int alpha, uint8_t* dest) {
- *dest = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest, channel, CalcAlpha(src, alpha));
-void MergeGammaAdjust(uint8_t src, int channel, int alpha, uint8_t* dest) {
- *dest =
- FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest, channel, CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src), alpha));
-void MergeGammaAdjustBgr(const uint8_t* src,
- int r,
- int g,
- int b,
- int a,
- uint8_t* dest) {
- MergeGammaAdjust(src[0], b, a, &dest[0]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src[1], g, a, &dest[1]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src[2], r, a, &dest[2]);
-void MergeGammaAdjustRgb(const uint8_t* src,
- int r,
- int g,
- int b,
- int a,
- uint8_t* dest) {
- MergeGammaAdjust(src[2], b, a, &dest[0]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src[1], g, a, &dest[1]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src[0], r, a, &dest[2]);
-int AverageRgb(const uint8_t* src) {
- return (src[0] + src[1] + src[2]) / 3;
-uint8_t CalculateDestAlpha(uint8_t back_alpha, int src_alpha) {
- return back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255;
-void ApplyDestAlpha(uint8_t back_alpha,
- int src_alpha,
- int r,
- int g,
- int b,
- uint8_t* dest) {
- uint8_t dest_alpha = CalculateDestAlpha(back_alpha, src_alpha);
- int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha;
- dest[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[0], b, alpha_ratio);
- dest[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[1], g, alpha_ratio);
- dest[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[2], r, alpha_ratio);
- dest[3] = dest_alpha;
-void NormalizeRgbDst(int src_value, int r, int g, int b, int a, uint8_t* dest) {
- int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
- dest[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[0], b, src_alpha);
- dest[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[1], g, src_alpha);
- dest[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[2], r, src_alpha);
-void NormalizeRgbSrc(int src_value, int r, int g, int b, int a, uint8_t* dest) {
- int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
- if (src_alpha == 0)
- return;
- dest[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[0], b, src_alpha);
- dest[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[1], g, src_alpha);
- dest[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest[2], r, src_alpha);
-void NormalizeArgbDest(int src_value,
- int r,
- int g,
- int b,
- int a,
- uint8_t* dest) {
- int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
- uint8_t back_alpha = dest[3];
- if (back_alpha == 0) {
- FXARGB_SETDIB(dest, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, r, g, b));
- } else if (src_alpha != 0) {
- ApplyDestAlpha(back_alpha, src_alpha, r, g, b, dest);
- }
-void NormalizeArgbSrc(int src_value,
- int r,
- int g,
- int b,
- int a,
- uint8_t* dest) {
- int src_alpha = CalcAlpha(TextGammaAdjust(src_value), a);
- if (src_alpha == 0)
- return;
- uint8_t back_alpha = dest[3];
- if (back_alpha == 0) {
- FXARGB_SETDIB(dest, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, r, g, b));
- } else {
- ApplyDestAlpha(back_alpha, src_alpha, r, g, b, dest);
- }
-void NextPixel(uint8_t** src_scan, uint8_t** dst_scan, int bpp) {
- *src_scan += 3;
- *dst_scan += bpp;
-void SetAlpha(uint8_t* alpha) {
- alpha[3] = 255;
-void SetAlphaDoNothing(uint8_t* alpha) {}
-void DrawNormalTextHelper(const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& bitmap,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pGlyph,
- int nrows,
- int left,
- int top,
- int start_col,
- int end_col,
- bool bNormal,
- bool bBGRStripe,
- int x_subpixel,
- int a,
- int r,
- int g,
- int b) {
- const bool has_alpha = bitmap->GetFormat() == FXDIB_Argb;
- uint8_t* src_buf = pGlyph->GetBuffer();
- int src_pitch = pGlyph->GetPitch();
- uint8_t* dest_buf = bitmap->GetBuffer();
- int dest_pitch = bitmap->GetPitch();
- const int Bpp = has_alpha ? 4 : bitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
- auto* pNormalizeSrcFunc = has_alpha ? &NormalizeArgbSrc : &NormalizeRgbDst;
- auto* pNormalizeDstFunc = has_alpha ? &NormalizeArgbDest : &NormalizeRgbSrc;
- auto* pSetAlpha = has_alpha ? &SetAlpha : &SetAlphaDoNothing;
- for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
- int dest_row = row + top;
- if (dest_row < 0 || dest_row >= bitmap->GetHeight())
- continue;
- uint8_t* src_scan = src_buf + row * src_pitch + (start_col - left) * 3;
- uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf + dest_row * dest_pitch + start_col * Bpp;
- if (bBGRStripe) {
- if (x_subpixel == 0) {
- for (int col = start_col; col < end_col; col++) {
- if (has_alpha) {
- Merge(src_scan[2], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
- Merge(src_scan[1], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
- Merge(src_scan[0], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- } else {
- MergeGammaAdjustBgr(&src_scan[0], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- }
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- }
- } else if (x_subpixel == 1) {
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[1], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
- if (start_col > left)
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col - 1; col++) {
- MergeGammaAdjustBgr(&src_scan[-1], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- }
- } else {
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
- if (start_col > left) {
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-2], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- }
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col - 1; col++) {
- MergeGammaAdjustBgr(&src_scan[-2], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (x_subpixel == 0) {
- for (int col = start_col; col < end_col; col++) {
- if (bNormal) {
- int src_value = AverageRgb(&src_scan[0]);
- pNormalizeDstFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
- } else {
- MergeGammaAdjustRgb(&src_scan[0], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- }
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- }
- } else if (x_subpixel == 1) {
- if (bNormal) {
- int src_value = start_col > left ? AverageRgb(&src_scan[-1])
- : (src_scan[0] + src_scan[1]) / 3;
- pNormalizeSrcFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
- } else {
- if (start_col > left)
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[1], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- }
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col; col++) {
- if (bNormal) {
- int src_value = AverageRgb(&src_scan[-1]);
- pNormalizeDstFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
- } else {
- MergeGammaAdjustRgb(&src_scan[-1], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- }
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- }
- } else {
- if (bNormal) {
- int src_value =
- start_col > left ? AverageRgb(&src_scan[-2]) : src_scan[0] / 3;
- pNormalizeSrcFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
- } else {
- if (start_col > left) {
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-2], r, a, &dest_scan[2]);
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[-1], g, a, &dest_scan[1]);
- }
- MergeGammaAdjust(src_scan[0], b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- }
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- for (int col = start_col + 1; col < end_col; col++) {
- if (bNormal) {
- int src_value = AverageRgb(&src_scan[-2]);
- pNormalizeDstFunc(src_value, r, g, b, a, dest_scan);
- } else {
- MergeGammaAdjustRgb(&src_scan[-2], r, g, b, a, &dest_scan[0]);
- pSetAlpha(dest_scan);
- }
- NextPixel(&src_scan, &dest_scan, Bpp);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-bool ShouldDrawDeviceText(const CFX_Font* pFont, uint32_t text_flags) {
- if (text_flags & FXFONT_CIDFONT)
- return false;
- const CFX_ByteString bsPsName = pFont->GetPsName();
- if (bsPsName.Find("+ZJHL") != -1)
- return false;
- if (bsPsName == "CNAAJI+cmex10")
- return false;
- return true;
-} // namespace
- : m_GlyphIndex(0),
- m_FontCharWidth(0),
- m_ExtGID(0),
- m_FallbackFontPosition(0),
- m_bGlyphAdjust(false),
- m_bFontStyle(false) {
- : m_pBitmap(nullptr),
- m_Width(0),
- m_Height(0),
- m_bpp(0),
- m_RenderCaps(0),
- m_DeviceClass(0) {}
-CFX_RenderDevice::~CFX_RenderDevice() {
- RestoreState(false);
-#if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ || defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_
- Flush();
-#if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ || defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_
-void CFX_RenderDevice::Flush() {
- m_pDeviceDriver.reset();
-void CFX_RenderDevice::SetDeviceDriver(
- std::unique_ptr<IFX_RenderDeviceDriver> pDriver) {
- m_pDeviceDriver = std::move(pDriver);
- InitDeviceInfo();
-void CFX_RenderDevice::InitDeviceInfo() {
- m_Width = m_pDeviceDriver->GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_PIXEL_WIDTH);
- m_Height = m_pDeviceDriver->GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_PIXEL_HEIGHT);
- m_bpp = m_pDeviceDriver->GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_BITS_PIXEL);
- m_RenderCaps = m_pDeviceDriver->GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_RENDER_CAPS);
- m_DeviceClass = m_pDeviceDriver->GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_DEVICE_CLASS);
- if (!m_pDeviceDriver->GetClipBox(&m_ClipBox)) {
- m_ClipBox.left = 0;
- = 0;
- m_ClipBox.right = m_Width;
- m_ClipBox.bottom = m_Height;
- }
-void CFX_RenderDevice::SaveState() {
- m_pDeviceDriver->SaveState();
-void CFX_RenderDevice::RestoreState(bool bKeepSaved) {
- if (m_pDeviceDriver) {
- m_pDeviceDriver->RestoreState(bKeepSaved);
- UpdateClipBox();
- }
-int CFX_RenderDevice::GetDeviceCaps(int caps_id) const {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->GetDeviceCaps(caps_id);
-CFX_Matrix CFX_RenderDevice::GetCTM() const {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->GetCTM();
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::CreateCompatibleBitmap(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pDIB,
- int width,
- int height) const {
- if (m_RenderCaps & FXRC_CMYK_OUTPUT) {
- return pDIB->Create(width, height, m_RenderCaps & FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT
- ? FXDIB_Cmyka
- : FXDIB_Cmyk);
- }
- if (m_RenderCaps & FXRC_BYTEMASK_OUTPUT)
- return pDIB->Create(width, height, FXDIB_8bppMask);
- return pDIB->Create(width, height, m_RenderCaps & FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT
- ? FXDIB_Argb
- : FXDIB_Rgb32);
- return pDIB->Create(
- width, height, m_RenderCaps & FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT ? FXDIB_Argb : FXDIB_Rgb);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetClip_PathFill(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
- const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
- int fill_mode) {
- if (!m_pDeviceDriver->SetClip_PathFill(pPathData, pObject2Device,
- fill_mode)) {
- return false;
- }
- UpdateClipBox();
- return true;
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetClip_PathStroke(
- const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
- const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
- const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState) {
- if (!m_pDeviceDriver->SetClip_PathStroke(pPathData, pObject2Device,
- pGraphState)) {
- return false;
- }
- UpdateClipBox();
- return true;
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetClip_Rect(const FX_RECT& rect) {
- CFX_PathData path;
- path.AppendRect(rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right,;
- if (!SetClip_PathFill(&path, nullptr, FXFILL_WINDING))
- return false;
- UpdateClipBox();
- return true;
-void CFX_RenderDevice::UpdateClipBox() {
- if (m_pDeviceDriver->GetClipBox(&m_ClipBox))
- return;
- m_ClipBox.left = 0;
- = 0;
- m_ClipBox.right = m_Width;
- m_ClipBox.bottom = m_Height;
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawPathWithBlend(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
- const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
- const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
- uint32_t fill_color,
- uint32_t stroke_color,
- int fill_mode,
- int blend_type) {
- uint8_t stroke_alpha = pGraphState ? FXARGB_A(stroke_color) : 0;
- uint8_t fill_alpha = (fill_mode & 3) ? FXARGB_A(fill_color) : 0;
- const std::vector<FX_PATHPOINT>& pPoints = pPathData->GetPoints();
- if (stroke_alpha == 0 && pPoints.size() == 2) {
- CFX_PointF pos1 = pPoints[0].m_Point;
- CFX_PointF pos2 = pPoints[1].m_Point;
- if (pObject2Device) {
- pos1 = pObject2Device->Transform(pos1);
- pos2 = pObject2Device->Transform(pos2);
- }
- DrawCosmeticLine(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, fill_color, fill_mode,
- blend_type);
- return true;
- }
- if ((pPoints.size() == 5 || pPoints.size() == 4) && stroke_alpha == 0) {
- CFX_FloatRect rect_f;
- if (!(fill_mode & FXFILL_RECT_AA) &&
- pPathData->IsRect(pObject2Device, &rect_f)) {
- FX_RECT rect_i = rect_f.GetOuterRect();
- // Depending on the top/bottom, left/right values of the rect it's
- // possible to overflow the Width() and Height() calculations. Check that
- // the rect will have valid dimension before continuing.
