path: root/xfa/include/fxfa/fxfa_objectacc.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xfa/include/fxfa/fxfa_objectacc.h')
1 files changed, 856 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xfa/include/fxfa/fxfa_objectacc.h b/xfa/include/fxfa/fxfa_objectacc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f549a63e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xfa/include/fxfa/fxfa_objectacc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
+#include "core/include/fxge/fx_dib.h" // For FX_ARGB.
+class CXFA_Node;
+class IFX_Locale;
+class CXFA_Data;
+class CXFA_Font;
+class CXFA_Fill;
+class CXFA_Margin;
+class CXFA_Caption;
+class CXFA_Para;
+class CXFA_Event;
+class CXFA_Script;
+class CXFA_Value;
+class CXFA_Calculate;
+class CXFA_Line;
+class CXFA_Text;
+class CXFA_ExData;
+class CXFA_Image;
+class CXFA_Validate;
+class CXFA_Variables;
+class CXFA_Bind;
+class CXFA_Assist;
+class CXFA_ToolTip;
+class CXFA_Keep;
+class CXFA_Submit;
+class CXFA_BindItems;
+class CXFA_Stroke;
+class CXFA_Corner;
+class CXFA_Edge;
+class CXFA_Box;
+class CXFA_Arc;
+class CXFA_Border;
+class CXFA_Rectangle;
+class CXFA_WidgetData;
+class CXFA_Occur;
+class CXFA_Filter;
+class CXFA_Certificate;
+class CXFA_WrapCertificate;
+class CXFA_Oids;
+class CXFA_SubjectDNs;
+class CXFA_DigestMethods;
+class CXFA_Encodings;
+class CXFA_EncryptionMethods;
+class CXFA_Reasons;
+class CXFA_Manifest;
+inline FX_BOOL XFA_IsSpace(FX_WCHAR c) {
+ return (c == 0x20) || (c == 0x0d) || (c == 0x0a) || (c == 0x09);
+inline FX_BOOL XFA_IsDigit(FX_WCHAR c) {
+ return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
+typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CXFA_Node*> CXFA_NodeArray;
+typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CXFA_Object*> CXFA_ObjArray;
+class CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Data(CXFA_Node* pNode) : m_pNode(pNode) {}
+ operator bool() const { return !!m_pNode; }
+ CXFA_Node* GetNode() const { return m_pNode; }
+ XFA_ELEMENT GetClassID() const;
+ protected:
+ FX_FLOAT& fValue,
+ FX_BOOL bUseDefault = FALSE) const;
+ FX_BOOL SetMeasure(XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttr, FX_FLOAT fValue);
+ CXFA_Node* m_pNode;
+class CXFA_Fill : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Fill(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ ~CXFA_Fill();
+ int32_t GetPresence();
+ FX_ARGB GetColor(FX_BOOL bText = FALSE);
+ int32_t GetFillType();
+ int32_t GetPattern(FX_ARGB& foreColor);
+ int32_t GetStipple(FX_ARGB& stippleColor);
+ int32_t GetLinear(FX_ARGB& endColor);
+ int32_t GetRadial(FX_ARGB& endColor);
+ FX_BOOL SetPresence(int32_t iPresence);
+ void SetColor(FX_ARGB color);
+ FX_BOOL SetFillType(int32_t iType);
+ FX_BOOL SetPattern(int32_t iPattern, FX_ARGB foreColor);
+ FX_BOOL SetStipple(int32_t iStipple, FX_ARGB stippleColor);
+ FX_BOOL SetLinear(int32_t iLinear, FX_ARGB endColor);
+ FX_BOOL SetRadial(int32_t iRadial, FX_ARGB endColor);
+class CXFA_Margin : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Margin(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ FX_BOOL GetLeftInset(FX_FLOAT& fInset, FX_FLOAT fDefInset = 0) const;
+ FX_BOOL GetTopInset(FX_FLOAT& fInset, FX_FLOAT fDefInset = 0) const;
+ FX_BOOL GetRightInset(FX_FLOAT& fInset, FX_FLOAT fDefInset = 0) const;
+ FX_BOOL GetBottomInset(FX_FLOAT& fInset, FX_FLOAT fDefInset = 0) const;
+ FX_BOOL SetLeftInset(FX_FLOAT fInset);
+ FX_BOOL SetTopInset(FX_FLOAT fInset);
+ FX_BOOL SetRightInset(FX_FLOAT fInset);
+ FX_BOOL SetBottomInset(FX_FLOAT fInset);
+class CXFA_Font : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Font(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ FX_FLOAT GetBaselineShift();
