path: root/fpdfsdk/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fpdfsdk/include')
25 files changed, 90 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/formfiller/FFL_CBA_Fontmap.h b/fpdfsdk/include/formfiller/FFL_CBA_Fontmap.h
index a51e9efbe1..687cd6f207 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/formfiller/FFL_CBA_Fontmap.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/formfiller/FFL_CBA_Fontmap.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
virtual ~CBA_FontMap();
- virtual void Initial(FX_LPCSTR fontname = NULL);
+ virtual void Initial(const FX_CHAR* fontname = NULL);
void SetDefaultFont(CPDF_Font * pFont, const CFX_ByteString & sFontName);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_doc.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_doc.h
index d8cda3953f..163120b928 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_doc.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_doc.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
virtual void PageViewEvent(IXFA_PageView* pPageView, FX_DWORD dwFlags);
//dwEvent refer to XFA_WIDGETEVENT_XXX
- virtual void WidgetEvent(IXFA_Widget* hWidget, CXFA_WidgetAcc* pWidgetData, FX_DWORD dwEvent, FX_LPVOID pParam = NULL, FX_LPVOID pAdditional = NULL);
+ virtual void WidgetEvent(IXFA_Widget* hWidget, CXFA_WidgetAcc* pWidgetData, FX_DWORD dwEvent, void* pParam = NULL, void* pAdditional = NULL);
//return true if render it.
virtual FX_BOOL RenderCustomWidget(IXFA_Widget* hWidget, CFX_Graphics* pGS, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix, const CFX_RectF& rtUI){return FALSE;}
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_baseform.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_baseform.h
index 88192aad31..2091376c9c 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_baseform.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_baseform.h
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public:
void SetTopVisibleIndex(int index);
void ResetAppearance(FX_BOOL bValueChanged);
- void ResetAppearance(FX_LPCWSTR sValue, FX_BOOL bValueChanged);
+ void ResetAppearance(const FX_WCHAR* sValue, FX_BOOL bValueChanged);
void ResetFieldAppearance(FX_BOOL bValueChanged);
void UpdateField();
CFX_WideString OnFormat(int nCommitKey, FX_BOOL& bFormated);
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ private:
void ResetAppearance_PushButton();
void ResetAppearance_CheckBox();
void ResetAppearance_RadioButton();
- void ResetAppearance_ComboBox(FX_LPCWSTR sValue);
+ void ResetAppearance_ComboBox(const FX_WCHAR* sValue);
void ResetAppearance_ListBox();
- void ResetAppearance_TextField(FX_LPCWSTR sValue);
+ void ResetAppearance_TextField(const FX_WCHAR* sValue);
CPDF_Rect GetClientRect() const;
CPDF_Rect GetRotatedRect() const;
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public:
void OnCalculate(CPDF_FormField* pFormField = NULL);
CFX_WideString OnFormat(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, int nCommitKey, FX_BOOL& bFormated);
- void ResetFieldAppearance(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, FX_LPCWSTR sValue, FX_BOOL bValueChanged);
+ void ResetFieldAppearance(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, const FX_WCHAR* sValue, FX_BOOL bValueChanged);
void UpdateField(CPDF_FormField* pFormField);
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ private:
FX_BOOL FDFToURLEncodedData(CFX_WideString csFDFFile, CFX_WideString csTxtFile);
+ FX_BOOL FDFToURLEncodedData(uint8_t*& pBuf, FX_STRSIZE& nBufSize);
int GetPageIndexByAnnotDict(CPDF_Document* pDocument, CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) const;
void DoFDFBuffer(CFX_ByteString sBuffer);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_define.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_define.h
index 12ef8133a2..c21dd88ca9 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_define.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_define.h
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public:
virtual CFX_ByteString GetFullPath() { return ""; }
virtual FX_FILESIZE GetSize() override { return m_FileAccess.m_FileLen; }
virtual FX_BOOL GetByte(FX_DWORD pos, uint8_t& ch);
- virtual FX_BOOL GetBlock(FX_DWORD pos, FX_LPBYTE pBuf, FX_DWORD size);
+ virtual FX_BOOL GetBlock(FX_DWORD pos, uint8_t* pBuf, FX_DWORD size);
virtual void Release() override { delete this; }
virtual FX_BOOL ReadBlock(void* buffer, FX_FILESIZE offset, size_t size) override;
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_mgr.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_mgr.h
