path: root/core/src/fxcodec/lgif
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/fxcodec/lgif')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1525 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.cpp b/core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a4de72978a..0000000000
--- a/core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1229 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.h"
-#include "core/src/fxcodec/lbmp/fx_bmp.h"
-void CGifLZWDecoder::Input(uint8_t* src_buf, FX_DWORD src_size) {
- next_in = src_buf;
- avail_in = src_size;
-FX_DWORD CGifLZWDecoder::GetAvailInput() {
- return avail_in;
-void CGifLZWDecoder::InitTable(uint8_t code_len) {
- code_size = code_len;
- code_clear = 1 << code_size;
- code_end = code_clear + 1;
- bits_left = 0;
- code_store = 0;
- next_in = NULL;
- avail_in = 0;
- stack_size = 0;
- code_first = 0;
- ClearTable();
-void CGifLZWDecoder::ClearTable() {
- code_size_cur = code_size + 1;
- code_next = code_end + 1;
- code_old = (FX_WORD)-1;
- FXSYS_memset(code_table, 0, sizeof(tag_Table) * GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE);
- FXSYS_memset(stack, 0, GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE);
- for (FX_WORD i = 0; i < code_clear; i++) {
- code_table[i].suffix = (uint8_t)i;
- }
-void CGifLZWDecoder::DecodeString(FX_WORD code) {
- stack_size = 0;
- while (TRUE) {
- ASSERT(code <= code_next);
- if (code < code_clear || code > code_next) {
- break;
- }
- stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - 1 - stack_size++] = code_table[code].suffix;
- code = code_table[code].prefix;
- }
- stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - 1 - stack_size++] = (uint8_t)code;
- code_first = (uint8_t)code;
-void CGifLZWDecoder::AddCode(FX_WORD prefix_code, uint8_t append_char) {
- if (code_next == GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE) {
- return;
- }
- code_table[code_next].prefix = prefix_code;
- code_table[code_next].suffix = append_char;
- if (++code_next < GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE) {
- if (code_next >> code_size_cur) {
- code_size_cur++;
- }
- }
-int32_t CGifLZWDecoder::Decode(uint8_t* des_buf, FX_DWORD& des_size) {
- if (des_size == 0) {
- return 3;
- }
- FX_DWORD i = 0;
- if (stack_size != 0) {
- if (des_size < stack_size) {
- FXSYS_memcpy(des_buf, &stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - stack_size], des_size);
- stack_size -= (FX_WORD)des_size;
- return 3;
- }
- FXSYS_memcpy(des_buf, &stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - stack_size], stack_size);
- des_buf += stack_size;
- i += stack_size;
- stack_size = 0;
- }
- FX_WORD code = 0;
- while (i <= des_size && (avail_in > 0 || bits_left >= code_size_cur)) {
- if (code_size_cur > 12) {
- if (err_msg_ptr) {
- FXSYS_strncpy(err_msg_ptr, "Code Length Out Of Range",
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (avail_in > 0) {
- code_store |= (*next_in++) << bits_left;
- avail_in--;
- bits_left += 8;
- }
- while (bits_left >= code_size_cur) {
- code = (FX_WORD)code_store & ((1 << code_size_cur) - 1);
- code_store >>= code_size_cur;
- bits_left -= code_size_cur;
- if (code == code_clear) {
- ClearTable();
- continue;
- } else if (code == code_end) {
- des_size = i;
- return 1;
- } else {
- if (code_old != (FX_WORD)-1) {
- if (code_next < GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE) {
- if (code == code_next) {
- AddCode(code_old, code_first);
- DecodeString(code);
- } else if (code > code_next) {
- if (err_msg_ptr) {
- FXSYS_strncpy(err_msg_ptr, "Decode Error, Out Of Range",
- }
- return 0;
- } else {
- DecodeString(code);
- uint8_t append_char = stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - stack_size];
- AddCode(code_old, append_char);
- }
- }
- } else {
- DecodeString(code);
- }
- code_old = code;
- if (i + stack_size > des_size) {
- FXSYS_memcpy(des_buf, &stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - stack_size],
- des_size - i);
- stack_size -= (FX_WORD)(des_size - i);
- return 3;
- }
- FXSYS_memcpy(des_buf, &stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE - stack_size],
- stack_size);
- des_buf += stack_size;
- i += stack_size;
- stack_size = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (avail_in == 0) {
- des_size = i;
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-static FX_BOOL gif_grow_buf(uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD size) {
- if (dst_len < size) {
- FX_DWORD len_org = dst_len;
- while (dst_buf && dst_len < size) {
- dst_len <<= 1;
- dst_buf = FX_Realloc(uint8_t, dst_buf, dst_len);
- }
- if (dst_buf == NULL) {
- dst_len = size;
- dst_buf = FX_Realloc(uint8_t, dst_buf, dst_len);
- if (dst_buf == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- FXSYS_memset(dst_buf + len_org, 0, dst_len - len_org);
- return dst_buf != NULL;
- }
- return TRUE;
-static inline void gif_cut_index(uint8_t& val,
- FX_DWORD index,
- uint8_t index_bit,
- uint8_t index_bit_use,
- uint8_t bit_use) {
- FX_DWORD cut = ((1 << (index_bit - index_bit_use)) - 1) << index_bit_use;
- val |= ((index & cut) >> index_bit_use) << bit_use;
-static inline uint8_t gif_cut_buf(const uint8_t* buf,
- FX_DWORD& offset,
- uint8_t bit_cut,
- uint8_t& bit_offset,
- FX_DWORD& bit_num) {
- if (bit_cut != 8) {
- FX_WORD index = 0;
- index |= ((1 << bit_cut) - 1) << (7 - bit_offset);
- uint8_t ret = ((index & buf[offset]) >> (7 - bit_offset));
- bit_offset += bit_cut;
- if (bit_offset >= 8) {
- if (bit_offset > 8) {
- ret |= ((index & (buf[offset + 1] << 8)) >> 8);
- }
- bit_offset -= 8;
- offset++;
- }
- bit_num += bit_cut;
- return ret;
- }
- bit_num += bit_cut;
- return buf[offset++];
-CGifLZWEncoder::CGifLZWEncoder() {
- FXSYS_memset(this, 0, sizeof(CGifLZWEncoder));
-CGifLZWEncoder::~CGifLZWEncoder() {}
-void CGifLZWEncoder::ClearTable() {
- index_bit_cur = code_size + 1;
- index_num = code_end + 1;
- table_cur = code_end + 1;
- for (FX_WORD i = 0; i < GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE; i++) {
- code_table[i].prefix = 0;
- code_table[i].suffix = 0;
- }
-void CGifLZWEncoder::Start(uint8_t code_len,
- const uint8_t* src_buf,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& offset) {
- code_size = code_len + 1;
- src_bit_cut = code_size;
- if (code_len == 0) {
- src_bit_cut = 1;
- code_size = 2;
- }
- code_clear = 1 << code_size;
- code_end = code_clear + 1;
- dst_buf[offset++] = code_size;
- bit_offset = 0;
- ClearTable();
- src_offset = 0;
- src_bit_offset = 0;
- src_bit_num = 0;
- code_table[index_num].prefix = gif_cut_buf(src_buf, src_offset, src_bit_cut,
- src_bit_offset, src_bit_num);
- code_table[index_num].suffix = gif_cut_buf(src_buf, src_offset, src_bit_cut,
- src_bit_offset, src_bit_num);
