path: root/fpdfsdk/fpdf_edit_embeddertest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpdfsdk/fpdf_edit_embeddertest.cpp')
1 files changed, 1469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/fpdf_edit_embeddertest.cpp b/fpdfsdk/fpdf_edit_embeddertest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..074bb40592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpdfsdk/fpdf_edit_embeddertest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@
+// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h"
+#include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h"
+#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
+#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h"
+#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h"
+#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h"
+#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
+#include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_helpers.h"
+#include "public/cpp/fpdf_deleters.h"
+#include "public/fpdf_annot.h"
+#include "public/fpdf_edit.h"
+#include "public/fpdfview.h"
+#include "testing/embedder_test.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "testing/test_support.h"
+class FPDFEditEmbeddertest : public EmbedderTest {
+ protected:
+ FPDF_DOCUMENT CreateNewDocument() {
+ document_ = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
+ cpdf_doc_ = CPDFDocumentFromFPDFDocument(document_);
+ return document_;
+ }
+ void CheckFontDescriptor(CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict,
+ int font_type,
+ bool bold,
+ bool italic,
+ uint32_t size,
+ const uint8_t* data) {
+ CPDF_Dictionary* font_desc = font_dict->GetDictFor("FontDescriptor");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_desc);
+ EXPECT_EQ("FontDescriptor", font_desc->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"),
+ font_desc->GetStringFor("FontName"));
+ // Check that the font descriptor has the required keys according to spec
+ // 1.7 Table 5.19
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("Flags"));
+ int font_flags = font_desc->GetIntegerFor("Flags");
+ EXPECT_EQ(bold, FontStyleIsBold(font_flags));
+ EXPECT_EQ(italic, FontStyleIsItalic(font_flags));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FontStyleIsNonSymbolic(font_flags));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("FontBBox"));
+ CPDF_Array* fontBBox = font_desc->GetArrayFor("FontBBox");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fontBBox);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4U, fontBBox->GetCount());
+ // Check that the coordinates are in the preferred order according to spec
+ // 1.7 Section 3.8.4
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fontBBox->GetIntegerAt(0) < fontBBox->GetIntegerAt(2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fontBBox->GetIntegerAt(1) < fontBBox->GetIntegerAt(3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("ItalicAngle"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("Ascent"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("Descent"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("CapHeight"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist("StemV"));
+ ByteString present("FontFile");
+ ByteString absent("FontFile2");
+ if (font_type == FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE)
+ std::swap(present, absent);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(font_desc->KeyExist(present));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(font_desc->KeyExist(absent));
+ // Check that the font stream is the one that was provided
+ CPDF_Stream* font_stream = font_desc->GetStreamFor(present);
+ ASSERT_EQ(size, font_stream->GetRawSize());
+ if (font_type == FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(size),
+ font_stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length1"));
+ }
+ uint8_t* stream_data = font_stream->GetRawData();
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
+ EXPECT_EQ(data[j], stream_data[j]) << " at byte " << j;
+ }
+ void CheckCompositeFontWidths(CPDF_Array* widths_array,
+ CPDF_Font* typed_font) {
+ // Check that W array is in a format that conforms to PDF spec 1.7 section
+ // "Glyph Metrics in CIDFonts" (these checks are not
+ // implementation-specific).
+ EXPECT_GT(widths_array->GetCount(), 1U);
+ int num_cids_checked = 0;
+ int cur_cid = 0;
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < widths_array->GetCount(); idx++) {
+ int cid = widths_array->GetNumberAt(idx);
+ EXPECT_GE(cid, cur_cid);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(++idx == widths_array->GetCount());
+ CPDF_Object* next = widths_array->GetObjectAt(idx);
+ if (next->IsArray()) {
+ // We are in the c [w1 w2 ...] case
+ CPDF_Array* arr = next->AsArray();
+ int cnt = static_cast<int>(arr->GetCount());
+ size_t inner_idx = 0;
+ for (cur_cid = cid; cur_cid < cid + cnt; cur_cid++) {
+ uint32_t width = arr->GetNumberAt(inner_idx++);
+ EXPECT_EQ(width, typed_font->GetCharWidthF(cur_cid))
+ << " at cid " << cur_cid;
+ }
+ num_cids_checked += cnt;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, are in the c_first c_last w case.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(next->IsNumber());
+ int last_cid = next->AsNumber()->GetInteger();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(++idx == widths_array->GetCount());
+ uint32_t width = widths_array->GetNumberAt(idx);
+ for (cur_cid = cid; cur_cid <= last_cid; cur_cid++) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(width, typed_font->GetCharWidthF(cur_cid))
+ << " at cid " << cur_cid;
+ }
+ num_cids_checked += last_cid - cid + 1;
+ }
+ // Make sure we have a good amount of cids described
+ EXPECT_GT(num_cids_checked, 900);
+ }
+ CPDF_Document* cpdf_doc() { return cpdf_doc_; }
+ private:
+ CPDF_Document* cpdf_doc_;
+namespace {
+const char kExpectedPDF[] =
+ "%PDF-1.7\r\n"
+ "%\xA1\xB3\xC5\xD7\r\n"
+ "1 0 obj\r\n"
+ "<</Pages 2 0 R /Type/Catalog>>\r\n"
+ "endobj\r\n"
+ "2 0 obj\r\n"
+ "<</Count 1/Kids\\[ 4 0 R \\]/Type/Pages>>\r\n"
+ "endobj\r\n"
+ "3 0 obj\r\n"
+ "<</CreationDate\\(D:.*\\)/Creator\\(PDFium\\)>>\r\n"
+ "endobj\r\n"
+ "4 0 obj\r\n"
+ "<</MediaBox\\[ 0 0 640 480\\]/Parent 2 0 R "
+ "/Resources<</ExtGState<</FXE1 5 0 R >>>>"
+ "/Rotate 0/Type/Page"
+ ">>\r\n"
+ "endobj\r\n"
+ "5 0 obj\r\n"
+ "<</BM/Normal/CA 1/ca 1>>\r\n"
+ "endobj\r\n"
+ "xref\r\n"
+ "0 6\r\n"
+ "0000000000 65535 f\r\n"
+ "0000000017 00000 n\r\n"
+ "0000000066 00000 n\r\n"
+ "0000000122 00000 n\r\n"
+ "0000000192 00000 n\r\n"
+ "0000000311 00000 n\r\n"
+ "trailer\r\n"
+ "<<\r\n"
+ "/Root 1 0 R\r\n"
+ "/Info 3 0 R\r\n"