- if (!rect_i.Valid())
- return false;
- int width = (int)ceil(rect_f.right - rect_f.left);
- if (width < 1) {
- width = 1;
- if (rect_i.left == rect_i.right)
- rect_i.right++;
- }
- int height = (int)ceil( - rect_f.bottom);
- if (height < 1) {
- height = 1;
- if (rect_i.bottom ==
- rect_i.bottom++;
- }
- if (rect_i.Width() >= width + 1) {
- if (rect_f.left - (float)(rect_i.left) >
- (float)(rect_i.right) - rect_f.right) {
- rect_i.left++;
- } else {
- rect_i.right--;
- }
- }
- if (rect_i.Height() >= height + 1) {
- if ( - (float)( >
- (float)(rect_i.bottom) - rect_f.bottom) {
- } else {
- rect_i.bottom--;
- }
- }
- if (FillRectWithBlend(&rect_i, fill_color, blend_type))
- return true;
- }
- }
- if ((fill_mode & 3) && stroke_alpha == 0 && !(fill_mode & FX_FILL_STROKE) &&
- !(fill_mode & FX_FILL_TEXT_MODE)) {
- CFX_PathData newPath;
- bool bThin = false;
- bool setIdentity = false;
- if (pPathData->GetZeroAreaPath(pObject2Device,
- !!m_pDeviceDriver->GetDriverType(), &newPath,
- &bThin, &setIdentity)) {
- CFX_GraphStateData graphState;
- graphState.m_LineWidth = 0.0f;
- uint32_t strokecolor = fill_color;
- if (bThin)
- strokecolor = (((fill_alpha >> 2) << 24) | (strokecolor & 0x00ffffff));
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = nullptr;
- if (pObject2Device && !pObject2Device->IsIdentity() && !setIdentity)
- pMatrix = pObject2Device;
- int smooth_path = FX_ZEROAREA_FILL;
- if (fill_mode & FXFILL_NOPATHSMOOTH)
- smooth_path |= FXFILL_NOPATHSMOOTH;
- m_pDeviceDriver->DrawPath(&newPath, pMatrix, &graphState, 0, strokecolor,
- smooth_path, blend_type);
- }
- }
- if ((fill_mode & 3) && fill_alpha && stroke_alpha < 0xff &&
- (fill_mode & FX_FILL_STROKE)) {
- if (m_RenderCaps & FXRC_FILLSTROKE_PATH) {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->DrawPath(pPathData, pObject2Device, pGraphState,
- fill_color, stroke_color, fill_mode,
- blend_type);
- }
- return DrawFillStrokePath(pPathData, pObject2Device, pGraphState,
- fill_color, stroke_color, fill_mode, blend_type);
- }
- return m_pDeviceDriver->DrawPath(pPathData, pObject2Device, pGraphState,
- fill_color, stroke_color, fill_mode,
- blend_type);
-// This can be removed once PDFium entirely relies on Skia
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillStrokePath(const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
- const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
- const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
- uint32_t fill_color,
- uint32_t stroke_color,
- int fill_mode,
- int blend_type) {
- if (!(m_RenderCaps & FXRC_GET_BITS))
- return false;
- CFX_FloatRect bbox;
- if (pGraphState) {
- bbox = pPathData->GetBoundingBox(pGraphState->m_LineWidth,
- pGraphState->m_MiterLimit);
- } else {
- bbox = pPathData->GetBoundingBox();
- }
- if (pObject2Device)
- pObject2Device->TransformRect(bbox);
- CFX_Matrix ctm = GetCTM();
- float fScaleX = fabs(ctm.a);
- float fScaleY = fabs(ctm.d);
- FX_RECT rect = bbox.GetOuterRect();
- auto bitmap = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- auto Backdrop = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- if (!CreateCompatibleBitmap(bitmap, FXSYS_round(rect.Width() * fScaleX),
- FXSYS_round(rect.Height() * fScaleY))) {
- return false;
- }
- if (bitmap->HasAlpha()) {
- bitmap->Clear(0);
- Backdrop->Copy(bitmap);
- } else {
- if (!m_pDeviceDriver->GetDIBits(bitmap, rect.left,
- return false;
- Backdrop->Copy(bitmap);
- }
- CFX_DefaultRenderDevice bitmap_device;
- bitmap_device.Attach(bitmap, false, Backdrop, true);
- CFX_Matrix matrix;
- if (pObject2Device)
- matrix = *pObject2Device;
- matrix.Translate(-rect.left,;
- matrix.Concat(CFX_Matrix(fScaleX, 0, 0, fScaleY, 0, 0));
- if (!bitmap_device.GetDeviceDriver()->DrawPath(
- pPathData, &matrix, pGraphState, fill_color, stroke_color, fill_mode,
- blend_type)) {
- return false;
- }
-#if defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_ || defined _SKIA_SUPPORT_PATHS_
- bitmap_device.GetDeviceDriver()->Flush();
- FX_RECT src_rect(0, 0, FXSYS_round(rect.Width() * fScaleX),
- FXSYS_round(rect.Height() * fScaleY));
- return m_pDeviceDriver->SetDIBits(bitmap, 0, &src_rect, rect.left,,
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetPixel(int x, int y, uint32_t color) {
- if (m_pDeviceDriver->SetPixel(x, y, color))
- return true;
- FX_RECT rect(x, y, x + 1, y + 1);
- return FillRectWithBlend(&rect, color, FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::FillRectWithBlend(const FX_RECT* pRect,
- uint32_t fill_color,
- int blend_type) {
- if (m_pDeviceDriver->FillRectWithBlend(pRect, fill_color, blend_type))
- return true;
- if (!(m_RenderCaps & FXRC_GET_BITS))
- return false;
- auto bitmap = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- if (!CreateCompatibleBitmap(bitmap, pRect->Width(), pRect->Height()))
- return false;
- if (!m_pDeviceDriver->GetDIBits(bitmap, pRect->left, pRect->top))
- return false;
- if (!bitmap->CompositeRect(0, 0, pRect->Width(), pRect->Height(), fill_color,
- 0)) {
- return false;
- }
- FX_RECT src_rect(0, 0, pRect->Width(), pRect->Height());
- m_pDeviceDriver->SetDIBits(bitmap, 0, &src_rect, pRect->left, pRect->top,
- return true;
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawCosmeticLine(float x1,
- float y1,
- float x2,
- float y2,
- uint32_t color,
- int fill_mode,
- int blend_type) {
- if ((color >= 0xff000000) &&
- m_pDeviceDriver->DrawCosmeticLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, blend_type)) {
- return true;
- }
- CFX_GraphStateData graph_state;
- CFX_PathData path;
- path.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(x1, y1), FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
- path.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(x2, y2), FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
- return m_pDeviceDriver->DrawPath(&path, nullptr, &graph_state, 0, color,
- fill_mode, blend_type);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::GetDIBits(const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pBitmap,
- int left,
- int top) {
- if (!(m_RenderCaps & FXRC_GET_BITS))
- return false;
- return m_pDeviceDriver->GetDIBits(pBitmap, left, top);
-CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> CFX_RenderDevice::GetBackDrop() {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->GetBackDrop();
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetDIBitsWithBlend(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- int left,
- int top,
- int blend_mode) {
