path: root/third_party/base
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4 files changed, 1745 insertions, 684 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
index dd0d1e47dc..dc61d9c9cc 100644
--- a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
+++ b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h
@@ -2,65 +2,271 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <type_traits>
-#include "safe_conversions_impl.h"
-#include "third_party/base/logging.h"
+#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h"
namespace pdfium {
namespace base {
+// The following are helper constexpr template functions and classes for safely
+// performing a range of conversions, assignments, and tests:
+// checked_cast<> - Analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
+// that it CHECKs that the specified numeric conversion will not overflow
+// or underflow. NaN source will always trigger a CHECK.
+// The default CHECK triggers a crash, but the handler can be overriden.
+// saturated_cast<> - Analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
+// that it returns a saturated result when the specified numeric conversion
+// would otherwise overflow or underflow. An NaN source returns 0 by
+// default, but can be overridden to return a different result.
+// strict_cast<> - Analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except that
+// it will cause a compile failure if the destination type is not large
+// enough to contain any value in the source type. It performs no runtime
+// checking and thus introduces no runtime overhead.
+// IsValueInRangeForNumericType<>() - A convenience function that returns true
+// if the type supplied to the template parameter can represent the value
+// passed as an argument to the function.
+// IsValueNegative<>() - A convenience function that will accept any arithmetic
+// type as an argument and will return whether the value is less than zero.
+// Unsigned types always return false.
+// SafeUnsignedAbs() - Returns the absolute value of the supplied integer
+// parameter as an unsigned result (thus avoiding an overflow if the value
+// is the signed, two's complement minimum).
+// StrictNumeric<> - A wrapper type that performs assignments and copies via
+// the strict_cast<> template, and can perform valid arithmetic comparisons
+// across any range of arithmetic types. StrictNumeric is the return type
+// for values extracted from a CheckedNumeric class instance. The raw
+// arithmetic value is extracted via static_cast to the underlying type.
+// MakeStrictNum() - Creates a new StrictNumeric from the underlying type of
+// the supplied arithmetic or StrictNumeric type.
// Convenience function that returns true if the supplied value is in range
// for the destination type.
template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline bool IsValueInRangeForNumericType(Src value) {
- return internal::DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst>(value) ==
- internal::RANGE_VALID;
+constexpr bool IsValueInRangeForNumericType(Src value) {
+ return internal::DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst>(value).IsValid();
+// Forces a crash, like a CHECK(false). Used for numeric boundary errors.
+struct CheckOnFailure {
+ template <typename T>
+ static T HandleFailure() {
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+ __builtin_trap();
+ ((void)(*(volatile char*)0 = 0));
+ return T();
+ }
// checked_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types,
// except that it CHECKs that the specified numeric conversion will not
// overflow or underflow. NaN source will always trigger a CHECK.
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline Dst checked_cast(Src value) {
- CHECK(IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Dst>(value));
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+template <typename Dst, class CheckHandler = CheckOnFailure, typename Src>
+constexpr Dst checked_cast(Src value) {
+ // This throws a compile-time error on evaluating the constexpr if it can be
+ // determined at compile-time as failing, otherwise it will CHECK at runtime.
+ using SrcType = typename internal::UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Dst, SrcType>(value)
+ ? static_cast<Dst>(static_cast<SrcType>(value))
+ : CheckHandler::template HandleFailure<Dst>();
+// Default boundaries for integral/float: max/infinity, lowest/-infinity, 0/NaN.
+template <typename T>
+struct SaturationDefaultHandler {
+ static constexpr T NaN() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN
+ ? std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()
+ : T();
+ }
+ static constexpr T max() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); }
+ static constexpr T Overflow() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity
+ ? std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()
+ : std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ }
+ static constexpr T lowest() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest(); }
+ static constexpr T Underflow() {
+ return std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity
+ ? std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() * -1
+ : std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
+ }
+namespace internal {
+template <typename Dst, template <typename> class S, typename Src>
+constexpr Dst saturated_cast_impl(Src value, RangeCheck constraint) {
+ // For some reason clang generates much better code when the branch is
+ // structured exactly this way, rather than a sequence of checks.
+ return !constraint.IsOverflowFlagSet()
+ ? (!constraint.IsUnderflowFlagSet() ? static_cast<Dst>(value)
+ : S<Dst>::Underflow())
+ // Skip this check for integral Src, which cannot be NaN.
+ : (std::is_integral<Src>::value || !constraint.IsUnderflowFlagSet()
+ ? S<Dst>::Overflow()
+ : S<Dst>::NaN());
// saturated_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
-// that the specified numeric conversion will saturate rather than overflow or
-// underflow. NaN assignment to an integral will trigger a CHECK condition.
+// that the specified numeric conversion will saturate by default rather than
+// overflow or underflow, and NaN assignment to an integral will return 0.
+// All boundary condition behaviors can be overriden with a custom handler.
+template <typename Dst,
+ template <typename>
+ class SaturationHandler = SaturationDefaultHandler,
+ typename Src>
+constexpr Dst saturated_cast(Src value) {
+ using SrcType = typename UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ return saturated_cast_impl<Dst, SaturationHandler, SrcType>(
+ value,
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, SaturationHandler, SrcType>(value));
+// strict_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except that
+// it will cause a compile failure if the destination type is not large enough
+// to contain any value in the source type. It performs no runtime checking.
template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline Dst saturated_cast(Src value) {
- // Optimization for floating point values, which already saturate.
- if (std::numeric_limits<Dst>::is_iec559)
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+constexpr Dst strict_cast(Src value) {
+ using SrcType = typename UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ static_assert(UnderlyingType<Src>::is_numeric, "Argument must be numeric.");
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Dst>::value, "Result must be numeric.");
- switch (internal::DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst>(value)) {
- case internal::RANGE_VALID:
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+ // If you got here from a compiler error, it's because you tried to assign
+ // from a source type to a destination type that has insufficient range.
+ // The solution may be to change the destination type you're assigning to,
+ // and use one large enough to represent the source.
+ // Alternatively, you may be better served with the checked_cast<> or
+ // saturated_cast<> template functions for your particular use case.
+ static_assert(StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, SrcType>::value ==
+ "The source type is out of range for the destination type. "
+ "Please see strict_cast<> comments for more information.");
- case internal::RANGE_UNDERFLOW:
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::min();
+ return static_cast<Dst>(static_cast<SrcType>(value));
- case internal::RANGE_OVERFLOW:
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max();
+// Some wrappers to statically check that a type is in range.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, class Enable = void>
+struct IsNumericRangeContained {
+ static const bool value = false;
- // Should fail only on attempting to assign NaN to a saturated integer.
- case internal::RANGE_INVALID:
- CHECK(false);
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max();
+template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+struct IsNumericRangeContained<
+ Dst,
+ Src,
+ typename std::enable_if<ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<Dst>::value &&
+ ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<Src>::value>::type> {
+ static const bool value = StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, Src>::value ==
+// StrictNumeric implements compile time range checking between numeric types by
+// wrapping assignment operations in a strict_cast. This class is intended to be
+// used for function arguments and return types, to ensure the destination type
+// can always contain the source type. This is essentially the same as enforcing
+// -Wconversion in gcc and C4302 warnings on MSVC, but it can be applied
+// incrementally at API boundaries, making it easier to convert code so that it
+// compiles cleanly with truncation warnings enabled.
+// This template should introduce no runtime overhead, but it also provides no
+// runtime checking of any of the associated mathematical operations. Use
+// CheckedNumeric for runtime range checks of the actual value being assigned.
+template <typename T>
+class StrictNumeric {
+ public:
+ using type = T;
+ constexpr StrictNumeric() : value_(0) {}
+ // Copy constructor.
+ template <typename Src>
+ constexpr StrictNumeric(const StrictNumeric<Src>& rhs)
+ : value_(strict_cast<T>(rhs.value_)) {}
+ // This is not an explicit constructor because we implicitly upgrade regular
+ // numerics to StrictNumerics to make them easier to use.
+ template <typename Src>
+ constexpr StrictNumeric(Src value) // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
+ : value_(strict_cast<T>(value)) {}
+ // If you got here from a compiler error, it's because you tried to assign
+ // from a source type to a destination type that has insufficient range.
+ // The solution may be to change the destination type you're assigning to,
+ // and use one large enough to represent the source.
+ // If you're assigning from a CheckedNumeric<> class, you may be able to use
+ // the AssignIfValid() member function, specify a narrower destination type to
+ // the member value functions (e.g. val.template ValueOrDie<Dst>()), use one
+ // of the value helper functions (e.g. ValueOrDieForType<Dst>(val)).
+ // If you've encountered an _ambiguous overload_ you can use a static_cast<>
+ // to explicitly cast the result to the destination type.
+ // If none of that works, you may be better served with the checked_cast<> or
+ // saturated_cast<> template functions for your particular use case.
+ template <typename Dst,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ IsNumericRangeContained<Dst, T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ constexpr operator Dst() const {
+ return static_cast<typename ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<Dst>::type>(value_);
- return static_cast<Dst>(value);
+ private:
+ const T value_;
+// Convience wrapper returns a StrictNumeric from the provided arithmetic type.
+template <typename T>
+constexpr StrictNumeric<typename UnderlyingType<T>::type> MakeStrictNum(
+ const T value) {
+ return value;
+// Overload the ostream output operator to make logging work nicely.
+template <typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StrictNumeric<T>& value) {
+ os << static_cast<T>(value);
+ return os;
+ template <typename L, typename R, \
+ typename std::enable_if< \
+ internal::IsStrictOp<L, R>::value>::type* = nullptr> \
+ constexpr bool operator OP(const L lhs, const R rhs) { \
+ return SafeCompare<NAME, typename UnderlyingType<L>::type, \
+ typename UnderlyingType<R>::type>(lhs, rhs); \
+ }
+STRICT_COMPARISON_OP(IsGreaterOrEqual, >=);
+using internal::strict_cast;
+using internal::saturated_cast;
+using internal::SafeUnsignedAbs;
+using internal::StrictNumeric;
+using internal::MakeStrictNum;
+using internal::IsValueNegative;
+// Explicitly make a shorter size_t alias for convenience.
+using SizeT = StrictNumeric<size_t>;
} // namespace base
} // namespace pdfium
diff --git a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h
index e1c4c3b756..2a7ce146e3 100644
--- a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h
+++ b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h
@@ -2,29 +2,81 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <limits>
+#include <stdint.h>
-#include "third_party/base/macros.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
namespace pdfium {
namespace base {
namespace internal {
// The std library doesn't provide a binary max_exponent for integers, however
-// we can compute one by adding one to the number of non-sign bits. This allows
-// for accurate range comparisons between floating point and integer types.
+// we can compute an analog using std::numeric_limits<>::digits.
template <typename NumericType>
struct MaxExponent {
- static const int value = std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::is_iec559
+ static const int value = std::is_floating_point<NumericType>::value
? std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::max_exponent
- : (sizeof(NumericType) * 8 + 1 -
- std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::is_signed);
+ : std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::digits + 1;
+// The number of bits (including the sign) in an integer. Eliminates sizeof
+// hacks.