+ "/Size 6/ID\\[<.*><.*>\\]>>\r\n"
+ "startxref\r\n"
+ "354\r\n"
+ "%%EOF\r\n";
+} // namespace
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, EmptyCreation) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CreateEmptyDocument());
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(document(), 0, 640.0, 480.0);
+ EXPECT_NE(nullptr, page);
+ // The FPDFPage_GenerateContent call should do nothing.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
+ EXPECT_THAT(GetString(), testing::MatchesRegex(std::string(
+ kExpectedPDF, sizeof(kExpectedPDF))));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+// Regression test for
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, RasterizePDF) {
+ const char kAllBlackMd5sum[] = "5708fc5c4a8bd0abde99c8e8f0390615";
+ // Get the bitmap for the original document/
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> orig_bitmap;
+ {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("black.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE orig_page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(orig_page);
+ orig_bitmap = RenderLoadedPage(orig_page);
+ CompareBitmap(orig_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, kAllBlackMd5sum);
+ UnloadPage(orig_page);
+ }
+ // Create a new document from |orig_bitmap| and save it.
+ {
+ FPDF_DOCUMENT temp_doc = FPDF_CreateNewDocument();
+ FPDF_PAGE temp_page = FPDFPage_New(temp_doc, 0, 612, 792);
+ // Add the bitmap to an image object and add the image object to the output
+ // page.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT temp_img = FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj(temp_doc);
+ FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap(&temp_page, 1, temp_img, orig_bitmap.get()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix(temp_img, 612, 0, 0, 792, 0, 0));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(temp_page, temp_img);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(temp_page));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(temp_doc, this, 0));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(temp_page);
+ FPDF_CloseDocument(temp_doc);
+ }
+ // Get the generated content. Make sure it is at least as big as the original
+ // PDF.
+ EXPECT_GT(GetString().size(), 923U);
+ VerifySavedDocument(612, 792, kAllBlackMd5sum);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddPaths) {
+ // Start with a blank page
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // We will first add a red rectangle
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 20, 20);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(red_rect);
+ // Expect false when trying to set colors out of range
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(red_rect, 100, 100, 100, 300));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 200, 256, 200, 0));
+ // Fill rectangle with red and insert to the page
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "66d02eaa6181e2c069ce2ea99beda497");
+ }
+ // Now add to that a green rectangle with some medium alpha
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT green_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(100, 100, 40, 40);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(green_rect, 0, 255, 0, 128));
+ // Make sure the type of the rectangle is a path.
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_PAGEOBJ_PATH, FPDFPageObj_GetType(green_rect));
+ // Make sure we get back the same color we set previously.
+ unsigned int R;
+ unsigned int G;
+ unsigned int B;
+ unsigned int A;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_GetFillColor(green_rect, &R, &G, &B, &A));
+ EXPECT_EQ(255U, G);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128U, A);
+ // Make sure the path has 5 points (1 FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo and 4
+ // FXPT_TYPE::LineTo).
+ ASSERT_EQ(5, FPDFPath_CountSegments(green_rect));
+ // Verify actual coordinates.
+ FPDF_PATHSEGMENT segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(green_rect, 0);
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_MOVETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(green_rect, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(140, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_LINETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(green_rect, 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(140, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(140, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_LINETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(green_rect, 3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(140, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_LINETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(green_rect, 4);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_LINETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(green_rect, FPDF_FILLMODE_WINDING, 0));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, green_rect);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "7b0b87604594e773add528fae567a558");
+ }
+ // Add a black triangle.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT black_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(400, 100);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(black_path, 0, 0, 0, 200));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 400, 200));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 300, 100));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(black_path));
+ // Make sure the path has 3 points (1 FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo and 2
+ // FXPT_TYPE::LineTo).
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, FPDFPath_CountSegments(black_path));
+ // Verify actual coordinates.
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(black_path, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_MOVETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(black_path, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_LINETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ segment = FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(black_path, 2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(segment, &x, &y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(300, x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, y);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_LINETO, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(segment));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(segment));
+ // Make sure out of bounds index access fails properly.
+ EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(black_path, 3));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, black_path);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "eadc8020a14dfcf091da2688733d8806");
+ }
+ // Now add a more complex blue path.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT blue_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(200, 200);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(blue_path, 0, 0, 255, 255));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(blue_path, 230, 230));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(blue_path, 250, 250, 280, 280, 300, 300));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(blue_path, 325, 325));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(blue_path, 350, 325));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(blue_path, 375, 330, 390, 360, 400, 400));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(blue_path));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, blue_path);
+ const char kLastMD5[] = "9823e1a21bd9b72b6a442ba4f12af946";
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, kLastMD5);
+ }
+ // Now save the result, closing the page and document
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+ // Render the saved result
+ VerifySavedDocument(612, 792, kLastMD5);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, RemovePageObject) {
+ // Load document with some text.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("hello_world.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Show what the original file looks like.
+ {
+ const char kOriginalMD5[] = "b90475ca64d1348c3bf5e2b77ad9187a";
+ const char kOriginalMD5[] = "e5a6fa28298db07484cd922f3e210c88";
+ const char kOriginalMD5[] = "2baa4c0e1758deba1b9c908e1fbd04ed";
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 200, 200, kOriginalMD5);
+ }
+ // Get the "Hello, world!" text object and remove it.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT page_object = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page_object);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_RemoveObject(page, page_object));
+ // Verify the "Hello, world!" text is gone.
+ {
+ const char kRemovedMD5[] = "af760c4702467cb1492a57fb8215efaa";
+ const char kRemovedMD5[] = "72be917349bf7004a5c39661fe1fc433";
+ const char kRemovedMD5[] = "b76df015fe88009c3c342395df96abf1";
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 200, 200, kRemovedMD5);
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ UnloadPage(page);
+ FPDFPageObj_Destroy(page_object);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, RemoveMarkedObjectsPrime) {
+ // Load document with some text.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("text_in_page_marked.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Show what the original file looks like.
+ {
+ const char kOriginalMD5[] = "5a5eb63cb21cc15084fea1f14284b8df";
+ const char kOriginalMD5[] = "587c507a40f613f9c530b2ce2d58d655";
+ const char kOriginalMD5[] = "2edc6e70d54889aa0c0b7bdf3e168f86";
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 200, 200, kOriginalMD5);
+ }
+ // Iterate over all objects, counting the number of times each content mark
+ // name appears.
+ int object_count = FPDFPage_CountObjects(page);
+ ASSERT_EQ(19, object_count);
+ unsigned long prime_count = 0;
+ unsigned long square_count = 0;
+ unsigned long greater_than_ten_count = 0;
+ std::vector<FPDF_PAGEOBJECT> primes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < object_count; ++i) {
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT page_object = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, i);
+ int mark_count = FPDFPageObj_CountMarks(page_object);
+ for (int j = 0; j < mark_count; ++j) {
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK mark = FPDFPageObj_GetMark(page_object, j);
+ char buffer[256];
+ ASSERT_GT(FPDFPageObjMark_GetName(mark, buffer, 256), 0u);
+ std::wstring name =
+ GetPlatformWString(reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(buffer));
+ if (name == L"Prime") {
+ prime_count++;
+ primes.push_back(page_object);
+ } else if (name == L"Square") {
+ square_count++;
+ } else if (name == L"GreaterThanTen") {
+ greater_than_ten_count++;
+ } else {
+ FAIL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Expect certain number of tagged objects. The test file contains strings
+ // from 1 to 19.
+ EXPECT_EQ(8u, prime_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4u, square_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(9u, greater_than_ten_count);
+ // Remove all objects marked with "Prime".
+ for (FPDF_PAGEOBJECT page_object : primes) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_RemoveObject(page, page_object));
+ FPDFPageObj_Destroy(page_object);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(11, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ {
+ const char kNonPrimesMD5[] = "57e76dc7375d896704f0fd6d6d1b9e65";
+ const char kNonPrimesMD5[] = "4d906b57fba36c70c600cf50d60f508c";
+ const char kNonPrimesMD5[] = "33d9c45bec41ead92a295e252f6b7922";
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 200, 200, kNonPrimesMD5);
+ }
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddAndRemovePaths) {
+ // Start with a blank page.
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Render the blank page and verify it's a blank bitmap.
+ const char kBlankMD5[] = "1940568c9ba33bac5d0b1ee9558c76b3";
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, kBlankMD5);
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ // Add a red rectangle.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 20, 20);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(red_rect);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect);
+ const char kRedRectangleMD5[] = "66d02eaa6181e2c069ce2ea99beda497";
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, kRedRectangleMD5);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ // Remove rectangle and verify it does not render anymore and the bitmap is
+ // back to a blank one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_RemoveObject(page, red_rect));
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, kBlankMD5);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ // Trying to remove an object not in the page should return false.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPage_RemoveObject(page, red_rect));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+ FPDFPageObj_Destroy(red_rect);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, PathsPoints) {
+ CreateNewDocument();
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT img = FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj(document_);
+ // This should fail gracefully, even if img is not a path.
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, FPDFPath_CountSegments(img));
+ // This should fail gracefully, even if path is NULL.