- ASSERT(!pBitmap->IsAlphaMask());
- CFX_Matrix ctm = GetCTM();
- float fScaleX = fabs(ctm.a);
- float fScaleY = fabs(ctm.d);
- FX_RECT dest_rect(left, top,
- FXSYS_round(left + pBitmap->GetWidth() / fScaleX),
- FXSYS_round(top + pBitmap->GetHeight() / fScaleY));
- dest_rect.Intersect(m_ClipBox);
- if (dest_rect.IsEmpty())
- return true;
- FX_RECT src_rect(dest_rect.left - left, - top,
- dest_rect.left - left + dest_rect.Width(),
- - top + dest_rect.Height());
- src_rect.left = FXSYS_round(src_rect.left * fScaleX);
- = FXSYS_round( * fScaleY);
- src_rect.right = FXSYS_round(src_rect.right * fScaleX);
- src_rect.bottom = FXSYS_round(src_rect.bottom * fScaleY);
- if ((blend_mode != FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL && !(m_RenderCaps & FXRC_BLEND_MODE)) ||
- (pBitmap->HasAlpha() && !(m_RenderCaps & FXRC_ALPHA_IMAGE))) {
- if (!(m_RenderCaps & FXRC_GET_BITS))
- return false;
- int bg_pixel_width = FXSYS_round(dest_rect.Width() * fScaleX);
- int bg_pixel_height = FXSYS_round(dest_rect.Height() * fScaleY);
- auto background = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- if (!background->Create(
- bg_pixel_width, bg_pixel_height,
- (m_RenderCaps & FXRC_CMYK_OUTPUT) ? FXDIB_Cmyk : FXDIB_Rgb32)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!m_pDeviceDriver->GetDIBits(background, dest_rect.left,
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (!background->CompositeBitmap(0, 0, bg_pixel_width, bg_pixel_height,
- pBitmap, src_rect.left,,
- blend_mode, nullptr, false)) {
- return false;
- }
- FX_RECT rect(0, 0, bg_pixel_width, bg_pixel_height);
- return m_pDeviceDriver->SetDIBits(background, 0, &rect, dest_rect.left,
- }
- return m_pDeviceDriver->SetDIBits(pBitmap, 0, &src_rect, dest_rect.left,
-, blend_mode);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchDIBitsWithFlagsAndBlend(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- int left,
- int top,
- int dest_width,
- int dest_height,
- uint32_t flags,
- int blend_mode) {
- FX_RECT dest_rect(left, top, left + dest_width, top + dest_height);
- FX_RECT clip_box = m_ClipBox;
- clip_box.Intersect(dest_rect);
- if (clip_box.IsEmpty())
- return true;
- return m_pDeviceDriver->StretchDIBits(pBitmap, 0, left, top, dest_width,
- dest_height, &clip_box, flags,
- blend_mode);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetBitMask(const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- int left,
- int top,
- uint32_t argb) {
- FX_RECT src_rect(0, 0, pBitmap->GetWidth(), pBitmap->GetHeight());
- return m_pDeviceDriver->SetDIBits(pBitmap, argb, &src_rect, left, top,
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchBitMask(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- int left,
- int top,
- int dest_width,
- int dest_height,
- uint32_t color) {
- return StretchBitMaskWithFlags(pBitmap, left, top, dest_width, dest_height,
- color, 0);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchBitMaskWithFlags(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- int left,
- int top,
- int dest_width,
- int dest_height,
- uint32_t argb,
- uint32_t flags) {
- FX_RECT dest_rect(left, top, left + dest_width, top + dest_height);
- FX_RECT clip_box = m_ClipBox;
- clip_box.Intersect(dest_rect);
- return m_pDeviceDriver->StretchDIBits(pBitmap, argb, left, top, dest_width,
- dest_height, &clip_box, flags,
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::StartDIBitsWithBlend(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- int bitmap_alpha,
- uint32_t argb,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
- uint32_t flags,
- std::unique_ptr<CFX_ImageRenderer>* handle,
- int blend_mode) {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->StartDIBits(pBitmap, bitmap_alpha, argb, pMatrix,
- flags, handle, blend_mode);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::ContinueDIBits(CFX_ImageRenderer* handle,
- IFX_Pause* pPause) {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->ContinueDIBits(handle, pPause);
-#ifdef _SKIA_SUPPORT_
-void CFX_RenderDevice::DebugVerifyBitmapIsPreMultiplied() const {
- SkASSERT(0);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetBitsWithMask(
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
- const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pMask,
- int left,
- int top,
- int bitmap_alpha,
- int blend_type) {
- return m_pDeviceDriver->SetBitsWithMask(pBitmap, pMask, left, top,
- bitmap_alpha, blend_type);
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawNormalText(int nChars,
- const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
- CFX_Font* pFont,
- float font_size,
- const CFX_Matrix* pText2Device,
- uint32_t fill_color,
- uint32_t text_flags) {
- int nativetext_flags = text_flags;
- if (m_DeviceClass != FXDC_DISPLAY) {
- if (!(text_flags & FXTEXT_PRINTGRAPHICTEXT)) {
- if (ShouldDrawDeviceText(pFont, text_flags) &&
- m_pDeviceDriver->DrawDeviceText(nChars, pCharPos, pFont, pText2Device,
- font_size, fill_color)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (FXARGB_A(fill_color) < 255)
- return false;
- } else if (!(text_flags & FXTEXT_NO_NATIVETEXT)) {
- if (ShouldDrawDeviceText(pFont, text_flags) &&
- m_pDeviceDriver->DrawDeviceText(nChars, pCharPos, pFont, pText2Device,
- font_size, fill_color)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- CFX_Matrix char2device;
- CFX_Matrix text2Device;
- if (pText2Device) {
- char2device = *pText2Device;
- text2Device = *pText2Device;
- }
- char2device.Scale(font_size, -font_size);
- if (fabs(char2device.a) + fabs(char2device.b) > 50 * 1.0f ||
- ((m_DeviceClass == FXDC_PRINTER) &&
- !(text_flags & FXTEXT_PRINTIMAGETEXT))) {
- if (pFont->GetFace()) {
- int nPathFlags =
- (text_flags & FXTEXT_NOSMOOTH) == 0 ? 0 : FXFILL_NOPATHSMOOTH;
- return DrawTextPath(nChars, pCharPos, pFont, font_size, pText2Device,
- nullptr, nullptr, fill_color, 0, nullptr, nPathFlags);
- }
- }
- int anti_alias = FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO;
- bool bNormal = false;
- if ((text_flags & FXTEXT_NOSMOOTH) == 0) {
- if (m_DeviceClass == FXDC_DISPLAY && m_bpp > 1) {
- if (!CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->FTLibrarySupportsHinting()) {
- // Some Freetype implementations (like the one packaged with Fedora) do
- // not support hinting due to patents 6219025, 6239783, 6307566,
- // 6225973, 6243070, 6393145, 6421054, 6282327, and 6624828; the latest
- // one expires 10/7/19. This makes LCD antialiasing very ugly, so we
- // instead fall back on NORMAL antialiasing.
