path: root/xfa/src/fdp/src/fde/fde_gdidevice.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'xfa/src/fdp/src/fde/fde_gdidevice.cpp')
1 files changed, 629 insertions, 629 deletions
diff --git a/xfa/src/fdp/src/fde/fde_gdidevice.cpp b/xfa/src/fdp/src/fde/fde_gdidevice.cpp
index 0035f6b866..55b206e80c 100644
--- a/xfa/src/fdp/src/fde/fde_gdidevice.cpp
+++ b/xfa/src/fdp/src/fde/fde_gdidevice.cpp
@@ -1,629 +1,629 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "fde_gdidevice.h"
-#include "fde_gdiobject.h"
-#ifdef _FDEPLUS
-#if _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_DESKTOP_ || _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_MOBILE_ || \
- _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN64_
-IFDE_RenderDevice* IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap,
- FX_BOOL bRgbByteOrder) {
- return new CFDE_GdiDevice(pBitmap);
-IFDE_RenderDevice* IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice) {
- return NULL;
-CFDE_GdiDevice::CFDE_GdiDevice(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap)
- : m_dwGlyphLen(0),
- m_pGlyphBuf(NULL),
- m_pGraphics(NULL),
- m_pBitmap(NULL),
- m_pClipPath(NULL) {
- FXSYS_assert(pBitmap != NULL);
- FXSYS_memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = pBitmap->GetWidth();
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -pBitmap->GetHeight();
- bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = pBitmap->GetBPP();
- m_pBitmap = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromBITMAPINFO(&bmi, pBitmap->GetBuffer());
- FXSYS_assert(m_pBitmap != NULL);
- m_pGraphics = Gdiplus::Graphics::FromImage(m_pBitmap);
- FXSYS_assert(m_pGraphics != NULL);
- m_rtClipRect.Set(0, 0, (FX_FLOAT)pBitmap->GetWidth(),
- (FX_FLOAT)pBitmap->GetHeight());
- m_pGraphics->SetClip((const Gdiplus::RectF&)m_rtClipRect);
-CFDE_GdiDevice::~CFDE_GdiDevice() {
- delete m_pGraphics;
- delete m_pBitmap;
- FX_Free(m_pGlyphBuf);
-int32_t CFDE_GdiDevice::GetWidth() const {
- return m_pBitmap->GetWidth();
-int32_t CFDE_GdiDevice::GetHeight() const {
- return m_pBitmap->GetHeight();
-FDE_HDEVICESTATE CFDE_GdiDevice::SaveState() {
- return (FDE_HDEVICESTATE)m_pGraphics->Save();
-void CFDE_GdiDevice::RestoreState(FDE_HDEVICESTATE hState) {
- Gdiplus::Status eRet = m_pGraphics->Restore((Gdiplus::GraphicsState)hState);
- if (eRet == Gdiplus::Ok) {
- Gdiplus::Rect rt;
- eRet = m_pGraphics->GetClipBounds(&rt);
- if (eRet == Gdiplus::Ok) {
- m_rtClipRect.Set((FX_FLOAT)rt.X, (FX_FLOAT)rt.Y, (FX_FLOAT)rt.Width,
- (FX_FLOAT)rt.Height);
- }
- }
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::SetClipRect(const CFX_RectF& rtClip) {
- m_rtClipRect = rtClip;
- return m_pGraphics->SetClip((const Gdiplus::RectF&)rtClip) == Gdiplus::Ok;
-const CFX_RectF& CFDE_GdiDevice::GetClipRect() {
- return m_rtClipRect;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::SetClipPath(const IFDE_Path* pClip) {
- m_pClipPath = (CFDE_GdiPath*)pClip;
- Gdiplus::GraphicsPath* pPath = m_pClipPath ? &m_pClipPath->m_Path : NULL;
- return m_pGraphics->SetClip(pPath) == Gdiplus::Ok;
-IFDE_Path* CFDE_GdiDevice::GetClipPath() const {
- return m_pClipPath;
-FX_FLOAT CFDE_GdiDevice::GetDpiX() const {
- return m_pGraphics->GetDpiX();
-FX_FLOAT CFDE_GdiDevice::GetDpiY() const {
- return m_pGraphics->GetDpiY();
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawImage(IFDE_Image* pImg,
- const CFX_RectF* pSrcRect,
- const CFX_RectF& dstRect,
- const CFX_Matrix* pImgMatrix,
- const CFX_Matrix* pDevMatrix) {
- CFDE_GdiImage* pGdiImg = (CFDE_GdiImage*)pImg;
- FXSYS_assert(pGdiImg != NULL && pGdiImg->m_pImage != NULL);
- CFX_RectF srcRect;
- if (pSrcRect) {
- srcRect = *pSrcRect;
- } else {
- srcRect.left = = 0;
- srcRect.width = (FX_FLOAT)pImg->GetImageWidth();
- srcRect.height = (FX_FLOAT)pImg->GetImageHeight();
- }
- CFX_Matrix matrix;
- if (pImgMatrix) {
- matrix = *pImgMatrix;
- } else {
- matrix.Reset();
- }
- matrix.Translate(dstRect.left,;
- matrix.Scale((dstRect.width / srcRect.width),
- (dstRect.height / srcRect.height), TRUE);
- if (pDevMatrix) {
- matrix.Concat(*pDevMatrix);
- }
- CFX_PointF dstPoints[3];
- dstPoints[0].Set(0, 0);
- dstPoints[1].Set(srcRect.width, 0);
- dstPoints[2].Set(0, srcRect.height);
- matrix.TransformPoints(dstPoints, 3);
- m_pGraphics->DrawImage(pGdiImg->m_pImage, (Gdiplus::PointF*)dstPoints, 3,
- srcRect.left,, srcRect.width,
- srcRect.height, Gdiplus::UnitPixel, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawImage(CFX_DIBSource* pDib,
- const CFX_RectF* pSrcRect,
- const CFX_RectF& dstRect,
- const CFX_Matrix* pImgMatrix,
- const CFX_Matrix* pDevMatrix) {
- FXSYS_assert(pDib != NULL);
- FXSYS_memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = pDib->GetWidth();