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, FPDFPath_CountSegments(nullptr));
+ // FPDFPath_GetPathSegment() with a non-path.
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(img, 0));
+ // FPDFPath_GetPathSegment() with a NULL path.
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(nullptr, 0));
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ // FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint() with a NULL segment.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint(nullptr, &x, &y));
+ // FPDFPathSegment_GetType() with a NULL segment.
+ ASSERT_EQ(FPDF_SEGMENT_UNKNOWN, FPDFPathSegment_GetType(nullptr));
+ // FPDFPathSegment_GetClose() with a NULL segment.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFPathSegment_GetClose(nullptr));
+ FPDFPageObj_Destroy(img);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, PathOnTopOfText) {
+ // Load document with some text
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("hello_world.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Add an opaque rectangle on top of some of the text.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(20, 100, 50, 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect);
+ // Add a transparent triangle on top of other part of the text.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT black_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(20, 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(black_path, 0, 0, 0, 100));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 30, 80));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(black_path, 40, 10));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(black_path));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, black_path);
+ // Render and check the result. Text is slightly different on Mac.
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> bitmap = RenderLoadedPage(page);
+ const char md5[] = "f9e6fa74230f234286bfcada9f7606d8";
+ const char md5[] = "aa71b09b93b55f467f1290e5111babee";
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 200, 200, md5);
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, EditOverExistingContent) {
+ // Load document with existing content
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("bug_717.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Add a transparent rectangle on top of the existing content
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect2 = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(90, 700, 25, 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect2, 255, 0, 0, 100));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect2);
+ // Add an opaque rectangle on top of the existing content
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT red_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(115, 700, 25, 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(red_rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, red_rect);
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> bitmap = RenderLoadedPage(page);
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 612, 792, "ad04e5bd0f471a9a564fb034bd0fb073");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ // Now save the result, closing the page and document
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
+ UnloadPage(page);
+ OpenSavedDocument();
+ FPDF_PAGE saved_page = LoadSavedPage(0);
+ VerifySavedRendering(saved_page, 612, 792,
+ "ad04e5bd0f471a9a564fb034bd0fb073");
+ ClearString();
+ // Add another opaque rectangle on top of the existing content
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT green_rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(150, 700, 25, 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(green_rect, 0, 255, 0, 255));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(saved_page, green_rect);
+ // Add another transparent rectangle on top of existing content
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT green_rect2 = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(175, 700, 25, 50);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(green_rect2, 0, 255, 0, 100));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(saved_page, green_rect2);
+ const char kLastMD5[] = "4b5b00f824620f8c9b8801ebb98e1cdd";
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> new_bitmap =
+ RenderSavedPage(saved_page);
+ CompareBitmap(new_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, kLastMD5);
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(saved_page));
+ // Now save the result, closing the page and document
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(saved_document_, this, 0));
+ CloseSavedPage(saved_page);
+ CloseSavedDocument();
+ // Render the saved result
+ VerifySavedDocument(612, 792, kLastMD5);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddStrokedPaths) {
+ // Start with a blank page
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ // Add a large stroked rectangle (fill color should not affect it).
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(20, 20, 200, 400);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect, 255, 0, 0, 255));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(rect, 0, 255, 0, 255));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeWidth(rect, 15.0f));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(rect, 0, 1));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, rect);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "64bd31f862a89e0a9e505a5af6efd506");
+ }
+ // Add crossed-checkmark
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT check = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(300, 500);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(check, 400, 400));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(check, 600, 600));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_MoveTo(check, 400, 600));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(check, 600, 400));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(check, 128, 128, 128, 180));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeWidth(check, 8.35f));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(check, 0, 1));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, check);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "4b6f3b9d25c4e194821217d5016c3724");
+ }
+ // Add stroked and filled oval-ish path.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(250, 100);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(path, 180, 166, 180, 233, 250, 300));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(path, 255, 305));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(path, 325, 233, 325, 166, 255, 105));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(path));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(path, 200, 128, 128, 100));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(path, 128, 200, 128, 150));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeWidth(path, 10.5f));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, path);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "ff3e6a22326754944cc6e56609acd73b");
+ }
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddStandardFontText) {
+ // Start with a blank page
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ // Add some text to the page
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object1 =
+ FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(document(), "Arial", 12.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(text_object1);
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text1 =
+ GetFPDFWideString(L"I'm at the bottom of the page");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object1, text1.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 20, 20);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object1);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ const char md5[] = "a4dddc1a3930fa694bbff9789dab4161";
+ const char md5[] = "eacaa24573b8ce997b3882595f096f00";
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, md5);
+ }
+ // Try another font
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object2 =
+ FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(document(), "TimesNewRomanBold", 15.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(text_object2);
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text2 =
+ GetFPDFWideString(L"Hi, I'm Bold. Times New Roman Bold.");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object2, text2.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 600);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object2);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ const char md5_2[] = "a5c4ace4c6f27644094813fe1441a21c";
+ const char md5_2[] = "2587eac9a787e97a37636d54d11bd28d";
+ const char md5_2[] = "76fcc7d08aa15445efd2e2ceb7c6cc3b";
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, md5_2);
+ }
+ // And some randomly transformed text
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object3 =
+ FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(document(), "Courier-Bold", 20.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(text_object3);
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text3 =
+ GetFPDFWideString(L"Can you read me? <:)>");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object3, text3.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object3, 1, 1.5, 2, 0.5, 200, 200);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object3);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ const char md5_3[] = "40b3ef04f915ff4c4208948001763544";
+ const char md5_3[] = "7cb61ec112cf400b489360d443ffc9d2";
+ const char md5_3[] = "b8a21668f1dab625af7c072e07fcefc4";
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, md5_3);
+ }
+ // TODO(npm): Why are there issues with text rotated by 90 degrees?