-void CGifLZWEncoder::WriteBlock(uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& offset) {
- if (!gif_grow_buf(dst_buf, dst_len, offset + GIF_DATA_BLOCK + 1)) {
- longjmp(jmp, 1);
- }
- dst_buf[offset++] = index_buf_len;
- FXSYS_memcpy(&dst_buf[offset], index_buf, index_buf_len);
- offset += index_buf_len;
- FXSYS_memset(index_buf, 0, GIF_DATA_BLOCK);
- index_buf_len = 0;
-void CGifLZWEncoder::EncodeString(FX_DWORD index,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& offset) {
- uint8_t index_bit_use;
- index_bit_use = 0;
- if (index_buf_len == GIF_DATA_BLOCK) {
- WriteBlock(dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- }
- gif_cut_index(index_buf[index_buf_len], index, index_bit_cur, index_bit_use,
- bit_offset);
- if (index_bit_cur <= (8 - bit_offset)) {
- bit_offset += index_bit_cur;
- } else if (index_bit_cur <= (16 - bit_offset)) {
- index_bit_use += (8 - bit_offset);
- bit_offset = 0;
- index_buf_len++;
- if (index_buf_len == GIF_DATA_BLOCK) {
- WriteBlock(dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- }
- gif_cut_index(index_buf[index_buf_len], index, index_bit_cur, index_bit_use,
- bit_offset);
- bit_offset = index_bit_cur - index_bit_use;
- } else {
- index_bit_use += (8 - bit_offset);
- bit_offset = 0;
- index_buf_len++;
- if (index_buf_len == GIF_DATA_BLOCK) {
- WriteBlock(dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- }
- gif_cut_index(index_buf[index_buf_len], index, index_bit_cur, index_bit_use,
- bit_offset);
- index_bit_use += 8;
- bit_offset = 0;
- index_buf_len++;
- if (index_buf_len == GIF_DATA_BLOCK) {
- WriteBlock(dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- }
- gif_cut_index(index_buf[index_buf_len], index, index_bit_cur, index_bit_use,
- bit_offset);
- bit_offset = index_bit_cur - index_bit_use;
- }
- if (bit_offset == 8) {
- bit_offset = 0;
- index_buf_len++;
- if (index_buf_len == GIF_DATA_BLOCK) {
- WriteBlock(dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- }
- }
- if (index == code_end) {
- index_buf_len++;
- WriteBlock(dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- }
- if (index_num++ >> index_bit_cur) {
- index_bit_cur++;
- }
-FX_BOOL CGifLZWEncoder::Encode(const uint8_t* src_buf,
- FX_DWORD src_len,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& offset) {
- uint8_t suffix;
- if (setjmp(jmp)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (src_bit_num < src_len) {
- if (!LookUpInTable(src_buf, src_offset, src_bit_offset)) {
- EncodeString(code_table[index_num].prefix, dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- if (index_num == GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE) {
- suffix = code_table[index_num - 1].suffix;
- EncodeString(code_clear, dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- ClearTable();
- code_table[index_num].prefix = suffix;
- code_table[index_num].suffix = gif_cut_buf(
- src_buf, src_offset, src_bit_cut, src_bit_offset, src_bit_num);
- } else {
- code_table[index_num].prefix = code_table[index_num - 1].suffix;
- code_table[index_num].suffix = gif_cut_buf(
- src_buf, src_offset, src_bit_cut, src_bit_offset, src_bit_num);
- }
- }
- }
- src_offset = 0;
- src_bit_offset = 0;
- src_bit_num = 0;
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL CGifLZWEncoder::LookUpInTable(const uint8_t* buf,
- FX_DWORD& offset,
- uint8_t& bit_offset) {
- for (FX_WORD i = table_cur; i < index_num; i++) {
- if (code_table[i].prefix == code_table[index_num].prefix &&
- code_table[i].suffix == code_table[index_num].suffix) {
- code_table[index_num].prefix = i;
- code_table[index_num].suffix =
- gif_cut_buf(buf, offset, src_bit_cut, bit_offset, src_bit_num);
- table_cur = i;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- table_cur = code_end + 1;
- return FALSE;
-void CGifLZWEncoder::Finish(uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& offset) {
- EncodeString(code_table[index_num].prefix, dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- EncodeString(code_end, dst_buf, dst_len, offset);
- bit_offset = 0;
- ClearTable();
-gif_decompress_struct_p gif_create_decompress() {
- gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr =
- (gif_decompress_struct*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(gif_decompress_struct));
- if (gif_ptr == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(gif_ptr, 0, sizeof(gif_decompress_struct));
- gif_ptr->decode_status = GIF_D_STATUS_SIG;
- gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr = new CFX_ArrayTemplate<GifImage*>;
- gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr = new CFX_ByteString;
- gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr = new CFX_ArrayTemplate<GifPlainText*>;
- return gif_ptr;
-void gif_destroy_decompress(gif_decompress_struct_pp gif_ptr_ptr) {
- if (gif_ptr_ptr == NULL || *gif_ptr_ptr == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr = *gif_ptr_ptr;
- *gif_ptr_ptr = NULL;
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->global_pal_ptr);
- delete gif_ptr->img_decoder_ptr;
- if (gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr) {
- int32_t size_img_arr = gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->GetSize();
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < size_img_arr; i++) {
- GifImage* p = gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->GetAt(i);
- FX_Free(p->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(p->image_gce_ptr);
- FX_Free(p->image_row_buf);
- if (p->local_pal_ptr && p->local_pal_ptr != gif_ptr->global_pal_ptr) {
- FX_Free(p->local_pal_ptr);
- }
- FX_Free(p);
- }
- gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->RemoveAll();
- delete gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr;
- }
- delete gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr;
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->gce_ptr);
- if (gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr) {
- int32_t size_pt_arr = gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr->GetSize();
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < size_pt_arr; i++) {
- GifPlainText* p = gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr->GetAt(i);
- FX_Free(p->gce_ptr);
- FX_Free(p->pte_ptr);
- delete p->string_ptr;
- }
- gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr->RemoveAll();
- delete gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr;
- }
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
-gif_compress_struct_p gif_create_compress() {
- gif_compress_struct_p gif_ptr =
- (gif_compress_struct*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(gif_compress_struct));
- if (gif_ptr == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(gif_ptr, 0, sizeof(gif_compress_struct));
- gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr = new CGifLZWEncoder;
- gif_ptr->header_ptr = (GifHeader*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifHeader));
- if (gif_ptr->header_ptr == NULL) {
- delete (gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
- return NULL;
- }
- FXSYS_memcpy(gif_ptr->header_ptr->signature, GIF_SIGNATURE, 3);
- FXSYS_memcpy(gif_ptr->header_ptr->version, "89a", 3);
- gif_ptr->lsd_ptr = (GifLSD*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifLSD));
- if (gif_ptr->lsd_ptr == NULL) {
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->header_ptr);
- delete (gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
- return NULL;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(gif_ptr->lsd_ptr, 0, sizeof(GifLSD));
- gif_ptr->image_info_ptr =
- (GifImageInfo*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifImageInfo));
- if (gif_ptr->image_info_ptr == NULL) {
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->lsd_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->header_ptr);
- delete (gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
- return NULL;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(gif_ptr->image_info_ptr, 0, sizeof(GifImageInfo));
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr = (GifGCE*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifGCE));
- if (gif_ptr->gce_ptr == NULL) {
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->lsd_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->header_ptr);
- delete (gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
- return NULL;
- }
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr = (GifPTE*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifPTE));
- if (gif_ptr->pte_ptr == NULL) {
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->gce_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->lsd_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->header_ptr);
- delete (gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
- return NULL;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(gif_ptr->pte_ptr, 0, sizeof(GifPTE));
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr->block_size = 12;
- return gif_ptr;
-void gif_destroy_compress(gif_compress_struct_pp gif_ptr_ptr) {
- if (gif_ptr_ptr == NULL || *gif_ptr_ptr == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- gif_compress_struct_p gif_ptr = *gif_ptr_ptr;
- *gif_ptr_ptr = NULL;
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->header_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->lsd_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->global_pal);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->local_pal);
- delete gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr;
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->gce_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->pte_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_ptr);
-void gif_error(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, const FX_CHAR* err_msg) {
- if (gif_ptr && gif_ptr->gif_error_fn) {
- gif_ptr->gif_error_fn(gif_ptr, err_msg);
- }
-void gif_warn(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, const FX_CHAR* err_msg) {}
-int32_t gif_read_header(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr) {
- if (gif_ptr == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- FX_DWORD skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifHeader) == 6);
- GifHeader* gif_header_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, (uint8_t**)&gif_header_ptr, 6) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- if (FXSYS_strncmp(gif_header_ptr->signature, GIF_SIGNATURE, 3) != 0 ||
- gif_header_ptr->version[0] != '8' || gif_header_ptr->version[2] != 'a') {
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Not A Gif Image");
- return 0;
- }
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifLSD) == 7);
- GifLSD* gif_lsd_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, (uint8_t**)&gif_lsd_ptr, 7) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- if (((GifGF*)&gif_lsd_ptr->global_flag)->global_pal) {
- gif_ptr->global_pal_num = 2
- << ((GifGF*)&gif_lsd_ptr->global_flag)->pal_bits;
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifPalette) == 3);
- int32_t global_pal_size = gif_ptr->global_pal_num * 3;
- uint8_t* global_pal_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &global_pal_ptr, global_pal_size) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- gif_ptr->global_sort_flag = ((GifGF*)&gif_lsd_ptr->global_flag)->sort_flag;
- gif_ptr->global_color_resolution =
- ((GifGF*)&gif_lsd_ptr->global_flag)->color_resolution;
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->global_pal_ptr);
- gif_ptr->global_pal_ptr = (GifPalette*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, global_pal_size);
- FXSYS_memcpy(gif_ptr->global_pal_ptr, global_pal_ptr, global_pal_size);
- }
- gif_ptr->width = (int)GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_lsd_ptr->width);
- gif_ptr->height = (int)GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_lsd_ptr->height);
- gif_ptr->bc_index = gif_lsd_ptr->bc_index;
- gif_ptr->pixel_aspect = gif_lsd_ptr->pixel_aspect;
- return 1;
-int32_t gif_get_frame(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr) {
- if (gif_ptr == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- int32_t ret = 1;
- while (TRUE) {
- switch (gif_ptr->decode_status) {
- return 1;
- case GIF_D_STATUS_SIG: {
- uint8_t* sig_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &sig_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- switch (*sig_ptr) {
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_EXT);
- continue;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_INFO);
- continue;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL);
- return 1;
- default:
- if (gif_ptr->avail_in) {
- gif_warn(gif_ptr, "The Gif File has non_standard Tag!");
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_SIG);
- continue;
- }
- gif_warn(gif_ptr, "The Gif File Doesn't have Trailer Tag!");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- case GIF_D_STATUS_EXT: {
- uint8_t* ext_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &ext_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- switch (*ext_ptr) {
- case GIF_BLOCK_CE:
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_CE);
- continue;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_GCE);
- continue;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_PTE);
- continue;
- default: {
- int32_t status = GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_UNE;
- if (*ext_ptr == GIF_BLOCK_PTE) {
- status = GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_PTE;
- }