index d90ab3be4f..b0ff5a7599 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_mgr.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_mgr.h
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public:
return FALSE;
- int JS_appAlert(FX_LPCWSTR Msg, FX_LPCWSTR Title, FX_UINT Type, FX_UINT Icon)
+ int JS_appAlert(const FX_WCHAR* Msg, const FX_WCHAR* Title, FX_UINT Type, FX_UINT Icon)
if(m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->app_alert)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public:
return -1;
- int JS_appResponse(FX_LPCWSTR Question, FX_LPCWSTR Title, FX_LPCWSTR Default, FX_LPCWSTR cLabel, FPDF_BOOL bPassword, void* response, int length)
+ int JS_appResponse(const FX_WCHAR* Question, const FX_WCHAR* Title, const FX_WCHAR* Default, const FX_WCHAR* cLabel, FPDF_BOOL bPassword, void* response, int length)
if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->app_response)
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public:
return L"";
- void JS_docSubmitForm(void* formData, int length, FX_LPCWSTR URL)
+ void JS_docSubmitForm(void* formData, int length, const FX_WCHAR* URL)
if(m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_submitForm)
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public:
- void JS_docmailForm(void* mailData, int length, FPDF_BOOL bUI,FX_LPCWSTR To, FX_LPCWSTR Subject, FX_LPCWSTR CC, FX_LPCWSTR BCC, FX_LPCWSTR Msg)
+ void JS_docmailForm(void* mailData, int length, FPDF_BOOL bUI,const FX_WCHAR* To, const FX_WCHAR* Subject, const FX_WCHAR* CC, const FX_WCHAR* BCC, const FX_WCHAR* Msg)
if(m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_mail)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public:
return 0;
- void FFI_ExecuteNamedAction(FX_LPCSTR namedAction)
+ void FFI_ExecuteNamedAction(const FX_CHAR* namedAction)
if(m_pInfo && m_pInfo->FFI_ExecuteNamedAction)
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ public:
- void FFI_DoURIAction(FX_LPCSTR bsURI)
+ void FFI_DoURIAction(const FX_CHAR* bsURI)
if(m_pInfo && m_pInfo->FFI_DoURIAction)
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ public:
return 0;
- IFX_FileRead* FFI_DownloadFromURL(FX_LPCWSTR url)
+ IFX_FileRead* FFI_DownloadFromURL(const FX_WCHAR* url)
if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->FFI_DownloadFromURL)
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ public:
return NULL;
- CFX_WideString FFI_PostRequestURL(FX_LPCWSTR wsURL, FX_LPCWSTR wsData, FX_LPCWSTR wsContentType, FX_LPCWSTR wsEncode, FX_LPCWSTR wsHeader)
+ CFX_WideString FFI_PostRequestURL(const FX_WCHAR* wsURL, const FX_WCHAR* wsData, const FX_WCHAR* wsContentType, const FX_WCHAR* wsEncode, const FX_WCHAR* wsHeader)
if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->FFI_PostRequestURL)
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ public:
return L"";
+ FPDF_BOOL FFI_PutRequestURL(const FX_WCHAR* wsURL, const FX_WCHAR* wsData, const FX_WCHAR* wsEncode)
if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->FFI_PutRequestURL)
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ public:
return FALSE;
- FPDF_BOOL FFI_ShowFileDialog(FX_LPCWSTR wsTitle, FX_LPCWSTR wsFilter, CFX_WideStringArray &wsPathArr, FX_BOOL bOpen)
+ FPDF_BOOL FFI_ShowFileDialog(const FX_WCHAR* wsTitle, const FX_WCHAR* wsFilter, CFX_WideStringArray &wsPathArr, FX_BOOL bOpen)
/*CFX_ByteString bsTitle = CFX_WideString(wsTitle).UTF16LE_Encode();
FPDF_WIDESTRING title = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsTitle.GetBuffer(bsTitle.GetLength());
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ public:
FX_BOOL Annot_HasAppearance(CPDF_Annot* pAnnot);
CPDFSDK_Annot* AddAnnot(CPDF_Dictionary * pDict);
- CPDFSDK_Annot* AddAnnot(FX_LPCSTR lpSubType,CPDF_Dictionary * pDict);
+ CPDFSDK_Annot* AddAnnot(const FX_CHAR* lpSubType,CPDF_Dictionary * pDict);
CPDFSDK_Annot* AddAnnot(CPDF_Annot * pPDFAnnot);
CPDFSDK_Annot* AddAnnot(IXFA_Widget* pPDFAnnot);
FX_BOOL DeleteAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ public:
FX_BOOL OnMouseMove(const CPDF_Point & point, int nFlag);
FX_BOOL OnMouseWheel(double deltaX, double deltaY,const CPDF_Point& point, int nFlag);
- FX_BOOL IsValidAnnot(FX_LPVOID p);
+ FX_BOOL IsValidAnnot(void* p);
void GetCurrentMatrix(CPDF_Matrix& matrix) {matrix = m_curMatrix;}
void UpdateRects(CFX_RectArray& rects);
void UpdateView(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fx_systemhandler.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fx_systemhandler.h
index 276019eae5..e398f78b88 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fx_systemhandler.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fx_systemhandler.h