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = pDib->GetHeight();
- bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = pDib->GetBPP();
- Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(&bmi, pDib->GetBuffer());
- CFDE_GdiImage img(&bmp);
- return DrawImage(&img, pSrcRect, dstRect, pImgMatrix, pDevMatrix);
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawString(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- IFX_Font* pFont,
- const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
- int32_t iCount,
- FX_FLOAT fFontSize,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- FXSYS_assert(pBrush != NULL && pFont != NULL && pCharPos != NULL);
- FX_ARGB argb = 0xFF000000;
- if (pBrush->GetType() == FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid) {
- argb = ((IFDE_SolidBrush*)pBrush)->GetColor();
- }
- CFDE_GdiFont* pGdiFont = (CFDE_GdiFont*)pFont;
- MAT2 mat2;
- FX_FLOAT fScale = fFontSize / 1000.0f;
- FX_FLOAT ma, mb, mc, md;
- FX_FLOAT fx, fy;
- while (--iCount >= 0) {
- mb = mc = 0;
- ma = md = fScale;
- if (pCharPos->m_bGlyphAdjust) {
- FX_FLOAT aa =
- ma * -pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[0] + mb * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[2];
- FX_FLOAT bb =
- -ma * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[1] + mb * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[3];
- FX_FLOAT cc =
- mc * -pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[0] + md * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[2];
- FX_FLOAT dd =
- -mc * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[1] + md * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[3];
- ma = aa;
- mb = bb;
- mc = cc;
- md = dd;
- }
- if (pMatrix) {
- FX_FLOAT aa = ma * pMatrix->a + mb * pMatrix->c;
- FX_FLOAT bb = ma * pMatrix->b + mb * pMatrix->d;
- FX_FLOAT cc = mc * pMatrix->a + md * pMatrix->c;
- FX_FLOAT dd = mc * pMatrix->b + md * pMatrix->d;
- ma = aa;
- mb = bb;
- mc = cc;
- md = dd;
- }
- *(long*)(&mat2.eM11) = (long)(ma * 65536);
- *(long*)(&mat2.eM21) = (long)(mb * 65536);
- *(long*)(&mat2.eM12) = (long)(mc * 65536);
- *(long*)(&mat2.eM22) = (long)(md * 65536);
- FX_DWORD dwSize = pGdiFont->GetGlyphDIBits(pCharPos->m_GlyphIndex, argb,
- &mat2, gm, NULL, 0);
- if (dwSize > 0) {
- if (m_pGlyphBuf == NULL) {
- m_pGlyphBuf = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, dwSize);
- m_dwGlyphLen = dwSize;
- } else if (m_dwGlyphLen < dwSize) {
- m_pGlyphBuf = FX_Realloc(uint8_t, m_pGlyphBuf, dwSize);
- m_dwGlyphLen = dwSize;
- }
- pGdiFont->GetGlyphDIBits(pCharPos->m_GlyphIndex, argb, &mat2, gm,
- m_pGlyphBuf, m_dwGlyphLen);
- Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(gm.gmBlackBoxX, gm.gmBlackBoxY, gm.gmBlackBoxX * 4,
- PixelFormat32bppARGB, m_pGlyphBuf);
- if (pMatrix) {
- fx = pMatrix->a * pCharPos->m_OriginX +
- pMatrix->c * pCharPos->m_OriginY + pMatrix->e;
- fy = pMatrix->b * pCharPos->m_OriginX +
- pMatrix->d * pCharPos->m_OriginY + pMatrix->f;
- } else {
- fx = pCharPos->m_OriginX;
- fy = pCharPos->m_OriginY;
- }
- m_pGraphics->DrawImage(&bmp, (FXSYS_round(fx) + gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x),
- (FXSYS_round(fy) - gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y));
- }
- pCharPos++;
- }
- return TRUE;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawArc(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- FX_FLOAT startAngle,
- FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- startAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(startAngle);
- sweepAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(sweepAngle);
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret =
- m_pGraphics->DrawArc(pGdiPen, rect.left,, rect.width,
- rect.height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawBezier(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_PointF& pt1,
- const CFX_PointF& pt2,
- const CFX_PointF& pt3,
- const CFX_PointF& pt4,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawBezier(
- pGdiPen, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, pt3.x, pt3.y, pt4.x, pt4.y);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawCurve(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_PointsF& points,
- FX_BOOL bClosed,
- FX_FLOAT fTension,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret =
- bClosed
- ? m_pGraphics->DrawClosedCurve(
- pGdiPen, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(),
- points.GetSize(), fTension)
- : m_pGraphics->DrawCurve(pGdiPen,
- (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(),
- points.GetSize(), fTension);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawEllipse(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawEllipse(pGdiPen, rect.left,,