- } else if ((m_RenderCaps & (FXRC_ALPHA_OUTPUT | FXRC_CMYK_OUTPUT))) {
- anti_alias = FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
- bNormal = true;
- } else if (m_bpp < 16) {
- } else {
- anti_alias = FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
- bool bClearType = false;
- if (pFont->GetFace())
- bClearType = !!(text_flags & FXTEXT_CLEARTYPE);
- bNormal = !bClearType;
- }
- }
- }
- std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS> glyphs(nChars);
- CFX_Matrix matrixCTM = GetCTM();
- float scale_x = fabs(matrixCTM.a);
- float scale_y = fabs(matrixCTM.d);
- CFX_Matrix deviceCtm = char2device;
- CFX_Matrix m(scale_x, 0, 0, scale_y, 0, 0);
- deviceCtm.Concat(m);
- text2Device.Concat(m);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); ++i) {
- FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph = glyphs[i];
- const FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos = pCharPos[i];
- glyph.m_fOrigin = text2Device.Transform(charpos.m_Origin);
- if (anti_alias < FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD)
- glyph.m_Origin.x = FXSYS_round(glyph.m_fOrigin.x);
- else
- glyph.m_Origin.x = static_cast<int>(floor(glyph.m_fOrigin.x));
- glyph.m_Origin.y = FXSYS_round(glyph.m_fOrigin.y);
- if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) {
- CFX_Matrix new_matrix(
- charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1],
- charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0);
- new_matrix.Concat(deviceCtm);
- glyph.m_pGlyph = pFont->LoadGlyphBitmap(
- charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_bFontStyle, &new_matrix,
- charpos.m_FontCharWidth, anti_alias, nativetext_flags);
- } else {
- glyph.m_pGlyph = pFont->LoadGlyphBitmap(
- charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_bFontStyle, &deviceCtm,
- charpos.m_FontCharWidth, anti_alias, nativetext_flags);
- }
- }
- if (anti_alias < FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD && glyphs.size() > 1)
- AdjustGlyphSpace(&glyphs);
- FX_RECT bmp_rect1 = FXGE_GetGlyphsBBox(glyphs, anti_alias, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- if (scale_x > 1 && scale_y > 1) {
- bmp_rect1.left--;
- bmp_rect1.right++;
- bmp_rect1.bottom++;
- }
- FX_RECT bmp_rect(FXSYS_round((float)(bmp_rect1.left) / scale_x),
- FXSYS_round((float)( / scale_y),
- FXSYS_round((float)bmp_rect1.right / scale_x),
- FXSYS_round((float)bmp_rect1.bottom / scale_y));
- bmp_rect.Intersect(m_ClipBox);
- if (bmp_rect.IsEmpty())
- return true;
- int pixel_width = FXSYS_round(bmp_rect.Width() * scale_x);
- int pixel_height = FXSYS_round(bmp_rect.Height() * scale_y);
- int pixel_left = FXSYS_round(bmp_rect.left * scale_x);
- int pixel_top = FXSYS_round( * scale_y);
- if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_MONO) {
- auto bitmap = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- if (!bitmap->Create(pixel_width, pixel_height, FXDIB_1bppMask))
- return false;
- bitmap->Clear(0);
- for (const FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph : glyphs) {
- if (!glyph.m_pGlyph)
- continue;
- CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> pGlyph = glyph.m_pGlyph->m_pBitmap;
- bitmap->TransferBitmap(
- glyph.m_Origin.x + glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Left - pixel_left,
- glyph.m_Origin.y - glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Top - pixel_top,
- pGlyph->GetWidth(), pGlyph->GetHeight(), pGlyph, 0, 0);
- }
- return SetBitMask(bitmap, bmp_rect.left,, fill_color);
- }
- auto bitmap = pdfium::MakeRetain<CFX_DIBitmap>();
- if (m_bpp == 8) {
- if (!bitmap->Create(pixel_width, pixel_height, FXDIB_8bppMask))
- return false;
- } else {
- if (!CreateCompatibleBitmap(bitmap, pixel_width, pixel_height))
- return false;
- }
- if (!bitmap->HasAlpha() && !bitmap->IsAlphaMask()) {
- bitmap->Clear(0xFFFFFFFF);
- if (!GetDIBits(bitmap, bmp_rect.left,
- return false;
- } else {
- bitmap->Clear(0);
- if (bitmap->m_pAlphaMask)
- bitmap->m_pAlphaMask->Clear(0);
- }
- int dest_width = pixel_width;
- int a = 0;
- int r = 0;
- int g = 0;
- int b = 0;
- if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD)
- std::tie(a, r, g, b) = ArgbDecode(fill_color);
- for (const FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph : glyphs) {
- if (!glyph.m_pGlyph)
- continue;
- pdfium::base::CheckedNumeric<int> left = glyph.m_Origin.x;
- left += glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Left;
- left -= pixel_left;
- if (!left.IsValid())
- return false;
- pdfium::base::CheckedNumeric<int> top = glyph.m_Origin.y;
- top -= glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Top;
- top -= pixel_top;
- if (!top.IsValid())
- return false;
- CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> pGlyph = glyph.m_pGlyph->m_pBitmap;
- int ncols = pGlyph->GetWidth();
- int nrows = pGlyph->GetHeight();
- if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL) {
- if (!bitmap->CompositeMask(left.ValueOrDie(), top.ValueOrDie(), ncols,
- nrows, pGlyph, fill_color, 0, 0,
- FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL, nullptr, false, 0)) {
- return false;
- }
- continue;
- }
- bool bBGRStripe = !!(text_flags & FXTEXT_BGR_STRIPE);
- ncols /= 3;
- int x_subpixel = static_cast<int>(glyph.m_fOrigin.x * 3) % 3;
- int start_col =
- pdfium::base::ValueOrDieForType<int>(pdfium::base::CheckMax(left, 0));
- pdfium::base::CheckedNumeric<int> end_col_safe = left;
- end_col_safe += ncols;
- if (!end_col_safe.IsValid())
- return false;
- int end_col =
- std::min(static_cast<int>(end_col_safe.ValueOrDie<int>()), dest_width);
- if (start_col >= end_col)
- continue;
- DrawNormalTextHelper(bitmap, pGlyph, nrows, left.ValueOrDie(),
- top.ValueOrDie(), start_col, end_col, bNormal,
- bBGRStripe, x_subpixel, a, r, g, b);
- }
- if (bitmap->IsAlphaMask())
- SetBitMask(bitmap, bmp_rect.left,, fill_color);
- else
- SetDIBits(bitmap, bmp_rect.left,;
- return true;
-bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawTextPath(int nChars,
- const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
- CFX_Font* pFont,
- float font_size,
- const CFX_Matrix* pText2User,
- const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
- const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
- uint32_t fill_color,
- FX_ARGB stroke_color,
- CFX_PathData* pClippingPath,
- int nFlag) {
- for (int iChar = 0; iChar < nChars; iChar++) {
- const FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos = pCharPos[iChar];
- CFX_Matrix matrix;
- if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) {
- matrix = CFX_Matrix(charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1],
- charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3],
- 0, 0);
- }