+ // TODO(npm): FPDF_SaveAsCopy not giving the desired result after this.
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, GraphicsData) {
+ // New page
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFPageDeleter> page(
+ FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792));
+ // Create a rect with nontrivial graphics
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect1 = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
+ FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode(rect1, "Color");
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page.get(), rect1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page.get()));
+ // Check that the ExtGState was created
+ CPDF_Page* cpage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page.get());
+ CPDF_Dictionary* graphics_dict = cpage->m_pResources->GetDictFor("ExtGState");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(graphics_dict);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Add a text object causing no change to the graphics dictionary
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text1 = FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(document(), "Arial", 12.0f);
+ // Only alpha, the last component, matters for the graphics dictionary. And
+ // the default value is 255.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetFillColor(text1, 100, 100, 100, 255));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page.get(), text1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page.get()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Add a text object increasing the size of the graphics dictionary
+ FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(document(), "Times-Roman", 12.0f);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page.get(), text2);
+ FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode(text2, "Darken");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetFillColor(text2, 0, 0, 255, 150));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page.get()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Add a path that should reuse graphics
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(400, 100);
+ FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode(path, "Darken");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(path, 200, 200, 100, 150));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page.get(), path);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page.get()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Add a rect increasing the size of the graphics dictionary
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect2 = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
+ FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode(rect2, "Darken");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect2, 0, 0, 255, 150));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetStrokeColor(rect2, 0, 0, 0, 200));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page.get(), rect2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page.get()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, DoubleGenerating) {
+ // Start with a blank page
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ // Add a red rectangle with some non-default alpha
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect, 255, 0, 0, 128));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, rect);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ // Check the ExtGState
+ CPDF_Page* cpage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page);
+ CPDF_Dictionary* graphics_dict = cpage->m_pResources->GetDictFor("ExtGState");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(graphics_dict);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Check the bitmap
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "5384da3406d62360ffb5cac4476fff1c");
+ }
+ // Never mind, my new favorite color is blue, increase alpha
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(rect, 0, 0, 255, 180));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Check that bitmap displays changed content
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "2e51656f5073b0bee611d9cd086aa09c");
+ }
+ // And now generate, without changes
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792,
+ "2e51656f5073b0bee611d9cd086aa09c");
+ }
+ // Add some text to the page
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object =
+ FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj(document(), "Arial", 12.0f);
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text =
+ GetFPDFWideString(L"Something something #text# something");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object, text.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object, 1, 0, 0, 1, 300, 300);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = cpage->m_pResources->GetDictFor("Font");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(font_dict->GetCount()));
+ // Generate yet again, check dicts are reasonably sized
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(graphics_dict->GetCount()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(font_dict->GetCount()));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, LoadSimpleType1Font) {
+ CreateNewDocument();
+ // TODO(npm): use other fonts after disallowing loading any font as any type
+ const CPDF_Font* stock_font =
+ CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(cpdf_doc(), "Times-Bold");
+ const uint8_t* data = stock_font->GetFont()->GetFontData();
+ const uint32_t size = stock_font->GetFont()->GetSize();
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFFontDeleter> font(
+ FPDFText_LoadFont(document(), data, size, FPDF_FONT_TYPE1, false));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font.get());
+ CPDF_Font* typed_font = static_cast<CPDF_Font*>(font.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(typed_font->IsType1Font());
+ CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = typed_font->GetFontDict();
+ EXPECT_EQ("Font", font_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Type1", font_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Times New Roman Bold", font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("FirstChar"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("LastChar"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, font_dict->GetIntegerFor("FirstChar"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(255, font_dict->GetIntegerFor("LastChar"));
+ CPDF_Array* widths_array = font_dict->GetArrayFor("Widths");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(widths_array);
+ ASSERT_EQ(224U, widths_array->GetCount());
+ EXPECT_EQ(250, widths_array->GetNumberAt(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(569, widths_array->GetNumberAt(11));
+ EXPECT_EQ(500, widths_array->GetNumberAt(223));
+ CheckFontDescriptor(font_dict, FPDF_FONT_TYPE1, true, false, size, data);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, LoadSimpleTrueTypeFont) {
+ CreateNewDocument();
+ const CPDF_Font* stock_font = CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(cpdf_doc(), "Courier");
+ const uint8_t* data = stock_font->GetFont()->GetFontData();
+ const uint32_t size = stock_font->GetFont()->GetSize();
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFFontDeleter> font(
+ FPDFText_LoadFont(document(), data, size, FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE, false));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font.get());
+ CPDF_Font* typed_font = static_cast<CPDF_Font*>(font.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(typed_font->IsTrueTypeFont());
+ CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = typed_font->GetFontDict();
+ EXPECT_EQ("Font", font_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("TrueType", font_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Courier New", font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("FirstChar"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font_dict->KeyExist("LastChar"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, font_dict->GetIntegerFor("FirstChar"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(255, font_dict->GetIntegerFor("LastChar"));