- rect.width, rect.height);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawLines(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_PointsF& points,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawLines(
- pGdiPen, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize());
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawLine(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_PointF& pt1,
- const CFX_PointF& pt2,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret =
- m_pGraphics->DrawLine(pGdiPen, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawPath(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const IFDE_Path* pPath,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- CFDE_GdiPath* pGdiPath = (CFDE_GdiPath*)pPath;
- if (pGdiPath == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawPath(pGdiPen, &pGdiPath->m_Path);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawPie(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- FX_FLOAT startAngle,
- FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- startAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(startAngle);
- sweepAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(sweepAngle);
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret =
- m_pGraphics->DrawPie(pGdiPen, rect.left,, rect.width,
- rect.height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawChord(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- FX_FLOAT startAngle,
- FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- CFX_ArcF chord;
- chord.Set(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
- CFDE_GdiPath path;
- path.AddChord(chord);
- return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawPolygon(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_PointsF& points,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawPolygon(
- pGdiPen, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize());
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawRectangle(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
- if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawRectangle(pGdiPen, rect.left,,
- rect.width, rect.height);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawRoundRectangle(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
- FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- const CFX_SizeF& round,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- CFDE_GdiPath path;
- path.AddRoundRectangle(rect, round);
- return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillClosedCurve(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_PointsF& points,
- FX_FLOAT fTension,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
- if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillClosedCurve(
- pGdiBrush, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize(),
- Gdiplus::FillModeAlternate, fTension);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillEllipse(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
- if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillEllipse(pGdiBrush, rect.left,,
- rect.width, rect.height);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillPath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const IFDE_Path* pPath,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- CFDE_GdiPath* pGdiPath = (CFDE_GdiPath*)pPath;
- if (pGdiPath == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
- if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillPath(pGdiBrush, &pGdiPath->m_Path);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillPie(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- FX_FLOAT startAngle,
- FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- startAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(startAngle);
- sweepAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(sweepAngle);
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
- if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret =
- m_pGraphics->FillPie(pGdiBrush, rect.left,, rect.width,
- rect.height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillChord(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- FX_FLOAT startAngle,
- FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- CFX_ArcF chord;
- chord.Set(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
- CFDE_GdiPath path;
- path.AddChord(chord);
- return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillPolygon(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_PointsF& points,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
- if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillPolygon(
- pGdiBrush, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize());