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, status);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- ret = gif_decode_image_info(gif_ptr);
- if (ret != 1) {
- return ret;
- }
- continue;
- }
- uint8_t* data_size_ptr = NULL;
- uint8_t* data_ptr = NULL;
- FX_DWORD skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- while (*data_size_ptr != GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL) {
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_ptr, *data_size_ptr) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_DATA);
- skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- }
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_SIG);
- continue;
- }
- default: {
- ret = gif_decode_extension(gif_ptr);
- if (ret != 1) {
- return ret;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
-void gif_takeover_gce_ptr(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- GifGCE** gce_ptr_ptr) {
- *gce_ptr_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_ptr->gce_ptr && gce_ptr_ptr) {
- *gce_ptr_ptr = gif_ptr->gce_ptr;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr = NULL;
- }
-int32_t gif_decode_extension(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr) {
- uint8_t* data_size_ptr = NULL;
- uint8_t* data_ptr = NULL;
- FX_DWORD skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- switch (gif_ptr->decode_status) {
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr->Empty();
- while (*data_size_ptr != GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL) {
- uint8_t data_size = *data_size_ptr;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_ptr, *data_size_ptr) == NULL ||
- gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- *(gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr) +=
- CFX_ByteString((const FX_CHAR*)data_ptr, data_size);
- }
- } break;
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifPTE) == 13);
- GifPTE* gif_pte_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, (uint8_t**)&gif_pte_ptr, 13) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- GifPlainText* gif_pt_ptr = FX_Alloc(GifPlainText, 1);
- FXSYS_memset(gif_pt_ptr, 0, sizeof(GifPlainText));
- gif_takeover_gce_ptr(gif_ptr, &gif_pt_ptr->gce_ptr);
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr = (GifPTE*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifPTE));
- gif_pt_ptr->string_ptr = new CFX_ByteString;
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->block_size = gif_pte_ptr->block_size;
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_left =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_pte_ptr->grid_left);
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_top =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_pte_ptr->grid_top);
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_width =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_pte_ptr->grid_width);
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_height =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_pte_ptr->grid_height);
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->char_width = gif_pte_ptr->char_width;
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->char_height = gif_pte_ptr->char_height;
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->fc_index = gif_pte_ptr->fc_index;
- gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr->bc_index = gif_pte_ptr->bc_index;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- if (gif_pt_ptr) {
- FX_Free(gif_pt_ptr->gce_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr);
- delete gif_pt_ptr->string_ptr;
- FX_Free(gif_pt_ptr);
- }
- return 2;
- }
- while (*data_size_ptr != GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL) {
- uint8_t data_size = *data_size_ptr;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_ptr, *data_size_ptr) == NULL ||
- gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- if (gif_pt_ptr) {
- FX_Free(gif_pt_ptr->gce_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_pt_ptr->pte_ptr);
- delete gif_pt_ptr->string_ptr;
- FX_Free(gif_pt_ptr);
- }
- return 2;
- }
- *(gif_pt_ptr->string_ptr) +=
- CFX_ByteString((const FX_CHAR*)data_ptr, data_size);
- }
- gif_ptr->pt_ptr_arr_ptr->Add(gif_pt_ptr);
- } break;
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifGCE) == 5);
- GifGCE* gif_gce_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, (uint8_t**)&gif_gce_ptr, 6) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- if (gif_ptr->gce_ptr == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr = (GifGCE*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifGCE));
- }
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->block_size = gif_gce_ptr->block_size;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->gce_flag = gif_gce_ptr->gce_flag;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->delay_time =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_gce_ptr->delay_time);
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->trans_index = gif_gce_ptr->trans_index;
- } break;
- default: {
- if (gif_ptr->decode_status == GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_PTE) {
- FX_Free(gif_ptr->gce_ptr);
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr = NULL;
- }
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- while (*data_size_ptr != GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL) {
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_ptr, *data_size_ptr) == NULL ||
- gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_SIG);
- return 1;
-int32_t gif_decode_image_info(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr) {
- if (gif_ptr->width == 0 || gif_ptr->height == 0) {
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "No Image Header Info");
- return 0;
- }
- FX_DWORD skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifImageInfo) == 9);
- GifImageInfo* gif_img_info_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, (uint8_t**)&gif_img_info_ptr, 9) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- GifImage* gif_image_ptr = (GifImage*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifImage));
- FXSYS_memset(gif_image_ptr, 0, sizeof(GifImage));
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr =
- (GifImageInfo*)FX_Alloc(uint8_t, sizeof(GifImageInfo));
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->left =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_img_info_ptr->left);
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->top =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_img_info_ptr->top);
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->width =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_img_info_ptr->width);
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->height =