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
+typedef void* FX_HWND;
+typedef void* FX_HMENU;
typedef void (*TimerCallback)(int32_t idEvent);
typedef struct _FX_SYSTEMTIME
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h
index 0da6fe6f9e..f710cddaa7 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h
@@ -309,14 +309,14 @@ public:
virtual void OnVK_END(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl) = 0;
//put text into edit.
- virtual void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text,int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
+ virtual void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* text,int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
//insert a word into the edit.
virtual FX_BOOL InsertWord(FX_WORD word, int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
//insert a return into the edit.
virtual FX_BOOL InsertReturn(const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
//insert text into the edit.
- virtual FX_BOOL InsertText(FX_LPCWSTR text, int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
+ virtual FX_BOOL InsertText(const FX_WCHAR* text, int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;
//do backspace operation.
virtual FX_BOOL Backspace() = 0;
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ public:
virtual int32_t GetItemIndex(const CPDF_Point & point) const = 0;
virtual int32_t GetFirstSelected() const = 0;
- virtual void AddString(FX_LPCWSTR string) = 0;
+ virtual void AddString(const FX_WCHAR* string) = 0;
virtual void SetTopItem(int32_t nIndex) = 0;
virtual void Select(int32_t nItemIndex) = 0;
virtual void SetCaret(int32_t nItemIndex) = 0;
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_edit.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_edit.h
index 6fd7b9a4ee..0a3617f4e4 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_edit.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_edit.h
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ public:
void OnVK_HOME(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_END(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
- void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text,int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
+ void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* text,int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL InsertWord(FX_WORD word, int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL InsertReturn(const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
@@ -626,11 +626,11 @@ public:
FX_BOOL Delete();
FX_BOOL Clear();
FX_BOOL Empty();
- FX_BOOL InsertText(FX_LPCWSTR text, int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
+ FX_BOOL InsertText(const FX_WCHAR* text, int32_t charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL Redo();
FX_BOOL Undo();
- CPVT_WordPlace DoInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, FX_LPCWSTR text, int32_t charset,
+ CPVT_WordPlace DoInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const FX_WCHAR* text, int32_t charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
int32_t GetCharSetFromUnicode(FX_WORD word, int32_t nOldCharset);
@@ -679,14 +679,14 @@ private:
void SetContentChanged();
void EnableNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify);
- void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text,int32_t charset,
+ void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* text,int32_t charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL InsertWord(FX_WORD word, int32_t charset, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL InsertReturn(const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL Backspace(FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL Delete(FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL Clear(FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
- FX_BOOL InsertText(FX_LPCWSTR text, int32_t charset,
+ FX_BOOL InsertText(const FX_WCHAR* text, int32_t charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextProps(EDIT_PROPS_E eProps,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_list.h b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_list.h
index b7888eaf3b..02028f2cff 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_list.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fxet_list.h
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ public:
void SetRect(const CLST_Rect & rect);
void SetSelect(FX_BOOL bSelected);
void SetCaret(FX_BOOL bCaret);