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillRectangle(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
- if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
- Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillRectangle(
- pGdiBrush, rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height);
- RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
- return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
-FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillRoundRectangle(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
- const CFX_RectF& rect,
- const CFX_SizeF& round,
- const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- CFDE_GdiPath path;
- path.AddRoundRectangle(rect, round);
- return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
-Gdiplus::Pen* CFDE_GdiDevice::CreateGdiPen(IFDE_Pen* pPen, FX_FLOAT fPenWidth) {
- if (pPen == NULL || fPenWidth < 0.01f) {
- return NULL;
- }
- Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = NULL;
- switch (pPen->GetType()) {
- case FDE_PENTYPE_SolidColor: {
- Gdiplus::Color gdiColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pPen->GetColor());
- pGdiPen = new Gdiplus::Pen(gdiColor, fPenWidth);
- } break;
- case FDE_PENTYPE_HatchBrush:
- case FDE_PENTYPE_TextureBrush:
- case FDE_PENTYPE_LinearGradient: {
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pPen->GetBrush());
- if (pGdiBrush) {
- pGdiPen = new Gdiplus::Pen(pGdiBrush, fPenWidth);
- }
- } break;
- }
- if (pGdiPen) {
- CFX_FloatArray dashArray;
- pPen->GetDashArray(dashArray);
- pGdiPen->SetDashPattern(dashArray.GetData(), dashArray.GetSize());
- pGdiPen->SetDashOffset(pPen->GetDashPhase());
- pGdiPen->SetDashStyle((Gdiplus::DashStyle)pPen->GetDashStyle());
- pGdiPen->SetStartCap((Gdiplus::LineCap)pPen->GetLineCap());
- pGdiPen->SetEndCap((Gdiplus::LineCap)pPen->GetLineCap());
- pGdiPen->SetLineJoin((Gdiplus::LineJoin)pPen->GetLineJoin());
- pGdiPen->SetMiterLimit(pPen->GetMiterLimit());
- }
- return pGdiPen;
-void CFDE_GdiDevice::ReleaseGdiPen(Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen) {
- if (pGdiPen) {
- ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiPen->GetBrush());
- delete pGdiPen;
- }
-Gdiplus::Brush* CFDE_GdiDevice::CreateGdiBrush(IFDE_Brush* pBrush) {
- if (pBrush == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = NULL;
- switch (pBrush->GetType()) {
- case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid: {
- IFDE_SolidBrush* pSolidBrush = (IFDE_SolidBrush*)pBrush;
- Gdiplus::Color gdiColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pSolidBrush->GetColor());
- pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::SolidBrush(gdiColor);
- } break;
- case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Hatch: {
- IFDE_HatchBrush* pHatchBrush = (IFDE_HatchBrush*)pBrush;
- Gdiplus::Color foreColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pHatchBrush->GetColor(TRUE));
- Gdiplus::Color backColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pHatchBrush->GetColor(FALSE));
- Gdiplus::HatchStyle hatchStyle =
- (Gdiplus::HatchStyle)pHatchBrush->GetHatchStyle();
- pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::HatchBrush(hatchStyle, foreColor, backColor);
- } break;
- case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Texture: {
- IFDE_TextureBrush* pTextureBrush = (IFDE_TextureBrush*)pBrush;
- CFDE_GdiImage* pImgHolder = (CFDE_GdiImage*)pTextureBrush->GetImage();
- Gdiplus::Image* pGdiImage = pImgHolder ? pImgHolder->m_pImage : NULL;
- Gdiplus::WrapMode wrapMode =
- (Gdiplus::WrapMode)pTextureBrush->GetWrapMode();
- pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::TextureBrush(pGdiImage, wrapMode);
- } break;
- case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_LinearGradient: {
- IFDE_LinearGradientBrush* pLinearBrush =
- (IFDE_LinearGradientBrush*)pBrush;
- Gdiplus::WrapMode wrapMode =
- (Gdiplus::WrapMode)pLinearBrush->GetWrapMode();
- CFX_PointF ptStart, ptEnd;
- pLinearBrush->GetLinearPoints(ptStart, ptEnd);
- FX_ARGB crStart, crEnd;
- pLinearBrush->GetLinearColors(crStart, crEnd);
- pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::LinearGradientBrush(
- (const Gdiplus::PointF&)ptStart, (const Gdiplus::PointF&)ptEnd,
- (const Gdiplus::Color&)crStart, (const Gdiplus::Color&)crEnd);
- } break;
- }
- return pGdiBrush;
-void CFDE_GdiDevice::ReleaseGdiBrush(Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush) {
- if (pGdiBrush) {
- delete pGdiBrush;
- }
-void CFDE_GdiDevice::ApplyMatrix(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- if (pMatrix) {
- m_GraphicsState = m_pGraphics->Save();
- Gdiplus::Matrix gdiMatrix(pMatrix->a, pMatrix->b, pMatrix->c, pMatrix->d,