+template <typename NumericType>
+struct IntegerBitsPlusSign {
+ static const int value = std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::digits +
+ std::is_signed<NumericType>::value;
+// Helper templates for integer manipulations.
+template <typename Integer>
+struct PositionOfSignBit {
+ static const size_t value = IntegerBitsPlusSign<Integer>::value - 1;
+// Determines if a numeric value is negative without throwing compiler
+// warnings on: unsigned(value) < 0.
+template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr bool IsValueNegative(T value) {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "Argument must be numeric.");
+ return value < 0;
+template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<!std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr bool IsValueNegative(T) {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "Argument must be numeric.");
+ return false;
+// This performs a fast negation, returning a signed value. It works on unsigned
+// arguments, but probably doesn't do what you want for any unsigned value
+// larger than max / 2 + 1 (i.e. signed min cast to unsigned).
+template <typename T>
+constexpr typename std::make_signed<T>::type ConditionalNegate(
+ T x,
+ bool is_negative) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
+ using SignedT = typename std::make_signed<T>::type;
+ using UnsignedT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ return static_cast<SignedT>(
+ (static_cast<UnsignedT>(x) ^ -SignedT(is_negative)) + is_negative);
+// This performs a safe, absolute value via unsigned overflow.
+template <typename T>
+constexpr typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type SafeUnsignedAbs(T value) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
+ using UnsignedT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ return IsValueNegative(value) ? 0 - static_cast<UnsignedT>(value)
+ : static_cast<UnsignedT>(value);
enum IntegerRepresentation {
@@ -32,7 +84,7 @@ enum IntegerRepresentation {
// A range for a given nunmeric Src type is contained for a given numeric Dst
// type if both numeric_limits<Src>::max() <= numeric_limits<Dst>::max() and
-// numeric_limits<Src>::min() >= numeric_limits<Dst>::min() are true.
+// numeric_limits<Src>::lowest() >= numeric_limits<Dst>::lowest() are true.
// We implement this as template specializations rather than simple static
// comparisons to ensure type correctness in our comparisons.
enum NumericRangeRepresentation {
@@ -43,16 +95,14 @@ enum NumericRangeRepresentation {
// Helper templates to statically determine if our destination type can contain
// maximum and minimum values represented by the source type.
-template <
- typename Dst,
- typename Src,
- IntegerRepresentation DstSign = std::numeric_limits<Dst>::is_signed
- IntegerRepresentation SrcSign =
- std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_signed
+template <typename Dst,
+ typename Src,
+ IntegerRepresentation DstSign = std::is_signed<Dst>::value
+ IntegerRepresentation SrcSign = std::is_signed<Src>::value
struct StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange;
// Same sign: Dst is guaranteed to contain Src only if its range is equal or
@@ -87,132 +137,598 @@ struct StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst,
static const NumericRangeRepresentation value = NUMERIC_RANGE_NOT_CONTAINED;
-enum RangeConstraint {
- RANGE_VALID = 0x0, // Value can be represented by the destination type.
- RANGE_UNDERFLOW = 0x1, // Value would overflow.
- RANGE_OVERFLOW = 0x2, // Value would underflow.
+// This class wraps the range constraints as separate booleans so the compiler
+// can identify constants and eliminate unused code paths.
+class RangeCheck {
+ public:
+ constexpr RangeCheck(bool is_in_lower_bound, bool is_in_upper_bound)
+ : is_underflow_(!is_in_lower_bound), is_overflow_(!is_in_upper_bound) {}
+ constexpr RangeCheck() : is_underflow_(0), is_overflow_(0) {}
+ constexpr bool IsValid() const { return !is_overflow_ && !is_underflow_; }
+ constexpr bool IsInvalid() const { return is_overflow_ && is_underflow_; }
+ constexpr bool IsOverflow() const { return is_overflow_ && !is_underflow_; }
+ constexpr bool IsUnderflow() const { return !is_overflow_ && is_underflow_; }
+ constexpr bool IsOverflowFlagSet() const { return is_overflow_; }
+ constexpr bool IsUnderflowFlagSet() const { return is_underflow_; }
+ constexpr bool operator==(const RangeCheck rhs) const {
+ return is_underflow_ == rhs.is_underflow_ &&
+ is_overflow_ == rhs.is_overflow_;
+ }
+ constexpr bool operator!=(const RangeCheck rhs) const {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Do not change the order of these member variables. The integral conversion
+ // optimization depends on this exact order.
+ const bool is_underflow_;
+ const bool is_overflow_;
-// Helper function for coercing an int back to a RangeContraint.
-inline RangeConstraint GetRangeConstraint(int integer_range_constraint) {
- assert(integer_range_constraint >= RANGE_VALID &&
- integer_range_constraint <= RANGE_INVALID);
- return static_cast<RangeConstraint>(integer_range_constraint);
+// The following helper template addresses a corner case in range checks for
+// conversion from a floating-point type to an integral type of smaller range
+// but larger precision (e.g. float -> unsigned). The problem is as follows:
+// 1. Integral maximum is always one less than a power of two, so it must be
+// truncated to fit the mantissa of the floating point. The direction of
+// rounding is implementation defined, but by default it's always IEEE
+// floats, which round to nearest and thus result in a value of larger
+// magnitude than the integral value.
+// Example: float f = UINT_MAX; // f is 4294967296f but UINT_MAX
+// // is 4294967295u.
+// 2. If the floating point value is equal to the promoted integral maximum
+// value, a range check will erroneously pass.
+// Example: (4294967296f <= 4294967295u) // This is true due to a precision
+// // loss in rounding up to float.
+// 3. When the floating point value is then converted to an integral, the
+// resulting value is out of range for the target integral type and
+// thus is implementation defined.
+// Example: unsigned u = (float)INT_MAX; // u will typically overflow to 0.
+// To fix this bug we manually truncate the maximum value when the destination
+// type is an integral of larger precision than the source floating-point type,
+// such that the resulting maximum is represented exactly as a floating point.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, template <typename> class Bounds>
+struct NarrowingRange {
+ using SrcLimits = std::numeric_limits<Src>;
+ using DstLimits = typename std::numeric_limits<Dst>;
-// This function creates a RangeConstraint from an upper and lower bound
-// check by taking advantage of the fact that only NaN can be out of range in
-// both directions at once.
-inline RangeConstraint GetRangeConstraint(bool is_in_upper_bound,
- bool is_in_lower_bound) {
- return GetRangeConstraint((is_in_upper_bound ? 0 : RANGE_OVERFLOW) |
- (is_in_lower_bound ? 0 : RANGE_UNDERFLOW));
+ // Computes the mask required to make an accurate comparison between types.
+ static const int kShift =
+ (MaxExponent<Src>::value > MaxExponent<Dst>::value &&
+ SrcLimits::digits < DstLimits::digits)
+ ? (DstLimits::digits - SrcLimits::digits)
+ : 0;
+ template <
+ typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
-template <
- typename Dst,
- typename Src,
- IntegerRepresentation DstSign = std::numeric_limits<Dst>::is_signed
- IntegerRepresentation SrcSign = std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_signed
- NumericRangeRepresentation DstRange =
- StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, Src>::value >
+ // Masks out the integer bits that are beyond the precision of the
+ // intermediate type used for comparison.
+ static constexpr T Adjust(T value) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<T, Dst>::value, "");
+ static_assert(kShift < DstLimits::digits, "");
+ return static_cast<T>(
+ ConditionalNegate(SafeUnsignedAbs(value) & ~((T(1) << kShift) - T(1)),
+ IsValueNegative(value)));
+ }
+ template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* =
+ nullptr>
+ static constexpr T Adjust(T value) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<T, Dst>::value, "");
+ static_assert(kShift == 0, "");
+ return value;
+ }
+ static constexpr Dst max() { return Adjust(Bounds<Dst>::max()); }
+ static constexpr Dst lowest() { return Adjust(Bounds<Dst>::lowest()); }
+template <typename Dst,
+ typename Src,
+ template <typename> class Bounds,
+ IntegerRepresentation DstSign = std::is_signed<Dst>::value
+ IntegerRepresentation SrcSign = std::is_signed<Src>::value
+ NumericRangeRepresentation DstRange =
+ StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<Dst, Src>::value>
struct DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl;
// The following templates are for ranges that must be verified at runtime. We
// split it into checks based on signedness to avoid confusing casts and
// compiler warnings on signed an unsigned comparisons.
-// Dst range is statically determined to contain Src: Nothing to check.
+// Same sign narrowing: The range is contained for normal limits.
template <typename Dst,
typename Src,
+ template <typename> class Bounds,
IntegerRepresentation DstSign,
IntegerRepresentation SrcSign>
struct DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst,
+ Bounds,
- static RangeConstraint Check(Src value) { return RANGE_VALID; }
+ static constexpr RangeCheck Check(Src value) {
+ using SrcLimits = std::numeric_limits<Src>;
+ using DstLimits = NarrowingRange<Dst, Src, Bounds>;
+ return RangeCheck(
+ static_cast<Dst>(SrcLimits::lowest()) >= DstLimits::lowest() ||
+ static_cast<Dst>(value) >= DstLimits::lowest(),
+ static_cast<Dst>(SrcLimits::max()) <= DstLimits::max() ||
+ static_cast<Dst>(value) <= DstLimits::max());
+ }
// Signed to signed narrowing: Both the upper and lower boundaries may be
-// exceeded.
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+// exceeded for standard limits.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, template <typename> class Bounds>
struct DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst,
+ Bounds,
- static RangeConstraint Check(Src value) {
- return std::numeric_limits<Dst>::is_iec559
- ? GetRangeConstraint(value <= std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max(),
- value >= -std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max())
- : GetRangeConstraint(value <= std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max(),
- value >= std::numeric_limits<Dst>::min());
+ static constexpr RangeCheck Check(Src value) {
+ using DstLimits = NarrowingRange<Dst, Src, Bounds>;
+ return RangeCheck(value >= DstLimits::lowest(), value <= DstLimits::max());
-// Unsigned to unsigned narrowing: Only the upper boundary can be exceeded.
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+// Unsigned to unsigned narrowing: Only the upper bound can be exceeded for
+// standard limits.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, template <typename> class Bounds>
struct DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst,
+ Bounds,
- static RangeConstraint Check(Src value) {
- return GetRangeConstraint(value <= std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max(), true);
+ static constexpr RangeCheck Check(Src value) {
+ using DstLimits = NarrowingRange<Dst, Src, Bounds>;
+ return RangeCheck(
+ DstLimits::lowest() == Dst(0) || value >= DstLimits::lowest(),
+ value <= DstLimits::max());
-// Unsigned to signed: The upper boundary may be exceeded.