- GetWord_LSBFirst((uint8_t*)&gif_img_info_ptr->height);
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag = gif_img_info_ptr->local_flag;
- if (gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->left +
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->width >
- gif_ptr->width ||
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->top +
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->height >
- gif_ptr->height) {
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr);
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Image Data Out Of LSD, The File May Be Corrupt");
- return 0;
- }
- GifLF* gif_img_info_lf_ptr = (GifLF*)&gif_img_info_ptr->local_flag;
- if (gif_img_info_lf_ptr->local_pal) {
- ASSERT(sizeof(GifPalette) == 3);
- int32_t loc_pal_size = (2 << gif_img_info_lf_ptr->pal_bits) * 3;
- uint8_t* loc_pal_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &loc_pal_ptr, loc_pal_size) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr);
- return 2;
- }
- gif_image_ptr->local_pal_ptr =
- (GifPalette*)gif_ptr->gif_ask_buf_for_pal_fn(gif_ptr, loc_pal_size);
- if (gif_image_ptr->local_pal_ptr) {
- FXSYS_memcpy((uint8_t*)gif_image_ptr->local_pal_ptr, loc_pal_ptr,
- loc_pal_size);
- }
- }
- uint8_t* code_size_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &code_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->local_pal_ptr);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr);
- return 2;
- }
- gif_image_ptr->image_code_size = *code_size_ptr;
- gif_ptr->gif_record_current_position_fn(gif_ptr,
- &gif_image_ptr->image_data_pos);
- gif_image_ptr->image_data_pos += gif_ptr->skip_size;
- gif_takeover_gce_ptr(gif_ptr, &gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr);
- gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->Add(gif_image_ptr);
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_DATA);
- return 1;
-int32_t gif_load_frame(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, int32_t frame_num) {
- if (gif_ptr == NULL || frame_num < 0 ||
- frame_num >= gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->GetSize()) {
- return 0;
- }
- uint8_t* data_size_ptr = NULL;
- uint8_t* data_ptr = NULL;
- FX_DWORD skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- GifImage* gif_image_ptr = gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->GetAt(frame_num);
- FX_DWORD gif_img_row_bytes = gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->width;
- if (gif_ptr->decode_status == GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL) {
- if (gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf) {
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = NULL;
- }
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, gif_img_row_bytes);
- GifGCE* gif_img_gce_ptr = gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr;
- int32_t loc_pal_num =
- ((GifLF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag)->local_pal
- ? (2 << ((GifLF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag)
- ->pal_bits)
- : 0;
- gif_ptr->avail_in = 0;
- if (gif_img_gce_ptr == NULL) {
- FX_BOOL bRes = gif_ptr->gif_get_record_position_fn(
- gif_ptr, gif_image_ptr->image_data_pos,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->left,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->top,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->width,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->height, loc_pal_num,
- gif_image_ptr->local_pal_ptr, 0, 0, -1, 0,
- (FX_BOOL)((GifLF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag)
- ->interlace);
- if (!bRes) {
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = NULL;
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Error Read Record Position Data");
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- FX_BOOL bRes = gif_ptr->gif_get_record_position_fn(
- gif_ptr, gif_image_ptr->image_data_pos,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->left,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->top,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->width,
- gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->height, loc_pal_num,
- gif_image_ptr->local_pal_ptr,
- (int32_t)gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr->delay_time,
- (FX_BOOL)((GifCEF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr->gce_flag)
- ->user_input,
- ((GifCEF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr->gce_flag)->transparency
- ? (int32_t)gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr->trans_index
- : -1,
- (int32_t)((GifCEF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_gce_ptr->gce_flag)
- ->disposal_method,
- (FX_BOOL)((GifLF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag)
- ->interlace);
- if (!bRes) {
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = NULL;
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Error Read Record Position Data");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (gif_ptr->img_decoder_ptr == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->img_decoder_ptr = new CGifLZWDecoder(gif_ptr->err_ptr);
- }
- gif_ptr->img_decoder_ptr->InitTable(gif_image_ptr->image_code_size);
- gif_ptr->img_row_offset = 0;
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size = 0;
- gif_ptr->img_pass_num = 0;
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_num = 0;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_DATA);
- }
- CGifLZWDecoder* img_decoder_ptr = gif_ptr->img_decoder_ptr;
- if (gif_ptr->decode_status == GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_DATA) {
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- if (*data_size_ptr != GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL) {
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_ptr, *data_size_ptr) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- img_decoder_ptr->Input(data_ptr, *data_size_ptr);
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_DATA);
- gif_ptr->img_row_offset += gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size;
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size = gif_img_row_bytes - gif_ptr->img_row_offset;
- int32_t ret = img_decoder_ptr->Decode(
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf + gif_ptr->img_row_offset,
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size);
- if (ret == 0) {
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = NULL;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL);
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Decode Image Data Error");
- return 0;
- }
- while (ret != 0) {
- if (ret == 1) {
- gif_ptr->gif_get_row_fn(gif_ptr, gif_image_ptr->image_row_num,
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = NULL;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL);