- pMatrix->e, pMatrix->f);
- m_pGraphics->SetTransform(&gdiMatrix);
- }
-void CFDE_GdiDevice::RestoreMatrix(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
- if (pMatrix) {
- m_pGraphics->Restore(m_GraphicsState);
- }
+// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "fde_gdidevice.h"
+#include "fde_gdiobject.h"
+#ifdef _FDEPLUS
+#if _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_DESKTOP_ || _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN32_MOBILE_ || \
+ _FX_OS_ == _FX_WIN64_
+IFDE_RenderDevice* IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap,
+ FX_BOOL bRgbByteOrder) {
+ return new CFDE_GdiDevice(pBitmap);
+IFDE_RenderDevice* IFDE_RenderDevice::Create(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice) {
+ return NULL;
+CFDE_GdiDevice::CFDE_GdiDevice(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap)
+ : m_dwGlyphLen(0),
+ m_pGlyphBuf(NULL),
+ m_pGraphics(NULL),
+ m_pBitmap(NULL),
+ m_pClipPath(NULL) {
+ FXSYS_assert(pBitmap != NULL);
+ FXSYS_memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = pBitmap->GetWidth();
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -pBitmap->GetHeight();
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = pBitmap->GetBPP();
+ m_pBitmap = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromBITMAPINFO(&bmi, pBitmap->GetBuffer());
+ FXSYS_assert(m_pBitmap != NULL);
+ m_pGraphics = Gdiplus::Graphics::FromImage(m_pBitmap);
+ FXSYS_assert(m_pGraphics != NULL);
+ m_rtClipRect.Set(0, 0, (FX_FLOAT)pBitmap->GetWidth(),
+ (FX_FLOAT)pBitmap->GetHeight());
+ m_pGraphics->SetClip((const Gdiplus::RectF&)m_rtClipRect);
+CFDE_GdiDevice::~CFDE_GdiDevice() {
+ delete m_pGraphics;
+ delete m_pBitmap;
+ FX_Free(m_pGlyphBuf);
+int32_t CFDE_GdiDevice::GetWidth() const {
+ return m_pBitmap->GetWidth();
+int32_t CFDE_GdiDevice::GetHeight() const {
+ return m_pBitmap->GetHeight();
+FDE_HDEVICESTATE CFDE_GdiDevice::SaveState() {
+ return (FDE_HDEVICESTATE)m_pGraphics->Save();
+void CFDE_GdiDevice::RestoreState(FDE_HDEVICESTATE hState) {
+ Gdiplus::Status eRet = m_pGraphics->Restore((Gdiplus::GraphicsState)hState);
+ if (eRet == Gdiplus::Ok) {
+ Gdiplus::Rect rt;
+ eRet = m_pGraphics->GetClipBounds(&rt);
+ if (eRet == Gdiplus::Ok) {
+ m_rtClipRect.Set((FX_FLOAT)rt.X, (FX_FLOAT)rt.Y, (FX_FLOAT)rt.Width,
+ (FX_FLOAT)rt.Height);
+ }
+ }
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::SetClipRect(const CFX_RectF& rtClip) {
+ m_rtClipRect = rtClip;
+ return m_pGraphics->SetClip((const Gdiplus::RectF&)rtClip) == Gdiplus::Ok;
+const CFX_RectF& CFDE_GdiDevice::GetClipRect() {
+ return m_rtClipRect;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::SetClipPath(const IFDE_Path* pClip) {
+ m_pClipPath = (CFDE_GdiPath*)pClip;
+ Gdiplus::GraphicsPath* pPath = m_pClipPath ? &m_pClipPath->m_Path : NULL;
+ return m_pGraphics->SetClip(pPath) == Gdiplus::Ok;
+IFDE_Path* CFDE_GdiDevice::GetClipPath() const {
+ return m_pClipPath;
+FX_FLOAT CFDE_GdiDevice::GetDpiX() const {
+ return m_pGraphics->GetDpiX();
+FX_FLOAT CFDE_GdiDevice::GetDpiY() const {
+ return m_pGraphics->GetDpiY();
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawImage(IFDE_Image* pImg,
+ const CFX_RectF* pSrcRect,
+ const CFX_RectF& dstRect,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pImgMatrix,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pDevMatrix) {
+ CFDE_GdiImage* pGdiImg = (CFDE_GdiImage*)pImg;
+ FXSYS_assert(pGdiImg != NULL && pGdiImg->m_pImage != NULL);
+ CFX_RectF srcRect;
+ if (pSrcRect) {
+ srcRect = *pSrcRect;
+ } else {
+ srcRect.left = = 0;
+ srcRect.width = (FX_FLOAT)pImg->GetImageWidth();
+ srcRect.height = (FX_FLOAT)pImg->GetImageHeight();
+ }
+ CFX_Matrix matrix;
+ if (pImgMatrix) {
+ matrix = *pImgMatrix;
+ } else {
+ matrix.Reset();
+ }
+ matrix.Translate(dstRect.left,;
+ matrix.Scale((dstRect.width / srcRect.width),
+ (dstRect.height / srcRect.height), TRUE);
+ if (pDevMatrix) {
+ matrix.Concat(*pDevMatrix);
+ }
+ CFX_PointF dstPoints[3];
+ dstPoints[0].Set(0, 0);
+ dstPoints[1].Set(srcRect.width, 0);
+ dstPoints[2].Set(0, srcRect.height);
+ matrix.TransformPoints(dstPoints, 3);
+ m_pGraphics->DrawImage(pGdiImg->m_pImage, (Gdiplus::PointF*)dstPoints, 3,
+ srcRect.left,, srcRect.width,
+ srcRect.height, Gdiplus::UnitPixel, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawImage(CFX_DIBSource* pDib,
+ const CFX_RectF* pSrcRect,
+ const CFX_RectF& dstRect,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pImgMatrix,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pDevMatrix) {
+ FXSYS_assert(pDib != NULL);
+ FXSYS_memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = pDib->GetWidth();
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = pDib->GetHeight();
