path: root/fpdfsdk/javascript/util.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpdfsdk/javascript/util.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 468 deletions
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/javascript/util.cpp b/fpdfsdk/javascript/util.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd5eb6d91..0000000000
--- a/fpdfsdk/javascript/util.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/util.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cwctype>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_Define.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_event_context.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_eventhandler.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_object.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_publicmethods.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_runtime.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/js_resources.h"
-#if _FX_OS_ == _FX_OS_ANDROID_
-#include <ctype.h>
-namespace {
-// Map PDF-style directives to equivalent wcsftime directives. Not
-// all have direct equivalents, though.
-struct TbConvert {
- const wchar_t* lpszJSMark;
- const wchar_t* lpszCppMark;
-// Map PDF-style directives lacking direct wcsftime directives to
-// the value with which they will be replaced.
-struct TbConvertAdditional {
- const wchar_t* lpszJSMark;
- int iValue;
-const TbConvert TbConvertTable[] = {
- {L"mmmm", L"%B"}, {L"mmm", L"%b"}, {L"mm", L"%m"}, {L"dddd", L"%A"},
- {L"ddd", L"%a"}, {L"dd", L"%d"}, {L"yyyy", L"%Y"}, {L"yy", L"%y"},
- {L"HH", L"%H"}, {L"hh", L"%I"}, {L"MM", L"%M"}, {L"ss", L"%S"},
- {L"TT", L"%p"},
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- {L"tt", L"%p"}, {L"h", L"%#I"},
- {L"tt", L"%P"}, {L"h", L"%l"},
-} // namespace
-const JSMethodSpec CJS_Util::MethodSpecs[] = {
- {"printd", printd_static}, {"printf", printf_static},
- {"printx", printx_static}, {"scand", scand_static},
- {"byteToChar", byteToChar_static}, {0, 0}};
-int CJS_Util::ObjDefnID = -1;
-// static
-void CJS_Util::DefineJSObjects(CFXJS_Engine* pEngine) {
- ObjDefnID =
- pEngine->DefineObj("util", FXJSOBJTYPE_STATIC,
- JSConstructor<CJS_Util, util>, JSDestructor<CJS_Util>);
- DefineMethods(pEngine, ObjDefnID, MethodSpecs);
-util::util(CJS_Object* pJSObject) : CJS_EmbedObj(pJSObject) {}
-util::~util() {}
-CJS_Return util::printf(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
- const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params) {
- const size_t iSize = params.size();
- if (iSize < 1)
- return CJS_Return(false);
- std::wstring unsafe_fmt_string(pRuntime->ToWideString(params[0]).c_str());
- std::vector<std::wstring> unsafe_conversion_specifiers;
- int iOffset = 0;
- int iOffend = 0;
- unsafe_fmt_string.insert(unsafe_fmt_string.begin(), L'S');
- while (iOffset != -1) {
- iOffend = unsafe_fmt_string.find(L"%", iOffset + 1);
- std::wstring strSub;
- if (iOffend == -1)
- strSub = unsafe_fmt_string.substr(iOffset);
- else
- strSub = unsafe_fmt_string.substr(iOffset, iOffend - iOffset);
- unsafe_conversion_specifiers.push_back(strSub);
- iOffset = iOffend;
- }
- std::wstring c_strResult;
- for (size_t iIndex = 0; iIndex < unsafe_conversion_specifiers.size();
- ++iIndex) {
- std::wstring c_strFormat = unsafe_conversion_specifiers[iIndex];
- if (iIndex == 0) {
- c_strResult = c_strFormat;
- continue;
- }
- if (iIndex >= iSize) {
- c_strResult += c_strFormat;
- continue;
- }
- WideString strSegment;
- switch (ParseDataType(&c_strFormat)) {
- case UTIL_INT:
- strSegment.Format(c_strFormat.c_str(),
- pRuntime->ToInt32(params[iIndex]));
- break;
- strSegment.Format(c_strFormat.c_str(),
- pRuntime->ToDouble(params[iIndex]));
- break;
- strSegment.Format(c_strFormat.c_str(),
- pRuntime->ToWideString(params[iIndex]).c_str());
- break;
- default:
- strSegment.Format(L"%ls", c_strFormat.c_str());
- break;
- }
- c_strResult += strSegment.c_str();
- }
- c_strResult.erase(c_strResult.begin());
- return CJS_Return(pRuntime->NewString(c_strResult.c_str()));
-CJS_Return util::printd(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
- const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params) {
- const size_t iSize = params.size();
- if (iSize < 2)
- return CJS_Return(false);
- if (params[1].IsEmpty() || !params[1]->IsDate())
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSPRINT1));
- v8::Local<v8::Date> v8_date = params[1].As<v8::Date>();
- if (v8_date.IsEmpty() || std::isnan(pRuntime->ToDouble(v8_date)))
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSPRINT2));
- double date = JS_LocalTime(pRuntime->ToDouble(v8_date));
- int year = JS_GetYearFromTime(date);
- int month = JS_GetMonthFromTime(date) + 1; // One-based.