+ FX_FLOAT GetHorizontalScale();
+ FX_FLOAT GetVerticalScale();
+ FX_FLOAT GetLetterSpacing();
+ int32_t GetLineThrough();
+ int32_t GetLineThroughPeriod();
+ int32_t GetOverline();
+ int32_t GetOverlinePeriod();
+ int32_t GetUnderline();
+ int32_t GetUnderlinePeriod();
+ FX_FLOAT GetFontSize();
+ void GetTypeface(CFX_WideStringC& wsTypeFace);
+ FX_BOOL IsBold();
+ FX_BOOL IsItalic();
+ FX_BOOL IsUseKerning();
+ FX_ARGB GetColor();
+ void SetColor(FX_ARGB color);
+ FX_BOOL SetBaselineShift(FX_FLOAT fBaselineShift);
+ FX_BOOL SetHorizontalScale(FX_FLOAT fHorizontalScale);
+ FX_BOOL SetVerticalScale(FX_FLOAT fVerticalScale);
+ FX_BOOL SetLetterSpacing(FX_FLOAT fLetterSpacing, XFA_UNIT eUnit);
+ FX_BOOL SetLineThrough(int32_t iLineThrough);
+ FX_BOOL SetLineThroughPeriod(int32_t iLineThroughPeriod);
+ FX_BOOL SetOverline(int32_t iOverline);
+ FX_BOOL SetOverlinePeriod(int32_t iOverlinePeriod);
+ FX_BOOL SetUnderline(int32_t iUnderline);
+ FX_BOOL SetUnderlinePeriod(int32_t iUnderlinePeriod);
+class CXFA_Caption : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Caption(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetPresence();
+ int32_t GetPlacementType();
+ FX_FLOAT GetReserve();
+ CXFA_Margin GetMargin();
+ CXFA_Font GetFont();
+ CXFA_Value GetValue();
+ CXFA_Para GetPara();
+ FX_BOOL SetPresence(int32_t iPresence);
+ FX_BOOL SetPlacementType(int32_t iType);
+ FX_BOOL SetReserve(FX_FLOAT fReserve);
+class CXFA_Para : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Para(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetHorizontalAlign();
+ int32_t GetVerticalAlign();
+ FX_FLOAT GetLineHeight();
+ FX_FLOAT GetMarginLeft();
+ FX_FLOAT GetMarginRight();
+ int32_t GetOrphans();
+ FX_FLOAT GetRadixOffset();
+ FX_FLOAT GetSpaceAbove();
+ FX_FLOAT GetSpaceBelow();
+ FX_FLOAT GetTextIndent();
+ int32_t GetWidows();
+ FX_BOOL SetHorizontalAlign(int32_t iHorizontalAlign);
+ FX_BOOL SetVerticalAlign(int32_t iVerticalAlign);
+ FX_BOOL SetLineHeight(FX_FLOAT fLineHeight);
+ FX_BOOL SetMarginLeft(FX_FLOAT fMarginLeft);
+ FX_BOOL SetMarginRight(FX_FLOAT fMarginRight);
+ FX_BOOL SetOrphans(int32_t iOrphans);
+ FX_BOOL SetRadixOffset(FX_FLOAT fRadixOffset);
+ FX_BOOL SetSpaceAbove(FX_FLOAT fSpaceAbove);
+ FX_BOOL SetSpaceBelow(FX_FLOAT fSpaceBelow);
+ FX_BOOL SetTextIndent(FX_FLOAT fTextIndent);
+ FX_BOOL SetWidows(int32_t iWidows);
+class CXFA_Keep : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ CXFA_Keep(CXFA_Node* pNode, CXFA_Node* pParent);
+ int32_t GetIntact();
+ int32_t GetNext();
+ int32_t GetPrevious();
+ FX_BOOL SetIntact(int32_t iIntact);
+ FX_BOOL SetNext(int32_t iNext);
+ FX_BOOL SetPrevious(int32_t iPrevious);
+ private:
+ CXFA_Node* m_pParent;
+class CXFA_Event : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Event(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetActivity();
+ int32_t GetEventType();
+ void GetRef(CFX_WideStringC& wsRef);
+ int32_t GetExecuteRunAt();
+ int32_t GetExecuteType();
+ void GetExecuteConnection(CFX_WideString& wsConnection);
+ CXFA_Script GetScript();
+ CXFA_Submit GetSubmit();
+ int32_t GetSignDataOperation();
+ void GetSignDataTarget(CFX_WideString& wsTarget);
+ FX_BOOL SetActivity(int32_t iActivity);
+ FX_BOOL SetEventType(int32_t iEventType);
+ FX_BOOL SetExecuteRunAt(int32_t iExecuteRunAt);
+ FX_BOOL SetExecuteType(int32_t iExecuteType);
+ FX_BOOL SetExecuteConnection(const CFX_WideString& wsConnection);
+ FX_BOOL SetSignDataOperation(int32_t iOperation);
+ FX_BOOL SetSignDataTarget(const CFX_WideString& wsTarget);
+ XFA_SCRIPTTYPE_Formcalc = 0,
+ XFA_SCRIPTTYPE_Javascript,