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = pDib->GetBPP();
+ Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(&bmi, pDib->GetBuffer());
+ CFDE_GdiImage img(&bmp);
+ return DrawImage(&img, pSrcRect, dstRect, pImgMatrix, pDevMatrix);
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawString(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ IFX_Font* pFont,
+ const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
+ int32_t iCount,
+ FX_FLOAT fFontSize,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ FXSYS_assert(pBrush != NULL && pFont != NULL && pCharPos != NULL);
+ FX_ARGB argb = 0xFF000000;
+ if (pBrush->GetType() == FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid) {
+ argb = ((IFDE_SolidBrush*)pBrush)->GetColor();
+ }
+ CFDE_GdiFont* pGdiFont = (CFDE_GdiFont*)pFont;
+ MAT2 mat2;
+ FX_FLOAT fScale = fFontSize / 1000.0f;
+ FX_FLOAT ma, mb, mc, md;
+ FX_FLOAT fx, fy;
+ while (--iCount >= 0) {
+ mb = mc = 0;
+ ma = md = fScale;
+ if (pCharPos->m_bGlyphAdjust) {
+ FX_FLOAT aa =
+ ma * -pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[0] + mb * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[2];
+ FX_FLOAT bb =
+ -ma * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[1] + mb * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[3];
+ FX_FLOAT cc =
+ mc * -pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[0] + md * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[2];
+ FX_FLOAT dd =
+ -mc * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[1] + md * pCharPos->m_AdjustMatrix[3];
+ ma = aa;
+ mb = bb;
+ mc = cc;
+ md = dd;
+ }
+ if (pMatrix) {
+ FX_FLOAT aa = ma * pMatrix->a + mb * pMatrix->c;
+ FX_FLOAT bb = ma * pMatrix->b + mb * pMatrix->d;
+ FX_FLOAT cc = mc * pMatrix->a + md * pMatrix->c;
+ FX_FLOAT dd = mc * pMatrix->b + md * pMatrix->d;
+ ma = aa;
+ mb = bb;
+ mc = cc;
+ md = dd;
+ }
+ *(long*)(&mat2.eM11) = (long)(ma * 65536);
+ *(long*)(&mat2.eM21) = (long)(mb * 65536);
+ *(long*)(&mat2.eM12) = (long)(mc * 65536);
+ *(long*)(&mat2.eM22) = (long)(md * 65536);
+ FX_DWORD dwSize = pGdiFont->GetGlyphDIBits(pCharPos->m_GlyphIndex, argb,
+ &mat2, gm, NULL, 0);
+ if (dwSize > 0) {
+ if (m_pGlyphBuf == NULL) {
+ m_pGlyphBuf = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, dwSize);
+ m_dwGlyphLen = dwSize;
+ } else if (m_dwGlyphLen < dwSize) {
+ m_pGlyphBuf = FX_Realloc(uint8_t, m_pGlyphBuf, dwSize);
+ m_dwGlyphLen = dwSize;
+ }
+ pGdiFont->GetGlyphDIBits(pCharPos->m_GlyphIndex, argb, &mat2, gm,
+ m_pGlyphBuf, m_dwGlyphLen);
+ Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(gm.gmBlackBoxX, gm.gmBlackBoxY, gm.gmBlackBoxX * 4,
+ PixelFormat32bppARGB, m_pGlyphBuf);
+ if (pMatrix) {
+ fx = pMatrix->a * pCharPos->m_OriginX +
+ pMatrix->c * pCharPos->m_OriginY + pMatrix->e;
+ fy = pMatrix->b * pCharPos->m_OriginX +
+ pMatrix->d * pCharPos->m_OriginY + pMatrix->f;
+ } else {
+ fx = pCharPos->m_OriginX;
+ fy = pCharPos->m_OriginY;
+ }
+ m_pGraphics->DrawImage(&bmp, (FXSYS_round(fx) + gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x),
+ (FXSYS_round(fy) - gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y));
+ }
+ pCharPos++;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawArc(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ FX_FLOAT startAngle,
+ FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ startAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(startAngle);
+ sweepAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(sweepAngle);
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret =
+ m_pGraphics->DrawArc(pGdiPen, rect.left,, rect.width,
+ rect.height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawBezier(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_PointF& pt1,
+ const CFX_PointF& pt2,
+ const CFX_PointF& pt3,
+ const CFX_PointF& pt4,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawBezier(
+ pGdiPen, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, pt3.x, pt3.y, pt4.x, pt4.y);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawCurve(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_PointsF& points,
+ FX_BOOL bClosed,
+ FX_FLOAT fTension,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret =
+ bClosed
+ ? m_pGraphics->DrawClosedCurve(
+ pGdiPen, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(),
+ points.GetSize(), fTension)
+ : m_pGraphics->DrawCurve(pGdiPen,
+ (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(),
+ points.GetSize(), fTension);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawEllipse(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawEllipse(pGdiPen, rect.left,,