+ CPDF_Array* widths_array = font_dict->GetArrayFor("Widths");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(widths_array);
+ ASSERT_EQ(224U, widths_array->GetCount());
+ EXPECT_EQ(600, widths_array->GetNumberAt(33));
+ EXPECT_EQ(600, widths_array->GetNumberAt(74));
+ EXPECT_EQ(600, widths_array->GetNumberAt(223));
+ CheckFontDescriptor(font_dict, FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE, false, false, size, data);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, LoadCIDType0Font) {
+ CreateNewDocument();
+ const CPDF_Font* stock_font =
+ CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(cpdf_doc(), "Times-Roman");
+ const uint8_t* data = stock_font->GetFont()->GetFontData();
+ const uint32_t size = stock_font->GetFont()->GetSize();
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFFontDeleter> font(
+ FPDFText_LoadFont(document(), data, size, FPDF_FONT_TYPE1, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font.get());
+ CPDF_Font* typed_font = static_cast<CPDF_Font*>(font.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(typed_font->IsCIDFont());
+ // Check font dictionary entries
+ CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = typed_font->GetFontDict();
+ EXPECT_EQ("Font", font_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Type0", font_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Times New Roman-Identity-H", font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Identity-H", font_dict->GetStringFor("Encoding"));
+ CPDF_Array* descendant_array = font_dict->GetArrayFor("DescendantFonts");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(descendant_array);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, descendant_array->GetCount());
+ // Check the CIDFontDict
+ CPDF_Dictionary* cidfont_dict = descendant_array->GetDictAt(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("Font", cidfont_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("CIDFontType0", cidfont_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Times New Roman", cidfont_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
+ CPDF_Dictionary* cidinfo_dict = cidfont_dict->GetDictFor("CIDSystemInfo");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cidinfo_dict);
+ EXPECT_EQ("Adobe", cidinfo_dict->GetStringFor("Registry"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Identity", cidinfo_dict->GetStringFor("Ordering"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cidinfo_dict->GetNumberFor("Supplement"));
+ CheckFontDescriptor(cidfont_dict, FPDF_FONT_TYPE1, false, false, size, data);
+ // Check widths
+ CPDF_Array* widths_array = cidfont_dict->GetArrayFor("W");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(widths_array);
+ EXPECT_GT(widths_array->GetCount(), 1U);
+ CheckCompositeFontWidths(widths_array, typed_font);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, LoadCIDType2Font) {
+ CreateNewDocument();
+ const CPDF_Font* stock_font =
+ CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(cpdf_doc(), "Helvetica-Oblique");
+ const uint8_t* data = stock_font->GetFont()->GetFontData();
+ const uint32_t size = stock_font->GetFont()->GetSize();
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFFontDeleter> font(
+ FPDFText_LoadFont(document(), data, size, FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font.get());
+ CPDF_Font* typed_font = static_cast<CPDF_Font*>(font.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(typed_font->IsCIDFont());
+ // Check font dictionary entries
+ CPDF_Dictionary* font_dict = typed_font->GetFontDict();
+ EXPECT_EQ("Font", font_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Type0", font_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Arial Italic", font_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Identity-H", font_dict->GetStringFor("Encoding"));
+ CPDF_Array* descendant_array = font_dict->GetArrayFor("DescendantFonts");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(descendant_array);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, descendant_array->GetCount());
+ // Check the CIDFontDict
+ CPDF_Dictionary* cidfont_dict = descendant_array->GetDictAt(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("Font", cidfont_dict->GetStringFor("Type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("CIDFontType2", cidfont_dict->GetStringFor("Subtype"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Arial Italic", cidfont_dict->GetStringFor("BaseFont"));
+ CPDF_Dictionary* cidinfo_dict = cidfont_dict->GetDictFor("CIDSystemInfo");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cidinfo_dict);
+ EXPECT_EQ("Adobe", cidinfo_dict->GetStringFor("Registry"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("Identity", cidinfo_dict->GetStringFor("Ordering"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, cidinfo_dict->GetNumberFor("Supplement"));
+ CheckFontDescriptor(cidfont_dict, FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE, false, true, size,
+ data);
+ // Check widths
+ CPDF_Array* widths_array = cidfont_dict->GetArrayFor("W");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(widths_array);
+ CheckCompositeFontWidths(widths_array, typed_font);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, NormalizeNegativeRotation) {
+ // Load document with a -90 degree rotation
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("bug_713197.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ EXPECT_NE(nullptr, page);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, FPDFPage_GetRotation(page));
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddTrueTypeFontText) {
+ // Start with a blank page
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ {
+ const CPDF_Font* stock_font = CPDF_Font::GetStockFont(cpdf_doc(), "Arial");
+ const uint8_t* data = stock_font->GetFont()->GetFontData();
+ const uint32_t size = stock_font->GetFont()->GetSize();
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFFontDeleter> font(
+ FPDFText_LoadFont(document(), data, size, FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE, 0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font.get());
+ // Add some text to the page
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object =
+ FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj(document(), font.get(), 12.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(text_object);
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text =
+ GetFPDFWideString(L"I am testing my loaded font, WEE.");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object, text.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object, 1, 0, 0, 1, 400, 400);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object);
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ const char md5[] = "17d2b6cd574cf66170b09c8927529a94";
+ const char md5[] = "70592859010ffbf532a2237b8118bcc4";
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, md5);
+ // Add some more text, same font
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object2 =
+ FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj(document(), font.get(), 15.0f);
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text2 =
+ GetFPDFWideString(L"Bigger font size");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object2, text2.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 200);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object2);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap2 =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ const char md5_2[] = "8eded4193ff1f0f77b8b600a825e97ea";
+ const char md5_2[] = "c1d10cce1761c4a998a16b2562030568";
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap2.get(), 612, 792, md5_2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+ VerifySavedDocument(612, 792, md5_2);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, TransformAnnot) {
+ // Open a file with one annotation and load its first page.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("annotation_highlight_long_content.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ {
+ // Add an underline annotation to the page without specifying its rectangle.