+class CXFA_Script : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Script(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ void GetBinding(CFX_WideString& wsBinding);
+ XFA_SCRIPTTYPE GetContentType();
+ int32_t GetRunAt();
+ void GetExpression(CFX_WideString& wsExpression);
+ FX_BOOL SetBinding(const CFX_WideString& wsBinding);
+ FX_BOOL SetContentType(XFA_SCRIPTTYPE eType);
+ FX_BOOL SetRunAt(int32_t iRunAt);
+ FX_BOOL SetExpression(const CFX_WideString& wsExpression);
+class CXFA_Submit : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Submit(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ FX_BOOL IsSubmitEmbedPDF();
+ int32_t GetSubmitFormat();
+ void GetSubmitTarget(CFX_WideStringC& wsTarget);
+ XFA_TEXTENCODING GetSubmitTextEncoding();
+ void GetSubmitXDPContent(CFX_WideStringC& wsContent);
+ FX_BOOL SetSubmitFormat(int32_t iSubmitFormat);
+ FX_BOOL SetSubmitTarget(const CFX_WideString& wsTarget);
+ FX_BOOL SetSubmitTextEncoding(XFA_TEXTENCODING eTextEncoding);
+ FX_BOOL SetSubmitXDPContent(const CFX_WideString& wsContent);
+class CXFA_Value : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Value(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ XFA_ELEMENT GetChildValueClassID();
+ FX_BOOL GetChildValueContent(CFX_WideString& wsContent);
+ CXFA_Arc GetArc();
+ CXFA_Line GetLine();
+ CXFA_Rectangle GetRectangle();
+ CXFA_Text GetText();
+ CXFA_ExData GetExData();
+ CXFA_Image GetImage();
+ FX_BOOL SetChildValueContent(const CFX_WideString& wsContent,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE,
+class CXFA_Line : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Line(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ int32_t GetHand();
+ FX_BOOL GetSlop();
+ CXFA_Edge GetEdge();
+ FX_BOOL SetHand(int32_t iHand);
+ FX_BOOL SetSlop(int32_t iSlop);
+class CXFA_Text : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Text(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ void GetName(CFX_WideStringC& wsName);
+ int32_t GetMaxChars();
+ void GetRid(CFX_WideStringC& wsRid);
+ void GetContent(CFX_WideString& wsText);
+ void SetContent(CFX_WideString wsText, FX_BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
+ FX_BOOL SetName(const CFX_WideString& wsName);
+ FX_BOOL SetMaxChars(int32_t iMaxChars);
+ FX_BOOL SetRid(const CFX_WideString& wsRid);
+class CXFA_ExData : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_ExData(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ void GetContentType(CFX_WideStringC& wsContentType);
+ void GetHref(CFX_WideStringC& wsHref);
+ int32_t GetMaxLength();
+ void GetRid(CFX_WideStringC& wsRid);
+ int32_t GetTransferEncoding();
+ void GetContent(CFX_WideString& wsText);
+ FX_BOOL SetContentType(const CFX_WideString& wsContentType);
+ FX_BOOL SetHref(const CFX_WideString& wsHref);
+ FX_BOOL SetMaxLength(int32_t iMaxLength);
+ FX_BOOL SetRid(const CFX_WideString& wsRid);
+ FX_BOOL SetTransferEncoding(int32_t iTransferEncoding);
+ FX_BOOL SetContent(const CFX_WideString& wsText,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bScriptModify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bSyncData = TRUE);
+class CXFA_Image : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ CXFA_Image(CXFA_Node* pNode, FX_BOOL bDefValue);
+ int32_t GetAspect();
+ FX_BOOL GetContentType(CFX_WideString& wsContentType);
+ FX_BOOL GetHref(CFX_WideString& wsHref);
+ int32_t GetTransferEncoding();
+ FX_BOOL GetContent(CFX_WideString& wsText);
+ FX_BOOL SetAspect(int32_t iAspect);
+ FX_BOOL SetContentType(const CFX_WideString& wsContentType);
+ FX_BOOL SetHref(const CFX_WideString& wsHref);
+ FX_BOOL SetTransferEncoding(int32_t iTransferEncoding);
+ FX_BOOL SetContent(const CFX_WideString& wsText);
+ protected:
+ FX_BOOL m_bDefValue;