+ rect.width, rect.height);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawLines(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_PointsF& points,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawLines(
+ pGdiPen, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize());
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawLine(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_PointF& pt1,
+ const CFX_PointF& pt2,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret =
+ m_pGraphics->DrawLine(pGdiPen, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawPath(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const IFDE_Path* pPath,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ CFDE_GdiPath* pGdiPath = (CFDE_GdiPath*)pPath;
+ if (pGdiPath == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawPath(pGdiPen, &pGdiPath->m_Path);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawPie(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ FX_FLOAT startAngle,
+ FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ startAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(startAngle);
+ sweepAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(sweepAngle);
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret =
+ m_pGraphics->DrawPie(pGdiPen, rect.left,, rect.width,
+ rect.height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawChord(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ FX_FLOAT startAngle,
+ FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ CFX_ArcF chord;
+ chord.Set(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ CFDE_GdiPath path;
+ path.AddChord(chord);
+ return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawPolygon(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_PointsF& points,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawPolygon(
+ pGdiPen, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize());
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawRectangle(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = CreateGdiPen(pPen, fPenWidth);
+ if (pGdiPen == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->DrawRectangle(pGdiPen, rect.left,,
+ rect.width, rect.height);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiPen(pGdiPen);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::DrawRoundRectangle(IFDE_Pen* pPen,
+ FX_FLOAT fPenWidth,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ const CFX_SizeF& round,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ CFDE_GdiPath path;
+ path.AddRoundRectangle(rect, round);
+ return DrawPath(pPen, fPenWidth, &path, pMatrix);
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillClosedCurve(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_PointsF& points,
+ FX_FLOAT fTension,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
+ if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillClosedCurve(
+ pGdiBrush, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize(),
+ Gdiplus::FillModeAlternate, fTension);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillEllipse(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
+ if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillEllipse(pGdiBrush, rect.left,,
+ rect.width, rect.height);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillPath(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const IFDE_Path* pPath,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ CFDE_GdiPath* pGdiPath = (CFDE_GdiPath*)pPath;
+ if (pGdiPath == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
+ if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillPath(pGdiBrush, &pGdiPath->m_Path);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillPie(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ FX_FLOAT startAngle,
+ FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ startAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(startAngle);
+ sweepAngle = FX_RAD2DEG(sweepAngle);
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
+ if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret =
+ m_pGraphics->FillPie(pGdiBrush, rect.left,, rect.width,
+ rect.height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillChord(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ FX_FLOAT startAngle,
+ FX_FLOAT sweepAngle,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ CFX_ArcF chord;
+ chord.Set(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
+ CFDE_GdiPath path;
+ path.AddChord(chord);
+ return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillPolygon(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_PointsF& points,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
+ if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillPolygon(
+ pGdiBrush, (const Gdiplus::PointF*)points.GetData(), points.GetSize());