- int day = JS_GetDayFromTime(date);
- int hour = JS_GetHourFromTime(date);
- int min = JS_GetMinFromTime(date);
- int sec = JS_GetSecFromTime(date);
- if (params[0]->IsNumber()) {
- WideString swResult;
- switch (pRuntime->ToInt32(params[0])) {
- case 0:
- swResult.Format(L"D:%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", year, month, day, hour,
- min, sec);
- break;
- case 1:
- swResult.Format(L"%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", year, month, day,
- hour, min, sec);
- break;
- case 2:
- swResult.Format(L"%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", year, month, day,
- hour, min, sec);
- break;
- default:
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSVALUEERROR));
- }
- return CJS_Return(pRuntime->NewString(swResult.c_str()));
- }
- if (params[0]->IsString()) {
- // We don't support XFAPicture at the moment.
- if (iSize > 2 && pRuntime->ToBoolean(params[2]))
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSNOTSUPPORT));
- // Convert PDF-style format specifiers to wcsftime specifiers. Remove any
- // pre-existing %-directives before inserting our own.
- std::basic_string<wchar_t> cFormat =
- pRuntime->ToWideString(params[0]).c_str();
- cFormat.erase(std::remove(cFormat.begin(), cFormat.end(), '%'),
- cFormat.end());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(TbConvertTable); ++i) {
- int iStart = 0;
- int iEnd;
- while ((iEnd = cFormat.find(TbConvertTable[i].lpszJSMark, iStart)) !=
- -1) {
- cFormat.replace(iEnd, wcslen(TbConvertTable[i].lpszJSMark),
- TbConvertTable[i].lpszCppMark);
- iStart = iEnd;
- }
- }
- if (year < 0)
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSVALUEERROR));
- static const TbConvertAdditional cTableAd[] = {
- {L"m", month}, {L"d", day},
- {L"H", hour}, {L"h", hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour},
- {L"M", min}, {L"s", sec},
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(cTableAd); ++i) {
- WideString sValue;
- sValue.Format(L"%d", cTableAd[i].iValue);
- int iStart = 0;
- int iEnd;
- while ((iEnd = cFormat.find(cTableAd[i].lpszJSMark, iStart)) != -1) {
- if (iEnd > 0) {
- if (cFormat[iEnd - 1] == L'%') {
- iStart = iEnd + 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- cFormat.replace(iEnd, wcslen(cTableAd[i].lpszJSMark), sValue.c_str());
- iStart = iEnd;
- }
- }
- struct tm time = {};
- time.tm_year = year - 1900;
- time.tm_mon = month - 1;
- time.tm_mday = day;
- time.tm_hour = hour;
- time.tm_min = min;
- time.tm_sec = sec;
- wchar_t buf[64] = {};
- FXSYS_wcsftime(buf, 64, cFormat.c_str(), &time);
- cFormat = buf;
- return CJS_Return(pRuntime->NewString(cFormat.c_str()));
- }
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSTYPEERROR));
-CJS_Return util::printx(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
- const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params) {
- if (params.size() < 2)
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSPARAMERROR));
- return CJS_Return(
- pRuntime->NewString(printx(pRuntime->ToWideString(params[0]),
- pRuntime->ToWideString(params[1]))
- .c_str()));
-enum CaseMode { kPreserveCase, kUpperCase, kLowerCase };
-static wchar_t TranslateCase(wchar_t input, CaseMode eMode) {
- if (eMode == kLowerCase && FXSYS_isupper(input))
- return input | 0x20;
- if (eMode == kUpperCase && FXSYS_islower(input))
- return input & ~0x20;
- return input;
-WideString util::printx(const WideString& wsFormat,
- const WideString& wsSource) {
- WideString wsResult;
- size_t iSourceIdx = 0;
- size_t iFormatIdx = 0;
- CaseMode eCaseMode = kPreserveCase;
- bool bEscaped = false;
- while (iFormatIdx < wsFormat.GetLength()) {
- if (bEscaped) {
- bEscaped = false;
- wsResult += wsFormat[iFormatIdx];
- ++iFormatIdx;
- continue;
- }
- switch (wsFormat[iFormatIdx]) {
- case '\\': {
- bEscaped = true;
- ++iFormatIdx;
- } break;
- case '<': {
- eCaseMode = kLowerCase;
- ++iFormatIdx;
- } break;
- case '>': {
- eCaseMode = kUpperCase;
- ++iFormatIdx;
- } break;
- case '=': {
- eCaseMode = kPreserveCase;
- ++iFormatIdx;
- } break;
- case '?': {
- if (iSourceIdx < wsSource.GetLength()) {
- wsResult += TranslateCase(wsSource[iSourceIdx], eCaseMode);
- ++iSourceIdx;
- }
- ++iFormatIdx;