+class CXFA_Calculate : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Calculate(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetOverride();
+ CXFA_Script GetScript();
+ void GetMessageText(CFX_WideString& wsMessage);
+ FX_BOOL SetOverride(int32_t iOverride);
+ FX_BOOL SetMessageText(const CFX_WideString& wsMessage);
+class CXFA_Validate : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Validate(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetFormatTest();
+ FX_BOOL SetFormatTest(CFX_WideString wsValue);
+ int32_t GetNullTest();
+ FX_BOOL SetNullTest(CFX_WideString wsValue);
+ int32_t GetScriptTest();
+ void GetFormatMessageText(CFX_WideString& wsMessage);
+ void SetFormatMessageText(CFX_WideString wsMessage);
+ void GetNullMessageText(CFX_WideString& wsMessage);
+ void SetNullMessageText(CFX_WideString wsMessage);
+ void GetScriptMessageText(CFX_WideString& wsMessage);
+ void SetScriptMessageText(CFX_WideString wsMessage);
+ void GetPicture(CFX_WideString& wsPicture);
+ CXFA_Script GetScript();
+ protected:
+ void GetMessageText(CFX_WideString& wsMessage,
+ const CFX_WideStringC& wsMessageType);
+ void SetMessageText(CFX_WideString& wsMessage,
+ const CFX_WideStringC& wsMessageType);
+ FX_BOOL SetTestValue(int32_t iType,
+ CFX_WideString& wsValue,
+class CXFA_Variables : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Variables(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t CountScripts();
+ CXFA_Script GetScript(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_Bind : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Bind(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetMatch();
+ void GetRef(CFX_WideStringC& wsRef);
+ void GetPicture(CFX_WideString& wsPicture);
+ FX_BOOL SetMatch(int32_t iMatch);
+ FX_BOOL SetRef(const CFX_WideString& wsRef);
+ FX_BOOL SetPicture(const CFX_WideString& wsPicture);
+class CXFA_Assist : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Assist(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ CXFA_ToolTip GetToolTip();
+class CXFA_ToolTip : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_ToolTip(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ FX_BOOL GetTip(CFX_WideString& wsTip);
+ FX_BOOL SetTip(const CFX_WideString& wsTip);
+class CXFA_BindItems : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_BindItems(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ void GetConnection(CFX_WideStringC& wsConnection);
+ void GetLabelRef(CFX_WideStringC& wsLabelRef);
+ void GetValueRef(CFX_WideStringC& wsValueRef);
+ void GetRef(CFX_WideStringC& wsRef);
+ FX_BOOL SetConnection(const CFX_WideString& wsConnection);
+ FX_BOOL SetLabelRef(const CFX_WideString& wsLabelRef);
+ FX_BOOL SetValueRef(const CFX_WideString& wsValueRef);
+ FX_BOOL SetRef(const CFX_WideString& wsRef);
+#define XFA_STROKE_SAMESTYLE_NoPresence 1
+#define XFA_STROKE_SAMESTYLE_Corner 2
+class CXFA_Stroke : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Stroke(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ FX_BOOL IsCorner() const { return GetClassID() == XFA_ELEMENT_Corner; }
+ FX_BOOL IsEdge() const { return GetClassID() == XFA_ELEMENT_Edge; }
+ int32_t GetPresence() const;
+ FX_BOOL IsVisible() const {
+ return GetPresence() == XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM_Visible;
+ }
+ int32_t GetCapType() const;
+ int32_t GetStrokeType() const;
+ FX_FLOAT GetThickness() const;
+ CXFA_Measurement GetMSThickness() const;
+ void SetThickness(FX_FLOAT fThickness);
+ void SetMSThickness(CXFA_Measurement msThinkness);
+ FX_ARGB GetColor() const;
+ void SetColor(FX_ARGB argb);
+ int32_t GetJoinType() const;
+ FX_BOOL IsInverted() const;