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+// Unsigned to signed: Only the upper bound can be exceeded for standard limits.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, template <typename> class Bounds>
struct DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst,
+ Bounds,
- static RangeConstraint Check(Src value) {
- return sizeof(Dst) > sizeof(Src)
- : GetRangeConstraint(
- value <= static_cast<Src>(std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max()),
- true);
+ static constexpr RangeCheck Check(Src value) {
+ using DstLimits = NarrowingRange<Dst, Src, Bounds>;
+ using Promotion = decltype(Src() + Dst());
+ return RangeCheck(DstLimits::lowest() <= Dst(0) ||
+ static_cast<Promotion>(value) >=
+ static_cast<Promotion>(DstLimits::lowest()),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(value) <=
+ static_cast<Promotion>(DstLimits::max()));
// Signed to unsigned: The upper boundary may be exceeded for a narrower Dst,
-// and any negative value exceeds the lower boundary.
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+// and any negative value exceeds the lower boundary for standard limits.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, template <typename> class Bounds>
struct DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst,
+ Bounds,
- static RangeConstraint Check(Src value) {
- return (MaxExponent<Dst>::value >= MaxExponent<Src>::value)
- ? GetRangeConstraint(true, value >= static_cast<Src>(0))
- : GetRangeConstraint(
- value <= static_cast<Src>(std::numeric_limits<Dst>::max()),
- value >= static_cast<Src>(0));
+ static constexpr RangeCheck Check(Src value) {
+ using SrcLimits = std::numeric_limits<Src>;
+ using DstLimits = NarrowingRange<Dst, Src, Bounds>;
+ using Promotion = decltype(Src() + Dst());
+ return RangeCheck(
+ value >= Src(0) && (DstLimits::lowest() == 0 ||
+ static_cast<Dst>(value) >= DstLimits::lowest()),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(SrcLimits::max()) <=
+ static_cast<Promotion>(DstLimits::max()) ||
+ static_cast<Promotion>(value) <=
+ static_cast<Promotion>(DstLimits::max()));
-template <typename Dst, typename Src>
-inline RangeConstraint DstRangeRelationToSrcRange(Src value) {
- COMPILE_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_specialized,
- argument_must_be_numeric);
- COMPILE_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Dst>::is_specialized,
- result_must_be_numeric);
- return DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst, Src>::Check(value);
+template <typename Dst,
+ template <typename> class Bounds = std::numeric_limits,
+ typename Src>
+constexpr RangeCheck DstRangeRelationToSrcRange(Src value) {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Src>::value, "Argument must be numeric.");
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Dst>::value, "Result must be numeric.");
+ static_assert(Bounds<Dst>::lowest() < Bounds<Dst>::max(), "");
+ return DstRangeRelationToSrcRangeImpl<Dst, Src, Bounds>::Check(value);
+// Integer promotion templates used by the portable checked integer arithmetic.
+template <size_t Size, bool IsSigned>
+struct IntegerForDigitsAndSign;
+ template <> \
+ struct IntegerForDigitsAndSign<IntegerBitsPlusSign<I>::value, \
+ std::is_signed<I>::value> { \
+ using type = I; \
+ }
+// WARNING: We have no IntegerForSizeAndSign<16, *>. If we ever add one to
+// support 128-bit math, then the ArithmeticPromotion template below will need
+// to be updated (or more likely replaced with a decltype expression).
+static_assert(IntegerBitsPlusSign<intmax_t>::value == 64,
+ "Max integer size not supported for this toolchain.");
+template <typename Integer, bool IsSigned = std::is_signed<Integer>::value>
+struct TwiceWiderInteger {
+ using type =
+ typename IntegerForDigitsAndSign<IntegerBitsPlusSign<Integer>::value * 2,
+ IsSigned>::type;
+enum ArithmeticPromotionCategory {
+ LEFT_PROMOTION, // Use the type of the left-hand argument.
+ RIGHT_PROMOTION // Use the type of the right-hand argument.
+// Determines the type that can represent the largest positive value.
+template <typename Lhs,
+ typename Rhs,
+ ArithmeticPromotionCategory Promotion =
+ (MaxExponent<Lhs>::value > MaxExponent<Rhs>::value)
+struct MaxExponentPromotion;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, LEFT_PROMOTION> {
+ using type = Lhs;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, RIGHT_PROMOTION> {
+ using type = Rhs;
+// Determines the type that can represent the lowest arithmetic value.
+template <typename Lhs,
+ typename Rhs,
+ ArithmeticPromotionCategory Promotion =
+ std::is_signed<Lhs>::value
+ ? (std::is_signed<Rhs>::value
+ ? (MaxExponent<Lhs>::value > MaxExponent<Rhs>::value
+ : (std::is_signed<Rhs>::value
+ : (MaxExponent<Lhs>::value < MaxExponent<Rhs>::value
+struct LowestValuePromotion;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct LowestValuePromotion<Lhs, Rhs, LEFT_PROMOTION> {
+ using type = Lhs;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct LowestValuePromotion<Lhs, Rhs, RIGHT_PROMOTION> {
+ using type = Rhs;
+// Determines the type that is best able to represent an arithmetic result.
+template <
+ typename Lhs,
+ typename Rhs = Lhs,
+ bool is_intmax_type =
+ std::is_integral<typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type>::value&&
+ IntegerBitsPlusSign<typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type>::
+ value == IntegerBitsPlusSign<intmax_t>::value,
+ bool is_max_exponent =
+ StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<
+ typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type,
+ Lhs>::value ==
+ NUMERIC_RANGE_CONTAINED&& StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<
+ typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type,
+struct BigEnoughPromotion;
+// The side with the max exponent is big enough.
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs, bool is_intmax_type>
+struct BigEnoughPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, is_intmax_type, true> {
+ using type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type;
+ static const bool is_contained = true;
+// We can use a twice wider type to fit.
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct BigEnoughPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, false, false> {
+ using type =
+ typename TwiceWiderInteger<typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type,
+ std::is_signed<Lhs>::value ||
+ std::is_signed<Rhs>::value>::type;
+ static const bool is_contained = true;
+// No type is large enough.
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct BigEnoughPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, true, false> {
+ using type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type;
+ static const bool is_contained = false;
+// We can statically check if operations on the provided types can wrap, so we
+// can skip the checked operations if they're not needed. So, for an integer we
+// care if the destination type preserves the sign and is twice the width of
+// the source.
+template <typename T, typename Lhs, typename Rhs = Lhs>
+struct IsIntegerArithmeticSafe {
+ static const bool value =
+ !std::is_floating_point<T>::value &&
+ !std::is_floating_point<Lhs>::value &&
+ !std::is_floating_point<Rhs>::value &&
+ std::is_signed<T>::value >= std::is_signed<Lhs>::value &&
+ IntegerBitsPlusSign<T>::value >= (2 * IntegerBitsPlusSign<Lhs>::value) &&
+ std::is_signed<T>::value >= std::is_signed<Rhs>::value &&
+ IntegerBitsPlusSign<T>::value >= (2 * IntegerBitsPlusSign<Rhs>::value);
+// Promotes to a type that can represent any possible result of a binary
+// arithmetic operation with the source types.
+template <typename Lhs,
+ typename Rhs,
+ bool is_promotion_possible = IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<
+ typename std::conditional<std::is_signed<Lhs>::value ||
+ std::is_signed<Rhs>::value,
+ intmax_t,
+ uintmax_t>::type,
+ typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type>::value>
+struct FastIntegerArithmeticPromotion;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct FastIntegerArithmeticPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, true> {
+ using type =
+ typename TwiceWiderInteger<typename MaxExponentPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type,
+ std::is_signed<Lhs>::value ||
+ std::is_signed<Rhs>::value>::type;
+ static_assert(IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<type, Lhs, Rhs>::value, "");
+ static const bool is_contained = true;
+template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
+struct FastIntegerArithmeticPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, false> {
+ using type = typename BigEnoughPromotion<Lhs, Rhs>::type;
+ static const bool is_contained = false;
+// This hacks around libstdc++ 4.6 missing stuff in type_traits.
+#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
+#define PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_7_0 20120322
+#define PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_5_4 20120702
+#define PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_6_4 20121127
+#if (__GLIBCXX__ < PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_7_0 || __GLIBCXX__ == PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_5_4 || \
+ __GLIBCXX__ == PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_6_4)
+#undef PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_7_0
+#undef PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_5_4
+#undef PRIV_GLIBCXX_4_6_4
+// Extracts the underlying type from an enum.
+template <typename T, bool is_enum = std::is_enum<T>::value>
+struct ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum;
+template <typename T>
+struct ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<T, true> {
+ using type = __underlying_type(T);
+ using type = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type;
+ static const bool value = std::is_arithmetic<type>::value;
+template <typename T>
+struct ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<T, false> {
+ using type = T;
+ static const bool value = std::is_arithmetic<type>::value;
+// The following are helper templates used in the CheckedNumeric class.
+template <typename T>
+class CheckedNumeric;
+template <typename T>
+class StrictNumeric;
+// Used to treat CheckedNumeric and arithmetic underlying types the same.
+template <typename T>
+struct UnderlyingType {
+ using type = typename ArithmeticOrUnderlyingEnum<T>::type;
+ static const bool is_numeric = std::is_arithmetic<type>::value;
+ static const bool is_checked = false;
+ static const bool is_strict = false;
+template <typename T>
+struct UnderlyingType<CheckedNumeric<T>> {
+ using type = T;
+ static const bool is_numeric = true;
+ static const bool is_checked = true;
+ static const bool is_strict = false;
+template <typename T>
+struct UnderlyingType<StrictNumeric<T>> {
+ using type = T;
+ static const bool is_numeric = true;
+ static const bool is_checked = false;
+ static const bool is_strict = true;
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsCheckedOp {
+ static const bool value =
+ UnderlyingType<L>::is_numeric && UnderlyingType<R>::is_numeric &&
+ (UnderlyingType<L>::is_checked || UnderlyingType<R>::is_checked);
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsStrictOp {
+ static const bool value =
+ UnderlyingType<L>::is_numeric && UnderlyingType<R>::is_numeric &&
+ (UnderlyingType<L>::is_strict || UnderlyingType<R>::is_strict);
+template <typename L, typename R>
+constexpr bool IsLessImpl(const L lhs,
+ const R rhs,
+ const RangeCheck l_range,
+ const RangeCheck r_range) {
+ return l_range.IsUnderflow() || r_range.IsOverflow() ||
+ (l_range == r_range &&
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(lhs) <
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(rhs));
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsLess {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ static constexpr bool Test(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ return IsLessImpl(lhs, rhs, DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<R>(lhs),
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<L>(rhs));
+ }
+template <typename L, typename R>
+constexpr bool IsLessOrEqualImpl(const L lhs,
+ const R rhs,
+ const RangeCheck l_range,
+ const RangeCheck r_range) {
+ return l_range.IsUnderflow() || r_range.IsOverflow() ||
+ (l_range == r_range &&
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(lhs) <=
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(rhs));
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsLessOrEqual {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ static constexpr bool Test(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ return IsLessOrEqualImpl(lhs, rhs, DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<R>(lhs),
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<L>(rhs));
+ }
+template <typename L, typename R>
+constexpr bool IsGreaterImpl(const L lhs,
+ const R rhs,
+ const RangeCheck l_range,
+ const RangeCheck r_range) {
+ return l_range.IsOverflow() || r_range.IsUnderflow() ||
+ (l_range == r_range &&
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(lhs) >
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(rhs));
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsGreater {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ static constexpr bool Test(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ return IsGreaterImpl(lhs, rhs, DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<R>(lhs),
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<L>(rhs));
+ }
+template <typename L, typename R>
+constexpr bool IsGreaterOrEqualImpl(const L lhs,
+ const R rhs,
+ const RangeCheck l_range,
+ const RangeCheck r_range) {
+ return l_range.IsOverflow() || r_range.IsUnderflow() ||
+ (l_range == r_range &&
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(lhs) >=
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(rhs));
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsGreaterOrEqual {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ static constexpr bool Test(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ return IsGreaterOrEqualImpl(lhs, rhs, DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<R>(lhs),
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<L>(rhs));
+ }
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsEqual {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ static constexpr bool Test(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ return DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<R>(lhs) ==
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<L>(rhs) &&
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(lhs) ==
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(rhs);
+ }
+template <typename L, typename R>
+struct IsNotEqual {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ static constexpr bool Test(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ return DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<R>(lhs) !=
+ DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<L>(rhs) ||
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(lhs) !=
+ static_cast<decltype(lhs + rhs)>(rhs);
+ }
+// These perform the actual math operations on the CheckedNumerics.