- void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text);
+ void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* text);
void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize);
CFX_WideString GetText() const;
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ public:
virtual void Empty();
- void AddItem(FX_LPCWSTR str);
+ void AddItem(const FX_WCHAR* str);
virtual void ReArrange(int32_t nItemIndex);
virtual CPDF_Rect GetItemRect(int32_t nIndex) const;
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public:
virtual CPDF_Rect GetContentRect() const;
virtual int32_t GetItemIndex(const CPDF_Point & point) const;
- void AddString(FX_LPCWSTR string);
+ void AddString(const FX_WCHAR* string);
void SetTopItem(int32_t nIndex);
void Select(int32_t nItemIndex);
virtual void SetCaret(int32_t nItemIndex);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_EventHandler.h b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_EventHandler.h
index d6cdbe81bc..a99030734b 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_EventHandler.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_EventHandler.h
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ public:
FX_BOOL FieldFull();
FX_BOOL KeyDown();
FX_BOOL Modifier();
- FX_LPCWSTR Name();
- FX_LPCWSTR Type();
+ const FX_WCHAR* Name();
+ const FX_WCHAR* Type();
FX_BOOL& Rc();
int& SelEnd();
int& SelStart();
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_GlobalData.h b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_GlobalData.h
index 4e1073d15a..fea082d811 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_GlobalData.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_GlobalData.h
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ public:
virtual ~CJS_GlobalData();
- void SetGlobalVariableNumber(FX_LPCSTR propname, double dData);
- void SetGlobalVariableBoolean(FX_LPCSTR propname, bool bData);
- void SetGlobalVariableString(FX_LPCSTR propname, const CFX_ByteString& sData);
- void SetGlobalVariableObject(FX_LPCSTR propname, const CJS_GlobalVariableArray& array);
- void SetGlobalVariableNull(FX_LPCSTR propname);
- FX_BOOL SetGlobalVariablePersistent(FX_LPCSTR propname, FX_BOOL bPersistent);
- FX_BOOL DeleteGlobalVariable(FX_LPCSTR propname);
+ void SetGlobalVariableNumber(const FX_CHAR* propname, double dData);
+ void SetGlobalVariableBoolean(const FX_CHAR* propname, bool bData);
+ void SetGlobalVariableString(const FX_CHAR* propname, const CFX_ByteString& sData);
+ void SetGlobalVariableObject(const FX_CHAR* propname, const CJS_GlobalVariableArray& array);
+ void SetGlobalVariableNull(const FX_CHAR* propname);
+ FX_BOOL SetGlobalVariablePersistent(const FX_CHAR* propname, FX_BOOL bPersistent);
+ FX_BOOL DeleteGlobalVariable(const FX_CHAR* propname);
int32_t GetSize() const;
CJS_GlobalData_Element* GetAt(int index) const;
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ private:
void LoadGlobalPersistentVariables();
void SaveGlobalPersisitentVariables();
- CJS_GlobalData_Element* GetGlobalVariable(FX_LPCSTR propname);
- int FindGlobalVariable(FX_LPCSTR propname);
+ CJS_GlobalData_Element* GetGlobalVariable(const FX_CHAR* propname);
+ int FindGlobalVariable(const FX_CHAR* propname);
- void LoadFileBuffer(FX_LPCWSTR sFilePath, FX_LPBYTE& pBuffer, int32_t& nLength);
- void WriteFileBuffer(FX_LPCWSTR sFilePath, FX_LPCSTR pBuffer, int32_t nLength);
+ void LoadFileBuffer(const FX_WCHAR* sFilePath, uint8_t*& pBuffer, int32_t& nLength);
+ void WriteFileBuffer(const FX_WCHAR* sFilePath, const FX_CHAR* pBuffer, int32_t nLength);
void MakeByteString(const CFX_ByteString& name, CJS_KeyValue* pData, CFX_BinaryBuf& sData);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Object.h b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Object.h
index 3b97677fa6..803f6ba35e 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Object.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Object.h
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ public:
operator CJS_Object* (){return m_pJSObject;};
CPDFSDK_PageView * JSGetPageView(IFXJS_Context* cc);
- int MsgBox(CPDFDoc_Environment * pApp, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, FX_LPCWSTR swMsg, FX_LPCWSTR swTitle = NULL, FX_UINT nType = 0, FX_UINT nIcon = 0);
- void Alert(CJS_Context* pContext, FX_LPCWSTR swMsg);
+ int MsgBox(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg, const FX_WCHAR* swTitle = NULL, FX_UINT nType = 0, FX_UINT nIcon = 0);
+ void Alert(CJS_Context* pContext, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg);
CJS_Object* m_pJSObject;