- return 1;
- }
- if (ret == 2) {
- ASSERT(img_decoder_ptr->GetAvailInput() == 0);
- skip_size_org = gif_ptr->skip_size;
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_size_ptr, 1) == NULL) {
- return 2;
- }
- if (*data_size_ptr != GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL) {
- if (gif_read_data(gif_ptr, &data_ptr, *data_size_ptr) == NULL) {
- gif_ptr->skip_size = skip_size_org;
- return 2;
- }
- img_decoder_ptr->Input(data_ptr, *data_size_ptr);
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_DATA);
- gif_ptr->img_row_offset += gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size;
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size =
- gif_img_row_bytes - gif_ptr->img_row_offset;
- ret = img_decoder_ptr->Decode(
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf + gif_ptr->img_row_offset,
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size);
- }
- }
- if (ret == 3) {
- if (((GifLF*)&gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag)->interlace) {
- gif_ptr->gif_get_row_fn(gif_ptr, gif_image_ptr->image_row_num,
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_num +=
- s_gif_interlace_step[gif_ptr->img_pass_num];
- if (gif_image_ptr->image_row_num >=
- (int32_t)gif_image_ptr->image_info_ptr->height) {
- gif_ptr->img_pass_num++;
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_num =
- s_gif_interlace_step[gif_ptr->img_pass_num] / 2;
- }
- } else {
- gif_ptr->gif_get_row_fn(gif_ptr, gif_image_ptr->image_row_num++,
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- }
- gif_ptr->img_row_offset = 0;
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size = gif_img_row_bytes;
- ret = img_decoder_ptr->Decode(
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf + gif_ptr->img_row_offset,
- gif_ptr->img_row_avail_size);
- }
- if (ret == 0) {
- FX_Free(gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf);
- gif_image_ptr->image_row_buf = NULL;
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL);
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Decode Image Data Error");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- gif_save_decoding_status(gif_ptr, GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL);
- }
- gif_error(gif_ptr, "Decode Image Data Error");
- return 0;
-void gif_save_decoding_status(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, int32_t status) {
- gif_ptr->decode_status = status;
- gif_ptr->next_in += gif_ptr->skip_size;
- gif_ptr->avail_in -= gif_ptr->skip_size;
- gif_ptr->skip_size = 0;
-uint8_t* gif_read_data(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t** des_buf_pp,
- FX_DWORD data_size) {
- if (gif_ptr == NULL || gif_ptr->avail_in < gif_ptr->skip_size + data_size) {
- return NULL;
- }
- *des_buf_pp = gif_ptr->next_in + gif_ptr->skip_size;
- gif_ptr->skip_size += data_size;
- return *des_buf_pp;
-void gif_input_buffer(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t* src_buf,
- FX_DWORD src_size) {
- gif_ptr->next_in = src_buf;
- gif_ptr->avail_in = src_size;
- gif_ptr->skip_size = 0;
-FX_DWORD gif_get_avail_input(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t** avial_buf_ptr) {
- if (avial_buf_ptr) {
- *avial_buf_ptr = NULL;
- if (gif_ptr->avail_in > 0) {
- *avial_buf_ptr = gif_ptr->next_in;
- }
- }
- return gif_ptr->avail_in;
-int32_t gif_get_frame_num(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr) {
- return gif_ptr->img_ptr_arr_ptr->GetSize();
-static FX_BOOL gif_write_header(gif_compress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len) {
- if (gif_ptr->cur_offset) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- dst_len = sizeof(GifHeader) + sizeof(GifLSD) + sizeof(GifGF);
- dst_buf = FX_TryAlloc(uint8_t, dst_len);
- if (dst_buf == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- FXSYS_memset(dst_buf, 0, dst_len);
- FXSYS_memcpy(dst_buf, gif_ptr->header_ptr, sizeof(GifHeader));
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += sizeof(GifHeader);
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset, gif_ptr->lsd_ptr->width);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset, gif_ptr->lsd_ptr->height);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->lsd_ptr->global_flag;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->lsd_ptr->bc_index;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->lsd_ptr->pixel_aspect;
- if (gif_ptr->global_pal) {
- FX_WORD size = sizeof(GifPalette) * gif_ptr->gpal_num;
- if (!gif_grow_buf(dst_buf, dst_len, gif_ptr->cur_offset + size)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- FXSYS_memcpy(&dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset], gif_ptr->global_pal, size);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += size;
- }
- return TRUE;
-void interlace_buf(const uint8_t* buf, FX_DWORD pitch, FX_DWORD height) {
- CFX_ArrayTemplate<uint8_t*> pass[4];
- int i, j;
- FX_DWORD row;
- row = 0;
- uint8_t* temp;
- while (row < height) {
- if (row % 8 == 0) {
- j = 0;
- } else if (row % 4 == 0) {
- j = 1;
- } else if (row % 2 == 0) {
- j = 2;
- } else {
- j = 3;
- }
- temp = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, pitch);
- if (temp == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- FXSYS_memcpy(temp, &buf[pitch * row], pitch);
- pass[j].Add(temp);
- row++;
- }
- for (i = 0, row = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < pass[i].GetSize(); j++, row++) {
- FXSYS_memcpy((uint8_t*)&buf[pitch * row], pass[i].GetAt(j), pitch);
- FX_Free(pass[i].GetAt(j));
- }
- }
-static void gif_write_block_data(const uint8_t* src_buf,
- FX_DWORD src_len,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& dst_offset) {
- FX_DWORD src_offset = 0;
- while (src_len > GIF_DATA_BLOCK) {
- dst_buf[dst_offset++] = GIF_DATA_BLOCK;
- FXSYS_memcpy(&dst_buf[dst_offset], &src_buf[src_offset], GIF_DATA_BLOCK);
- dst_offset += GIF_DATA_BLOCK;
- src_offset += GIF_DATA_BLOCK;
- src_len -= GIF_DATA_BLOCK;
- }
- dst_buf[dst_offset++] = (uint8_t)src_len;
- FXSYS_memcpy(&dst_buf[dst_offset], &src_buf[src_offset], src_len);
- dst_offset += src_len;
-static FX_BOOL gif_write_data(gif_compress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len) {
- if (!gif_grow_buf(dst_buf, dst_len, gif_ptr->cur_offset + GIF_DATA_BLOCK)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (FXSYS_memcmp(gif_ptr->header_ptr->version, "89a", 3) == 0) {