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillRectangle(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pBrush);
+ if (pGdiBrush == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ApplyMatrix(pMatrix);
+ Gdiplus::Status ret = m_pGraphics->FillRectangle(
+ pGdiBrush, rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height);
+ RestoreMatrix(pMatrix);
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiBrush);
+ return ret == Gdiplus::Ok;
+FX_BOOL CFDE_GdiDevice::FillRoundRectangle(IFDE_Brush* pBrush,
+ const CFX_RectF& rect,
+ const CFX_SizeF& round,
+ const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ CFDE_GdiPath path;
+ path.AddRoundRectangle(rect, round);
+ return FillPath(pBrush, &path, pMatrix);
+Gdiplus::Pen* CFDE_GdiDevice::CreateGdiPen(IFDE_Pen* pPen, FX_FLOAT fPenWidth) {
+ if (pPen == NULL || fPenWidth < 0.01f) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen = NULL;
+ switch (pPen->GetType()) {
+ case FDE_PENTYPE_SolidColor: {
+ Gdiplus::Color gdiColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pPen->GetColor());
+ pGdiPen = new Gdiplus::Pen(gdiColor, fPenWidth);
+ } break;
+ case FDE_PENTYPE_HatchBrush:
+ case FDE_PENTYPE_TextureBrush:
+ case FDE_PENTYPE_LinearGradient: {
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = CreateGdiBrush(pPen->GetBrush());
+ if (pGdiBrush) {
+ pGdiPen = new Gdiplus::Pen(pGdiBrush, fPenWidth);
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ if (pGdiPen) {
+ CFX_FloatArray dashArray;
+ pPen->GetDashArray(dashArray);
+ pGdiPen->SetDashPattern(dashArray.GetData(), dashArray.GetSize());
+ pGdiPen->SetDashOffset(pPen->GetDashPhase());
+ pGdiPen->SetDashStyle((Gdiplus::DashStyle)pPen->GetDashStyle());
+ pGdiPen->SetStartCap((Gdiplus::LineCap)pPen->GetLineCap());
+ pGdiPen->SetEndCap((Gdiplus::LineCap)pPen->GetLineCap());
+ pGdiPen->SetLineJoin((Gdiplus::LineJoin)pPen->GetLineJoin());
+ pGdiPen->SetMiterLimit(pPen->GetMiterLimit());
+ }
+ return pGdiPen;
+void CFDE_GdiDevice::ReleaseGdiPen(Gdiplus::Pen* pGdiPen) {
+ if (pGdiPen) {
+ ReleaseGdiBrush(pGdiPen->GetBrush());
+ delete pGdiPen;
+ }
+Gdiplus::Brush* CFDE_GdiDevice::CreateGdiBrush(IFDE_Brush* pBrush) {
+ if (pBrush == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush = NULL;
+ switch (pBrush->GetType()) {
+ case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Solid: {
+ IFDE_SolidBrush* pSolidBrush = (IFDE_SolidBrush*)pBrush;
+ Gdiplus::Color gdiColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pSolidBrush->GetColor());
+ pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::SolidBrush(gdiColor);
+ } break;
+ case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Hatch: {
+ IFDE_HatchBrush* pHatchBrush = (IFDE_HatchBrush*)pBrush;
+ Gdiplus::Color foreColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pHatchBrush->GetColor(TRUE));
+ Gdiplus::Color backColor((Gdiplus::ARGB)pHatchBrush->GetColor(FALSE));
+ Gdiplus::HatchStyle hatchStyle =
+ (Gdiplus::HatchStyle)pHatchBrush->GetHatchStyle();
+ pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::HatchBrush(hatchStyle, foreColor, backColor);
+ } break;
+ case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_Texture: {
+ IFDE_TextureBrush* pTextureBrush = (IFDE_TextureBrush*)pBrush;
+ CFDE_GdiImage* pImgHolder = (CFDE_GdiImage*)pTextureBrush->GetImage();
+ Gdiplus::Image* pGdiImage = pImgHolder ? pImgHolder->m_pImage : NULL;
+ Gdiplus::WrapMode wrapMode =
+ (Gdiplus::WrapMode)pTextureBrush->GetWrapMode();
+ pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::TextureBrush(pGdiImage, wrapMode);
+ } break;
+ case FDE_BRUSHTYPE_LinearGradient: {
+ IFDE_LinearGradientBrush* pLinearBrush =
+ (IFDE_LinearGradientBrush*)pBrush;
+ Gdiplus::WrapMode wrapMode =
+ (Gdiplus::WrapMode)pLinearBrush->GetWrapMode();
+ CFX_PointF ptStart, ptEnd;
+ pLinearBrush->GetLinearPoints(ptStart, ptEnd);
+ FX_ARGB crStart, crEnd;
+ pLinearBrush->GetLinearColors(crStart, crEnd);
+ pGdiBrush = new Gdiplus::LinearGradientBrush(
+ (const Gdiplus::PointF&)ptStart, (const Gdiplus::PointF&)ptEnd,
+ (const Gdiplus::Color&)crStart, (const Gdiplus::Color&)crEnd);
+ } break;
+ }
+ return pGdiBrush;
+void CFDE_GdiDevice::ReleaseGdiBrush(Gdiplus::Brush* pGdiBrush) {
+ if (pGdiBrush) {
+ delete pGdiBrush;
+ }
+void CFDE_GdiDevice::ApplyMatrix(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ if (pMatrix) {
+ m_GraphicsState = m_pGraphics->Save();
+ Gdiplus::Matrix gdiMatrix(pMatrix->a, pMatrix->b, pMatrix->c, pMatrix->d,
+ pMatrix->e, pMatrix->f);
+ m_pGraphics->SetTransform(&gdiMatrix);
+ }
+void CFDE_GdiDevice::RestoreMatrix(const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) {
+ if (pMatrix) {
+ m_pGraphics->Restore(m_GraphicsState);
+ }