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
void MakeWeak();
void Dispose();
- virtual FX_BOOL IsType(FX_LPCSTR sClassName){return TRUE;};
+ virtual FX_BOOL IsType(const FX_CHAR* sClassName){return TRUE;};
virtual CFX_ByteString GetClassName(){return "";};
virtual FX_BOOL InitInstance(IFXJS_Context* cc){return TRUE;};
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ public:
CJS_EmbedObj * GetEmbedObject(){return m_pEmbedObj;};
static CPDFSDK_PageView * JSGetPageView(IFXJS_Context* cc);
- static int MsgBox(CPDFDoc_Environment * pApp, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, FX_LPCWSTR swMsg, FX_LPCWSTR swTitle = NULL, FX_UINT nType = 0,FX_UINT nIcon = 0);
- static void Alert(CJS_Context* pContext, FX_LPCWSTR swMsg);
+ static int MsgBox(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg, const FX_WCHAR* swTitle = NULL, FX_UINT nType = 0,FX_UINT nIcon = 0);
+ static void Alert(CJS_Context* pContext, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg);
v8::Isolate* GetIsolate() {return m_pIsolate;}
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Value.h b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Value.h
index 245b736cdf..4381bd55a6 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Value.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/JS_Value.h
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ public:
CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, JSFXObject);
CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, CJS_Object*);
CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, CJS_Document*);
- CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, FX_LPCSTR pStr);
- CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, FX_LPCWSTR pWstr);
+ CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, const FX_CHAR* pStr);
+ CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, const FX_WCHAR* pWstr);
CJS_Value(v8::Isolate* isolate, CJS_Array& array);
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ public:
void operator = (v8::Local<v8::Object>);
void operator = (CJS_Array &);
void operator = (CJS_Date &);
- void operator = (FX_LPCWSTR pWstr);
- void operator = (FX_LPCSTR pStr);
+ void operator = (const FX_WCHAR* pWstr);
+ void operator = (const FX_CHAR* pStr);
void operator = (CJS_Value value);
FX_BOOL IsArrayObject() const;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public:
void operator>>(CFX_ByteString&) const;
void operator<<(CFX_WideString);
void operator>>(CFX_WideString&) const;
- void operator<<(FX_LPCWSTR c_string);
+ void operator<<(const FX_WCHAR* c_string);
void operator<<(JSFXObject);
void operator>>(JSFXObject&) const;
void operator>>(CJS_Array& array) const;
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/PublicMethods.h b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/PublicMethods.h
index 375ae1fcfe..ba38503017 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/PublicMethods.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/PublicMethods.h
@@ -70,23 +70,23 @@ public:
static CFX_WideString ParseStringString(const CFX_WideString& string, int nStart, int& nSkip);
static double MakeRegularDate(const CFX_WideString & value,const CFX_WideString & format, FX_BOOL& bWrongFormat);
static CFX_WideString MakeFormatDate(double dDate,const CFX_WideString & format);
- static FX_BOOL ConvertStringToNumber(FX_LPCWSTR swSource, double & dRet, FX_BOOL & bDot);
- static double ParseStringToNumber(FX_LPCWSTR swSource);
+ static FX_BOOL ConvertStringToNumber(const FX_WCHAR* swSource, double & dRet, FX_BOOL & bDot);
+ static double ParseStringToNumber(const FX_WCHAR* swSource);
static double ParseNormalDate(const CFX_WideString & value, FX_BOOL& bWrongFormat);
static double MakeInterDate(CFX_WideString strValue);
- static double ParseNumber(FX_LPCWSTR swSource, FX_BOOL& bAllDigits, FX_BOOL& bDot, FX_BOOL& bSign, FX_BOOL& bKXJS);
+ static double ParseNumber(const FX_WCHAR* swSource, FX_BOOL& bAllDigits, FX_BOOL& bDot, FX_BOOL& bSign, FX_BOOL& bKXJS);
- static CFX_WideString StrLTrim(FX_LPCWSTR pStr);
- static CFX_WideString StrRTrim(FX_LPCWSTR pStr);
- static CFX_WideString StrTrim(FX_LPCWSTR pStr);
+ static CFX_WideString StrLTrim(const FX_WCHAR* pStr);
+ static CFX_WideString StrRTrim(const FX_WCHAR* pStr);
+ static CFX_WideString StrTrim(const FX_WCHAR* pStr);
- static CFX_ByteString StrLTrim(FX_LPCSTR pStr);
- static CFX_ByteString StrRTrim(FX_LPCSTR pStr);
- static CFX_ByteString StrTrim(FX_LPCSTR pStr);
+ static CFX_ByteString StrLTrim(const FX_CHAR* pStr);
+ static CFX_ByteString StrRTrim(const FX_CHAR* pStr);