+ FX_FLOAT GetRadius() const;
+ FX_BOOL SameStyles(CXFA_Stroke stroke, FX_DWORD dwFlags = 0) const;
+class CXFA_Corner : public CXFA_Stroke {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Corner(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Stroke(pNode) {}
+class CXFA_Edge : public CXFA_Stroke {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Edge(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Stroke(pNode) {}
+typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CXFA_Stroke> CXFA_StrokeArray;
+typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CXFA_Edge> CXFA_EdgeArray;
+typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CXFA_Corner> CXFA_CornerArray;
+class CXFA_Box : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Box(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ FX_BOOL IsArc() const { return GetClassID() == XFA_ELEMENT_Arc; }
+ FX_BOOL IsBorder() const { return GetClassID() == XFA_ELEMENT_Border; }
+ FX_BOOL IsRectangle() const { return GetClassID() == XFA_ELEMENT_Rectangle; }
+ int32_t GetBreak() const;
+ int32_t GetHand() const;
+ int32_t GetPresence() const;
+ int32_t CountCorners() const;
+ CXFA_Corner GetCorner(int32_t nIndex) const;
+ int32_t CountEdges() const;
+ CXFA_Edge GetEdge(int32_t nIndex = 0) const;
+ void GetStrokes(CXFA_StrokeArray& strokes) const;
+ FX_BOOL IsCircular() const;
+ FX_BOOL GetStartAngle(FX_FLOAT& fStartAngle) const;
+ FX_FLOAT GetStartAngle() const {
+ FX_FLOAT fStartAngle;
+ GetStartAngle(fStartAngle);
+ return fStartAngle;
+ }
+ FX_BOOL GetSweepAngle(FX_FLOAT& fSweepAngle) const;
+ FX_FLOAT GetSweepAngle() const {
+ FX_FLOAT fSweepAngle;
+ GetSweepAngle(fSweepAngle);
+ return fSweepAngle;
+ }
+ CXFA_Fill GetFill(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE) const;
+ CXFA_Margin GetMargin() const;
+ FX_BOOL SameStyles() const;
+ int32_t Get3DStyle(FX_BOOL& bVisible, FX_FLOAT& fThickness) const;
+class CXFA_Arc : public CXFA_Box {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Arc(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Box(pNode) {}
+class CXFA_Border : public CXFA_Box {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Border(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Box(pNode) {}
+class CXFA_Rectangle : public CXFA_Box {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Rectangle(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Box(pNode) {}
+ XFA_CHECKSTATE_Neutral = 2,
+class CXFA_WidgetData : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_WidgetData(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ CXFA_Node* GetUIChild();
+ CFX_WideString GetRawValue();
+ int32_t GetAccess(FX_BOOL bTemplate = FALSE);
+ FX_BOOL GetAccessKey(CFX_WideStringC& wsAccessKey);
+ int32_t GetAnchorType();
+ int32_t GetColSpan();
+ int32_t GetPresence();
+ int32_t GetRotate();
+ CXFA_Border GetBorder(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Caption GetCaption(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Font GetFont(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Margin GetMargin(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Para GetPara(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Keep GetKeep(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ void GetEventList(CXFA_NodeArray& events);
+ int32_t GetEventByActivity(int32_t iActivity,
+ CXFA_NodeArray& events,
+ FX_BOOL bIsFormReady = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Value GetDefaultValue(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Value GetFormValue(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Calculate GetCalculate(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Validate GetValidate(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Variables GetVariables(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Bind GetBind(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Assist GetAssist(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ void GetRelevant(CFX_WideStringC& wsRelevant);