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_SIG_EXTENSION;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_BLOCK_GCE;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->block_size = 4;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->gce_ptr->block_size;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->gce_flag = 0;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->gce_ptr->gce_flag;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->delay_time = 10;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->delay_time);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- gif_ptr->gce_ptr->trans_index = 0;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->gce_ptr->trans_index;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = 0;
- }
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_SIG_IMAGE;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->left);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset, gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->top);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->width);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->height);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- GifLF& lf = (GifLF&)gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->local_flag;
- if (gif_ptr->local_pal) {
- FX_DWORD pal_size = sizeof(GifPalette) * gif_ptr->lpal_num;
- if (!gif_grow_buf(dst_buf, dst_len, pal_size + gif_ptr->cur_offset)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- FXSYS_memcpy(&dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset], gif_ptr->local_pal, pal_size);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += pal_size;
- }
- if (lf.interlace) {
- interlace_buf(gif_ptr->src_buf, gif_ptr->src_pitch,
- gif_ptr->image_info_ptr->height);
- }
- uint8_t code_bit = lf.pal_bits;
- if (lf.local_pal == 0) {
- GifGF& gf = (GifGF&)gif_ptr->lsd_ptr->global_flag;
- code_bit = gf.pal_bits;
- }
- gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr->Start(code_bit, gif_ptr->src_buf, dst_buf,
- gif_ptr->cur_offset);
- for (i = 0; i < gif_ptr->src_row; i++) {
- if (!gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr->Encode(
- &gif_ptr->src_buf[i * gif_ptr->src_pitch],
- gif_ptr->src_width * (code_bit + 1), dst_buf, dst_len,
- gif_ptr->cur_offset)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- gif_ptr->img_encoder_ptr->Finish(dst_buf, dst_len, gif_ptr->cur_offset);
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = 0;
- if (FXSYS_memcmp(gif_ptr->header_ptr->version, "89a", 3) == 0 &&
- gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr) {
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_SIG_EXTENSION;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_BLOCK_CE;
- gif_write_block_data(gif_ptr->cmt_data_ptr, gif_ptr->cmt_data_len, dst_buf,
- dst_len, gif_ptr->cur_offset);
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = 0;
- }
- if (FXSYS_memcmp(gif_ptr->header_ptr->version, "89a", 3) == 0 &&
- gif_ptr->pte_data_ptr) {
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_SIG_EXTENSION;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_BLOCK_PTE;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = gif_ptr->pte_ptr->block_size;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_left);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset, gif_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_top);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_width);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr->grid_height);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr->char_width);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset,
- gif_ptr->pte_ptr->char_height);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset, gif_ptr->pte_ptr->fc_index);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- SetWord_LSBFirst(dst_buf + gif_ptr->cur_offset, gif_ptr->pte_ptr->bc_index);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += 2;
- gif_write_block_data(gif_ptr->pte_data_ptr, gif_ptr->pte_data_len, dst_buf,
- dst_len, gif_ptr->cur_offset);
- gif_ptr->cur_offset += gif_ptr->pte_data_len;
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = 0;
- }
- dst_buf[gif_ptr->cur_offset++] = GIF_SIG_TRAILER;
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL gif_encode(gif_compress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len) {
- if (!gif_write_header(gif_ptr, dst_buf, dst_len)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- FX_DWORD cur_offset = gif_ptr->cur_offset;
- FX_BOOL res = TRUE;
- if (gif_ptr->frames) {
- gif_ptr->cur_offset--;
- }
- if (!gif_write_data(gif_ptr, dst_buf, dst_len)) {
- gif_ptr->cur_offset = cur_offset;
- res = FALSE;
- }
- dst_len = gif_ptr->cur_offset;
- dst_buf[dst_len - 1] = GIF_SIG_TRAILER;
- if (res) {
- gif_ptr->frames++;
- }
- return res;
diff --git a/core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.h b/core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 32300a50e5..0000000000
--- a/core/src/fxcodec/lgif/fx_gif.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
-#define GIF_SIG_EXTENSION 0x21
-#define GIF_SIG_IMAGE 0x2C
-#define GIF_SIG_TRAILER 0x3B
-#define GIF_BLOCK_GCE 0xF9
-#define GIF_BLOCK_PTE 0x01
-#define GIF_BLOCK_CE 0xFE
-#define GIF_BLOCK_AE 0xFF
-#define GIF_BLOCK_TERMINAL 0x00
-#define GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE 4096
-#define GIF_DATA_BLOCK 255
-#define GIF_MAX_ERROR_SIZE 256
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_SIG 0x01
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL 0x02
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT 0x03
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_AE 0x04
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_CE 0x05
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_GCE 0x06
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_PTE 0x07
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_UNE 0x08
-#define GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_INFO 0x09
-#pragma pack(1)
-typedef struct tagGifGF {
- uint8_t pal_bits : 3;
- uint8_t sort_flag : 1;
- uint8_t color_resolution : 3;
- uint8_t global_pal : 1;
-} GifGF;
-typedef struct tagGifLF {
- uint8_t pal_bits : 3;
- uint8_t reserved : 2;
- uint8_t sort_flag : 1;
- uint8_t interlace : 1;
- uint8_t local_pal : 1;
-} GifLF;
-typedef struct tagGifHeader {
- char signature[3];
- char version[3];
-} GifHeader;
-typedef struct tagGifLSD {
- FX_WORD width;
- FX_WORD height;
- uint8_t global_flag;
- uint8_t bc_index;
- uint8_t pixel_aspect;
-} GifLSD;
-typedef struct tagGifImageInfo {
- FX_WORD left;
- FX_WORD top;
- FX_WORD width;
- FX_WORD height;
- uint8_t local_flag;
-} GifImageInfo;
-typedef struct tagGifCEF {
- uint8_t transparency : 1;
- uint8_t user_input : 1;
- uint8_t disposal_method : 3;
- uint8_t reserved : 3;
-} GifCEF;
-typedef struct tagGifGCE {
- uint8_t block_size;
- uint8_t gce_flag;
- FX_WORD delay_time;
- uint8_t trans_index;
-} GifGCE;
-typedef struct tagGifPTE {
- uint8_t block_size;
- FX_WORD grid_left;
- FX_WORD grid_top;