+// Binary arithmetic operations.
+template <template <typename, typename> class C, typename L, typename R>
+constexpr bool SafeCompare(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<L>::value && std::is_arithmetic<R>::value,
+ "Types must be numeric.");
+ using Promotion = BigEnoughPromotion<L, R>;
+ using BigType = typename Promotion::type;
+ return Promotion::is_contained
+ // Force to a larger type for speed if both are contained.
+ ? C<BigType, BigType>::Test(
+ static_cast<BigType>(static_cast<L>(lhs)),
+ static_cast<BigType>(static_cast<R>(rhs)))
+ // Let the template functions figure it out for mixed types.
+ : C<L, R>::Test(lhs, rhs);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base
} // namespace pdfium
diff --git a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h
index 013af1eb60..a0c41a467b 100644
--- a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h
+++ b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h
@@ -2,140 +2,268 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "safe_math_impl.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <limits>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_math_impl.h"
namespace pdfium {
namespace base {
namespace internal {
-// CheckedNumeric implements all the logic and operators for detecting integer
+// CheckedNumeric<> implements all the logic and operators for detecting integer
// boundary conditions such as overflow, underflow, and invalid conversions.
// The CheckedNumeric type implicitly converts from floating point and integer
// data types, and contains overloads for basic arithmetic operations (i.e.: +,
-// -, *, /, %).
+// -, *, / for all types and %, <<, >>, &, |, ^ for integers). Type promotions
+// are a slightly modified version of the standard C arithmetic rules with the
+// two differences being that there is no default promotion to int and bitwise
+// logical operations always return an unsigned of the wider type.
+// You may also use one of the variadic convenience functions, which accept
+// standard arithmetic or CheckedNumeric types, perform arithmetic operations,
+// and return a CheckedNumeric result. The supported functions are:
+// CheckAdd() - Addition.
+// CheckSub() - Subtraction.
+// CheckMul() - Multiplication.
+// CheckDiv() - Division.
+// CheckMod() - Modulous (integer only).
+// CheckLsh() - Left integer shift (integer only).
+// CheckRsh() - Right integer shift (integer only).
+// CheckAnd() - Bitwise AND (integer only with unsigned result).
+// CheckOr() - Bitwise OR (integer only with unsigned result).
+// CheckXor() - Bitwise XOR (integer only with unsigned result).
+// CheckMax() - Maximum of supplied arguments.
+// CheckMin() - Minimum of supplied arguments.
+// The unary negation, increment, and decrement operators are supported, along
+// with the following unary arithmetic methods, which return a new
+// CheckedNumeric as a result of the operation:
+// Abs() - Absolute value.
+// UnsignedAbs() - Absolute value as an equal-width unsigned underlying type
+// (valid for only integral types).
+// Max() - Returns whichever is greater of the current instance or argument.
+// The underlying return type is whichever has the greatest magnitude.
+// Min() - Returns whichever is lowest of the current instance or argument.
+// The underlying return type is whichever has can represent the lowest
+// number in the smallest width (e.g. int8_t over unsigned, int over
+// int8_t, and float over int).
// The following methods convert from CheckedNumeric to standard numeric values:
-// IsValid() - Returns true if the underlying numeric value is valid (i.e. has
-// has not wrapped and is not the result of an invalid conversion).
-// ValueOrDie() - Returns the underlying value. If the state is not valid this
-// call will crash on a CHECK.
-// ValueOrDefault() - Returns the current value, or the supplied default if the
-// state is not valid.
-// ValueFloating() - Returns the underlying floating point value (valid only
-// only for floating point CheckedNumeric types).
+// AssignIfValid() - Assigns the underlying value to the supplied destination
+// pointer if the value is currently valid and within the range
+// supported by the destination type. Returns true on success.
+// ****************************************************************************
+// * WARNING: All of the following functions return a StrictNumeric, which *
+// * is valid for comparison and assignment operations, but will trigger a *
+// * compile failure on attempts to assign to a type of insufficient range. *
+// ****************************************************************************
+// IsValid() - Returns true if the underlying numeric value is valid (i.e. has
+// has not wrapped and is not the result of an invalid conversion).
+// ValueOrDie() - Returns the underlying value. If the state is not valid this
+// call will crash on a CHECK.
+// ValueOrDefault() - Returns the current value, or the supplied default if the
+// state is not valid (will not trigger a CHECK).
-// Bitwise operations are explicitly not supported, because correct
-// handling of some cases (e.g. sign manipulation) is ambiguous. Comparison
-// operations are explicitly not supported because they could result in a crash
-// on a CHECK condition. You should use patterns like the following for these
-// operations:
-// Bitwise operation:
-// CheckedNumeric<int> checked_int = untrusted_input_value;
-// int x = checked_int.ValueOrDefault(0) | kFlagValues;
-// Comparison:
-// CheckedNumeric<size_t> checked_size;
-// CheckedNumeric<int> checked_size = untrusted_input_value;
-// checked_size = checked_size + HEADER LENGTH;
+// The following wrapper functions can be used to avoid the template
+// disambiguator syntax when converting a destination type.
+// IsValidForType<>() in place of: a.template IsValid<Dst>()
+// ValueOrDieForType<>() in place of: a.template ValueOrDie()
+// ValueOrDefaultForType<>() in place of: a.template ValueOrDefault(default)
+// The following are general utility methods that are useful for converting
+// between arithmetic types and CheckedNumeric types:
+// CheckedNumeric::Cast<Dst>() - Instance method returning a CheckedNumeric
+// derived from casting the current instance to a CheckedNumeric of
+// the supplied destination type.
+// MakeCheckedNum() - Creates a new CheckedNumeric from the underlying type of
+// the supplied arithmetic, CheckedNumeric, or StrictNumeric type.
+// Comparison operations are explicitly not supported because they could result
+// in a crash on an unexpected CHECK condition. You should use patterns like the
+// following for comparisons:
+// CheckedNumeric<size_t> checked_size = untrusted_input_value;
+// checked_size += HEADER LENGTH;
// if (checked_size.IsValid() && checked_size.ValueOrDie() < buffer_size)
// Do stuff...
template <typename T>
class CheckedNumeric {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value,
+ "CheckedNumeric<T>: T must be a numeric type.");
- typedef T type;
+ using type = T;
- CheckedNumeric() {}
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric() {}
// Copy constructor.
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumeric(const CheckedNumeric<Src>& rhs)
- : state_(rhs.ValueUnsafe(), rhs.validity()) {}
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric(const CheckedNumeric<Src>& rhs)
+ : state_(rhs.state_.value(), rhs.IsValid()) {}
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumeric(Src value, RangeConstraint validity)
- : state_(value, validity) {}
+ friend class CheckedNumeric;
// This is not an explicit constructor because we implicitly upgrade regular
// numerics to CheckedNumerics to make them easier to use.
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumeric(Src value)
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric(Src value) // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: state_(value) {
- COMPILE_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_specialized,
- argument_must_be_numeric);
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Src>::value, "Argument must be numeric.");
+ }
+ // This is not an explicit constructor because we want a seamless conversion
+ // from StrictNumeric types.
+ template <typename Src>
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric(
+ StrictNumeric<Src> value) // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
+ : state_(static_cast<Src>(value)) {}
+ // IsValid() - The public API to test if a CheckedNumeric is currently valid.
+ // A range checked destination type can be supplied using the Dst template
+ // parameter.
+ template <typename Dst = T>
+ constexpr bool IsValid() const {
+ return state_.is_valid() &&
+ IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Dst>(state_.value());
- // IsValid() is the public API to test if a CheckedNumeric is currently valid.
- bool IsValid() const { return validity() == RANGE_VALID; }
+ // AssignIfValid(Dst) - Assigns the underlying value if it is currently valid
+ // and is within the range supported by the destination type. Returns true if
+ // successful and false otherwise.
+ template <typename Dst>
+ constexpr bool AssignIfValid(Dst* result) const {
+ return IsValid<Dst>() ? ((*result = static_cast<Dst>(state_.value())), true)
+ : false;
+ }
- // ValueOrDie() The primary accessor for the underlying value. If the current
- // state is not valid it will CHECK and crash.
- T ValueOrDie() const {
- CHECK(IsValid());
- return state_.value();
+ // ValueOrDie() - The primary accessor for the underlying value. If the
+ // current state is not valid it will CHECK and crash.
+ // A range checked destination type can be supplied using the Dst template
+ // parameter, which will trigger a CHECK if the value is not in bounds for
+ // the destination.
+ // The CHECK behavior can be overridden by supplying a handler as a
+ // template parameter, for test code, etc. However, the handler cannot access
+ // the underlying value, and it is not available through other means.
+ template <typename Dst = T, class CheckHandler = CheckOnFailure>
+ constexpr StrictNumeric<Dst> ValueOrDie() const {
+ return IsValid<Dst>() ? static_cast<Dst>(state_.value())
+ : CheckHandler::template HandleFailure<Dst>();
- // ValueOrDefault(T default_value) A convenience method that returns the
+ // ValueOrDefault(T default_value) - A convenience method that returns the
// current value if the state is valid, and the supplied default_value for
// any other state.
- T ValueOrDefault(T default_value) const {
- return IsValid() ? state_.value() : default_value;
+ // A range checked destination type can be supplied using the Dst template
+ // parameter. WARNING: This function may fail to compile or CHECK at runtime
+ // if the supplied default_value is not within range of the destination type.
+ template <typename Dst = T, typename Src>
+ constexpr StrictNumeric<Dst> ValueOrDefault(const Src default_value) const {
+ return IsValid<Dst>() ? static_cast<Dst>(state_.value())
+ : checked_cast<Dst>(default_value);
- // ValueFloating() - Since floating point values include their validity state,
- // we provide an easy method for extracting them directly, without a risk of
- // crashing on a CHECK.