+ FX_DWORD GetRelevantStatus();
+ FX_BOOL GetWidth(FX_FLOAT& fWidth);
+ FX_BOOL GetHeight(FX_FLOAT& fHeight);
+ FX_BOOL GetMinWidth(FX_FLOAT& fMinWidth);
+ FX_BOOL GetMinHeight(FX_FLOAT& fMinHeight);
+ FX_BOOL GetMaxWidth(FX_FLOAT& fMaxWidth);
+ FX_BOOL GetMaxHeight(FX_FLOAT& fMaxHeight);
+ CXFA_BindItems GetBindItems();
+ FX_BOOL SetAccess(int32_t iAccess, FX_BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
+ FX_BOOL SetAccessKey(const CFX_WideString& wsAccessKey);
+ FX_BOOL SetAnchorType(int32_t iType);
+ FX_BOOL SetColSpan(int32_t iColSpan);
+ FX_BOOL SetPresence(int32_t iPresence);
+ FX_BOOL SetRotate(int32_t iRotate);
+ FX_BOOL SetRelevant(const CFX_WideString& wsRelevant);
+ FX_BOOL SetStatus(FX_DWORD dwStatus);
+ FX_BOOL SetWidth(FX_FLOAT fWidth);
+ FX_BOOL SetHeight(FX_FLOAT fHeight);
+ FX_BOOL SetMinWidth(FX_FLOAT fMinWidth);
+ FX_BOOL SetMinHeight(FX_FLOAT fMinHeight);
+ FX_BOOL SetMaxWidth(FX_FLOAT fMaxWidth);
+ FX_BOOL SetMaxHeight(FX_FLOAT fMaxHeight);
+ FX_BOOL SetName(const CFX_WideString& wsName);
+ FX_BOOL SetButtonHighlight(int32_t iButtonHighlight);
+ FX_BOOL SetButtonRollover(const CFX_WideString& wsRollover,
+ FX_BOOL bRichText);
+ FX_BOOL SetButtonDown(const CFX_WideString& wsDown, FX_BOOL bRichText);
+ FX_BOOL SetCheckButtonShape(int32_t iCheckButtonShape);
+ FX_BOOL SetCheckButtonMark(int32_t iCheckButtonMark);
+ FX_BOOL SetCheckButtonSize(FX_FLOAT fCheckButtonMark);
+ CXFA_Border GetUIBorder(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Margin GetUIMargin(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ void GetUIMargin(CFX_RectF& rtUIMargin);
+ int32_t GetButtonHighlight();
+ FX_BOOL GetButtonRollover(CFX_WideString& wsRollover, FX_BOOL& bRichText);
+ FX_BOOL GetButtonDown(CFX_WideString& wsDown, FX_BOOL& bRichText);
+ int32_t GetCheckButtonShape();
+ int32_t GetCheckButtonMark();
+ FX_FLOAT GetCheckButtonSize();
+ FX_BOOL IsAllowNeutral();
+ FX_BOOL IsRadioButton();
+ XFA_CHECKSTATE GetCheckState();
+ void SetCheckState(XFA_CHECKSTATE eCheckState, FX_BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
+ CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupNode();
+ CXFA_Node* GetSelectedMember();
+ CXFA_Node* SetSelectedMember(const CFX_WideStringC& wsName,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
+ void SetSelectedMemberByValue(const CFX_WideStringC& wsValue,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = TRUE,
+ FX_BOOL bScriptModify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bSyncData = TRUE);
+ CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupFirstMember();
+ CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupNextMember(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetChoiceListCommitOn();
+ FX_BOOL IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry();
+ int32_t GetChoiceListOpen();
+ FX_BOOL IsListBox();
+ int32_t CountChoiceListItems(FX_BOOL bSaveValue = FALSE);
+ FX_BOOL GetChoiceListItem(CFX_WideString& wsText,
+ int32_t nIndex,
+ FX_BOOL bSaveValue = FALSE);
+ void GetChoiceListItems(CFX_WideStringArray& wsTextArray,
+ FX_BOOL bSaveValue = FALSE);
+ int32_t CountSelectedItems();
+ int32_t GetSelectedItem(int32_t nIndex = 0);
+ void GetSelectedItems(CFX_Int32Array& iSelArray);
+ void GetSelectedItemsValue(CFX_WideStringArray& wsSelTextArray);
+ FX_BOOL GetItemState(int32_t nIndex);
+ void SetItemState(int32_t nIndex,