+ static CFX_ByteString StrTrim(const FX_CHAR* pStr);
- static FX_BOOL IsNumber(FX_LPCSTR string);
- static FX_BOOL IsNumber(FX_LPCWSTR string);
+ static FX_BOOL IsNumber(const FX_CHAR* string);
+ static FX_BOOL IsNumber(const FX_WCHAR* string);
static FX_BOOL IsDigit(char ch);
static FX_BOOL IsDigit(wchar_t ch);
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
static FX_BOOL maskSatisfied(wchar_t c_Change,wchar_t c_Mask);
static FX_BOOL isReservedMaskChar(wchar_t ch);
- static double AF_Simple(FX_LPCWSTR sFuction, double dValue1, double dValue2);
+ static double AF_Simple(const FX_WCHAR* sFuction, double dValue1, double dValue2);
static CJS_Array AF_MakeArrayFromList(v8::Isolate* isolate, CJS_Value val);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/global.h b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/global.h
index fac93d8e5b..3c8972c67c 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/global.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/javascript/global.h
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ public:
FX_BOOL setPersistent(IFXJS_Context* cc, const CJS_Parameters& params, CJS_Value& vRet, CFX_WideString& sError);
- FX_BOOL QueryProperty(FX_LPCWSTR propname);
- FX_BOOL DoProperty(IFXJS_Context* cc, FX_LPCWSTR propname, CJS_PropValue & vp, CFX_WideString & sError);
- FX_BOOL DelProperty(IFXJS_Context* cc, FX_LPCWSTR propname, CFX_WideString & sError);
+ FX_BOOL QueryProperty(const FX_WCHAR* propname);
+ FX_BOOL DoProperty(IFXJS_Context* cc, const FX_WCHAR* propname, CJS_PropValue & vp, CFX_WideString & sError);
+ FX_BOOL DelProperty(IFXJS_Context* cc, const FX_WCHAR* propname, CFX_WideString & sError);
void Initial(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp);
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ private:
void UpdateGlobalPersistentVariables();
void CommitGlobalPersisitentVariables();
void DestroyGlobalPersisitentVariables();
- FX_BOOL SetGlobalVariables(FX_LPCSTR propname, int nType,
+ FX_BOOL SetGlobalVariables(const FX_CHAR* propname, int nType,
double dData, bool bData, const CFX_ByteString& sData, JSObject pData, bool bDefaultPersistent);
void ObjectToArray(v8::Local<v8::Object> pObj, CJS_GlobalVariableArray& array);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ComboBox.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ComboBox.h
index 7abdeeffce..b82330c6b9 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ComboBox.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ComboBox.h
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ public:
void SetFillerNotify(IPWL_Filler_Notify* pNotify);
CFX_WideString GetText() const;
- void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text);
+ void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* text);
- void AddString(FX_LPCWSTR string);
+ void AddString(const FX_WCHAR* string);
int32_t GetSelect() const;
void SetSelect(int32_t nItemIndex);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h
index 93db6f09bd..81500e90ad 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ public:
virtual void PasteText();
virtual void CutText();
- virtual void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR csText);
- void ReplaceSel(FX_LPCWSTR csText);
+ virtual void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* csText);
+ void ReplaceSel(const FX_WCHAR* csText);
CFX_ByteString GetTextAppearanceStream(const CPDF_Point & ptOffset) const;
CFX_ByteString GetCaretAppearanceStream(const CPDF_Point & ptOffset) const;
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h
index 2eb779ddc8..bfa1868b9e 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public:
virtual FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const;
- virtual void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR csText);
+ virtual void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* csText);
virtual void CopyText();
virtual void PasteText();
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ protected:
virtual void InsertWord(FX_WORD word, int32_t nCharset);
virtual void InsertReturn();
- virtual void InsertText(FX_LPCWSTR csText);
+ virtual void InsertText(const FX_WCHAR* csText);
virtual void SetCursor();
FX_BOOL IsWndHorV();
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_FontMap.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_FontMap.h
index 4f44660cb2..f83575b66f 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_FontMap.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_FontMap.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:
virtual int32_t CharSetFromUnicode(FX_WORD word, int32_t nOldCharset);