- T ValueFloating() const {
- COMPILE_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, argument_must_be_float);
- return CheckedNumeric<T>::cast(*this).ValueUnsafe();
+ // Returns a checked numeric of the specified type, cast from the current
+ // CheckedNumeric. If the current state is invalid or the destination cannot
+ // represent the result then the returned CheckedNumeric will be invalid.
+ template <typename Dst>
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric<typename UnderlyingType<Dst>::type> Cast() const {
+ return *this;
- // validity() - DO NOT USE THIS IN EXTERNAL CODE - It is public right now for
- // tests and to avoid a big matrix of friend operator overloads. But the
- // values it returns are likely to change in the future.
- // Returns: current validity state (i.e. valid, overflow, underflow, nan).
- // TODO(jschuh): Figure out and implement semantics for
- // saturation/wrapping so we can expose this state consistently and implement
- // saturated arithmetic.
- RangeConstraint validity() const { return state_.validity(); }
- // ValueUnsafe() - DO NOT USE THIS IN EXTERNAL CODE - It is public right now
- // for tests and to avoid a big matrix of friend operator overloads. But the
- // values it returns are likely to change in the future.
- // Returns: the raw numeric value, regardless of the current state.
- // TODO(jschuh): Figure out and implement semantics for
- // saturation/wrapping so we can expose this state consistently and implement
- // saturated arithmetic.
- T ValueUnsafe() const { return state_.value(); }
+ // This friend method is available solely for providing more detailed logging
+ // in the the tests. Do not implement it in production code, because the
+ // underlying values may change at any time.
+ template <typename U>
+ friend U GetNumericValueForTest(const CheckedNumeric<U>& src);
// Prototypes for the supported arithmetic operator overloads.
- template <typename Src> CheckedNumeric& operator+=(Src rhs);
- template <typename Src> CheckedNumeric& operator-=(Src rhs);
- template <typename Src> CheckedNumeric& operator*=(Src rhs);
- template <typename Src> CheckedNumeric& operator/=(Src rhs);
- template <typename Src> CheckedNumeric& operator%=(Src rhs);
- CheckedNumeric operator-() const {
- RangeConstraint validity;
- T value = CheckedNeg(state_.value(), &validity);
- // Negation is always valid for floating point.
- if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559)
- return CheckedNumeric<T>(value);
- validity = GetRangeConstraint(state_.validity() | validity);
- return CheckedNumeric<T>(value, validity);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator+=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator-=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator*=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator/=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator%=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator<<=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator>>=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator&=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator|=(const Src rhs);
+ template <typename Src>
+ CheckedNumeric& operator^=(const Src rhs);
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric operator-() const {
+ return CheckedNumeric<T>(
+ NegateWrapper(state_.value()),
+ IsValid() &&
+ (!std::is_signed<T>::value || std::is_floating_point<T>::value ||
+ NegateWrapper(state_.value()) !=
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()));
+ }
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric operator~() const {
+ return CheckedNumeric<decltype(InvertWrapper(T()))>(
+ InvertWrapper(state_.value()), IsValid());
- CheckedNumeric Abs() const {
- RangeConstraint validity;
- T value = CheckedAbs(state_.value(), &validity);
- // Absolute value is always valid for floating point.
- if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559)
- return CheckedNumeric<T>(value);
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric Abs() const {
+ return CheckedNumeric<T>(
+ AbsWrapper(state_.value()),
+ IsValid() &&
+ (!std::is_signed<T>::value || std::is_floating_point<T>::value ||
+ AbsWrapper(state_.value()) != std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()));
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric<typename MathWrapper<CheckedMaxOp, T, U>::type> Max(
+ const U rhs) const {
+ using R = typename UnderlyingType<U>::type;
+ using result_type = typename MathWrapper<CheckedMaxOp, T, U>::type;
+ // TODO(jschuh): This can be converted to the MathOp version and remain
+ // constexpr once we have C++14 support.
+ return CheckedNumeric<result_type>(
+ static_cast<result_type>(
+ IsGreater<T, R>::Test(state_.value(), Wrapper<U>::value(rhs))
+ ? state_.value()
+ : Wrapper<U>::value(rhs)),
+ state_.is_valid() && Wrapper<U>::is_valid(rhs));
+ }
- validity = GetRangeConstraint(state_.validity() | validity);
- return CheckedNumeric<T>(value, validity);
+ template <typename U>
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric<typename MathWrapper<CheckedMinOp, T, U>::type> Min(
+ const U rhs) const {
+ using R = typename UnderlyingType<U>::type;
+ using result_type = typename MathWrapper<CheckedMinOp, T, U>::type;
+ // TODO(jschuh): This can be converted to the MathOp version and remain
+ // constexpr once we have C++14 support.
+ return CheckedNumeric<result_type>(
+ static_cast<result_type>(
+ IsLess<T, R>::Test(state_.value(), Wrapper<U>::value(rhs))
+ ? state_.value()
+ : Wrapper<U>::value(rhs)),
+ state_.is_valid() && Wrapper<U>::is_valid(rhs));
+ }
+ // This function is available only for integral types. It returns an unsigned
+ // integer of the same width as the source type, containing the absolute value
+ // of the source, and properly handling signed min.
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric<typename UnsignedOrFloatForSize<T>::type>
+ UnsignedAbs() const {
+ return CheckedNumeric<typename UnsignedOrFloatForSize<T>::type>(
+ SafeUnsignedAbs(state_.value()), state_.is_valid());
CheckedNumeric& operator++() {
@@ -160,113 +288,223 @@ class CheckedNumeric {
return value;
- // These static methods behave like a convenience cast operator targeting
- // the desired CheckedNumeric type. As an optimization, a reference is
- // returned when Src is the same type as T.
+ // These perform the actual math operations on the CheckedNumerics.
+ // Binary arithmetic operations.
+ template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R>
+ static CheckedNumeric MathOp(const L lhs, const R rhs) {
+ using Math = typename MathWrapper<M, L, R>::math;
+ T result = 0;
+ bool is_valid =
+ Wrapper<L>::is_valid(lhs) && Wrapper<R>::is_valid(rhs) &&
+ Math::Do(Wrapper<L>::value(lhs), Wrapper<R>::value(rhs), &result);
+ return CheckedNumeric<T>(result, is_valid);
+ };
+ // Assignment arithmetic operations.
+ template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M, typename R>
+ CheckedNumeric& MathOp(const R rhs) {
+ using Math = typename MathWrapper<M, T, R>::math;
+ T result = 0; // Using T as the destination saves a range check.
+ bool is_valid = state_.is_valid() && Wrapper<R>::is_valid(rhs) &&
+ Math::Do(state_.value(), Wrapper<R>::value(rhs), &result);
+ *this = CheckedNumeric<T>(result, is_valid);
+ return *this;
+ };
+ private:
+ CheckedNumericState<T> state_;
template <typename Src>
- static CheckedNumeric<T> cast(
- Src u,
- typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_specialized,
- int>::type = 0) {
- return u;
- }
+ constexpr CheckedNumeric(Src value, bool is_valid)
+ : state_(value, is_valid) {}
+ // These wrappers allow us to handle state the same way for both
+ // CheckedNumeric and POD arithmetic types.
template <typename Src>
- static CheckedNumeric<T> cast(
- const CheckedNumeric<Src>& u,
- typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<Src, T>::value, int>::type = 0) {
- return u;
- }
+ struct Wrapper {
+ static constexpr bool is_valid(Src) { return true; }
+ static constexpr Src value(Src value) { return value; }
+ };
- static const CheckedNumeric<T>& cast(const CheckedNumeric<T>& u) { return u; }
+ template <typename Src>
+ struct Wrapper<CheckedNumeric<Src>> {
+ static constexpr bool is_valid(const CheckedNumeric<Src> v) {
+ return v.IsValid();
+ }
+ static constexpr Src value(const CheckedNumeric<Src> v) {
+ return v.state_.value();
+ }
+ };
- private:
- CheckedNumericState<T> state_;
+ template <typename Src>
+ struct Wrapper<StrictNumeric<Src>> {
+ static constexpr bool is_valid(const StrictNumeric<Src>) { return true; }
+ static constexpr Src value(const StrictNumeric<Src> v) {
+ return static_cast<Src>(v);
+ }
+ };
-// This is the boilerplate for the standard arithmetic operator overloads. A
-// macro isn't the prettiest solution, but it beats rewriting these five times.
-// Some details worth noting are:
-// * We apply the standard arithmetic promotions.
-// * We skip range checks for floating points.
-// * We skip range checks for destination integers with sufficient range.
-// TODO(jschuh): extract these out into templates.
- /* Binary arithmetic operator for CheckedNumerics of the same type. */ \
- template <typename T> \
- CheckedNumeric<typename ArithmeticPromotion<T>::type> operator OP( \
- const CheckedNumeric<T>& lhs, const CheckedNumeric<T>& rhs) { \
- typedef typename ArithmeticPromotion<T>::type Promotion; \
- /* Floating point always takes the fast path */ \
- if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559) \
- return CheckedNumeric<T>(lhs.ValueUnsafe() OP rhs.ValueUnsafe()); \
- if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, T>::value) \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>( \
- lhs.ValueUnsafe() OP rhs.ValueUnsafe(), \
- GetRangeConstraint(rhs.validity() | lhs.validity())); \
- RangeConstraint validity = RANGE_VALID; \
- T result = Checked##NAME(static_cast<Promotion>(lhs.ValueUnsafe()), \
- static_cast<Promotion>(rhs.ValueUnsafe()), \
- &validity); \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>( \
- result, \
- GetRangeConstraint(validity | lhs.validity() | rhs.validity())); \
- } \
- /* Assignment arithmetic operator implementation from CheckedNumeric. */ \
- template <typename T> \
- template <typename Src> \
- CheckedNumeric<T>& CheckedNumeric<T>::operator COMPOUND_OP(Src rhs) { \
- *this = CheckedNumeric<T>::cast(*this) OP CheckedNumeric<Src>::cast(rhs); \
- return *this; \
- } \
- /* Binary arithmetic operator for CheckedNumeric of different type. */ \
- template <typename T, typename Src> \
- CheckedNumeric<typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, Src>::type> operator OP( \
- const CheckedNumeric<Src>& lhs, const CheckedNumeric<T>& rhs) { \
- typedef typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, Src>::type Promotion; \
- if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, Src>::value) \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>( \
- lhs.ValueUnsafe() OP rhs.ValueUnsafe(), \
- GetRangeConstraint(rhs.validity() | lhs.validity())); \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>::cast(lhs) \
- OP CheckedNumeric<Promotion>::cast(rhs); \
- } \
- /* Binary arithmetic operator for left CheckedNumeric and right numeric. */ \
- template <typename T, typename Src> \
- CheckedNumeric<typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, Src>::type> operator OP( \
- const CheckedNumeric<T>& lhs, Src rhs) { \
- typedef typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, Src>::type Promotion; \
- if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, Src>::value) \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>(lhs.ValueUnsafe() OP rhs, \
- lhs.validity()); \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>::cast(lhs) \
- OP CheckedNumeric<Promotion>::cast(rhs); \
- } \
- /* Binary arithmetic operator for right numeric and left CheckedNumeric. */ \
- template <typename T, typename Src> \
- CheckedNumeric<typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, Src>::type> operator OP( \
- Src lhs, const CheckedNumeric<T>& rhs) { \
- typedef typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, Src>::type Promotion; \
- if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, Src>::value) \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>(lhs OP rhs.ValueUnsafe(), \
- rhs.validity()); \
- return CheckedNumeric<Promotion>::cast(lhs) \
- OP CheckedNumeric<Promotion>::cast(rhs); \
- }
+// Convenience functions to avoid the ugly template disambiguator syntax.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+constexpr bool IsValidForType(const CheckedNumeric<Src> value) {
+ return value.template IsValid<Dst>();
+template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+constexpr StrictNumeric<Dst> ValueOrDieForType(
+ const CheckedNumeric<Src> value) {
+ return value.template ValueOrDie<Dst>();
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, typename Default>
+constexpr StrictNumeric<Dst> ValueOrDefaultForType(
+ const CheckedNumeric<Src> value,
+ const Default default_value) {
+ return value.template ValueOrDefault<Dst>(default_value);
+// These variadic templates work out the return types.