- matrix.Concat(CFX_Matrix(font_size, 0, 0, font_size, charpos.m_Origin.x,
- charpos.m_Origin.y));
- const CFX_PathData* pPath =
- pFont->LoadGlyphPath(charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_FontCharWidth);
- if (!pPath)
- continue;
- matrix.Concat(*pText2User);
- CFX_PathData TransformedPath(*pPath);
- TransformedPath.Transform(&matrix);
- if (fill_color || stroke_color) {
- int fill_mode = nFlag;
- if (fill_color)
- fill_mode |= FXFILL_WINDING;
- fill_mode |= FX_FILL_TEXT_MODE;
- if (!DrawPathWithBlend(&TransformedPath, pUser2Device, pGraphState,
- fill_color, stroke_color, fill_mode,
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (pClippingPath)
- pClippingPath->Append(&TransformedPath, pUser2Device);
- }
- return true;
-CFX_RenderDevice::StateRestorer::StateRestorer(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice)
- : m_pDevice(pDevice) {
- m_pDevice->SaveState();
-CFX_RenderDevice::StateRestorer::~StateRestorer() {
- m_pDevice->RestoreState(false);
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_substfont.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_substfont.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d3bc3059..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_substfont.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
- : m_Charset(FX_CHARSET_ANSI),
- m_SubstFlags(0),
- m_Weight(0),
- m_ItalicAngle(0),
- m_bSubstCJK(false),
- m_WeightCJK(0),
- m_bItalicCJK(false) {}
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_unicodeencoding.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_unicodeencoding.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 494ae33bb0..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_unicodeencoding.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_unicodeencoding.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-CFX_UnicodeEncoding::CFX_UnicodeEncoding(CFX_Font* pFont) : m_pFont(pFont) {}
-CFX_UnicodeEncoding::~CFX_UnicodeEncoding() {}
-uint32_t CFX_UnicodeEncoding::GlyphFromCharCode(uint32_t charcode) {
- FXFT_Face face = m_pFont->GetFace();
- if (!face)
- return charcode;
- if (FXFT_Select_Charmap(face, FXFT_ENCODING_UNICODE) == 0)
- return FXFT_Get_Char_Index(face, charcode);
- if (m_pFont->GetSubstFont() &&
- m_pFont->GetSubstFont()->m_Charset == FX_CHARSET_Symbol) {
- uint32_t index = 0;
- if (FXFT_Select_Charmap(face, FXFT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL) == 0)
- index = FXFT_Get_Char_Index(face, charcode);
- if (!index && !FXFT_Select_Charmap(face, FXFT_ENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN))
- return FXFT_Get_Char_Index(face, charcode);
- }
- return charcode;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_unicodeencodingex.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cfx_unicodeencodingex.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f28d4295e..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cfx_unicodeencodingex.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_unicodeencodingex.h"
-#include <memory>
-#include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-namespace {
-const uint32_t g_EncodingID[] = {
-std::unique_ptr<CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx> FXFM_CreateFontEncoding(
- CFX_Font* pFont,
- uint32_t nEncodingID) {
- if (FXFT_Select_Charmap(pFont->GetFace(), nEncodingID))
- return nullptr;
- return pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx>(pFont, nEncodingID);
-} // namespace
-CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx::CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx(CFX_Font* pFont,
- uint32_t EncodingID)
- : CFX_UnicodeEncoding(pFont), m_nEncodingID(EncodingID) {}
-CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx::~CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx() {}
-uint32_t CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx::GlyphFromCharCode(uint32_t charcode) {
- FXFT_Face face = m_pFont->GetFace();
- FT_UInt nIndex = FXFT_Get_Char_Index(face, charcode);
- if (nIndex > 0)
- return nIndex;
- int nmaps = FXFT_Get_Face_CharmapCount(face);
- int m = 0;
- while (m < nmaps) {
- uint32_t nEncodingID =
- FXFT_Get_Charmap_Encoding(FXFT_Get_Face_Charmaps(face)[m++]);
- if (m_nEncodingID == nEncodingID)
- continue;
- int error = FXFT_Select_Charmap(face, nEncodingID);
- if (error)
- continue;
- nIndex = FXFT_Get_Char_Index(face, charcode);
- if (nIndex > 0) {
- m_nEncodingID = nEncodingID;
- return nIndex;
- }
- }
- FXFT_Select_Charmap(face, m_nEncodingID);
- return 0;
-uint32_t CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx::CharCodeFromUnicode(wchar_t Unicode) const {
- if (m_nEncodingID == FXFM_ENCODING_UNICODE ||
- return Unicode;
- }
- FXFT_Face face = m_pFont->GetFace();
- int nmaps = FXFT_Get_Face_CharmapCount(face);
- for (int i = 0; i < nmaps; i++) {
- int nEncodingID =
- FXFT_Get_Charmap_Encoding(FXFT_Get_Face_Charmaps(face)[i]);
- if (nEncodingID == FXFM_ENCODING_UNICODE ||
- return Unicode;
- }
- }
- return CPDF_Font::kInvalidCharCode;
-std::unique_ptr<CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx> FX_CreateFontEncodingEx(
- CFX_Font* pFont,
- uint32_t nEncodingID) {
- if (!pFont || !pFont->GetFace())
- return nullptr;
- if (nEncodingID != FXFM_ENCODING_NONE)
- return FXFM_CreateFontEncoding(pFont, nEncodingID);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_EncodingID); ++i) {
- std::unique_ptr<CFX_UnicodeEncodingEx> pFontEncoding =
- FXFM_CreateFontEncoding(pFont, g_EncodingID[i]);
- if (pFontEncoding)
- return pFontEncoding;
- }
- return nullptr;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f75039567f..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-CTTFontDesc::~CTTFontDesc() {
- if (m_Type == 1) {
- if (m_SingleFace)
- FXFT_Done_Face(m_SingleFace);
- } else if (m_Type == 2) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if (m_TTCFaces[i])
- FXFT_Done_Face(m_TTCFaces[i]);
- }
- }
- FX_Free(m_pFontData);
-int CTTFontDesc::ReleaseFace(FXFT_Face face) {
- if (m_Type == 1) {
- if (m_SingleFace != face)
- return -1;
- } else if (m_Type == 2) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if (m_TTCFaces[i] == face)
- break;
- }
- if (i == 16)
- return -1;
- }
- return --m_RefCount;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.h b/core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d756cb947a..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/cttfontdesc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#define FX_FONT_FLAG_SERIF 0x01
-#define FX_FONT_FLAG_ITALIC 0x04
-#define FX_FONT_FLAG_BOLD 0x08
-class CTTFontDesc {
- public:
- CTTFontDesc() : m_Type(0), m_pFontData(nullptr), m_RefCount(0) {}
- ~CTTFontDesc();
- // ret < 0, releaseface not appropriate for this object.