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFAnnotationDeleter> annot(
+ FPDFPage_CreateAnnot(page, FPDF_ANNOT_UNDERLINE));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(annot);
+ // FPDFPage_TransformAnnots() should run without errors when modifying
+ // annotation rectangles.
+ FPDFPage_TransformAnnots(page, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
+ }
+ UnloadPage(page);
+// TODO(npm): Add tests using Japanese fonts in other OS.
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, AddCIDFontText) {
+ // Start with a blank page
+ FPDF_PAGE page = FPDFPage_New(CreateNewDocument(), 0, 612, 792);
+ CFX_Font CIDfont;
+ {
+ // First, get the data from the font
+ CIDfont.LoadSubst("IPAGothic", 1, 0, 400, 0, 932, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("IPAGothic", CIDfont.GetFaceName());
+ const uint8_t* data = CIDfont.GetFontData();
+ const uint32_t size = CIDfont.GetSize();
+ // Load the data into a FPDF_Font.
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFFontDeleter> font(
+ FPDFText_LoadFont(document(), data, size, FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(font.get());
+ // Add some text to the page
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object =
+ FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj(document(), font.get(), 12.0f);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text_object);
+ std::wstring wstr = L"ABCDEFGhijklmnop.";
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text =
+ GetFPDFWideString(wstr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object, text.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object, 1, 0, 0, 1, 200, 200);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object);
+ // And add some Japanese characters
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT text_object2 =
+ FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj(document(), font.get(), 18.0f);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(text_object2);
+ std::wstring wstr2 =
+ L"\u3053\u3093\u306B\u3061\u306f\u4e16\u754C\u3002\u3053\u3053\u306B1"
+ L"\u756A";
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned short, pdfium::FreeDeleter> text2 =
+ GetFPDFWideString(wstr2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFText_SetText(text_object2, text2.get()));
+ FPDFPageObj_Transform(text_object2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 500);
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, text_object2);
+ }
+ // Check that the text renders properly.
+ const char md5[] = "c68cd79aa72bf83a7b25271370d46b21";
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderPageWithFlags(page, nullptr, 0);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, md5);
+ }
+ // Save the document, close the page.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
+ FPDF_ClosePage(page);
+ VerifySavedDocument(612, 792, md5);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, SaveAndRender) {
+ const char md5[] = "3c20472b0552c0c22b88ab1ed8c6202b";
+ {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("bug_779.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, page);
+ // Now add a more complex blue path.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT green_path = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(20, 20);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetFillColor(green_path, 0, 255, 0, 200));
+ // TODO(npm): stroking will cause the MD5s to differ.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_SetDrawMode(green_path, FPDF_FILLMODE_WINDING, 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(green_path, 20, 63));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(green_path, 55, 55, 78, 78, 90, 90));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(green_path, 133, 133));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_LineTo(green_path, 133, 33));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_BezierTo(green_path, 38, 33, 39, 36, 40, 40));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPath_Close(green_path));
+ FPDFPage_InsertObject(page, green_path);
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> page_bitmap =
+ RenderLoadedPage(page);
+ CompareBitmap(page_bitmap.get(), 612, 792, md5);
+ // Now save the result, closing the page and document
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDFPage_GenerateContent(page));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FPDF_SaveAsCopy(document(), this, 0));
+ UnloadPage(page);
+ }
+ VerifySavedDocument(612, 792, md5);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, ExtractImageBitmap) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("embedded_images.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ ASSERT_EQ(39, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 32);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj));
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 33);
+ FPDF_BITMAP bitmap = FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_BGR, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap, 109, 88, "d65e98d968d196abf13f78aec655ffae");
+ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 34);
+ bitmap = FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_BGR, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap, 103, 75, "1287711c84dbef767c435d11697661d6");
+ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 35);
+ bitmap = FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_Gray, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap, 92, 68, "9c6d76cb1e37ef8514f9455d759391f3");
+ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 36);
+ bitmap = FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_BGR, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap, 79, 60, "15cb6a49a2e354ed0e9f45dd34e3da1a");
+ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 37);
+ bitmap = FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_BGR, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap, 126, 106, "be5a64ba7890d2657522af6524118534");
+ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 38);
+ bitmap = FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_BGR, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap, 194, 119, "f9e24207ee1bc0db6c543d33a5f12ec5");
+ FPDFBitmap_Destroy(bitmap);
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, ExtractJBigImageBitmap) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("bug_631912.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 0);
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<void, FPDFBitmapDeleter> bitmap(
+ FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(obj));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDFBitmap_Gray, FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(bitmap.get()));
+ CompareBitmap(bitmap.get(), 1152, 720, "3f6a48e2b3e91b799bf34567f55cb4de");
+ }
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, GetImageData) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("embedded_images.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ ASSERT_EQ(39, FPDFPage_CountObjects(page));
+ // Retrieve an image object with flate-encoded data stream.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 33);
+ // Check that the raw image data has the correct length and hash value.