+// TODO(jschuh): Rip all this out once we have C++14 non-trailing auto support.
+template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R,
+ typename... Args>
+struct ResultType;
+template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R>
+struct ResultType<M, L, R> {
+ using type = typename MathWrapper<M, L, R>::type;
+template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R,
+ typename... Args>
+struct ResultType {
+ using type =
+ typename ResultType<M, typename ResultType<M, L, R>::type, Args...>::type;
+// Convience wrapper to return a new CheckedNumeric from the provided arithmetic
+// or CheckedNumericType.
+template <typename T>
+constexpr CheckedNumeric<typename UnderlyingType<T>::type> MakeCheckedNum(
+ const T value) {
+ return value;
+// These implement the variadic wrapper for the math operations.
+template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R>
+CheckedNumeric<typename MathWrapper<M, L, R>::type> ChkMathOp(const L lhs,
+ const R rhs) {
+ using Math = typename MathWrapper<M, L, R>::math;
+ return CheckedNumeric<typename Math::result_type>::template MathOp<M>(lhs,
+ rhs);
+// General purpose wrapper template for arithmetic operations.
+template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R,
+ typename... Args>
+CheckedNumeric<typename ResultType<M, L, R, Args...>::type>
+ChkMathOp(const L lhs, const R rhs, const Args... args) {
+ auto tmp = ChkMathOp<M>(lhs, rhs);
+ return tmp.IsValid() ? ChkMathOp<M>(tmp, args...)
+ : decltype(ChkMathOp<M>(tmp, args...))(tmp);
+// The following macros are just boilerplate for the standard arithmetic
+// operator overloads and variadic function templates. A macro isn't the nicest
+// solution, but it beats rewriting these over and over again.
+ template <typename L, typename R, typename... Args> \
+ CheckedNumeric<typename ResultType<Checked##NAME##Op, L, R, Args...>::type> \
+ Check##NAME(const L lhs, const R rhs, const Args... args) { \
+ return ChkMathOp<Checked##NAME##Op, L, R, Args...>(lhs, rhs, args...); \
+ }
+ /* Binary arithmetic operator for all CheckedNumeric operations. */ \
+ template <typename L, typename R, \
+ typename std::enable_if<IsCheckedOp<L, R>::value>::type* = \
+ nullptr> \
+ CheckedNumeric<typename MathWrapper<Checked##NAME##Op, L, R>::type> \
+ operator OP(const L lhs, const R rhs) { \
+ return decltype(lhs OP rhs)::template MathOp<Checked##NAME##Op>(lhs, rhs); \
+ } \
+ /* Assignment arithmetic operator implementation from CheckedNumeric. */ \
+ template <typename L> \
+ template <typename R> \
+ CheckedNumeric<L>& CheckedNumeric<L>::operator COMPOUND_OP(const R rhs) { \
+ return MathOp<Checked##NAME##Op>(rhs); \
+ } \
+ /* Variadic arithmetic functions that return CheckedNumeric. */ \
+// These are some extra StrictNumeric operators to support simple pointer
+// arithmetic with our result types. Since wrapping on a pointer is always
+// bad, we trigger the CHECK condition here.
+template <typename L, typename R>
+L* operator+(L* lhs, const StrictNumeric<R> rhs) {
+ uintptr_t result = CheckAdd(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lhs),
+ CheckMul(sizeof(L), static_cast<R>(rhs)))
+ .template ValueOrDie<uintptr_t>();
+ return reinterpret_cast<L*>(result);
+template <typename L, typename R>
+L* operator-(L* lhs, const StrictNumeric<R> rhs) {
+ uintptr_t result = CheckSub(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lhs),
+ CheckMul(sizeof(L), static_cast<R>(rhs)))
+ .template ValueOrDie<uintptr_t>();
+ return reinterpret_cast<L*>(result);
} // namespace internal
using internal::CheckedNumeric;
+using internal::IsValidForType;
+using internal::ValueOrDieForType;
+using internal::ValueOrDefaultForType;
+using internal::MakeCheckedNum;
+using internal::CheckMax;
+using internal::CheckMin;
+using internal::CheckAdd;
+using internal::CheckSub;
+using internal::CheckMul;
+using internal::CheckDiv;
+using internal::CheckMod;
+using internal::CheckLsh;
+using internal::CheckRsh;
+using internal::CheckAnd;
+using internal::CheckOr;
+using internal::CheckXor;
} // namespace base
} // namespace pdfium
diff --git a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math_impl.h b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math_impl.h
index f950f5d517..5ad79ce192 100644
--- a/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math_impl.h
+++ b/third_party/base/numerics/safe_math_impl.h
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
-#include "third_party/base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
namespace pdfium {
@@ -25,355 +24,486 @@ namespace internal {
// but it may not be fast. This code could be split based on
// platform/architecture and replaced with potentially faster implementations.
-// Integer promotion templates used by the portable checked integer arithmetic.
-template <size_t Size, bool IsSigned>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<1, true> {
- typedef int8_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<1, false> {
- typedef uint8_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<2, true> {
- typedef int16_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<2, false> {
- typedef uint16_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<4, true> {
- typedef int32_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<4, false> {
- typedef uint32_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<8, true> {
- typedef int64_t type;
-template <>
-struct IntegerForSizeAndSign<8, false> {
- typedef uint64_t type;
-// WARNING: We have no IntegerForSizeAndSign<16, *>. If we ever add one to
-// support 128-bit math, then the ArithmeticPromotion template below will need
-// to be updated (or more likely replaced with a decltype expression).
-template <typename Integer>
-struct UnsignedIntegerForSize {
- typedef typename std::enable_if<
- std::numeric_limits<Integer>::is_integer,
- typename IntegerForSizeAndSign<sizeof(Integer), false>::type>::type type;
-template <typename Integer>
-struct SignedIntegerForSize {
- typedef typename std::enable_if<
- std::numeric_limits<Integer>::is_integer,
- typename IntegerForSizeAndSign<sizeof(Integer), true>::type>::type type;
-template <typename Integer>
-struct TwiceWiderInteger {
- typedef typename std::enable_if<
- std::numeric_limits<Integer>::is_integer,
- typename IntegerForSizeAndSign<
- sizeof(Integer) * 2,
- std::numeric_limits<Integer>::is_signed>::type>::type type;
-template <typename Integer>
-struct PositionOfSignBit {
- static const typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<Integer>::is_integer,
- size_t>::type value =
- CHAR_BIT * sizeof(Integer) - 1;
// This is used for UnsignedAbs, where we need to support floating-point
// template instantiations even though we don't actually support the operations.
-// However, there is no corresponding implementation of e.g. CheckedUnsignedAbs,
+// However, there is no corresponding implementation of e.g. SafeUnsignedAbs,
// so the float versions will not compile.
template <typename Numeric,
- bool IsInteger = std::numeric_limits<Numeric>::is_integer,
- bool IsFloat = std::numeric_limits<Numeric>::is_iec559>
+ bool IsInteger = std::is_integral<Numeric>::value,
+ bool IsFloat = std::is_floating_point<Numeric>::value>
struct UnsignedOrFloatForSize;
template <typename Numeric>
struct UnsignedOrFloatForSize<Numeric, true, false> {
- typedef typename UnsignedIntegerForSize<Numeric>::type type;
+ using type = typename std::make_unsigned<Numeric>::type;
template <typename Numeric>
struct UnsignedOrFloatForSize<Numeric, false, true> {
- typedef Numeric type;
+ using type = Numeric;
-// Helper templates for integer manipulations.
-template <typename T>
-constexpr bool HasSignBit(T x) {
- // Cast to unsigned since right shift on signed is undefined.
- return !!(static_cast<typename UnsignedIntegerForSize<T>::type>(x) >>
- PositionOfSignBit<T>::value);
-// This wrapper undoes the standard integer promotions.
-template <typename T>
-constexpr T BinaryComplement(T x) {
- return static_cast<T>(~x);
-// Here are the actual portable checked integer math implementations.
-// TODO(jschuh): Break this code out from the enable_if pattern and find a clean
-// way to coalesce things into the CheckedNumericState specializations below.
+// Probe for builtin math overflow support on Clang and version check on GCC.
+#if defined(__has_builtin)
+#define USE_OVERFLOW_BUILTINS (__has_builtin(__builtin_add_overflow))
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#define USE_OVERFLOW_BUILTINS (__GNUC__ >= 5)
template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, T>::type
-CheckedAdd(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
+bool CheckedAddImpl(T x, T y, T* result) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
// Since the value of x+y is undefined if we have a signed type, we compute
// it using the unsigned type of the same size.
- typedef typename UnsignedIntegerForSize<T>::type UnsignedDst;
+ using UnsignedDst = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ using SignedDst = typename std::make_signed<T>::type;
UnsignedDst ux = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(x);
UnsignedDst uy = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(y);
UnsignedDst uresult = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(ux + uy);
+ *result = static_cast<T>(uresult);
// Addition is valid if the sign of (x + y) is equal to either that of x or
// that of y.
- if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
- if (HasSignBit(BinaryComplement(
- static_cast<UnsignedDst>((uresult ^ ux) & (uresult ^ uy))))) {
- *validity = RANGE_VALID;
- } else { // Direction of wrap is inverse of result sign.
- *validity = HasSignBit(uresult) ? RANGE_OVERFLOW : RANGE_UNDERFLOW;
+ return (std::is_signed<T>::value)
+ ? static_cast<SignedDst>((uresult ^ ux) & (uresult ^ uy)) >= 0
+ : uresult >= uy; // Unsigned is either valid or underflow.
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedAddOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedAddOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ return !__builtin_add_overflow(x, y, result);
+ using Promotion = typename BigEnoughPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ Promotion presult;
+ // Fail if either operand is out of range for the promoted type.
+ // TODO(jschuh): This could be made to work for a broader range of values.