- // ret == 0, object released
- // ret > 0, object still alive, other referrers.
- int ReleaseFace(FXFT_Face face);
- int m_Type;
- union {
- FXFT_Face m_SingleFace;
- FXFT_Face m_TTCFaces[16];
- };
- uint8_t* m_pFontData;
- int m_RefCount;
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_fontmap.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_fontmap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac4fada5c..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_fontmap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <memory>
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_systemfontinfo.h"
-static CFX_ByteString GetStringFromTable(const uint8_t* string_ptr,
- uint32_t string_ptr_length,
- uint16_t offset,
- uint16_t length) {
- if (string_ptr_length < static_cast<uint32_t>(offset + length)) {
- return CFX_ByteString();
- }
- return CFX_ByteString(string_ptr + offset, length);
-CFX_ByteString GetNameFromTT(const uint8_t* name_table,
- uint32_t name_table_size,
- uint32_t name_id) {
- if (!name_table || name_table_size < 6) {
- return CFX_ByteString();
- }
- uint32_t name_count = GET_TT_SHORT(name_table + 2);
- uint32_t string_offset = GET_TT_SHORT(name_table + 4);
- // We will ignore the possibility of overlap of structures and
- // string table as if it's all corrupt there's not a lot we can do.
- if (name_table_size < string_offset) {
- return CFX_ByteString();
- }
- const uint8_t* string_ptr = name_table + string_offset;
- uint32_t string_ptr_size = name_table_size - string_offset;
- name_table += 6;
- name_table_size -= 6;
- if (name_table_size < name_count * 12) {
- return CFX_ByteString();
- }
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < name_count; i++, name_table += 12) {
- if (GET_TT_SHORT(name_table + 6) == name_id &&
- GET_TT_SHORT(name_table) == 1 && GET_TT_SHORT(name_table + 2) == 0) {
- return GetStringFromTable(string_ptr, string_ptr_size,
- GET_TT_SHORT(name_table + 10),
- GET_TT_SHORT(name_table + 8));
- }
- }
- return CFX_ByteString();
-void* IFX_SystemFontInfo::MapFontByUnicode(uint32_t dwUnicode,
- int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int pitch_family) {
- return nullptr;
-#endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
-int IFX_SystemFontInfo::GetFaceIndex(void* hFont) {
- return 0;
-extern "C" {
-unsigned long _FTStreamRead(FXFT_Stream stream,
- unsigned long offset,
- unsigned char* buffer,
- unsigned long count);
-void _FTStreamClose(FXFT_Stream stream);
-#if _FX_OS_ == _FX_ANDROID_
-std::unique_ptr<IFX_SystemFontInfo> IFX_SystemFontInfo::CreateDefault(
- const char** pUnused) {
- return nullptr;
-CFX_FontFaceInfo::CFX_FontFaceInfo(CFX_ByteString filePath,
- CFX_ByteString faceName,
- CFX_ByteString fontTables,
- uint32_t fontOffset,
- uint32_t fileSize)
- : m_FilePath(filePath),
- m_FaceName(faceName),
- m_FontTables(fontTables),
- m_FontOffset(fontOffset),
- m_FileSize(fileSize),
- m_Styles(0),
- m_Charsets(0) {}
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_linux.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_linux.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e4b2050e9..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_linux.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <memory>
-#include <utility>
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/cfx_folderfontinfo.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_systemfontinfo.h"
-#include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
-namespace {
-const size_t kLinuxGpNameSize = 6;
-const char* const g_LinuxGpFontList[][kLinuxGpNameSize] = {
- {"TakaoPGothic", "VL PGothic", "IPAPGothic", "VL Gothic", "Kochi Gothic",
- "VL Gothic regular"},
- {"TakaoGothic", "VL Gothic", "IPAGothic", "Kochi Gothic", nullptr,
- "VL Gothic regular"},
- {"TakaoPMincho", "IPAPMincho", "VL Gothic", "Kochi Mincho", nullptr,
- "VL Gothic regular"},
- {"TakaoMincho", "IPAMincho", "VL Gothic", "Kochi Mincho", nullptr,
- "VL Gothic regular"},
-const char* const g_LinuxGbFontList[] = {
- "AR PL UMing CN Light", "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", "AR PL UKai CN",
-const char* const g_LinuxB5FontList[] = {
- "AR PL UMing TW Light", "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", "AR PL UKai TW",
-const char* const g_LinuxHGFontList[] = {
- "UnDotum",
-size_t GetJapanesePreference(const char* facearr,
- int weight,
- int pitch_family) {
- CFX_ByteString face = facearr;
- if (face.Find("Gothic") >= 0 ||
- face.Find("\x83\x53\x83\x56\x83\x62\x83\x4e") >= 0) {
- if (face.Find("PGothic") >= 0 ||
- face.Find("\x82\x6f\x83\x53\x83\x56\x83\x62\x83\x4e") >= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if (face.Find("Mincho") >= 0 || face.Find("\x96\xbe\x92\xa9") >= 0) {
- if (face.Find("PMincho") >= 0 ||
- face.Find("\x82\x6f\x96\xbe\x92\xa9") >= 0) {
- return 2;
- }
- return 3;
- }
- if (!(pitch_family & FXFONT_FF_ROMAN) && weight > 400)
- return 0;
- return 2;
-class CFX_LinuxFontInfo : public CFX_FolderFontInfo {
- public:
- CFX_LinuxFontInfo() {}
- ~CFX_LinuxFontInfo() override {}
- void* MapFont(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int charset,
- int pitch_family,
- const char* family,
- int& iExact) override;
- bool ParseFontCfg(const char** pUserPaths);
-void* CFX_LinuxFontInfo::MapFont(int weight,
- bool bItalic,
- int charset,
- int pitch_family,
- const char* cstr_face,
- int& iExact) {
- void* font = GetSubstFont(cstr_face);
- if (font) {
- iExact = 1;
- return font;
- }
- bool bCJK = true;
- switch (charset) {
- case FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS: {
- size_t index = GetJapanesePreference(cstr_face, weight, pitch_family);
- ASSERT(index < FX_ArraySize(g_LinuxGpFontList));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kLinuxGpNameSize; i++) {
- auto it = m_FontList.find(g_LinuxGpFontList[index][i]);
- if (it != m_FontList.end())
- return it->second.get();
- }
- break;
- }
- case FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified: {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_LinuxGbFontList); ++i) {