+ unsigned long len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw(obj, nullptr, 0);
+ std::vector<char> buf(len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4091u, FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw(obj,, len));
+ EXPECT_EQ("f73802327d2e88e890f653961bcda81a",
+ GenerateMD5Base16(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, len));
+ // Check that the decoded image data has the correct length and hash value.
+ len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded(obj, nullptr, 0);
+ buf.clear();
+ buf.resize(len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(28776u, FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded(obj,, len));
+ EXPECT_EQ("cb3637934bb3b95a6e4ae1ea9eb9e56e",
+ GenerateMD5Base16(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, len));
+ // Retrieve an image obejct with DCTDecode-encoded data stream.
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 37);
+ // Check that the raw image data has the correct length and hash value.
+ len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw(obj, nullptr, 0);
+ buf.clear();
+ buf.resize(len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4370u, FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw(obj,, len));
+ EXPECT_EQ("6aae1f3710335023a9e12191be66b64b",
+ GenerateMD5Base16(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, len));
+ // Check that the decoded image data has the correct length and hash value,
+ // which should be the same as those of the raw data, since this image is
+ // encoded by a single DCTDecode filter and decoding is a noop.
+ len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded(obj, nullptr, 0);
+ buf.clear();
+ buf.resize(len);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4370u, FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded(obj,, len));
+ EXPECT_EQ("6aae1f3710335023a9e12191be66b64b",
+ GenerateMD5Base16(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, len));
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, DestroyPageObject) {
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT rect = FPDFPageObj_CreateNewRect(10, 10, 20, 20);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(rect);
+ // There should be no memory leaks with a call to FPDFPageObj_Destroy().
+ FPDFPageObj_Destroy(rect);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, GetImageFilters) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(OpenDocument("embedded_images.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Verify that retrieving the filter of a non-image object would fail.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 32);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount(obj));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 0, nullptr, 0));
+ // Verify the returned filter string for an image object with a single filter.
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 33);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount(obj));
+ unsigned long len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 0, nullptr, 0);
+ std::vector<char> buf(len);
+ static constexpr char kFlateDecode[] = "FlateDecode";
+ EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kFlateDecode),
+ FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 0,, len));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(kFlateDecode,;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 1, nullptr, 0));
+ // Verify all the filters for an image object with a list of filters.
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 38);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount(obj));
+ len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 0, nullptr, 0);
+ buf.clear();
+ buf.resize(len);
+ static constexpr char kASCIIHexDecode[] = "ASCIIHexDecode";
+ EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kASCIIHexDecode),
+ FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 0,, len));
+ len = FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 1, nullptr, 0);
+ buf.clear();
+ buf.resize(len);
+ static constexpr char kDCTDecode[] = "DCTDecode";
+ EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kDCTDecode),
+ FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(obj, 1,, len));
+ UnloadPage(page);
+TEST_F(FPDFEditEmbeddertest, GetImageMetadata) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(OpenDocument("embedded_images.pdf"));
+ FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(page);
+ // Check that getting the metadata of a null object would fail.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata(nullptr, page, &metadata));
+ // Check that receiving the metadata with a null metadata object would fail.
+ FPDF_PAGEOBJECT obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 35);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata(obj, page, nullptr));
+ // Check that when retrieving an image object's metadata without passing in
+ // |page|, all values are correct, with the last two being default values.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata(obj, nullptr, &metadata));
+ EXPECT_EQ(7, metadata.marked_content_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(92u, metadata.width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(68u, metadata.height);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(96.000000, metadata.horizontal_dpi, 0.001);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(96.000000, metadata.vertical_dpi, 0.001);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, metadata.bits_per_pixel);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_COLORSPACE_UNKNOWN, metadata.colorspace);
+ // Verify the metadata of a bitmap image with indexed colorspace.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata(obj, page, &metadata));
+ EXPECT_EQ(7, metadata.marked_content_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(92u, metadata.width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(68u, metadata.height);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(96.000000, metadata.horizontal_dpi, 0.001);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(96.000000, metadata.vertical_dpi, 0.001);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, metadata.bits_per_pixel);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FPDF_COLORSPACE_INDEXED, metadata.colorspace);
+ // Verify the metadata of an image with RGB colorspace.
+ obj = FPDFPage_GetObject(page, 37);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata(obj, page, &metadata));
+ EXPECT_EQ(9, metadata.marked_content_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(126u, metadata.width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(106u, metadata.height);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(162.173752, metadata.horizontal_dpi, 0.001);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(162.555878, metadata.vertical_dpi, 0.001);
+ EXPECT_EQ(24u, metadata.bits_per_pixel);
+ UnloadPage(page);