+ bool is_valid = IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(x) &&
+ IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(y);
+ if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, U>::value) {
+ presult = static_cast<Promotion>(x) + static_cast<Promotion>(y);
+ } else {
+ is_valid &= CheckedAddImpl(static_cast<Promotion>(x),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(y), &presult);
- } else { // Unsigned is either valid or overflow.
- *validity = BinaryComplement(x) >= y ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_OVERFLOW;
+ *result = static_cast<V>(presult);
+ return is_valid && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(presult);
- return static_cast<T>(uresult);
template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, T>::type
-CheckedSub(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
+bool CheckedSubImpl(T x, T y, T* result) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
// Since the value of x+y is undefined if we have a signed type, we compute
// it using the unsigned type of the same size.
- typedef typename UnsignedIntegerForSize<T>::type UnsignedDst;
+ using UnsignedDst = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ using SignedDst = typename std::make_signed<T>::type;
UnsignedDst ux = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(x);
UnsignedDst uy = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(y);
UnsignedDst uresult = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(ux - uy);
+ *result = static_cast<T>(uresult);
// Subtraction is valid if either x and y have same sign, or (x-y) and x have
// the same sign.
- if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
- if (HasSignBit(BinaryComplement(
- static_cast<UnsignedDst>((uresult ^ ux) & (ux ^ uy))))) {
- *validity = RANGE_VALID;
- } else { // Direction of wrap is inverse of result sign.
- *validity = HasSignBit(uresult) ? RANGE_OVERFLOW : RANGE_UNDERFLOW;
+ return (std::is_signed<T>::value)
+ ? static_cast<SignedDst>((uresult ^ ux) & (ux ^ uy)) >= 0
+ : x >= y;
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedSubOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedSubOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ return !__builtin_sub_overflow(x, y, result);
+ using Promotion = typename BigEnoughPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ Promotion presult;
+ // Fail if either operand is out of range for the promoted type.
+ // TODO(jschuh): This could be made to work for a broader range of values.
+ bool is_valid = IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(x) &&
+ IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(y);
+ if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, U>::value) {
+ presult = static_cast<Promotion>(x) - static_cast<Promotion>(y);
+ } else {
+ is_valid &= CheckedSubImpl(static_cast<Promotion>(x),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(y), &presult);
- } else { // Unsigned is either valid or underflow.
- *validity = x >= y ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_UNDERFLOW;
+ *result = static_cast<V>(presult);
+ return is_valid && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(presult);
- return static_cast<T>(uresult);
-// Integer multiplication is a bit complicated. In the fast case we just
-// we just promote to a twice wider type, and range check the result. In the
-// slow case we need to manually check that the result won't be truncated by
-// checking with division against the appropriate bound.
template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- sizeof(T) * 2 <= sizeof(uintmax_t),
- T>::type
-CheckedMul(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- typedef typename TwiceWiderInteger<T>::type IntermediateType;
- IntermediateType tmp =
- static_cast<IntermediateType>(x) * static_cast<IntermediateType>(y);
- *validity = DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T>(tmp);
- return static_cast<T>(tmp);
+bool CheckedMulImpl(T x, T y, T* result) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
+ // Since the value of x*y is potentially undefined if we have a signed type,
+ // we compute it using the unsigned type of the same size.
+ using UnsignedDst = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ using SignedDst = typename std::make_signed<T>::type;
+ const UnsignedDst ux = SafeUnsignedAbs(x);
+ const UnsignedDst uy = SafeUnsignedAbs(y);
+ UnsignedDst uresult = static_cast<UnsignedDst>(ux * uy);
+ const bool is_negative =
+ std::is_signed<T>::value && static_cast<SignedDst>(x ^ y) < 0;
+ *result = is_negative ? 0 - uresult : uresult;
+ // We have a fast out for unsigned identity or zero on the second operand.
+ // After that it's an unsigned overflow check on the absolute value, with
+ // a +1 bound for a negative result.
+ return uy <= UnsignedDst(!std::is_signed<T>::value || is_negative) ||
+ ux <= (std::numeric_limits<T>::max() + UnsignedDst(is_negative)) / uy;
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed &&
- (sizeof(T) * 2 > sizeof(uintmax_t)),
- T>::type
-CheckedMul(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- // If either side is zero then the result will be zero.
- if (!x || !y) {
- *validity = RANGE_VALID;
- return static_cast<T>(0);
- }
- if (x > 0) {
- if (y > 0) {
- *validity =
- x <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / y ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_OVERFLOW;
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedMulOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedMulOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+#if defined(__clang__)
+ // TODO(jschuh): Get the Clang runtime library issues sorted out so we can
+ // support full-width, mixed-sign multiply builtins.
+ //
+ static const bool kUseMaxInt =
+ // Narrower type than uintptr_t is always safe.
+ std::numeric_limits<__typeof__(x * y)>::digits <
+ std::numeric_limits<intptr_t>::digits ||
+ // Safe for intptr_t and uintptr_t if the sign matches.
+ (IntegerBitsPlusSign<__typeof__(x * y)>::value ==
+ IntegerBitsPlusSign<intptr_t>::value &&
+ std::is_signed<T>::value == std::is_signed<U>::value);
+ static const bool kUseMaxInt = true;
+ if (kUseMaxInt)
+ return !__builtin_mul_overflow(x, y, result);
+ using Promotion = typename FastIntegerArithmeticPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ Promotion presult;
+ // Fail if either operand is out of range for the promoted type.
+ // TODO(jschuh): This could be made to work for a broader range of values.
+ bool is_valid = IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(x) &&
+ IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(y);
+ if (IsIntegerArithmeticSafe<Promotion, T, U>::value) {
+ presult = static_cast<Promotion>(x) * static_cast<Promotion>(y);
} else {
- *validity = y >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() / x ? RANGE_VALID
- }
- } else {
- if (y > 0) {
- *validity = x >= std::numeric_limits<T>::min() / y ? RANGE_VALID
- } else {
- *validity =
- y >= std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / x ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_OVERFLOW;
+ is_valid &= CheckedMulImpl(static_cast<Promotion>(x),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(y), &presult);
+ *result = static_cast<V>(presult);
+ return is_valid && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(presult);
- return static_cast<T>(*validity == RANGE_VALID ? x * y : 0);
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed &&
- (sizeof(T) * 2 > sizeof(uintmax_t)),
- T>::type
-CheckedMul(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- *validity = (y == 0 || x <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / y)
- return static_cast<T>(*validity == RANGE_VALID ? x * y : 0);
+// Avoid poluting the namespace once we're done with the macro.
// Division just requires a check for a zero denominator or an invalid negation
// on signed min/-1.
template <typename T>
-T CheckedDiv(T x,
- T y,
- RangeConstraint* validity,
- typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer,
- int>::type = 0) {
- if (y == 0) {
- *validity = RANGE_INVALID;
- return static_cast<T>(0);
- }
- if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed && x == std::numeric_limits<T>::min() &&
- y == static_cast<T>(-1)) {
- *validity = RANGE_OVERFLOW;
- return std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
+bool CheckedDivImpl(T x, T y, T* result) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
+ if (y && (!std::is_signed<T>::value ||
+ x != std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest() || y != static_cast<T>(-1))) {
+ *result = x / y;
+ return true;
- *validity = RANGE_VALID;
- return static_cast<T>(x / y);
+ return false;
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedMod(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- *validity = y > 0 ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_INVALID;
- return static_cast<T>(*validity == RANGE_VALID ? x % y : 0);
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedDivOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedDivOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ using Promotion = typename BigEnoughPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ Promotion presult;
+ // Fail if either operand is out of range for the promoted type.
+ // TODO(jschuh): This could be made to work for a broader range of values.
+ bool is_valid = IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(x) &&
+ IsValueInRangeForNumericType<Promotion>(y);
+ is_valid &= CheckedDivImpl(static_cast<Promotion>(x),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(y), &presult);
+ *result = static_cast<V>(presult);
+ return is_valid && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(presult);
+ }
template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedMod(T x, T y, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- *validity = y != 0 ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_INVALID;
- return static_cast<T>(*validity == RANGE_VALID ? x % y : 0);
+bool CheckedModImpl(T x, T y, T* result) {
+ static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Type must be integral");
+ if (y > 0) {
+ *result = static_cast<T>(x % y);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedNeg(T value, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- *validity =
- value != std::numeric_limits<T>::min() ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_OVERFLOW;
- // The negation of signed min is min, so catch that one.
- return static_cast<T>(*validity == RANGE_VALID ? -value : 0);
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedModOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedModOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ using Promotion = typename BigEnoughPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ Promotion presult;
+ bool is_valid = CheckedModImpl(static_cast<Promotion>(x),
+ static_cast<Promotion>(y), &presult);
+ *result = static_cast<V>(presult);
+ return is_valid && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(presult);
+ }
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedNeg(T value, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- // The only legal unsigned negation is zero.
- *validity = value ? RANGE_UNDERFLOW : RANGE_VALID;
- return static_cast<T>(
- *validity == RANGE_VALID
- ? -static_cast<typename SignedIntegerForSize<T>::type>(value)
- : 0);
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedLshOp {};
+// Left shift. Shifts less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number
+// of bits in the promoted type are undefined. Shifts of negative values
+// are undefined. Otherwise it is defined when the result fits.
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedLshOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = T;
+ template <typename V>
+ static bool Do(T x, U shift, V* result) {
+ using ShiftType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ static const ShiftType kBitWidth = IntegerBitsPlusSign<T>::value;
+ const ShiftType real_shift = static_cast<ShiftType>(shift);
+ // Signed shift is not legal on negative values.
+ if (!IsValueNegative(x) && real_shift < kBitWidth) {
+ // Just use a multiplication because it's easy.
+ // TODO(jschuh): This could probably be made more efficient.
+ if (!std::is_signed<T>::value || real_shift != kBitWidth - 1)
+ return CheckedMulOp<T, T>::Do(x, static_cast<T>(1) << shift, result);
+ return !x; // Special case zero for a full width signed shift.
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedAbs(T value, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- *validity =
- value != std::numeric_limits<T>::min() ? RANGE_VALID : RANGE_OVERFLOW;
- return static_cast<T>(*validity == RANGE_VALID ? std::abs(value) : 0);
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedRshOp {};
+// Right shift. Shifts less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number
+// of bits in the promoted type are undefined. Otherwise, it is always defined,
+// but a right shift of a negative value is implementation-dependent.
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedRshOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = T;
+ template <typename V = result_type>
+ static bool Do(T x, U shift, V* result) {
+ // Use the type conversion push negative values out of range.
+ using ShiftType = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ if (static_cast<ShiftType>(shift) < IntegerBitsPlusSign<T>::value) {
+ T tmp = x >> shift;
+ *result = static_cast<V>(tmp);
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(tmp);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedAbs(T value, RangeConstraint* validity) {
- // T is unsigned, so |value| must already be positive.
- *validity = RANGE_VALID;
- return value;
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedAndOp {};
+// For simplicity we support only unsigned integer results.