- FX_WORD grid_width;
- FX_WORD grid_height;
- uint8_t char_width;
- uint8_t char_height;
- uint8_t fc_index;
- uint8_t bc_index;
-} GifPTE;
-typedef struct tagGifAE {
- uint8_t block_size;
- uint8_t app_identify[8];
- uint8_t app_authentication[3];
-} GifAE;
-typedef struct tagGifPalette { uint8_t r, g, b; } GifPalette;
-#pragma pack()
-typedef struct tagGifImage {
- GifGCE* image_gce_ptr;
- GifPalette* local_pal_ptr;
- GifImageInfo* image_info_ptr;
- uint8_t image_code_size;
- FX_DWORD image_data_pos;
- uint8_t* image_row_buf;
- int32_t image_row_num;
-} GifImage;
-typedef struct tagGifPlainText {
- GifGCE* gce_ptr;
- GifPTE* pte_ptr;
- CFX_ByteString* string_ptr;
-} GifPlainText;
-class CGifLZWDecoder {
- public:
- struct tag_Table {
- FX_WORD prefix;
- uint8_t suffix;
- };
- CGifLZWDecoder(FX_CHAR* error_ptr = NULL) { err_msg_ptr = error_ptr; }
- void InitTable(uint8_t code_len);
- int32_t Decode(uint8_t* des_buf, FX_DWORD& des_size);
- void Input(uint8_t* src_buf, FX_DWORD src_size);
- FX_DWORD GetAvailInput();
- private:
- void ClearTable();
- void AddCode(FX_WORD prefix_code, uint8_t append_char);
- void DecodeString(FX_WORD code);
- uint8_t code_size;
- uint8_t code_size_cur;
- FX_WORD code_clear;
- FX_WORD code_end;
- FX_WORD code_next;
- uint8_t code_first;
- uint8_t stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE];
- FX_WORD stack_size;
- tag_Table code_table[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE];
- FX_WORD code_old;
- uint8_t* next_in;
- FX_DWORD avail_in;
- uint8_t bits_left;
- FX_DWORD code_store;
- FX_CHAR* err_msg_ptr;
-class CGifLZWEncoder {
- public:
- struct tag_Table {
- FX_WORD prefix;
- uint8_t suffix;
- };
- CGifLZWEncoder();
- ~CGifLZWEncoder();
- void Start(uint8_t code_len,
- const uint8_t* src_buf,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& offset);
- FX_BOOL Encode(const uint8_t* src_buf,
- FX_DWORD src_len,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& offset);
- void Finish(uint8_t*& dst_buf, FX_DWORD& dst_len, FX_DWORD& offset);
- private:
- void ClearTable();
- FX_BOOL LookUpInTable(const uint8_t* buf,
- FX_DWORD& offset,
- uint8_t& bit_offset);
- void EncodeString(FX_DWORD index,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len,
- FX_DWORD& offset);
- void WriteBlock(uint8_t*& dst_buf, FX_DWORD& dst_len, FX_DWORD& offset);
- jmp_buf jmp;
- FX_DWORD src_offset;
- uint8_t src_bit_offset;
- uint8_t src_bit_cut;
- FX_DWORD src_bit_num;
- uint8_t code_size;
- FX_WORD code_clear;
- FX_WORD code_end;
- FX_WORD index_num;
- uint8_t bit_offset;
- uint8_t index_bit_cur;
- uint8_t index_buf[GIF_DATA_BLOCK];
- uint8_t index_buf_len;
- tag_Table code_table[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE];
- FX_WORD table_cur;
-typedef struct tag_gif_decompress_struct gif_decompress_struct;
-typedef gif_decompress_struct* gif_decompress_struct_p;
-typedef gif_decompress_struct_p* gif_decompress_struct_pp;
-static const int32_t s_gif_interlace_step[4] = {8, 8, 4, 2};
-struct tag_gif_decompress_struct {
- jmp_buf jmpbuf;
- FX_CHAR* err_ptr;
- void (*gif_error_fn)(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, const FX_CHAR* err_msg);
- void* context_ptr;
- int width;
- int height;
- GifPalette* global_pal_ptr;
- int32_t global_pal_num;
- uint8_t global_sort_flag;
- uint8_t global_color_resolution;
- uint8_t bc_index;
- uint8_t pixel_aspect;
- CGifLZWDecoder* img_decoder_ptr;
- FX_DWORD img_row_offset;
- FX_DWORD img_row_avail_size;
- uint8_t img_pass_num;
- CFX_ArrayTemplate<GifImage*>* img_ptr_arr_ptr;
- uint8_t* (*gif_ask_buf_for_pal_fn)(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- int32_t pal_size);
- uint8_t* next_in;
- FX_DWORD avail_in;
- int32_t decode_status;
- FX_DWORD skip_size;
- void (*gif_record_current_position_fn)(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- FX_DWORD* cur_pos_ptr);
- void (*gif_get_row_fn)(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- int32_t row_num,
- uint8_t* row_buf);
- FX_BOOL (*gif_get_record_position_fn)(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- FX_DWORD cur_pos,
- int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t width, int32_t height,
- int32_t pal_num, void* pal_ptr,
- int32_t delay_time, FX_BOOL user_input,
- int32_t trans_index, int32_t disposal_method, FX_BOOL interlace);
- CFX_ByteString* cmt_data_ptr;
- GifGCE* gce_ptr;
- CFX_ArrayTemplate<GifPlainText*>* pt_ptr_arr_ptr;
-typedef struct tag_gif_compress_struct gif_compress_struct;
-typedef gif_compress_struct* gif_compress_struct_p;
-typedef gif_compress_struct_p* gif_compress_struct_pp;
-struct tag_gif_compress_struct {
- const uint8_t* src_buf;
- FX_DWORD src_pitch;
- FX_DWORD src_width;
- FX_DWORD src_row;
- FX_DWORD cur_offset;
- FX_DWORD frames;
- GifHeader* header_ptr;
- GifLSD* lsd_ptr;
- GifPalette* global_pal;
- FX_WORD gpal_num;
- GifPalette* local_pal;
- FX_WORD lpal_num;
- GifImageInfo* image_info_ptr;
- CGifLZWEncoder* img_encoder_ptr;
- uint8_t* cmt_data_ptr;
- FX_DWORD cmt_data_len;
- GifGCE* gce_ptr;
- GifPTE* pte_ptr;
- const uint8_t* pte_data_ptr;
- FX_DWORD pte_data_len;
-void gif_error(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, const FX_CHAR* err_msg);
-void gif_warn(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, const FX_CHAR* err_msg);
-gif_decompress_struct_p gif_create_decompress();
-void gif_destroy_decompress(gif_decompress_struct_pp gif_ptr_ptr);
-gif_compress_struct_p gif_create_compress();
-void gif_destroy_compress(gif_compress_struct_pp gif_ptr_ptr);
-int32_t gif_read_header(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr);
-int32_t gif_get_frame(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr);
-int32_t gif_get_frame_num(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr);
-int32_t gif_decode_extension(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr);
-int32_t gif_decode_image_info(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr);
-void gif_takeover_gce_ptr(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- GifGCE** gce_ptr_ptr);
-int32_t gif_load_frame(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, int32_t frame_num);
-uint8_t* gif_read_data(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t** des_buf_pp,
- FX_DWORD data_size);
-void gif_save_decoding_status(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr, int32_t status);
-void gif_input_buffer(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t* src_buf,
- FX_DWORD src_size);
-FX_DWORD gif_get_avail_input(gif_decompress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t** avial_buf_ptr);
-void interlace_buf(const uint8_t* buf, FX_DWORD width, FX_DWORD height);
-FX_BOOL gif_encode(gif_compress_struct_p gif_ptr,
- uint8_t*& dst_buf,
- FX_DWORD& dst_len);