- virtual void Initial(FX_LPCSTR fontname = NULL);
+ virtual void Initial(const FX_CHAR* fontname = NULL);
void SetSystemHandler(IFX_SystemHandler* pSystemHandler);
int32_t GetFontMapCount() const;
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Icon.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Icon.h
index c09f7a9fe8..1a2adf6469 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Icon.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Icon.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public:
void GetImageSize(FX_FLOAT & fWidth,FX_FLOAT & fHeight);
CPDF_Matrix GetImageMatrix();
CFX_ByteString GetImageAlias();
- void SetImageAlias(FX_LPCSTR sImageAlias);
+ void SetImageAlias(const FX_CHAR* sImageAlias);
CPDF_Stream* m_pPDFStream;
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Label.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Label.h
index be083db486..6d9754dd80 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Label.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Label.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public:
virtual void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize);
virtual FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const;
- void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR csText);
+ void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* csText);
CFX_WideString GetText() const;
void SetLimitChar(int32_t nLimitChar);
void SetHorzScale(int32_t nHorzScale);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ListBox.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ListBox.h
index c5a6df76dd..bbb9f35125 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ListBox.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_ListBox.h
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public:
virtual void OnNotify(CPWL_Wnd* pWnd, FX_DWORD msg, intptr_t wParam = 0, intptr_t lParam = 0);
virtual void RePosChildWnd();
- virtual void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR csText,FX_BOOL bRefresh = TRUE);
+ virtual void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* csText,FX_BOOL bRefresh = TRUE);
virtual CFX_WideString GetText() const;
virtual CPDF_Rect GetFocusRect() const;
virtual void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize);
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
void OnNotifySelChanged(FX_BOOL bKeyDown, FX_BOOL & bExit , FX_DWORD nFlag);
- void AddString(FX_LPCWSTR string);
+ void AddString(const FX_WCHAR* string);
void SetTopVisibleIndex(int32_t nItemIndex);
void ScrollToListItem(int32_t nItemIndex);
void ResetContent();
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Note.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Note.h
index a9e6dda05b..ee6ec6ff02 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Note.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Note.h
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public:
FX_FLOAT GetItemLeftMargin();
FX_FLOAT GetItemRightMargin();
- virtual void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR csText);
+ virtual void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* csText);
virtual void OnNotify(CPWL_Wnd* pWnd, FX_DWORD msg, intptr_t wParam = 0, intptr_t lParam = 0);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Signature.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Signature.h
index bdc1406a3d..be5ec58d1f 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Signature.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Signature.h
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ public:
virtual ~CPWL_Signature();
- void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR sText);
- void SetDescription(FX_LPCWSTR string);
+ void SetText(const FX_WCHAR* sText);
+ void SetDescription(const FX_WCHAR* string);
void SetImage(CFX_DIBSource* pImage);
- void SetImageStream(CPDF_Stream * pStream, FX_LPCSTR sImageAlias);
+ void SetImageStream(CPDF_Stream * pStream, const FX_CHAR* sImageAlias);
void SetTextFlag(FX_BOOL bTextExist);
void SetImageFlag(FX_BOOL bImageExist);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h
index 970480f14a..9f089e6fa4 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ class IPWL_SpellCheck
virtual ~IPWL_SpellCheck() { }
- virtual FX_BOOL CheckWord(FX_LPCSTR sWord) = 0;
- virtual void SuggestWords(FX_LPCSTR sWord, CFX_ByteStringArray & sSuggest) = 0;
+ virtual FX_BOOL CheckWord(const FX_CHAR* sWord) = 0;
+ virtual void SuggestWords(const FX_CHAR* sWord, CFX_ByteStringArray & sSuggest) = 0;
class IPWL_Provider