- } break;
- case 'X': {
- if (iSourceIdx < wsSource.GetLength()) {
- if (FXSYS_iswalnum(wsSource[iSourceIdx])) {
- wsResult += TranslateCase(wsSource[iSourceIdx], eCaseMode);
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- ++iSourceIdx;
- } else {
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- } break;
- case 'A': {
- if (iSourceIdx < wsSource.GetLength()) {
- if (FXSYS_iswalpha(wsSource[iSourceIdx])) {
- wsResult += TranslateCase(wsSource[iSourceIdx], eCaseMode);
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- ++iSourceIdx;
- } else {
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- } break;
- case '9': {
- if (iSourceIdx < wsSource.GetLength()) {
- if (std::iswdigit(wsSource[iSourceIdx])) {
- wsResult += wsSource[iSourceIdx];
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- ++iSourceIdx;
- } else {
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- } break;
- case '*': {
- if (iSourceIdx < wsSource.GetLength()) {
- wsResult += TranslateCase(wsSource[iSourceIdx], eCaseMode);
- ++iSourceIdx;
- } else {
- ++iFormatIdx;
- }
- } break;
- default: {
- wsResult += wsFormat[iFormatIdx];
- ++iFormatIdx;
- } break;
- }
- }
- return wsResult;
-CJS_Return util::scand(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
- const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params) {
- if (params.size() < 2)
- return CJS_Return(false);
- WideString sFormat = pRuntime->ToWideString(params[0]);
- WideString sDate = pRuntime->ToWideString(params[1]);
- double dDate = JS_GetDateTime();
- if (sDate.GetLength() > 0)
- dDate = CJS_PublicMethods::MakeRegularDate(sDate, sFormat, nullptr);
- if (std::isnan(dDate))
- return CJS_Return(pRuntime->NewUndefined());
- return CJS_Return(pRuntime->NewDate(dDate));
-CJS_Return util::byteToChar(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
- const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params) {
- if (params.size() < 1)
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSPARAMERROR));
- int arg = pRuntime->ToInt32(params[0]);
- if (arg < 0 || arg > 255)
- return CJS_Return(JSGetStringFromID(IDS_STRING_JSVALUEERROR));
- WideString wStr(static_cast<wchar_t>(arg));
- return CJS_Return(pRuntime->NewString(wStr.c_str()));
-// Ensure that sFormat contains at most one well-understood printf formatting
-// directive which is safe to use with a single argument, and return the type
-// of argument expected, or -1 otherwise. If -1 is returned, it is NOT safe
-// to use sFormat with printf() and it must be copied byte-by-byte.
-int util::ParseDataType(std::wstring* sFormat) {
- int result = -1;
- State state = BEFORE;
- size_t precision_digits = 0;
- size_t i = 0;
- while (i < sFormat->length()) {
- wchar_t c = (*sFormat)[i];
- switch (state) {
- case BEFORE:
- if (c == L'%')
- state = FLAGS;
- break;
- case FLAGS:
- if (c == L'+' || c == L'-' || c == L'#' || c == L' ') {
- // Stay in same state.
- } else {
- state = WIDTH;
- continue; // Re-process same character.
- }
- break;
- case WIDTH:
- if (c == L'*')
- return -1;
- if (std::iswdigit(c)) {
- // Stay in same state.
- } else if (c == L'.') {
- state = PRECISION;
- } else {
- state = SPECIFIER;
- continue; // Re-process same character.
- }
- break;
- if (c == L'*')
- return -1;
- if (std::iswdigit(c)) {
- // Stay in same state.
- ++precision_digits;
- } else {
- state = SPECIFIER;
- continue; // Re-process same character.
- }
- break;
- if (c == L'c' || c == L'C' || c == L'd' || c == L'i' || c == L'o' ||
- c == L'u' || c == L'x' || c == L'X') {
- result = UTIL_INT;
- } else if (c == L'e' || c == L'E' || c == L'f' || c == L'g' ||
- c == L'G') {
- result = UTIL_DOUBLE;
- } else if (c == L's' || c == L'S') {
- // Map s to S since we always deal internally with wchar_t strings.
- // TODO(tsepez): Probably 100% borked. %S is not a standard
- // conversion.
- (*sFormat)[i] = L'S';
- result = UTIL_STRING;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- state = AFTER;
- break;
- case AFTER:
- if (c == L'%')
- return -1;
- // Stay in same state until string exhausted.
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- // See
- if (result == UTIL_INT && precision_digits > 2)
- return -1;
- return result;