+ FX_BOOL bSelected,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bScriptModify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bSyncData = TRUE);
+ void SetSelectdItems(CFX_Int32Array& iSelArray,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bScriptModify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bSyncData = TRUE);
+ void ClearAllSelections();
+ void InsertItem(const CFX_WideString& wsLabel,
+ const CFX_WideString& wsValue,
+ int32_t nIndex = -1,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE);
+ void GetItemLabel(const CFX_WideStringC& wsValue, CFX_WideString& wsLabel);
+ void GetItemValue(const CFX_WideStringC& wsLabel, CFX_WideString& wsValue);
+ FX_BOOL DeleteItem(int32_t nIndex,
+ FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bScriptModify = FALSE,
+ FX_BOOL bSyncData = TRUE);
+ int32_t GetHorizontalScrollPolicy();
+ int32_t GetNumberOfCells();
+ FX_BOOL IsDateTimeEditUsePicker();
+ FX_BOOL SetValue(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType);
+ FX_BOOL GetPictureContent(CFX_WideString& wsPicture,
+ IFX_Locale* GetLocal();
+ FX_BOOL GetValue(CFX_WideString& wsValue, XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType);
+ FX_BOOL GetNormalizeDataValue(const CFX_WideStringC& wsValue,
+ CFX_WideString& wsNormalizeValue);
+ FX_BOOL GetFormatDataValue(const CFX_WideStringC& wsValue,
+ CFX_WideString& wsFormatedValue);
+ void NormalizeNumStr(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, CFX_WideString& wsOutput);
+ CFX_WideString GetBarcodeType();
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_CharEncoding(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_Checksum(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_DataLength(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_StartChar(FX_CHAR& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_EndChar(FX_CHAR& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_ECLevel(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_ModuleWidth(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_ModuleHeight(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_PrintChecksum(FX_BOOL& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_TextLocation(int32_t& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_Truncate(FX_BOOL& val);
+ FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_WideNarrowRatio(FX_FLOAT& val);
+ void GetPasswordChar(CFX_WideString& wsPassWord);
+ FX_BOOL IsAllowRichText();
+ FX_BOOL IsMultiLine();
+ int32_t GetVerticalScrollPolicy();
+ int32_t GetMaxChars(XFA_ELEMENT& eType);
+ FX_BOOL GetFracDigits(int32_t& iFracDigits);
+ FX_BOOL GetLeadDigits(int32_t& iLeadDigits);
+ CXFA_Filter GetFilter(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Manifest GetManifest(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ FX_BOOL m_bIsNull;
+ FX_BOOL m_bPreNull;
+ protected:
+ void SyncValue(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, FX_BOOL bNotify);
+ void InsertListTextItem(CXFA_Node* pItems,
+ const CFX_WideStringC& wsText,
+ int32_t nIndex = -1);
+ void FormatNumStr(const CFX_WideString& wsValue,
+ IFX_Locale* pLocale,
+ CFX_WideString& wsOutput);
+ CXFA_Node* m_pUiChildNode;
+class CXFA_Occur : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Occur(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ int32_t GetMax();
+ int32_t GetMin();
+ int32_t GetInitial();
+ FX_BOOL GetOccurInfo(int32_t& iMin, int32_t& iMax, int32_t& iInit);
+ void SetMax(int32_t iMax);
+ void SetMin(int32_t iMin);
+class CXFA_Filter : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Filter(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ CFX_WideString GetFilterString(XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute);
+ XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetAppearanceFilterType();
+ CFX_WideString GetAppearanceFilterContent();
+ XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetCertificatesCredentialServerPolicy();
+ CFX_WideString GetCertificatesURL();
+ CFX_WideString GetCertificatesURLPolicy();
+ CXFA_WrapCertificate GetCertificatesEncryption(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_WrapCertificate GetCertificatesIssuers(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CFX_WideString GetCertificatesKeyUsageString(XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute);
+ CXFA_Oids GetCertificatesOids();
+ CXFA_WrapCertificate GetCertificatesSigning(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_DigestMethods GetDigestMethods(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_Encodings GetEncodings(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CXFA_EncryptionMethods GetEncryptionMethods(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CFX_WideString GetHandlerContent();
+ XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetlockDocumentType();
+ CFX_WideString GetlockDocumentContent();
+ int32_t GetMDPPermissions();
+ CXFA_Reasons GetReasons(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE);
+ CFX_WideString GetTimeStampServer();
+class CXFA_Certificate : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Certificate(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ CFX_WideString GetCertificateName();
+ CFX_WideString GetCertificateContent();
+class CXFA_WrapCertificate : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_WrapCertificate(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ int32_t CountCertificates();
+ CXFA_Certificate GetCertificate(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_Oids : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Oids(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ int32_t CountOids();
+ CFX_WideString GetOidContent(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_SubjectDNs : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_SubjectDNs(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ int32_t CountSubjectDNs();
+ CFX_WideString GetSubjectDNString(int32_t nIndex, XFA_ATTRIBUTE eAttribute);
+ CFX_WideString GetSubjectDNContent(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_DigestMethods : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_DigestMethods(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetDigestMethodsType();
+ int32_t CountDigestMethods();
+ CFX_WideString GetDigestMethodContent(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_Encodings : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Encodings(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetEncodingsType();
+ int32_t CountEncodings();
+ CFX_WideString GetEncodingContent(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_EncryptionMethods : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_EncryptionMethods(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ XFA_ATTRIBUTEENUM GetEncryptionMethodsType();
+ int32_t CountEncryptionMethods();
+ CFX_WideString GetEncryptionMethodContent(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_Reasons : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Reasons(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ int32_t CountReasons();
+ CFX_WideString GetReasonContent(int32_t nIndex);
+class CXFA_Manifest : public CXFA_Data {
+ public:
+ explicit CXFA_Manifest(CXFA_Node* pNode) : CXFA_Data(pNode) {}
+ int32_t CountReives();
+ CFX_WideString GetRefContent(int32_t nIndex);
+#endif // FXFA_OBJECTACC_H_