- auto it = m_FontList.find(g_LinuxGbFontList[i]);
- if (it != m_FontList.end())
- return it->second.get();
- }
- break;
- }
- case FX_CHARSET_ChineseTraditional: {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_LinuxB5FontList); ++i) {
- auto it = m_FontList.find(g_LinuxB5FontList[i]);
- if (it != m_FontList.end())
- return it->second.get();
- }
- break;
- }
- case FX_CHARSET_Hangul: {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(g_LinuxHGFontList); ++i) {
- auto it = m_FontList.find(g_LinuxHGFontList[i]);
- if (it != m_FontList.end())
- return it->second.get();
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- bCJK = false;
- break;
- }
- return FindFont(weight, bItalic, charset, pitch_family, cstr_face, !bCJK);
-bool CFX_LinuxFontInfo::ParseFontCfg(const char** pUserPaths) {
- if (!pUserPaths)
- return false;
- for (const char** pPath = pUserPaths; *pPath; ++pPath)
- AddPath(*pPath);
- return true;
-} // namespace
-std::unique_ptr<IFX_SystemFontInfo> IFX_SystemFontInfo::CreateDefault(
- const char** pUserPaths) {
- auto pInfo = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_LinuxFontInfo>();
- if (!pInfo->ParseFontCfg(pUserPaths)) {
- pInfo->AddPath("/usr/share/fonts");
- pInfo->AddPath("/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1");
- pInfo->AddPath("/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF");
- pInfo->AddPath("/usr/local/share/fonts");
- }
- return std::move(pInfo);
-void CFX_GEModule::InitPlatform() {
- m_pFontMgr->SetSystemFontInfo(
- IFX_SystemFontInfo::CreateDefault(m_pUserFontPaths));
-void CFX_GEModule::DestroyPlatform() {}
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8024452265..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <vector>
-#include "core/fxcodec/fx_codec.h"
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h"
-#include "core/fxge/ifx_renderdevicedriver.h"
-namespace {
-void ResetTransform(FT_Face face) {
- FXFT_Matrix matrix;
- matrix.xx = 0x10000L;
- matrix.xy = 0;
- matrix.yx = 0;
- matrix.yy = 0x10000L;
- FXFT_Set_Transform(face, &matrix, 0);
-} // namespace
-FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS::FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS() : m_pGlyph(nullptr) {}
-ScopedFontTransform::ScopedFontTransform(FT_Face face, FXFT_Matrix* matrix)
- : m_Face(face) {
- FXFT_Set_Transform(m_Face, matrix, 0);
-ScopedFontTransform::~ScopedFontTransform() {
- ResetTransform(m_Face);
-FX_RECT FXGE_GetGlyphsBBox(const std::vector<FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS>& glyphs,
- int anti_alias,
- float retinaScaleX,
- float retinaScaleY) {
- FX_RECT rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- bool bStarted = false;
- for (const FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph : glyphs) {
- const CFX_GlyphBitmap* pGlyph = glyph.m_pGlyph;
- if (!pGlyph)
- continue;
- FX_SAFE_INT32 char_left = glyph.m_Origin.x;
- char_left += pGlyph->m_Left;
- if (!char_left.IsValid())
- continue;
- FX_SAFE_INT32 char_width = pGlyph->m_pBitmap->GetWidth();
- char_width /= retinaScaleX;
- if (anti_alias == FXFT_RENDER_MODE_LCD)
- char_width /= 3;
- if (!char_width.IsValid())
- continue;
- FX_SAFE_INT32 char_right = char_left + char_width;
- if (!char_right.IsValid())
- continue;
- FX_SAFE_INT32 char_top = glyph.m_Origin.y;
- char_top -= pGlyph->m_Top;
- if (!char_top.IsValid())
- continue;
- FX_SAFE_INT32 char_height = pGlyph->m_pBitmap->GetHeight();
- char_height /= retinaScaleY;
- if (!char_height.IsValid())
- continue;
- FX_SAFE_INT32 char_bottom = char_top + char_height;
- if (!char_bottom.IsValid())
- continue;
- if (bStarted) {
- rect.left = pdfium::base::ValueOrDieForType<int32_t>(
- pdfium::base::CheckMin(rect.left, char_left));
- rect.right = pdfium::base::ValueOrDieForType<int32_t>(
- pdfium::base::CheckMax(rect.right, char_right));
- = pdfium::base::ValueOrDieForType<int32_t>(
- pdfium::base::CheckMin(, char_top));
- rect.bottom = pdfium::base::ValueOrDieForType<int32_t>(
- pdfium::base::CheckMax(rect.bottom, char_bottom));
- continue;
- }
- rect.left = char_left.ValueOrDie();
- rect.right = char_right.ValueOrDie();
- = char_top.ValueOrDie();
- rect.bottom = char_bottom.ValueOrDie();
- bStarted = true;
- }
- return rect;
-CFX_SizeGlyphCache::CFX_SizeGlyphCache() {}
-CFX_SizeGlyphCache::~CFX_SizeGlyphCache() {}
-void CFX_UniqueKeyGen::Generate(int count, ...) {
- va_list argList;
- va_start(argList, count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- int p = va_arg(argList, int);
- ((uint32_t*)m_Key)[i] = p;
- }
- va_end(argList);
- m_KeyLen = count * sizeof(uint32_t);
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text_embeddertest.cpp b/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text_embeddertest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 045b6dc869..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text_embeddertest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "testing/embedder_test.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-class FXGETextEmbedderTest : public EmbedderTest {};
-TEST_F(FXGETextEmbedderTest, BadItalic) {
- // Shouldn't crash.
- EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("bug_601362.pdf"));
- FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
- EXPECT_NE(nullptr, page);
- FPDF_BITMAP bitmap = RenderPage(page);
- FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
- UnloadPage(page);
diff --git a/core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h b/core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dcd54cead0..0000000000
--- a/core/fxge/ge/fx_text_int.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
-#include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h"
-struct CFX_UniqueKeyGen {
- void Generate(int count, ...);
- char m_Key[128];
- int m_KeyLen;
-class CFX_SizeGlyphCache {
- public:
- CFX_SizeGlyphCache();
- ~CFX_SizeGlyphCache();
- std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<CFX_GlyphBitmap>> m_GlyphMap;