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedAndOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename std::make_unsigned<
+ typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type>::type;
+ template <typename V = result_type>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ result_type tmp = static_cast<result_type>(x) & static_cast<result_type>(y);
+ *result = static_cast<V>(tmp);
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(tmp);
+ }
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- typename UnsignedIntegerForSize<T>::type>::type
-CheckedUnsignedAbs(T value) {
- typedef typename UnsignedIntegerForSize<T>::type UnsignedT;
- return value == std::numeric_limits<T>::min()
- ? static_cast<UnsignedT>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) + 1
- : static_cast<UnsignedT>(std::abs(value));
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedOrOp {};
+// For simplicity we support only unsigned integers.
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedOrOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename std::make_unsigned<
+ typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type>::type;
+ template <typename V = result_type>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ result_type tmp = static_cast<result_type>(x) | static_cast<result_type>(y);
+ *result = static_cast<V>(tmp);
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(tmp);
+ }
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed,
- T>::type
-CheckedUnsignedAbs(T value) {
- // T is unsigned, so |value| must already be positive.
- return static_cast<T>(value);
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedXorOp {};
+// For simplicity we support only unsigned integers.
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedXorOp<T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_integral<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename std::make_unsigned<
+ typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type>::type;
+ template <typename V = result_type>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ result_type tmp = static_cast<result_type>(x) ^ static_cast<result_type>(y);
+ *result = static_cast<V>(tmp);
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(tmp);
+ }
-// These are the floating point stubs that the compiler needs to see. Only the
-// negation operation is ever called.
- template <typename T> \
- typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, T>::type \
- Checked##NAME(T, T, RangeConstraint*) { \
- return static_cast<T>(0); \
+// Max doesn't really need to be implemented this way because it can't fail,
+// but it makes the code much cleaner to use the MathOp wrappers.
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedMaxOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedMaxOp<
+ T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
+ std::is_arithmetic<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V = result_type>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ *result = IsGreater<T, U>::Test(x, y) ? static_cast<result_type>(x)
+ : static_cast<result_type>(y);
+ return true;
+// Min doesn't really need to be implemented this way because it can't fail,
+// but it makes the code much cleaner to use the MathOp wrappers.
+template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
+struct CheckedMinOp {};
+template <typename T, typename U>
+struct CheckedMinOp<
+ T,
+ U,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
+ std::is_arithmetic<U>::value>::type> {
+ using result_type = typename LowestValuePromotion<T, U>::type;
+ template <typename V = result_type>
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) {
+ *result = IsLess<T, U>::Test(x, y) ? static_cast<result_type>(x)
+ : static_cast<result_type>(y);
+ return true;
+ }
+// This is just boilerplate that wraps the standard floating point arithmetic.
+// A macro isn't the nicest solution, but it beats rewriting these repeatedly.
+ template <typename T, typename U> \
+ struct Checked##NAME##Op< \
+ T, U, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value || \
+ std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type> { \
+ using result_type = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type; \
+ template <typename V> \
+ static bool Do(T x, U y, V* result) { \
+ using Promotion = typename MaxExponentPromotion<T, U>::type; \
+ Promotion presult = x OP y; \
+ *result = static_cast<V>(presult); \
+ return IsValueInRangeForNumericType<V>(presult); \
+ } \
+ };
+// Wrap the unary operations to allow SFINAE when instantiating integrals versus
+// floating points. These don't perform any overflow checking. Rather, they
+// exhibit well-defined overflow semantics and rely on the caller to detect
+// if an overflow occured.
+template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr T NegateWrapper(T value) {
+ using UnsignedT = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ // This will compile to a NEG on Intel, and is normal negation on ARM.
+ return static_cast<T>(UnsignedT(0) - static_cast<UnsignedT>(value));
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, T>::type CheckedNeg(
- T value,
- RangeConstraint*) {
- return static_cast<T>(-value);
+template <
+ typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr T NegateWrapper(T value) {
+ return -value;
-template <typename T>
-typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559, T>::type CheckedAbs(
- T value,
- RangeConstraint*) {
- return static_cast<T>(std::abs(value));
+template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type InvertWrapper(T value) {
+ return ~value;
+template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr T AbsWrapper(T value) {
+ return static_cast<T>(SafeUnsignedAbs(value));
+template <
+ typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+constexpr T AbsWrapper(T value) {
+ return value < 0 ? -value : value;
// Floats carry around their validity state with them, but integers do not. So,
@@ -388,10 +518,10 @@ enum NumericRepresentation {
template <typename NumericType>
struct GetNumericRepresentation {
static const NumericRepresentation value =
- std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::is_integer
+ std::is_integral<NumericType>::value
- : (std::numeric_limits<NumericType>::is_iec559 ? NUMERIC_FLOATING
+ : (std::is_floating_point<NumericType>::value ? NUMERIC_FLOATING
template <typename T, NumericRepresentation type =
@@ -402,41 +532,48 @@ class CheckedNumericState {};
template <typename T>
class CheckedNumericState<T, NUMERIC_INTEGER> {
+ // is_valid_ precedes value_ because member intializers in the constructors
+ // are evaluated in field order, and is_valid_ must be read when initializing
+ // value_.
+ bool is_valid_;
T value_;
- RangeConstraint validity_ : CHAR_BIT; // Actually requires only two bits.
+ // Ensures that a type conversion does not trigger undefined behavior.
+ template <typename Src>
+ static constexpr T WellDefinedConversionOrZero(const Src value,
+ const bool is_valid) {
+ using SrcType = typename internal::UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ return (std::is_integral<SrcType>::value || is_valid)
+ ? static_cast<T>(value)
+ : static_cast<T>(0);
+ }
template <typename Src, NumericRepresentation type>
friend class CheckedNumericState;
- CheckedNumericState() : value_(0), validity_(RANGE_VALID) {}
+ constexpr CheckedNumericState() : is_valid_(true), value_(0) {}
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumericState(Src value, RangeConstraint validity)
- : value_(static_cast<T>(value)),
- validity_(GetRangeConstraint(validity |
- DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T>(value))) {
- static_assert(std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_specialized,
- "Argument must be numeric.");
+ constexpr CheckedNumericState(Src value, bool is_valid)
+ : is_valid_(is_valid && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<T>(value)),
+ value_(WellDefinedConversionOrZero(value, is_valid_)) {
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<Src>::value, "Argument must be numeric.");
// Copy constructor.
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumericState(const CheckedNumericState<Src>& rhs)
- : value_(static_cast<T>(rhs.value())),
- validity_(GetRangeConstraint(
- rhs.validity() | DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T>(rhs.value()))) {}
+ constexpr CheckedNumericState(const CheckedNumericState<Src>& rhs)
+ : is_valid_(rhs.IsValid()),
+ value_(WellDefinedConversionOrZero(rhs.value(), is_valid_)) {}
template <typename Src>
- explicit CheckedNumericState(
- Src value,
- typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_specialized,
- int>::type = 0)
- : value_(static_cast<T>(value)),
- validity_(DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T>(value)) {}
- RangeConstraint validity() const { return validity_; }
- T value() const { return value_; }
+ constexpr explicit CheckedNumericState(Src value)
+ : is_valid_(IsValueInRangeForNumericType<T>(value)),
+ value_(WellDefinedConversionOrZero(value, is_valid_)) {}
+ constexpr bool is_valid() const { return is_valid_; }
+ constexpr T value() const { return value_; }
// Floating points maintain their own validity, but need translation wrappers.
@@ -445,94 +582,58 @@ class CheckedNumericState<T, NUMERIC_FLOATING> {
T value_;
+ // Ensures that a type conversion does not trigger undefined behavior.
+ template <typename Src>
+ static constexpr T WellDefinedConversionOrNaN(const Src value,
+ const bool is_valid) {
+ using SrcType = typename internal::UnderlyingType<Src>::type;
+ return (StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T, SrcType>::value ==
+ is_valid)
+ ? static_cast<T>(value)
+ : std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
+ }
template <typename Src, NumericRepresentation type>
friend class CheckedNumericState;
- CheckedNumericState() : value_(0.0) {}
+ constexpr CheckedNumericState() : value_(0.0) {}
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumericState(
- Src value,
- RangeConstraint validity,
- typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_integer, int>::type =
- 0) {
- switch (DstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T>(value)) {
- value_ = static_cast<T>(value);
- break;
- value_ = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
- break;
- value_ = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
- break;
- value_ = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
- break;
- default:
- }
- }
+ constexpr CheckedNumericState(Src value, bool is_valid)
+ : value_(WellDefinedConversionOrNaN(value, is_valid)) {}
template <typename Src>
- explicit CheckedNumericState(
- Src value,
- typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<Src>::is_specialized,
- int>::type = 0)
- : value_(static_cast<T>(value)) {}
+ constexpr explicit CheckedNumericState(Src value)
+ : value_(WellDefinedConversionOrNaN(
+ value,
+ IsValueInRangeForNumericType<T>(value))) {}
// Copy constructor.
template <typename Src>
- CheckedNumericState(const CheckedNumericState<Src>& rhs)
- : value_(static_cast<T>(rhs.value())) {}
- RangeConstraint validity() const {
- return GetRangeConstraint(value_ <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max(),
- value_ >= -std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+ constexpr CheckedNumericState(const CheckedNumericState<Src>& rhs)
+ : value_(WellDefinedConversionOrNaN(
+ rhs.value(),
+ rhs.is_valid() && IsValueInRangeForNumericType<T>(rhs.value()))) {}
+ constexpr bool is_valid() const {
+ // Written this way because std::isfinite is not reliably constexpr.
+ // TODO(jschuh): Fix this if the libraries ever get fixed.
+ return value_ <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max() &&
+ value_ >= std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
- T value() const { return value_; }
-// For integers less than 128-bit and floats 32-bit or larger, we have the type
-// with the larger maximum exponent take precedence.
-enum ArithmeticPromotionCategory { LEFT_PROMOTION, RIGHT_PROMOTION };
-template <typename Lhs,
- typename Rhs = Lhs,
- ArithmeticPromotionCategory Promotion =
- (MaxExponent<Lhs>::value > MaxExponent<Rhs>::value)
-struct ArithmeticPromotion;
-template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-struct ArithmeticPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, LEFT_PROMOTION> {
- typedef Lhs type;
-template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-struct ArithmeticPromotion<Lhs, Rhs, RIGHT_PROMOTION> {
- typedef Rhs type;
+ constexpr T value() const { return value_; }
-// We can statically check if operations on the provided types can wrap, so we
-// can skip the checked operations if they're not needed. So, for an integer we
-// care if the destination type preserves the sign and is twice the width of
-// the source.
-template <typename T, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
-struct IsIntegerArithmeticSafe {
- static const bool value = !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559 &&
- StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T, Lhs>::value ==
- sizeof(T) >= (2 * sizeof(Lhs)) &&
- StaticDstRangeRelationToSrcRange<T, Rhs>::value !=
- sizeof(T) >= (2 * sizeof(Rhs));
+template <template <typename, typename, typename> class M,
+ typename L,
+ typename R>
+struct MathWrapper {
+ using math = M<typename UnderlyingType<L>::type,
+ typename UnderlyingType<R>::type,
+ void>;
+ using type = typename math::result_type;
} // namespace internal